GOV 244 Team Evaluation F12

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GOV 244

Professor Durbin Cuban Missile Crisis Project: Self and Team Member Evaluations

Fall 2012

Instructions: Please fill out the following evaluation for yourself and every member of your team. here are three !"# $arts % please complete all three. hese evaluations are one of many fa&tors that will be &onsidered in &om$uting team and individual grades. Please $rovide honest evaluations' the ratings and &omments you $rovide will be (e$t anonymous. his form &an be found on )oodle. *ou should bring your &om$leted form to &lass on +ednesday, O&tober 1-, or submit it via email to the instru&tor ! by that time.

Your Name: Fasharra


Your Team"s Polic# Issue: Iran: $ecision Ma%in!

GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Part &' /riefly des&ribe your e0$erien&e with the 1uban )issile 2e$ort assignment !e.g., team dynami&s, what you learned#. M# e(perience )ith the Cuban Missile Crisis assi!nment is that I reall# enjo#ed our team d#namics' *e all had %no)n each other before the class started+ so it )as not hard to )or% )ith one another' I learned a lot about the Cuban Missile Crisis that I did not %no) before' The $ecision,Ma%in! portion tau!ht me to pa# close attention to all details+ especiall# the small because the# can hold the most po)er )hen it comes to ma%in! a decision'

GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Part -' Please fill out the following tables for yourself and ea&h team member. o sele&t the rating, &ir&le the number in the a$$ro$riate &ell. 3f you are submitting your evaluation ele&troni&ally, $lease fill the &ell with a shaded &olor. For e0am$le4
5ttended team meetings 1 6one " 7ome 8 5ll

5t the bottom of ea&h table, $lease $rovide any &omments you have about your ratings or about things you feel are not ade9uately &a$tured in your ratings.
Your name: Fasharra 5ttended team meetings 2es$onded to emails and;or $hone &alls in a timely manner Generated ideas and &ontributed to intelle&tual dis&ussions <is;her $ortion of the team $ro=e&t met agreed u$on team standards Provided useful &omments on others> wor( and ideas <is;her wor( &om$leted on an agreed u$on time s&hedule General dedi&ation to team $ro=e&t rana!an 1 6one 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 Very low 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 7omewhat low " 7ome " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 6eutral 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 7omewhat high 8 5ll 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 Very high


GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Team member"s name: .enna 5ttended team meetings 2es$onded to emails and;or $hone &alls in a timely manner Generated ideas and &ontributed to intelle&tual dis&ussions <is;her $ortion of the team $ro=e&t met agreed u$on team standards Provided useful &omments on others> wor( and ideas <is;her wor( &om$leted on an agreed u$on time s&hedule General dedi&ation to team $ro=e&t 1 6one 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 Very low 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 7omewhat low " 7ome " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 6eutral 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 7omewhat high 8 5ll 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 Very high


GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Team member"s name: Erin 5ttended team meetings 2es$onded to emails and;or $hone &alls in a timely manner Generated ideas and &ontributed to intelle&tual dis&ussions <is;her $ortion of the team $ro=e&t met agreed u$on team standards Provided useful &omments on others> wor( and ideas <is;her wor( &om$leted on an agreed u$on time s&hedule General dedi&ation to team $ro=e&t 1 6one 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 Very low 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 7omewhat low " 7ome " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 6eutral 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 7omewhat high 8 5ll 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 Very high


GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Team member"s name: Sachal# 5ttended team meetings 2es$onded to emails and;or $hone &alls in a timely manner Generated ideas and &ontributed to intelle&tual dis&ussions <is;her $ortion of the team $ro=e&t met agreed u$on team standards Provided useful &omments on others> wor( and ideas <is;her wor( &om$leted on an agreed u$on time s&hedule General dedi&ation to team $ro=e&t 1 6one 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 Very low 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 7omewhat low " 7ome " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 7omewhat " 6eutral 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 7omewhat high 8 5ll 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 Very high


GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Team member"s name: Caitl#n 5ttended team meetings 1 6one 2es$onded to emails and;or $hone &alls in a timely manner Generated ideas and &ontributed to intelle&tual dis&ussions <is;her $ortion of the team $ro=e&t met agreed u$on team standards Provided useful &omments on others> wor( and ideas <is;her wor( &om$leted on an agreed u$on time s&hedule General dedi&ation to team $ro=e&t 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 6ot at all 1 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 5 bit 2 " 7ome " 7omew hat " 7omew hat " 7omew hat " 7omew hat " 7omew hat " 6eutral 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 :uite a bit 4 7omew hat high 8 5ll 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 5 great deal 8 Very high

Very low 7omew hat low


GOV 244

Professor Durbin

Fall 2012

Part /' Please assign ea&h member !in&luding yourself# a $ortion of 100 $oints to refle&t how mu&h you thin( ?51< P?27O6 has &ontributed to the team. FO2 ?@5)PA?, if you thin( everyone has &ontributed e9ually, give ea&h member 28 $oints !or ""." for a "B$erson team#. 3f you thin( someone has gone above and beyond the &all of duty, give him;her e0tra. The total must be &00'

Overall &ontribution to your team>s $ro=e&t *our name4 Fasharra 2"

eam member C2>s name4 Denna


)C">s name4 ?rin


)C4 EC8>s names4 1aitlyn 7a&haly otal $oints 2F 2F 100

Please $rovide any &omments you have about your ratings or about things you feel are not ade9uately &a$tured in your ratings.

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