A Study of Marketing Straterges and Development of Bussiness Stratergeies To Improve Sales of IVY Versova

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A Project Report on

“Study of marketing strategies and development of business strategies”


Under the guidance of
In Partial Fulfillment of two years full time course
Master Degree in Business Administration
(2009 – 2010)


I, the undersigned here by state that the report entitled, “A study of Marketing Strategies And
Development of Business Strategies To Improve Sale of IVY versova “, is a genuine and
bonafied work prepared by me under the guidance of prof.M.R.Zaware.
The empirical findings in this project report are based on the data collected by myself. The
matter presented in this report is not copied from any source. I understand that any such copy is
liable to the punishment in way the University authorities deem fit.
The work has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma either to University of
Pune, Pune or any other Universities.
This project report is submitted to University of Pune in partial fulfillment of the degree of
Master of Business Administration.

Date: / / 2009
Place: Balewadi, Pune.
(chandanshive Milind.B)

Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Engineering, Balewadi,

~~ Department of M.B.A. ~~
This is to certify that the project report entitled
“A study of Marketing Strategies and development of business strategies to improve sales of IVY
Indage Restaurants and Leisure LTD
Submitted by

Milind Balaso Chandanshive

In partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of
Master of Business Administration
Submitted to University of Pune under our guidance and supervision. To the best of my
knowledge and belief the work presented has not been submitted earlier for the award of any
degree or diploma.
(Prof. K. Bhattacharya) (Prof. N R Zaware) (Prof. N R Zaware)
Director MBA HOD MBA Project Guide
The hotel industry in India is going through an interesting phase. One of the major reasons
for the increase in demand for hotel rooms in the country is the boom in the overall economy and
high growth in sectors like information technology, telecom, retail and real estate. Rising stock
market and new business opportunities are also attracting hordes of foreign investors and
international corporate travelers to look for business opportunities in the country.
Hotel industry is also inextricably linked to the tourism industry and its growth has added fillip
to the hotel industry. And with Coned Nast Traveler ranking India as the fourth most preferred
travel destination and Lonely Planet selecting the country among the top five destinations from
167 countries, India has finally made its mark on the world travel map.
As in the scenario of after recessionary period in the booming economy of India hotel and
restaurant industries are also pose for competition to survive form this competition and doing
profitable business it important to implement new business strategies and marketing strategies to
survive and starve successfully .
Here along with Indage group of industries, it paved me to understand the different polices
adopted by competitors and company itself in the market. While doing project for IVY
restaurants I studied different marketing strategies which run by Indage group to overcome
competition and to improve sales.
IVY is the chains of outlets run by the Indage Restaurants & leisure ltd. IVY is the
concept of restaurants divided in two parts urban and rural the particular project is done at urban
outlet of ivy restaurant in versova, Mumbai.
In IVY Personifying the idea of light hearted indulgence is it for a brunch or even coffee, it
is to create a lively experience through the delectable mélange of a café and a bistro. Facilitated
by an intrepid ambient design, which further catalyses this integration, without compromising on
one’s privacy, Wine Café realize the vision, which aimed at creating a new genre that
encompassed the full spectrum of moods and yet preserved each one to be savored individually.
The wine Café will be used for retailing the wines.
In IVY restaurants customers can enjoy the dishes that will have an exquisite selection of
starters, vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals, desserts and beverages with wine as per mood of
customer which range form 60 Rs to 1400 Rs at winery price.
The marketing strategies provides suitable path to increase market share. The main aim
is that to cope up with competition. The strategies emphasis the process of getting their objective
and prescribe ends.

IVY Business
Company Name: - Indage Restaurants & Leisure Ltd (IRLL):

Chain of Outlet Name: - IVY

Name of the outlet: IVY Café and Bistro–Versova
Address of the Outlet: gala no2, Aram nagar part-1 opp. beach classic tower j.p road andheri
Business segment: Wine Café and Bistro.
I) Facilities and Amenities available at the outlet:
A) Location details:
I. The location road facing
II. The location is sea facing
III. The property has commercial status
IV. The location is situated in residential aria
V. Location having space for parking (road side).

B) Amenities and Facilities available

I. Parking Facility: road Park
II. Parking Availability: Ample parking available.
III. Drainage availability: Connected to municipal drain.
IV. External condition: Good condition but Minimum civil work required.
V. Electric Power supply: by reliance
VI. Meter installed: Yes

D) Internal condition:
i. Flooring: wooden flooring
ii. Ceiling: good condition good looking.
iii. Toilet: toilette in good condition.
iv. Kitchen: kitchen with ample space.
E) Description of outlet: three different spaces available for setting. Outer space for setting
and smoking called as smoking aria. Down staircase aria contain 5 tables and upstairs sofa
seats4 table and large space
Good ambience is created to attract customers .outlet is road touch and see facing is another
attribute for outlet
F)Setting arrangements :setting arrangements should improved little more .down stair
chairs are not in very well condition some chairs are braked and damaged in legs and hands
bamboo chairs should replace with some other comfortable option .
II Location Advantages / Disadvantages:
1) Brief Description of Location: located in the pure residential aria. It advantageous that it
located see facing at an picnic spot where tourist and residents come on sea shore
(choupati).crowded aria on weekends and in evening .But truly residential aria no
commercial hubs or offices present there so that it gain business in the weekends. To
improve sell in weekdays need to do something by which can attract new customers

2) Brief Description of Surroundings: located in residential aria .no any commercial hub or
enterprise located in aria. Also surrounded by many strong competitors.
Outlet is located at a very famous aria of Mumbai known as versova famous
for beautiful sea shore and various spots to visit. Outlet is see facing it’s an another added
advantage for IVY.
3) Any major College in vicinity: no any major college in the vicinity and nearest college at
seven bungalow surrounded by so many cheaper options.
4) Any major Commercial hub in Vicinity: No any major commercial hub in vicinity
.Nearer mall is 3-4 km long.
5) Competitors in the Vicinity: 7 major competitor present in the aria such as subway,
rolling bean ,barista lvazza,dominoz ,café-coffee day,dixy euro,shatranj this are and no of
little competitors present around the place .very strong competition to face in small aria .
6) Perceived business potential: mainly it lies in the residential people and their buying
power. This potential can be converted in favor by using various strategies like home
delivery, combo meal with discount within the aria.
7) Perceived Business threat: stiff competition in the segment. too many small and big
competitors in vicinity fighting to capture more and more no of customers .as well as some
new restaurants like Dixy euro is opened in the aria which also come up with stiff
competition .

