Chatter, January 2014

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a letter from


God when my own sin hampers my hopes and dreams; my entitlement is stunningly brilliant and innitely worse than that of a preschooler whining for her blanket. But that doesnt stop me. I keep on whining. Boy, whining feels good. I whine from the back seat because sometimes its all you can do when youre tired and hungry and weak and human. Thats why Im especially encouraged by words of sympathy I encounter in Gods word. Words like the ones in Hebrews 4:1516 that describe Jesus in a very Old Testament-y kind of way, as a gracious High Priest: For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are yet he did not sin. Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with condence, so that we may receive mercy and nd grace to help us in our time of need. Notice the writer here doesnt promise us blankets. No promise to pull the car over, either. But he does promise help grace, mercy, a warm reception. He will reach into our back seat and hold our hands, even if he doesnt give us what we want. The trick, at least for me, is approaching him in the rst place. And with condence? Really? To step into the light and into his presence with all of my junk and all of my baggage and all of my whining self ? Condently? Its scandalous thats what it is and beautiful. Its beautiful to be able to say, Help me! I dont even want to be here right now! Its beautiful to cry, Help me. Im powerless. Or Help me! Im really mad at you right now! Or Help me. I cant stop sinning! The new year is a great time to assess the best path forward: will I hold out on God because hes holding out on me, or approach him with the condence and humility of a beloved if sometimes disappointed child? In 2014, as best I can, Im going to dare my circumstances to compete with the help God can provide. Maybe then Ill be able to settle down, look out the window, and watch the trees go by.

The other day my three-year-old daughter Madeline was in the back seat

of the SUV when she realized, belatedly, perhaps, that the world had failed her. Her blanket was missing. It had been carelessly tossed into the very back where no one could reach it without pulling the car over for a major extraction. As she wailed, I chanted over and over again, mantra-like, Im sorry baby, youre going to have to hold on.

I WANT IT NOW. GET IT FOR ME, MOMMY! GET IT FOR ME! At rst, her screaming planted a little hot seed of anger in the middle of my chest cavity; I could feel my voice rising and the hair on my scalp buzzing with a kind of manic electricity. I began to chide, and then to holler back. She just screamed louder. She was tired, hungry, unable to control the emotional whiplash of being, well, three years old. I was tired, hungry, unable to control the emotion of being a mommy and a chauffeur; of being a woman completely devoid of magical powers or innite patience, of being 100% ready for a nap and a pedicure. As the whining both mine and hers progressed, I felt a little pinprick of something, a little Jesus maybe, at my core. It quieted me for a millisecond, just long enough for me to shut my trap and reach my hand into the back seat. I found little ngers, a little palm. She grabbed my pointer nger and my middle nger together, and we sat like that, ngers-in-palm, while I drove with my left hand and my left eye. She was still sniffling, still making sounds that resembled a dying orca, but the whole production was becoming more subdued. Eventually she went quiet all together, still clutching my ngers ercely like they were her link to a coming kingdom. Sometimes we dont always get what we want when we want it, and that makes me grumpy. I want to blame God for holding out on me, for blindsiding me with the shock of unmet expectations, for keeping quiet when, more than anything, I want to be given an explanation and a 5-step plan for my future happiness. I even blame

Editor Julie Rhodes Art Direction, Design & Goodness Josh Wiese, Lindsey Sobolik, JD Lemming Admin Extraordinaire Victoria Andrews Our Very Tall Boss Scott McClellan, Communications Pastor

Photography Charles Stafford (IBCers and their Stuff, Propel)* Jacque Bundy (Photo Update)* Writers Shawn Small (Idle Chatter)*

Editorial Assistance/Proong Summer Alexander,* Annie Stone* Thoughts, comments, ideas? Contact Chatter at Need Chatter Digitally? Chatter is on the web at *Most beloved and indispensable Chatter Volunteer.

Irving Bible Church: a community on a journey.

Thanks for picking up Chatter. Chatter is a publication of Irving Bible Church in Irving, Texas.
Why are we here?
IBC is on a journey committed to life transformation through Jesus Christ. We engage this journey by growing in Christ, connecting in community, and joining the mission. This commitment comes from Jesus words in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

How do we do this?
Growing in Christ At the heart of the journey is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the story of the Son of God coming into our dark world to bring light, life, hope and transformation. The journey begins when we trust Christ, but it doesnt end there. Gods desire for each of us is for our hearts and lives to become more like the one who has saved us (Ephesians 4:11-13). Connecting in Community The gospel story draws us into a community of people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. This journey is not one that we undertake alone. We are designed to do life together as a community of Christ-followers. It is essential that we walk with one another on the journey (John 13:34-35). Joining the Mission The gospel tells us that one day God will take all that is broken in this world and make it whole. Those of us who are on the journey together are called to be people who do what we can to make glimpses of that day show up in our day. We do this by telling the gospel story and demonstrating gospel-shaped love to a needy world (Matthew 28:18-20).

Contact IBC

Irving Bible Church | 2435 Kinwest Pkwy, Irving, TX 75063 | (972) 560-4600 Web | Twitter @ibcvoice | Facebook irvingbible
Sign up for the IBC eLetter, a weekly email update for key ministry event information and announcements, along with a short devotional by Pastor Andy to encourage you on your journey week-to-week. Subscribe today at New to IBC? Turn to page 18.

Photo Update: Advent Live

On December 12, the IBC family gathered for an intimate celebration of the Advent season, complete with storytelling, music and gourmet refreshments.


I hope youve managed to dig out of your wrapping-paper-debris-pile and your Christmascookie-coma. At my house, we are settling into 2014 with much gratitude and new gifts, one of which has me thinking about the future. My son got a magic eight ball for Christmas. Remember those? Sort of the poor mans crystal ball that always gives non-committal answers like signs point to yes or concentrate and ask again. Ever since Zach opened it, Ive been tempted to ask it a few questions about IBC, because it seems to me that God only knows whats coming for us in 2014. In many ways, I get the impression in these days that were living in the calm before a storm. Here are a few reasons why.

