AA Publications Catalogue 12-13

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AA Publications Catalogue Autumn 2012

Architectural Association

Current, recent and upcoming titles by 51N4E ....................................................... p23 Rubens Azevedo ......................................p11 Max Bill .................................................... p31 Barkow Leibinger..................................... p11 Lina Bo Bardi ............................................ p7 Bernard Cache ........................................ p28 Alan Dempsey ......................................... p32 Lilly Dubowitz .......................................... p15 Siegfried Ebeling .................................... p24 Peter Eisenman ....................................... p31 Franois Dallegret .................................. p20 William Firebrace .................................... p24 Francisco Gonzalez de Canales ............ p11 Jason Griffiths ......................................... p20 Francesca Hughes .................................. p8 Toyo Ito .................................................... p28 Rem Koolhaas ......................................... p31 Kengo Kuma ............................................ p31 Lars Lerup ............................................... p23 Aaron Levy .............................................. p27

Julian Lffler ............................................ p11 Theo Lorenz ............................................ p32 Geoff Manaugh ........................................ p8 William Menking ..................................... p27 Detlef Mertins ......................................... p28 Yusuke Obuchi ........................................ p32 Alessandra Ponte .............................. pp7,20 Stefano Rabolli Pansera ......................... p24 Mark Rakatansky ..................................... p4 Reiser + Umemoto .................................. p12 Denise Scott Brown ................................ p31 Martin Self .............................................. p32 Serie Architects....................................... p24 Dennis Sharp .......................................... p20 Theodore Spyropoulos .................... pp12,27 Peter Staub ............................................. p32 Brett Steele .............................................. p11 Anthony Vidler ......................................... p4 Carlos Villanueva Brandt ....................... p32 Charles Walker ....................................... p32 Thomas Weaver ................................ pp19,20 Kirk Wooller ............................................. p23 Liam Young ............................................... p8

The Architectural Association was established in 1847 and includes within its founding charter the promotion of architecture through publications. Today, thanks to the AAs unique position within the architectural world, AA Publications has become a major architectural publishing house. Our innovative and finely produced titles introduce to worldwide audiences the work, ideas and interests of experimental architecture, culture, design and theory. The AAs 2012 13 list includes new titles in our popular Architecture Words series: Tectonic Acts of Desire and Doubt by New York critic Mark Rakatansky; Stones Against Diamonds by Italian/Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi; The House of Light and Entropy by landscape historian Alessandra Ponte; and Utopia by architectural historian Anthony Vidler. These are complemented by Venice Takeaway, a catalogue of global design research curated for the British Pavilion at this years Venice Architecture Biennale; O-14 : Projection and Reception, a monograph of Reiser + Umemotos recently completed high-rise in Dubai; Adaptive Ecologies, presenting recent work from the AAs acclaimed collaborative DRL programme; Drawings that Count, edited by Francesca Hughes, which illustrates 60 drawings from the student work of AA Diploma Unit 15; Lilly Dubowitzs In Search of a Forgotten Architect, a profile of 1930s Hungarian architect Stefan Sebk; Bricoleur Bricolage, a sequel to the AAs 2010 title An Atlas of Fabrication and again featuring the work of Berlin-based architects Barkow Leibinger; Wonder Stories, edited by Liam Young and Geoff Manaugh; and Fact and Fiction, the third in a trilogy of titles by Pascal Schning, formerly of AA Diploma Unit 3. And in addition to these books this year we will again be publishing two issues of our esteemed and long-running journal AA Files, perhaps architectures premier journal, which continues to promote original and engaging writing on architecture through a rich and eclectic mix of architectural scholarship and ideas from all over the world. Also listed here are six new titles from Bedford Press, set up in 2008 to create a new typology of independent publications that extends beyond the AAs existing programme, with topics ranging from archizines to the afterlives of neoliberalism.

Brett Steele Director of AA School of Architecture and AA Publications Ltd

Contents New / Forthcoming

4 Architecture Words 9 : Tectonic Acts 4 Architecture Words 10 : Utopia 7 Architecture Words 11: The House of Light and Entropy 7 Architecture Words 12 : Stones Against Diamonds 8 Drawings that Count 8 Wonder Stories 11 Fact and Fiction 11 Bricoleur Bricolage 11 Net Works 12 O-14 : Projection and Reception 12 Adaptive Ecologies 15 In Search of a Forgotten Architect 15 Venice Takeaway 16 AA Book: Projects Review 2012 19 AA Files 31 Architecture Words 5 : Form, Function, Beauty = Gestalt 31 Architecture Words 4 : Having Words 31 Architecture Words 2 : Anti-Object 31 Architecture Words 1: Supercritical 32 AA Agendas 11: Mediating Architecture 32 AA Agendas 10 : London +10 32 AA Agendas 9 : Making Pavilions 32 AA Agendas 8 : Nine Problems in the Form of a Pavilion

Bedford Press


34 Public Occasion Agency 122 36 Ahali: An Anthology for Setting a Setting 36 fm-scenario Where Palms Stand Mask Delay 37 Civic City Cahier 4 : Afterlives of Neoliberalism 37 ARCHIZINES

