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Road Map to Results APQCs Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of Implementation

STAGE 1 Get Started STAGE 2 Develop Integrated Strategy

Form a KM strategy group Link KM to key business objectives and related initiatives Identify resources and support Build widespread acceptance and understanding of KM Identify high-potential opportunities Create an integrated process and people improvement strategy using KM, PI, and OL Identify at-risk areas for knowledge loss

STAGE 3 Launch Value Chain KM Pilots

STAGE 4 Integrate, Expand, & Support

STAGE 5 Institutionalize KM Across Value Chain


Build awareness of KM potential Develop interest and enthusiasm Create the initial rationale or vision Identify a champion or sponsor

Develop viable processes for linking internal and external value chain components Design and implement pilots and/or approaches Create replicable methodologies Demonstrate effectiveness and business improvement through pilots Develop measurement systems Link to Organizational Learning and Development Link to process improvement initiatives

Develop integrated KM, Process Improvement, and Organizational Learning methodologies Engage key value chain business partners Develop replication and transfer processes Capture and publicize success stories Develop expansion strategy and plan for action Enhance competencies and infrastructure Enhance CoP competencies Determine accountability and resource models Integrate KM into business initiatives Build knowledge sharing into corporate competencies Create formal business case for expansion and integration Create common KM and OL approaches and focus on subsequent cost savings Build value of investment for replication inside of process improvement function Require value of investment and ROI if possible Blend of business unit and corporate funding for CoE and approaches Integrate KM, PI, and OL into normal budgetary cycle Increase reliance on people and budget from business units

Provide information, activities, and tools to knowledge workers at the point of need that furthers their effectiveness Seamless integration with their work practice Fully integrate KM, Organizational Learning, and process improvement into performance excellence program Close alignment of performance program with business model Monitor health of KM activities and results Align performance management system with knowledge sharing Capture and retain valuable individual knowledge Develop value chain partner performance scorecards Performance program becomes part of the organizations differentiator in marketplace Recognize performance program as value-add across business ecosystem

Business Case

Base the case on the value of knowledge Re ect the desire to leverage connectivity tools Formal business with ROI is neither possible, nor needed

Focus on building people and process capability and how KM approaches will work Re ect value of investment potential of pilots, initiatives Better relationships within value chain

Highlight potential gains of specic pilots Identify potential value of replicable methodologies and approaches Emphasize value of learning opportunities Identify potential gains in value chain partnership improvement


Redirect existing resources Budget for education and training on KM

If possible, identify areas to share resources with process improvement and/or organizational learning Donate central or sponsor funding and time for design, pilots, and IT costs Mix corporate and business unit funding for pilots and/or initiatives Support communication efforts Include value chain partner input in strategy Develop CoE to implement and manage KM and other process improvement initiatives Recruit senior executive sponsorship Involve small advisory board Institute a cross-functional task force or strategy team Identify business unit liaisons Involve IT as key player on advisory board Identify and in uence selection of KM-enabling tools Identify how to integrate with current learning IT tools (LMS, LCMS, etc.) Identify how to integrate with process improvement IT tools Integrate KM into overall IT strategy Communication using existing Web-based tools Develop and administer vendor assessment tools Develop clear vision linked to corporate strategies Onboard business unit liaisons Develop executive sponsorship messaging Create communication strategy Develop recognition strategy

Mix corporate funding for CoE and methodologies with business unit funding for pilots and/or initiatives

Central resource and budget seen as investment; may or may not come from distributed model (e.g., business units pay into a central fund) Create standard budgeting process for central CoE Embed budgeting process inside business units Create budget for IT costs Create budget to support communities of practice Active senior sponsorship to select annual priority initiatives May report to president or executive in charge of performance excellence Business units partner with consultative HR, Learning, KM, org change professionals to keep environment fresh with information that relates directly to business and human performance Increased responsibility for execution in business unit Tools built into work ows and integrate with common applications Consolidation and providing one face to the user with push and search features with some room for customization People, process, and content available via one portal Make technology accessible to value chain partners

Governance, Structure

Recruit initial champion or task force Convene interested parties from IT, HR, business units Communicate through informal, cross-functional mechanisms

Active senior executive sponsorship Governance via cross-functional steering committee(s) Develop central CoE with facilitators, moderators, and content managers to manage processes and infrastructure Recruit and support design teams Recruit and support CoP leaders/facilitators Conduct security audit on current and new systems Create appropriate security tools and processes Develop applications to support pilot or initiative needs Gather data from Web tools for measures Ensure functionality of new and existing tools Participate in design, development, and deployment Link applications to learning and process tools

