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Cells ellipsoid with pointed ends and with a median constriction. Envelope of
cell with eight longitudinal costae. Chromatophore with a central pyrenoid. Cells
I 6' 5-9 It broad and 16-22 It long. Constriction 5' 3-5 . 8 It broad (Fig. 31).
, HABITAT. Paddy fields, Heneratgodha, Ceylon (w.. and G. S. West, l.c.).
DISTRIBUTION.Ceylon and Java.
6. Family TREUBARIACEAE (Korsh.) Fott,
1960, P 277 Species not recorded from the Indian region.

D. bif!yramidatum (Chodat) Pascher, 1930, p 654, f 7-9

Members of this family are usually unicellular and solitary, rarely united =Bernardinella bipyramidata Chodat, 1920
D. delicatissimum Korshikov, 1953, p 147, f 86
together in definite colonies of four or more cells when young; free-living or rarely D. elongatum (pascher) Pascher, 1930, p 653 f, 13
epiphytic. Cells spherical, ellipsoid, fusiform or triangular to tetrahedric with projec- =Bernardinella elongata Pascber (in sched.)
D.'indutum (Geitler) Pascher, 1930, p 653, f 10-11
ting ridges at margins; often with setae from angles or ends; cell membrane differen- =Cal;ptrobactron indutum Geitler, 1924
tiated into two layers, an inner thin firm one and an outer layer made up of two or =Bernardinella induta Pascher (in sched.)
D. nyanzae (Wolosz,) G. S. West, 1916
more parts. Reproduction by zoospores (or aplanospores) or autospores. =Peniococcus nyanzae Woloszynska, 1914, p 205.
Four genera are known from the Indian region. D. obtusum Pascher, 1930, p 655, f 15

I. Always solitary ..

- . " ..
. XIV. Genus TREUBARIA Bernard, 1908, p 169
a. Cells enclosed by a broad spindle.shaped envelope consisting of longitudinally cosate halves
which are firmly united at equatorial region. r .., ., Desmatractum(p 106). Solitary, free-floating, flat or pyramidal cells with three or more angles which
b. Cells not so enclosecl are produced to form a stout- basally-broad seta which is tapering or .with subparallel
i. Cells t,iangular to pyramidal with~gles extended
_ into long spines or setae. . . . . . . . . . 107)
Treubaria(p . . ..
.sides. Sides of cells usually concave. Cell body distinct and with one 01:more chloro-
ii. Cells spherical with four stout appendages having blunt or bifurcate pachycladon
ends ..' . . . .(p. . . . .108)
... plasts which.are parietal or cup-shaped and often filling the cell. Pyrenoid one and
central or more, with each angle having one. "

II. Solitary or united together in definite colonies when young - Reproduction by the formation of autospores.
Cells with a transparent conical extension from otto.side. . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . .ConococcUS(p 108)
Treuharia is distinguished from Tetraedronby the setae which are ~tensions of
XIII. Genus DESMATRACTUMW. et G. S. West, 1902 the angles of the cells proper and which are much longer than the diameter of the
emend. Pascher, 1930, P 651 cells. The protoplast is also distinct.
Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
(incl. Bernardinella Chodat, 1920 and Calyptrobactron Geitler, 1924)

32. Treubaria-triappendicu1ata Bernard

Cells spherical and enclosed by a broad spindle-shaped brownish envelope
consisting of two longitudinally costate halves whicli are firmly united at the equatorial' C; Bernard, 1908, p 170, f 344-48; G. M. Smith, 1926, pp 171-78, pI9,-f 19-23, pliO, f 1;
O. A. Korshikov,1953,p 142,f 81 .
region. _ Cell with a thin hyaliN: cell membrane and a single cup-shaped chloroplast = Telraedron triappendiculatum (Bernard) Wille, 1909, p 60;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 159, f205
having on~ or two pyrenoids. . .
R~produ~tion by 2-4. biciliate zoospores which are liberated by a transverse Cells three to four angled with broadly rounded angles and slightly concave, or,
rupture of the envelope in the equatQrial region at the point of union of the two halves. rarely, slightly convex sides. Each angle produced into a long, stout, hyaline spine with
Zoospores, when not liberated, develop into aplanospores which germinate and develop a broad base and gradually tapering into an acute point. Chloroplasts 1-4, each
the spindle-shaped envelope before liberation by the gelatinization of the envelope of with a pyrenoid. Cells without spines 6-13 It "in diamc;ter. Spines 12-40 It long
the parent. and 3' 5-5 It broad at the base (Fig. 32).
Only one species recorded from the Indian regioJ!. HABITAT. Planktonic in swamp, Kausalya Ganga, rather COIIimon-April,
and pond, Cuttack, stray-August (!).
31. Desmatractum plicatum W. et G. S. West DISTRIBUTION.Java, India, N. America, and Europe.
W. & G. S. West, 1902, P 198, pi 17, f 14-15; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 142, f 150; A. Pascher,
, The Indian alga, with the cells 10'5-13 It in diameter and'spines 25-40 p long,
1930, p 652, Text-f 12 ( is slightly larger than the Javanese species which is 6' 5-10 It in diameter with spines
., .J5-20 p, rarely 30 It and the Am~ican and European alga with the cells 6-12 IJ
106 .'"
in diameter and spines 12-30 ft. According to Smith and Korshikov, the alga may
have three or four angles. However, in the Indian, as also the Javanese form, no speci-
men with four angles could be observed. The cells appeared to be flat with either a
single chloroplast having a central pyrenoid or with three chloroplasts, each with a l"~
pyrenoid. Probably, the fourth seta gets detached easily in mounts. b

