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uaLanomlc LLd Cambrldge Sclence ark MllLon 8oad Cambrldge C8 Cl

L f e lnfodaLanomlccom
8eglsLered ln Lngland and Wales
Company 8eg vA1 no
Case Management User Guide
DI Iormat
Table of Contents
1ab|e of Contents
Chapter We|come to Case Management
Case ManagemenL concepLs
Case key
Case source
LxLended aLLrlbuLe
Chapter User Interface Cverv|ew
1he 8rowser Screen
1he navlgaLlon bar
1he 8rowser pane
1he 8esulLs pane
Leavlng Lhe 8rowser screen
1he lllLer Screen
LnLerlng Lhe lllLer screen
1he navlgaLlon bar
1he 8rowser pane
1he 8esulLs pane
Leavlng Lhe lllLer screen
1he Case screen
LnLerlng Lhe Case screen
1he navlgaLlon bar
1he Summary pane
1he 8esulLs pane
Leavlng Lhe case screen

1he AlerL Screen
LnLerlng Lhe AlerL screen
1he navlgaLlon bar
1he Summary pane
1he 8esulLs pane
Leavlng Lhe AlerL screen
Chapter Us|ng Case Management
LdlLlng Cases and AlerLs
Changlng Lhe SLaLe of Cases and AlerLs
Asslgnlng Cases and AlerLs
Addlng CommenLs Lo Cases and AlerLs
Addlng ALLachmenLs Lo Cases and AlerLs
LdlLlng Case and AlerL ueLalls
Maklng 8ulk LdlLs
8ulk ueleLlons
Worklng wlLh fllLers
CreaLlng lllLers
Managlng lllLers
LxporLlng 1o Lxcel

Chapter 1: Welcome to Case Management
Case ManagemenL ls a parL of Lhe dnulrecLor sulLe of appllcaLlons uslng Case Man
agemenL you can manage and revlew Cases and AlerLs ln an lnLegraLed and dynamlc
1hese help pages are deslgned Lo geL you sLarLed qulckly wlLh Case ManagemenL and Lo
provlde a useful reference when uslng Lhe producL lollow Lhe llnks below for an lnLro
ducLlon Lo Lhe maln feaLures of Case ManagemenL
Case managemenL concepLs
1he Case ManagemenL user lnLerface
Case ManagemenL Lasks and operaLlons
1.1 Case Management concepts
1hls Loplc descrlbes Lhe ma[or concepLs used ln Lhe case managemenL appllcaLlon 1he
Lerms covered here are
l AlerL
l AlerL key
l ALLrlbuLe
l Case
l Case key
l Case source
l LxLended aLLrlbuLe
l ermlsslon
l SLaLe
l 1ranslLlon
l Workflow
1.1.1 Alert
An olett ls Lhe smallesL unlL of revlew work used ln Case ManagemenL An alerL usually
represenLs a posslble maLch beLween Lwo records from dlfferenL daLa sources 1he con
LenLs of an alerL are deflned by Lhe alerL key
AlerLs are grouped LogeLher Lo form cases AlerLs have a number of aLLrlbuLes whose
values may change over Llme lncludlng Lhe currenL sLaLe and Lhe permlsslon AlerLs may
also have exLended aLLrlbuLes lf any have been conflgured for Lhe sysLem
1.1.2 Attribute
Atttlbotes are flelds LhaL are presenL on all cases and alerLs 1hey conLaln daLa whlch does
noL dlrecLly reflecL Lhe daLa submlLLed Lo Lhe maLchlng process alLhough lL may be
derlved from lL
ALLrlbuLe values can be seL as parL of Lhe processlng carrled ouL by Lhe recepLlon rules
8ecepLlon rules may also examlne aLLrlbuLe values as parL of Lhelr condlLlonal processlng
ALLrlbuLe values may also be changed as a resulL of a LranslLlon or when a sLaLe explres

1.1.3 Case
A cose ls a group of relaLed alerLs 1he conLenLs of a case are deflned by Lhe case key
1.1.4 Case key
1he cose key whlch ls deflned ln Lhe case source speclfles Lhe way LhaL alerLs wlll be
grouped LogeLher Lo form a case 8ecause a case ls a group of relaLed alerLs a case key ls
usually formed from a subseL of Lhe flelds ln Lhe alerL key CfLen an approprlaLe case key
ldenLlfles a slngle row from Lhe worklng daLa lf Lhls ls so a case wlll be assoclaLed wlLh a
slngle worklng daLa row and wlll conLaln all Lhe alerLs generaLed by maLchlng LhaL row
wlLh Lhe reference daLa sources
1.1.5 Case source
A cose sootce deflnes Lhe way ln whlch alerLs are gaLhered Lo form cases and whaL daLa
wlll be submlLLed Lo Case ManagemenL for revlew A slngle case source may be used for
several dlfferenL screenlng processes buL because lL deflnes Lhe flelds LhaL are used as
Lhe lnpuL Lo Case ManagemenL all Lhe cases and alerLs from LhaL source can be handled
ln a slmllar way
A case source also speclfles whlch workflows wlll be used for Lhe cases and alerLs gen
eraLed from Lhls processor
1.1.6 Extended attribute
xteoJeJ otttlbotes are cusLom flelds LhaL are presenL on cases and alerLs 1hey are pop
ulaLed and processed ln a slmllar way Lo aLLrlbuLes buL are deflned and sLored dlfferenLly
1.1.7 State
5totes along wlLh LranslLlons are Lhe bulldlng blocks of workflows 1he sLaLe of an alerL
or a case lndlcaLes lLs poslLlon ln Lhe workflow Lach sLaLe deflnes Lhe valld LranslLlons ouL
of LhaL sLaLe
A sLaLe can also be conflgured Lo explre auLomaLlcally whlch may resulL ln a LranslLlon Lo
a new sLaLe or ln changes Lo Lhe values of lLs aLLrlbuLes or exLended aLLrlbuLes
1.1.8 Transition
1toosltloos deflne Lhe ways a case or alerL can enLer a new sLaLe A LranslLlon speclfles
Lhe new sLaLe for Lhe case or alerL plus any changes Lo aLLrlbuLe or exLended aLLrlbuLe
values LhaL should occur aL Lhe same Llme AssoclaLlng a LranslLlon wlLh a sLaLe means
LhaL a case or alerL can move from LhaL sLaLe lnLo Lhe one speclfled by Lhe LranslLlon A
case or alerL may only leave lLs currenL sLaLe by followlng one of Lhe LranslLlons asslgned
Lo LhaL sLaLe
8ecause LranslLlons speclfy only Lhe new sLaLe for Lhe case or alerL Lhey may be reused
many Llmes ln a workflow lor example a LranslLlon called LoSecondLevel8evlew mlghL
speclfy LhaL a case or alerL wlll move lnLo a sLaLe called SecondLevel8evlew 1haL Lran
slLlon mlghL be assoclaLed wlLh a sLaLe called llrsLLevel8evlew and wlLh a sLaLe called

AwalLlngMorelnformaLlon 1hls assoclaLlon lmplles LhaL cases and lssues can move lnLo
Lhe SecondLevel8evlew sLaLe from elLher of Lhe Lwo oLher sLaLes
1ranslLlons may also requlre a commenL Lo be added CommenL LemplaLes can be deflned
for each LranslLlon Lo reflecL frequenLlyused reasons or phrases
1.1.9 Workflow
A wotkflow conslsLs of a serles of sLaLes llnked by LranslLlons 1ogeLher Lhese form a neL
work whlch represenLs a valld case or alerL llfecycle A workflow may also deflne param
eLers whlch can carry addlLlonal lnformaLlon from Lhe maLch processor and recepLlon
rules whlch speclfy Lhe processlng carrled ouL on a new case or alerL when lL ls flrsL
Cases and alerLs pass Lhrough Lhe workflow by movlng from one sLaLe Lo anoLher valld
sLaLe changes are deflned by Lhe LranslLlons assoclaLed wlLh Lhe currenL sLaLe
1he sLaLe of a case or an alerL can lndlcaLe how much work has been done on Lhe case or
alerL whaL ls currenLly known abouL Lhe case or alerL and whaL Lhe nexL sLeps are for
LhaL case or alerL A slmple workflow mlghL conslsL of Lhe followlng sLaLes represenLed by
boxes and LranslLlons shown by arrows
A case source ls conflgured Lo use Lwo workflows one for alerLs and one for cases

