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Code: 07A31001

(Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)

B.Tech II Year I Semester (R09) Regular & Supplementary Examinations December/January 2013/14

Time: 3 hours
Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks Use of smith chart is permitted in the examination hall *****
1 (a) (b)

Max Marks: 70

2 (a) (b)

State and prove Gausss law. Give three applications of Gausss law with suitable examples. Given that electric flux density D = 2 C/m2, use Gausss law to calculate the charge density at (1, /4 , 3), and the total charge enclosed by the cylinder of radius of 1 m with 2 2. Sketch and explain Faradays law. A current filament carrying 15 A in the direction lies along the entire z axis. Find H in Cartesian co-ordinates at points (4, 0, 4), and (2, -4, 4).

3 (a) (b)

4 (a) (b)

Write the Maxwells equations for time varying fields in (i) point form, (ii) integral form, and (iii) differential form. Give word statement of each equation. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm2 and plate separation of 3 mm has voltage 50 sin 1000t V applied to its plates. Calculate the displacement current assuming = 20 .

5 (a) (b)

Derive the expressions for the phase shift constant and attenuation constant of a plane wave propagating in a lossy dielectric medium. A plane wave programming through a medium with = 8, = 2 E = 0.5 exp(-0.33z) sin (108 ) ax V/m. Determine wave velocity, wave impedance and the magnetic field intensity. Derive an expression for reflection coefficient when a plane wave incident normally on an interface between two different media. In free space ( 0), a plane wave with H = 10 cos (2 108 ) ax mA/m is incident normally on a lossless medium ( = 20, = 80 ) in region 0. Determine the reflected and transmitted waves (both electric and magnetic fields). Obtain the field expressions for the TE mode in parallel plane guided waves. State and explain the terms: Lossless line and distortionless line. A telephone line has R = 30 ohms/km, L = 100 mH/km, C = 20 F/km, and G = 0. At frequency of 1 kHz, determine the characteristic impedance of the line, the propagation constant and the phase velocity. Explain with suitable sketches, the concept of impedance inversion by a quarter-wave transmission line. Using a smith chart, calculate the position and length of a stub designed to match a 100 ohm load to a 50 ohm line, the stub being short circuited. If this matching is correct at 63 MHa, what will be the SWR on the main line at 70 MHz. Note that the load is a pure resistance?

6 7 (a) (b)

8 (a) (b)


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