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Online RTI

the week that was

September 15-21 2009
Page 4 the week that was
AlterEgo By Mehnaz
September 15-21 2009 VOL 1 ISSUE 5 A weekly production by Journalism students of CMS

to empower
masses insidestory India initiates revival
In a significant step to increase the reach
and accessibility of the Right to
For the sake of Mongolia signs civil
nuclear pact with of Doha round talks

Information (RTI) for the public, the filing New Delhi on September 14 agriculture and Non-Agriculture Ministers of almost 35 countries
and complaining procedure has been
Page 2 hosted Ministerial Meeting of Marketing Access (NAMA), on also agreed to review the
WTO nations as a 'breakthrough' which consensus had been progress of the talks after three
made simpler.
Chinese cuisine in Doha round of talks which had reached in December 2008 months and do all that is possible
Complains and second appeal on RTI
can now be filed online with all documents
Every year 5000 females are killed in so-called Page 2
ended in a deadlock in
J u l y l a s t y e a r.
to wrap up things by
2010. Much has been
to be attachments in digital form. ‘honour killing’ Tra d e / C o m m e r c e
Fact file invested in the
The Chief Information Commissioner, President visits ministers of the key World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations of Doha
Man as a social animal has to leave the village as Ravinder had paternal house as she knows her member nations of Set up- 1 January 1995 Round and it was time
Wajahat Habibullah also suggested the Russia and WTO announced the Deals with the rules of trade between
abide by the so-called laws of a married a girl called Shilpa confession about her marriage to take things further."
use of credit cards for submitting the
society. And when one tries to go belonging to the same gotra. will only lead her into the worst.
Tajikistan resumption of talks on nations at a global level T h e W T O
required fees. against this code of life, one has to Same gotra means sibling like These caste panchayats are Page 2 the Doha round. Doha Development Round or Doha n e g o t i at i o n s w e re
After inaugurating the Central pay for it. Honour killing is one relationship therefore according illegal in nature but still people in After concluding Development Agenda (DDA) facing this deadlock
such norm of some communities to the khap, the marriage in the villages continue to obey their t h e m e e t i n g , Started in November 2001 since December 2008.
I n fo r m a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n p o r t a l
where one has to pay one's life for same category is equivalent to rulings. According to P
Economy business Commerce and Industry It is the current trade-negotiation round of After the failure of the
( for filing complaints violating the rules of the incest. This is one such instance in Chidambaram, Union Home Page 3 M i n i s t e r a n d t h e WTO talks in July last year in
and second appeals online, Wajahat community. In India and other Haryana where family was asked Minister, “Caste panchayats are c h a i r m a n o f t h e Objective - to lower trade barriers around Geneva, the Director
H a b i b u l l a h s a i d , “ Wi t h i n te r n e t co u nt r i es , fe m a l es a re to vacate the village. However, in informal bodies and have no legal ministerial meeting General of WTO, Pascal
considered to be the honour of some cases like Ved Pal Maul's status as such. Often, villagers
Stampede in MCD Anand Sharma said,
the world to allow countries to increase
penetration improving, we have to look at Lamy made a strong
the family. When such women go case, on July 22, the man was give precedence to the school Page 3 trade globally
"We have reached an push for convening
new ways for filing RTI applications against the fami ly wishes murdered brutall y by t he judgement of a caste panchayat Major issues of conflict (July 2008, Geneva)-
agreement to intensify another meeting to
including payment through credit cards.” especially when they marry or members of the panchayat at rather than that delivered by the t h e D o h a R o u n d agriculture, industrial tariffs and non-tariff finalize the modalities
The new system will co-exist with the elope with their partners Singhwal, in Jind district when he courts of law.” n e g o t i a t i o n s . T h e barriers, services, and trade remedies for agriculture and
belonging to a different caste or came to take his wife back whom Honour killing is not limited to Special Lok Adalats i m p a s s e h a s b e e n Conflicting Groups: developed nations led NAMA. A revised draft
existing system, i.e. the manual one where
the applicants send their complaints and
community; the members of the he had married against the Haryana only, it is prevalent in to settle power b r o k e n . A l l t h e by the European Union (EU), the United modalities for
family ' kill' them for the sake of consent of the girl's parents. In western UP and Punjab as well. In participating countries States (USA) & Japan and the major
appeal via post. defending their honour. this case, there was no issue of the name of tradition, the caste
cases agriculture and NAMA
a g r e e d b y s t r o n g developing countries led and represented was brought out on
Another highlight of the new website, In India alone, hundreds of different caste or same gotra, it panchayats reward murder of a Page 3
consensus that the chief mainly by India, Brazil, China & South December 6 last year.
women if not thousands are killed was just that they opted for 'love married couple or declare the negotiators and the Africa.
which has been developed by the National Earlier in 2009 the
in the name of honour. Thirteen marriage'. man and woman as brother and
Informatics Centre, is that it empowers senior officials from the Director General
the visually challenged to file the
females per day are killed for the
sake of honour worldwide,
according to a UN report.
There are innumerable cases
like Ved Pal's or Ravinder
Gehlout's. If, in 2007, the murder
sister or even sit on an indefinite
protest to throw out a family from
a village. These acts are done in
Rupee WTO countries will proposed resumption
meet in Geneva on September would form the basis to resume of negotiations using the revised
applications. This feat has been achieved 14 to re-start and re-energise the negotiations. draft as a starting point but the
by designing the website in such a way
that the visually challenged can hear the
However, the reports of the
killings go off the record and the
of Manoj and Babli shocked the
region, in 2004, a pregnant
front of everyone's eye but
nobody is taking that needed climbs on trade talks, for which India had
taken the lead,"
The members unanimously negotiations had not resumed
re-affirmed to conclude the since then.
culprits or the perpetrators are woman, Sonia, and her husband, extra step to stop such a crime. Doha Round within 2010. Mr.
instructions and details on the portal
through speakers on their computers and
left unpunished.
Honour killings are not always
Rampal, of Asanda village in
Jhajjar grabbed the attention of
As honour killings do not come
under the National Crime Bureau,
stock Mr. Sharma informed that
the two drafts pertaining to S h a r m a expressed, “ The