Chapter 2: User Interface Overview
1he Case ManagemenL user lnLerface ls deslgned for slmpllclLy and ease of use All Lhe
Case ManagemenL screens use Lhe same baslc layouL
l 1he Lop of Lhe screen conLalns a Loolbar conLalnlng navlgaLlon and bulk edlL con
l 1he lefL hand slde of Lhe screen conLalns summary lnformaLlon and edlLlng con
l 1he resL of Lhe screen conLalns more deLalled lnformaLlon whlch varles dependlng
on Lhe screen you are currenLly uslng
1here are four maln screens
l 1he 8rowser screen where you can browse cases and alerLs accordlng Lo prede
flned fllLers
l 1he lllLer screen where you can creaLe and edlL fllLers for use ln Lhe 8rowser
l 1he AlerL screen where you can see and change Lhe deLalls of a slngle alerL
l 1he Case screen where you can see and change Lhe deLalls of a slngle case

1he exacL conLenLs and layouL of your screens wlll depend on how Case ManagemenL has
been conflgured and also on Lhe securlLy permlsslons LhaL have been granLed Lo you
2.1 The Browser Screen
1he 8rowser screen ls used Lo flnd cases and alerLs by selecLlng predeflned fllLers
l 1he navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen allows you Lo refresh Lhe screen [ump
sLralghL Lo a case or an alerL or Lo perform bulk operaLlons on Lhe currenL resulLs
l 1he 8rowser pane on Lhe lefL of Lhe screen llsLs Lhe fllLers avallable Lo you
l 1he 8esulLs pane on Lhe rlghL of Lhe screen dlsplays Lhe cases andor alerLs asso
claLed wlLh Lhe fllLer you have currenLly selecLed
lllLers are deflned on Lhe lllLer screen and appear ln Lhe 8rowser pane on Lhls screen
Cllck on a fllLer Lo selecL lL 1he records reLurned by Lhe selecLed fllLer are dlsplayed ln
Lhe 8esulLs pane
2.1.1 The navigation bar
1he navlgaLlon bar conLalns several dlfferenL conLrols
8efer Lo Lhe Lable below for a descrlpLlon of how each one works
use Lhls buLLon Lo refresh Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe screen Lo be
sure lL ls up Lo daLe
use Lhls buLLon lf you know Lhe lu of a case or an alerL and
wanL Lo go dlrecLly Lo lL LnLer Lhe lu ln Lhe LexL box and cllck
on Lhe arrow
use Lhls buLLon Lo change Lhe deLalls of all Lhe cases andor
alerLs ln Lhe 8esulLs pane See Maklng 8ulk LdlLs for more
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe cor
recL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol
aL all
use Lhls buLLon Lo deleLe all Lhe cases andor alerLs ln Lhe
8esulLs pane See 8ulk ueleLlons for more deLalls
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe cor
recL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol
aL all

use Lhls buLLon Lo exporL Lhe cases andor alerLs ln Lhe 8esulLs
pane Lo an Lxcel spreadsheeL See LxporLlng Lo Lxcel for more
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe cor
recL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol
aL all
2.1.2 The Browser pane
1he 8rowser pane llsLs all Lhe saved fllLers LhaL you can use Lo search for cases and alerLs
1hree llsLs of fllLers are presenL ln Lhe pane
l Iavor|tes llsLs all Lhe fllLers LhaL you have marked as a favorlLe Cnly your favorlLes
wlll appear here oLher users wlll have Lhelr own favorlLes llsL
l G|oba| llsLs all Lhe fllLers LhaL have been deflned and shared wlLh all users
l User llsLs all Lhe fllLers LhaL you have deflned for your own use
Lach llsL can be collapsed Lo hlde lLs conLenLs or expanded 1he blue arrow nexL Lo Lhe
secLlon name shows wheLher Lhe llsL ls expanded downward polnLlng arrow or collapsed
sldeways polnLlng arrow Cllck on Lhe arrow or Lhe name of Lhe llsL nexL Lo lL Lo swlLch
beLween sLaLes
Cllck on a fllLer Lo selecL lL 1he selecLed fllLer wlll be shown ln bold Lype and Lhe cases
andor alerLs reLurned by Lhe fllLer wlll be shown ln Lhe 8esulLs pane
ln Lhe followlng dlagram Lhe unasslgned cases and alerLs fllLer ln Lhe Clobal llsL has
been selecLed

lf you mark a fllLer as a favorlLe lL wlll be added Lo your lavorlLes llsL and marked wlLh a
yellow sLar lL wlll sLlll show up ln Lhe orlglnal llsL as well as Lhe lavorlLes llsL
lf you have any fllLers whlch have reporLlng opLlons deflned for any of Lhe fllLers ln Lhe
llsL Lhey wlll be shown wlLh a cllpboard lcon See CreaLlng lllLers 1he 8eporLlng secLlon
for more lnformaLlon on seLLlng reporLlng opLlons for fllLers
1he boLLom of Lhe pane lncludes a search box As soon as you sLarL Lyplng ln Lhe box Lhe
llsL wlll lmmedlaLely be fllLered Lo lnclude only fllLer names LhaL conLaln Lhe leLLers you
have Lyped 1o clear Lhe search cllck on Lhe x nexL Lo Lhe box
1o flnd ouL more abouL favorlLes and global fllLers see Managlng lllLers
2.1.3 The Results pane
1he 8esulLs pane wlll be empLy when you flrsL open Case ManagemenL lL dlsplays all Lhe
cases and alerLs reLurned by Lhe selecLed fllLer

?our resulLs pane may have a dlfferenL layouL dependlng on how lL has been conflgured
1he LlLle bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe pane wlll lnclude Lhe name of Lhe fllLer you have selecLed
and Lhe LoLal number of lLems boLh cases and alerLs LhaL Lhe fllLer has reLurned
2.1.4 Leaving the Browser screen
lrom Lhe 8rowser screen you can move Lo Lhe lllLer screen Lo Lhe AlerLs screen or Lo Lhe
Cases screen
l 1o move Lo Lhe lllLer screen cllck on Lhe lllLers Lab aL Lhe boLLom lefL of Lhe
?ou can only enLer Lhe AlerLs or Cases screens from here lf Lhe 8esulLs pane conLalns
alerLs or cases
l 1o enLer Lhe AlerLs screen doublecllck on an alerL ln Lhe 8esulLs llsL
l 1o enLer Lhe Cases screen double cllck on a case ln Lhe 8esulLs llsL

2.2 The Filter Screen
1he lllLer Screen ls used Lo creaLe and edlL fllLers See Managlng lllLers for more deLalls
on creaLlng and edlLlng fllLers
l 1he navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen allows you Lo refresh Lhe screen [ump
sLralghL Lo a case or an alerL or Lo perform bulk operaLlons on Lhe currenL resulLs
l 1he 8rowser pane on Lhe lefL of Lhe screen conLalns conLrols for creaLlng and edlL
lng fllLers
l 1he 8esulLs pane on Lhe rlghL of Lhe screen dlsplays Lhe cases andor alerLs asso
claLed wlLh Lhe currenLly acLlve fllLer
2.2.1 Entering the Filter screen
1o move Lo Lhe lllLer screen cllck on Lhe lllLers Lab aL Lhe boLLom lefL of Lhe 8rowser
lf you enLered Lhe Case or AlerL screen dlrecLly from Lhe lllLer screen you wlll be
reLurned Lo lL when you close Lhe Case or AlerL screen
2.2.2 The navigation bar
1he navlgaLlon bar conLalns several dlfferenL conLrols
8efer Lo Lhe Lable below for a descrlpLlon of how each one works
use Lhls buLLon Lo refresh Lhe lnformaLlon on Lhe screen Lo be
sure lL ls up Lo daLe
use Lhls buLLon lf you know Lhe lu of a case or an alerL and
wanL Lo go dlrecLly Lo lL LnLer Lhe lu ln Lhe LexL box and cllck
on Lhe arrow
use Lhls buLLon Lo change Lhe deLalls of all Lhe cases andor
alerLs ln Lhe 8esulLs pane See Maklng 8ulk LdlLs for more
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe cor

