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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CV6311 Soil Behaviour and Engineering Properties

Lecture Notes 2 Soil Failure Criteria

A/P Anthony Goh Tel: 6790-5271,




Shear Strength of Soil Definition: Limiting g resistance to deformation offered by a soil mass or test sample when subjected j to loading g or unloading. g
Note: Failure can occur in the soil as a whole or within limited narrow zones (failure planes).


Soil is a particulate material, so shear failure occurs when stresses between the particles are such that they slide or roll past each other. Hence Hence, the shear

strength of soil is mainly controlled by friction.

CV6311_Goh 4

Main factors affecting laboratory measured soil strength: a) Mineralogy of grains b) Particle shape, size distribution and configuration c) Void ratio and water content d) Previous stress history e) Existing insitu stress f) Stress changes during sampling g) Initial state of sample h) Stresses applied prior to test i) Method of test j) Loading rate k) Drainage condition during test ) Resulting gp pore water p pressure l)
CV6311_Goh 5


Sliding Block
Friction is proportional to the normal force N

For soil, increases with n

V= N = N t tan

= n tan

Typical response of soils to shearing g forces

Type I Type II

, volumetric strain = vertical strain (z) since x = y = 0,

CV6311_Goh 7

Type I soils loose sands and normally consolidated and lightly consolidated clays (OCR 2) Type II soils dense sands and overconsolidated clays (OCR >2)


Type I soils Gradual increase in shear stresses with increasing shear strain (strain hardening) until an approximately constant shear stress (called the critical state shear stress cs).

Soil compresses (becomes denser) until a constant void ratio (called the critical void ratio ecs)
CV6311_Goh 9

Type II soils Rapid increase in shear stresses reaching a peak value p at low shear strains (compared with Type I soils), f ll followed d by b a decrease d i shear in h stress t with ith increasing i i shear strain ultimately attaining a critical state shear stress. stress The strain softening response is generally because of localized failure zones (shear bands).



Type II soils The shear bands are soil pockets that have loosened and reached the critical state shear stress. Between the shear bands are denser soils that gradually loosen as shearing continues. In some overconsolidated clays, the particles become oriented parallel to the direction of the shear band causing the final shear stress (residual shear stress r) to decrease below the critical state shear stress (Type II-A). The soil compresses initially (due to particle adjustment) and then expand (become looser) until a critical void ratio is attained. attained



Effects ects of o Increasing c eas g Normal o a Effective ect e Stress St ess

Type I soils amount of compression and magnitude of the critical state shear stress will increase. Type yp II soils the p peak shear stress tends to disappear, pp , the critical shear stress increases and the change in volume expansion decreases. As normal effective stress increases, critical void ratio decreases critical void ratio is dependent on the magnitude of the effective normal stress.



cs = critical state friction angle; l Line OA = failure envelope; curve OBC = peak shear stress envelope; r = residual id l state friction angle



Effects of Increasing Overconsolidation Ratio Higher OCR gives higher peak shear strength and greater p volume expansion.



Coulombs model (analogy to slippage of soil particles)) W H R W T H N R T From statics: f H = = tan ' 'nf W

f tan '+ tan = = tan( '+ ) 'nf 1 tan ' tan As increases, the shear h f increases. i strength



Angle of dilation is a measure of the change in volumetric strain with respect to the change in shear strain.

sin =

v max
CV6311_Goh 16

The angle is also the tangent g to the curve in a plot of volumetric strain versus shear strain.



The Th peak k shear h strength t th is i provided id d by b a combination bi ti of f the shearing resistance due to sliding (Coulombs sliding), dilatancy effects, effects crushing, crushing and rearrangement of particles. particles At low normal effective stresses, rearrangement of soil particles and dilatancy p y is more readily y facilitated than at high g normal effective stresses. At high normal effective stresses, particle crushing significantly i ifi tl influences i fl th shearing the h i resistance. i t
CV6311_Goh 18

The peak shear strength p is the peak shear stress attained by a dilating soil. p = dilation angle at peak shear stress Critical state shear strength cs = shear stress attained by all soils at large strains (zx > 10%) when the dilation angle is zero. zero ecs = critical void ratio = void ratio corresponding to the critical state shear strength. p = peak friction angle = cs + p
CV6311_Goh 19

