Muhammad Farhan: Professional Résumé

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Muhammad Farhan

Professional Rsum Address: Contact Res: [Email]: House # R-120, Sector 11-K, Opposite Islamic Banglows, North Karachi, Karachi, a!istan "#$2-21% &'$(1)'* Cell: "#$2-&+*% 2101++1

m,arhan-((.hotmail/com 0n enthusiastic an1 committe1 pro,essional loo!ing ,orwar1 ,or a 2hallenging opportunit3 into a career oriente1 organi4ation/ Being a sincere an1 har1 wor!ing in1i5i1ual I ha5e pro5en m3 a6ilities to the people, to ma!e a long-term career in repute1 organi4ation/


Work Experience Or ani!ation: Organi4ation 73pe8 'esi nation: 7enure8 :ocation8 0rea"s% o, ;<perience8 Reporting to8 Responsibilit*: Pakistan "nternational #irline $%peedEx& 2ourier In1ustr3 "() "nchar e Septem6er 200( to 7ill 9ate Karachi Hea1 O,,ice In,ormation 7echnolog3 Regional =anager > Branch =anager =aintain recor1 o, accounts opening ,orms "0O?%/ 0llot corporate account num6ers to clients in customi4e1 so,tware "2O=S%/ Open one short 1eal in customi4e1 so,tware "2O=S%/ 0cti5e an1 inacti5e 0ccounts in customi4e1 so,tware "2O=S%/ 0uthori4e1 centrali4e1 6oo!ing o5er the networ!/ Re5ise1 rates an1 scanning o, 0O?/ Sen1 scan images or photo cop3 to the respecti5e stations/ 0llow 6ul! 6oo!ing/ 0ssign @o6 2o1es to sta,,s/ Incorporate route wise incenti5e in customi4e1 so,tware "2O=S%/ Aenerate an1 print monthl3 in5oices through customi4e1 so,tware/ 2harge e<tra amount against non ser5ice area shipments/ Aenerate the mo1ule o, report as per reBuirement/ 2hec! @/C, Insurance an1 er,ormance reports/ 2reates other reports as per reBuirement o, =anagement/ Networ!ing trou6leshooting/ 2oor1inate with Spee1e< S3stem 01ministrator ,or an3 t3pe o, Buer3 ,ace1 63 Spee1e< O,,icials/

+rief ,ob 'escription8

Or ani!ation: Organi4ation 73pe8

Pakistan "nternational #irline $%peedEx& 2ourier In1ustr3

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'esi nation: 7enure8 :ocation8 0rea"s% o, ;<perience8 Reporting to8 Responsibilit*:

"() #ssistant ?e6ruar3 200* till 0ugust 200( Karachi Hea1 O,,ice In,ormation 7echnolog3 I/7 Incharge 7rou6leshooting 2omputer Har1ware, So,tware an1 rinter pro6lems/ 7rou6leshooting Networ! ro6lems/ 0uthori4e I 011ress an1 courier co1es/ 2reate reports as reBuirement/ Scan 0ccount Opening ?orms "0O?% an1 maintain recor1/ Scan =inutes an1 0ppro5als/ rint 2onsignment Notes ,or corporate customers/

+rief ,ob 'escription8

Or ani!ation: Organi4ation 73pe8 'esi nation: 7enure8 :ocation8 0rea"s% o, ;<perience8 Reporting to8 Responsibilit*:

Pakistan "nternational #irline $%peedEx& 2ourier In1ustr3 Project - 'ata Entr* Officer No5em6er 200+ till @anuar3 200* Karachi Hea1 O,,ice Operations =anager Operations

+rief ,ob 'escription8

?ee1ing o, consignment note in s3stem/ ?ee1ing o, 1eli5er3 sheets in s3stem/ Run monthl3 report o, consignment notes/ Boo!ing o, 6ul! shipments in 2O=S "2ourier Operations =anagement S3stem% :oo! a,ter 6ul! proDect "0war1 lus, Eorl1 2all, Stan1ar1 2hartere1 Ban! > 0220%/ repare 1ispatchment report/ 2oor1inate with clients an1 resol5e1 their Bueries/ 0rrange ran1oml3 recon,irmation o, 1eli5eries o, shipments/ =aintain proper recor1 o, in6oun1 an1 out6oun1 shipments/

Or ani!ation: Organi4ation 73pe8 'esi nation: 7enure8 :ocation8 0rea"s% o, ;<perience8 Reporting to8 Responsibilit*: +rief ,ob 'escription8

#irport .imousine %ervice $Part )ime ,ob& 7ransportation Cen1or %chedulin Officer @une 200& till 0ugust 200$ Karachi 0irport In,ormation 7echnolog3 =anager Networ! Operation s

repare pic!up F 1rop sche1ule o, coc!pit an1 ca6in crew o, National ?lag ship carrier/ =aintain an1 up1ate recor1 o, all coc!pit an1 ca6in crew in customi4e1 so,tware/

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Or ani!ation: Organi4ation 73pe8 'esi nation: 7enure8 :ocation8 0rea"s% o, ;<perience8 Reporting to8 Responsibilit*:

rinting o, sche1uling slips/

%iemens Pakistan En ineerin /ompan* .td ;ngineering Motor Winder =arch 200+ till 0ugust 200+ Karachi 7echnician Section Incharge

+rief ,ob 'escription8

=a!ing an1 la3ing o, stator win1ing coils o, single an1 & phase motor/ =a!ing an1 la3ing o, ,iel1 win1ing coils an1 stator win1ing coils o, & phase alternator/ 2onnection o, motors an1 alternator win1ing coils/ 7esting o, motorsFalternator win1ing, 1ocumenting an1 reporting test result/ 9etection an1 recti,ication o, win1ing ,aults in the pro1ucts/

Education %r( 2 5 9 /ertification 0 'e ree +achelor of #R)s "ntermediate Matriculation From 3rdu %cience 3niversit* 6ov( 'e ree %cience /olle e %(M Public #cadem* %peciali!ation 0 Major #rts Pre7 En ineerin %cience Passin 1ear $Result #4aited& 5889 5888

/ertifications 2 5 9 > ? 'iploma in :et4orkin 'atabase 0 'eveloper )rack /omputer <ard4are /ourse 9 1ears #pprenticeship as Motor Winder Office #utomation /omputer /olle iate Orasoft "nstitute Faroo=7E7#!am "nstitute %iemens Pakistan En ineerin /ompan* .td Plan4al /omputer "nstitute 588; 588; 5889 588875889 5888

/omputer skills @ #bilities %r( 1 2 + * ' %kills @ #bilities =S O,,ice 2omputer Har1ware > So,tware Installation Networ!ing Oracle $i 01o6e hotoshop Proficienc* .evel ;<cellent ;<cellent ;<cellent Aoo1 ;<cellent .ast 3sed 0 Practiced 2urrentl3 Gsing 2urrentl3 Gsing 2urrentl3 Gsing 2urrentl3 Gsing 0s > on Nee1

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7echnical Eriting S!ills


2urrentl3 Gsing

Personal "nformation ?atherHs Name8 9ate o, Birth =arital Status8 2NI2 No/8 :anguage 2ompetenc38 9omicile8 =uhamma1 =umta4 0!htar 9ecem6er 2$th, 1$(+ Single +2101-++21(22-$ Gr1u > ;nglish Karachi

+est Re ardsA Muhammad Farhan

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