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Subject Description Form

Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/Corequisite/Exclusion bjectives ISE3004 Systems Modeling and Simulation 3 3 Nil This subject provides students with ! $! 3! !ntended Learnin" utcomes the basic system concept and de"initions o" system# techni%ues to model and to simulate various systems# the ability to analy&e a system and to ma'e use o" the in"ormation to improve the per"ormance!

(pon completion o" the subject) students will be able to a! b! c! understand the system concept and apply "unctional modeling method to model the activities o" a static system# understand the behavior o" a dynamic system and create an analogous model "or a dynamic system# simulate the operation o" a dynamic system and ma'e improvement according to the simulation results! System de"initions and classi"ication Introduction to system de"initions! System *lassi"ication! *omponents in a System! $! +asic Static and ,ynamic System Modeling Techni%ues Static System Modeling- I,E.0 /Input) *ontrol) 0utput) Mechanism1! ,ynamic System Modeling- Stella /Stoc') .low) *onverter1! 3! Introduction to ,iscrete Event Simulation 2nalytical and Simulation Modeling) Simulation 3orldviews) 4reparation "or Model +uilding! 5eneration o" 6andom Number and 7itiate! Introduction to ,istribution .unctions) .itting o" 4robability ,istribution .unction to ,ata! 4! 2pplications o" ,iscrete Event Simulation Simulation Modeling with 4robabilistic .unctions! 2pplications o" Simulation in +usiness) Medical) Manu"acturing and Transportation systems!

Subject S#nopsis/ !ndicative S#llabus

8!9!$0 $

Teac$in"/Learnin" %et$odolo"#

The emphasis o" this subject is on application aspects and considerable e""orts are needed on hand:on activities! Teaching is conducted through class lectures) tutorials) laboratory e;ercises and a mini:project in related to the application o" simulation! The lectures are targeted at the understanding system concept) modeling methods) and di""erent simulation techni%ues! Substantial wor's on laboratory e;ercises and tutorials are employed to en"orce students< capabilities in building system models and application o" simulation so"tware! The mini:project is to give students a chance o" conducting a simulation related project in a more comprehensive manner) and test=%ui& is used to classi"y students< achievement in this subject!

&ssessment %et$ods in &li"nment 'it$ !ntended Learnin" utcomes

Speci"ic assessment methods=tas's

> weightin g 40> 30> 30> 00 >

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed a b c

?aboratory=E;ercise Mini:project=*ase Study Test=@ui& Total

Each laboratory e;ercise would be divided into two parts such that the group wor' would have to be submitted by the end o" the laboratory class while the individual component can be hand:in a"terward! Test=%ui& will be given to access students< learning outcomes) and) a mini:project in related to application o" simulation in practical situation! Student Stud# E((ort Expected *lass contact ?ecture=Seminar $ hours=wee' "or 9 wee's Tutorial=Aand:on E;ercise $ hours=wee' "or 3 wee's ?aboratory=*ase Study=Test 3 hours=wee' "or 9 wee's B 9 hours=wee' "or 0ther student study e""ort 4roject report Sel" Study=?aboratory 6eport 30 Ars! C0 Ars! $$ Ars! wee's $ Ars!

9 Ars!

$4 Ars!

Total student study e""ort )eadin" List and

8!9!$0 $

! +ernard) 4D) Aerbert) 4) Tag) 5E $000) Theory of Modeling and


Simulation: Integrating Discrete Event and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems) 2cademic 4ress $! Tay"ur) 2) +enjamin) M $00F) Simulation Modeling and Analysis with Arena) 2cademic 4ress 3! Games) 6E) ,avid) ?0 $00 ) Introduction to Simulation and is! Analysis) 4rentice Aall) New Gersey 4! Martin) A $000) Mastering Systems Analysis and Design) M2*MI??2N 4ress ?td! C! ,avid) E3) 6andall) 4S) Nancy +S $0 0) Simulation with Arena) Mc5raw:Aill!

8!9!$0 $

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