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An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr.

Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

An Najah National University Course Outline Nursing Research (150453)

3 Credits

all !e"ester

#re$ared %y Dr Aidah Abu El Soud Alkaissi BSC Law, RN, BSC, MSC, Ph


An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

%AC*+ROUN, Nursing Research is the term used to describe the evidence used to su ort Nursing ractice. Nursing! as an evidence based area of ractice! has been develo ing since the time of Florence Nightingale! but more recently throughout the "#th century. Nurse education laces em hasis u on the use of evidence from research in order to rationalise nursing interventions. Research is a major force in the nursing rofession and is being used to change ractice! education! and health olicy. An increasing number of nurses are involved in research activities such as criti$uing research! utili%ing research findings in ractice and conducting so histicated $uantitative and $ualitative studies. &n order to build a sound kno'ledge base for nursing ractice! nurse must be able to evaluate and use nursing research re orts as a first ste to research(based ractice )his course em hasi%es using and a lying nursing research. Understanding of research methods is necessary to criti$ue nursing research for scientific ade$uacy and clinical a lication. )he course covers the ste s of the research rocess and e* lains 'hat a researcher does and rovides a guide to evaluating each of these ste s as re orted in 'ritten research studies. )oday! the increasing em hasis on the use of $ualitative methods to study nursing henomena has lead to integrate this theme 'ith $uantitative a roaches. COUR!- NU.%-R+ ,-#.-/ /0/1-2 Nursing Research UN0/ 3A1U/ lecture hours er 'eek based on ,0 'eek semester -N/RANC- !*011!! 1RERE2U&S&)ES 3iostatistics CA/A1O+ COUR!- ,-!CR0#/0ON )his course addresses basic research conce t and the relationshi of research to theory and ractice. &t develo s the ability to function as a com etent consumer of research in nursing and related fields. &n addition to the skills of research analysis! the student 'ill consider the ethical concerns related to the develo ment and a lication of research in nursing. Students engage in discussions! reading! analysis! 'riting! synthesis of lecture and other resentations and serve a brief eriod as a research assistant as they develo an a reciation for the utili%ation of research in ractice and the skills to analy%e research critically as a relude to a lying findings. 4onduct Utili%ation. 3asic rinci le of biostatistics 'ill be introduced to the students.

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

COUR!- +-N-RA1 O%4-C/03-!

At the end of this course the student should be able to+ ,. Describe the significance of nursing research. ". Define research methodology and the research rocess. /. Describe $uantitative and $ualitative research. .. Discuss the ur ose and rocess of a literature revie'. -. Formulate otential research objectives! $uestions! and hy otheses. 0. 4ritically analy%e nursing studies. 5. &dentify several sources of nursing research information. 6. Describe ho' studies are designed and ho' to assess the a ro riateness of the designs and methods used to ans'er the research $uestion 7. Discuss the ethical issues related to conducting a research study and to a lying research findings ,#. Describe ho' data collection affects the a licability of the study results

COUR!- !#-C0 0C O%4-C/03-!

At the end of the course the student should be able to do the follo'ing+

#art 15 oundation o6 nursing research

1 0ntroduction to Nursing Research Define nursing research &dentify the im ortance of research in nursing 3ecome a'are of Nursing Research+ 1ast! 1resent and Future &dentify various Sources of evidence for nursing ractice &dentify 1aradigms for Nursing Research 3ecome a'are of )he 1ur ose of Nursing Research

Unit &5 *ey Conce$ts and /er"s in 7ualitative and 7uantitative Research
At the end of this cha ter! the student should be able to + Describe )he Faces and 1laces of Research Determine a Research 1roject and Research Settings 8ain abeggining skill in )he 3uilding 3locks 9f A study Define the 4once ts and variables in a study

Unit 3 Overvie8 o6 Research #rocess in 7ualitative and 7uantitative !tudies

Describe major classes of $uantitative and $ualitative Research Determine 'hat are major ste s in a $uantitative Study Discuss organi%ation of a $uantitative research roject

#art &5 Conce$tuali9ing a Research !tudy

Unit 45 Research $ro:le"s; Research 7uestions and <y$otheses
Describe ho' nurse researcher formulate roblems for study Discuss the feasibility of research roblems

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi :rite a research hy othesis 8ain a beginning skill in erforming a research criti$ue of the roblem

