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From: A\\ AG \l\s worKng


To: The


refer to the aforesaid various occasions maY Pl FCIESU on22l1ll20l3 which will be that Hon'ble Minister of on the will be addressed on or befo by uni

. In this regards,

BKNK sangh and Agitation Pr' ram issued bY str1k9 imated that one daY token be referred. Whereirr it was called the strike has been postponed to 1311212013' Er ",*ffy that demands raised ir.v. Thomas has 13iven wri utt*u""e





40% position deficit i


is like t

held, it is observed that general and demonstrations Lr ho r, from the various lunch regarding imPlementation more attenti'cn while getting is and P-ension regarding PRMS iriview-the current staff fading out' are IVlmploYees and ""pi"g is a huge amount of ririge benefits to Cat'III be seen at thrl first si iittur",tt"t. can rit streng sanctioned rsainst the year 2011, there were atleast 3-4 :r many of us joinred in tht FCI' in of ManPower '"-t A eC-tt. Now a daYs, situation . That too of the level of A RO of section in each that too of the level of AG-III' RO of section each in assi there are onlY 1-2 of FCI which are relativelY of work on the Young huge burden in


is a

compare to the senior

joi in the month of JanuarY-2O ven the AG IIIs who had ture of FCI for Cat. III and IV n for this is a Poor PaY st Main 50% ofthe total selected had ioined the dutY was IIIs Govt. bodies and PSiUs' Best pay structure compare to ot was t ilerk, working at the basi of 8000/-, is drawing almost that a by our G III working at the basic of


have resigned from their duties' rloyees. Infact the number The only reason behind this le to elaborate this would be salarY which is being drawn


rehousing work of FCI food grains' is mainlY involverd with urther. our sister firm, CWC hich with CWC such as BSNL,SFC our FCI. Oth,er PSUs long to pare "at structure salarY is havi s a far better the equivalent post of AG IIIs ed their emPloYees who zffe ern benefit fringe 40% as allowing a etc. schemes of Govt of India as well various wel implementing of contributory largest FCI in FCI. FCI is the n on the Young shoulders of extra amount of pplies. Even food securitY bil will also Put PDS the work of FCI. will be resPonsible to carrY
are requi Keeping aforesaid factors in ind, following Points A IIIs in FCI as theY are the better rteniion of newlY recruited anY IFs l. Implementation of 407o frir benefits without FCI ) Internal Promotions throu , competitive exams in are all theY promotions for newlY rec ited peoPle as theY Prov d.r"*.t much more' If thi is not possible, which is curentl of 03 years of service witho :promotion PaY'la Implementation of "Grade ay" alongwith "Basi'c other for Govt. bodies. If MOU ca be reoPened If not including and addressing is issue as well.

to be addressed on toP PrioritY for of FCI. BUTs on toP PrioritY basis' which will enhance the scoPe of hightY qualified and their talent of"aOOitional increment at the end at 08 years of service' per the Practice of other PSUs and nds, same can be reoPened for then revision of basic PaY as

demanded bY



resentation is not a , this ofan hou to add :ss this issues as they from the lce f the corporation at li basis, days not far away Appoi nt of ired employees are emplo keep igning at this employ

ltatlon process. But it is the need ited employees who are resigning are not addressed on top priority there will be only old Files in and nobody to handle them. for taking benefit of experience. If newly recruited , nobody will be left in FCI ho has learned from the senior
re directly related to newly rec ing fast speed. If this i

bel or oppose ofthe ongoing

since lm sho are not in learned m y thi career lm have joi 40%o,how we corporatio as we

we joined in 2011, y. We have gave out leave FCI as we ha in last few years we go and whatever 40Yo fringe benefits. 3, ane often making

have been given hopes t efforts alongwith our earned our bread and meal service in FCI which will al do. But after wait of almost is is a really demoralizins mments that you people ume or believe that will get it. All this is ulti re running short of o required manpower which is

40% fnnge benefits will be to FCI in the last few years. We

this organization. We have have great influence on our J years, there is no surety about velopment. Those AG-IiIs who ng since 2011, haven't got this ly hampering the interest of the ing bad to worst day by day.
compare to you senior people. ntation is totally inline with just are putting a case forward ll of us to survive in this era of l, then newly recruited people ited people will remain in FCI, what they are doing right now, e are not denying the fact that rd as these are also in the larse f the aforesaid issues ur. nit f PRMS orpension scheme.

of FCI. We have least knowled fabulous job in the and still doing it. Our this our on goi g agi lon program. We are making our ways apart. W from the vi poi of newly recruited A IIIs. As it is very difficult for inflation th cu pay structure. If a id demands are impl will have uch re hope of enhancing ir careers in FCI. If newly then only t be earning PRMS or ion. But if they resign like there will in FCI to take bene t of PRMS or pension scheme. PRMS and nsl schemes are as much mportant as our aforesaid de and long rml of all the empl of our organization. But addressed rly nobody might be left i the corporation to take benefit

All of you

Sir, we are like new born chil


announced be in any

allowing ''EXIT

If the same is to allow any such ty

is that General el

program to get for the Govt.

ons ofLok Sabha is approachi in near future. Which will be J, then code of conduct will applicable. So Govt. will not of benefits to us. Hence w should not loose any time by Right now momentum is wi us and we should not let anv

Our you is to bring in light the issue of 40% fri benefits to Cat. III and IV employees it center of attention. As if the aforesaid demands addressed on priority basis, it is very nlikely that the newly recru ted people will be retained i not FCI. With hopes of positive considerati from our side. Conclusion:

2.Internal 3.lmple

lon o 40o/o fringe benefits fi Cat.III and IV employees I exams & Additi increment after 03 years if lon o Grade Pay/ Pay u tion

is no promotion.

Thanking you,

RO Ahmed




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