Other species of Treubaria 34

T. craJsispina G. M. Smith, 1926, p 178, pliO, [2-5

T. eurycantha (Lemm.) Karsh., 1953, p 143, [83
= Tetraedron schmidlei var. eurycanthum Lemm. c
T. planctonica (G. M. Smith) Karsh., 1953, p 145, [84
= Borgea Planctonica G. M. Smith, 1922a
= Tetraedron schmidlei (Schroeder) Lemmermann
T. setigerum (Archer) G. M. Smith, 1933, p 499
= Tetrapedia setigerum Archer, 1872, p 46, pl21, [14-17
= Tetraedron trigonum var. setiger/un (Archer) Lemmermann, 1904, p 110
T. varia Ahlstrom et Tiffany, 1931, pp 459-60, [ 16

xv. Gellus PACHYCLADON G. M. Smith, 1924 ttf
Cells spherical and enclosed by a thin cell membrane that is without a gelatinous 34J
enveln;-e: With four stout dark brown appendages usually arranged quadrately,
but sometimes pyramidately, from the cell wall. Appendages gradually tapering from
a broad base to a blup.t or bifurcate apex. The single chloropl'hst nearly fills the cell 31 b
and is cup-shaped and with a pyrenoid.
So far, monospecific.

33. Pachycladon umbrinus G. M. Smith

G. M. Smith, 1924; 1933, p 500, £339

Cells spherical and enclosed by a thin cell membrane without any gelatinouS
envelope. Cell wall with four quadrately arranged stout .dark brown appendages
l' .34a
which are .broad at the base and blunt or bifurcate at the apex. Cells' 7' 5-12:5 fJ '( 3Ia
. in diameter. Appendages 35-52' 5 ft long and 3-3:-5 ft broad at the base (Fig. 33). FIGs. 31-'34. 31, .Besmatractum plic"atwn W. ET G. S. WEST; a, LATERAL
HABiTAT. Planktonic in ponds at Cuttack, rather common to abundant-July(!r VIEW, b, OPTICAL .CltOSS-SECTlON; 32,
Treubaria triappendiculata
u:n~rinus G. M. SMITH; 34, Conococcus elongatus CAItTEIt.
DISTRIBUTION.N..America and India.
32, ,33, x(31,
FItOM W. & G. S. WEST, 1902; 34, FROM H. J. CARTEIt,1869;
The Indian alga agrees with the American form'in aU r~spects, except that'
the maximum length of the appendages sometimes exceeds by 2' 5 ft over the figure Conococcus eIongatus Carter
(50 ft) given by G. M. Smith.

H.J. Carter, 1869, p 432, pll4, £ 14--20; H. Printz, 1927, p 130, £85 c-f
XVI. Genus CONOCOCCUS Carter, 1869, p 432
Cells spherical, solitary or united together in definite colonies of four or more :" Cells spherical, solitary or, when. young, united together in colonies of 4-8-16-32
cells when young. Cell membrane delicate and with a transparent conical extension LcelIs. Each cell with a transparent conic~1 appendage from the outer side of the cell
from one side. Chromatophore green and with.a central pyrenoid (?). 'Wall which is about three times (or more in young cells) longer than the diameter of
Reproduction by cell division into 4-8-16-32, each daughter cell getting a "': In
cell. Chromatophore
(Fig. 34). green and with a central pyrenoid (?). Cells 5'. 1-6' 4 "
conical extension of the cell wall from the outer side.
..S~ fur,. monospecific. HABITAT. In &eshwater tanks in the island of Bombay (carter' l.c.). ...