recL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol
aL all
use Lhls buLLon Lo deleLe all Lhe cases andor alerLs ln Lhe
8esulLs pane See 8ulk ueleLlon for more deLalls
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe cor
recL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol
aL all
use Lhls buLLon Lo exporL Lhe cases andor alerLs ln Lhe 8esulLs
pane Lo an Lxcel spreadsheeL See LxporLlng Lo Lxcel for more
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe cor
recL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol
aL all
2.2.3 The Browser pane
1he 8rowser pane llsLs all Lhe fllLer opLlons and dlsplays Lhe currenL fllLer conflguraLlon
1he opLlons are dlvlded lnLo flve secLlons
l 1he Genera| secLlon allows you Lo perform LexL searches Lo fllLer by case source
and Lo speclfy only cases or alerLs
l 1he Attr|butes secLlon allows you Lo fllLer on Lhe sLandard aLLrlbuLes of cases and
l 1he Lxtended Attr|butes secLlon allows you Lo fllLer on Lhe exLended aLLrlbuLes of
cases and alerLs
l 1he Source Attr|butes secLlon allows you Lo fllLer on Lhe aLLrlbuLes assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe case source lf a case source has been selecLed
l 1he keport|ng secLlon allows you Lo creaLe a fllLer whlch reLurns summarlzed
resulLs ln a grld formaL ?ou can drlll down on Lhe grld resulLs Lo lnvesLlgaLe each
caLegory furLher
1o flnd ouL more abouL uslng Lhese opLlons see CreaLlng lllLers
Lach secLlon can be collapsed Lo hlde lLs conLenLs or expanded 1he blue arrow nexL Lo
Lhe secLlon name shows wheLher lL ls expanded downward polnLlng arrow or collapsed
sldeways polnLlng arrow Cllck on Lhe arrow or Lhe name of Lhe secLlon nexL Lo lL Lo
swlLch beLween sLaLes

Conflgure Lhe fllLer by selecLlng elemenLs from Lhe llsL and provldlng values as appro
prlaLe Lhen cllck on Lhe green arrow Lo vlew Lhe resulLs ln Lhe 8esulLs pane on Lhe
1he boLLom of Lhe pane lncludes several buLLons as well as Lhe green arrow
use Lhls buLLon Lo save Lhe currenL fllLer conflguraLlon lf you are edlLlng a
fllLer LhaL has already been saved you can choose beLween overwrlLlng Lhe
orlglnal fllLer or savlng Lhe deLalls Lo a new one
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seL
Llngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
use Lhls buLLon Lo collapse all Lhe fllLer opLlon secLlons
use Lhls buLLon Lo expand all Lhe fllLer opLlon secLlons
use Lhls buLLon Lo expand all Lhe acLlve fllLer opLlon secLlons Any secLlon

LhaL you have used Lo creaLe your fllLer ls consldered acLlve
use Lhls buLLon Lo clear all Lhe seLLlngs for Lhe acLlve fllLer
use Lhls buLLon Lo vlew Lhe cases and alerLs reLurned by Lhe currenL fllLer seL
1o flnd ouL more abouL deslgnlng and creaLlng fllLers see CreaLlng lllLers
2.2.4 The Results pane
1he 8esulLs pane wlll be empLy when you flrsL open Case ManagemenL lL dlsplays all Lhe
cases and alerLs assoclaLed reLurned by Lhe fllLer when you press Lhe green arrow
?our resulLs pane may have a dlfferenL layouL dependlng on how lL has been conflgured
1he LlLle bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe pane wlll lnclude Lhe name of Lhe fllLer you have selecLed
followed by an asLerlsk lf ls has been alLered and Lhe LoLal number of lLems boLh
cases and alerLs LhaL Lhe fllLer has reLurned
2.2.5 Leaving the Filter screen
lrom Lhe lllLer screen you can move Lo Lhe 8rowser screen Lo Lhe AlerLs screen or Lo Lhe
Cases screen
l 1o move Lo Lhe 8rowser screen cllck on Lhe 8rowsers Lab aL Lhe boLLom lefL of Lhe

?ou can only enLer Lhe AlerLs or Cases screens from here lf Lhe 8esulLs pane conLalns
alerLs or cases
l 1o enLer Lhe AlerLs screen doublecllck on an alerL ln Lhe 8esulLs llsL
l 1o enLer Lhe Cases screen double cllck on a case ln Lhe 8esulLs llsL
2.3 The Case screen
1he Case screen ls used Lo vlew asslgn edlL and change Lhe sLaLe of cases ln Lhls screen
you vlew Lhe deLalls of one case aL a Llme from your llsL of currenLly acLlve cases ?our
currenLly acLlve case llsL conLalns all Lhe cases whlch were reLurned by Lhe fllLer LhaL you
selecLed ln Lhe 8rowser screen or ln Lhe lllLer screen
l 1he navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen allows you Lo move beLween Lhe cases
ln your llsL or Lo reLurn Lo your llsL of cases
l 1he Summary pane on Lhe lefL of Lhe screen dlsplays an overvlew of Lhe selecLed
case and provldes conLrols for edlLlng Lhe case
l 1he 8esulLs pane on Lhe rlghL of Lhe screen ls spllL lnLo an upper and a lower area
1he upper area dlsplays Lhe alerLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe case and Lhe lower area dls
plays Lhe hlsLory of Lhe case

2.3.1 Entering the Case screen
?ou can enLer Lhe Case screen by
l uoublecllcklng on a case ln Lhe resulLs panel of elLher Lhe 8rowser screen or Lhe
lllLer screen 1he Case screen wlll open wlLh Lhe case you doublecllcked as Lhe
selecLed case
l resslng Lhe Co Lo Case buLLon ln Lhe AlerL screen

2.3.2 The navigation bar
1he navlgaLlon bar conLalns several dlfferenL conLrols whlch allow you Lo navlgaLe
beLween cases
8efer Lo Lhe Lable below for a descrlpLlon of how each one works
use Lhls buLLon Lo leave Lhe Case screen and reLurn Lo Lhe
lllLer or 8rowser screen
use Lhls conLrol Lo move beLween cases 1he ouLer Lwo
buLLons wlll Lake you Lo Lhe flrsL of Lhe lasL case ln Lhe llsL
respecLlvely 1he lnner Lwo buLLons wlll Lake you Lo Lhe
prevlous or Lhe nexL case ln Lhe llsL 1he capLlon beLween
Lhe buLLons shows you whlch case you are on and how
many cases Lhere are ln Lhe llsL
2.3.3 The Summary pane
1he Summary pane ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree secLlons
l 1he Current State secLlon aL Lhe Lop of Lhe panel dlsplays Lhe currenL sLaLe and
derlved sLaLe of Lhe case as well as Lhe name of Lhe user who lasL changed Lhe
sLaLe of Lhe case and when lL was changed
l 1he Ava||ab|e Act|ons secLlon conLalns Lhe conLrols for edlLlng Lhe case 1he con
Lrols avallable may appear dlfferenL Lo Lhe ones shown here because Lhey depend
on Lhe sLaLe of Lhe case and your securlLy permlsslons See LdlLlng Cases and AlerLs
for deLalls of Lhe acLlons LhaL may be avallable Lo you here
l 1he Summary secLlon conLalns furLher lnformaLlon abouL Lhe case ?ou can choose
wheLher Lo show Lhe mlnlmum summary lnformaLlon or Lhe exLended verslon