20 Sharp Words 20 GOD & CO: Franois Dallegret Beyond the Bubble 20 Manifest Destiny 23 One Million Acres and No Zoning 23 Double or Nothing: 51N4E 23 20 /20 Editorial Takes on Architectural Discourse 24 Space as Membrane 24 Beyond Entropy: When Energy Becomes Form 24 Marseille Mix 24 Working in Series 27 Architecture on Display 27 Four Conversations on the Discourse of Architecture 27 Enabling: The Work of Minimaforms 28 Architecture Words 8 : Tarzans in the Media Forest & Other Essays 28 Architecture Words 7 : Modernity Unbound 28 Architecture Words 6 : Projectiles 28 Architecture Words 58 Box Set


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New / Forthcoming
Architecture Words 9 Tectonic Acts Mark Rakatansky 288 pp, 180 x 110 mm, paperback September 2012 978-1-907896-15-6 15 This collection of a number of essays by the New York-based architect and writer Mark Rakatansky proposes a framework for architecture to enact the complex tectonic dramas of social and culture space. Following its title, the book is arrayed in three sections: Tectonic, Acts of, Desire and Doubt. In each, Rakatansky covers a series of subjects in a voice that varies from the thirdperson narrative of the scholarly essay to the transcript of an email exchange with Sarah Whiting discussing recent books by architect Greg Lynn. Transformational performances of architectural identity are explored in discussions of fabrication, building envelopes, spatial narratives, animation, migrancy, and in readings into the works of Louis Kahn, Robin Evans, John Coltrane, Giulio Romano and Andrea Palladio. Architecture Words 10 Utopia Anthony Vidler c 200 pp, 180 x 110 mm, paperback December 2012 978-1-907896-16-3 15 This instalment of the Architecture Words series is based on five MA presentations at the AA School all on the subject of utopia by Anthony Vidler, dean and professor at the School of Architecture at The Cooper Union, New York City. In these five resulting essays, Vidler presents not a descriptive history of utopias, but a series of questions and problematics that have emerged throughout history when utopian thought, as derived from literary and philosophical genres, has been spatialised by architects and urbanists.

Spreads from Tectonic Acts of Desire and Doubt

Image from Stones Against Diamonds

New / Forthcoming
Architecture Words 11 The House of Light and Entropy Alessandra Ponte c200 pp, 180 x 110 mm, paperback December 2012 978-1-907896-17-0 15 Formerly announced as Maps and Territories, this collection of essays written by landscape historian Alessandra Ponte, begins with an investigation of the American obsession with lawns and then continues to collectively map the aesthetic, scientific and technological production of past and present North American landscapes. These include the American desert as a privileged site of scientific and artistic testing; the faraway projects of electrification of the Canadian North; the transformation of the notion and perception of waste and wasteland during the twentieth century; the photographic medium and its encounters with Native Americans; as well as an introductory essay, The Map and the Territory, written specifically for this volume. Architecture Words 12 Stones Against Diamonds Lina Bo Bardi With an introduction by Silvana Rubino 132 pp, 180 x 110 mm, paperback December 2012 978-1-907896-20-0 15 Lina Bo Bardi (19141992) was a prolific architect, designer and thinker, whose work, absorbing her native Italy and then after 1946 her adopted home-land, Brazil, spans across architecture, furniture, stage and costume design, urban planning, curatorial work, teaching and writing. This collection of essays is the first-ever English anthology of her of writings. It includes texts written when she was still living in Italy as well as later contributions to a number of Brazilian newspapers, journals and magazines. An acute critic and a creative thinker, Bo Bardi proposes a series of new parameters for design thinking and practice. Presented collectively, her texts present a wealth of inspirational thoughts articulated in a refreshingly simple, straightforward fashion.

New / Forthcoming
Drawings that Count Edited by Francesca Hughes With an interview with Mary Beard and essays by Noam Andrews and David Edgerton c176 pp, 220 x 220 mm, paperback December 2012 978-1-907896-26-2 c15 No architectural category is more fickle or more artificial than context. This collection of 60 large drawings produced over five years by AA Diploma 15 addresses the construction of context by architecture for its own very particular purposes. A self declared render-free zone, the units interrogations of architectures seminal sites (antiquity, technology, the future and its proxies) examine the role of figuration and the exclusion of indeterminacy in the always already mediated question of context. Through the quiet business of counting, these line drawings against the double ascendancy of parametricisation and the glossy rendered perspective question architectures ambivalent relations to the artifice it installs between itself and the outside world. Wonder Stories Edited by Liam Young and Geoff Manaugh March 2013 978-1-907896-28-6 c15 We have always regaled ourselves with speculative stories of a day yet to come. In these polemic visions the fictional spaces of tomorrow are furnished with objects and ideas that plot the inconsistencies, flaws and frailties of the everyday. Slipping suggestively between the real and the imagined these narratives offer a distanced view from which to survey the consequences of various social, environmental and technological scenarios. Wonder Stories chronicles such tales through an ensemble of mad scientists, literary astronauts, design mystics, graphic cowboys, mavericks, visionaries and luminaries in a speculative travelogue of wondrous possibilities and dark cautionary tales. Contributors include Bruce Sterling, Warren Ellis, Franois Roche, Rachel Armstrong, Paul Duffield, Dunne and Raby, Vincenzo Natali, Victor Antonov, Kevin Slavin, Roderich Gross, Phillip Beesley and many more.