Unit 55 Revie8ing the 1iterature

Understand the ste s in the rocess used by research consumers and researchers to do a critical revie' of the literature on a s ecific to ic A reciate the need to do through and re eated literature revie's at several ste s 'ithin the consumer;s rocess Recogni%e the essential elements of a good research literature revie'

#art 35 Unit '5 ,esigns 6or Nursing Research

Unit ' ,esigning -thical Research
&dentify ste s taken by the researcher to ensure that the subjects artici ating in a study have been rotected from any violation of human rights &dentufy key sources for ethical guidelines in carrying out humn subject research Discuss 'hat is meant by informed consent and the key elements that should be included in an ade$uate informed consent &dentify high(risk grou s in human subject research and the a ro riate ste s that must be taken by the researcher in 'orking 'ith these grou s

Unit ) ,esigning 7uantitative study

&dentify common nursing research designs Discuss the relationshi of the research design to the research $uestion &dentify common roblems <risks to validity= inherent in various t es of research designs Evaluate the effectiveness <internal > e*ternal validity= of a design used in a nursing research study

Unit =5 -nhancing Rigor in 7uantitative Research

Describe methods that can be used to strengthen a 'ide array of $uantitative research design Discuss methods to control situational factors

Unit >5 7ualitative Research ,esign and A$$roaches

S ecify $ualitative research design 1rovide overvie' of several $ualitative research traditions

Unit 105 !a"$ling ,esign

&dentify a study;s o ulation! setting! and ty e of sam le Evaluate the a ro riateness of the ty e of sam le for the study;s ur ose and design Assess the $uality of the sam ling rocess Determine the im act of the sam ling on the a licability of the results to your ractice

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

#art 45 .easure"ent and ,ata Collection

Unit 115 ,esigning and 0"$le"enting a ,ata Collection #lan
?earning 9bjectives &dentify factors that affect the selectionor develo ment of data collection methods used in $uantitative and $ualitative research Discuss the common instruments and methods used for data collection in $uantitative and $ualitative research Discuss the reliability and validity of data(collection methods used in $ualitative and $uantitative research Evaluate the strength and 'eaknesses of data collection methods used in a research study

Unit 1&5 Collecting !el6 Re$ort ,ata

?earning objectives Revie' various o tions and rocedures for collecting $ualitative self re ort data Revie' structured self re ort instrument Discuss com onents of self re ort instrument

Unit 132 Collecting O:servational ,ata

Describe the versatility of observational methods Discuss unstructured methods that rimarily yield $ualitative data Discuss structured a roaches that yield mostly $uantitative data

Unit 145 Assessing ,ata 7uality

?earning objectives Discuss criteria for evaluating the $uality of data obtained in a study Discuss rinci les of measurement and assessments of $uantitative data Discuss assessment of $uantitative data

#art 55 Analysis o6 Research ,ata( 8ill :e covered in %iostatistics Course

Unit 15 Analy9ing 7uantitative ,ata2 Unit 1'5 Analying 7ualitative ,ata
Determine 'hether or not the analysis strategy fits 'ith the rest of the study Understand the analytic rocedure 3e able to inter ret of $ualitative findings

#art '5 Co""unicating Research

Unit 1)5 !u""ari9ing and !haring Research indings
#rovide guidelines 6or hel$ing researchers to disse"inate their research results @no' the ty e of material covered in $uantitative and $ualitative research re orts @no' the style of research re orts

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

Unit 1=5 ?riting a Research #ro$osals

1rovide some general information regarding the content and re aration of research o osal @no' ho' and from 'hom funding is available

#art )5 Using Research Results

Unit 1>5 -valuating Research Re$orts
A reciate the com le*ity involved in generali%ing findings beyond the study Discuss ho' nurse researchers inter ret results and discuss the findings of the study 4riti$ue the researcher;s resentation of conclusions in a ublished re ort Evaluate the findings of a research study for ossible a lication into ractice

Unit &05 Utili9ing Research2 #utting Research -vidence into Nursing #ractice
Discuss various as ects of using nursing research to su ort an evidence(based ractice E* lore nurses; erce tion of barriers to research utili%ation

