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1 Christine Kelly Lesson Plan English Grade 9 Lesson a ter co!

"letion o The Old Man and The Sea Standards: Content #rea CC$$%EL#-Literacy%&%9-10%' (se technology, including the )nternet, to "roduce, "u*lish, and u"date indi+idual or shared ,riting "roducts, ta-ing ad+antage o technology.s ca"acity to lin- to other in or!ation and to dis"lay in or!ation le/i*ly and dyna!ically% CC$$%EL#-Literacy%0L%9-10%1 Cite strong and thorough te/tual e+idence to su""ort analysis o ,hat the te/t says e/"licitly as ,ell as in erences dra,n ro! the te/t% CC$$%EL#-Literacy%&%9-10%1 2e+elo" and strengthen ,riting as needed *y "lanning, re+ising, editing, re,riting, or trying a ne, a""roach, ocusing on addressing ,hat is !ost signi icant or a s"eci ic "ur"ose and audience% 3Editing or con+entions should de!onstrate co!!and o Language standards 145 u" to and including grades 9410 here%6 Technology Technology 7"erations and Conce"ts $tudents de!onstrate a sound understanding o technology conce"ts, syste!s, and o"erations% a% (nderstand and use technology syste!s Creati+ity and )nno+ation $tudents de!onstrate creati+e thin-ing, construct -no,ledge, and de+elo" inno+ati+e "roducts and "rocesses using technology% *% Create original ,or-s as a !eans o "ersonal or grou" e/"ression 0esearch and )n or!ation 8luency $tudents a""ly digital tools to gather, e+aluate, and use in or!ation% c% E+aluate and select in or!ation sources and digital tools *ased on the a""ro"riateness to s"eci ic tas-s Objectives: Content #rea $tudents &ill9 January 9, 2014 Ed-Tech 1

2 $u""ort argu!ents ,ith te/tual and +isual e+idence Create a +isual co!ic stri" #ssu!e a character.s "oint o +ie, 0e+ise, edit, and con erence *e ore su*!itting a inal dra t

Technology $tudents &ill9 Create co!ic stri"s on the internet 0esearch and integrate lin-s into their ,riting )nclude rele+ant i!ages ro! the internet (se :icroso t &ord to co!"ile digital essays

Introduce the Learning Activity: 1% #s you all -no, ,e ha+e ;ust inished reading The Old Man and The Sea *y Ernest <e!ing,ay% Today, ) ,ill *e assigning you your inal "ro;ect or the no+el% Each o you ,ill ,rite a digital essay ro! the "ers"ecti+e o $antiago, :anolin, the :arlin, or one o the shar-s during a "articular scene you ha+e chosen ro! the no+el% =y doing so, you ,ill +irtually *eco!e the character and s"ea- only ro! that character.s "oint o +ie,% >ou ,ill *e doing research and creating co!ic stri"s on the )nternet, and then ,riting your essay in :icroso t &ord% 7ne "aragra"h should *e ,ritten descri*ing the scene you ha+e chosen, #T LE#$T one "aragra"h should *e ,ritten ro! the character.s "ers"ecti+e, and #T LE#$T t,o "aragra"hs should *e ,ritten "ro+iding e+idence or the choices you.+e !ade and hel"ing you to e/hi*it the traits o your character% =e ore you get too ,orried, you should -no, that this ,ill *e a learning "rocess, ,hich ) ,ill hel" you through e+ery ste" o the ,ay% 8irst, you ,ill co!"lete a rough dra t and con erence ,ith !e% Then, you ,ill *e gi+en !ore ti!e to co!"lete your inal dra t% 2% To "ro+ide students ,ith a !oti+ator, ) ,ill direct students to !y ,e*site% They ,ill *e instructed to go to the resource "age, ,hich is the last lin- to the right on !y ho!e "age% &hen on the resource "age, they ,ill need to clic- ?:ain Character @uestionnaire%A 7nce on the "age, students ,ill co"y the Buestionnaire and o"en :icroso t &ord and "aste this on the irst "age% $tudents ,ill ans,er these Buestions either later on in class or or ho!e,or- ro! the "ers"ecti+e o the character they ha+e chosen ,ith as !uch detail as "ossi*le% $eeing these Buestions ,ill !a-e students ,ant to -no, !ore a*out their character and ho, heCshe ,ould thin-% De/t, students should *egin to ind Buotes to "ro+e that the choices they !a-e are rele+ant or the character they are "ortraying% This ,ill get students interested and used to the idea o ,riting ro! another.s "oint o +ie, ,hile si!ultaneously teaching students to use te/tual e+idence to su""ort their argu!ents% $tudents are encouraged to *e as creati+e as "ossi*le, ,ithout straying too ar ro! the real! o their character.s "ersonality, as long as the !aterial and i!ages stay a""ro"riate or an educational en+iron!ent%

