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Political Theory: meaning and approaches. 2. Theories of the State: Liberal, Neoliberal, Marxist, Pl ralist, Post!colonial and feminist. ". # stice: $onceptions of % stice &ith special reference to 'a&l(s theory of % stice and its comm nitarian criti) es. *. +) ality: Social, political and economic, relationship bet&een e) ality and freedom, -ffirmati.e action. /. 'ights: Meaning and theories, different 0inds of rights, concept of 1 man 'ights. 2. 3emocracy: $lassical and contemporary theories, different models of democracy 4 representati.e, participatory and deliberati.e. 5. $oncept of po&er, hegemony, ideology and legitimacy. 6. Political 7deologies: Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, 8ascism, 9andhism and 8eminism. :. 7ndian Political Tho ght : 3haramshastra, -rthashastra and ; ddhist traditions, Sir Syed -hmed <han, Sri - robindo, M.<. 9andhi, ;.'. -mbed0ar, M.N. 'oy. 1=. >estern Political Tho ght: Plato, -ristotle, Machia.elli, 1obbes, Loc0e, #ohn S. Mill, Marx, 9ramsci,1annah -rendt. Indian Government and Politics: 1. 7ndian Nationalism: ?a@ Political Strategies of 7ndia(s 8reedom Str ggle: $onstit tionalism to mass Satyagraha, Non!cooperation,$ 3isobedience, Militant and re.ol tionary mo.ements, Peasant and &or0ers( mo.ements. ?b@ on 7ndian National Mo.ement: Liberal, Socialist and Marxist, 'adical h manist and 3alit. 2. Ma0ing of the 7ndian $onstit tion: Legacies of the ;ritish r le, different social and political ". Salient 8eat res of the 7ndian $onstit tion: The Preamble, 8 ndamental 'ights and 3 ties, 3irecti.e Principles, Parliamentary System and -mendment Proced res, # dicial ' and ;asic Str ct re doctrine. *. ?a@ Principal Argans of the Bnion 9o.ernment: +n.isaged role and act al &or0ing of the +xec ti.e, Legislat re and S preme $o rt.

?b@ Principal Argans of the State 9o.ernment: +n.isaged role and act al &or0ing of the +xec ti.e,Legislat re and 1igh $o rts. /. 9rassroots 3emocracy: Panchayati 'a% and M nicipal 9o.ernment, significance of 5"rd and 5*th -mendments, 9rassroot mo.ements. 2. Stat tory 7nstit tionsC$ommissions: +lection $ommission, $omptroller and - ditor 9eneral, 8inance $ommission, Bnion P blic $ommission, National $ommission for Sched led $astes, National $ommission for Sched led Tribes, National $ommission for >omen, National 1 man 'ights $ommission, National $ommission for Minorities, National ;ac0&ard $lasses $ommission. 5. 8ederalism: $onstit tional pro.isions, changing nat re of centre!state relations, integrationist tendencies and regional aspirations, inter!state disp tes. 6. Planning and +conomic 3e.elopment : Nehr .ian and 9andhian, role of planning and p blic sector, 9reen 'e.ol tion, land reforms and agrarian relations, liberalilDation and economic reforms. :. $aste, 'eligion and +thnicity in 7ndian Politics. 1=. Party System: National and regional political parties, ideological and social bases of parties, patterns of coalition politics, Press re gro ps, trends in electoral r, changing socio! economic profile of Legislators. 11. Social Mo.ements: $ liberties and h man rights mo.ements, &omen(s mo.ements, en.ironmentalist mo.ements. PAPER II Com!arative Politics and International Relations Com!arative Political Analysis and International Politics: 1. Com!arative Politics: Nat re and ma%or approaches, political economy and political sociology, limitations of the comparati.e method. 2. State in comparati.e perspecti.e: $haracteristics and changing nat re of the State in capitalist and socialist economies, and, ad.anced ind strial and de.eloping societies. ". Politics of 'epresentation and Participation: Political parties, press re gro ps and social mo.ements in ad.anced ind strial and de.eloping societies. *. 9lobalisation: 'esponses from de.eloped and de.eloping societies. /. A!!roaches to the St"dy o# International Relations: 7dealist, 'ealist, Marxist, 8 nctionalist and Systems theory. 2. <ey concepts in 7nternational 'elations: National interest, Sec rity and po&er, ;alance of po&er and deterrence, Transnational actors and collecti.e sec rity, >orld

capitalist economy and globalisation. 5. $hanging 7nternational Political Arder:?a@ 'ise of s per po&ers, strategic and ideological ;ipolarity, arms race and $old >ar, n clear threat, ?b@ Non!aligned mo.ement: -ims and achie.ements, ?c@ $ollapse of the So.iet Bnion, Bnipolarity and -merican hegemony, rele.ance of non!alignment in the contemporary &orld. 6. +.ol tion of the 7nternational +conomic System: 8rom ;retton&oods to >TA, Socialist economies and the $M+- ?$o ncil for M t al +conomic -ssistance@, Third >orld demand for ne& international economic order, 9lobalisation of the &orld economy. :. Bnited Nations: +n.isaged role and act al record, specialiDed BN agencies!aims and f nctioning, need for BN reforms. 1=. 'egionalisation of >orld Politics: +B, -S+-N, -P+$, S--'$, N-8T-. 11. $ontemporary 9lobal $oncerns: 3emocracy, h man rights, en.ironment, gender % stice, terrorism, n clear proliferation. India and the $orld: 1. 7ndian 8oreign Policy: 3eterminants of foreign policy, instit tions of policy!ma0ing, contin ity and change. 2. 7ndia(s $ontrib tion to the Non!-lignment Mo.ement: 3ifferent phases, c rrent role. ". 7ndia and So th -sia: ?a@ 'egional $o!operation: S--'$ 4 past performance and f t re prospects. ?b@ So th -sia as a 8ree Trade -rea. ?c@ 7ndia(s ELoo0 +astF policy. ?d@ 7mpediments to regional co!operation: &ater disp tes, illegal cross!border migration, ethnic conflicts and ins rgencies, border disp tes. *. 7ndia and the 9lobal So th: 'elations &ith -frica and Latin -merica, leadership role in the demand for N7+A and >TA negotiations. /. 7ndia and the 9lobal $entres of Po&er: BS-, +B, #apan, $hina and ' ssia. 2. 7ndia and the BN System: 'ole in BN Peace!0eeping, demand for Permanent Seat in the Sec rity $o ncil. 5. 7ndia and the N clear G estion: $hanging perceptions and policy. 6. 'ecent de.elopments in 7ndian 8oreign policy: 7ndia(s position on the recent crisis in -fghanistan, 7ra) and >est -sia, gro&ing relations &ith BS and 7srael, .ision of a ne& &orld order.

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