S W O T model for IVY

IVY’s strength lies in the USP of wine and relatively lower rate food in such good
place. As well as IVY have a set of loyal customers which regularly visits IVY even some time
times they have to face some problems . This set of customer is attached to outlet because of
great service and uniqueness among the place.
As well as IVY offers are very generous and big discount giving to the customers like
buy 1 get 1 from 10am-5pm .IVY offer good continental menu and periodically few additions to
it. IVY is a subsidiary of INDAGE HOTELS AND LEISURS.
The major weakness of IVY is the most of peoples in the aria are not aware about such
a magnificent place (can say by survey). Than the menu of IVY is on weaker side if we compares
to the competitors in the aria like rolling bean, subway IVY majorly see forward only to the
continental menu with addition of little other food type.
Some basic infrastructure is not in so good condition which turning some regular
customers to turn their back toward IVY.
An opportunity with the un captured customers of aria and locality .for capturing
this segment IVY can use medium of advertising ,home delivery system and new product
insertion in the menu as per demand and test of the customers .
As well to attract more customers making some more modernization in the outlet
arrangement .which will add more beauty to the IVY.

That is the stiff competition which is relatively increasing with the more no of new competitors
day by day in the market. As well some competitors are having only one best line of product and
known for that with strong brand equity.
Supply of wine inventory which is not regular as per demand which also effect
customer satisfaction percentage. If customer not gets demanded wine at demand than will
definitely unsatisfied about experience and if it is repeatedly happen customer think about
quitting option.


After s w o t analysis and considering all things regarding IVY versova and after discussing with
respected authorities I had choose the topic “A Study of Marketing Strategies and Development
of Business Strategies for IVY Versova “.
Selection of topic justification: - Improvement in the sales of the restaurant is one of the
challenge and primary goal in front of organization. In the age of bottle neck competition and
strong presence of rivals in the segment of hotel and restaurant industries. Where the brand
name, past performance play a vital role in the performance of restaurant. To overcome from this
competition and to attract more number of customers a study of marketing strategies is essential
and very important aspect of study.

Statement of the Study:-

As a student of Master of Business Administration following topic was selected for the study
“A study of Marketing Strategies and Development of Business Strategies to Improve Sales of
IVY Versova “.

Research Design
Research Methodology –
Research methodology is way to systematically solve research problem .research in common
parlance refer to a search knowledge .once can also define research as a scientific and systematic
search for pertinent information on a specific topic in fact ,research is an art of scientific
Research is thus an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its
advancement. It is pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and
experiment. In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of
finding solution to a problem is research.
Marketing research is a systematic and objective study of problem pertaining to the marketing
of goods and services. it may be emphasis that is not restrict to any particular area of marketing
.but is applicable to all it’s phases and aspects
'''Marketing research''' is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about issues
relating to marketing products and services. The term is commonly interchanged with ''market
research'' however, expert practitioners may wish to draw a distinction, in that ''market'' research
is concerned specifically with markets while ''marketing'' research is concerned specifically
about marketing processes.
Research design:–
Research design in the case of hypothesis –testing research studies:-
Hypothesis-testing research studies (generally known as experimental studies) are those where
researcher tests the hypotheses of causal relationship between variables. Such studies require
procedures that will not only reduce bias and increase reliability, but will permit drawing
inferences about causality. Sally experiments meet this requirement. Hence, when we talk of
research design in such studies, we often mean the design of experiments.

Research design in Exploratary research:-

exploratary research focuses on the discovery of ideas .In a business where sales have been
declining for the past few months , the management may conduct a quick study to find out what
could be the possible explanation e.g. The sales might have declined on account of number of
factor ,such as the deterioration in the quality of the product ,incised competition
,inadequate or ineffective advertising . Lack of efficient and trained salesmen or use of the
wrong channels of distribution in such a case an exploratory study may be conduct to find the
most likely cause.

A similar distinction exists between ''exploratory research'' and ''conclusive research''.

'''Exploratory''' research provides insights into and comprehension of an issue or situation. It
should draw definitive conclusions only with extreme caution. '''Conclusive research''' draws
conclusions: the results of the study can be generalized to the whole population.
Exploratory research is conducted to explore a problem to get some basic idea about the
solution at the preliminary stages of research. It may serve as the input to conclusive research.
Exploratory research information is collected by focus group interviews, reviewing literature or
books, discussing with experts, etc. This is unstructured and qualitative in nature. If a secondary
source of data is unable to serve the purpose, a convenience sample of small size can be

Objective –
Primary Objective –
“Study of a marketing strategy and development of business strategies to improve sales of
IVY versova.”

Secondary objective:–
➢ To study the market potential.

➢ To study the expectation of the customer about product.

➢ To study chance of attracting more customer by implanting new business strategies.

➢ To understand the need of advertisement for IVY.

➢ To understand the value for money satisfaction of customers toward IVY.

1) Every surveyed person is the IVY’s potential customer.

2) 50% customers are not interested in continental food.