1he boLLom of Lhe pane lncludes several buLLons
use Lhls buLLon Lo edlL Lhe case deLalls see for more lnformaLlon
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seL
Llngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1hls buLLon ls dlsplayed when Lhe mlnlmum summary lnformaLlon ls shown
ress lL Lo see Lhe expanded summary lnformaLlon
1hls buLLon ls dlsplayed when Lhe exLended summary lnformaLlon ls shown
ress lL Lo see Lhe mlnlmum summary lnformaLlon
2.3.4 The Results pane
1he 8esulLs pane ls spllL lnLo an upper and a lower area 1he upper area dlsplays Lhe
alerLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe case and Lhe lower area dlsplays Lhe audlL Lrall for Lhe case

?our resulLs pane may have a dlfferenL layouL dependlng on how lL has been conflgured
1he Labs aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe AudlL Log pane can be used Lo fllLer Lhe lnformaLlon so LhaL
only commenLs or aLLachmenLs or sLaLe hlsLory are shown SLaLe changes ln Lhe audlL
Lrall cannoL be edlLed buL commenLs and aLLachmenLs can be edlLed andor deleLed from
Lhls screen lease see
l LdlLlng and deleLlng commenLs for deLalls on manlpulaLlng commenLs
l LdlLlng and deleLlng aLLachmenLs for deLalls on manlpulaLlng aLLachmenLs
2.3.5 Leaving the case screen
lrom Lhe Case screen you can move Lo Lhe AlerL screen or reLurn Lo Lhe lllLer or
8rowser screen
l 1o move Lo Lhe AlerL screen double cllck on one of Lhe alerLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
l 1o reLurn Lo Lhe 8rowser or lllLer screen cllck on Lhe 8eLurn Lo LlsL buLLon ?ou wlll
be reLurned Lo whlchever screen you orlglnally used Lo enLered Lhe Case or AlerL

2.4 The Alert Screen
1he AlerLs Screen ls used Lo vlew asslgn edlL and change Lhe sLaLe of alerLs ln Lhls
screen you vlew Lhe deLalls of one alerL aL a Llme from your llsL of currenLly acLlve alerLs
?our currenLly acLlve alerL llsL conLalns all Lhe alerLs whlch were reLurned by Lhe fllLer
LhaL you selecLed ln Lhe 8rowser screen or ln Lhe lllLer screen
l 1he navlgaLlon bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen allows you Lo move beLween Lhe alerLs
ln your llsL Lo reLurn Lo your llsL of alerLs or Lo move Lo Lhe case assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe currenL alerL
l 1he Summary pane on Lhe lefL of Lhe screen dlsplays an overvlew of Lhe selecLed
alerL and provldes conLrols for edlLlng Lhe alerL
l 1he 8esulLs pane on Lhe rlghL of Lhe screen ls spllL lnLo an upper and a lower area
1he upper area dlsplays Lhe alerLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe alerL and Lhe lower area dls
plays Lhe hlsLory of Lhe alerL
2.4.1 Entering the Alert screen
?ou can enLer Lhe AlerL screen by
l uoublecllcklng on an alerL ln Lhe resulLs panel of elLher Lhe 8rowser screen or Lhe
lllLer screen 1he AlerL screen wlll open wlLh Lhe alerL you doublecllcked as Lhe
selecLed alerL
l uoublecllcklng on an assoclaLed alerL ln Lhe Case screen 1he AlerL screen wlll
open wlLh Lhe case you doublecllcked as Lhe selecLed case

2.4.2 The navigation bar
1he navlgaLlon bar conLalns several dlfferenL conLrols whlch allow you Lo navlgaLe
beLween or wlLhln cases
8efer Lo Lhe Lable below for a descrlpLlon of how each one works
use Lhls buLLon Lo leave Lhe AlerL screen and reLurn Lo Lhe
lllLer or 8rowser screen
use Lhls conLrol Lo move beLween alerLs ln Lhe llsL 1he
ouLer Lwo buLLons wlll Lake you Lo Lhe flrsL of Lhe lasL alerL
ln Lhe llsL respecLlvely 1he lnner Lwo buLLons wlll Lake
you Lo Lhe prevlous or Lhe nexL alerL ln Lhe llsL 1he cap
Llon beLween Lhe buLLons shows you whlch case you are
on and how many alerLs Lhere are ln Lhe llsL
use Lhls buLLon Lo move Lo Lhe case assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
selecLed AlerL
use Lhls conLrol Lo move beLween alerLs ln Lhe case 1he
Lwo buLLons wlll Lake you Lo Lhe prevlous or Lhe nexL alerL
ln Lhe llsL 1he capLlon beLween Lhe buLLons shows you
whlch alerL you are on and how many alerLs Lhere are ln
Lhe case
2.4.3 The Summary pane
1he Summary pane ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree secLlons
l 1he Current State secLlon aL Lhe Lop of Lhe panel dlsplays Lhe currenL sLaLe of Lhe
alerL as well as Lhe name of Lhe user who lasL changed Lhe sLaLe of Lhe alerL and
when lL was changed
l 1he Ava||ab|e Act|ons secLlon conLalns Lhe conLrols for edlLlng Lhe alerL 1he con
Lrols avallable may appear dlfferenL Lo Lhe ones shown here because Lhey depend
on Lhe sLaLe of Lhe alerL and your securlLy permlsslons See LdlLlng Cases and
AlerLs for deLalls of Lhe acLlons LhaL may be avallable Lo you here
l 1he Summary secLlon conLalns furLher lnformaLlon abouL Lhe case ?ou can choose
wheLher Lo show Lhe mlnlmum summary lnformaLlon or Lhe exLended verslon

1he boLLom of Lhe pane lncludes several buLLons
use Lhls buLLon Lo edlL Lhe case deLalls see LdlLlng Cases and AlerLs for
more lnformaLlon
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seL
Llngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1hls buLLon ls dlsplayed when Lhe mlnlmum summary lnformaLlon ls shown
ress lL Lo see Lhe expanded summary lnformaLlon
1hls buLLon ls dlsplayed when Lhe exLended summary lnformaLlon ls shown
ress lL Lo see Lhe mlnlmum summary lnformaLlon
2.4.4 The Results pane
1he 8esulLs pane ls spllL lnLo an upper and a lower area 1he upper area dlsplays Lhe rec
ords and relaLlonshlps assoclaLed wlLh Lhe alerL and Lhe lower area dlsplays Lhe audlL
Lrall for Lhe alerL

?our resulLs pane may have a dlfferenL layouL dependlng on how lL has been conflgured
1he Labs aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe AudlL Log pane can be used Lo fllLer Lhe lnformaLlon so LhaL
only commenLs or aLLachmenLs or sLaLe hlsLory are shown
2.4.5 Leaving the Alert screen
lrom Lhe AlerL screen you can move Lo Lhe Case screen Lo vlew Lhe case assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe alerL or reLurn Lo Lhe lllLer or 8rowser screen

l 1o move Lo Lhe Case screen press Lhe Co Lo Case buLLon ln Lhe Loolbar
l 1o reLurn Lo Lhe 8rowser or lllLer screen cllck on Lhe 8eLurn Lo LlsL buLLon ?ou
wlll be reLurned Lo whlchever screen you orlglnally used Lo enLered Lhe Case or
AlerL screen

Chapter 3: Using Case Management
1hls chapLer dlscusses Lhe maln operaLlons performed ln Case ManagemenL lL ls dlvlded
lnLo Lhree maln secLlons
LdlLlng Cases and AlerLs
Worklng wlLh lllLers
LxporLlng daLa Lo Lxcel
3.1 Editing Cases and Alerts
Cases and alerLs are edlLed from Lhe Cases screen or Lhe AlerLs screen respecLlvely 1he
changes LhaL you can make Lo cases and alerLs depends on boLh Lhe sLaLe of Lhe case or
alerL and on your securlLy seLLlngs Cenerally lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seL
Llngs Lo carry ouL an acLlon you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrols for LhaL acLlon 1hls
means LhaL Lhe screens LhaL you see may be sllghLly dlfferenL Lo Lhe ones plcLured here
1he followlng acLlons are covered ln Lhe resL of Lhls documenL
l Changlng Lhe sLaLe of cases and alerLs
l Asslgnlng cases and alerLs Lo a user
l Addlng a commenL Lo cases and alerLs
l Addlng aLLachmenLs Lo cases and alerLs
l LdlLlng case and alerL deLalls
3.1.1 Changing the State of Cases and Alerts
1o change Lhe sLaLe of a case or an alerL cllck on Lhe Change SLaLe llnk ln Lhe summary
pane of Lhe Case or AlerL screen 1hls wlll launch Lhe Change SLaLe dlalog
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all

