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Lily Haeberle Green 10-13-13 Cinematic Analysis Part A The theme of the movie Lincoln is the question of whether

the cost of the war was worth what was achieved afterwards. In this film, President Lincoln is trying to pass the 13th Amendment but is having trouble gaining enough democratic votes. This movie takes place in the 1865 in Washington DC. The Civil War is coming to an end and President Lincoln needs the bill to pass before than because if peace comes ahead of the bill, the southern states will make sure the bill doesnt passed. The war had already taken thousands of lives and the President was torn with whether or not he should see the end of the war or pass the bill first. Lincoln decides to try to pass the bill and does whatever he can to convince his cabinet and the Democrats that it is necessary. He felt that the abolition of slavery would justify the cost of the war. The day of the final vote came and there was much tension. Lincoln wasnt sure if he would have enough votes for the bill to pass. Many of the state representatives stood their ground and cast their vote for yes while many opposed. It came down to a margin of 2 votes but the yeas won and the bill was passed. Great jubilation was expressed all over the city. The film ends with the tragic death of Lincoln. The country was devastated but since the amendment had been passed, there was a sense of victory and freedom. Nothing could ever make up for all the lives lost during the war, but abolishing slavery definitely helped justify it.

Lily Haeberle Cinematic Analysis Part B The historical setting of the film Lincoln is in 1865 during the end of the Civil War. There are many significant aspects of American society in this movie. For example, slavery was a big controversial subject, some wanted to keep it while others wanted to see it abolished. This movie is based around abolishing slavery. Also, the use of the telegraph in the movie, when Lincoln is writing orders to the troops, this is an aspect to American life since during the Civil War armies used the telegraph to send military messages between units. ( This movie is completely based on historical facts. In the movie, Lincoln had trouble getting the democratic votes, which match up to history. The democrats strongly opposed the bill, they stoked a racist backlash against the Emancipation Proclamation (Socialist worker) They showed Thaddeus Stevens living with an African American woman, which is an actual fact and included Lincolns three sons, Robert, Tad and Willie and mentioned how Willie had died. This movie is very historically accurate especially since it is telling the story of Abraham Lincoln and his fight for racial equality, which was a true event. Works Cited Hermes, Amanda. "Why The Invention of The Telegraph Became Important." Ehow. ehow, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013. <>.

Maass, Alan. "Lincoln and the Struggle to Abolish Slavery." socialist worker. International Socialist Organization, 12 Feb. 2009. Web. 14 Oct. 2013. <>.

Lily Haeberle Cinematic Analysis Part C 2. Analyze the use of metaphors and imagery in the film, citing several examples.

In the movie, Lincoln, there are many metaphors and examples of imagery. There are visual metaphors and metaphors within quotes from the movie. A visual metaphor is when Lincoln is riding through the battlefield seeing all of the dead bodies. This symbolizes the loneliness of the President because he has to make all of the big decisions by himself and riding alone in that battlefield, seeing what his decisions have become, is a strong metaphor. A metaphor within a quote is when Lincoln is talking about General Grant, he says, My trust in him is marrow deep. This is a metaphor showing how much Lincoln trusts Grant and that his trust is bone deep. Examples of imagery used in this film are when Robert Lincoln visited the hospital and saw the pile of limbs, which had been chopped off of soldiers from the war. Another example is the same as the metaphor example, when Lincoln is riding through the battlefield. There were thousands of dead bodies piled up and it was a horror to see. Both of these examples show the horror of the war and the toll it had. So many men were lost and the devastation of it was clearly demonstrated by imagery and metaphors in this movie.

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