Let’s take null hypothesis that the every surveyed person is the IVY’s potential customer.
P=47/50 = 0.94

Q=1-p = 0.06

Standard error = p*q/N

= 0.94*0.06/50

S.D = 0.03358

Diff = 47 -25
Z= 22/0.0335857

The calculated value is much more than the 3 times of standard error it is highly
Hence our null hypothesis proves wrong.
Hence the total surveyed persons is not our potential customers

By using our data

No of customer = 3.
Potential customers = 47 /50*100
= 94 %.
Hypothesis no 2.

50% customers are not interested in continental food

P= 35/50

q = 1-35/50 = 15/50

Standard error = p*q/N

= 35/50 *15/50*1/50


Diff = 35-25

= 10/0.06480

Hence the calculated value is much more than the 3 times of standard error
Hence it is highly significant hence our null hypothesis proves wrong it mean that for
other than continental food customer may be more than 50%

But according to our data

Number of customer who interested in other than continental foods are 35

=70% surveyed people prefer to the other than continental food
Marketing research methodology adopted
Based on questioning-
Qualitative marketing research - generally used for exploratory purposes - small number of
respondents - not generalizable to the whole population - statistical significance and confidence
not calculated - examples include focus groups, in-depth interviews, and projective techniques
Quantitative marketing research - generally used to draw conclusions tests a specific
hypothesis uses random sampling (statistics) sampling techniques so as to infer from the sample
to the population involves a large number of respondents - examples include statistical survey
and questionnaires.
Selection of sample and size of sample:-
Steps in sample design –
While developing a sampling design for research project at IVY versova attention is paid to the
following points
Type of universe: –
The first step in the developing any sample design is to clearly define the set of object
technically called the universe .to be studied the universe can be finite or infinite. in finite
universe the number of items is certain .but in case of an infinite universe the number of items is
infinite e.g. if we don’t have any idea about the total number of items .the population of a city
.the number of workers in a factory and the like are example of finite universe, whereas the
number of stars in the sky, listeners of specific ratio programmed throwing of a disc etc .are
examples of infinite universe.
Sampling unit –
A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample. Sampling unit
may be a geographical one such as state, district village etc. or a construction unit such as hose
flat etc. Or it may be a social unit such as family, club, school etc. Or it may be individual. In
case of IVY sampling unit is selected versova as geographical unit.
Size of sample –
This size refers to the number of items to be selected form the universe to constitute a sample.
This major problem before a researcher. The size of sample should neither be excessively large
nor too small .it should be optimum an optimum .an optimum sample is one which fulfills the
requirement of efficiency, representativeness, reliability and flexibility .while deciding the size of
sample, researcher must determine the desired precision as also an acceptable confidence level
for the estimate. the size of population variance needs to be considered as in case of larger
variance bigger sample is needed .the size of population must be kept in view for this also limits
the sample size .the parameter of interest in a research study may be kept in view , while
deciding the size of sample.
Sampling procedure:
We must decide about the technique to be used in selecting the items itself .there are several
sample design such as random sampling ,quota sampling ,systematic sampling ,stratified
sampling, cluster sampling ,area sampling one of as per need will be selected for the purpose of
Data collection method
Keeping in view the stated objectives the data was collected from the primary and secondary
Primary data:
Data collected by the researcher specifically for the research project. It is collected
directly from dealers and consumers via questionnaire or surveys before being analyzed to reach
conclusion concerning the issue covered in the questionnaire or survey .new data gathered to
help and solve the problem at hand. As compared to secondary data which is previously gathered
data. An example is information gathered by the questionnaire.
Under the primary source of information is collected with the help of the structured
questionnaire .questionnaires were used for collecting information from customers feedback
form and survey in the local aria. 50 people were interviewed during the study at versova aria.
Secondary data:
Secondary data is data that has been gathered for some other purpose. Data obtained indirectly
from source such as book computer data base. Data that have already been collected for some
purpose other than the current study .those that have been gathered for purpose other addressing
the issue or problem.
Under this the secondary data has been collected from various sources such as personal
discussion, organization records and reports.

• fed back forms of 176 customers

Research instrument:
Research instrument used,
1. Questionnaire

In case of IVY research project questionnaire method is used .questionnaire is firstly

tested on 6-8 people and then after satisfactory results the final questionnaire was done and
implemented in research.

Sampling plan:
Sampling unit - people around the aria
Sample size - 50 customers
- 176 feed back form.
Sampling aria -versova
Contact method:
The method of contact as below -
1- Personal interview
2- Feed back form

The method adopted for market research for this study is personnel interview& feed back

Collection of information:
The information was collected form end users by personally asking them question and
filling the questionnaire.
Analysis the information:
The information available is analyzed in form of table, graph and pie chart.
Presenting of the finding:
Presentation of research in the company was on the bases of findings and suggestion.

Limitation of the study:

➢ Limited study of IVY business.

➢ Project work has related to versova region only.

➢ Did not get opportunity to interact with guests of IVY.

➢ Study of business strategies were only related with marketing strategies.


Theoretical Background of study

What is marketing?
Marketing is the basic reason for the existence of a busssiness organization. In the age of fast
changes marketing is the springboard of all activates. It works as the guide for all business or
non business organization. It is a powerful mechanism which alone can satisfy the needs and
wants of consumer at the place and price they desire. The success of a business depends largely
on the effectiveness with which itsmarketing strategies are formulated and implemented.
Marketing is said to be the eyes and ears of a business organization because it keeps the business
in close contact with it’s economic ,political ,social and technological environment and informs it
of events that can influence its activates as per requirement of the market . Marketing helps in
having a good range of product in constant demand and suggest to the management the scope for
improving and developing new products to satisfy the changing customer needs.

