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Soul Eater RPG V1.

11 Weapons Reloaded

The information contained within this file replaces all of the traits and information for weapons in the Core V1.1.
Weapons are people with the ability to become, well, weapons. This ability was originally created in an experiment conducted by the scientist Eibon and the witch Arachne to imitate the ability possessed by Excalibur. You probably know Soul Evans, Tsubaki Thompson. $ontained in this document%
Creating a Weapon Weapon Traits Becoming a Death Scythe Weapon Forms

akatsukasa, and !i" and #atty

Creating a Weapon
To create a weapon character start by choosing a weapon. &o you want to be a brutal hammer' A swi(t dagger' )aybe a (ishing rod. Anything goes. A list o( statistics is provided but you can be a weapon that is not on that list. *( you choose to make one let us know +theimmortalproduction, .eel (ree to create your own abilities (or weapons as well +see below-. Assign your statistics to meet re/uirements (or that weapon. This may not always be possible some weapons have much higher re/uirements. At level "ero +character creation- you get the (ollowing traits% Aided Attack: A number o( times per day e/ual to your number o( levels in the weapon class when an attack is made with you +in (ull weapon (orm- you may make an *nstinct roll +&exterity 0 *nstinct- and add that to the attack roll. Soul Eater: You may eat non1human souls and not vomit, allowing you to gain souls towards becoming a death scythe. Weapon Form: $hoose a weapon (or which you meet the re/uirements. You may take the (orm o( that weapon, doing so takes one (ull round. At levels two, (our, six, eight, and ten you get a bonus die added to your bonus pool each day. Each (unctions as (ollows%

Bonus Die: At the start o( each day add 2die type3 to your bonus pool. Your bonus pool is emptied then re(illed at the end o( a rest. !evel 4 5 6 9 8 ; : = < > 54 Attributes and Edges Traits Starting *ncreases Edge Attribute, Edge Edge Attribute, Edge Edge Attribute, Edge Edge Attribute, Edge Edge Attribute, Edge 2Starting Traits3 Trait 07onus &ie 25d83 Trait 07onus &ie 25d:3 Trait 07onus &ie 25d<3 Trait 07onus &ie 25d543 Trait 07onus &ie 25d563

A character can continue to gain levels in weapon. *t will grant the Attributes, Edges, and Traits, but no more bonus dice will be given.

Weapon Traits
The (ollowing traits are available only to characters with at least one level in the weapon class. ?nlike the $ore (ile this chart does not have (ull descriptions. *( you want a trait please read its (ull description below the chart. Trait
Aided Attack Soul Eater Weapon .orm Accelerated Weapon Additional .orm 7rutal Weapon

7asic 7asic 7asic Spirit 5d<0, at least one weapon (orm Spirit 5d<0

Add instinct to attacks. You can non1human souls. Take the (orm o( a weapon. magic *ncrease your meisterAs pace. Bain an additional weapon (orm.

#hysi/ue 6d<0, at least one heavy @eroll any 5 in a damage roll.

melee weapon (orm &evastating Weapon #ower Attack #hysi/ue 5d<0 &eal additional damage with explosions.

#hysi/ue 5d560, &evastating Weapon Bive attack penalty (or more dice o( damage. ?se power attack more times per combat. Bain a weaponAs hidden abilities. Take weapon (orm as an action. an additional attack per attack action.

)ore #ower Attacks Spirit 5d540, #ower Attack Cidden Ability !ightning Trans(ormation !ightweight Dbsidian Skin 2Armour3 #artial Weapon .orm @apid @eload Spiked Armour 2Armour3 Soul Shot Spirit 5d540 Spirit 5d540 melee weapon (orm (orm Spirit 5d:0 ranged weapon (orm (orm

&exterity 5d540, at least one light All o( your light melee weapon (orms are allowed #hysi/ue 6d:0, at least one armour Bain a bonus to (ire resistance. You can take a partial weapon (orm. an additional attack per attack action.

&exterity 5d560, at least one light All o( your light ranged weapon (orms are allowed #hysi/ue 5d540, at least one armour &eal damage with grapple attacks. Spirit 5d<0, at least one ranged Wound yoursel( to deal more damage. weapon (orm

Accelerated Weapon
R: Spirit 5d540, at least one magic weapon (orm E: While you are being wielded by a meister you may increase their pace by 6. This bonus is doubled while using soul resonance +to a bonus pace o( 8-.

Additional Form
R: Spirit 5d<0 E: $hoose a weapon (orm (or which your meet the re/uirements and do not already possess. Add that weapon to your armoury. You may take this trait any number o( times.