Image from 'Thrilling Wonder Stories 3', 28 October 2011, photo Valerie Bennett


Image from Fact and Fiction

New / Forthcoming
Fact and Fiction Edited by Rubens Azevedo and Julian Lffler With an afterword by Pascal Schning 80 pp, col. & b/w ills 180 x 180 mm, paperback November 2012 978-1-907896-27-9 c15 Fact and Fiction is the last volume of a trilogy of books seeking to document the work, events and spirit of AA Diploma Unit 3, run by Pascal Schning from 1993 to 2008 and its experimental project Cinematic Architecture. Bricoleur Bricolage Frank Barkow December 2012 978-1-907896-29-3 c15 Prompted by the art historian Hal Fosters recent description of Barkow Leibinger as bricoleurs as much as they are engineers, Bricoleur Bricolagepresents an overview of Barkow Leibingers recent work, largely through their recently completed Tour Total building in Berlin. Net Works: An Atlas of Connective and Distributive Intelligence in Architecture Edited by Brett Steele and Francisco Gonzalez de Canales 360 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 297 x 210 mm, hardcover March 2013 978-1-907896-14-9 40 Net Works is the second volume of a trilogy exploring the changing conditions of architecture in relation to modern technologies through 100 paradigmatic examples.


New / Forthcoming
O-14 : Projection and Reception Reiser + Umemoto With essays by Jesse Reiser, Brett Steele, Jeffrey Kipnis, Sylvia Lavin and Sanford Kwinter 288 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 198 x 190 mm, hardcover November 2012 978-1-907896-08-8 40 O-14 : Projection and Reception explores the groundbreaking exo-skeleton office tower in Dubai by New York-based architects, Reiser+Umemoto. This monograph will not only provide exhaustive documentation of O-14s design and construction but delves further into the complex interrelationships this architectural model weaves between technology, expression and politics in the context of the nowhere place of the global city. The book is both an account of a designs realisation and a manifesto, and contains Jesse Reisers explanatory and theoretical texts on the tower as well as a number of critical essays. Adaptive Ecologies: Correlated Systems of Living Edited by Theodore Spyropoulos With essays by Patrik Schumacher, Mark Burry, Brett Steele and John Frazer 336 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 240 x 184 mm, hardcover November 2012 978-1-907896-13-2 35 Recent architecture has found itself having to cope with new social and cultural complexities that demand networked systems that are time based, reconfigurable and evolutionary, and a corresponding model of urbanism defined as an adaptive ecology. It is against this backdrop that the AAs graduate Design Research Lab (DRL) has pursued its recent studio agenda through project-based research focusing on alternative models of housing. Integral to this research is a notion of architecture that looks towards designing systems that seek higher ordered goals emerging through an intimate correlation of material and computational interaction. This book presents the results of this research and with it constructs a generative view of space and structure and the exploration of behaviour-based models of living through patterns found in nature.


Image from Adaptive Ecologies


14 Image from In Search of the Forgotten Architect

Image from Venice Takeaway

In Search of the Forgotten Architect Lilly Dubowitz With essays by va Forgcs and Richard Anderson 216 pp, 260 x 200 mm, paperback August 2012 978-1-907896-21-7 30 Stefan Sebk was a Hungarian-born architect who worked with Walter Gropius in Dessau and Berlin in the late 1920 s, and then with fellow Hungarian emigr Lszl Moholy-Nagy on his famous Light Prop, and later still moved to the Soviet Union to work with the constructivist architects Ginzburg, the Vesnin brothers and El Lissitzky. In between he carried out numerous projects of his own and found himself central to a key generation of emerging modern architects in Dresden, Berlin and Moscow. Details of this life are revealed through this book written by Sebks niece, Lilly Dubowitz, who meticulously pieces together clues and details of her uncles life and work as if like an architectural detective. This text is accompanied not only by numerous illustrations of Sebks design work but by essays on the Hungarian and Soviet context by historians va Forgcs and Richard Anderson. Venice Takeaway: Ideas to Change British Architecture With essays by Patrik Schumacher, Vicky Richardson and Vanessa Norwood 208 pp, col. & b/w ills 230 x 170 mm, paperback September 2012 978-1-907896-24-8 18 Venice Takeaway: Ideas to Change British Architecture brings together the research of ten architectural teams exhibiting in the British Pavilion at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale. Charting a course that takes in Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Russia, Thailand and the USA, the catalogue presents images and essays by the teams who travelled the world to seek imaginative responses to universal issues and explore the common ground of architecture. In addition, the book features texts by Patrik Schumacher, the shows curators Vanessa Norwood and Vicky Richardson and a foreword by Brett Steele.