Definition of marketing:
“marketing is an organizational function and a set of purpose for creating
.communication and delivering value to the customer and for managing customer relationship in
ways that benefits the organization “.
-Philip Kotler
“Marketing is a total system of business activates design to plan ,price ,promotion & distribute
the want satisfying product to the target market to achieve organizational objective “.
-william j.stanton

Marketing strategy:-
Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organization's energies and resources on a course
of action which can lead to increased sales and dominance of a targeted market niche. A
marketing strategy combines product development, promotion, distribution, pricing, relationship
management and other elements; identifies the firm's marketing goals, and explains how they
will be achieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines the choice of
Target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most
effective when it is an integral component of overall firm strategy, defining how the organization
will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena.
A marketing strategy can serve as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains
a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a marketing strategy. For example:
"Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our organization, via our low cost product,
has established a relationship with consumers, our organization will sell additional, higher-
margin products and services that enhance the consumer's interaction with the low-cost product
or service."
Marketing strategy consist of the determination of basic long range and objectives the
commitment of courses of action and the allocating of resources necessary to achieve the goals.
Hence strategic marketing planning is a long –range comprehensive framework formulated to
accomplish brand and divisional goals.
Marketing planning focused on the development of objective and strategies that determine which
marketing activates are to be performed and who it is to perform them. The marketing manager
gets a basic framework for implementing and controlling the activates of marketing of
Strategy according to marketing guru Michel porter “ is about setting yourself apart form
the competition “ .it is not just a matter of being better at what you do . It is a matter of being
different at what you do.
Formulation an overall marketing strategy is a difficult task. It is requires the co-ordination of all
aspects of marketing efforts .the task is made further difficult because of the absence of a method
which proves beyond doubt whether the combination of marketing inputs in the strategy and the
estimated profits are maximum .

Different marketing strategies:

Competitors in a particular target market will differ in their objectives and resources .hence
differences in strategies’ in strategies’ framed by them.
The following are the different marketing strategies:-
1. Leader 40%
2. Challenger 30%
3. Follower 20%
4. Nicher 10%

1. Market leader strategy :-

Most industries contain one firm that is acknowledging as the market leader. This firm
has the target market share in the relevant product it usually leads the other firms in price
change ,new product introduction ,distribution coverage of proportional intensity .

A market leader faces three challenges as:-

Expanding the total market
Protecting the market share
Expanding the market share

The market leaders are interested in finding ways to expand the total
market because it is the chief beneficiary of any increased sales. To expand the market
size the leaders
Looks for new users of the product, new uses and more uses. To protect its existing
market share .most sophisticated leaders covers themselves be doing every thing it
leaving opening for the competitive attack. Leaders can also try to increase the marketing
share .this makes sense if profitability increases at higher market share level and the
company’s tactics will not invite action.

2. Market challenger strategy :-

The firms that occupy second, third of lower ranks in an industry can be called runner
ship or trailing firms. This runner up firms can adopt one or two posters. They can attack
the leaders and other competitors in an agreeable bid for further market share (market
A market challenges must first decide its strategic objective. The strategy
objective of most market challengers is to increase their market share, thinking that this
will lead to grater, profitability deciding on the objective whether it is to crush the
competitor’s interest with the question of who the competitors is an aggressive can
choose to attack one of the three types of firms it can attack the can attack the market
It can attack firms of its own size that are doing the job and that are under financed.

3. Market follower strategy :-

A market follower is runner up firm but all runners up firms can not challenge the market
leaders. The efforts to draw away the leaders customers is never taken lightly by the
leaders .if the challenges lure is lower price, improved service or additional product
feature the leaders can quickly match these two diffuse the attack .

The leader probably has more staying power I all out bottle. a hard right might leave
both firms worse off and hence the challenger must think twice before attacking .unless
the challenger can launcha pre-emptive strike in the form of a substantial product
innovation or distribution break through it often professes to follow rather than attack the
leader .
But the follower without a strategy they must know how to build current customer
and win a fair share of new customer .each follower tries to bring distributive advantages
to its target market, location, service and financing .the follower are a major target of
attack by challenger. Therefore the market follower must keep its manufacturing cost low
its product quality service high. It must also enter new markets as they open up.

Follower ship is not to be passive or a carbon copy of the leader. The follower
has to define a growth path but one that does not competitive relation the follower’s
strategies can be distinguished as
Following closely

Following at distance

Following selectively

4 .market nicher strategy:-

Every industry includes small firms that specialize in parts of the market where they
avoid clashes with the majors. These smaller firms occupy market riches that they serve
specialization which the major are likely to over look or ignore .market inching is
interested not only to small companies but also to smaller divisions of larger companies
that are enabling to achieve the major standing in the industry .thesefirms try to find the
one or more market riches that are safe profitable .

An ideal market niche would have the following characteristics:-

• The niche is of sufficient size and purchasing power to be profitable.

• The niche has growth potential.

• The niche has required skills and resources the niche effectively.

• The firm can defend itself against an attacking competitor through customer good
will have built up.
The key idea nichmanship is specialization .the firm has to specialize along market,
customer, and product pr marketing mix. The specialist values pones to a market nicher
1. End user specialist
2. Specific customer specialist
3. Product line specialist
4. Service specialist
5. Customer size specialist
6. Quality specialist
7. Chanel specialist

Multiple niching is preferable to single niching in order to reduce risk .many of

the must profitable small and medium size firm own their niching strategy.

