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2006 jan

1. Recursion is a technique of defining a process by itself. 2. One of the properties of an algorithm is structured (True/False) false 3. Algorithm + Coded Algorithm = Programme. 4. Stacks works on the strategy of Last - in First - out (True/False) True 5. Tree is a non-linear data structure. 6. Array is a linear data structure: 7. Circular queue is a First - in First - out data structure (True/False) ) True 8. A binary tree of depth L has atmost (2 l+1 - 1) number of nodes. 9. A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges. 10. The percentage of memory wastage in linked representation of binary tree is 50% 11. A tree is a connected graphs without any circuits 12. Data structure used by recessive algorithm is stack 13. Inorder traversal of an expression binary tree gives _________ expression. 2006 may
1. Definetness is one of the properties of an algorithm. 2. profiling or performance measurement is the process of exerting a correct program on datasets and measuring the time and space it takes to compute the results. 3. A graph without outself-loop and parallel edges is tree_. 4. Searching for a word in the dictionary is an example for binary search. 5. A tree with a n vertices has n-1 _ edges. 6. One of the properties of an algorithm is structured (true/false).false 7. Stack works on the strategy of first n first out (true/false).true 8. Derive works on the strategy of first in first out (true/false). 9. Tree is a non-linear data structure. 10. The percentage of memory wastage in linked representation of btree is 50%_. 11. The percentage of memory wasted in adjecancy matrix representation of btree is 100%_ 12. A btree of depth l has atmost 21+1-1_ number of nodes. 13. Recursion is a technique of defining a process by itself. 2006 dec

1.One of the properties of an algorithm is beauty. (True/ False) False 2. Array is linear data structure. 3. Stack works on the strategy of First -in First - out (True/False) False 4. A technique of defining a process by itself is called Recursion 5. A graph without self loop and parallel edge is tree. 6. A tree with n vertices has n-1 edges. 7. The percentage of memory wastage is adjacency matrix representation of binary tree is __100%_ 8. Linked list is a linear_ data structure. 9. A binary tree of depth d has atmost _________ number of nodes. 10. A tree is a connected_ graph without any circuits 11. The traversal of a binary is ___________ node at least _________

12. Preorder traversal of an expression binary tree yields _small result 2007 nov 1. The effectiveness of the algorithm before it is coded is a process called validation. 2. Testing a program really involves two phases debugging and profiling. 3. Linear and non-linear data structures are main category of non-primitive data structures. 4. Most common application of a queue in computer application is for scheduling of jobs. 5. The number of edges incident on a vertex Vi, with self-loops counted twice_is called the degree. 6. A matrix is a convenient and useful way of representing a graph. 7. A tree is a connected graph without any circuits. 8. Binary search method is used to search for a word in the dictionary. 9. In insertion sorting elements are added to the sorted sequence in an s=sn sorder. 10. In making the decision about whether to write an algorithm in recursive or non-recursive form, it is always advisable to considered tree structure for the problem. 11. A binary tree which is maximally accommodated with all leaves at the same level is Called fully_binary tree. 12. In static allocation, we have two ways of representing the binary tree. One is through adjacency matrices and other through the use of single dimensional array representation . 13. Post order traversing of a Binary expression tree, give expression. 2008 may

1) profiling or performance measurement is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and measuring the time and space it takes to compute the result. 2) The process at the algorithm level is called _____________. 3) Debugging is the process of executing a programs with simple data sets to determine if the results obtained are satisfactory. 4) The allocated memory is contiguous in nature. 5) The most common occurrence of a queue in computer application is for scheduling of

6) A walk is a sequence of alternating vertices and edges. 7) If the discriminant is negative then the roots will be of imaginary in nature. 8. Algorithms arrange the items in a set according to a predefined ordering relation. 9) Recursion is a process of defining an object in terms of itself. 10) The no. of levels in a tree is called depth of the tree. 11) The steps involved in traversing a btree from_____________. 12) (l+1/2l+1 -1)*100 is the worst possible utilization in the single dimensional array representation. 13) A connected graph with ___n___ vertices and ___n-1_____ edges.
2008 nov

a) Definiteness is one of the properties of an algorithm.

b) Profiling is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and measuring the time and space it takes to compute the results. c) Recursion is a technique of defining a process by itself. d) A graph without self loop and parallel edges is tree e) A tree with n vertices has n-2 edges. f) Searching for a word in the dictionary is an example for binary search. g) One of the properties of an algorithm is structured (true/false). h) Stack works on the strategy of First in First out. (true/false).true i) Tree is a non-linear data structure. j) Circular queue works on the strategy First in First out (true/false).true k) A binary tree of depth I has at most ____ number of nodes. 1) The percentage of memory wastage in linked representation of binary tree is 50% m) The percentage of memory wastage in adjacency matrix representation binary tree is 100% 2009 may 1) Definiteness is one of the properties of an algorithm. -True 2) Graph is a linear data structure. =true 3) A tree is a connected graph.=true 4) The data structure used by recursion is stack.=true 5) Queue works on the strategy First in First out. =true II. Using suitable word or phrase fill up the blanks in the following sentences: 1) Profiling is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and measuring the time and space. 2) Tree is a non linear data structure. 3) For a graph with n number of nodes the number of edges to form a tree is _____________ 4) Last in First out Data structure is referred to as Stack 5) A binary tree of depth K has maximum of_____________number of nodes. 6) A _tree/ parallel graph____is a graph without self loop and parallel edges. 7) The two methods of searching are_____________and__________
2010 may 1. Tree is a ____________ data structure 2. ____________ is the process of executing program with sample data sets to determine if the result obtained are satisfactory.

3. __________________is an ordered list in which all insertions takes p;ace at one end called the rear end. 4. A graph that has self loop or parallel edges are called ____________________ 5. A vertex having no incident edge is called _______________ 6. _____________________- is a connected graph without an circuit. 7. Circular queue works on the strategy FIFO (True/False). 8. A binary tree of depth l has at most __________________ number of nodes. 9. The percentage of memory wastage in linked representation of binary tree is _______________ 10. Searching for a word in the dictionary is an example for ____________ searching. 11. ___________________ iss a technique of defining a process by itself. 12. ______________________ is one of the properties of an algorithms. 13. A function caling itself in its own execution is called ___________.

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