Remember last summer when both our senior pastor and our worship pastor were on sabbatical? (Were sure glad thats over!) I remember being apprehensive about what it would be like around here post-sabbatical. I could just imagine Andy coming back from three months off to say, You know guys, Ive been going at it hard for 26 years. I didnt realize how tired I was until I stepped off the treadmill. Also, I really like golf. So yall take it from here. But my fears were not realized. In fact, just the opposite happened. The rst day that Andy was back in the building, he gathered up some staff and started talking about his fresh perspective and new ideas for IBCs future. Hes taken to saying that weve been playing defense long enough; its time for us to start playing offense. Already, there is movement in that direction: The Table, our newest forum for conversations with unbelievers about lifes big questions, is going public with plans to meet at a local winery. (See page 13 for details.) Were planning a similar discussion at a local tobacco shop. Weve got designs on expanding the medical clinic to a second night of service each week. In fact, we are planning on growing all of our Wednesday night community center (2435 Kinwest) activities. And our small groups from students to families have been praying for their friends, neighbors and coworkers who are far from God. From Christmas gifts, to meals for homeless, to front-yard-marshmallow-roasts, IBCers are nding ways to bless their neighbors. Kids and adults in our Next Gen ministry (children young adults) are continuing to discover that following Jesus is not about doing and being better but trusting in Jesus to change them from the inside out. This frees them up to have compassion for people and engage in spiritual conversations in their schools and workplaces. Its our tradition to light a red candle in a Sunday service when someone puts his or her trust in Jesus for salvation. As we move into 2014, were dreaming about a sea of red candles on the stage. More than ever, we are playing offense. More than ever, we are aligned around what Scott Cormode of Fuller Seminary likes to call a shared story of future hope.

Journey On
The latest report shows that we are exactly on track with Journey On a third of the way through the two-year journey, we have retired a third of the debt. And very soon we hope to have our nances in such great shape that we can retire all debt and start taking action on some much-needed improvements to our childrens ministry space. I expect Journey On to be a hinge in the history of our church even more than the move from Finley Road or the decision to call a still-wet-behind-the-seminary-ears Andy McQuitty as pastor. Imagine the day when we hammer down the last plank on the Journey On bridge and set re to our mortgage. What a joyous and important celebration that will be! Vision. Opportunity. Financial freedom. These are three of many reasons to be optimistic about 2014. We will discuss many more at the January Summit. This is our annual meeting where well review the year behind, elect new elders, and dream about the year ahead. It happens on January 25 at 9 a.m. in the Commons, and its open to everyone. I hope youll join us! After a few years of change, IBC is in a place right now where its vision, nances and opportunities are ripe. With so much coming into place, with so many new challenges and opportunities facing us, I think the forecast is for a urry of ministry activity in our near future. And when I ask, Will it be a fun ride? Will next year be a time of unprecedented growth, connection and mission at IBC? All signs point to yes. Ryan Sanders believes in the kingdom come when all the colors will bleed into one.
Ryan serves on the IBC Lead Team overseeing Small Groups at IBC, Stephen Ministry, and the IBC Communications Team.

Cypress Waters
Speaking of neighbors, were getting some new ones. Just across the freeway from us, people are already moving in to the new Cypress Waters development. By some estimates, this new neighborhood will bring 20,000 new families to our doorstep. Thats families, not people! At this years pastor/elder retreat, author Larry Osborne talked to us about leveraging new relationships. He said churches plateau in growth as their members exhaust their relationships. When youve had an office next to the same guy for ve years, its hard to get new traction for talking about spiritual things with him. Instead, church growth happens best when new connections are established: the kids join a new soccer team or a new family moves in across the street. Thats exactly whats happening to our church family. With thousands of new connections being established, our staff has been praying about how we can welcome those new friends to the neighborhood, and how we will minister to them if they start to show up on Sundays! Were planning to place a CARES Team in Cypress Waters and hoping to launch small groups in a home there soon.

I scream. You scream. We all scream for The SUMMIT. A few times a year, the IBC staff gathers to honor the amazing volunteers who lead and shepherd the body of IBC. We call this The Summit. But January 25 will be unique because The Summit will combine with the IBC Annual Meeting, a time when elders present the nuts and bolts of the operating budget and share current issues facing the leadership. You do not need to be an IBC member to attend. So if youre a current IBC volunteer, or just someone interested in whats happening at IBC in 2014, we invite you to join us. Its a cant-miss gathering. Details: Saturday, January 25 in The Commons. A light breakfast and coffee will be served starting at 9 a.m. in The Haven with the official gathering beginning at 9:30 a.m. We ask that you register by January 22 so we can make sure to have enough food. Childcare will be outsourced to KidsRKids and space is limited. We ask that you consider alternative arrangements for your children if possible. Please register for childcare by January 19. Registration: Questions? Contact Victoria Andrews at

The Summit/IBC Annual Meeting, January 25


Ask the 40% of IBCers who have gone through Propel what the experience has meant to them, and youll get as many different stories as there are individuals. For a fresh perspective, Chatter asked two intrepid Propel table leaders about their take on the intro class to IBC culture and community.

member of IBC for 17 years, Marjorie was the ideal candidate to lead a table at Propel. When Jennifer Lefforge asked her to ll the role, Marjorie agreed because she enjoys meeting new people who are discovering IBC with fresh eyes. Ask her why she loves IBC so much, and Marjorie will tell you that the churchs transparency and welcoming nature have kept her family here for the long haul. Always willing to jump in wherever she can to serve, Marjorie has lead a Propel table twice and describes the experience as simply refreshing. She loves how strangers meet to share their journey and open up about how they got here and where they are planning to go.
CHATTER What has surprised you most about being a Propel table leader?

Meet Marjorie Headlam. A faithful

almost 5 years now, Evan was initially intimidated to get involved because IBC felt like such a large church, and he was unsure of how he could get plugged in. When the early Propel classes began, he felt moved by God to take the class. It was such a great experience because, according to Evan, it allowed him to not only meet many different people within the church but also showed him that a large church can actually be quite engaged in intimate community. He got involved with the technical side of the Propel class, and was soon asked to lead a table. He is now the self-proclaimed Propel junkie and youngest member of the Propel Hall of Fame (self-inducted).
CHATTER What has surprised you most about being a Propel table leader?