Marketing mix:

“Marketing programming is a set of policy decision on the level allocation and mix of
target efforts.”
-philip kotler

A distinctive marketing mix is now prepared to satisfy target market demand and
attain marketing objective for each target market.
Marketing mix and its implementation constitute the bulk of companies marketing
effort .the best integration of product distribution promotion and price strategies’.
Product mix –
A product mix is a set of tangible and intangible attributes including packaging , color, price
,manufactures prestige and manufactures and retailers services which the buyer may accept a
offering with satisfaction .
Killam j.santon

A tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a large scale
with a specific volume of units. Intangible products are often service based like the tourism
industry & the hotel industry or codes-based products like cell phone load and credits. Typical
examples of a mass produced tangible object are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less
obvious but ubiquitous mass produced service is a computer operating system.

a) Product range:-
This include
1) Width : number of product lines in product mix
2) Length: total number of items offer i.e. . total number of items
3) Depth: number of varieties offered of each product line.
4) Consistency: referees to the question of affinity of products to promotion marketing
and research.

b) Brand:-
The brand is a non-price competition the brand image is an indicator success in marketing.

1) Price mix :-

It includes pricing, discounts, allowances, & terms of credit. It deals with price competition.
Price is amount of that money that is needed to acquire some combination of product &
accompanying services etc. The prices must be deter mined in such way that firm is able to earn
normal profit in the prevailing competition and the consumer has the capacity terms and credit
etc. are important. The main goal in pricing may be classified as follows:
• Achieve target return on investment or rat sales.
• Stabilize price
• Maintain and improve share in market
• Meet present competitors.
• Maximize profits-
Discount and allowances result in a deduction from the basic or list price. The deduction may be
in the form of a reduced profit or some other concession. There are different types of discount
such as quantity discount, trade, discount, cash discount.

2) Place mix :-

Decision to respect of policies, regarding outlet for channel of distribution, location and layout of
stores are important. In the field of marketing, channels of distribution indicator routes or
pathway through which goods and services flow from producers to consumers.
The process of reaching the product from the production centre/unit to the customer / consumer
is known as distribution.
Definition of Distribution Channel:-
The set of marketing institutions participating in the marketing activities involved in the
movement or flow of goods or services from the primary producers to the ultimate consumer.

Physical Distribution:-
Physical distribution consists of these marketing activities related to the physical order –
processing, transportation, warehousing inventory management. Physical distribution involves
planning, implementation controlling the physical flow of materials & final goods to point of use
to meet customer needs at a project.

Types of Channels:-
The Distribution channels can classified on the basis of the number of levels of agencies
involved in distribution between the manufacturer and the consumer.
There are number of such agencies:-
1) Direct marketing channel.
2) Manufacturer – retailer – consumer channel.
3) Manufacturer – wholesaler – retailer – consumer channel.
4) Manufacturer – Agent - Wholesaler – retailer – consumer channel.
5) Manufacturer – Wholesaler – Retailer – consumer Channel.
6) Manufacturer – Stockiest – Wholesaler/semi- wholesaler – retailer – consumer.

The movement of goods from are place to another is called transport. Thedifferent modes of
transport are Road, Rail, Air and Water. The other factors to be considered in transport are
speed, capacity, safety, reliability, cost, availability .
Warehousing is needed at different stages Viz- Company level, intermediary level.

Inventory Level:-
In order to ensure timely supply of goods to the consumer when he needs, certain amount of
stock has to be maintained at all level this helps preventing consumers from going for other
products of competitors in a stock out situation.
Promotion Mix
The promotion mix is concerned with the marketing communication. Communication is a
process of marketing communication involving exchange of information, persuasion an
influence. It involves all types of communication with customer as well as distraction channel
member and other concerned.
The intention is to create a fare able response to company’s product offer and also to get market
back for improving & modifying the same.

The tools of promotion are:

1) Personal selling.
2) Publicity.
3) Advertising.
4) Sales Promotion.

A) Personal selling :

Personal selling deals with the oral or face-to-face transaction by person with one more
prospective customer for the purpose of making them buy the product. This involves direct two
way communication between the seller and buyer.

B) Publicity :

Publicity has an indirect effect on the buying behaviorof the customer. It plays a sole of
recommendatory nature which forces the buyer to re-think on his earlier decision.The important
method of publicity is press release, speeches, seminars / conferences, area development work &
social activities, public relations etc.All companies try to maintain good relationship with media
so that they not only give publicity to good news but also recheck before publishing adverse

C) Advertising :

It is defined as a paid and non- personnel form the presentation & promotion of ideas,
goods or services by an identified sponsor. It has its origin in Latin
word “Adverts” which means to turn around.
The Feature of Advertisement Are:-
1) Unique method of mass communication.
2) Silent but forceful salesman.
3) On open sales massage regarding any product or service.
4) It impact in easily visible through feedback.

The Advertising Media:

Poster, Hoardings, Vehicular advertising, sky advertising, electric light sign.
Newspapers, Magazines, Trade Journals.

Circular letters sales letters, price list, Catalogues pamphlets, Novelties,
Diary/Calendar, Gifts etc.


Radio, Film, Television, Slides, Window, Display, Exhibition Fairs etc.
Sales Promotion:-
It is defined as direct & immediate so that it prompts the dealers,
distributor or ultimate consumers to buy the products –
The sales promotion tools are:
Consumers Sales Promotion:
1) Coupons, sampler, Demonstration, full refund, premium offers, and price off, fashion
parades & shows.
2) Stickers / Stamps, discounts, rebate, concessions to members, special displays, deposit
scheme, lucky winners.

company profile
Introduction to company :
Indage Restaurants & Leisure Ltd (IRLL): Indage Restaurants & leisure Ltd. was
established in 1998 and is one of India’s largest award winning restaurant and leisure
companies. The Company controls several restaurant chains as well as a significant presence
in Hotels, Resorts and Spas. IRLL employs more than 700 people and is listed on the
Bombay Stock Exchange. It is a part of the Indage Group that also has interests in Wines,
Spirits, Fruit Juices, Retail, Construction & Engineering, and operates in more than 58