proceed accordingly.
The new website is designed in
committed by the kin of a family,
the announcement of the brutal
punishment is done by a Khap
the masses when they were
almost forced to declare each
other as brother and sister. Last
there are no enough records on
this dreadful act and that is why
the culprits are roaming around
inflows Jet strike called off
accordance with the international Panchayat (prominent in UP and year, in Bhiwani, two girls were without any hesitation. It is due to India's rupee advanced against the U.S. Jet pilots back to work after 5 day strike which affected over
guidelines for such portals. Haryana) or a Caste Panchayat, a burnt alive just because they t h e l a c k o f gove r n m e nt ' s dollar as overseas investors added to 20000 passengers
court which protects traditional went to greet some male friends intervention that this heinous holdings of the nation's assets amid Jet Airways flights resumed on T h e Natio n al Aviato r's pilots as they went on sick leave to
Undoubtedly, the new system
norms of a particular caste in a on Diwali. crime is increasing day by day. The signs of accelerating economic growth . Sunday after a 5 day strike with Guild(NAG), an unapproved union join the protest.
incorporates more people in its ambit; village. Even if a household agrees Despite of knowing the policy makers in the government Funds based abroad bought $8.7 the settlement among the of Jet Airways Pilot began strike Earlier more than 760
thereby, more people can use this system to the will of their children, this consequence of such acts, there knowingly stay away from these billion more Indian equities than they National Aviator's Guild and the on 08 Sept,2009 at the issue of employees went on sick leave.
to seek response to their queries. By panchayat does not go with the are some girls in Haryana who get issues to satiate their political sold this year, according to the m a n a g e m e n t . sacking two of the senior pilots The company suffered losses
decision of the family instead married secretly in courts and desires. They know that if they Securities and Exchange Board of India. Management took back the four with no proper reasons. More estimated at eight million dollar
making the system more user- friendly, it
such families are asked to leave never confront their parents as interfere in this matter, they will The $1.2 trillion economy expanded 6.1 sacked pilots and created a than thousand flights were daily.
truly empowers the masses to exercise the village. they know they will be killed the lose handsome vote banks from percent in the three months, consultation committee with five cancelled ,irrespective of the Putting an end to the fragile
their Right to Information and makes the Ravinder Singh Gehlout's very moment they open their the region. With such malice accelerating for the first time since pilots and five management measures taken by the relationship between the
government institutions and state powers family was a recent target of Khap mouth. According to a native girl, prevailing in the society, the 2007, the government said last month. representatives to discuss other organization to reduce the management and employees on
Panchayat at Dharana village in she secretly got married to her country can hardly progress and The rupee climbed 0.3 percent to issues, including the formation of impact of crisis. The organization Saturday Cpt. Balaram reinstated
accountable to the citizens of India 48.585 per dollar as of 11 a.m. in
Haryana's Jhajjar district in which lover of different caste a year back will be unable to compete on the union. Immediately also approached the aviation the duty. The dispute has
Dipika the family had been asked to but she continues to stay in her international platform. Mumbai, according to data compiled by I nte r n at i o n a l f l i g hts we re ministry to look into the matter. exemplified the touchy labour
Bloomberg. The currency has advanced resumed, giving awaited break to Matter got more worse when relations in the country.
Editorial Supervisor: Prof. Ambrish Saxena Editorial Advisor: SD Tripathi Layout Supervisor:Pawan Koundal 0.5 percent this month. domestic flights for further few on Wednesday organization took Jasneet
Student Editors: Ajeet, Pawan, Garima, Mamta, Dipika, Mehnaz, Ruchi, Upmanyu, Ritika, Jasneet, Rocky Garima hours. disciplinary action against 5 more

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