Meet Evan Strauss. An IBCer for

ers to IBC! Even though the class is clearly advertised for all people in the IBC family, my expectations were that the classes would always be lled with people like myself. But men and women of all ages and backgrounds come together to better understand the values of IBC.

EVAN STRAUSS I was surprised to see so many people that werent newcom-

person has. Everyone has a story, and it has been a privilege to listen and hear where people have come from and where God is leading them. It is like watching the beginning of a new life, or like watching a baby take his rst stepsI Its exciting to see folks light up with hope.
CHAT In your opinion, what kind of person gets the most out of the Propel class? MH I think that all IBCers old and new could benet from the class. Propel is a comprehensive overview of all of the ministries and opportunities at IBC. Many folks have no idea about the many ministries this church really has to offer. CHAT Do you have a most memorable table or participant? MH I dont have just one. They all have left some sort of impression on me: the military vet who is so passionate about his life and his band of brothers. Or the husband who cried while sharing his story with his wife at his side, holding his hand. The shy woman who is now working in Childrens Ministry. CHAT How has being a Propel table leader made a difference in your life? MH I have had the opportunity to meet some really motivated people. I know they are going to do wonderful things for Gods glory. Some are already working in ministry, and it is wonderful to see them at their post, smiling and waving at me. (How great is that?)

MARJORIE HEADLAM I have been surprised most by the passion each

CHAT In your opinion, what kind of person gets the most out of the Propel class? ES Someone who makes the commitment to attend all four weeks. They are not afraid to be vulnerable with others, engage in self-reection, and spend time each week listening to God. They are eager to begin a journey and stay the course, trusting God along the way. CHAT Do you have a most memorable table or participant? ES There have been so many incredible participants that I certainly couldnt narrow it down to just one. What excites me and brings me the most joy is when I see someone from my table serving the body of Christ after they've graduated from Propel. CHAT How has being a Propel table leader made a difference in your life? ES It has done so much for my relationship with God. It pushed me into prayer and deepened my commitment. Most importantly, it reminded me how much I enjoy walking through life with people; my service in Propel ultimately led to my involvement in Stephen Ministry where I have felt more called than ever before.

Want to nd your place at IBC? See page 13 for more details about Propel. For more info contact Sherri at or (972) 560-4614.

IBCers And Their Stuff

We all have stuff. Stuff describes us, even denes us. (Or does it?) Whatever our stuff may mean, we each have at least a little of it. And some of it is really interesting. Meet Jason Stein, IBCs very own red-headed staffer who preps and plans events and content for Men at IBC. You might even know his wife Tiffany, the dynamo coordinator of events and initiatives for Women at IBC. Jason is from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and came to Texas when he married his college-sweetheart, Tiffany, 5 years ago. Dr. Barry Jones introduced Tiffany and Jason to IBC, and shortly thereafter Jason came on staff. Jason has a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and is enjoying evenings free of homework. Jason and Tiffany live in Grapevine with their rambunctious chocolate lab puppy. But enough about Jason. Here is his stuff.
1. JASON STEIN: Beard? Check. Button-down? Check.

Jeans? Check. Wingtips? Check. Genuine Stein.


book I owned as a kid. I read them all the time during family vacations while growing up. I still go back to them and read when I want to relax.

3. COFFEE CUP: My sister hand-made this for me two

years ago. Its the best coffee mug ever. I swear the coffee tastes different when I drink from it or its just the paint coating rubbing off as I drink from it.

4. FISHING PICTURE: I have great memories of shing

with my wife and sister. This was my wifes rst time shing and aying a sh.

5. WATCH FROM TIFFANY: My wife gave this to me

when we were dating. It was the rst gift she gave me and the rst watch I ever owned. I was never a watch guy until then. whom I never met because he died before I was born. I wish I could have met him. Ive heard he was a great man.

6. TIE CLIP: My dad gave this to me. It was his dads,

7. STACK OF BOOKS: I love acquiring books and reading

books. When my wife and I married, she brought furniture into the marriage. I brought books.

8. IPHONE: I am directionally challenged I may be the

worst person in the world at directions. By Gods grace Google Maps exists, and I get from point A to point B with ease. Also, it is indispensable for work and for keeping me organized.

9. MESSENGER BAG: My go-to bag for carrying books

and other things around town and to and from work. Its a great gift from my family that I use every day.

10. GOLDFISH CRACKERS: I have an unhealthy

obsession with these and eat them by the handfuls. They are my go-to snack at work and when researching and writing. I loved them as a kid, and I still love them.

Are you an IBCer? Do you have stuff ? We want to see it and show-and-tell it. Contact


Life Groups Are

It shouldnt come as a surprise that the cornerstone feature of both the High School and Middle School ministries at IBC isnt ashy production values or over-the-top events its small groups. Life Groups, to use the specic term. Each week, hundreds of students gather with dedicated leaders to get real with each other, spend time in prayer and Bible study, and connect in meaningful ways.