Aided Attack
R: 7asic E: A number o( times per day e/ual to your number o( levels in the weapon class when an attack is made with you +in (ull weapon (orm- you may make an *nstinct roll +&exterity 0 *nstinct- and add that to the attack roll.

Brutal Weapon
R: #hysi/ue 6d<0, at least one heavy melee weapon (orm E: When you roll a 5 on a damage die (or one o( your heavy weapons +the weapons dice not your #hysi/ue or Strength- reroll it +until it is higher than a 5-.

Devastating Weapon

R: #hysi/ue 5d<0 E: When you roll damage (or your weapons and a die explodes add one hal( the maximum value o( that die to the damage +Ex% 5d< E 8-.

idden A!ility
R: Spirit 5d540 E: $hoose a weapon in your armoury (or which you do not already have the hidden abilities, you gain the hidden abilities o( that weapon. This trait may be taken any number o( times and may only be taken (or weapons that have hidden abilities.

R: &exterity 5d540, at least one light melee weapon (orm E: All o( your light melee weapon (orms are allowed an additional attack per attack action. Each attack beyond the (irst as part o( an attack action penalty. receives a cumulative 16 R: Spirit 5d540 E: Taking weapon (orm takes you an action +instead o( a (ull turn-.

"ightning Trans$ormation

%ore &o#er Attacks

R: Spirit 5d540, #ower Attack E: You may use power attack a number o( times per combat e/ual to one1/uarter your weapon level instead one once +minimum 5-.

'!sidian Armour (Armour)

R: #hysi/ue 6d:0, at least one armour (orm E: When you take the (orm o( armour you may choose to become obsidian armour +you can only bene(it (rom one 2Armour3 trait at a time-. This grants a 08 bonus to Toughness rolls against (ire damage.

&artial Weapon Form

R: Spirit 5d:0 E: You may take a partial weapon (orm +o( any weapon in your armoury-. &oing so is an action. While in partial weapon (orm you may make attacks with yoursel(.

&o#er Attack
R: #hysi/ue 5d560, &evastating Weapon E: Dnce per combat you may give a penalty to your meisters attack +in multiples o( 16 up to 1:- (or every two points o( penalty you deal an additional die o( damage on the attack. This e((ect must be used be(ore the result o( the attack is known.

Rapid Reload
R: &exterity 5d560, at least one light ranged weapon (orm.

E: All o( your light ranged weapon (orms are allowed an additional attack per attack action. Each attack beyond the (irst as part o( an attack action receives a cumulative 16 penalty.

Spiked Armour (Armour)

R: #hysi/ue 5d540, at least one armour (orm E: When you take the (orm o( armour you may choose to become spiked armour +you can only bene(it (rom one 2Armour3 trait at a time-. When under the e((ects o( Spiked Armour any time you get a raise on a Toughness roll against a melee attack the attacker receives a wound.

Soul Eater
R: 7asic E: You may eat non1human souls and not vomit, allowing you to gain souls towards becoming a death scythe.

Soul Shot
R: Spirit 5d<0, at least one ranged weapon (orm E: When an attack is made with one o( your ranged weapon (orms you may take damage e/ual to a wound +to you- to deal additional damage e/ual to your Feal +Spirit 0 Feal-. You must choose to use this e((ect be(ore the result o( the attack is known.

Weapon Form
R: 7asic E: You may take the (orm o( any weapon in your armoury. Taking a weapon (orm takes a (ull turn. $hoose a weapon (or which you meet the re/uirements. Add that weapon to your armoury.

Becoming a Death Scythe

* am certain that i( you wanted to play a weapon you considered the ability to become a death scythe. Well you can. &oing so re/uires the you to be a weapon and to eat >> kishun eggs and then a witch soul. .ailure to do so in this order or eating any other type o( soul resets the counter to "ero. Dnce you have achieved this goal you gain the (ollowing traits% Death Scythe: Your weapon (orms deal an additional die o( damage. This includes while in partial weapon (orm. Witch*s &o#er: This trait has an e((ect based on the witch whoAs soul you ate. *ts (unction is determined by the gamemaster.