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

/he Content and !tructure o6 the Course

#art 15 oundation o6 nursing research
Unit 1 0ntroduction to Nursing Research
,., :hat is Nursing Research ,." )he &m ortance of Research in Nursing ,./ )he 4onsumer(1roducer 4ontinuum in Nursing Research ,.. Nursing Research+ 1ast! 1resent and Future ,.- Sources of Evidence for Nursing 1ractice ,.0., )radition ,.0." Authority ,.0./. 4linical E* erience! )rial and Error! and &ntuition ,.0... ?ogical res onding ,.0.-. Assembled information ,.0.0. Disci lined Research ,.5 1aradigms for Nursing Research ,.5., )he 1ositive 1aradigm ,.5." )he Naturalistic 1aradigm ,.5./ 1aradigm and Aethods+ 2uantitative and 2ualitative Research ,.5.. Aulti le 1aradigms and Nursing Research ,.6 )he 1ur ose of Nursing Research ,.6., &dentification and Descri tion ,.6." E* loration ,.6./ rediction and 4ontrol

Unit & *ey Conce$ts and /er"s in 7ualitative and 7uantitative Research
"., )he Faces and 1laces of Research "." Roles on a Research 1roject "./ Research Settings ".. )he 3uilding 3locks 9f A study ".- Definition of 4once ts and variables ".0 Reliability! Balidity and )rust'orthiness ".5 3ias ".6 Research control ".7 Randomness ".,# 8enerali%ability and )ransferability ".,, Re lication

Unit 3 Overvie8 o6 Research #rocess in 7ualitative and 7uantitative !tudies

/., Aajor classes of 2uantitative and 2ualitative Research /.,., E* erimental and none* erimental studies in 2uantitative research /.,." Research traditions in 2ualitative Research /.,.,."., )he ground )heory /.,."." 1henomenology /.,."./ Ethnogra hy /.,./ Aajor Ste s in a 2uantitative Study

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi /.,./., 1hase ,+ )he 4once tual 1hase /.,./." 1hase "+ the Design and 1lanning 1hase /.,././ 1hase /+ )he Em irical 1hsse /.,./.. 1hase .+ )he Analytic 1hase /.,./.- 1hase -+ )he Dissemination 1hase /.,.. 9rgani%ation of a 2uantitative Research 1roject

#art &5 Conce$tuali9ing a Research !tudy

Unit 45 Research $ro:le"s; Research 7uestions and <y$otheses
.., 9vervie' of Research roblems .." Sources or Research 1roblems .."., E* erience and clinical Field'ork .."." Nursig ?iterature .."./ Social &ssues ..".. )heory ..".- &deas from E*ternal Sources ../ Develo ment and Refinement of Research 1roblems ../., selecting a )o ic ../." Narro'ing the )o ic .././ Evaluating Research 1roblem ... 4ommunicating the Research 1roblems ...., 1roblem Statements ....,., statements of 1ur ose ....,." Research 2uestions ....,."., Resaerch 2uestions in 2uantitative Studies ....,.".," Research 2uestions in 2ualitative Studies ..- Research Cy otheses ..-., Function of )y otheses in 2uantitative Research ..-." 4haracteristics of testable Cy otheses ..-./ )he Derivation of Cy otheses ..-.. :ording of Cy oteses ..-.- Cy otheses )esting

Unit 55 Revie8ing the 1iterature

-., 1ur ose of a ?iterature Revie' -." Sco e of a ?iterature Search -."., )y es of &nformation to Seek -."." De th and 3readth of ?iterature 4overage -."./ ?iterature Revie's in 2ualitative Research )raditions -./ ?ocating Relevant ?iterature for Research Revie' -./., Electronic ?iterature Research -./." 1rint resources -././. reading research Re orts -././., :hat are Research Dournal articles -././." 4ontent of research Re orts -.. 1re aring a :ritten literature Revie' -..., Screening References -..." Abstracting and recording Notes

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi -.../ 9rgani%ing the Revie' -.... :riting a literature Revie' -...- 4ontent of the 'ritten literature Revie' -...0 Style of a research Revie'

#art 35 Unit '5 ,esigns 6or Nursing Research

Unit ' ,esigning -thical Research
0., )he Need for Ethical 8uidelines 0." )he 1rinci les of 3eneficence 0./ 1rinci les of Res ect for Cuman Dignity 0.. )he 1rinci les of Dustice 0.- &nformed 4onsent 0.0 Bulnerable Subjects 0.5 E*ternal Revie'rs and the 1rotection of Cuman Rights 0.6 3uilding Ethics into the Design of the Study