Corrie Robinson, Life Group Leader: Doing life with someone is more than just seeing them on Sundays. Its about going through all of the ups and downs that come with our day-to-day lives. Getting to know Megan and her mom Stacey these last two-and-a-half years has been such a rewarding journey. A couple of months ago, Stacey started to search for a new job, one that would allow her to spend more time with Megan. They both told me about the search, so we began to pray. Maybe a month went by and an opportunity came up. She got an interview and we continued to pray. A couple of weeks later she got word that she received the job. It was so exciting to experience that joy with Megan and her mom. More than that, it was so beautiful getting to look both Stacy and Megan in the eyes and say, Praise the Lord. We got to give the Lord the praise for all the work that he had done. Walking through this with Megan and Stacey made me realize the power of prayer in community. Megan Curtis, 8th grader: This year has been hard for me, and having a Life Group has really helped me get a different perspective on things. I can share things that I may not want to share with any others. Corrie, my life group leader, has always been there for our whole group. I can talk to her about anything and everything and she is willing to listen and give advice. During the last year, I had a great-aunt and great-uncle that passed away. I was pretty close to both of them and was sad about losing them. When I would go to Life Groups right after it happened, I pretty much stayed to myself. After our group meeting, I talked to Corrie and she gave me a different perspective. I then texted her throughout the weeks following and she gave me encouragement. I have also been able to talk to my whole Life Group about the challenges of my parents being divorced. Corrie has been an inspiration to many of the middle-schoolers. I know Corrie enjoys being around us and that is what makes her so wonderful. I would recommend Life Groups to any middle-schooler who wants to grow closer to the Lord. Stacey Curtis, Megans mom: Megans Life Group has been such a blessing to both of us. Our family has experienced a tough year, and many girls in her Life Group have experienced similar situations. I nd that often Megan does not want to discuss whats going on with me because Im just Mom what do I know? But the group has shown her that she is not alone in her thoughts or feelings. No one has done this better than her leader, Corrie. Corrie has been a solid source of support for Megan. On numerous occasions when Megan feels down or stuck, she has been able to call Corrie and get objective, loving encouragement. Megan has told me that Corrie has spent time talking and praying with her not only in person, but even over the phone. Not only has Corrie done these things with Megan, but she has consistently supported me as well. She even sent me encouraging text messages when I was interviewing and then beginning a new career. Megans Life Group is a living example to Megan of what a real Jesus-loving community should be. What more could a mom ask for?

Life Groups are a place for powerful prayer.

Life Groups are a safe place to be real.

Megan Curtis is an 8th grader at Hurst Jr. High. She and her mom Stacey have been attending IBC since 2007. Since 6th grade (2011), Megan has been a part of Corrie Robinsons Life Group. Corrie grew up at IBC and had the benet of engaged youth leaders herself, which inspired her to serve. As it turns out, Life Groups make a difference not only for the students, but for the leaders, parents, and families they involve along the way. Here are three different takes on one dynamic ministry. O
Corrie (left) with Megan.

Life Groups are a place for family support



High School and Middle School Life Groups are a great opportunity to connect with friends and leaders over Gods Word in a safe environment. If youre a student looking to engage truth, grow closer to God, and learn to apply Scripture to your everyday life, join one of our weekly small groups on Sundays. Middle School meets on Sunday mornings starting at 10:30 a.m. and High School meets at 6:45 p.m. Sign-ups available now at Forms will also be available on Sundays in the Student Ministries Area. Questions? Contact Mary Ann Connor at or check out

Chatter | 8

Daily costs for U2s 360 world tour were approximately $750,000.

Most regions of Australia do not have middle schools. Kids go directly from elementary to high school. #bitter #aussiewannabe

Google life groups, and youll get over 10.4 billion results.

Small Change for Big Change:

IBCers pull together for Brighter Tomorrows

A little Mason jar with some coins thrown inside could never count for much. Pennies, especially, are considered a nuisance. Could small change really make a big change in others lives? A group of faithful IBCers set about to convert these loaves and shes into large, tangible items that demonstrate the love of God in a practical way. From the fall of 2012 through the Spring of 2013, women who attended Bible Study emptied their purses of change each week, faithfully donating to jars placed on each small group table. Collectively, the amount raised surprised everybody: $3,400! Jodie Niznik, the ministry coordinator for Women at IBC, was delighted. She knew the money would go towards a ministry that empowered women: Brighter Tomorrows. An IBC local partner, Brighter Tomorrows empowers victims of domestic and sexual violence by providing safe shelter and support services. Jodie consulted with Marjorie, the volunteer liaison between IBC and Brighter Tomorrows, about the best way to allocate the funds. Though the money was originally earmarked for a renovation project, Marjorie related that the biggest need was very basic: the shelter needed sturdy, durable beds. In fact, the women who worked the night shift were sleeping on mattresses propped atop cinder blocks. Other beds were also in substandard condition. In place of buying cheaply made beds, Marjorie reached out to Steve Erickson, whom she had met when they were in an IBC small group together. An IBCer since 1995, Steve is a pilot by day and a master woodworker during his off time. And, it just so happened that Steves 16-year-old son Kelby was looking for an Eagle Scout project to do. Steves history with Brighter Tomorrows was doing a few odd maintenance projects around the shelter here and there, but the bed project promised to be a great opportunity to use his carpentry skills; Steve had made a lot of furniture for his own home. Steve and Kelby readily agreed to the large project of making ve beds from scratch, a project that Marjorie helped to manage. They used a protion of the money Women at IBC had raised for materials, equipment, mattresses and mattress covers. Steve and Kelby worked through the summer constructing the beds; Kelbys Boy Scout troop helped with painting. Finally, the completed beds were disassembled, loaded onto a borrowed trailer, and delivered to Brighter Tomorrows, where they were reassembled on site. People have grand ideas of ministry, and Ive done a lot of different things, says Steve. But I like to work with my hands and do things that are practically oriented. Not surprisingly, Steves son Kelby, also has a great heart for service. For him this was more than a Boy Scout requirement for him to meet. Kelby says simply, We saw the need people needed beds and we were able to meet those needs. Kelby feels good that his project was able to visibly impact others. Now, the women at Brighter Tomorrows have more than a nice place to lay their heads at night, because they know that the IBC family stands with them. The message to the women at Brighter Tomorrows is, You are not alone. You have 400 sisters who love you and are praying for you, says Jodie. Meanwhile, Steve and Kelby stand ready with their saws and hammers.
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The rarest and most valuable antique Mason jars are amber in color or dark green.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest bed in the world measures 86 ft., 11 inches long by 53 ft., 11 inches wide.