The Change State dialog
1o speclfy a new sLaLe for Lhe case or alerL
l SelecL a 1ranslLlon from Lhe dropdown llsL 1hls llsL conLalns all Lhe valld Lran
slLlons for Lhe currenL sLaLe of Lhe case or alerL 1he LranslLlon you selecL wlll deLer
mlne Lhe new sLaLe of Lhe case or alerL
l Optloool Add a commenL descrlblng Lhe reason for Lhe sLaLe change
l Optloool SelecL one or more LemplaLe commenLs Lo apply Lo Lhls LranslLlon 1em
plote commeots are used Lo deflne sLandard or frequenLlyused reasons for a Lran
slLlon Lo save Lyplng ln Lhe same deLalls repeaLedly 1o use a LemplaLe commenL
selecL lL from Lhe dropdown llsL and Lhen cllck Lhe plus buLLon Lo add lL Lo Lhe
commenL block ?ou can add as many LemplaLe commenLs as you wlsh
l Optloool SelecL a permlsslon level from Lhe 8esLrlcL Lhls commenL llsL lf you
apply a permlsslon Lo Lhe commenL only users who have Lhls permlsslon wlll be
able Lo see lL Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL secu
rlLy seLLlngs you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
Cnce you have speclfled Lhe LranslLlon and commenL press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo apply your
3.1.1 Assigning Cases and Alerts
Cases and alerLs can be asslgned Lo users elLher lndlvldually or ln bulk 1hls secLlon ls con
cerned wlLh asslgnlng one case or alerL aL a Llme see Maklng bulk asslgnmenL changes
for lnformaLlon on asslgnlng mulLlple cases or alerLs aL once
Note users can edlL cases and alerLs even lf Lhey are noL asslgned Lo Lhem AsslgnmenL
ls noL a mandaLory parL of Case ManagemenL buL can be used Lo make Lhe dlvlslon of
work clearer especlally lf lL ls used ln con[uncLlon wlLh emall noLlflcaLlons
1here are Lwo conLrols avallable for asslgnlng a slngle case or alerL Lo a user

l 1o asslgn a case or an alerL Lo a user cllck Lhe Change AsslgnmenL llnk ln Lhe sum
mary pane of Lhe Case or AlerL screen 1hls wlll launch Lhe Change AsslgnmenL
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
l 1o qulckly asslgn a case or alerL Lo yourself cllck Lhe Asslgn Lo Me llnk
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
The Change Assignment dialog

1he Change AsslgnmenL dlalog conLalns a llsL of users who can recelve Lhe asslgnmenL 1o
asslgn a case or alerL Lo a user selecL Lhe user from Lhe llsL and press Ck
1he dlalog also conLalns a Search box lf Lhere are a loL of users ln Lhe llsL you can fllLer
Lhe llsL by Lyplng lnLo Lhe search box 1he llsL wlll auLomaLlcally be updaLed Lo lnclude only
Lhe user names conLalnlng Lhe leLLers you have Lyped
Cnce you have speclfled Lhe LranslLlon and commenL press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo apply your
3.1.1 Adding Comments to Cases and Alerts
1o add a commenL Lo a case or an alerL cllck on Lhe Add CommenL llnk ln Lhe summary
pane of Lhe Case or AlerL screen 1hls wlll launch Lhe Add CommenL dlalog
The Add Comment dialog
1o add a commenL Lo a case or alerL
l 1ype Lhe commenL lnLo Lhe commenL box
l Optloool SelecL a permlsslon level from Lhe ermlsslon llsL lf you apply a per
mlsslon Lo Lhe commenL only users who have Lhls permlsslon wlll be able Lo see lL
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs
you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all

Cnce you have supplled Lhe commenL and opLlonal permlsslon press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo
apply your changes
Editing and Deleting Comments
CommenLs can be edlLed or deleLed from Lhe AudlL Log pane on Lhe Case and AlerL
Deleting a comment
1o deleLe a commenL cllck Lhe deleLe buLLon ln Lhe header of Lhe commenL
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
A message box wlll be shown asklng you Lo conflrm LhaL you wlsh Lo deleLe Lhe commenL
1o conLlnue press Ck
1he commenL wlll be deleLed and Lhe deleLlon ls recorded ln Lhe audlL log
Editing a comment
1o edlL a commenL cllck Lhe pencll buLLon ln Lhe header of Lhe commenL
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1he LdlL CommenL dlalog wlll be dlsplayed whlch has Lhe same layouL and conLrols as
seen ln Lhe Add CommenL dlalog
Make Lhe requlred edlLs Lo Lhe commenL and press Ck Lo save Lhem
Note no AudlL PlsLory ls enLered regardlng Lhe edlL 1he commenL and audlL Lrall wlll
appear as lf Lhe commenL was orlglnally enLered as lL ls now dlsplayed compleLe wlLh
3.1.1 Adding Attachments to Cases and Alerts
1o add an aLLachmenL Lo a case or an alerL cllck on Lhe Add ALLachmenL llnk ln Lhe sum
mary pane of Lhe Case or AlerL screen 1hls wlll launch Lhe Add ALLachmenL dlalog

The Add Attachment dialog
1o add an aLLachmenL Lo a case or alerL
l use Lhe elllpsls buLLon Lo browse for Lhe flle you wlsh Lo aLLach C8
l uraganddrop Lhe flle you wlsh Lo aLLach onLo Lhe utop flle bete label
l Optloool Supply some LexL lnformaLlon abouL Lhe flle ln Lhe uescrlpLlon box
l Optloool SelecL a permlsslon level from Lhe ermlsslon llsL lf you apply a per
mlsslon Lo Lhe aLLachmenL only users who have Lhls permlsslon wlll be able Lo see
lL Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs
you wlll noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
Cnce you have aLLached your flle press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo save lL
Editing and Deleting Attachments
ALLachmenLs can be edlLed or deleLed from Lhe AudlL Log pane on Lhe Case and AlerL
Deleting an attachment
1o deleLe an aLLachmenL cllck Lhe deleLe buLLon ln Lhe header of Lhe aLLachmenL

Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
A message box wlll be shown asklng you Lo conflrm LhaL you wlsh Lo deleLe Lhe aLLach
menL 1o conLlnue press Ck
1he aLLachmenL wlll be deleLed and Lhe deleLlon ls recorded ln Lhe audlL log
Editing an attachment
1o edlL an aLLachmenL cllck Lhe pencll buLLon ln Lhe header of Lhe aLLachmenL
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1he LdlL ALLachmenL dlalog wlll be dlsplayed whlch has Lhe same layouL and conLrols as
seen ln Lhe Add ALLachmenL dlalog
Make Lhe requlred edlLs Lo Lhe aLLachmenL and press Ck Lo save Lhem
Note no AudlL PlsLory ls enLered regardlng Lhe edlL 1he aLLachmenL and audlL Lrall wlll
appear as lf Lhe aLLachmenL was orlglnally creaLed as lL ls now dlsplayed compleLe wlLh
3.1.1 Editing Case and Alert Details
1o edlL Lhe deLalls of a case or an alerL cllck on Lhe LdlL AlerL llnk aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe
summary pane of Lhe AlerL screen or Lhe LdlL Case llnk aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe summary
pane of Lhe Case screen as approprlaLe 1hls wlll launch Lhe LdlL dlalog
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
LdlL AlerL
LdlL Case