MohrCoulombFailureEquation q
M MohrCoulomb h C l b Failure F l E Equation (C l b 1773; (Coulomb, 1773 Mohr, 1882):

f = c + nf tan
Failure shear stress cohesion Failure normal stress Friction angle

It defines the relationship between the shear stress and normal stress along a failure plane.
CV6311_Goh 20

Effective stress analysis: f = c + (nf u) tan Total stress analysis: y f = cu + nf tanu
(2) (1)

c & , or cu ( (& u=0) ) are shear strength g parameters p of f

soil and need to be determined by either lab or in-situ tests




f = c +nf tan



Shear strength consists of two components: cohesive and frictional. f is the maximum shear stress the soil can take , under normal stress of . without failure,

f c f

f = c + f tan t
f tan c
c and are measures of shear strength. g Higher the values, higher the shear strength.
CV6311_Goh 23

frictional f i ti l component

Failure criteria (Five common definitions)



( ) (1)Maximum deviator stress Most common criterion Peak deviator stress = (1 3)f corresponding di strain t i = f pore pressure = uf (undrained) (2) Maximum principal stress ratio (1 / 3) Used for undrained tests, tests particularly for clays in which the deviator stress continues to increase at large strains. Also used in multistage undrained triaxial tests. tests For drained tests, since the effective stress changes are equal to the total stress changes, changes the stress ratio curve is the same shape as the deviator stress plot.
CV6311_Goh 25

( ) Limiting (3) g strain Not often used except in multistage drained trixial tests. g deformation is required q to Used for soils in which a large mobilize the maximum shear resistance. (4) Critical State See following two figures. Discussed in other sections ( ) Residual State discussed in other sections (5) Applicable to insitu conditions where there have already been large displacements on shear surfaces e.g. landslides, t t i earth tectonic th movements t



Dense and Loose sand



Clay behaviour Drained triaxial tests constant volume



Clay behaviour Undrained triaxial tests In an undrained test, no volume change is allowed as no water can flow in or out of the specimen. p Because volume changes are prevented, the tendency towards volume change induces a pressure in the pore water. water If the specimen tends to contract during shear (NC clay), th the then th induced i d d pore water t pressure is i positive. iti If the specimen tends to expand or swell during shear (OC clay), then the induced pore water pressure is negative. It wants to expand and draw water into the pores, but cannot; thus the pore water pressure decreases or may even go negative.
CV6311_Goh 29

NC and OC Clay - volume change h



NC and OC Clay - pore pressure change h & pore pressure coefficient A



Mohr Circles & Failure Envelope p

Impossible stress state

X Y Soil elements at different locations

X ~ failure Y ~ stable
CV6311_Goh 32

Mohr Circles & Failure Envelope p

The soil element does not fail if the Mohr circle is contained within the envelope


c c
Initially, Mohr circle is a point





Given the soil profile and strength parameters as shown, check whether point A is at the failure state.

w = 9.8 kN/m3



At point A: v = 17x3+17.5x1.1 9.8x1.1= 59.5 kPa h = K0v = 0.54x59.5 0 54x59 5 = 27.1 27 1 kPa



Mohr Circles & Failure Envelope p

As loading progresses, Mohr circle becomes larger



c c
.. and finally failure occurs when Mohr circle touches the envelope
CV6311_Goh 36

Failure occurs when the Mohr circle is tangent to the failure envelope e envelope, e.g., g circle B B. v



Orientation of Failure Plane

45 + /2

Failure plane oriented at 45 + /2 to horizontal

45 + /2


c P c
45 + /2 90+


Failure plane angle will be derived later

CV6311_Goh 38

Mohr circles in terms of &

v X h v u h

effective stresses

total stresses

v h


Envelopes p in terms of &

Identical specimens initially subjected to different isotropic stresses (c) and then loaded axially to failure

c c

f c c

At failure,

c, in terms of c, in terms of
CV6311_Goh 40

3 = c; 1 = c+f 3 = 3 uf ; 1 = 1 - uf

radius =

'1'3 2



radius =

'1'3 2


(90o )