AA Book: Projects Review 2012 376 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback June 2012 978-1-907896-22-4 25 AA Book: Projects Review offers an overview of the AAs 2011/12 academic year. Accompanying the schools end-of-year show, the book features hundreds of drawings, models, installations, photographs and other materials documenting the worlds most international and experimental school of architecture. The book also includes selected projects originating from the AAs Hooke Park campus in Dorset and our Research Cluster initiatives as well as from the immensely diverse design workshops and public events associated with the AAs global Visiting School, undertaken in more than a dozen cities since its launch in early 2008. Complementing these projects, this book also offers a snapshot of the AAs public programme of lectures and exhibitions and its equally pioneering catalogue of publications and other printed media. Back issues also available: AA Book: Projects Review 2011 380 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback June 2011 978-1-907896-10-1 20 AA Book: Projects Review 2010 334 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback July 2010 978-1-902902-93-7 15 AA Book: Projects Review 2009 336 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback July 2009 978-1-902902-79-1 10


Spreads from AA Book: Projects Review 2012

Images from AA Files 65

AA Files is the Architectural Associations journal of record. Launched in 1981 by the AA Schools then chairman Alvin Boyarsky, the journal appears twice a year and is sent out to members of the Architectural Association, individual subscribers and is distributed to a global network of bookshops. Currently under the editorship of Thomas Weaver, AA Files looks to promote original and engaging writing on architecture. It does this by drawing on the AA Schools own academic research, lecture programme, exhibitions and events, as well as a rich and eclectic mix of architectural scholarship from all over the world. Shortlisted for the Design Museum, Designs of the Year Award, 2012 . AA Files 65 c140 pp, extensively illustrated in col. 297 x 245 mm November 2012 ISSN 0261 6823 ISBN 978-1-907896-23-1 15 Features essays by the academic Jonathan Hill on Denys Lasduns UEA, the architectural historian Olga Zaikina on Russias relationship with its architectural past, the museum director Neil MacGregor on Londons triumphal arches, the architect Peter Wilson on Valerio Olgiati, the poet and critic Lytle Shaw on Dutch mud, and two conversations, one with Robin Middleton and the other with Massimo Scolari. AA Files 66 c140 pp, extensively illustrated in col. 297 x 245 mm April 2013 ISSN 0261 6823 ISBN 978-1-907896-25-5 15 Features essays by the architectural historian Georges Teyssot on the history of the line, the critic Franoise Fromonot on the Villa dallAva, the historian Orit Halpern on paranoid formations, the architect and academic Enrique Walker on an architectural void, the architectural historian Adrian Forty on Sicilian concrete, and two conversations, one with German photographer Hilla Becher and the other with architect and educator Elia Zenghelis. By annual subscription: UK 32 , overseas 33 inc. P&P Back issues (nos. 1 to 60 ) subject to availability at 6 each.


Sharp Words: Selected Essays of Dennis Sharp With an introduction by Paul Finch 160 pp, extensive ills 240 x 310 mm, paperback April 2012 978-1-907896-07-1 25 To commemorate the life and work of Dennis Sharp (1933 2010 ), Sharp Words collates together a variety of essays that touch upon each of his architectural fascinations among them, glass architecture, picture palaces, masters of concrete and English modernism. Punctuating these texts are a number of editorials from his days as editor of AAQ, which graphically as much as intellectually offer emblems of his time at the AA. Manifest Destiny: A Guide to the Essential Indifference of American Suburban Housing Jason Griffiths With an afterword by Martino Stierli 144 pp, extensive col. ills 220 x 170 mm, hardcover August 2011 978-1-907896-05-7 18 On 18 October 2002 Jason Griffiths and Alex Gino set out to explore the American suburbs. Over 178 days they drove 22,382 miles, made 134 suburban house calls and took 2,593 photographs. In Manifest Destiny, Griffiths reveals the results of this exploration. Structured through 58 short chapters, the anthology offers an architectural pattern book of suburban conditions all focused not on the unique or specific but the placeless. These chapters are complemented by an introduction by Griffiths and an afterword by Swiss architectural historian Martino Stierli. Recipient of a DAM Architectural Book Award 2011. GOD & CO: Franois Dallegret Beyond the Bubble Edited by Alessandra Ponte, Laurent Stalder and Thomas Weaver 384 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 248 x 160 mm, paperback November 2011 978-1-907896-18-7 30 GOD & CO was published to accompany the exhibition of the work of the French Montrealbased artist and architect Franois Dallegret (1937 ). Dallegrets own life and work denies anything so predictable as a neat synopsis, but in essence his work, beginning in Paris in the late 1950 s and early 60 s, and later taking in New York and Montreal, absorbs everything from intricate line drawings for a series of astrological vehicles and designs for a number of machines (from those that assist in cooking a meal to others that generate literature) to the A Home Is Not a House collaboration with the critic Reyner Banham; a drugstore/gallery in Montreal; proposals for a new Montreal Palais Metro; designs for chairs, more cars and yet more machines; a film collaborative set up to shoot a western; contributions to the Montreal 67 Expo; engraved bars of soap; subversive credit cards; ironique villas and light installations. The book illustrates a great many of Dallegrets works and contain texts, essays and conversations by Alessandra Ponte, Laurent Stalder and Thomas Weaver.