Unit ) ,esigning 7uantitative study

5., As ects of 2uantitative 5.,., Research Design 5." 9vervie' of research ty es 5./ E* eriments 5.. 2uasi(E* eriments 5.- None* erimental Research 5.0 Designs and Research Evidence

Unit =5 -nhancing Rigor in 7uantitative Research

6., 4ontrolling the Research Situation 6." 4ontrolling &ntrinsic Subject Factors 6./ 4haracteristics of 8ood Design

Unit >5 7ualitative Research ,esign and A$$roaches

,#., )he Design of 2ualitative Studies ,#." 2ualitative Research )raditions ,#./ 9ther ty es of 2ualitative Research

Unit 105 !a"$ling ,esign

,#.# 3asic Sam ling 4once ts in 2uantitative Studies ,#." Non robability Sam ling ,#./ 1robability Sam ling ,#.. Sam le Si%e in 2uantitative Studies ,#.- &m lementing a Sam ling 1lan in 2uantitative Studies ,#.0 Sam ling in 2ualitative Research

#art 45 .easure"ent and ,ata Collection Unit 115 ,esigning and 0"$le"enting a ,ata Collection #lan
,,., E*isting Data Bersus 9riginal Data

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi ,,." Dimensions of Data 4ollection ,,./ Aajor )y ed of Data 4ollection Aethods ,,.. 4onverting 2uantitative and $ualitative Data ,,.- Develo ing a Data 4ollection 1lan in A 2uantitative Study ,,.0 &m lementing a Data 4ollection 1lan in a 2uantitative Study ,,.5 Data 4ollection &ssues in 2ualitative Studies

Unit 1&5 Collecting !el6 Re$ort ,ata

,"., 2ualitative Self( Re ort )echni$ues ,"." 2uantitative Self(Re ort &nstruments ,"./ Using and 1re aring Structured Self(Re ort &nstruments ,".. Administering Structured Self(Re ort &nstruments

Unit 132 Collecting O:servational ,ata

,/., 9bservational &ssues ,/." 2ualitative 9bservational Aethods ,/."., 1artici ant 9bservation ,/./ 9bservational Aethods+ Structured 9bservations ,/.. Aechanical Aida in 9bservations ,/.- 9bserver 3iases

Unit 145 Assessing ,ata 7uality

,.., Aeasurement ,.." Reliability of measuring &nstruments ,../ Balidity ,... 9ther 4riteria for Assesing 2uantitative Aeasures ,..- Assessment of $ualitative Data and their &nter retation

#art 55 Analysis o6 Research ,ata( 8ill :e covered in %iostatistics Course Unit 15 Analy9ing 7uantitative ,ata2
,-., Descri tive Statistics ,-." &nferential Statistics ,-./ Aultivariate Statistics

Unit 1'5 Analying 7ualitative ,ata

,0., &ntroduction to 2ualitative Analysis ,0." 2ualitative Data Aanagement and 9rgani%ation ,0./ Analytic 1rocedure ,0.. &nter retation of 2ualitative Findings

#art '5 Co""unicating Research Unit 1)5 !u""ari9ing and !haring Research indings
,5., 8etting started on Dissemination ,5." 4ontent of Research Re orts ,5./ )he Style of Research Re orts

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

Unit 1=5 ?riting a Research #ro$osals

,6., 9vervie' of research 1ro osals ,6." Funding for Research 1ro osal ,6./ 8rant A lication to the National &nstitutes of Cealth

#art )5 Using Research Results Unit 1>5 -valuating Research Re$orts

,7., )he research 4riti$ue ,7." Elements of a Research 4riti$ue ,7./ 4onclusion

Unit &05 Utili9ing Research2 #utting Research -vidence into Nursing #ractice
"#., Research Utili%ation Bersus Evidence( 3ased 1ractice "#." 3arriers to using research "#./ )he rocess of using research in Nursing 1ractice

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi

?ee@ly !cheduale o6 the Nursing Research Course

No5 o6 8ee@s ,ate :eek , " hours !u:jects

#art 15 oundation o6 nursing research

Unit 1 0ntroduction to Nursing Research
,.0 :hat is Nursing Research ,.5 )he &m ortance of Research in Nursing ,.6 )he 4onsumer(1roducer 4ontinuum in Nursing Research ,.7 Nursing Research+ 1ast! 1resent and Future ,.,# Sources of Evidence for Nursing 1ractice ,.5 1aradigms for Nursing Research ,.6 )he 1ur ose of Nursing Research