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Groups on Sunday
Theres always something new going on in Bible Communities! Heres a taste of whats happening this month:
Synergy 9 a.m. The Alcove Couples in their 30s to 50s If you desire to dive into the Scriptures and deepen your faith, this class is for you. The Tree 9 a.m. West D 20s & 30s, married & young families The Tree is a community for young marrieds and young families looking to grow together in faith and marriage. Crossroads 10:45 a.m. West C Married late 20s and 30s Join us for teaching topics that facilitate group discussion with the goal of deepening relationships within our community and individually with Christ. Journey 10:45 a.m. The Alcove All Welcome Join us for an informal and relaxed format centered on Bible-oriented lesions, table discussions, and prayer. On Track 10:45 a.m. Conference Room Single Parents If you are a single parent or a blended family, this class is perfect for you. Come hear IBCs mission pastor, Brent McKinney, teach on mission. Thrive 10:45 a.m. West D Singles in their 30s & 40s Thrive is a highly active group of singles developing deep friendships and expressing the truth and love of Jesus in a spectrum of ways. Renew 10:45 a.m. Training Center All Welcome Join us as we study Tim Kellers Gospel in Life series. We will learn how the gospel impacts every area of our life. Legacy Builders 6:45 p.m. West A All Welcome Join us for fellowship, prayer, and in-depth Bible teaching. MyZone Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m. Starts January 15 Zone/Zone Jr. A mid-week event for kids thats great for bringing friends. K-5 grade.


Community Care
Griefshare Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m. West C Begins February 6, 2014. Join a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of lifes most difficult experiences. You dont have to walk the journey alone. Childcare is available with previous registration. For more info, please contact Sharon at Abortion Recovery Counseling One-on-one, confidential counseling for those living with the aftermath of abortion. For information, contact Kym at (972) 560-4632 or Blended Families Sundays, 9 a.m. Conference Room Discover the key steps to building a healthy stepfamily. In this group you will learn useable solutions for everyday living and glean valuable insight and practical tips for raising your stepfamily the smart-nothard way. Contact Jan at janhere@ Recovery at IBC Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m. West Wing Youth Lounge Do you deal with perfectionism, pride, overeating, inappropriate anger or control? Recovery is confidential and all are welcome. Visit for more info. Grace for the Wounded Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m. A confidential small group ministry that explores the wounds we have received and the healing journey Gods prepared for us. Female group currently offered. Contact graceforthewounded@irvingbible. org to register. NAMI Family-to-Family Class Mondays, 6:309:30 p.m. West C/D A 12-week course designed for families and caregivers of those with serious mental illness. Begins January 13. Contact Joey at joey@ or Debra at Shelter from the Storm A confidential small group focused on finding hope and healing from sexual abuse. We offer groups for both teens and adults. Contact Michelle at shelterfromthestormibc@ or (214) 725-0898. Mental Health Grace Alliance Both groups resume January 2014 The Living Grace Group Every other Monday, 6:30 p.m. West B For those who have mental illness. Begins January 20. Contact Melissa Clark at


Family Grace Group Monday nights, 6:30 p.m. West A For family members, friends, and caregivers who support individuals with serious mental disorders. Begins January 20. Contact Buzz Moody at
Stephen Ministry at IBC Stephen Ministers provide a listening ear and a caring presence for IBCers going through emotionally difficult times such as the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, illness, etc. If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister. contact stephenministry@


Events and Resources for Newcomers and Small Groups

Newcomer Gathering January 9, 6:30 p.m. The Zone See ad, pg. 16. Propel January 19, 10:45 a.m. West A See ad, pg. 17. Launch Pad Sunday, January 5, 10:45 a.m. West A Launch Pad is a place for people who are joining the winter session of Small Groups at IBC. Contact Katie Geurin at


Growing Together
Marriage at IBC Sundays, 9 a.m. High School Room Marriage at IBC will be kicking off on January 5. Come and join our small-group discussions on communication and conflict, finances, in-laws, sex, time commitments, and expectations.


Events and Resources
Baby Dedication February 9 Registration opens January 17 at Space is limited, so if you have a preference of service times, please register early. Photos of children being dedicated should be sent by February 1 to Donna at Hard copies are also acceptable.

Visit for more info.


Community and Resources

Big Man Conference February 28March 1 Great speakers, great food, and great time of community. Register at Contact Kym at with questions. First Watch Fridays, 6:22 a.m. The Commons Resumes January 10. See ad, pg. 13. First Watch Replay Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Training Center Starts January 14. Contact with questions. First Watch Xtra Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 a.m. in the Training Center. Contact with questions.

New Parent Orientation: February 2 at 9 a.m. in the Training Room. Orientation is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. We will explore what it means to dedicate your child and answer questions about parenting issues and our childrens ministry at IBC.
Baptisms February 23 Mandatory class for all ages on January 12, 12:30- 2 p.m. in West A. See ad, next page. The Table Begins January 19, 10:45 a.m. Living Room The Table is a place where your questions are invited and welcomed. It is a place for you to explore Christianity with others on a similar journey. Contact Jason at jstein@ See ad, pg. 13.

Please visit page 14 for more Sunday Bible Communities.

Visit for more info.


Infants Through 5th Grade

Zone 6:30 Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Starts January 14 A small group exploration of the Bible and Gods story. For kids K-5th grade. Visit


Local and Global

Family Promise Gala February 15 See ad, pg. 12. Prayer Meeting 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:458 p.m. The Chapel Join us as we pray for IBC, the needs of our people, and the world.

Chatter | 10

Laundry Love first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m.12 p.m. Located at Amigo Laundromat, 3349 Country Club Dr. in Irving (just down from Sam Houston Middle School). Please join us as we provide free laundry cycles and detergent, strike up conversations and build relationships. For more info visit or contact

High School Sundays Life Groups Student Ministry area, 6:458 p.m. High School Wednesdays SWAG 7:158:30 p.m. The Alcove. Teen Recovery Monday Nights, 67:30 p.m. Zone, Jr. Teen Recovery is a safe and confidential environment for middle and high school students to identify and share their pain and struggles. Contact Trey at IBC College Ministry Sundays at 3:30 p.m. The Commons Annex Passion Conference 2014 The college group at IBC will be attending Passion 2014 in Houston, TX, February 1415.

20s and Early 30s
The Gathering Thursdays, 7 p.m. The Alcove Join us for our new series, Game Changers. We will be looking at the stories of extraordinary young adults from scripture. We will learn how their choices made them remarkable and how they changed the course of history. Begins January 16 in the Commons. Sit with us on Sunday! Young Adults sit together in the lower left-hand section facing the stage at the 10:45 a.m. service. Join us!

