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transient reactance s b! static im"edance test# APPRATUS:$# % & A'ternator ( Ratin) *# Lam" ban+ ( Ratin) %# Ammeter ( Ratin) ,# -o'tmeter ( Ratin) THEORY:Under ba'anced stead! state o"eration o. t/e s!nc/ronous mac/ine t/e rotor mm. and t/e resu'tant stator mm. are stationar! 0it/ res"ect to eac/ ot/er# As a resu't t/e .'ux 'in+a)es 0it/ t/e rotor c+t# 1o not c/an)e 0it/ time and no 2t)# Is induced in t/r rotor c+t# T/e "er "/ase equi2a'ent c+t# Is re"resented as a constant )enerated em. in series 0it/ t/e s!nc/ronous im"edance # .or sa'ient "o'e mac/ine rotor because o. non(uni.orma'it! o. t/e air )a"3 t/e )enerator mode'ed 0it/ t/e direct axis and quadrature axis reactance s# Under t/e transient conditions s/ort c+t at )enerator termina's3 t/e .'ux 'in+a)es c/an)es 0it/ t/e time t/is resu'ts in transient currents In rotor circuit3 0/ic/ in turn react on t/e armature # t/ere.ore t/e transient ana'!sis 3 t/e s!nc/ronous mac/ine is re"resented as a )rou" o. ma)netica''! cou"'ed c+t#s 0it/ inductances 0/ic/ de"end on t/e an)u'ar "osition o. rotor to de2e'o" net0or+ mode's o. t/e )enerator .or "o0er s!stem .au't ana'!sis 3 t/e )enerator be/a2ior is di2ided in to t/ree "eriod as .o''o0s $# Sub transient "eriod# *# Transient "eriod# %# Stead! state "eriod# T/e .au't current set u" in t/e c+t# 1urin) t/e abo2e "eriods de"ends u"on t/e reactance s o..ered b! t/e mac/ine# 4/i'e estimatin) t/e .au't current t/e minimum reactance in t/e mac/ine circuit is considered# T/is reactance is +no0n as sub transient reactance# It de"ends u"on t/e .o''o0in) reactance# $# Lea+a)e reactance 56'7 *# 1am"er 0indin) reactance 56d07 %# Armature reactance56a7 Reactance o..ered b! t/e mac/ine under sub transient state is as s/o0n in t/e equi2a'ent c+t# 8.i)# 5a78 1. Therefore sub transient reactance 69 : 6' ; 56d0 6. 6a7 Ra is ne)'i)ib'e . Reactance offere! b" the #achine un!er the transient state is !efine! as $fi%. &b'$ 6 : 6' ; 56. 6a7 $

(. Reactance offere! b" the #achine un!er the transient state is $fi%. &c'$ 6 : 6' ; 6a PRO)E*URE:Static i#+e!ance #etho!:$# A""'! $& su""'! to t0o series connected armature 0indin) t/rou)/ 'am" ban+ as s/o0n in circuit dia)ram 0it/ a'' measurin) equi"ments# *# S/ort c+t# T/e .ie'd 0indin) t/rou)/ a mi'i(ammeter# %# Ad<ust t/e stator current to =>? o. t/e rated 2a'ue rotate t/e rotor s'o0'! 0it/ /ands and note do0n t/e current t/rou)/ .ie'd 0indin) and res"ecti2e readin)s# 4/en $# T/e current .'o0in) t/rou)/ .ie'd 0indin) is Maximum# *# T/e current .'o0in) t/rou)/ .ie'd 0indin) is Minimum# O,SER-ATIO. TA,LE:Sr# No# E 5-7 $# If Max# *# If Max# %# If Min# ,# If Min# )AL)ULATIO.:$# *# If is Max# 1irect axis sub transient reactance : 6d9 : @5E7 A 5*I7B If is Min# Cuadrature axis sub transient reactance 6q9 : @5E7 A 5*I7B I 5A7

)O.)LUSIO.:B! Static im"edance met/od 6d9 : D 6q9 : D

Ans0er t/e .o''o0in) questions# $# 4/at do !ou mean b! direct axis and quadrature axis o. sa'ient "o'e mac/ineE *# 4/at r sub transient3 transient and stead! state o. an un'oaded a'ternator 0/en s/ort c+t# ta+es "'ace on it#

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