1- 3 Relation at Failure
1 X

soil element at failure

1 = 3 tan 2 ( 45 + / 2) + 2c tan( ( 45 + / 2)

3 = 1 tan 2 ( 45 / 2) 2c tan( ( 45 / 2)
CV6311_Goh 45

1 3 X


stress point

stress point


s t = t' s = (1+ 3)


1 + 3 2


1 3 2

During loading t
Stress path is the locus of stress points

Stress path

Stress path is a convenient way to keep track of the progress in loading with respect to failure envelope.
CV6311_Goh 47


tan-1 (sin )

c cos

stress path

D i loading During l di (shearing). ( h i )



t = (1- 3)

Stress point failure envelope It is often easier to fit a line through a series of data points than to find a tangent line to a series of circles. circles
s = (1+ 3)



f c

f = c+f tan

From geometry

tf = a+sf tan t = (1- 3) tf a sf s = (1+ 3)

CV6311_Goh 50

Kf line

a = ccos tan = sin


a = ccos D

tan = sin

From geometry Triangle ABC: sin' = radius/AC Triangle ADC: tan' = radius/AC AO = a'tan' = c'cot' a'= c'cot'/tan' = c'cot'/sin' = c'cos'
CV6311_Goh 51

Stress path

The response, stability or failure of the system, depends on the force path The response, p stability y or failure of the soil skeleton, depends on the stress path.



MIT stress t parameters t

t = (1 3)/ /2

s = (1 +3)/2 s )/2
CV6311_Goh 53

Cambridge Stress parameters

Drained effective stress path Undrained effective stress path

Total stress path

q = 1 3 p = (1 +23)/3
CV6311_Goh 54

Drained Triaxial Compression Test (constant radial stress) Kf line




In a drained test, total stress = effective stress


O M If stresses are isotropic p and pwp p p is zero, , the stress path p will have an initial point at M.

t =

'1 '3 '1 0 = = '1 / 2 2 2 '1 + '3 '1 +0 s' = = = '1 / 2 2 2

CV6311_Goh 55

therefore slope D1 = t/s' = +1

Drained Triaxial Compression Test (constant axial stress) Kf line


D2 O M


t =

'1 '3 0 '3 = = '3 / 2 2 2

'1 + '3 0 + '3 = = '3 / 2 2 2

s' =

therefore slope D2 = t/s' = -1 Soil S il strength t th i is d dependent d t on th the stress t path th

CV6311_Goh 56

A knowledge g of the stress p paths help p to explain p what is happening to the stresses in the ground during a given engineering loading or unloading situation. If you can draw the complete stress path for some critical elements for your engineering problem, problem then you will have a much better understanding of the entire problem. This knowledge will enable you to design an appropriate laboratory testing program to estimate the in-situ loadd f deformation ti response of f the th soil il and d the th structure. t t This will also help you to plan a suitable observation and instrumentation program for monitoring the construction operations and final performance of the structure.
CV6311_Goh 57

Failure line
t = (1- 3)



s = (1+ 3)

During construction the h vertical l and d horizontal h l stresses increase rapidly under undrained conditions and the pore pressure rises by u. u Stress path is C-SU. With time, the pore pressure dissipates due to consolidation drainage. g Stress p path is SU-SD. The final stress point is further away from the failure envelope, which means the short term undrained condition i more critical is iti l than th the th drained d i d loading. l di
CV6311_Goh 58

The stress path for an element beneath a strip footing is C SU SD.

Failure line
t = (1- 3) SD


SU s = (1+ 3)


The stress path for an element adjacent to an excavation is C SU SD.

A reduction in stress induces a negative g (suction) ( )p pore p pressure -u. The immediate or undrained stress path is C SU. In response to the suction, the moisture content gradually rises until the negative excess pore pressure has been reduced to zero (stress path SU SD). The final stress point is nearer the failure envelope, which means the long term drained condition is more critical in problems relating to the (permanent) stability of excavations and cut slopes slopes.
CV6311_Goh 59

Skemptons p PorePressureParameters
For 1D loading in saturated clay, clay the magnitude of the induced pore water pressure is initially equal to the magnitude of the applied vertical stress. 1

3 u = ?

