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9:00am – 327 Graff Main Hall

July 29, 2009

Members: Joe Heim, Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh (via conference call) and Bart Van
Visitors: Bob Hoar; Paula Knudson; Dr. Brian Allen

1. July 15 Minutes amended and approved: M/S/P

2. Chair’s Report:
a. Spring meeting dates were approved and will be posted on the Faculty Senate
website. The April 29th meeting will be the organizational meeting for 45th Faculty
b. A meeting of committee conveners will be scheduled for September 1st at 9:00am.
c. The first regular SEC meeting of the 2009-10 AY is scheduled for September 1st at
4:00pm in 327 GMH.

3. Faculty Senate Seat Replacements:

a. Two-Year At-Large Seat (replaces Bruce Riley): Chuck Lee (CLS – History) will be
asked to fill this seat. Open seats are traditionally filled with those who ran for a
Senate seat, but were not elected. Chuck fits this category as he ran in the CLS
category; therefore, is eligible to fill the At-Large seat.
b. One-Year SAH Seat (replaces Brian Udermann): Since the number of open seats
was equal to the number of candidates at the last election, there are no ready
replacements for this seat. Becky will put out a call for volunteers from SAH and
SEC will select a replacement senator at our next meeting.

4. Assistant Dean of Students Search and Screen Committee Nominations:

a. SEC will forward 3 faculty/IAS and 2 alternates by July 30.

5. Committee Charges:
a. Special charges were discussed.
b. Two additional thoughts with regards to committees:
i. With the increase in online offerings, do we need to think about an online
advisory/curriculum committee? Would the CATL advisory committee be a
good place to start with this idea?
ii. Which committee should be charged with long-term monitoring of textbook
rental? This would be a good issue to discuss at the committee conveners

6. Paula Knudson & Dr. Allen – Discussion of H1N1 & Implications for Fall:
a. The Obama administration has advised all health care facilities to plan for increased
incidence and widespread outbreaks as the fall flu season approaches.
b. The standard recommendation for H1N1 is self-isolation for 7 days when
experiencing any flu-like symptoms. It is not out of the realm of possibility for 30% of
the student/faculty population to be infected simultaneously. How would this affect
UWL’s policies on class absence and notification, etc. Paula is asking that faculty
work with Student Life to come up with more flexible alternatives to requiring a
doctor’s note to be excused from class, etc.
c. Becky will send out a note from Faculty Senate to ask faculty to start thinking about
possible ways to increase flexibility as they plan their course syllabi. In addition, it
would be a good idea for the Chancellor to bring this up at the All-University meeting,
for Deans to bring it up at the College meetings and for Departments to have a
discussion on this topic. Another thought is to invite Paula and Dr. Allen to attend the
Chair’s Workshop on August 26.

Meeting adjourned at 11:05am.

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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