DISTRmUTIoN.India. ~ eft.,T.,.
~,'"~~.,. ,-"

This alga, known only by Carter's original record, needs restudy. The
.. nuclear vesicle" within the cell appears to be the pyrenoid.

Other genera of Treubariaceae not reconudfrom the Indian regiol' 7. Family HYDRODICTYACEAE (S. F. Gray) Dumortier
Echinoco/tum Jao et Lee, 1947, p 109, monospecific :
orth. mul, Cohn, 1880 p 289, emend. *
E. t/tgansJao et Lee, 1947, p 109, f I a-k
EchinosPhatrtlla G.M. Smith, 1920, p 128, monospecific : Members of this family are free living and either unicellular or in regular
E. limnctica G. M. Smith, 1920, p 128, pi 29, f 9-11 (incl. Tet;atdron sttllatum Swirenko,
1926, p 85) colonies. Cells cylindrical tetrahedral or polygonal, sometimes nearly spherical;
Octogonitlla Paschcr, 1930, p 655, monospecific : chloroplast single parietal and laminate, and with a pyrenoid. Reproduction by
O. sphagnico/a Pascher, 1930, p 656, Text-f I~, pi 26
Saturnclla ~1attauch et Paschcr ex Maltauch, 1936, P 413 zoospores, autospores, or- isogamous gametes. There are two subfamilies:
(=Discocystis Skuja, 1959, p 13) with two species:
S. cortico/a (Skuja) Folt, 1960, P 275 i.- . Always in regular colonies (net-like, flat discs or spherical); cells cylindrical, polygonal or sometimes
=Discocystiscortico/a Skuja, 1959, pp 13-14, pi I f 1-16 nearly spherical; reproduction by two or more zoospores from each cell which remain together to
S. saturnus (Stcinecke) Folt, 1960, P 275, pi 46, f 1-6 form auto-colonies or sometimes by isogamous gametes, the zygospore ultimately producing a
=ProwcoCCUSsaturnus StciDecke, 1916, P 74- colony, usually with intermediate stages offree-swimming zoospores, irregular . Tetratdroll-stagu '
=Saturnclla t/tgans Matt. et pascher ex Mattauc;h, 1936, p 413, f 2 and non-swarming aggregate of zoospores SUBFAM. HYDRODtCTYOIDEAE
=Discocystis saturnus (Stcinecke) Skuja, 1959, pp 14-15, pi 2, f 1-18
Trigonidium Pascher, 1932, p 412, monospecific : KEY TO THE GENERA
T.galta Pascher, 1932, P 414, f2 a-c, 3 a-d.
I. Colony microscopic
a. Colony a flat plate of 4-8-16-32-64 or more (usually 32) cells Ptdiastrum (p Ill)

b. Colony spherical and of 4-8-16-32-64 stalked cells radiating from the centre.. ......
Sorastrum(p 132)
2. Colony macroscopic _
Colony oflarge cylindrical coenocytes arranged in the form of a net-work.. .R»drodiclYoll(p 133)

ii. Usually unicellular, very rarely in loose aggreg~tes; cells usu31ly angular- often with spines from
angles,- rarely cylindrical or semilunar; reproduction usually by-autospores, rarely by free-
swimming zoospores which develop directly into a cell like the parent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 1.
Cells triangular, tetragonal or polygonal with angles rounded, produced or pointed and with
or without short spines. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tttratdron
Cells cylindrical to crescent.shaped and with a spine from each end. . . ... Closteridium(p 161)
Cells tetragonal to pyramidal with cruciate sides or rectangular7
and with
fromeachangle.. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . :..

one or several
(p 136)

(p 164)

XVII. Genus PEDIASTRUM Meyen, 1829, p 772

Colonies free-floating, disc-shaped to stellate, generally of 4-8-16-32-64 or

more polygonal cells arranged in a single layer one cell thick. Colony with or without
perforations. Marginal cells with one, two or four processes, rarely without such
processes. Cell wall smooth, granulate or with reticulate ridges. Chloroplast single,
parietal, filling the adult cells and with one or more pyrenoids. Cells multinucleate.

· Emended so as to include unicellular forms.


This alga, known only by Carter's original record, needs restudy. The
.. nuclear vesicle" within the cell appears to be the pyrenoid.

