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At the end of this esson! the t"#inee $i %e #% e to& '( -( '(/ )e#s*"e the inte"n# "esist#n+e of # ,ene"#to"( )e#s*"e .otenti# diffe"en+e in se"ies & .#"# e ,ene"#to"s(

VOLTAGE DROP & INTERNAL RESISTANCE OF A GENERATOR We shall consider the circuit in Fi,( 4-'(

Fi,(4-'( The generated emf (E), which is connected to the resistance (R), gets a current (I) to circulate in the circuit. From Ohms Law, we know that if a current (I) flows in a resistance (R) a otential difference or electrical !oltage ( " # R $ I ) a ears at its terminals. The same otential difference or electrical !oltage will of course a ear at the generator terminals as well.

%&"%'(E& (O)R*E (O)R*E LE**O' , -%.E /

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

In order to differentiate them, the otential difference or electric !oltage a earing at the terminals of the resistance will 1e called the !olt dro , whereas the otential difference a earing at the terminals of the generator will kee the original denomination. The measuring unit used for the !olt dro will 1e the "olt the same as for the otential difference and the emf. We ha!e alread2 noted that when the circuit is dead, the otential difference a earing at the terminals of the generator is e3ual to the emf roduced 12 the generator. V 0 E earing at

On the other hand, when the circuit is ali!e, the otential difference a the terminals of the generator is less than the emf. V 1 E

This comes from the fact that the generator shows a resistance r i inside when the electrons flow from the ositi!e to the negati!e terminals. ((on!entionall2, the current flows from the negati!e to the ositi!e terminal inside the generator). %ccording to Ohms Law, if a current (I) flows in the internal resistance r i of the generator, we ma2 o1tain the !olt dro 12 the e3uation4 VI 0 "i 2 I

To 1e deduced from the emf (E) inside the generator. Indeed, the otential difference at the terminals of the generator with an internal resistance r i and roducing a current (I) is gi!en 12 the e3uation4 V 0 E - "i 2 I earing at the

*uch a otential difference is e3ual to the !oltage dro a terminals of the resistance R 4 V NOTE 0 R2I

When the internal resistance of the generator and the current roduced are small, the internal !olt dro can 1e neglected. V 0 E l2 the

To calculate the internal resistance of the generator, we should a following formula 4 "I 0 E-V I

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E (O)R*E (O)R*E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

%&"%'(E& LE**O' , -%.E 5


SERIES AND PARALLEL GENERATORS Two or more generators can 1e series or arallel connected. -(' % series connection can 1e made in two different wa2s4 '( )sing the circuit diagram in Fi,4--. connect the negati!e terminal of the first generator to the ositi!e terminal of the second generator4 in that case , 1oth emf do not tall2 and the total otential difference is e3ual to the sum of the otential differences of each generator when off6circuit or li!e.

Fi,(4--(Se"ies Conne+ted Gene"#to"s -( )sing the circuit diagram in Fi,4-3. connect the negati!e terminal of the first generator to the negati!e terminal of the second generator4 Then, 1oth emf do not tall2 and the total otential difference is e3ual to the difference 1etween the otential differences of the generators, when off circuit or li!e.

%&"%'(E& (O)R*E (O)R*E LE**O' , -%.E 7

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

Fi,(4-3( O..osed Se"ies Conne+ted Gene"#to"s This connection is said to 1e in o osition.

When "/ 8 "5 then the total otential difference is ositi!e. ( ositi!e terminal u wards). When "/ # "5 the total otential difference is null. When "/ 9 "5 then the total otential difference is negati!e. ( ositi!e terminal downward). -(PARALLEL CONNECTIONS )sing the circuit diagram in Fi,(4-4. If we consider the most common case, which is when the generators ha!e the same emf and the same internal resistance:s, the arallel connection is made 12 connecting together the ositi!e terminals and connecting together the negati!e terminals se aratel2.

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E (O)R*E (O)R*E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

%&"%'(E& LE**O' , -%.E ,

Fi,(4-4(P#"# e Conne+ted Gene"#to"s In this case, the otential difference at the common terminals is e3ual to the otential difference of each generator, when off circuit or li!es. PRACTICAL TEST 4 ' )sing the circuit diagram in Fi,(4-5( /. 5. 7. (onnect the su l2 to the loo with the lug.