A Little Bit of Everything
Writers Workshop Saturday, January 11, 10 a.m. Commons Annex Join a community of people who are honing their writing skills. The group is led by published author Betty Groezinger. Everyone is welcome, no writing experience necessary. Contact Donna OReilly at Legacy Journey Begins January 15, 6:30 p.m. West D For those who have gone through FPU and are wanting to take the next step in their financial journey. Register online at give. Contact Kym Yeichner at FPU Save the date March 19 Financial Peace University will kick off in March, watch Chatter for more details. NICHE (North Irving Christian Home Educators) Monday, January 19, 6:45 p.m. The Alcove Join us for our monthly meeting. No childcare available. For more info visit New Arrivals Congratulations to this IBC family on the birth of their baby:


Community and Resources

Valentines Dinner and Dance February 1, 69 p.m. The Commons Join us for our annual single parent Valentines dinner and dance. Enjoy a sit-down dinner, live DJ, crafts, limo rides, horse drawn carriage rides, and more. More details and registration at singleparents, or contact Jennifer at Sit with us on Sunday! Several single-parent families enjoy worshiping together in the 9 a.m. service. Join us in the lowest right-hand section, Rows 5 & 6, facing the stage.


For latest info on times and locations of college events, join the Facebook group: College at IBC. Contact


Wednesday Nights at IBC

Vox Humana Choir Wednesdays, 78:30 p.m. IBC Worship Center The choral community of IBC is always looking for new singers, beginner or pro. Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time! No auditions necessary. Contact Crystal at Next Gen Choir Wednesdays, 5:406:30 p.m. Students in 4th8th grade are invited to join our Next Gen choir. We are seeking to help students grow in Christ through the development and understanding of worship. Please contact Crystal Elwell at with questions. ESL: English as a Second Language Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m. AZ17, 18 and 19 Do you want to learn English? Improve your English? Come practice all four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. For more info, contact Corey at FREE Citizenship Class Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m. IBC For those at least 18 years old who have been issued a Permanent Resident Card. Well guide you through the N-400 paperwork and prepare you for the main components of the new citizenship test. Contact IBC Career Transition Ministry Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m. Want to find a job? Come learn how to craft a rock-solid resume, use the Internet and LinkedIn to network, and ace the interview. For more info, contact 2435jobtransition@


Adoptive and Foster Families

Waiting Families Group January 4, 7:30 p.m. A group for anyone who is in the adoption or foster care waiting process, as well as those who are thinking about adoption or foster care. Fostering Hope Sunday, January 12, 5 p.m. This is open to all who are involved in serving children through foster care, including those who are fostering, fostering-to-adopt or are considering foster care or foster care adoption. Tapestry Playgroup January 18, 10:30 a.m. The Tubes Join us for our playgroup for adoptive and foster parents and kids. We have kids ranging from 0-10 years old.



Community and Resources

In His Image Bible Study Wednesdays, 6:307:45 p.m. Training Room A small group for adults (18+) with special needs. Special Needs Support Group Wednesday nights, 6:307:45 p.m. The Conference Room Contact Lori at SonShine Pals and Room Our SonShine Rooms are available during the 10:45 a.m. service for children with special needs. There are also opportunities for children to be matched with a SonShine Pal.

JD and Katie Lemming and their son Andrew Cashel, born November 17 at 8 lbs, 12 oz, and 21 inches long.




Middle/High School and College
Middle School Sundays Life on Life Student Ministries area, 10:30 a.m.12:20 p.m. Middle School Wednesdays The W Student Ministry area, 6:308 p.m. High School Winter Retreat January 31-February 2 Register online at students.

Community and Resources

Womens Bible Study Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Our winter Bible study will kick off on January 14 as we study the book of Luke. See ad, pg. 12. Square One Begins February 6 A class for first time moms. See ad, pg. 13.

If you have committed your life to Jesus and want to make a public profession of faith with the IBC family, we invite you to be baptized in the Town Square on February 23. A mandatory baptism class for all ages will be held on January 12 at 12:302 p.m. in West A. A light lunch will be served. Baptism video lming will be held on January 26 at 12:30 p.m. in the Alcove for students and adults; 5 p.m. for children. Sign up today at Questions? Contact Donna at doreilly@ Chatter | 11




If you are new to IBC, we invite you to attend the Newcomer Gathering, an event designed to help you learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how to get plugged in. Meet Pastor Andy, church leadership, ask questions, and get to know other newcomers in a relaxed, informal environment.

Family Promise of Irving Gala Join IBC partner Family Promise of Irving for Once Upon a Time In The Old West, a whimsical evening of fun, food and dancing dedicated to empowering homeless families in the City of Irving. Where: Korean Central United Methodist Church When: February 15, 2014 at 6 p.m. Cost: $50 (Tables for 10 also available) Questions? Contact Tricia Kinsman at tkinsman@ To purchase tickets, call Athena at 972-313-1500 or visit

When: January 9 Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: The Zone A light dinner will be served. Register at Questions? Contact Sherri Sharp at or (972) 5604614.


Discovering Healing in Jesus Words to Women

By Sue Edwards


Have you ever felt undervalued, unappreciated, or just little? We all have. The gospel of Luke demonstrates that God does his great work through people just like us. As we focus on particular encounters Jesus had with rst-century women, you will have your own encounter with Jesus and learn how truly valuable you are to him.

When: Tuesdays, January 14 March 25, 2014 (10 weeks), 9:3011:30 a.m. or 6:308:30 p.m. Where: The Commons at IBC Cost: $15 (includes workbook) Register at KidZone registration is also available (closes on January 9 at 12 p.m.). Questions? Contact: Tiffany at or (972) 5604650.