Provide Information: 1% 8or this lesson, ) ,ill ha+e signed out the co!"uter la* or the entirety o the class "eriod, along ,ith the class "eriod or the ollo,ing day% $tudents ,ill *e ,or-ing indi+idually on their "ro;ects% ) ,ill "lace all !odels or the lesson on !y ,e*site and dis"lay the! on the "ro;ector so that students can na+igate the )nternet and "rogra!s *y ollo,ing !y e/a!"le% )t is li-ely that !ost 9th grade students ha+e ne+er ,ritten a digital essay *e ore and ,ill *e con used as to ,hat it entails% ) ,ill *egin *y ha+ing students o"en !y ,e*site u" to the resources "age once again% ) ,ill then ha+e students clic- on the lin- to ?2igital EssayA lin-% This is an e/a!"le o a digital essay created or a classroo! *log that is considered to *e e/e!"lary% $tudents ,ill *e a*le to see ,hat another student had done or their assign!ent, and the assign!ent !ay *eco!e less o a daunting tas- and !ore o so!ething they are loo-ing or,ard to doing% ) ,ill then e/"lain to students that their digital essay needs to include the !ain character Buestionnaire, a "aragra"h descri*ing the scene ro! the no+el they ha+e chosen, at least a "aragra"h ro! the "ers"ecti+e o a character, a "aragra"h containing at least our Buotes ro! the no+el e/"laining the choices !ade, a co!ic stri" e/hi*iting the scene, and lin-s to a +ariety o "ictures and !edia that ,ill hel" to de+elo" the student.s argu!ent% ) ,ill then sho, the students ho, to create their o,n co!ic, ,hich is also a+aila*le in a lin- on !y ,e*site, as ,ell as a co!ic that ) created as a !odel% )!ages are reBuired to *e ones that really e/"and u"on or su""ort the argu!ent, all others ,ill *e considered in+alid% There ,ill *e a li!it o i+e i!ages and a reBuire!ent o 4 Buotes% The "oint o this assign!ent ,ill *e or students to !a-e "ersonal connections ,ith the character *y dra,ing in erences *ased on characteristics the character dis"layed throughout the no+el% 0esearch a*out the *oo-, its characters, and real-li e situations ,ill only add "ositi+ely to this "ro;ect% This assign!ent should *e 1 E to 5 "ages long, not including the ,or-s cited "age% # ter sho,ing !y students !odels o ,hat they ,ill *e creating, ,e ,ill get to ,or-% $tudents ,ill *e gi+en the re!ainder o the "eriod to ,or- on this assign!ent% $tudents ,ill *e gi+en 1-10 !inutes to "ic- a scene ro! the no+el and *egin ,riting ro! the "ers"ecti+e o their chosen character% ) then ,ill gi+e the students a*out 10 !inutes to co"y and "aste the Main Character Questionnaire and loo- o+er the Buestions. De/t, students ,ill *e gi+en another 10-11 !inutes to create their o,n co!ic stri" o the scene they ha+e chosen, e!ail it to the!sel+es, and co"y and "aste the lininto :icroso t &ord% $tudents ,ill *e gi+en the re!ainder o the class "eriod to ind !eaning ul Buotes ro! the no+el, i!ages ro! the )nternet, and "ossi*le lin-s, as ,ell as to ill out the Main Character Questionnaire% 8or ho!e,or-, students ,ill continue to gather Buotes and research ro! the )nternet and !a-e sure the Buestionnaire is co!"leted or the ollo,ing class% ) ,ill gi+e the! a co"y o the ru*ric to ta-e ho!e ,ith the! so that they -no, e/actly ,hat ) a! e/"ecting ro! this "ro;ect% &e ,ill *e ,or-ing in the co!"uter la* or the entire class "eriod to!orro, as ,ell in order to co!"lete the rough dra ts% #t this ti!e, each student ,ill set u" a ti!e outside o class to indi+idually con erence ,ith !e% ) ,ill *e a+aila*le *e ore school, a ter school, and lunch "eriod%