Has presence in Wine making, Viticulture, Construction, Hotels and Hospitality, Chain of
Restaurants, Food and Beverage. Indage Restaurants & Leisure Ltd ( IRLL )is thee Largest
wine making company in Asia and first in India which is the only wine making company in
India listed on BSE .
Owns and Controls the only Palace hotel in Maharashtra known as shalini palace
hotel Kolhapur .Champagne Indage Ltd – Largest Winery in Asia and Thachi Wines is a Fully
owned subsidiary of CIL

Other ventures
 Seabuckthorn Indage Ltd –Seabuckthorn based Juices

 Indage Engineering –Construction and Engineering

 Indage Vineyards Pvt Ltd –Viticulture and cultivation

 Indage Restaurants and Leisure Ltd –Restaurants, Hotels and Hospitality

 Chirayu Biotech Ltd and Champagne Nurseries Ltd –Agriculture assistance .

Core values of company :-

Customer Service:-
Excellent customer service has been core to the existence and has helped Indage
Restaurants & Leisure Ltd., hold a prominent and distinctive position in the Indian market
Ability to create Customer Needs :-
Through ventures like Athena, Tamaara, Ivy, Prive, Tetsuma Bar etc., Indage Hotels
has presented an unrivalled dining experience for customers

History of organization
Formerly known as Champagne Vineyards Limited. The Company's principal activity is to
manufacture wines. The Company also involves in a hotel business where they provide
soups, starters, traditional curries, sea foods and desert with their partner company named
Champagne Indage limited. The products of the Company include red and white wine, rose
wine and sparkling wine.
Year 1982 the company was incorporated on 7th October, at Mumbai .the company was
promoted by the indage group of industries and is a 100% export oriented unit.
The companies object is to manufacture of wine and liquors.
The Company entered into a technical collaboration agreement with M/s. Champagne
Technologies (C.T.) of France. Under the agreement C.T. would provide process know-how,
assist in selecting machinery and depute technical personnel to supervise and monitor the trial
runs and commercial production. Each year, CT would also depute wine masters at various
stages to supervise the grape crushing, fermentation and bottling of the sparkling wines.
Year 2008 Company name has been changed from Champagne Vineyards Ltd to Indage
Restaurants and Leisure Ltd.

Mr. Ranjit Chougule and Mr. Govind Guno Desai, Directors, retire by rotation at the ensuing
Annual General Meeting and being eligible offer themselves for re-appointment. The Board
of Directors in their meeting held on 29th May, 2008 appointed Mr. Vikrant Chougule,
Director, as the Managing Director of the Company form 1st April, 2008.

Key personnel -
Sham Chougule – Chairman
Arun Shah – Vice Chairman
Vikrant Chougule – Managing Director
Ranjit Chougule – Director

Current status: -

As a result of strategic initiatives towards the growth planning of Restaurant and Hotel
Business undertaking, Company has achieved significant financial progress during the year
which is implied by the number of new units opened during the year. Because of the
remarkable efforts of the company .the Company has achieved remarkable growth during the
year. Company has achieved a Gross Income of Rs.2, 577.19 Lacs as compared to
Rs.2360.48 achieved during previous year resulting into a profit of Rs.311.00 Lacs during the
year under review as against Rs.259.88 Lacs in the last year.

Awards :-

1. The Times of India Times Nightlife Awards - Best Lounge & Bar, 2006 – Athena.
2. The Times of India Times Nightlife Awards - Best Nightclub 2007 – Prive.
3. The Times of India Times Food Award - Best Japanese Restaurant, 2007 – Tetsuma.
4. India Today 100 Mumbai's Best Restaurants Silver award in Best Bar Category –
5. The Society Young Achievers Award, 2007 for excellence in the field of Business.
6. The Times of India Times Nightlife Awards - Best Nightclub 2008 – Prive.


Company has well established brands and a great set up of enthusiastic and motivated
people who have taken an initiative towards the strategic growth, as a result of which
Company has established a number of new units operating successfully all over Mumbai and
Maharashtra. The capabilities Company refer to the ability of effective utilization of
resources like the strong customer base and thebrand equity which it has earned over the last
several years into this business. Since capabilities are tacit in nature, they are critical for
competitive advantage. These are reflected in its ventures at following different locations.


Hotel Shalini Palace-

Hotel Shalini Palace: A Preferred destination for the Business traveler for a
comfortable yet exquisite staying experience and the only preference for the Tourist
demanding Maharaja comforts.
 Only Palace Hotel in Maharashtra
 Tied up with Welcome Group of Heritage hotels (ITC Group) for its marketing
 Entire makeover and refurbishment has been initiated.

Night club and Lounges

Night clubs and lounges:- follows the lineage as an establishment rivaling some of the
Finest bars across the world. Creating an avant-grade destination, which initiates as an
eclectic bar and as the night progresses, transcends into a surreal club that lets one dance
The night away. The vision is to create a separate exclusive dimension for its clientele. One
that endows sublime elegance and screens out humdrum from the outside world; while
Being conveniently located within the city precincts.
Fining Dining Restaurants

The idea of fine dining restaurants are keen to give customer satisfying service and lip
watering taste of food with finest wines from the collection of company’s best wines.