January 19 February 6 at 10:45 a.m. in the Living Room (formerly the Mens Conference Room). At IBC we seek to foster an open, relaxed and safe environment where you can ask the hard questions of faith and life. The Table is a place where your questions are invited and welcomed, and where you can voice your doubts. Each of the ve sessions focuses on an objection to the Christian faith. Seating is limited. Register at Questions? Contact Jason at

WANT TO FIND YOUR PLACE AT IBC? If you cant seem to gure out what IBC is all about or how you t into the larger picture (and you want free breakfast every Sunday for four weeks), Propel is the place for you! Propel is designed to help you gure out how to best plug into IBCs culture and calling. Well talk about what it means to grow in Christ, connect in community and join the mission and what that might mean for you. You will also learn more about membership at IBC. When: Sundays, January 19February 9 at 10:45 a.m. in West A. Register: All are welcome, age 18 and up. Propel runs four Sundays from 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m. in a comfortable small group setting. Meet pastors and staff at the ministry fair during the last week of class. Questions? Contact Sherri and

FIRST WATCH: Resumes January 10

Facing turbulent times? Join the men of IBC as we explore the book of Philippians and discuss how the joy of knowing Christ is the sustaining factor during lifes difcult seasons. Hot coffee, donuts and bananas. When: Fridays at 6:22 a.m. Where: The Commons Questions? Contact Kym Yeichner at

Remember all the questions you asked when you got home from the hospital with your rst baby? What if Im not doing this right? What if they dont stop crying? Will I ever sleep again?
If you or a woman you know is a brand-new, rst-time mom, Square One is a great opportunity to connect with other moms and nd encouragement, support, and a little help for those difficult questions along the way. When: Thursdays, February 6 March 13 (6 weeks) 10 a.m.12 p.m. Where: Comfort Zone 4, Irving Bible Church Who: For rst-time moms with a baby 6 months old or younger Cost: Free To register, please email Questions? Contact Angie at

First Worship Service: 9 a.m.
Childrens Classes (all ages) Synergy (40s & 50s), the Alcove The Tree (young marrieds and families), West D

My Time, Talents & Skills
NFNL Volunteers New Friends New Life is in need of women and men to volunteer with their childrens program on Wednesday nights. Volunteers are needed from 5:45-8:15 p.m. one Wednesday night a month to participate in Bible study, academic, and gym time with the kids. Contact Christine at Mercy Street Mentors There are currently 67 children waiting for a mentor to encourage them as they walk through the difculties of generational poverty. For more info, contact Jen at Safety Team Do you have a desire to serve and protect others? Then the IBC safety team on Sunday is for you. Contact Chris Rose at Please include any credentials and relevant experience. 2435 Kinwest Medical Clinic Volunteers Our weekly medical clinic is in need of professional health care providers (MD, PA, FNP) to provide treatment for our patients. Volunteers do not need to serve every week. Contact Charles at Tapestry Volunteers Tapestry, IBCs foster and adoption ministry, is in need of volunteers. Contact Amy Curtis at Mentor Kids in Single-Parent Families Men and women are needed for gender-specic mentoring of children from single-parent families. Contact Marsha at Special Need Volunteers There any many opportunities from once a month to every Sunday to volunteer with the special needs ministry. Contact Shannon at

Second Worship Service: 10:45 a.m.

Childrens Classes (all ages) Crossroads (mid 20s-30s couples), West C On Track (single parents), Conference Room Journey (all welcome), The Alcove Renew (multi-generational), Training Center Thrive (30s & 40s singles), West D

My Resources
Box Tops for Education Box Tops for Education coupons from products such as Kleenex, Ziplocks, breakfast cereals, etc can go to help purchase much needed equipment for Townsell Elementary. Please bring all Box Top coupons to the box in the donation area by the Training C enter. Laundry Soap and Dryer Sheets Laundry Love is collecting laundry soap and dryer sheets for their monthly events in Irving. Please bring these to the Laundry Love box in the donation area by the Training Center. For more info visit or contact info@ Online Giving Option If you would nd it more convenient to donate to the ministries of Irving Bible Church online, visit

Third Worship Service: 5 p.m.

Childrens Classes (all ages)

Community Dinner: 6 p.m. Community Events: 6:45 p.m.

Legacy Builders (all welcome), West A Middle School, The Commons High School, Student Ministries Area


Join us in the Town Square for our community meal on Sundays at 6 p.m. Meals are $3 per person or $10 max./family. 1/5 Awesome Pizza, breadsticks, super salad bar.

1/12 Beef fajitas, chips and salsa, salad bar. 1/19 All-American burgers and brats, salad bar. 1/26 Giant baked potatoes with all the fixins, salad bar. If youd like to serve on a Sunday night meal team, contact Pat OReilly at (214) 289-6176 or

Interested in learning more about IBCs budget for 2014 or other nancial nuts and bolts? Visit beginning in February.


Each Wednesday night from 5-6:20 p.m., IBC prepares dinner for anyone wanting a good, hot meal. PB&J sandwiches are also available. Cost is $3/meal or $10 max./family. Just come by The Commons and grab a plate! 1/8 Chopped beef sandwiches, baked beans, cole slaw, pickle spears, dessert. Hosted by Marlene Brittons team.

New to IBC?
Have questions? Were here to help.

Were so glad youre here. Sometimes its hard to know where to begin, but we want to make the process of connecting and feeling at home as easy as possible. Here are some ways to start. The Information Center is a great place to get your questions answered, nd help and encouragement for your personal journey, or just have a cup of coffee and settle in. Our team of volunteers would be happy to help you, and our goal is to make you feel at home. The Information Center is open every Sunday after all three worship services. The Newcomer Gathering is an informal get-together for those new to IBC and/or those wanting to learn more about who we are, what we believe and how to get plugged in. Meet other newcomers, ministry leaders and elders. Cant seem to gure out what IBC is all about or how you t into the larger picture? Want free breakfast every Sunday for four weeks? Propel is designed to help you gure out how to best plug in to IBCs culture and calling. Well talk about what it means to grow in Christ, connect in community and join the mission and what that might look like for you. Youll also learn more about membership at IBC. Small groups exist to cultivate deep relationships that advance the kingdom of God in dark places dark places in our world, in our relationships and in our hearts. We do this in the context of sermon-based Bible studies that meet in homes. Groups comprise 12 people or fewer and are formed by leaders who have completed small group leader training. To sign up for a group or get more info, contact Ryan Sanders at

Information Center

1/15 Ham, scalloped potatoes, veggies, rolls, salad, dessert. Hosted by Pat Downeys team. 1/22 Beef enchiladas, refried beans, tacos, chips and salsa, freshly baked cookies. Hosted by Barbara Wittes team. 1/29 Baked chicken, French fries, green beans, salad, rolls, dessert. Hosted by Bob Downeys team. Changes to the menu may be made depending on food cost, availability, and Bob Downeys whim. If youd like to serve on a Wednesday night meal team, please email

Newcomer Gathering
Learn more about IBC and meet others like you.