The Edit dialog
1he LdlL dlalog allows you Lo
l LdlL Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe case or alerL
l SeL Lhe prlorlLy of Lhe case or alerL
l SeL Lhe revlew flag of Lhe case or alerL
l SeL Lhe permlsslon of Lhe case or alerL
l SeL Lhe value of any wrlLeable exLended aLLrlbuLes LhaL have been deflned for Lhe
Cnce you have supplled Lhe new deLalls press Lhe Ck buLLon Lo apply your changes
3.1.1 Making Bulk Edits
1he 8ulk updaLe dlalog can be used Lo apply changes Lo all Lhe cases andor alerLs cur
renLly shown ln Lhe resulLs pane 1he 8ulk updaLe dlalog allows you Lo
l Asslgn all Lhe cases andor alerLs Lo a group or an lndlvldual
l LdlL Lhe escalaLlon revlew flag descrlpLlon prlorlLy or permlsslon of all Lhe cases
andor alerLs
l Change Lhe sLaLe of some or all of Lhe cases andor alerLs

Entering the Bulk Update dialog
Access Lhe 8ulk updaLe dlalog by presslng Lhe 8ulk updaLe buLLon ln elLher Lhe 8rowser
screen or Lhe lllLer screen
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
Making bulk assignment changes
1he 8ulk updaLe dlalog can be used Lo asslgn all cases andor alerLs LhaL have been
reLurned by Lhe currenL fllLer Lo a slngle user or Lo a group of users lL can also be used Lo
unasslgn Lhe cases andor alerLs LhaL ls asslgn Lhem Lo nobody
Note When you asslgn a seL of changes Lo several users or Lo groups of users Lhe seL of
cases andor alerLs wlll be dlvlded beLween all Lhe lndlvlduals speclfled Lach case or
alerL wlll be asslgned Lo a slngle speclflc user Lhere ls no concepL of shared asslgn
1o change Lhe asslgnmenL of Lhe cases andor alerLs cllck on Lhe names of Lhe users
andor groups LhaL Lhe cases andor alerLs should be asslgned Lo

?ou can selecL mulLlple users andor groups by holdlng down Lhe CLrl key whllsL you
cllck Lhe names 1he cases andor alerLs wlll be dlvlded evenly beLween Lhe selecLed enLl
1o updaLe Lhe cases andor alerLs so LhaL Lhey are noL asslgned Lo anybody cllck unas
When you have made all Lhe changes you need here and ln Lhe oLher areas of Lhe screen
cllck Ck
Group assignments by case
When you asslgn a seL of cases andor alerLs Lo mulLlple users you may wlsh Lo ensure
LhaL all Lhe alerLs wlLhln a slngle case and Lhe case lLself are asslgned Lo Lhe same user
?ou can do Lhls by cllcklng Lhe Croup asslgnmenLs by case checkbox underneaLh Lhe llsL
of asslgnees
Filtering the list of users and groups
1he boLLom of Lhe 8ulk Change AsslgnmenL area conLalns a search box
?ou can use Lhls Lo fllLer Lhe llsL of users and groups avallable for asslgnmenL As soon as
you sLarL Lyplng ln Lhe box Lhe llsL wlll be fllLered so LhaL lL only lncludes names whlch con
Laln Lhe leLLers you have Lyped ?ou can remove Lhe fllLer by deleLlng all Lhe conLenLs
from Lhe search box or by cllcklng on Lhe x LhaL appears nexL Lo Lhe search box
Making bulk attribute changes
1he 8ulk updaLes dlalog allows you Lo change Lhe values of Lhe followlng aLLrlbuLes for all
of Lhe cases andor alerLs reLurned by Lhe currenL fllLer

l LscalaLlon
l 8evlew flag
l uescrlpLlon
l rlorlLy
l ermlsslon
1he new values for Lhese aLLrlbuLes are seL ln Lhe 8ulk LdlL secLlon aL Lhe Lop rlghL hand
slde of Lhe 8ulk updaLes dlalog
1o add a new value for one of Lhe aLLrlbuLes cllck on Lhe buLLon under Lhe box and
selecL Lhe aLLrlbuLe from Lhe llsL
1hls wlll launch a dlalog where you can supply a new value for Lhe selecLed aLLrlbuLe
Cnce you have enLered Lhe aLLrlbuLe value cllck Ck
?ou can repeaL Lhls process Lo seL new values for as many of Lhe avallable aLLrlbuLes as
requlred 1he aLLrlbuLes and Lhelr new values wlll be shown ln Lhe 8ulk LdlL box

1o remove a bulk edlL seLLlng cllck on lL ln Lhe llsL and press Lhe buLLon under Lhe 8ulk
LdlL box
When you have made all Lhe changes you need here and ln Lhe oLher areas of Lhe screen
cllck Ck
Making Bulk State changes
1he 8ulk updaLe dlalog can be used Lo change Lhe sLaLe of some or all of Lhe cases or
alerLs reLurned by Lhe acLlve fllLer SLaLe changes are made by addlng enLrles Lo Lhe 8ulk
Change SLaLe llsL
8ulk sLaLe changes are dlfferenL Lo oLher bulk edlLs because Lhey are dependenL on Lhe
sLarLlng sLaLe of Lhe cases or alerLs 8ulk sLaLe changes musL respecL Lhe valld sLaLe Lran
slLlons deflned ln Lhe workflow of Lhe case source 8ecause of Lhls
l 8ulk sLaLe changes can only be made when for cases or alerLs reLurned by a fllLer
whlch speclfles a case source
l 8ulk sLaLe changes can only be made for a fllLer whlch reLurns elLher cases or
alerLs buL noL boLh
l 8ulk sLaLe changes are deflned based on Lhe sLarLlng sLaLe Suppose you are edlLlng
a seL of cases whlch are currenLly ln one of Lhe Lwo sLaLes Closed no maLch and
Closed maLch conflrmed lf you wlsh Lo change Lhe sLaLe of all your cases Lo 8e
revlew requlred you need Lo deflne Lwo bulk sLaLe changes one for Lhe cases ln
Lhe Closed no maLch sLaLe and on for Lhe cases ln Lhe Closed maLch conflrmed
1o add an enLry Lo Lhe llsL press Lhe buLLon underneaLh lL 1hls wlll launch a 8ulk
updaLe dlalog whlch allows you Lo speclfy Lhe sLarLlng sLaLe of Lhe cases or alerLs LhaL wlll
be affecLed by Lhls enLry and Lhe LranslLlon LhaL wlll be applled Lo Lhem llrsL selecL Lhe
sLarLlng sLaLe

1hen press Lhe new SLaLe buLLon Lo launch Lhe Change SLaLe dlalog
SelecL Lhe LranslLlon Lo apply Lo all Lhe cases or alerLs whlch currenLly have Lhe sLarLlng
sLaLe ?ou can also add commenLs ln Lhe same way as ls done for ordlnary sLaLe changes
When you have selecLed Lhe LranslLlon and any commenLs LhaL you wlsh Lo apply cllck Ck
1hen cllck Ck agaln Lo exlL Lhe 8ulk updaLe dlalog
1he bulk sLaLe changes LhaL you have deflned wlll be shown ln Lhe llsL 1o deleLe a change
from Lhe llsL press Lhe buLLon nexL Lo Lhe change
When you have made all Lhe changes you need here and ln Lhe oLher areas of Lhe screen
cllck Ck
3.1.1 Bulk Deletions
1he 8ulk updaLe dlalog can be used Lo deleLe all Lhe cases andor alerLs LhaL maLch Lhe
currenL fllLer

1o deleLe all Lhe cases andor alerLs press Lhe 8ulk ueleLe buLLon ln elLher Lhe 8rowser
screen or Lhe lllLer screen
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
A warnlng message wlll be dlsplayed
lf you wlsh Lo go ahead wlLh Lhe deleLlon press Ck CLherwlse press Cancel
3.2 Working with filters
lllLers are used ln Case ManagemenL Lo conLrol Lhe seL of cases andor alerLs LhaL you are
worklng wlLh aL any one Llme lllLers are creaLed LesLed and deleLed on Lhe lllLer screen
and publlshed Lo Lhe 8rowser screen Cn Lhe 8rowser screen you can mark fllLers as
favorlLes and can share fllLers LhaL you have deflned wlLh oLher users lf you have Lhe
rlghLs Lo do so lor more deLalls see
CreaLlng fllLers and
Managlng fllLers
3.2.1 Creating Filters
lllLers are creaLed and modlfled on Lhe lllLer screen A new fllLer can be creaLed from
scraLch or by modlfylng an exlsLlng fllLer and savlng lL under a new name
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
lf you move onLo Lhe lllLers screen afLer uslng a fllLer elsewhere you are auLomaLlcally
assumed Lo be edlLlng LhaL fllLer A banner wlll be dlsplayed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe 8rowser
panel Lo Lell you whlch fllLer you are edlLlng