:eek ,

" hours

Unit & *ey Conce$ts and /er"s in 7ualitative and 7uantitative R

"., )he Faces and 1laces of Research "." Roles on a Research 1roject "./ Research Settings ".. )he 3uilding 3locks 9f A study ".- Definition of 4once ts and variables ".0 Reliability! Balidity and )rust'orthiness ".5 3ias

:eek ,

" hours

Unit 3 Overvie8 o6 Research #rocess in 7ualitative and 7uantita

/., Aajor classes of 2uantitative and 2ualitative Research /.,., E* erimental and none* erimental studies in 2uantitative research /.,." Research traditions in 2ualitative Research /.,.,."., )he ground )heory /.,."." 1henomenology /.,."./ Ethnogra hy /.,./ Aajor Ste s in a 2uantitative Study /.,.- 9rgani%ation of a 2uantitative Research 1roject

:eek "

" hours

#art &5 Conce$tuali9ing a Research !tudy

Unit 45 Research $ro:le"s; Research 7uestions and <y$otheses
.., 9vervie' of Research roblems .." Sources or Research 1roblems ../ Develo ment and Refinement of Research 1roblems ... 4ommunicating the Research 1roblems ..- Research Cy otheses

:eek "

" hours

Unit 55 Revie8ing the 1iterature

-., 1ur ose of a ?iterature Revie' -." Sco e of a ?iterature Search -./ ?ocating Relevant ?iterature for Research Revie' -.. 1re aring a :ritten literature Revie'

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi :eek " " hours

#art 35 Unit '5 ,esigns 6or Nursing Research

Unit ' ,esigning -thical Research
0., )he Need for Ethical 8uidelines 0." )he 1rinci les of 3eneficence 0./ 1rinci les of Res ect for Cuman Dignity 0.. )he 1rinci les of Dustice 0.- &nformed 4onsent 0.0 Bulnerable Subjects 0.5 E*ternal Revie'rs and the 1rotection of Cuman Rights 0.6 3uilding Ethics into the Design of the Study

:eek /

" hours

Unit ) ,esigning 7uantitative study

5., As ects of 2uantitative 5.,., Research Design 5." 9vervie' of research ty es 5./ E* eriments 5.. 2uasi(E* eriments 5.- None* erimental Research 5.0 Designs and Research Evidence

:eek / :eek /

"h " hours

irst eAa" Unit =5 -nhancing Rigor in 7uantitative Research

6., 4ontrolling the Research Situation 6." 4ontrolling &ntrinsic Subject Factors 6./ 4haracteristics of 8ood Design

:eek .


Unit >5 7ualitative Research ,esign and A$$roaches

,#., )he Design of 2ualitative Studies ,#." 2ualitative Research )raditions ,#./ 9ther ty es of 2ualitative Research

:eek .


Unit 105 !a"$ling ,esign

,#.# 3asic Sam ling 4once ts in 2uantitative Studies ,#." Non robability Sam ling ,#./ 1robability Sam ling ,#.. Sam le Si%e in 2uantitative Studies ,#.- &m lementing a Sam ling 1lan in 2uantitative Studies ,#.0 Sam ling in 2ualitative Research

:eek . :eek -

"h "h

!econd -Aa" #art 45 .easure"ent and ,ata Collection Unit 115 ,esigning and 0"$le"enting a ,ata Collection #lan
,,., E*isting Data Bersus 9riginal Data ,,." Dimensions of Data 4ollection ,,./ Aajor )y ed of Data 4ollection Aethods ,,.. 4onverting 2uantitative and $ualitative Data

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi ,,.- Develo ing a Data 4ollection 1lan in A 2uantitative Study ,,.0 &m lementing a Data 4ollection 1lan in a 2uantitative Study ,,.5 Data 4ollection &ssues in 2ualitative Studies :eek "h

Unit 1&5 Collecting !el6 Re$ort ,ata

,"., 2ualitative Self( Re ort )echni$ues ,"." 2uantitative Self(Re ort &nstruments ,"./ Using and 1re aring Structured Self(Re ort &nstruments ,".. Administering Structured Self(Re ort &nstruments