Othergeneraof Treubariaceae not recorrkdfrom theIndian region 7. Family HYDRODICTY ACEAE (S. F. Gray) Dumortier
Echinocoltum J ao et Lee, 1947, P 109, monospecific :
orth. mut. Cohn, 1880 p 289, emend. *
E. tltgansJao et Lee, 1947, p 109, f I a-k
Echinosphaertlla G.M. Smith, 1920, p 128, monospecific : Members of this, family are free living and either unicellular or in regular
E. limnttica G. M. Smith, 1920, p 128, pi 29, f 9-11 (incl. Tttraedron stellatum Swirenko,
1926, p 85) colonies. Cells cylindrical tetrahedral or polygonal, sometimes nearly spherical;
Octogoniella Pascher, 1930, p 655, monospecific : chloroplast single parietal and laminate, and with a pyrenoid. Reproduction by
O. sphagnicola Pascher, 1930, p 656, Text-f 1-6, pl26
Saturntlla ~Iattauch et Pascher ex Mattauch, 1936, P 413 zoospores, autospores, or isogamous gametes. There are two subfamilies:
(=Discocystis Skuja, 1959, p 13) with two species :
S. corticola (Skuja) Folt. 1960, p 275 i.' . Always in regular colonies (net-like, flat discs or spherical); cells cylindrical, polygonal or sometimes
=Discocystis corticola Skuja, 1959, pp 13-14, pi I f 1-16 nearly spherical; reproduction by two or more zoospores from each cell which remain together to
S. salurnus (Steinecke) Fot!, 1960, P 275, pi 46, f 1-6 form auto-colonies or sometimes by isogamous gametes, the zygospore ultimately producing a
=Protococcus saturnus Steinecke, 1916, P H colony, usually with intermediate stages oCCrce-swimming zoospores, irregular' Tetraedron-stagu.
=Saturnella tltgans Matt. et pascher ex Mattauc;h, 1936, p 413, f 2 and non-swarming aggregate of zoospores SUBFAM.HYDRODICTYOIDEAE
=Discocystis saturnus (Steinecke) Skuja, 1959, pp 14-15, pi 2, f 1-18
Trigonidium Pascher, 1932, P 412, monospecific : KEY TO THE GENERA
T.galta Pascher, 1932, P 414, f2 a-c, 3 a-d.
I. Colony microscopic
a. Colony a flat plate of 4-8-16-32-64 or more (usually 32) cells. . . . . . Ptdiastrum(p 11~)
b. Colony spherical and of4-8-16-32-64 stalked cells radiating from the centre........
Sorastrum (p 132)
2. Colony macroScopic _

Colony oflarge cylindrical coenocytes arranged in the form of a net-work.. .H,;'drodictyon(p 133)

ii. Usually tmicellular, very rarely in loose aggregl!tes; cells usuii1ly angular- often with spines from
angles,' rarely cylindrical or semilunar; reproduction usually by'autospores, rarely by free-
swimming zoospores which develop directly into a celllike the parent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .


. I.
Cells triangular, tetragonal or polygonal with angles rounded, produced or pointed and with
or without short spines.. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. Tetraedron (p 136)
Cells cylindrical to crescent-shaped and with a spine from each end. . . . .. Closkridium(p 161)
Cells tetragonal to pyramidal \ cruciate sides or rectangular~~nd
with one or several bristles
from each angle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ..

Polytdriopsis (p 164)

XVII. Genus PEDIASTRUM Meyen, 1829, p 772

Colonies free-floating, disc-shaped to stellate, generally of 4-8-16-32-64 or

more polygonal cells arranged in a single layer one-cell thick. Colony with or without
perforations. Marginal cells with one, two or four processes, rarely without such
processes. Cell wall smooth, granulate or with reticulate ridges. Chloroplast single,
parietal, filling the adult cells and with one or more pyrenoids. Cells multinucleate.

· Emended so as to include unicellular forms.

Asexual reproduction by zoospores which escape into a vesicle and orient shape, joined to each other at the base, but free on the outside, with two short truncate
themselves in the place of cells, rarely by 1-2 hypnospores from each cell. Sexual processes from the outer face, one from each side. Cells up to 20 /.l in diameter.
reproduction isogamous. Processes up to 8/.l1ong. Colonies up to 110 /.l in diameter (Fig. 35).
Eleven species are known from the Indian region. HABITAT. In trench with running water, Rangoon (Skuja, 1949).
I. Outer face of marginal cells usually without projections, at times with two rudimentary projections
, _ P. integrum(p \12)
II. Outer face of marginal cells with a single projection
Colonies with or without perforations .
A. Sides of cells nearly strai'ght or concave. . . . . . P. simplex (p 113)
B. Sides of cells markedly convex. . . . . . P. ovatum (p 115)
III. Outer face of marginal cells with two projections
A. Colonies usually not perforate. Perforations when present very small and few in number
a. Cell wall smooth or punctate
i 0 uter cells regular
x Outer face of marginal cellsstraight or slightly concave. Processesshort orlong. .....
P. mu/icum(p 117)
xx Outer face of marginal cells with shallow emarginations. Processes short ..
- . P. angulosum(p 118)_.
xxx Outer face of marginal cells with deep emarginations. . . . " P. boryanum(p 118)
ii Outer cells irregular and with unequal and basally constricted lobes ..............
P. cons/ric/um(p 120)
b. Cel1walrcoarsely reticulate. Processesshort. . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... .P. araneosum (p 120)

