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pnw 953

qsu pwKMfI |rw n mrxw | (953-1, rwmkI, mhw 1)

Such a Paakhand does not grow od or de.
boY crptu sq s}pu | (953-1, rwmkI, mhw 1)
Says Charpat, God s the embodment of Truth;
prm qMq mh ryK n }pu |5| (953-1, rwmkI, mhw 1)
the supreme essence of reaty has no shape or form. ||5||
m 1 | (953-2)
Frst Meh:
so bYrwgI | aty bRhmu | (953-2, rwmkI, mhw 1)
He aone s a Baraag, who turns hmsef toward God.
ggn mMf mh ropY OMmu | (953-2, rwmkI, mhw 1)
In the Tenth Gate, the sky of the mnd, he erects hs par.
Ahns AMqr rhY DAwn | (953-2, rwmkI, mhw 1)
Nght and day, he remans n deep nner medtaton.
qy bYrwgI sq smwn | (953-3, rwmkI, mhw 1)
Such a Baraag s |ust ke the True Lord.
boY BrOr sq s}pu | (953-3, rwmkI, mhw 1)
Says Bhart'har, God s the embodment of Truth;
prm qMq mh ryK n }pu |6| (953-3, rwmkI, mhw 1)
the supreme essence of reaty has no shape or form. ||6||
m 1 | (953-3)
Frst Meh:
ka mrY mMdw ka |IvY |ugq | (953-3, rwmkI, mhw 1)
How s ev eradcated? How can the true way of fe be found?
kn pVwe kAw Kw|Y Bugq | (953-4, rwmkI, mhw 1)
What s the use of percng the ears, or beggng for food?
Awsq nwsq eyko nwa | (953-4, rwmkI, mhw 1)
Throughout exstence and non-exstence, there s ony the Name of the One
kaxu su AK{ |qu rhY hAwa | (953-4, rwmkI, mhw 1)
What s that Word, whch hods the heart n ts pace?
DUp Cwv |y sm kr shY | (953-5, rwmkI, mhw 1)
When you ook ake upon sunshne and shade,
qw nwnku AwKY gu{ ko khY | (953-5, rwmkI, mhw 1)
says Nanak, then the Guru w speak to you.
CA vrqwry vrqh pUq | (953-5, rwmkI, mhw 1)
The students foow the sx systems.
nw sMswrI nw AaDUq | (953-6, rwmkI, mhw 1)
They are nether wordy peope, nor detached renuncates.
nrMkwr |o rhY smwe | (953-6, rwmkI, mhw 1)
One who remans absorbed n the Formess Lord
kwhy BIKAw mMgx |we |7| (953-6, rwmkI, mhw 1)
- why shoud he go out beggng? ||7||
paVI | (953-6)
hr mMd{ soe AwKIAY |Ohu hr |wqw | (953-7, rwmkI, mhw 1)
That aone s sad to be the Lord's tempe, where the Lord s known.
mwns dyh gur bcnI pweAw sBu Awqm rwmu pCwqw | (953-7,
rwmkI, mhw 1)
In the human body, the Guru's Word s found, when one understands that the
Lord, the
Supreme Sou, s n a.
bwhr mU n Ko|IAY Gr mwh bDwqw | (953-8, rwmkI, mhw 1)
Don't ook for Hm outsde your sef. The Creator, the Archtect of Destny, s
wthn the home
of your own heart

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