Provided Practice: 1% # ter gi+ing students the directions or their inal "ro;ect, ) ,ill instruct the! to create an outline in order to "ractice and get students "re"ared to ,rite a digital essay% This outline ,ill *e su*!itted or the inal "ro;ect, *ut ,ill not *e graded% This is a "lace ,here the students can organiFe hisCher thoughts as a "re-,riting strategy% # ter creating an outline, students ,ill also *e a*le to *egin ,riting their rough dra t to "ractice% This dra t ,ill not *e graded% 2% ) ,ill !a-e students a,are that the day ollo,ing this lesson, ) ,ill o"en !y classroo! early and allo, students to "ractice creating Co!ic $tri"s in order to get used to the ,e*site and ho, it ,or-s% $tudents ,anting to co!e during their lunch "eriod ,ill also ha+e the o""ortunity to do so% This co!ic stri" ,ill not *e graded% $tudents ,ill also ha+e access to :icroso t &ord i they ,ould li-e to "ractice using this "rogra! as ,ell, *ut it not !andatory or the! to do so% To hel" !ore students *e a*le to "ractice at once, ) ,ould allo, students to ,or- together to get to -no, the co!ic stri" ,e*site% They ,ould ha+e to ta-e turns creating certain as"ects o the co!ic stri" and *oth *e interacting ,ith the ,e*site and each other% Provided Knowledge of Results: 1% 8eed*ac- ,ill *e "ro+ided or the students outline ,hen ) a! ,al-ing around the roo! ha+ing an indi+idual con+ersation ,ith each student% $tudents ,ill not only discuss ,ith !e ,hat they ha+e chosen to do or their inal "ro;ect, *ut ,ill also sho, !e their outlines so that ) can see i they ha+e their thoughts and essays organiFed% ) students need hel" generating ideas or their essays, this is ,here they can ha+e a con+ersation ,ith !e in order to do so% ) can hel" to direct the! into an area they !ay not ha+e considered% #t the end o !y con+ersation ,ith the students, ) ,ill assign hi! or her a con erence date to re+ie, their rough dra t% ) ,ill as- each to "re"are a ty"ed ,rite-u" gi+ing !e eed*ac- a*out ho, this lesson is ,or-ing or the!% They should include as"ects such as ho, clear the directions ,ere, ,hether they li-ed or disli-ed the assign!ent, and any other eed*ac- they ,ant to gi+e !e as their teacher% 2% $tudents ,ill *e res"onsi*le or e!ailing !e *oth a co"y o their "ractice co!ic stri" and a co"y o their rough dra t "rior to their assigned con erence ,ith !e, ,hich ) ,ill "rint out and "ro+ide eed*ac- on% #llo,ing !e to see these "ieces ahead o ti!e ,ill allo, !e to !a-e sure the student is on trac- and or !e to gi+e !ore +alua*le eed*ac-% <a+ing !ore ti!e ,ith these !aterials ,ill ensure that ) ,ill *e a*le to gi+e each student !ore than ;ust a rushed res"onse ,hen ,e !eet or our 11-!inute con erence% =y doing so, ) ,ill *e a*le to co!e to the con erence "re"ared and ready to discuss any issues or insight ) need to% ) students aren.t on trac- ) ,ill *e a*le to "in"oint the con usion ahead o ti!e and clari y the assign!ent *etter i needed% ) ,ill also *e a*le to get students on trac- *y ta-ing in the eed*ac- they ha+e gi+en !e and using it in order to !a-e !ysel a !ore e ecti+e teacher%