Note When you save a fllLer you wlll be asked lf you wanL Lo overwrlLe Lhe fllLer you
are uslng or creaLe a new one
?ou can creaLe an adhoc fllLer by selecLlng Lhe requlred aLLrlbuLes and values from Lhe
8rowser panel and vlew Lhe resulLs of Lhe fllLer ln Lhe 8esulLs panel by uslng Lhe green
1he aLLrlbuLes whlch can be used ln fllLers are dlvlded lnLo flve secLlons
l 1he Ceneral secLlon
l 1he ALLrlbuLes secLlon
l 1he LxLended ALLrlbuLes secLlon
l 1he Source ALLrlbuLes secLlon
l 1he 8eporLlng secLlon
The General section
1he Ceoetol secLlon allows you Lo perform LexL searches Lo fllLer by case source and Lo
speclfy only cases or alerLs lL has Lhree subsecLlons
l Culck Search whlch allows you Lo search for a plece of LexL
l 1ype whlch allows you Lo speclfy wheLher you are looklng for elLher cases or alerLs
or boLh and
l Source whlch allows you Lo search for cases andor alerLs from a parLlcular case

Quick Search
Oolck 5eotcb allows you Lo search for a plece of LexL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe cases andor
alerLs ?ou can search for LexL ln Lhe descrlpLlon commenL or Lhe key of cases and alerLs
LnLer Lhe LexL you wlsh Lo search for ln Lhe Search Cuery box and check Lhe boxes nexL Lo
Lhe flelds you wlsh Lo search ln
1o clear Lhe Culck Search opLlons cllck on Lhe reLurn arrow nexL Lo Lhe Culck Search
1ype allows you Lo resLrlcL your search Lo elLher cases or alerLs only Cllck on Lhe Lype LhaL
you wlsh Lo search for lf nelLher Lype ls selecLed boLh cases and alerLs wlll be reLurned
by Lhe fllLer
1o clear Lhe 1ype opLlons cllck on Lhe reLurn arrow nexL Lo Lhe 1ype subheadlng
5ootce allows you Lo resLrlcL your search Lo elLher cases or alerLs only Cllck on Lhe case
sources whose resulLs you wlsh Lo search for ?ou can speclfy more Lhan one case source
by holdlng down Lhe CLrl buLLon as you selecL Lhe case source names
1o clear Lhe Source opLlons cllck on Lhe reLurn arrow nexL Lo Lhe Source subheadlng
The Attributes section
1he Atttlbotes secLlon allows you Lo fllLer on Lhe sLandard aLLrlbuLes of cases and alerLs
1he ALLrlbuLes secLlon ls lnlLlally empLy for a new fllLer Add enLrles Lo Lhe aLLrlbuLes sec
Llon by cllcklng on Lhe plus buLLon ln Lhe secLlon headlng A dropdown llsL of Lhe avall
able aLLrlbuLes wlll be dlsplayed

Note lL ls noL posslble Lo fllLer on Lhe same aLLrlbuLe more Lhan once ln Lhe above
screenshoL Lhe ALLrlbuLes secLlon already conLalns an Asslgned 1o enLry so Lhe
Asslgned 1o opLlon ls dlsabled ln Lhe drop down llsL
When you selecL an aLLrlbuLe for Lhe llsL a subsecLlon wlll be creaLed for lL ln Lhe ALLrlb
uLes secLlon 1he conLrols and values avallable wlll depend upon Lhe aLLrlbuLe you have
Supply Lhe values you wanL Lo use for Lhe aLLrlbuLe fllLer
1o clear Lhe values LhaL have been selecLed for an aLLrlbuLe cllck on Lhe reLurn arrow
ln Lhe subsecLlon headlng
1o sLop fllLerlng on a parLlcular aLLrlbuLe cllck on Lhe mlnus slgn ln Lhe subsecLlon
The Extended Attributes section
1he xteoJeJ Atttlbotes secLlon allows you Lo fllLer on Lhe exLended aLLrlbuLes of cases
and alerLs 1he LxLended ALLrlbuLes secLlon ls lnlLlally empLy for a new fllLer Add enLrles
Lo Lhe LxLended ALLrlbuLes secLlon by cllcklng on Lhe plus buLLon ln Lhe secLlon headlng
A dropdown llsL of Lhe avallable exLended aLLrlbuLes wlll be dlsplayed

Note lL ls noL posslble Lo fllLer on Lhe same exLended aLLrlbuLe more Lhan once ln Lhe
above screenshoL Lhe LxLended ALLrlbuLes secLlon already conLalns an LscalaLlon enLry
so Lhe LscalaLlon opLlon ls dlsabled ln Lhe drop down llsL
When you selecL an exLended aLLrlbuLe from Lhe llsL a subsecLlon wlll be creaLed for lL ln
Lhe LxLended ALLrlbuLes secLlon 1he conLrols and values avallable wlll depend upon Lhe
exLended aLLrlbuLe you have selecLed
Supply Lhe values you wanL Lo use for Lhe exLended aLLrlbuLe fllLer
1o clear Lhe values LhaL have been selecLed for an exLended aLLrlbuLe cllck on Lhe reLurn
arrow ln Lhe subsecLlon headlng
1o sLop fllLerlng on a parLlcular exLended aLLrlbuLe cllck on Lhe mlnus slgn ln Lhe sub
secLlon headlng
The Source Attributes section
1he 5ootce Atttlbotes secLlon allows you Lo fllLer on Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Lhe daLa sources ln
Lhe case source
Note Source aLLrlbuLes cannoL be lncluded ln fllLers unless a slngle case source has been
selecLed ln Lhe Source subsecLlon of Lhe general secLlon
1he Source ALLrlbuLes secLlon ls lnlLlally empLy for a new fllLer Add enLrles Lo Lhe Source
ALLrlbuLes secLlon by cllcklng on Lhe plus buLLon ln Lhe secLlon headlng A dropdown llsL
of Lhe daLa sources assoclaLed wlLh Lhe case source wlll be dlsplayed Cllck on a daLa
source name Lo see Lhe aLLrlbuLes avallable Lo Lhe fllLer

Note lL ls noL posslble Lo fllLer on Lhe same source aLLrlbuLe more Lhan once

When you selecL a source aLLrlbuLe from Lhe llsL a subsecLlon wlll be creaLed for lL ln Lhe
Source ALLrlbuLes secLlon 1he conLrols and values avallable wlll depend upon Lhe source
aLLrlbuLe you have selecLed
Supply Lhe values you wanL Lo use for Lhe source aLLrlbuLe fllLer
1o clear Lhe values LhaL have been selecLed for a source aLLrlbuLe cllck on Lhe reLurn
arrow ln Lhe subsecLlon headlng
1o sLop fllLerlng on a parLlcular source aLLrlbuLe cllck on Lhe mlnus slgn ln Lhe subsec
Llon headlng
The Reporting section
1he kepottloq secLlon ls dlfferenL Lo Lhe oLher secLlons because lL does noL acLually
change Lhe resulLs LhaL Lhe fllLer reLurns lnsLead lL allows you Lo change Lhe way Lhose
resulLs are presenLed ln Lhe 8esulLs pane lf no reporLlng seLLlngs are provlded Lhe resulLs
are presenLed ln a slmple llsL 8eporLlng allows you Lo group Lhe resulLs accordlng Lo Lhe
values of one or more aLLrlbuLes so Lhey are presenLed flrsL ln a grld formaL
1hls reporL shows LhaL Lhere are Lhree cases LhaL are currenLly unasslgned flve cases
asslgned Lo Lhe ulrecLor AdmlnlsLraLor user eleven alerLs LhaL are currenLly unasslgned
and seven alerLs asslgned Lo Lhe ulrecLor AdmlnlsLraLor user
?ou can drlll down on Lhe grld resulLs Lo lnvesLlgaLe each caLegory furLher by cllcklng on
Lhe number ln Lhe approprlaLe cell
1he reporLlng secLlon allows you Lo plck one or more aLLrlbuLes for each axls of Lhe

ln Lhe example above Asslgned 1o has been selecLed for Lhe flrsL horlzonLal axls of Lhe
grld and 1ype has been selecLed for Lhe second verLlcal axls
?ou can selecL more Lhan one aLLrlbuLe for each axls by holdlng down Lhe CLrl key as
you cllck on aLLrlbuLe names ln Lhls case CurrenL SLaLe has been added Lo Lhe second
1he resulLs are now grouped by Lhelr sLaLe and Lype on Lhe verLlcal axls