B. Colonies perforate .- _
a. ProjectiolU of marginal cells truncate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. P. 121)
duplex (p

b. Projections of marginal cells incised... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'P. biradiatum(p '127)

IV. Marginal fells with four projections and a deep linear incision. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . P. tetras (p .128)

35. Pediastrum integrum Naegeli

. C. Naegeli, 1849, p 97, piS B, f4 a-r; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 91, f 51 a; G:W. Prescott, 1951,
p 225, pi 48 f9-1O; L. H. Tiffany and M. E. Britton, 1952,-p 112, pi 30, f298 .

Colonies not perforated and usually 4-32 celled, rarely 64-celled with the cells
more often arranged. irregularly than conc~ntrically, rarely in two layers. . Internal
'. 36 '
FIGs. 35-36 a-c. 35, Pediastrum in/ergum VAR.perforatum RACIB; 36 a-c, P.
and .marginal cells- of the same shape~ with entire margin, rounded or 5-'6 angled. simPlex MEYEN. (35, FROM RACIBORSKI; 36, X 1000).
Marginal cells with two short stumpy processes, one or both of which may 15eabsent -
or reduced to a wart- or papilta-like structure. Cell membrane smooth or granular. Bigeard (1935, p 342) treated P. integrum and all its varieties, including var.
Diameter of cells 16-30 1-" perforatumRacib. var. braunianum (Grunow) Nordst. (1878, p 8; =Pediastrum brau1iianum
The alga, which is kn9wn from Europe, N. America and Africa, has not been Grunow, 1858, p 494) and var. pearsoni (G. S. West) Fritsch ex Fritsch et Stephens
reported from the Indian region. (1921, p 11, =P. pearsoni G. S. West, 1912 b, P 79) as synonymous to P. boryanum.
However, most authors retain the species and its varieties. 'f

var. perforatum Raciborski

36. Pediastrum simplex Meyen
IVI."Raciborski, 1889, p 7, pl2 f 5;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 92-93, f 51 d
F. I. F. Meyen, 1829, p 772, p143, f 1-5;
and M. E. Britton, plIO, pi 31, f 290-91
J. Brunnthalcr, 1915, pp 93-94, f 55 a; L. H. Tiffany
Colonies 8-16-32 celled. Interior cells spherical to nearly rectangular with
=P. simplex var. granula/um Lemm., 1897, p 115
the edges rounded and with small intercellular spaces. Peripheral cells of similar =P. simplex var. typica in Bruhl et Biswas, 1922, p 12, pIS, f29 a
var. duodenariwn (Bailey) Rabenhorst
L. Rabenhorst, 1868, p 72; G. M. Smith, 1918, pp 642-43, pi 13, f 1-5
=Monoactinus duodenarius Bailey, 1855, p 14
=Pediastrum enoplon W. et G. S. West, 1895, p 81, pi 5, f 1-2
il =P. simplex var. radians Lemmermann, 1899, p 114; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 94, f 55 b; H.
Skuja, 1949, p 62
=P. simplex var. clathratum Chodat, 1902, p 225
=P. simplex var. clatrata Chodat in P. Bruhl et K. Biswas, 1922, p 13, pl5, f 30
=P. clathratum (Schroeter) Lemm., 1897, p 181, f 1-4; W. et G. S. West, 1902, p 196; E. Lem-
mermann, 1907, p 267; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 94, f 56 a; W. B. Crow, 1923, p 164; E. A.
GonzalvesetD. B.Joshi, 1946, p 174; N. Dutta,J. C. MalhotraetB. B. Bose, 1954, p 13
=]>. simplex var. clathratum(Schroeter) G. S. West, 1907, p 134
=P. clathratum vars. microporum Lemm., 1899, pp 115-16, punctatum Lemm., 1897, p 182,
asperum Lemm., 1897, p 180 and cordanum Hansgirg, 1886, p 110
=P. clathratum var. duodenarium (Bailey) Lemm.-see Brunnthaler, 1915, p 94, f 56 c; R. N.
Singh, 1939;p. 63
=P. clathratum var. baileyanum Lemm., 1899, p 115; P. Bruhl et K. Biswas, 1926, p 269, pi 6,
f41 a-b;M.~.Handa,1927,p260,pI6,fl a-b