One Million Acres and No Zoning Lars Lerup With an introduction by Edward Dimendberg 272 pp, extensive col. ills 250 x 175 mm, hardcover May 2011 978-1-907896-04-0 22 Routinely dismissed as mere sprawl, the suburban city is the black hole of recent urbanism, absorbing human energy and resources but seldom revealing the principles of its operation. For the past 20 years Lars Lerup has explored Houston as its prototype. In this book he broadly approaches this complex conurbation so as to develop a vocabulary to interpret its urban forms. Loved by its inhabitants, defined by huge potential and difficult problems, Lerups Houston is a test-case for twenty-firstcentury urbanism and our understanding of unregulated cities everywhere. Double or Nothing: 51N4E 51N4E 352 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 303 x 215 mm, hardcover June 2011 978-1-907896-09-5 25 51N4E is a Brussels-based architectural practice led by Johan Anrys, Freek Persyn and Peter Swinnen. Founded in 1998, it has drawn increasing attention and renown through projects for the C-mine cultural centre in Genk, the Groeningemuseum and the TID Tower and Skanderbeg Square both in Tirana, Albania. This book, accompanying an exhibition on the practice at the Architectural Association, features these and 17 other projects alongside essays by Lars Lerup, Dominique Boudet and Stefan Devoldere. Winner British Book Design and Production Award 2011. 20/20 : Editorial Takes On Architectural Discourse Edited by Kirk Wooller 276 pp 216 x 135 mm, paperback February 2011 978-1-907896-00-2 10 20/20 brings together editors from 20 leading contemporary architectural magazines to collectively discuss the role editors play in shaping architectural discourse. Each of the contributors has responded to a set of 20 questions on the multiple conditions under which particular ideas and words enter architectural discourse through publication. The resulting critical positions are as diverse as the magazines from which they originate.


Space as Membrane Siegfried Ebeling Translated by Pamela Johnston and Anna Kathryn Schoefert With essays by Walter Scheiffele and Spyros Papapetros 68 pp, col. & b/w ills 270 x 220 mm, paperback October 2010 978-1-902902-92-0 15 Read and praised by Mies van der Rohe, denounced by Walter Gropius and presaging some of the technological innovations introduced across the Atlantic by Buckminster Fuller, Space as Membrane, written by former Bauhaus student, architect and cosmological theorist Siegfried Ebeling, has been the subject of a number of recent commentaries, yet the text itself remains unread, due mainly to the scarcity of the original publication. This is the first English translation of Ebelings original treatise, as well as the first contemporary edition of the text in any language. The book includes the full 1926 text by Ebeling, supplemented by critical essays by Walter Scheiffele and Spyros Papapetros with original drawings by Ebeling, as well as a brief biography of the German architect. Beyond Entropy: When Energy Becomes Form Edited by Stefano Rabolli Pansera 172 pp, 2-col., extensive b/w ills 180 x 120 mm, hardcover May 2011 978-1-907896-06-4 15 The theme of this book derives from the urgency with which the idea of energy has been raised in recent years in political, economic and scientific debates. The book charts the efforts of architects to reappropriate this theme and to address the debate in a wider cultural sphere. Marseille Mix William Firebrace 248 pp 225 x 140 mm paperback October 2010 978-1-902902-95-1 18 Marseille Mix describes the city of Marseille, its culture, buildings, gastronomy, cinematic images, history, planning, language, music, detective stories, criminology. These aspects of the city interrelate and overlap to create a complex ever shifting image. Marseille lies on the edge of Europe, separated from the rest of France by a circle of high mountains. Once one of the busiest ports in the world, its harbour is now largely empty. With its sea-trade almost abandoned, Marseille has lost its traditional purpose. It is like a sea creature marooned on the land, uncertain as to whether to settle or move on. In seven chapters (in reference to the seven hills surrounding Marseille and the seven seas to the south) the book uses various forms of writing essay, narrative, description, list, recipe, glossary, conversation to examine the city and investigate its defining mix. Working in Series Christopher C M Lee and Kapil Gupta / Serie Architects 160 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 250 x 220 mm, Flexicover October 2010 978-1-902902-98-2 20 Divided into three sections Ceiling/Vaults, Plan/Circles and Facade/Grids Working in Series presents a number of recent projects by the London-based architectural practice Serie, led by Christopher C M Lee and Kapil Gupta, and also featuring essay contributions from Sam Jacoby, Laurence Liauw and Brett Steele.




Four Conversations On the Architecture of Discourse Aaron Levy and William Menking 192 pp 178 x 110 mm, paperback 978-1-907896-19-4 December 2011 7.50 Follow-up to Architecture on Display: On the History of the Venice Biennale Architecture, published by the Architectural Association in 2010. This volume contains discussions with writers, architects and academics in Chicago, Venice, London and New York on theme on display. Architecture On Display: On the History of the Venice Biennale of Architecture Aaron Levy and William Menking 208 pp 178 x 110 mm, paperback September 2010 978-1-902902-96-8 7.50 This book explores the Venice Architecture Biennale through the directors who established its particular discourse, including Vittorio Gregotti, Paolo Portoghesi, Francesco Dal Co, Kurt W Forster, Massimiliano Fuksas, Hans Hollein, Richard Burdett, Deyan Sudjic, Aaron Betsky and Kazuyo Sejima, as well as the current president of the Venice Biennale, Paolo Baratta. These conversations do not seek to recapitulate the exhibitions themselves but rather explore the questions that they raise with the hope of offering a model for future curatorial endeavours. Enabling: The Work of Minimaforms Theodore and Stephen Spyropoulos 208 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 240 x 200 mm, paperback March 2010 978-1-902902-86-9 22.50 This book highlights the work of the design practice Minimaforms, founded in 2002 by brothers Stephen and Theodore Spyropoulos. The practice has developed a diverse body of work that explores new forms of communication through correlated systems of interaction. The book features recent work developed in collaboration with Krzysztof Wodiczko (a vehicle for veterans), a pavilion produced with the performance artist Stelarc, a video piece with Warp recording artist Mira Calix and Minimaforms critically acclaimed light installation in Trafalgar Square, Memory Cloud. Accompanying the projects are texts by Archigrams David Greene, Stelarc, Marie-Ange Brayer, Andrew Benjamin, Bronac Ferran, Roger Malina and Krzysztof Wodiczko.