Weapon Forms
This is a list o( weapons, their re/uirements, and their abilities. Weapon
&agger Shortsword

#hysi/ue 5d:0, &exterity 5d:0 #hysi/ue 5d<0, &exterity 5d:0

5d: +#, S5d< +#, S-

Dne1handed, Thrown Dne1handed

Cidden Abilities
#recise +05D((1hand

!ight )elee Weapons

)edium )elee Weapons

Axe .ishing @od Candaxe !ongsword )orningstar #hysi/ue 5d<0 &exterity 5d<0 #hysi/ue 5d:0 #hysi/ue 5d540 #hysi/ue 5d540 5d< +S5d8 +75d: +S5d54 +#, S5d54 +7Dne1handed, Gersatile +05Dne1handed, Gersatile +05Dne1handed, Thrown Dne1handed, Gersatile +06Dne1handed, Gersatile +057rutal +8&eadly $riticals +05one one one

Ceavy )elee Weapons

7attleaxe Breat Cammer Breat Sword Dtsuchi #hysi/ue 5d560 #hysi/ue 6d540 #hysi/ue 6d:0, &exterity 5d<0 #hysi/ue 6d<0 5d56 +S6d54 +76d< +S9d: +7Dne1handed, Gersatile +06Two1handed, $oncussive Two1handed, Amputator +05Two1handed, 7rutal +<$oncussive &eadly $riticals +067rutal +<Amputator +06-

!ight @anged Weapons

#istol #istol, 7lackpowder &exterity 5d:0 &exterity 5d<0, #hysi/ue 5d:0 6d8 +#6d: +#Dne1handed, @anged +56Dne1handed, @anged +<7rutal +8D((1hand

)edium @anged Weapons

$rossbow @i(le &exterity 5d540 &exterity 5d560 6d< +#6d< +#Two1handed, @anged +5:Two1handed, #recise +06one

@anged +64-

Ceavy @anged Weapons

)issile !auncher &exterity 5d540, #hysi/ue 5d560 Sniper @i(le &exterity 6d<0, #hysi/ue 5d<0 6d54 +direct 6d56 +#+7- Two1handed, hit-, 7last @anged +94Two1handed, @anged +847rutal +<+8-, $oncussive

6d: +7- +blast-

)agic Weapons
)agic )elee )agic @anged Weapon, *ntelligence 5d<0, #hysi/ue 5d:0, Spirit 5d:0 Weapon, *ntelligence 5d<0, &exterity 5d:0, Spirit 5d:0 5d< +7, or #, Dne1handed or S6d: +7, or #, Dne1handed, or S@anged +54one @each +6-

Special Weapons
Cowit"er &exterity 6d540, #hysi/ue 5d560 8d: +7Set1up, +56-, $oncussive, @anged +<47last 7onus @ange +064-

$hainmail #late #hysi/ue 5d540 #hysi/ue 5d540

Toughness 7onus
05 +7-, 06 +S-, 05 +#06 +7-, 09 +S-, 04 +#-

one one

&amage Types
*( a weapon is labelled with two damage types it is determined by the attacker which one will be used. 7 H 7ashing # H #eircing S H Slashing

Amputator +,-.: Add I to the roll to determine whether a limb gets removed. Blast +-.: The attack o( this weapon a((ects all targets within I meters o( the targeted space. Bonus Range +,-.: *ncrease the range o( this weapon by I meters. Brutal +-.: When this weapon hits it can deal no less than I damage. &amage lower than I is considered to be I instead. Concussive: A target hit by a concussive action must make a Will check against the damage +a(ter toughness reduction- i( they (ail they lose all o( their actions on their next turn. Deadly Criticals +,-.: .or each raise on the attack roll this weapon deals 0I damage. '$$/hand: While wielded in the o(( hand reduce the dual wielding penalty (or that weapon by 5. 'ne/handed: This weapon can be wielded in one hand. &recise +,-.: This weapon grants a 0I bonus to attack rolls. Ranged +-.: This weapon has no range penalty to attack rolls up to I meters. *t can be (ired up to twice that (ar but takes a 18 penalty past I. Reach +-.: )elee attacks can be made with this weapon against targets within I meters +normal E 5Set/up: This weapon re/uires a turn between attacks +it cannot attack on the turn it trans(orms into a

weapon-. &uring this turn it must stay in weapon (orm. Thro#n: This weapon can be thrown. T#o/handed: This weapon re/uires two hands to wield. 0ersatile +,-.: This weapon gets a 0I bonus to damage rolls when wielded in two hands.

And that is all (or this update.

ext will be Warriors @etrained, unless we

hear that you would really like something else. *( you have any suggestions send them to us at theimmortalproduction, And as always Soul Eater belongs to the people who made it, the people who published it, and the people who made the anime adaptation. #lease support the o((icial release+s-.
#.S. There will be more weapons added to the list * Just wanted to get you this content as soon as * could.

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