Differs from the type in having large intercellular spaces,or a single central space
with the cells arranged in a ring at the periphery. Inner face of marginal cells concave,
oqter face prolon&.ed into a sing-1edelicately tapering process. Sides of marginal cells
also concave or nearly straight. Interior cells siIDilar to marginal, cells but with shortc;.r
processes. Cell wall. smooth or fInely punctate. Colonies of 4-8-16-32-64-128
(usually 8-16-32) cells. Cells 8-2+ /J broad, 10-45 /J long; 16-celled colonies up to
125/J in diameter (Fig. 36 d-h). -
" HABITAT. Planktonic in standing waters- of ponds, filter-beds, tanks, lakes,
t 'reservoirs, qmals and rivers. all over India, Burma and Ceylon (Bengal--':Bruhl,et
~.Biswas, 1922, l.c.; Dutta et al., l.c.-; Manipur-Bruhl et Biswas, 1926, l. c.; U.P.-
" 'Jt. N. Singh, l.c.; V; P. Singh, 1959; Bombay-Gonzalves et Joshi, l.c.; Bengal,
:'Bihar, Orissa, Andhra, Madras, Mysore and Punjab (!); Burma*-W. et. G. S. West,
.. '1907; Handa, l.c.; Skuja, l.c.; Ceylon-W. et G. S. West, 1902; Lemmermann,
..... '1907, l.c.; Crow, l.c.).
FIG. 36 d-h. Pediastrum simplex MEYEN VAR. duodenarium (BAILEY) RABENH. Some authors (Bourrelly, 1940; Skuja, 1948) treat Pediastrum clathratum
(d and e, )('1500; g, x 1000; f and h, x750). :JSchroeter) Lemmermann as a disunct'species. According to G. M. Smith (1918,
.:.l; c.), P. c{athratumdiffers from the'typical P. simplex only in the same way as vars.
>'~iathratumand reticulatum of P. duplex differ from P. duPlex type. He also states that
Colonies circular to oval, of 4-8-16-32 or more. cells. Inner side of marginal"
1~'Bailey!sMonoactinus duodenariusis without doubt identical to P. clathratum. .Following
cells nearly straight, outer side produced into a gradually tapering - process,' siaes ':'.Smith, P. clathratumis not recognized here as a distinct species.
concave. Inner cells polygonal. Cells in «ontact with adjacent ones and usually
without intercellular spaces. When present, intercellular spaces very small and few in Pediastrum ovatum (Ehr.) A. Braun
number. Cell wall smooth or punctate to granulate. Cells (7-) 8-13 /J broad, (15-)
19-26 (-30) /J long (Fig. 36 a-c). A. Braun, 1855, p 81; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 93, f 54 a; G. M. Smith, 1926, p 193, pi 15, f 3-7
=Asterodicryo/l ovatum Ehrenberg in Monatsbe~., 1845, p 73
HABITAT. North East India (Turner, 1892); Filter beds, Bengal. (Bruhl 'et =Pediaslrum ovatum var. microporum Lemm.-see Brunnthaler, 1915, p 93, f 54 b
=P. sturmiiReinsch, 1867, p 90, pl7, fl ;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 93, f53 a
Biswas, I,c.); ponds and tanks, Ceylon (Crow, 1923); in the Sipna Stream, N. E. =P. sturmii Reinsch forma Turner, 1892, pp 159-60, pi 20, f 17
India (Carter, 1926); Ramgarh and Suraha 'Tals', D.P. (V.P. Singh, 1959); ponds, =P. sturmii var. radians Lemm. and var. echinulotum (Wittr. et Nordst.) Lemm.-see Brun-
Cuttack, rare-August and May; River Mahanadi, Cuttack, rather common- nthaler, 1915, p 93