For loading, the F 3D and d triaxial t i i l type t l di th magnitude of the induced pore water pressure will depend on the soil type and its stress history as well as the rate g of loading.



Skemptons p PorePressureParameters
A simple way to estimate the pore pressure change in undrained loading, in terms of total stress changes (Skempton 1954) 1

u = B[ 3 + A( 1 3 )]
3 Skemptons pore pressure parameters A and B

u = ?



B-parameter B = f (saturation,..) For saturated soils, , B 1. A-parameter p at failure ( (Af) Af = f(OCR) For normally consolidated clays Af 1. For heavily overconsolidated clays Af is negative. negative



uc = B3 3 3

An increase in isotropic stress of 3 causes an increase in pore water pressure uc and the change in effective stress 3. '3 = 3 uc

Cs = compressibility of the soil skeleton Cw = compressibility of water n = porosity

V / V = Cs '3 = Cs ( 3 uc )

Vw / Vw = Cwuc Vw = Cw(nV)uc

since Vw = nV



If the solid particles are incompressible, V = Vw

CsV(3 uc ) = Cw(nV)uc
Rearranging, uc = 1 3 nC w 1+ Cs

Comparing with uc = B3


1 nC Cw 1+ Cs

As Cw/Cs is very small, the value of B for a saturated y close to 1. soil is very
CV6311_Goh 64

1 3 u

Similarly, a change in the pore pressure due to the change in the principal stress difference in a triaxial compression specimen can be determined.

For a saturated soil, from elastic theory the pore pressure change is related to the deviator stress t b by V / V = (1/ 3)Cs ( '1+ '2 + '3 )

The coefficient 1/3 comes about because for elastic isotropic materials the volume change is due to the average of the changes in the three principal stresses. For triaxial compression, 2 = 3, so V / V = (1/ 3)Cs ( '1 +2'3 )
CV6311_Goh 65

Applying Terzaghis principle of effective stress V / V = (1/ 3)Cs {( 1 u) + (23 2u)} V / V = (1/ 3)Cs {( 1 3 ) + (33 ) 3u} As before

Vw = Cw (nV)u

If the solid particles are incompressible, V = Vw C w nVu = (1/ 3)Cs {( 1 3 ) + 33 3u}



1 3



1 nC w 1+ Cs

and solving for u,

we obtain bt i

u = B{3 + (1/3)(1 - 3)}

For the h case where h the h soil il is i not perfectly f l elastic, l i the h equation becomes

u = B{3 + A(1 - 3)}

The value of A depends on the type of soil and the amount of strain to which it is subjected to.
CV6311_Goh 67

Typical values of pore pressure parameter A and Af (after Lambe and Whitman, 1979)
Material (100% Saturated) Normally consolidated clay Lightly overconsolidated clay Heavily overconsolidated clay A (working stress) 0.5 1.0 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 Af (at failure) 0.7 1.3 0.3 0.7 - 0.5 0



3 3

1- 3 3

uc = B3

ud = AB(1 - 3)

u = uc +ud u = B{3 + A(1 - 3)}



Effect of Sampling When a soil sample is removed from the ground, the confining stresses are relieved and virtually reduced to zero. zero For a saturated soil (B = 1) and considering small strain 3 = 0 h = h
1= 0 v = v

From u = B{3 + A(1 - 3)}

u = h + A(v + h) = Av (1 A)h
For an element with hydrostatic pore water pressure uw, the pore p p pressure in the sample p is

u i = uw + u = uw Av (1 A)h
CV6311_Goh 70

The resulting gp pore water p pressure is negative g and provides a suction imparting an internal effective stress which holds the soil structure together. g In practice a sample undergoes some deformation in being removed from the ground and some additional change in effective stress is inevitable. Pore pressure changes in the sample due to reapplication of stress may not be equal in magnitude to those which occurred when stresses were relieved.