Personifying the idea of light hearted indulgence is it for dining or lunch with family,
it is to create a lively experience through the delectable mélange of a Varity of food offered to
customers. Facilitated by an intrepid ambient design, which further catalyses this integration,
without compromising on one’s privacy, fine dining restaurants the vision, which aimed at
creating a new genre that encompassed the full spectrum of moods and yet preserved each
one to be savored individually.
IVY Wine cafes

IVY-Cafe & Bistro which was opened at Versova, Mumbai and at Dhole Patil Road, Pune.
Both have a combination of the eclectic cuisine of a Bistro and the convenience of a Cafe,
providing a unique ambience for Mumbai’s finest.
IVY is a chain of outlets opened by Indage group IVY is segmented in two parts as
rural and urban IVY where as in urban outlets from Mumbai and pune came and in rural
outlets form narayongaon and Sholapur lies in the part of rural section

Urban: - Personifying the idea of light hearted indulgence is it for a brunch or even coffee, it
is to create a lively experience through the delectable mélange of a café and a bistro.
Facilitated by an intrepid ambient design, which further catalyses this integration, without
compromising on one’s privacy, Wine Café realize the vision, which aimed at creating a new
genre that encompassed the full spectrum of moods and yet preserved each one to be savored
individually. The wine Café will be used for retailing the wines.

Rural: - Serving the most authentic Indian Cuisine & create a Preferred location for the
Locales and an ideal stop for wary highway traveler to take a break and capitalization on the
Brand value.


NANDO’S is positioned slightly different than a Quick Service Restaurant. A consumer is

to spend more time in a NANDO’S restaurant compared to other quick service restaurants.

NANDO’S offers dishes that will have an exquisite selection of starters, vegetarian and non-
vegetarian meals, sideliners, desserts and beverages. NANDO’S strives to sell its products
and market the experience of spending time at NANDO’S.
Nando’s is a Multinational Chain of Casual Dining Restaurant having presence in 40
countries and over 800 outlets.
IRLL is the Master Franchisee of Nandos in India.
Wine spa Resorts


Table no .1
Analysis of food
Sr.no Food No of % of
respondent respondent
1 Excellent 61 36%
2 Good 99 58%
3 Average 9 5%
4 Poor 1 1%
Total 170
Graphical presentation:-

1-Excellent 2-Good 3-Average 4-Poor

Interpretation:- As we can see in the graphical presentation there are 58% people who say that
food taste is good and 36% people having opinion that food taste is excellent it mean that food
served by ivy outlet is very good in taste and satisfying customers.
Only 5% people say that food is average and 1% says it is poor. It mean that food
delivered at restaurant is excellent but there is some chance to improve visitors experience of
food taste.
Table no.2
Sr.no Service No of % of
respondent respondent
1 Excellent 93 55%
2 Good 68 41%
3 Average 5 3%
4 Poor 2 1%
Total 168
Graphical presentation:-

1-Excellent 2-Good 3-Average 4-Poor

In this pie chart for service at the outlet we can see majority of customer are give their opinion
toward service at outlet is excellent (55%) and 41% are good side overall we can say that
customers are always on the excellent side and they satisfied with the service of outlet and they
express it in their comments.
Only 3% customer say that service at outlet is average and 1% say that
it is poor so we can say that the customers coming at the restaurant are satisfied with service at
Table no.3
Here ambiance receive only 66 comments (36%)at excellent side and 86(50%) on
good side although 16 on the average side and 4 on poor side. It is 11% of total sample .It means
that visitors at Ivy are not satisfied with ambiance where company can does things to do visitors

Table no.4
Sr.no Value for No of % of
money respondent respondent
1 Excellent 68 40%
2 Good 85 50%
3 Average 16 8%
4 Poor 4 2%
total 172 100%
Graphical presentation:-

1-Excellent 2-Good 3-Average 4-Poor

This chart reflects that the 40% customers are thinking that value for money is given on excellent
side. And 50% customer given verdict toward the good value for money and 8% customer think
that value for money at the restaurant is on average side and only 2% think that only 2% people
think that value for money at restaurant ivy is poor.
Overall experience at IVY restaurant for value for money is good but in order to
making it best organization should provide more attention towards the making everything at
restaurant excellent. So value for money of experience will improve at restaurant.
Table no 5
Sr.no Particular No of respondent % of respondent
1 IVY visited 3 6%
2 Never visited but 3 6%
3 Totally unaware 44 88%
Total 50 100%

1-IVY visitors 2-not visited but known 3-totally unaware

Interpretation –
In this chart we can clearly see that out of 50 people only 6 people had known the IVY and only
3 people among them visited IVY .but 44 people are neither know IVY or nor visited to IVY
which can be count in potential future customer .
For the purpose of attracting people and making IVY known brand advertisement through
various media is very essential.
Table no 6
Sr.no Preferred food No of respondent % of respondent
1 Indian 19 38%
2 Chinese 10 20%
3 Continental 15 30%
4 Thai 6 12%
Total 50 100%

Graphical representation:-

1-indian 2-chaines 3-continatel 4-thai

Interpretation –
This chart represent the food taste of people interviewed around the aria in which 19
people shows their likeliness toward Indian food and 10 people says that they love to eat
Chinese food among 50 people 10 people says that they goes in restaurants for enjoying
continental food and 5 people says that they like Thai food when they goes in restaurants.
The people who surveyed during research show there taste mainly other than
continental food so if IVY introduces new kind of food on menu that will work as new
attraction for people.