Architecture Words 8 Tarzans In The Media Forest Toyo Ito With an introduction by Thomas Daniell 188 pp 180 x 110 mm, paperback April 2011 978-1-902902-90-6 12 This book publishes for the first time in English a collection of architectural writings and essays by the Japanese architect Toyo Ito. Born in 1941, Ito is one of the worlds most innovative architects. The texts in this collection cover almost exactly 40 years of writing and feature famous essays as well as previously untranslated writings that shed new light on Itos relationship to evolving patterns of architectural thinking and design. Architecture Words 7 Modernity Unbound Detlef Mertins 200 pp 180 x 110 mm, paperback February 2011 978-1-902902-89-0 12 Collected from over 20 years, these essays elaborate on such key modernist tropes as transparency, glass architecture, organicism, life and event, sameness and difference. Previously published in a variety of different venues, they are now assembled for the first time in this volume. Architecture Words 6 Projectiles Bernard Cache With an introduction by Mario Carpo Translated by Clare Barrett and Pamela Johnston 144 pp 180 x 110 mm, paperback May 2011 978-1-902902-88-3 12 Bernard Cache is the principal of the Parisbased practice Objectile and a noted theorist of geometry and computational ontology. He formulated his concept of non-standard architecture in his 1995 book Earth Moves, a concept that was given the name objectile by Gilles Deleuze in his book on the philosopher Leibniz, The Fold. This collection of eight essays brings together a number of key texts by Cache, including his 1999 Plea for Euclid and more recent writing commissioned especially for this collection, including Vitruvius Machinator Terminator. Architecture Words 58 Box Set Limited edition June 2011 978-1-902902-91-3 55 Architecture Words is a series of texts and essays on architecture written by architects, critics and scholars, with each volume in the series offering the reader texts that distil larger issues and problems. The series itself is ongoing, and with every fourth book published a quartet of volumes is made available as a limited edition box set.




Architecture Words 5 Form, Function, Beauty = Gestalt Max Bill With an introduction by Karin Gimmi Translated by Pamela Johnston and Clare Barrett 256 pp 180 x 110 mm, paperback May 2010 978-1-902902-85-2 12 Max Bill (19041994) a product of the Bauhaus at Dessau, pupil of Walter Gropius, Vasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee was a virtuoso designer whose work overleaped disciplinary boundaries, encompassing architecture, painting, sculpture, industrial and graphic design, as well as education. What unites all the work is a clarity and precision of expression. Through both his designs and his writings Max Bill has long been a major figure of reference in the German-speaking world. This collection makes many of his key texts available in English for the first time. Architecture Words 4 Having Words Denise Scott Brown 160 pp 180 x 110 mm, paperback May 2009 978-1-902902-70-8 12 Having Words collects together ten essays by the architect and urban planner Denise Scott Brown. The essays extend from her 1969 text, On Pop Art, Permissiveness and Planning to Towards an Active Socioplastics from 2007, which offers an overview of Scott Browns education and the gestation of her key architectural and urban ideas. The collection is bookended by two additional texts by Scott Brown, a foreword and an afterword, addressing specifically the act of writing about architecture. Architecture Words 2 Anti-Object: The Dissolution and Disintegration of Architecture Kengo Kuma Translated by Hiroshi Watanabe 152 pp, extensive b/w ills 180 x 110 mm, paperback October 2008 978-1-902902-52-4 12 In Anti-Object, Kengo Kuma argues that the dissolution and disintegration of architecture is not only desirable but possible. His approach is illustrated with a discussion of works by his office in which he has sought, by various tactics, to avoid objectification. The ideas embodied in these diverse projects have much in common with the Japanese tradition, not of monuments, but of weaker buildings characterised by their use of natural light and natural materials. Architecture Words 1 Supercritical Peter Eisenman, Rem Koolhaas, Jeffrey Kipnis and Robert Somol 160 pp, b/w ills 180 x 110 mm, paperback December 2009 978-1-902902-51-7 12 Supercritical is based on an evening of conversation between Peter Eisenman and Rem Koolhaas at the AA in 2006. Each architect states his views about the terms of architecture, including its theories and relationship to the city and other forms of critical and cultural practice. Responses from the audience follow, filtered through a debate moderated by Brett Steele.