Consequently, q y, re-application pp of the mean insitu stress p = (1/3)(v+2h) as an isotropic stress in the y bring g the sample p triaxial cell will not necessarily back to the insitu condition of effective stress. Suitable adjustment of the back pressure may be necessary to achieve this.



Undrained Triaxial Compression Test (constant radial stress) Kf line



Q TS M uo

Total stress path Since 3 = 0, t = 1 /2 s = 1 /2 therefore slope TS = t/s = +1

CV6311_Goh 73

Undrained Triaxial Compression Test (constant radial stress) Kf line



Effective stress path


u = B{3 + A(1 - 3)} For saturated clay B =1

t = 1 3 1 0 = = 1 / 2 2 2

Since 3 = 0, u = A1 = 2At s' = (s u) = (1 /2 u)= (t 2At) therefore effective stress path slope MN = t/s' = 1/(1 2A)
CV6311_Goh 74

Undrained Triaxial Compression Test (constant radial stress) Kf line



Q Effective stress path M


Effe ti e stress Effective te p path th slope lope MN = t/s' ' = 1/(1 2A)

For lightly consolidated clay with A = 0.5, 0 5 the stress path is the straight line MQ. However, A is usually not a constant throughout a test, and the stress path is usually curved.
CV6311_Goh 75

The Skempton p pore p p pressure coefficients enable us to predict the induced pore water pressure during undrained loading if we can estimate the change in the t t l stresses. total t Example Embankment Construction The increase in excess pore pressure can result in instability (e g rapid embankment construction) if the pore pressure is (e.g. too high. Consequently it is important to be able to estimate just how high the pore pressures are likely to get and thereby obtain g be. some idea of how close to failure the embankment might If it is too high, stage construction may have to be considered, and monitoring of the pore pressures is advisable.
CV6311_Goh 76

Example Loading from long embankment (plane strain) 0 Before loading, vo = 13x5 = 65 kPa 1m = 13 kN/m3 uo = 10x4 = 40 kPa 'vo = 65 40 = 25 kPa 'ho = 0.6x25 = 15 kPa ho = 15 + 40 = 55 kPa 5m Ko = 0.6 B = 1, A = 0.35

Assume during loading, v = 51 kPa and h = 17 kPa

u = B{3 + A(1 - 3)}

= 1.0{17 + 0.35(51 17)} = 29 kPa



u = 29 kPa 0 1m After loading, v1 = vo + v = 65 + 51 = 116 kPa u1 = uo + u = 40 + 29 = 69 kPa 'v1 = v1 - u1 = 116 69 = 47 kPa h1 = ho + h = 55 + 17 = 72 kPa 'h1 = h1 - u1 = 72 - 69 = 3 kPa 5m Ko = 0.6 B = 1, A = 0.35 = 13 kN/m3



Before loading, vo = 13x5 = 65 kPa uo = 10x4 = 40 kPa 'vo = 65 40 = 25 kPa 'ho = 0.6x25 = 15 kPa to ho = 15 + 40 = 55 kPa

t = (1- 3) s = (1+ 3)

= to = (65-55)/2 = 5 kPa so = (65+55)/2 (65 55)/2 = 60 kPa kP so =(25+15)/2 = 20 kPa

After loading, v1 = vo + v = 65 + 51 = 116 kPa u1 = uo + u = 40 + 29 = 69 kPa 'v1 = v1 - u1 = 116 69 = 47 kPa h1 = ho + h = 55 + 17 = 72 kPa 'h1 = h1 - u1 = 72 - 69 = 3 kPa

t1 = t1 = (116-72)/2 = 22 kPa s1 = (116+72)/2 = 94 kPa s1 =(47+3)/2 s (47+3)/2 = 25 kPa

CV6311_Goh 79

t = (1- 3)


s o




s, s = (1+ 3)

to = to = (65-55)/2 = 5 kPa so = (65+55)/2 = 60 kPa kP so =(25+15)/2 = 20 kPa

t1 = t1 = (116-72)/2 = 22 kPa s1 = (116+72)/2 = 94 kPa kP s1 =(47+3)/2 = 25 kPa



t = (1- 3)
ESP s o

Kf line




s = (1+ 3)