Table no. 7
Sr.no particular No of % of
respondent respondent
1 often 6 12%
2 Quite often 3 6%
3 weekends 26 52%
4 occasionally 15 30%
total 50 100%

1- Often 2-quit often 3-weekends 4-occasionally

Interpretation: -
In this frequency table we see that there is more frequency of people who go to hotels in
weekends which is 50% of population of sample and another 30% people used to go in hotels
and restaurants occasionally on birthdays or on any special occasion people who visits
restaurants often are 12% and quit often are 6% which small percentage compare to other

Table no .8
Comparative study of competitor of IVY

Sr.no Name of Main Promotional Advertising Cost of Brand service Overall Delivery
the feature schemes food display surrounding system
restaurant (usp) at place avability
01 IVY Wine and Buy 1 get 1, no Lower Average Excellent Good No
continental Croma meal,
food week end
night, Honda
02 Subway Subs Combo meal, Yes Higher Very Excellent Good Yes
weekday good
03 Rolling Fine dine No info Yes Higher Good Excellent Very good Yes
04 Shatranj Full fledge No info Yes Higher Good Excellent Very good No
bar &
05 Dominoz Pizza Combo meal, Yes Normal Very Excellent Good Yes
delivery discount good
06 Barista Coffee Cricket Yes Higher Very Excellent Very good No
lavaza Varity combo, good
combo offer
07 Dixie euro Chicken Beverage Yes Higher Very Excellent Very good Yes
burger and combo, value good
wings meals
08 Caffe coffe Varity of No info Yes Higher Very Excellent Very good No
day coffee good

This chart represents the survey of the competitors of ivy .the survey conducted in and
around the versova. in this chart we can clearly see specialty of every restaurant is much varied
but they are competitor on the same segment as IVY is the served wine and continental food
although shatranj is bar and restaurant, Rolling bean is a fine dining restaurant coffe –café- day
and barista lavazza are the coffee houses which having chain of outlet through out India.
Subway is famous for their subs as well as Dixie euro is famous for the chicken burger and
chicken product.
The advertising needs are also different at the stage dominoz, subway, barista lavazza, cafe –
coffe-day, Rolling bean are the restaurants which does their advertisingmore than any other in
the segment other restaurant relatively does low advertisement or no advertisement .
Delivery system for the free home delivery which is an good strategies to capture the
segment of homed people whoever is not able to come at restaurant he can order anything on one
call and restaurants take care for the quick and fresh delivery .like dominos they are known for
the their fastest and fresh home delivery as well as subway, Dixie euro, rolling bean having thair
home delivery system.


1) IVY visitors are very satisfied with food test at the restaurant.
2) IVY visitors say that Service rendered at the IVY restaurant is excellent.
(Ref.T.NO -2)
3) IVY visitors verdict that the ambiance of IVY is not so promising need to rectify
loopholes in ambiance experience.
(Ref.T.NO -3)
4) The people form aria are mostly unaware of IVY restaurant and offering
(Ref.T.NO -5)
5) It is found during the study that people not prefer to go in ivy because they don’t know
that they are having the such a good place in their aria
(Ref .T.NO-5)
6) It brought to notice that people around the aria preferred to eat other than continental
food (Indian and Chinese ) mostly when they visits to any restaurants
(Ref.T.NO -6)
7) Frequency of customer to visit restaurants is higher on weekends

(Ref.T.NO -7)
8) It is found that majority of dining restaurants are having their own delivery system to
catch more customer who are at longer distance seating at home.
(Ref.T.NO -8)

9) Competition in the restaurant & hotel segment in versova is very stiff In small vicinity
too many well known hotels and restaurants are present.

(Ref.T.NO -8)
1) Advertising in the local aria should start as soon as possible.

2) Delivery system of food should start to capture untapped market of the area.

3) New food should introduce in the menu card so guest of IVY should have more options to
order and interested to come for remaining on next visit.

4) Branding of IVY brand is very essential .so branding strategies should imply. .
i) Advertising to does more furiously of brand everywhere as possible.
ii) Start complimentary IVY coupons for next meeting on coupon of IVY
information should give at large and as possible with more pictures
.(give some % of discount on next meeting).
iii) Give printed bags of IVY & key chains with ivy print.
iv) Give printed IVY boxes for take away meal (pizza box).
v) Even try to keep tissues with IVY print.
5) Various promotional programs like Mexican night, Arabian night, buy 1get1free.first
advertise in people at large before and then to start.

6) Display of ivy brand and offering should more strongly display at the outlet. Customer
see IVY brand with entry till to the exit from outlet.

7) Advertising in print media and electronic media should be done to reach more and
more people form the vicinity.
Annexure 1
Questionnaire for Customer outside the Restaurants (questionnaire- 1)
Ph :
1) Do you like to visit restaurants
a) Yes b) no
2) Would you like wine or bear with dinner or lunch?
a) Yes b) no
3) When you like to visit this places or often you does hotel ling?
a) Often b) quite often c) weekends d) occasionally
4) Do you know any restaurant which serves you grate wine with good food ?
5) Do you know about restaurant IVY at versova which gives you grate food with
compliment of wine?
a) Yes b) no
6) Do you like restaurant and service they offer?
a) Yes b) no
7) How was the place?
a) Excellent b) good c) average d) poor
8) Is they give cost efficient service and value for money?
a ) Excellent b) good c) average d) poor
10) How you got to know about ivy versova?
a) News paper B) friend c) magazine
11) Which food you like to have when you go to any restaurant?
a) Indian b) chaines c) continental d) Thai e) -----------------
12) Any other restaurant where you would like to go in the versova ?
Annexure 2
Questionnaire: 2

Please share your experience with us in order to create a WOW experience

for you

Excellent Good Average Poor

Value for

Suggestion: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I will be interested in yes no
Winery tour

Wine testing session

Convenient day
Your details:
Thank you we look forward to seeing you more often!!
Annexure 3
Comparison shit for competitor
1) Food line
a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

2) Service in restaurant
a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

3) Customer at the time of visit

a) Very good b) good c) fair

4) Advertising rate
a) Very high b) high c) good d) normal

5) Seating arrangement / comfortableness.

a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

6) a/c cooling system

a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

7) Condition of chair tables and related things.

Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

8) Aria having (In terms of sufficiency).

a)aria b) sufficient c) not adequate

9) Food displays
a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

10)Attractive display of brand at place.

a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair.

11)Uniform of employees working at place.

a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair

12)Main feature of restaurant.


13)No of schemes they are having.


14) Cost of food

a) High b) low c) equal

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