Active senior executive sponsorship to set priorities Common reporting structure for KM, OL, and PI processes Recruit champions and sponsors from business units Central CoE maintains management of processes and tools Develop network of knowledge/process/learning champions Recruit and support design teams as necessary IT manages infrastructure Integrate systems organization-wide as needed Implement IT to support external partners where needed Develop and sustain enhancements to existing platform and applications Ensure that compliance and security remain strong Enhance portal and content management capabilities

Information Technology

Champion leveraging existing technology Benchmark/Assess good knowledge-sharing tools Use existing communication tools where possible

Change Management

Develop basic concepts/de nitions of KM, process improvement, organizational learning Link with champions of PI and OL Understand organizational culture, potential barriers, and competing issues to KM Communicate bene ts for practitioners and organization as a whole Identify and communicate current anecdotes of success Conduct feasibility assessments to understand need Identify external benchmarks and best practices in KM, OL, PI Identify critical business process measures that drive strategic goals

Conduct stakeholder analysis to determine support and business requirements Create approach-specic communication and training and recognition plans Identify and address barriers to sharing information Recognize and celebrate successes De ne roles for accountability Communicate success stories to organization Security and risk assessments for IT tools Assess employee/ member satisfaction after launch of pilots Align assessment and measurement into a value chain Report health and effectiveness in integrated measurement framework

Integrate KM into performance management systems (individual and business units) Revise and sustain communication plans Provide training and e-learning opportunities in conjunction with KM links Develop sustainable implementation plans and strategy Create supply chain and external customer partner teams

Performance program seamlessly aligned with performance management systems Performance program linked to talent management and leadership development Embed performance program change agenda and knowledge experts in processes and business units Build performance program into new-hire training Provide ongoing recognition Correlate with business and human performance and responsiveness to need of workers to increase their capacity for quality and delivery Should be seen as pervasive rather than initiative driven Identify links to productivity and revenue improvements, cost and cycle time reductions, etc Assess health and alignment to business needs Integrated and aligned measurement system Business metrics should re ect strong knowledge sharing, process improvement, and learning


Review feasibility interviews Conduct IT needs assessment with relevant employee groups (ID needs for expertise location, virtual collaboration, asynchronous communication, repositories, search, etc.) Conduct cultural readiness assessment with relevant employee groups Conduct vendor assessment (for IT applications and implementation) Identify key performance indicators of potential pilot areas Identify and gain buy-in on critical measures from senior management

Employee/member satisfaction assessments for each approach/ initiative or community Encourage each pilot/community to assess alignment to initial and corporate goals Assess overall alignment to initial goals and corporate goals Alignment of all assessment-measurement tools Create and report on overall measures using balanced scorecard or family of measures Develop formal ROI/value of investment where possible Measure transfer impact Continue communication strategy Communicate with value chain partners Set up face-to-face value chain partner forums where possible Develop external communication strategy to publicize results/programs


Identify benchmark activity, process, and outcome measures Note that few formal measures are possible at this stage

Develop measurement and tracking systems for each pilot/initiative Develop roll-up scorecard for overall health of initiative including activity, process, and business outcome measures Establish baseline performance for each initiative and post-pilot performance using current process and outcome measures Identify communication specialist to help to support efforts Create communication plan and schedules Brand communication vehicles so users can identify types of messages quickly Process and Knowledge Mapping KM design framework for approaches to address planning and design and launch steps Taxonomy development for consistent classication of content Facilitator guides for self-service CoP implementation tools for consistency After Action Reviews to gather lessons learned from pilots Discussion boards


Capture company anecdotes of success and failure in knowledge sharing Develop communication strategy for organization Present concepts at key stakeholder events Communicate vision for improved sharing across value chain Create short elevator speech on why, how, and what KM will do for employees Develop road show content to deliver consistent messages Benchmark reports KM reading materials APQC KM Conference KM World Conference Braintrust Conference Conduct appropriate level of knowledge mapping to address content and knowledge needs/gaps Conduct value-scope interviews with stakeholders and potential pilot areas Compile summary cases for each potential pilot Use criteria testing matrix to select from potential pilots

Communicate value chain partnership successes externally Make part of employment brand for prospective employees by communicating as differentiator for employment

Tools and Processes

Competency mapping for individual roles and/or job classications Benchmark nancial performance of value chain partnerships Facilitator self-directed implementation guides for CoPs, ELS, Virtual Collaboration, AARs, etc. Standardized improvement and transfer processes ROI calculators for transfer

Continue to enhance and re ne all excellence methodologies and tools Competency mapping New Hire training External partner forums Con dentiality access and use rights for all partners

Maturity Model:
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Ad Hoc




2007 APQC rev: 05/10/2007

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