May; River Dehri, Bihar, rare-May and Dyke's tank, Visakhapatnam, rare- .The alga was also quite common in a 'collection from Lake Indawgyi, Rangoon, of March 1956,
December(!) . .t by Dr. J. A. Tubb, to the Central1nland Fisheries Research Sub-station, Cuttack, for identification.
HABITAT. N.E. India (Turner, l.c.); filter-beds, Bengal (Bruhl et Biswas, l.c.);
=P. simplex var. sturmii (Reinsch) Wolle, 1887, P 153 ponds, Cuttack, very common to abundant-May and June, River Mahanadi,
=P. simplexMeyen var. typica in Bruhl et Biswas, 1922, pi 5, f 29 b-d only Cuttack, common-April, River Sone, Dehri (Bihar), rare-May, swamp, Madras,
=P. schroeteri Lemmermann, 1899, P 115, pi 2, f33
rare-May (1942), and stray in a number of other localities (!).
Colonies usually 4-8-16- (rarely 32-) celled, with the cells arranged in a ring DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopolitan.
round a central space or with one or more interior cells and a number of marginal This species is very similar to P. simPlexand its variety duodenarium,but the outer
., sides are markedly convex in contrast to the nearly straight or concave sides of
cells, perforate or almost imperforate, the -perforations being small. Cells plumper
than in P. simplexvar. duodenarium with the outer sides of peripheral and often central P. simplex'and var. duodenarium.According to Bigeard (1934-35), the shapes of cells vary
cells convex. Cell wall smooth or ornamented. Four-celled colonies up to 60 /-l. .; with the maturity of the alga, the convex shape being found in very mature cells only.
8-celled colonies up to 80 /-l and 16-celled colonies up to 100 /-l in diameter. Cells He scraps P. ovatum. P. sturmii and all varieties of these as well as of P. simPlex, com-
8' 5-19' /-l broad, 14-37 p. long (Fig. 37). bining them 'all in 'one- species, viz. P. simPlex. The occurrence of P. simplex var.
duodenariumand P. ovatum side by side in many collections is probably a point in
favour of this view. This simplification, followed by Bigear.d with other species of
Pediastrum as well, has not been accepted by most authors.
Nitardy (1914, cf., G. M. Smith, 1926) and G. M. Smith considered P. sturmii
and P. ovatum as identical. Nitardy favoured retaining the former name on account of
its more general acceptance, while Smith preferred to keep the name ovatumsince it hlu
... priority. - - . ..
Though l. ovatum (incl. P. sturmii) appears to have been recorded from the Indian
tegion only once previously (Turner, I.e.), there is no doubt that most authors have
included it along with P. simplex, P.simPlex var. duodmarium, or P. clathra~um. Bruhl
a and Biswas's figures (1922, pI. 5, f 29 b-d only) for P. simplex var. typica are obviously
those of P. ovatum They also mention in their description that the sides -of the cells
. .~ con"ex.
Pediastrum muticum Kuetzing

F. T~ Kuetzing, 1849, p ,193; J. Brunnthall.'r, 1915 p 98, f 58 a

Colonies round and without perforations, 8-16-32-64-celled. Internal cells

5-6 an.,gled. Marginal cells inverted heart-shaped, e.!11arginate and with or without
two short processes on the free side. Cell wall smoGth or granular.
, HABITAT. Pond, Bangalore, rather common-February -(!).

var. longicorne Raciborski

M. Raciborski, 1889, p 12, pi 2 f 8;, J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 98, f 58 c

Colonies more or less round and without intercellular spaces. Inner cells 5-6
~\~ided. Marginal cells usually broader than long. with a shallow emargination on the
j'outer face and two fairly long processes. Cell wall often thick and with fine granula-
... ~~o~. Inner cells 20' 6-22' 5 /-l broad, 20' 6-22' 5 /-llong. Marginal cells 20' 6-24' 4 fi
,'broad, 18.8-20.6 /-llong. Processes 8-12 /-llong (Fig. 38).
FIO.37. Pediastrum ovatum (ERR.) A. BRAUN. HABITAT. Pond, Bangalore, along with the type of the species (!)
{d, FROMTURNER, 1892 (AS Pediastrum sturmii fOR"''' TUItNI!R) i
!,-C and C4?' x lOOO~. _ ..' .
Bigeard (1934) considered P. muticum and its varieties as synonymous to
P. boryanum.
:~', of
39. Pediastrum angulosum'(Ehr.) Meneghini
J. 1\1eneghini, 1840, p 210; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 99
=P. vaguIII Kuetzing, 1845, p 143
=P. po{vdensWorosowa-Wodianitzkaja, 1923, pi 2 f 20

