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Student Vit Horky

Class: eBusinessPlanning & Lecturer : Anastasia Paraskou

Implementation Rob Carter
Semester: Spring 2007 Program: HND Business
Due Date: May 19 2007 Actual May 19 2007

Evidence Produced Location

Eg. Report Handed to Lecturer/ emailed to Lecturer

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Date: May 19 2007

A separate feedback sheet will be returned to you after your work has been graded.

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Word count: 1,408

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 1

The impact of e- in the business
Research and analysis of offerings digital camera


1. Introduction 4

1.1 The product 4

1.2 The eShop definition 4

2. The eShop description 4

3. The brick-and-mortar shop description 5

4. The analysis of expectations 5

4.1 eShop customer 5

4.2 Brick-and-mortar shop customer 5

5. Assessment of relevant online data 6

5.1 Integrity of data 6

5.2 Reliability of data 6

6. Analysis of logistic processes 6

6.1 Responses 6

6.2 Reliability of information 7

6.3 Staff skills 7

6.4 Personal feeling 7

Conclusion 8

References 9

Bibliography 10

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Appendix 1 - eShops 11

Appendix 2 – Brick-and-mortar shop 12

Appendix 3 – The communication report 13

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The impact of e-
in the business
Research and analysis of offerings digital

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 4

The impact of e- in the business
Research and analysis of offerings digital camera


1.1.The product

The product which was randomly chosen from the half-proffesional cameras rank of all

producers has product name CANON EOS 1D MARK II and it is one of the most expensive

digital camera offered on the czech market (the fact was found out by the observation of

eShops stated on Appendix 1). The product price on the Czech online market is

approximately 105.000 CZK. The Foto Skoda eShop offers the camera for 103.990 CZK (inc.

VAT 19%)

1.2.The eShop definition

By the observation of several eShops offering electronical machines and cameras especially

was chosen the eShop called Foto Skoda on domain address

The brick-and-mortar shop definition

2.The eShop description

Foto Skoda is only one of few eShops on the czech market providing the website with full

translation to the English and offering variety of products in each category of specialized

market focused on high-skilled half-proffesionals on the area of photography

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 5

3. The brick-and-mortar shop description
The brick-and-mortar was chosen based on the criteria: easy availability by walk from the city

centre of Prague; widely known shop focused on electronic goods. The shop called Datart

Megastore is based on Narodni street, 15Om from Mustek, Prague 1. The shop is a part of

chain Datart.

4.Analysis of expectations

4.1.eShop Customer

As a customer interested in highly proffesional products offered in high

competitive market one can expect perfectly prepared:

1) comparison of similar products; based on interactive functions and


2) all the technical information available in Czech as well as in English

3) business provider support provided by highly-skilled person from the

particular area; speaking in Czech as well as in English; with fast


4) the online free discussion available on the server of business provider

4.2. Brick-and-mortar shop customer

Based on the chosen product – which is one of the most expensive half-proffessional digital

camera in the current Czech market – there was not expected, that the product will be

available in the brick-and-mortar premise. But the customer can expect, that the staff will be

absolutely helpful and it will have detailed information about the product as well as the


eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 6

5.Assessment of relevant online data

5.1.Integrity of data

The integrity of data are absolutely essential on the area of online shopping electronic goods

where the data are usually available on the websites of retails as well as the website of

producer. Product description, technical information and information about warranty was fully

available in Czech language on the website of eShop retail, only parts of the product

technical data was in English. However, it was possible to visit the website of producer where

all the data was available in English.

5.2.Reliability of data

The reliability data was found absolutely relevant and fully coved all the functions and

specifics of the product. The data was available in Czech language on the eShop website

server and in English on the producer website presentation. There were any disturbing or

irrelevant informations which could make the research and purchase more difficult. The data

was fully available for average web surfer.

6.Analysis of the logistic processes


As a part of the mystery online shopping and evaluating the reliability of data provided on the

server one can find important to get the absolutely specific infromation about particular

function of the product. As a foreigner interested in purchase of the camera CANON EOS 1D

MARK II I wrote the message throw the online contact form available on the website provider where I asked for complete technical information in English language and

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 7

specific answer to the question, what is the speed of the lens shutter. Immediate answer was

strongly required. The message was sent May 18, 2007 (Thursday) at 0:16.

The response, to the email filled in the contact form, was received after almost 16 hours, at

4:01 PM, May 18, 2007 (Thursday). The reply included the hyperlink pointing to the complete

technical infromation about the product on official website of producer Canon

( The answer was completely in english as well as the source linked there.

The message included also contact information of the divison of Cameras on the shop

FotoSkoda, based on Prague 1.

6.2.Reliability of information

The reliability information given by the staff of the Datart Megastore was not fully covered

and the personalle was not able to answer simle questions about the technical description of

the product. All their answer was pointing to use their electronical shop, where the reliable

information should be simply available.

6.3.Staff skills

The staff was not active and even that the mystery shopper stood before the shelf with

cameras for more than 5 minutes, there was not activity of the staff recognized. The

knowledge about the Canon EOS 1D MARK II camera was not in-depth and there were only

information about the availability of all the data online given.

6.4.Personal feelings

I was completely disatisfied by the approach of the Datart staff and my first impression after

immediate leaving was „never again“.

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 8


After brief secondary research of the chosen product, primary research online and mystery

shopping performed on the Datart store was concuded that half-proffesional camera Canon

offering is more available and attractive, from the customer point of view, online – on the

website server FotoSkoda. The personalle of the Datart shop was not skilled to satisfy highly

interested customer with in-depth knowledge about the cameras from particular area of half-

professional product for home usage. The recommendation based on the research is that

FotoSkoda offers online reliable, relevant online data from the area of cameras and we can

recommend the usage of its online shop.

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 9


Datart Megastore

Available from:

[ cited 14 May, 2007]

Foto Skoda

Available from:

[cited 15 May, 2007]

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 10


Edexcel HNC & HND Business, 2004, Marketing. BPP Professional Education, London

Kotler P. & Armstrong G., 2004. Marketing, 6th edition, Grada Publishing, Prague

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 11

There were following electronic shops researched:

Datart Megastore

Available from:

[ cited 14 May, 2007]

Foto Expert,

Available from:

[ cited 14 May, 2007]

Foto Skoda

Available from:

[cited 15 May, 2007]


Available from:

[ cited 15 May, 2007]


Available from:

[ cited 15 May, 2007]

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 12

The brick-and-mortar shop Datart Megastore was visited May 14, 2007 at 2:30 PM.

The address: Narodni trida 28, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech republic

The GPS position: 50°04'56", 14°25'09"

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 13

The conclusion and ecommendation was based partly on the communication with the staff of

FotoSkoda, documented here:

Message sent: May 18, 2007 0:16

eBusiness Assignment #1 | Page 14

Message sent: May 18, 2007 04:01 PM

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