Review Activity: To su!!ariFe the !ain "oints o this lesson, ) ,ill ha+e students ,ra" u" the ,or- they are doing a e, !inutes *e ore the *ell rings% Then, ) ,ill tell students, ?>ou !ay not ha+e realiFed ho, !uch you ha+e acco!"lished today, *ut you ha+e all !ade su icient "rogress% Dot only ha+e you learned to create a co!ic stri" online, *ut also you ha+e learned to su""ort your argu!ent using te/tual and +isual e+idence% This ty"e o strong e+idence !a-es your argu!ent !uch stronger and !ore e ecti+e% 8or ho!e,or- tonight, continue researching i!ages, lin-s, and Buotes you ,ould li-e to use in your digital essay, and also inish your Buestionnaire% To!orro,, ,e ,ill *e in the co!"uter la* or the entirety o the class "eriod in order to continue ,or-ing% ethods of Assessment: Content #rea &hile students are ,or-ing on their rough dra ts, ) ,ill ha+e an indi+idual !eeting ,ith the! to assess ,hether or not they ha+e learned the s-ills outlined in the learning o*;ecti+e% )n this !eeting, ) ,ill ha+e the students tell !e a*out the scene they "ic-ed and ho, they chose to ha+e the character react% The students ,ill then discuss the choices they !ade and ,hy using Buotes and e+idence ro! the te/t% There ,ill *e a !ore or!al con erence held ,hen students ha+e co!"letely inished their rough dra ts% ) ,ill "ro+ide eed*ac- and ans,er any Buestions that the students !ay ha+e% $tudents. inal "ro;ects ,ill *e assessed using the ru*ric *elo,% This assign!ent is the *iggest o the unit and reBuires students to use !any s-ills that they ha+e *een de+elo"ing throughoutG there ore, this ,ill *e assessed in a su!!ati+e !anner% Technology )t ,ill *e clear to !e that students ha+e reached the technology learning o*;ecti+es i they are a*le to co!"lete a co!ic stri" using the gi+en ,e*site along ,ith !y instructions% 0esearch and i!ages ,ill also *e rele+ant and only add to the "oint *eing argued throughout each student.s "iece%



!igital "ssay HHHHHC100 "ts #ontent HHHHC10 "ts

:ain idea is clear and de+elo"ed and original HHHC12%1 Length reBuire!ent is !et HHHC12%1 4 ,ell-integrated Buotes HHHC12%1 E+identiary $u""ort is "resentHHHC12%1

$echnology%Images HHHC50 "ts

2igital Essay is ty"ed coherentlyHHHC10 )!ages 3!a/% o 16 su""ort argu!entsHHHC10 Co!ic stri" is co!"lete and originalHHHC10

Organi&ation HHHC10 "ts

8luid de+elo"!ent o ideas throughoutHHHC5%5 )ntroduction, argu!ent, and conclusion are "resentHHC5%5 )!ages are "laced logically ,ith ideasHHHC5%5

Style '

echanics HHHC10 "ts

Gra!!ar I PunctuationHHHC1 $"elling I &ord choiceHHHC1

Resources HHHC1 "ts

)n te/t Citations are correctHHHC2%1 =i*liogra"hy is includedHHHC2%1

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