Construct the Kf line assuming c = 7 kPa and = 23o. a = ccos tan = sin a = 6.4 kPa, = 21.3o



MIT stress t parameters t

t = (1 3)/ /2

s = (1 +3)/2 s )/2
CV6311_Goh 82

Cambridge Stress parameters

Drained effective stress path Undrained effective stress path

Total stress path

q = 1 3 p = (1 +23)/3
CV6311_Goh 83

Procedureforplottingpqstresspaths Determinetheloadingconditions: conditions drainedorundrained ndrainedorboth. both Calculatetheinitialvaluesofp0,p0,andq0. ,q0)and(p0,q0). Plottheinitialvaluesof(p0, Determinetheincreaseinstresses,1,2,and3.These stressescanbenegative. Calculatetheincreaseinstressinvariants,p,p,andq.These stressinvariantscanbenegative. Calculatethecurrentstressinvariantsasp= p po +p, p p= p po +p, p andq=qo +q.Thecurrentvalueofpcannotbenegativebutq canbenegative. Plotthecurrentstressinvariants(p,q)and(p,q). Connectthepointsidentifyingeffectivestressesanddothe sameforthetotalstresses.



The pore water pressure at a desired level of deviatoric stress is the mean stress difference between the total stress path and the effective stress path (p=p-u). Note: For a drained loading condition, ESP=TSP, and for an undrained condition, the ESP for f a linear, li elastic l i soil il is i vertical. i l



General Example (without considering drainage)


p0 = q0 = 0
Loading1 (isotropiccompression, 1= 2= 3)

p1 =

1 + 23 1 + 21 = = 1 3 3

q1 = 1 3 = 0
CV6311_Goh 86


p1 = p0 + p1 = 0 + 1 = 1 q1 = q0 + q1 = 0 + 0 = 0
q1 =0 Slope of OA, p1

Loading2 (keep3 constantandincrease1)

p 2 = 1 + 2 3 1 + 2 0 1 = = 3 3 3

q 2 = 1 3 = 1 0 = 1


p2 = p1 + p2 = 1 +

1 41 = 3 3 q2 = q1 + q2 = 0 + 1 = 1
q 2 1 =3 = p 2 (1 / 3)
CV6311_Goh 87

Slope of AB,

Loading3 (keep1 constantandincrease3)

p3 =

1 + 2 3 0 + 2 3 23 = = 3 3 3

q3 = 1 3 = 0 3 = 3

p3 = p2 + p3 =

4 2 1 + 3 3 3
q 3 3 3 = = p3 2 2 3 3

q3 = q2 + q3 = 1 3 Slope of BC,


Total stress path TSP and effective stress path ESP

Totalstress The soil solid and the pore water carry the applied loads in a saturated soil. Undrainedcondition(volumeremainsconstant): Th pore water is The i not allowed ll d to drain d i from f the h soil il sample l during d i loading, the increase in stress is carried by the pore water, called the excess pore water pressure. pressure Drainedcondition: The pore water is allowed to drain from the soil sample and the excess pore water pressure owing to the increase in stress can y decrease to zero. The soil solid will support pp all of the continuously increment of applied stresses in the end.
CV6311_Goh 89

Loading1 (isotropiccompression, drained)

p'1 = p1 u1 = p1 0 = p1

q'1 = q1

= - u
Shear stress is unaffected by pore water pressure.


p'1 = p0 + p'1 = 0 + 1 = 1

q1 = q0 + q1 = 0 + 0 = 0
Since the excess pore water pressure u1 dissipates as th pore water the t drains d i f from th soil, the il the th mean effective ff ti stress at the end of each increment of loading 1 is equal to the mean total stress. stress The ESP and TSP are the same. CV6311_Goh 90

