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DATE: 09-01-2014


At first are thankful to Allah Almighty who has bestowed his countless blessings upon us, guided me towards the way of success, blessed me with courage of facing problems and obstacles; enable us to accomplish this project work. All thanks to Allah Almighty, the most Beneficent and Gracious who enabled us to complete this project. We found no words to say thanks to our families for their cooperation and support. We wish to place our deep sense of thanks to SIR HASSAN SULTAN who guided us to complete this project in its true sense. His valuable experience and knowledge of the field removed the difficult at all crucial junctures.

KIND OF BUSINESS: Training and consultancy services NAME OF BUSINESS: Consultancy Hub ENTERPRISE: HMAK Enterprise LOCATION: 337 Raza Block Allama Iqbal Town Lahore GENERAL CUSTOMERS: Business personnel, students, VISA personnel+ study base VISA personnel, job VISA personnel and other business trainers. THIRD PARTY: Trainers team for training in business, IT experts for their website maintenance, and personnel for their advertisement (AD agency)

Consultancy Hub is a platform for training of employees in businesses and many other organizations. They gave their services as a bundle of trainers to whom business personnel hire for the training of their employees. They also work for multinational companies like Unilever. Consultancy Hub provides trained personnel to other companies on contract basis and charged training fee against their services. They also provide soft services like software update and IT based operations. Apart from training, consultancy Hub is a consultant based company who provide VISA information to business employees, students and many other persons. Consultancy Hub is a vast platform for training and consultancy of individuals. They arrange a team of professional trainers and direct them to the organization. Apart from this, they provide educational consultancy and VISA process to fresh students.

JUDGEMENT: Consultancy Hub is a platform of consultancy services to their clients. Their judgment about the other party depends upon the kind of negotiation they have with their client. It means there is no specific tactics in mind, when the saw the customer, but when they start negotiation with their client, then they analyze or judge their potential customer. Sometime the non-regular client seems more worthy than a regular client. Judgment of the client depends upon the negotiation style in our business. It means that if a client wants training facilities for their business for a week, but they are not willing to pay according our demand, so we analyze that this client bargain but not effectively due to their less budget. So we settle the middle price with the consent of the client. We will judge that this client is beneficial for us through their brand name, market presence, business volume and their services according to the general requirements. Loyal customers are always known from their negotiation, attitude and their style or behavior. We personally judge clients according to our business requirements and want to negotiate as per the client requirements. Judgment of the negotiation party is based on the requirement of the client and offering price against that requirement. If the client is sensible and knows that this training is more costly than their desires, so he will settle down the middle price according to their budget. Both the parties want to negotiate on the middle line, in which both these gets some benefits. But the consultancy Hub provides professional consultancy services and charged according to their services. CATEGORIZATION OF CLIENT PARTY: Consultancy Hub is a business of training and consultancy service provider. So there may be different clients as per the requirements of the business. In training business, their general clients are the higher authorities of business, company executives and Directors of multinational companies. But there customers include managers of business, staff, employees and many other business personnel who wants to get training facilities for their business with the consent of their higher authorities. Segmentation is made on the basis of requirements of the clients which include: Training facilities Soft skills for companies Recruitment on behalf of companies Training of employees as well as business professionals.

On the other hand consultancy services are depending on: Arranging consultancy events Arrange professional consultants for the guidance of personnel Hire experienced consultant for business advices

Education or study VISA Job VISA ( Full time/ Part time) Visa on sports basis

These all are the two different segmentations for our business through which categorize our potential clients. On the other hand client identification methodology depends upon the nature of the client. It means that if the client doesnt want to interact due to some personal matters or he or she seems busy, then we start talk about their personal interests and their business standings. In this way we can easily identify the potential of our customer and analyze that either this customer is for long term or short term. Client always wants to facilitate their self interest, so we try our best to provide best services through which they feel comfortable and build long term relations with our business.

PROCESS OF NEGOTIATION: We start our discussion by welcomes the client into our business. After that we give the complete information about our services. Ask client what they want from us After that, negotiation starts with the requirements of the client If they want business trainers for one week then we gave him a package according to our services If they will agree, then its OK otherwise negotiation starts on training fee Both the parties want to gain maximum advantage but we tries to facilitate the customer by giving some margin. Accepting the client means that we want long term relation with our each and every client. Try to provide all the necessary information about training staff and their previous performances. Try to avoid any less important point to be discussed in front of the client. Try to build trust on the client and expects from the client to do so. If the client satisfied with our deal, then he will assure us with their consent. After this we offer our client with kind of refreshment. Deal is final and services are being provided on the date.

Negotiatio n process


Info. Sharing


Deal Finalization

BATNA AND RESISTANCE POINT: There are few things that we should keep in mind. Which are: Identify our client Identify their behavior with us Are they satisfied with our services? Are they really needed of our services? How they perceive our negotiation? Which services we offer first? How we offer our services, if the client doesnt want those? What are different tactics to handle our regular or non- regular customers? How we handle our angry or dissatisfied clients in case of false services? What is the least acceptable point of our deal?

Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) in our training negotiation is different from consultancy services. In training, if any client demand services of training for their organization but he has less budget to spend on that training. In this situation we offer them to conduct training from our professional trainers but the time span and daily timing depends upon the trainers who train the employees. In this way, the client gets training facilities for their company and we get our fee with average efforts. Sometimes if the client is not happy with the kind of training services which are provided by the trainers team, then for retaining that client in long term, the company offers them training facilities again and without any cost. This will help us to retain our old customers and opportunity to catch up the new clients. In case of consultancy services, we offer Study/ education VISA+ documents processing + contact with the college/university for study purpose+ VISA fee and authentication letter from FedEx/Embassy Job VISA/ access complete details of working experience and salary package/ verify all the actions and conduct within the company during their job In all these cases, our resistance point is depends upon the situation and kind of negotiation we have with our client. We offer them a bundle of services with 100% guarantee and surety and charged a specific amount against those services. We demand our fee after the VISA process is being complete and assured. In case of any mishap, we doesnt charge full fee from our client but charge only consulting fee. But when the VISA process is finalized and embassy issue the VISA to the employee or student, then we receive our services fee. In this way we secure our customer with a promise to keep their trust on us.

NEGOTIATION SUCCESS TIPS: There is no specific tactics we adopt to handle our clients, its all about managing the desires of our client and provide them the services which they really want. Here are some success tips: Always welcomes your client in a good manner. Try to start negotiation by giving an introduction of yourself. Try to find out the interest of your client, in this way you can handle them in case of anger. Try not to repeat same lines again and again. Try to build interest of your client upon you. Never let them go dissatisfied, because this will cause problems for you. Try to match your offering with the demands of your customer in good way. Never make rash or quick decisions which hurt your performance. Never make promises in your business. Try to provide your best in order to gain success and retain your client. If the customer is dissatisfied from you, then try to facilitate them with other services or offerings. Try to use professional way of presenting your services in front of your client. Dont feel hesitant if the client asks something irrelevant from the business. Try to use your gestures and non-verbal communication Try to facilitate your customer because (customer is always right). Should control his emotions and not show his weakness. They should possess leadership qualities. Should have clear cut goals in our mind. They should be a patient listener.

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