AA Agendas 11 Mediating Architecture Edited by Theo Lorenz and Peter Staub 120 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback March 2011 978-1-907896-01-9 15 Mediating Architecture demonstrates the extended role of the architect through the applied work of AA's Diploma Unit 14 within London's Thames Gateway over three consecutive years. A series of essays reflect this methodology from the multi-disciplinary perspectives of architecture, urban design, landscape design and philosophy. AA Agendas 10 London + 10 Carlos Villanueva Brandt 340 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 253 x 187 mm, paperback February 2010 978-1-902902-83-8 30 London +10 focuses on London over the last 20 years, interpreting it as a 'live city' and speculating on the relationship between the live realm of the city and its urban fabric. In parallel to this central topic, the book includes a number of speculative projects carried out by the AA's Diploma Unit 10 that have attempted to integrate this realm into the design of alternative urban strategies. A series of essays by contributors including the writer Will Self and the journalist Rowan Moore provides an overview of London, questioning and celebrating the city and generating possible scenarios for its future. AA Agendas 9 Making Pavilions Edited by Martin Self and Charles Walker 184 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback March 2011 978-1-902902-82-1 15 Over the past four years the students of the Architectural Associations Intermediate Unit 2 have designed and built a series of experimental pavilions. Structured to follow a year in the life of the unit, this book presents the processes of the pavilions design and production, from concept ideas to workshop fabrication. Essays by the units tutors, Charles Walker and Martin Self, explain the ambitions and pedagogic basis of the programme, rooted in the idea of learning through experience. The educational validity of this innovative design-build programme and its architectural output were explored through the voices of students, tutors and anonymous critics. AA Agendas 8 Nine Problems in the Form of a Pavilion Edited by Yusuke Obuchi and Alan Dempsey 144 pp, extensive col. & b/w ills 249 x 170 mm, paperback October 2010 978-1-902902-73-9 15 This book recounts the story of the creation of the DRL Ten Pavilion illustrating the design, development and assembly processes as well as the structures place within the evolving teaching methodologies of the DRL as a whole.



Bedford Press
Bedford Press is a private press initiated in 2008 with the dual purpose of establishing an on-site facility for the production of printed matter for the AA School and to create a new typology of publications that extends beyond the Architectural Associations existing programme. This initiative builds upon the AAs renowned legacy of independent publishing. The press aims to establish a more responsive model of small-scale publishing, nimble enough to encompass the entire chain of production in a single fluid activity, from initial commission to the final printing. Public Occasion Agency 122 Edited by Jan Nauta and Scrap Marshall 122 pp, two colour, b/w ills 220 x 140 mm, paperback September 2012 978-1-907414-21-3 15 POA 122 is part of the ongoing archive of activities conducted by the independent event bureau Public Occasion Agency (POA), founded by Jan Nauta and Scrap Marshall at the Architectural Association in 2009. The book is a collection of fragmented documents: previews, photographs, ephemera, reviews, reflections and opinions collated from the first twenty-two POA events. Critical and inquisitive, personal and probing contributions from a variety of authors from across fields and disciplines and with differing agendas here propose a withdrawal from idle commentary and encourage more productive forms of participation. Including essays by Pier Vittorio Aureli, Shumon Basar, Mark Campbell, Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange, Henderson Downing, David Greene, Samantha Hardingham, Ingrid Schrder, Nicholas Simcik Arese, Silvana Taher, Tom Vandeputte and Carlos Villanueva Brandt


Image, Bedford Press at New York Art Bookfair, 2010


Bedford Press
Ahali: An Anthology for Setting a Setting Can Altay 160 pp, 210 x 105 mm, paperback December 2012 978-1-907414-26-8 TBC Ahali: An Anthology for Setting a Setting is a collection of selected articles from current and previous contributions to Ahali, a journal by artist Can Altay. Ahali in Turkish refers to a community defined through contingency without a defined or expressed commonality other than being together. The contents of each issue of the journal are composed of invited contributions. Titles include: Support, Control, and Letting Go; Modelmaking for the Socio-spatio-economico-political / On Propositions and Implementation; Cohabitation and Parasitical Practice; Locatedness (and Education?); Recycling and Reconfiguration / Sustainable Excess; Community and Contingency; Forecasting Broken Pasts; and Becoming Globe. Contributors include Binna Choi, Jason Coburn, Celine Condorelli, Claire Doherty, Chris Evans, Luca Frei, Nils Norman, Paul ONeill, Mike Nelson and others. fm-scenario Where Palms Stand Mask Delay Eran Schaerf Edited by Joerg Franzbecker & Herbert Kapfer 52 pp, 260 x 200 mm, paperback with free poster October 2012 978-1-907414-25-1 8 fm-scenario / the listeners voice is a radio and software-inspired platform for generating narratives and investigating the architectures of discourse. Based around a publicly accessible online studio, users can edit radio programmes from an archive of works by artist Eran Schaerf. These programs are broadcast by the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, serving as scenarios for a series of exhibitions and as opening montage statements for a series of blog-like publications. This first fm-scenario edition coincides with the group exhibition Between Walls and Windows: Architecture and Ideology (House of World Cultures, Berlin, 2012) which presents ten location-specific productions by international artists and architects. The focus of this first issue derives from the exhibition and from the montage.


Bedford Press
Civic City Cahier 4 Afterlives of Neoliberalism Neil Brenner, Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore Series edited by Jesko Fezer & Matthias Grlich 68 pp, two col. ills 190 x 115 mm, paperback with jacket May 2012 978-1-907414-18-3 8 The global financial collapse of 2008 was widely interpreted as discrediting the neoliberal project and its false utopia of market rule, though it remains to be seen whether the death of neoliberalism has been greatly exaggerated. Will late-neo-liberal reforms and modes of crisis management usher in a truly postneoliberal political settlement? How can a rejuvenated civic city emerge from within the interstices of the fractured, polarised urban spaces of late neoliberalism? ARCHIZINES Edited by Elias Redstone 152 pp, col. ills 216 x 135 mm, paperback November 2011 978-1-907414-20-6 12 From handmade fanzines and print-ondemand newsletters to magazines and student journals, ARCHIZINES celebrates the recent resurgence of alternative and independent architectural publishing, showcasing 60 new publications from over 20 countries alongside critical texts from Pedro Gadanho, Iker Gil, Adam Murray, Rob Wilson, Mimi Zeiger & Matthew Clarke, Ang Li & Matthew Storrie.