:eek -


Unit 132 Collecting O:servational ,ata

,/., 9bservational &ssues ,/." 2ualitative 9bservational Aethods ,/."., 1artici ant 9bservation ,/./ 9bservational Aethods+ Structured 9bservations ,/.. Aechanical Aida in 9bservations ,/.- 9bserver 3iases

:eek 0


Unit 145 Assessing ,ata 7uality

,.., Aeasurement ,.." Reliability of measuring &nstruments ,../ Balidity ,... 9ther 4riteria for Assesing 2uantitative Aeasures ,..- Assessment of $ualitative Data and their &nter retation

:eek 0


#art 55 Analysis o6 Research ,ata( 8ill :e covered in %iostatistics Unit 15 Analy9ing 7uantitative ,ata2
,-., Descri tive Statistics ,-." &nferential Statistics ,-./ Aultivariate Statistics

:eek 0


Unit 1'5 Analying 7ualitative ,ata

,0., &ntroduction to 2ualitative Analysis ,0." 2ualitative Data Aanagement and 9rgani%ation ,0./ Analytic 1rocedure ,0.. &nter retation of 2ualitative Findings

:eek 5


#art '5 Co""unicating Research Unit 1)5 !u""ari9ing and !haring Research indings
,5., 8etting started on Dissemination ,5." 4ontent of Research Re orts ,5./ )he Style of Research Re orts

:eek 5


Unit 1=5 ?riting a Research #ro$osals

,6., 9vervie' of research 1ro osals ,6." Funding for Research 1ro osal

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi ,6./ 8rant A lication to the National &nstitutes of Cealth :eek 5 "h

#art )5 Using Research Results Unit 1>5 -valuating Research Re$orts

,7., )he research 4riti$ue ,7." Elements of a Research 4riti$ue ,7./ 4onclusion

:eek 6


Unit &05 Utili9ing Research2 #utting Research -vidence into Nurs

"#., Research Utili%ation Bersus Evidence( 3ased 1ractice "#." 3arriers to using research "#./ )he rocess of using research in Nursing 1ractice

:eek 6 :eek 6

"h "h

#resentation o6 $ro$osal inal -Aa"

Aethods of Evaluation )he course 'ork is evaluated by student erformance on $ui%%es! e*ams. Any mandatory re$uirements for course com letion 'ill be discussed during the first 'eek of class. E*ams may be multi le choice! study case or essay. 1oints Needed for 8radeE8rade ScaleE 2ui%%es </=(,- oints <daily activities= E*am & ( ,- oints E*am && ( ,- oints 1ro osal(,# Final e*am( .- oints )otal ,## oints Re$uired )e*tbooks! Antici ated Reference Aaterial and ?earning Resources )eaching Strategies A variety of different teaching strategies and encourages active artici ation of students in the learning rocess. )he teaching is based on the methods of 1roblem 3ased ?earning <13?=. ?ecturing! grou 'ork! seminars! and inde endent study! assignment(home'ork! o en e*am )eaching Aids 9verhead()rana arencies 4om uter resentations( 1o'er 1oint Bideo )a es 3lack 3oard Candout 4ourse Evaluation )he course 'ill be evaluated in accordance 'ith the guidelines established by the 3oard of Education at An(Najah National University

An Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu ElSoud Alkaissi 1olicy on Academic Aisconduct and &ts 4onse$uences Academic misconduct < lagiarism! cheating! co ying another studentFs 'ork! etc.= is a violation of the UniversityFs standards of academic conduct and 'ill result in disci linary action. 4onse$uences include <but are not limited to= receiving a # for the assignment! andEor failing the course. &n addition! )he Dean of the studentFs college 'ill receive a letter describing the lack of academic integrity and the conse$uences incurred.

Carol A. Roberts, Sharon Ogden Burke. Nursing Research: A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach. Jones and Bartlett publishe. irst edition. !SBN: "#$%&'"#()*#+. ,enise -olite, Cher.l tatano Bec. Nursing research, -rinciples and /ethods. 0ippincott 1illia/s 2 3ilkin. Seventh 4dition. !SBN: "#&$)&#5&55#$. Nanc. Burns, Susan 6. 7rove. 8he practice o9 Nursing Research, Conduct, Criti:ue, 2 ;tili<ation. 3.B. Saunders Co/pan..8hird 4dition. !SBN: "#&')%#5"*(#*.

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