Saving a filter
Save a fllLer conflguraLlon by presslng Lhe save buLLon lf you are modlfylng an exlsLlng
fllLer you wlll be asked lf you wanL Lo overwrlLe Lhe exlsLlng fllLer deflnlLlon or creaLe a
new fllLer
lf you selecL no you wlll be prompLed for a new fllLer name and opLlonal descrlpLlon
3.2.1 Managing Filters
1hls Loplc covers Lhe fllLer managemenL opLlons LhaL can be accessed from Lhe 8rowser
screen lrom here you can
l LdlL fllLers
l 8ename fllLers
l ueleLe fllLers
l SeL or unseL your defaulL fllLer
l Manage your llsL of favorlLe fllLers and
l Share fllLers wlLh oLher users
Editing filters
1o edlL a fllLer rlghL cllck on lL ln Lhe browser llsL SelecL LdlL from Lhe opLlons LhaL
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all

1hls wlll open Lhe lllLers screen wlLh Lhe selecLed fllLer acLlve lor more deLalls on Lhe
opLlons avallable when deflnlng fllLers see CreaLlng lllLers
Renaming filters
1o rename a fllLer rlghL cllck on lL ln Lhe browser llsL SelecL 8ename from Lhe opLlons
LhaL appear
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1hls wlll open a dlalog box where you can enLer a new name andor descrlpLlon for Lhe
LnLer Lhe requlred deLalls and press Ck

Deleting filters
1o rename a fllLer rlghL cllck on lL ln Lhe browser llsL SelecL ueleLe from Lhe opLlons
LhaL appear
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1hls wlll open a message box LhaL wlll ask you Lo conflrm LhaL you really wanL Lo deleLe
Lhe fllLer
ress ?es Lo deleLe Lhe fllLer or no Lo reLurn Lo Lhe fllLer llsL
Managing the default filter
1o seL a fllLer as your defaulL fllLer rlghL cllck on lL ln Lhe browser llsL SelecL SeL as
uefaulL lllLer from Lhe opLlons LhaL appear

1he fllLer wlll Lhen be dlsplayed wlLh a blue sLar and wlll be selecLed auLomaLlcally when
ever you log ln Lo Case ManagemenL
1o remove Lhe defaulL fllLer rlghL cllck on lL agaln and Lhls Llme selecL unseL as uefaulL
lllLer from Lhe menu
Managing favorite filters
1o mark a fllLer as a favorlLe rlghL cllck on lL ln Lhe browser llsL SelecL Add Lo lavorlLes
from Lhe opLlons LhaL appear
1he fllLer wlll Lhen be dlsplayed wlLh a yellow sLar and wlll be avallable ln your lavorlLes
1o remove a fllLer from your favorlLes rlghL cllck on lL agaln 1hls Llme selecL 8emove
from lavorlLes

Sharing filters with other users
lllLers LhaL you have creaLed show up ln Lhe user llsL lf you wanL Lo share one of your
fllLers wlLh oLher users and lf you have Lhe correcL securlLy permlsslons you can move lL
lnLo Lhe Clobal llsL lllLers ln Lhe Clobal llsL are vlslble Lo all Case ManagemenL users
Note lf a fllLer speclfles a case source as parL of lLs crlLerla Lhen only users who have
permlsslon Lo vlew cases and alerLs from LhaL source wlll be able Lo see lL even lf lL ls
made Clobal 1haL ls noL only Lhe resulLs of Lhe fllLer buL also Lhe fllLer lLself are hldden
by Lhe securlLy seLLlngs
1o share a fllLer rlghL cllck on lL ln Lhe user llsL SelecL Move Lo Clobal lllLers from Lhe
opLlons LhaL appear
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1he fllLer wlll be moved from Lhe user llsL Lo Lhe Clobal llsL Any oLher seLLlngs such as
Lhe defaulL fllLer or belng marked as a favorlLe wlll be unaffecLed by Lhls change
lf you wlsh Lo remove a fllLer from Lhe Clobal llsL and lf you have Lhe correcL securlLy per
mlsslons you can do so by cllcklng on lL agaln and selecLlng Move Lo Local lllLers

Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1he fllLer wlll be moved from Lhe Clobal llsL Lo Lhe user llsL Any oLher seLLlngs such as
Lhe defaulL fllLer or belng marked as a favorlLe wlll be unaffecLed by Lhls change
3.3 Exporting To Excel
1he LxporL Lo Lxcel dlalog can be used Lo exporL Lhe deLalls of all Lhe cases andor alerLs
reLurned by Lhe currenL fllLer ln a commaseparaLed csv formaL whlch ls compaLlble
wlLh Lxcel and oLher spreadsheeL programs
1o exporL Lhe cases andor alerLs press Lhe LxporL Lo Lxcel buLLon ln elLher Lhe 8rowser
screen or Lhe lllLer screen
Note 1hls ls a prlvlleged acLlon lf you do noL have Lhe correcL securlLy seLLlngs you wlll
noL be able Lo see Lhe conLrol aL all
1hls wlll launch a flle exporL dlalog

8rowse Lo Lhe dlrecLory you wlsh Lo sLore your exporL flle ln and enLer an exporL flle
name Cllck Ck 1he deLalls of Lhe selecLed cases andor alerLs wlll be saved ln a flle wlLh
a csv exLenslon and Lhe name you have speclfled

AlerL screen
8ulk ueleLlons
8ulk LdlLs
LdlLlng ueLalls
8rowser screen
8ulk ueleLlons
8ulk LdlLs
Case key
Case Screen
Case source

8ulk ueleLlons
8ulk LdlLs
LdlLlng ueLalls
ConcepL Culdes
Case ManagemenL
CreaLlng lllLers
uefaulL lllLer
LxLended aLLrlbuLe
lavorlLe lllLers
lllLer Screen
Worklng wlLh
Clobal lllLers
Managlng lllLers
Source ALLrlbuLe

uaLanomlc LLd Cambrldge Sclence ark MllLon 8oad Cambrldge C8 Cl
L f e lnfodaLanomlccom
8eglsLered ln Lngland and Wales
Company 8eg vA1 no
1he lnformaLlon conLalned ln Lhese help flles ls owned
by uaLanomlc LlmlLed and ls sub[ecL Lo change
wlLhouL noLlce 1he user of Lhls lnformaLlon ls
responslble for complylng wlLh Lhe approprlaLe
copyrlghL laws no parL of Lhese documenLs may be
reproduced sLored ln a reLrleval sysLem or
LransmlLLed ln any form or by any means wlLhouL Lhe
wrlLLen permlsslon of uaLanomlc LlmlLed
uaLanomlc may have paLenLs paLenL appllcaLlons
Lrademarks copyrlghLs or oLher lnLellecLual properLy
rlghLs coverlng sub[ecL maLLer ln Lhls documenL 1he
provlslon of Lhls documenL does noL glve you any
llcense Lo Lhese paLenLs Lrademarks copyrlghLs or
oLher lnLellecLual properLy
Copyr|ght Datanom|c Ltd A|| r|ghts reserved

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