Loading2 (keep3 constantand i increase 1) Undrained U d i dtest, t t ESP

p'2 = p2 u2 = 1 + 23 u 2 3 + 2 0 1 = 1 =0 3 3 q'2 = q2

(shearstressisunaffectedby porewaterpressures) AtpointBandB'

p2 ' = p'1+ p'2 = 1 + 0 = 1

q2 = q1 + q2 = 0 + 1 = 1
CV6311_Goh 91

The maximum change in excess pore water pressure at the end of loading 2 is

u2 = p2 p'2 =

4 1 1 1 = 1 3 3

For a drained loading condition, ESP = TSP. For an undrained condition, the ESP for a linear, elastic soil is vertical, and the vertical ESP line tends to bend while the soil starts to yield.
CV6311_Goh 92

Essential points: A stress path is a graphical representation of stresses in stress space. p The effective stress path for a linear, elastic soil under undrained condition is vertical; that is, is p p=0 =0. The mean stress difference between the total stress path and the effective path is the excess pore water pressure. The response, stability, and failure of soils depend on stress paths.



A triaxial t i i l test t t was carried i d out t on a soil il specimen. i Th specimen The i was isotropically loaded to 200 kPa under drained conditions. Subsequently, the radial stress was held constant and the axial stress was increased incrementally to 440 kPa under undrained conditions. Plot the total and effective stress paths, assuming the soil is a linear, isotropic, elastic material.

Initially, drained loading, so u = 0.

p' =

'1+2'3 '1+2'1 = = '1 3 3

po = p'o = 0 + p' = 200kPa

qo = q'o = 0
TSP and ESP are represented by the line OA
CV6311_Goh 94

This is followed by y undrained loading, g, so u is not 0.

3 = 0

1 = 440 200 = 240kPa

p =

1 + 2 3 240 + 0 = = 80kPa 3 3

q = 1 3 = 240 0 = 240kPa
slope of TSP Current stress state:

q 240 = =3 p 80

p = po + p = 200 + 80 = 280kPa q = qo + q = 0 + 240 = 240kPa

p' = p'o + p' = 200 + 0 = 200kPa


elastic soil

Coordinates of A: ( (200, , 0) ) Coordinates of B: (280, 240) Coordinates of B: (200, 240)

q B B maximum excess pwp = 80 kPa B



p, p p



Dense sand / OC clay

Strain softening D Deviato or stress s

Loose sand or NC clay S Same 3

Axial strain%
+ compression

Typical T i l Drained B h i Behaviour of f Sand/Clay

-- dilation
CV6311_Goh 97

Volum metric c strain n

Stress path plot for CD tests

Deviator str ress

Dense sand / OC clay

q = 1 - 3

Failure line

Ultimate line

Loose sand L d or NC clay Same 3

Axial strain% p = (1 + 23)/3



D Deviato or stre ess

D Dense sand d / OC clay l

Loose sand / NC clay Same 3

Axial strain%
+ positive

Pore pr ressure e hange ch

Typical Undrained Behaviour of Sand/clay

-- negative
CV6311_Goh 99

Effective Stress path plot for CU tests

Dense sand / OC clay
A De eviator r stress s q = 1 - 3 -u A

Same 3
B +u

Loose sand / NC clay

Axial strain%

p = (1 + 23)/3 )/



Typical Construction andStress Paths

Under drained, undrained or partially ti ll drained d i d conditions. diti

F il Failure line li

B C D Failur e line




Stress path beneath an embankment under staged construction Finite element prediction of field effective stress paths After Jardine and Smith (1991)
CV6311_Goh 102

Change of 1 di ti direction with ith embankment height Effective stress paths predicted during multi-stage loading 103 CV6311_Goh

CU Test T t
Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test
Real Soil
q 2cu ESP TSP p or p ESP TSP p or p Kf q = 100 kPa

13 2cu Kf

- curve

cu from c'' cu measured

c'- ' over-predicted cu !!!

CV6311_Goh 104

Lets look at CU test on a normally consolidated clay. Real Soil
q Uf Kf q

Elastic Soil



TSP p or p p


TSP p or p p

The predicted pore pressure is much smaller than the measured!

CV6311_Goh 105

Method A
It over-estimates the undrained shear strength g and underestimates the excess pore pressure of a normally consolidated clay.
Real Soil
q Uf Kf q

Elastic Soil
Kf 2cu Uf

2cu ESP

TSP p or p p


TSP p or p p

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