*et the out ut !oltages to ;ero (<) on the !aria1le transformer. 0uild the circuit shown in Fi,(4-5(


%&"%'(E& (O)R*E (O)R*E LE**O' , -%.E =

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

E6UIP)ENT RE6UIRED A V J R 0 0 0 0 Teste" *sed #s #n #77ete" Teste" *sed #s # 8o t7ete" S$it+h Resist#n+e9s '-/ 5 :; S*.. <

NOTES 0oth testers should 1e used for measuring direct currents or !oltages. %ttention should 1e aid to the olarit2 signs when connecting the instruments into the circuit. +ake sure the switch is turned off. 4 -ress the magneto thermal switch and after ha!ing selected the out ut indicated on the circuit diagram, turn the !aria1le transformer clockwise to its ma$imum. =Note= the .otenti# diffe"en+e V 0 E sho$n on the 8o t7ete"( 5( Turn the switch on and note the new otential difference4 V @( A( 0 E - "i 2 I 1 E sho$n on the 8o t7ete" #nd the +*""ent >I? sho$n on the #77ete"( l2.

(alculate the internal resistance of the su *et the !aria1le transformer to ;ero (O). PRACTICAL TEST 4 )sing the circuit diagram in Fi,(4-@(


0uild the circuit shown in Fi,(4-@(

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E (O)R*E (O)R*E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

%&"%'(E& LE**O' , -%.E >

Fi,(4-@( E6UIP)ENT RE6UIRED A V J R 0 0 0 0 Teste" *sed #s #n #77ete"( Teste" *sed #s # 8o t7ete"( S$it+h( Resist#n+e -- 18 :;( S*.. <

NOTES See ."#+ti+# test 4 '( -( 3. Re eat the same tests and calculations as for the ractical test ? /. *et the "aria1le transformer to ;ero (<), turn off the magneto thermal switch and after ha!ing dismantled the circuit, remo!e the su l2 from the loo .


%&"%'(E& (O)R*E (O)R*E LE**O' , -%.E @

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

)sing circuit diagram in Fi,(4-A( '( 0uild u the circuit as shown in Fi,(4-A(

Fi,(4-A( E6UIP)ENT RE6UIRED A V R J P 0 0 0 0 0 Teste" *sed #s #n #77ete" Teste" *sed #s # 8o t7ete" Resist#n+e '- 5 :; S$it+h - E e7ent B B#tte"< >'(5V e#+h?

NOTES *ee ractical test ? /. -( 3( Re eat the same tests and calculations as that of ractical test ? /. Turn off the switch A and dismantle the circuit.

PRACTICAL TEST 4 4 )sing the circuit diagrams shown in Fi,s( 4-C! 4-D & 4-'/(

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E (O)R*E (O)R*E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

%&"%'(E& LE**O' , -%.E B


0uild u the circuit shown in Fi,(4-C(

Fi,(4-C( E6UIP)ENT RE6UIRED " NOTES The tester should 1e used for measuring direct !oltage, a2ing attention to the olarit2 signs when connecting the instrument. 02 reading the tester indication, note that the total otential difference is twice that of each 1atter2 (series connection of two e3ual generators). 0uild u the circuit as shown in Fi,(4-D( # # Tester used as a !oltmeter 5 element61atter2 (/.=" each)


%&"%'(E& (O)R*E (O)R*E LE**O' , -%.E C

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T

Fi,(4-D( 4( 02 reading the tester indication, note that the total otential difference is e3ual to the difference in otential difference 1etween the two 1atteries (series connection of two generators said to 1e in o osition). 0uild u the circuit shown in Fi,(4-'/(


Fi,(4-'/( @( 02 reading the tester indication, note that the total otential difference is e3ual to that of each 1atter2. (-arallel connection of two e3ual generators.

ELE(TRI(%L +%I'TE'%'(E (O)R*E (O)R*E 0%*I(* OF &IRE(T ()RRE'T /<

%&"%'(E& LE**O' , -%.E

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