Full details of the following titles may be found on our website: www.aaschool.ac.uk/ publications 311 Methods 144 pp, paperback, 2009 978-1-902902-78-4 15 Alejandro de la Sota 112 pp, paperback, 1997 978-1-870890-74-8 10 Corporate Fields 264 pp, hardcover, 2005 978-1-902902-41-8 20 Diamond Vaults 72 pp, paperback, 2005 978-1-902902-47-0 10 Articulated Grounds 160 pp, paperback, 2009 978-1-902902-71-5 15

An Atlas of Fabrication 96 pp, paperback, 2009 978-1-902902-75-3 12.50

Before Object, After Image 228 pp, paperback, 2006 978-1-902902-55-5 20 Berlin Free University 144 pp, paperback, 1999 978-1-870890-76-2 10 Beyond The Minimal 96 pp, paperback, 1998 978-1-870890-83-0 10 Bodyline 42 pp, paperback, 2006 978-1-902902-46-3 10 Cities From Zero 128 pp, paperback, 2007 978-1-902902-60-9 15

Do Android Crows Fly Over The Skies of an Electronic Tokyo? 72 pp, paperback, 2001 978-1-902902-07-4 8

DRL TEN: A Design Research Compendium 388 pp, hardcover, 2008 978-1-902902-65-4 30

A Right To Difference 176 pp, paperback, 2004 978-1-902902-36-4 10


Mathematical Form 96 pp, paperback, 2006 978-1-902902-37-1 15 Morphogenesis of Flux Structure 112 pp, paperback, 2007 978-1-902902-57-9 15 Reconstructing Space 196 pp, paperback, 1999 978-1-870890-98-4 10 Ruins of Modernity 72 pp, paperback, 1998 978-1-870890-82-3 8 Shadowed 192 pp, paperback, 2000 978-1-902902-16-6 8 Solar Energy and Housing Design Vol 1: Principles, Objectives, Guidelines 176 pp, paperback, 1994 978-1-870890-36-6 10 Vol 2 : Examples 128 pp, paperback, 1994 978-1-870890-37-3 10 Set: 978-1-870890-45-8 15 Structure As Space 304 pp, hardcover, 2006 978-1-902902-01-2 30 Translations From Drawing to Building and Other Essays 296 pp, paperback, 1997 978-1-870890-68-7 15

First Works 160 pp, paperback, 2009 978-1-902902-81-4 12 Glass Ramps/Glass Wall Deviations From the Normative 96 pp, paperback, 2001 978-1-902902-00-5 8 Imprint of India 60 pp, paperback, 1995 978-1-870890-49-6 10

The World of Madelon Vriesendorp 278 pp, hardcover, 2008 978-1-902902-63-0 26.50

L.A.W.U.N. Project #19 280 pp, hardcover, 2008 978-1-902902-66-1 40 Le Corbusier & the Architecture of Reinvention 176 pp, paperback, 2003 978-1-902902-29-6 15


AA Publications Order and Enquiries

The Architectural Association publishes titles that explore developments in architecture, engineering, landscape and urbanism as well as the fields that touch on them philosophy, history, art and photography. The AA is an independent school of architecture. Courses are divided into two main areas the undergraduate programmes, leading to the highly regarded AA Diploma and to RIBA/ARB Parts I and II; and the MA, MSc, MArch, MPhil, PhD and AA Graduate Design programmes, which include specialised courses in housing and urbanism, sustainable environmental design, history and critical thinking, landscape urbanism, emergent technologies and design, as well as a short course in building conservation. For further information on the school or to make online purchases, visit www.aaschool.ac.uk or www.aaschool.ac.uk/publications AA Bookshop The AA Bookshop stocks a comprehensive range of international titles in architecture and related subjects. Situated at 32 Bedford Square, it is open from 10 am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday and 11am to 5pm on Saturdays. Orders and Enquiries Trade/Distribution Enquiries Kirsten Morphet/Marilyn Sparrow Architectural Association Publications Ltd 36 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ES T +44 (0)20 7887 4021/(0)20 7887 4000 F +44 (0)20 7414 0783 publications@aaschool.ac.uk www.aaschool.ac.uk/publications (for online purchases) Our books are available from most specialist stores worldwide, and from amazon.co.uk and amazon.com. Post and packing will be charged on all orders with the exception of trade orders to delivery addresses in the UK. Payment can be made by cheque in Sterling, or by Visa or Mastercard. Prices and availability are subject to change.

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Cover photo Sue Barr

Produced by AA Print Studio. Design: Claire McManus Architectural Association Publications Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Architectural Association (Inc.), a Registered (educational) charity no. 311083 and a Company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 171402 . Registered office as above. VAT no. 564 4554 25

AA Bookshop, photo Sue Barr


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