Ready to get plugged in?



Caf Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8 a.m.5 p.m. Wednesday: 8 a.m.7 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.12 p.m. Closed Saturday Sunday: 8 a.m.12:30 p.m. & 47 p.m. Phone: (972) 4433323

Connect with others on the journey.

Small Groups

Chatter | 14

Mr. Small Learns a Lesson

Did you ever have one of those moments when you wished certain words had not come out of your mouth? Does the statement: Your mouths writing checks that your badonkadonk cant cash articulate your attitude? Have you ever dared to take Jason Foxs space in Idle Chatter? Or become a Chatter back cover model? Last January, during a creative meeting of the Chatter staff, I pitched a simple idea.

The next day I found a blood-red envelope on my porch. Mr. Small, Here are several tasks you must nish in 2013. If you complete said tasks you will have the glory of the Idle Chatter article for one month and the back page of the Chatter magazine. I must be given photographic evidence as proof. JF P.S. If you do not complete all tasks, you will pay a dear price. After hearing Mr. Foxs pseudo-Matrix-y voice, I took this threat seriously. This was his list: January Fly to the Galapagos and do a self-sexy-model shoot. February Go to Independence Hall, Philadelphia, and recite the Declaration of Independence by heart to foreign tourists who dont understand English. March Go to the Millennium Gate in Chicago (also known as the Bean) and declare, OPRAH IS NOT THE ALL-IN-ALL! April Pose in front a giant Marilyn Monroe statue (which I found in Palm Springs, CA). Then y across country, jump the fence into the White House Garden and plant a mustard seed. May Go to C.S. Lewis house in Oxford, England and search for the gate to Narnia. Then visit Harry Potters home in London and search for Diagon Alley. June Break Bad in Albuquerque by throwing a pizza on Walter Whites garage. July Travel to the tiniest European nation (Malta) then pray for the Chatter staff at the Vatican. Make sure to tell Pope Francis the Fox-Man says howdy. August Climb Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales. Then run down barefoot and blindfolded. (I thought this was excessive.) September Go to the Isle of Man, UK and learn to say, I love Chatter in Manx. Shynney ihaim dy loayrt er son loayrt. October Find one of the three dirtiest tourist attractions in the world and lick it. The Gum Wall, Seattle was my choice. November travel to the French Polynesian Islands to celebrate 25 years of marriage. As 2013 came to an end, I achieved Jasons challenge. But to what end? I traveled 100,000 miles this year, risking life and limb to take over a column for one month. Was it worth it? Absolutely! Would I do it again? Never! From now on I will leave Idle Chatter to the mysterious Mr. Fox. And I will avoid answering red phones at all costs. See the back cover of this issue for photographic evidence Shawn Small is very scared of Jason Fox now...
Shawn Small is an avid adventurer, author, pilgrim, husband, and father of three. He is the founder of Wonder Voyage Missions and Boundless Expeditions. You can catch more of Shawns mental gymnastics at Jason Fox, who usually writes this column, is a writer and advertising enthusiast formerly based in Dallas but now throwing snow in Omaha. The one in Nebraska.

Hey, why dont you give me a chance to write in Idle Chatter. And while youre at it, let me have the back cover. I should have immediately realized my foolish request by the beads of sweat that formed on most of the staffs brows. As soon as I made my request, the lights ickered as if an alien attack was imminent. I heard the low hum of a security camera and looked up to see it focusing on my face. People started to cough, or drink from their coffee cups, or feign a text coming through on their phone. No one would look me in the eyes. I started to laugh at their nervousness, stood up and proclaimed (in a heavily mocking pseudo-British accent), WHO IS THIS JASON FOX AND WHY DO WE CARE WHAT HE WRITES! ITS TIME FOR A NEW VOICE! Three things immediately happened. One of the (unnamed) female staff fainted. One of the (unnamed) male staff members wet himself. And a red phone in the corner of the office, just like the phone on Get Smart, rang. No one moved. The phone continued to ring with a tinny rattle that set my nerves on end. You better get that, said Julie Rhodes, still refusing to look at me in the eye. I slowly got up and walked to the phone. Was the ringing getting louder and harsher? I picked up the receiver like I was a snake handler prepared for a bite. Hello? Mr. Small. The voice sounded like Agent Smith from The Matrix with a slight southern drawl. You seem to fancy yourself something of a writer and photog. I remained silent. Whats a photog? Perhaps it is time for you to take a shot at my page. Was this the mysterious Jason Fox? By this point, the entire Chatter staff had abandoned the room, leaving me alone with the disembodied voice of the famed writer. I can tell that you have no idea the price to be paid for the opportunity of Idle Chatter and the back cover or the potential treasures that await you if you complete the following tasks. Finally able to speak, I replied, Id love a shot at the FOOL! Since you are so brash, I give you only one year to earn the right to this page. Instructions will be sent to your home. Follow them to the nth degree and you might, just might, have the column for one month. I stood for another minute with the phone up to my ear. Nothing but dial tone. What had I done?

The Matrix was shot in Australia. Another reason to love Australia. #seePage8

Idle Chatter gives new meaning to the question, What does the Fox say?

Galapagos is the 87th most impossible word in the English language to spell, right after exercise, vacuum, and chauffeur. Wait. That ones French.

Chatter | 15

Shawn Small spent 2013 traveling the globe chasing Idle Chatter fame with the fear of Mr. Fox in his heart. Read the full story on page 15.















Chatteryou CAN take it with you. Send us your Chatter photos on location, and you may see yourself in an upcoming issue. Email us at

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