Colonies without perforations, usually single layered and round, elliptical or

kidney-shaped, sometimes large and two-layered with small irregular perforations.
Internal cells 4-6 angled, broader than long with the outer side slightly sinuous.
Marginal cells broad, outer face slightly emarginate, lobes with or without short
I processes. Cell wall hyaline, yellowish, or reddish, sometimes thickened and with
I reticulate ridges, rarely smooth or coarsely granulate. Colonies 8-128 celled with
, variable arrangement of cells. Cells 15-50 /-lin diameter. Colonies,up to 400/-l.
The alga has not been recorded from the Indian region.

val'. laevigatUm R~ciborski -

:\1. Raciborski, 1889, p 17, p12 f 18; J. Brunntha1er, 1915, p 99, f60 a; P Bruhl e"t K. Biswas,
1926, pp 270-71, p12, f 1 -
=P. bo!yanulIIvar. aus/ralisP1ayfair, 1918, p539, p157, f34

Colonies 8-16-32-64 (usually 32) celled and compact without perforations.

Interior cells. transversely elongated, irregularly hexagonal. Marginal cells also
transversely elongated, wider above, truncate at the base; outer side deeply emar-'
gin~te and with slightly converging lobes having obtuse or rounded ends. Cell mem-
brane hyaline, thin and smooth. Cells up to 35/-l and colonies up to 150 /-lin diameter . ,J
(Fig. 39).
HABITAT. Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl et Biswas, I.e.).
DlsTRmUi'IoN. Europe, India, Japan and Australia.

4Q-. Pediastrumboryanum (Turpin) Meneghini

J.Meneghini, 1840, p 210; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 100, f61 a; G. M. Smith, 1920, pp 169- _

70, pl 46, f 2-7- FIGs.38-41. 38, Pedias/WIII mu/icum KUETZ. VAR. IOllgicorne RAClO;
= Hierella bO'Yana Turpin, 1828, p 319 pi 13 f 22 39, P. angulosum (EUR.) l\.fENEGIl. VAR. laeviga/ulII RAClO; 40a, P. boryafmlll
=Milrasterias boryana Ehrenberg, 1838, p 157 (TURP.) MENEGR.; 40b, VAR.longicome REINSCH; 41, P. cOlls/ric/ulIIHASSALL.
=Euas/rum pen/angulare Corda, 1839 (39, REDRAWNFROM BRUHL & BISWAS, 1926; 41, FROM RACIBORSKI;
38, x 725; 40, x 1000).
=Pedia.l/rum granula/um Kuetzing, 1845, p 143

Colonies circular to oval and usually of 16-32 (rarely 4-8 or up to 128) cells G. S. West, 1907); River Sone, Dehri (Bihar), rare-June; River Mahanadi, Cuttack
arranged in concentric rings without intercellular spaces. . Inner cells polygonal 'rare-July, River Cauvery, Ta~ore, rare-December; ponds, Nagpur, stray-April;
and Bangalore, stray-February (!).
with straight sides. Outer face of marginal cells slightly to deeply emarginate and
with two short processes ending in stumpy spines. Cell wall usually granulate,
sometimes smooth. Cells 7-40 /-l in diameter. Horns (processes) 7-10 /-l long.
Sixteen-celled colonies up to 100 /-l in diameter (Fig. 40 a ). val'. longicorne Reinsch
HABITAT. N.E. India (Turner 1892); artificial tank, Peradeniya, Ceylon (W. et
P. Reinsch, 1867, p 96; inc!. f. granula/urnand f. glabraRcinsch in Salim, 1963,p 212
- G. S. West, 1902); shallow pools, overgrown with weeds, Mansan~, Burma (W. et
With longer processes than in the type (Fig. 40 b).

H...~~.'.'r. River Mahanadi, Cuttack; River Sone, Dehri, along with the type (!).

41. p~m constrictum Hassall

" !. ~Iassall, 1845, p 36J, pi 86, f 15-16; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 100, f 60 f.
"~ 'ilifJlicum Ralfs, 1848, p 188

C0i:W':S more or less spherical and compact, 16-32 celled. Inner cells many
sided an<. vith the front wall sinuous. Marginal cells irregularly two-lobed with
shallow ~::us; lobes unequal, with a constriction at the base and ending in stumpy
horns. ,';lonies 36-41 p, in diameter (Fig. 41).
H.~AT. N. E. India (Turner, 1892).
Dl~1'.mUTlON. Europe, S. Africa, Madagascar, and India. r

42. peciaatrum araneosum (Racib.) Racib. .'J!O'

~Raciborski 1890, P 84; G. M. Smith, 1920,P 168,.pI45, f II -

o~r. IIngu!osumvar. araneosum Raciborski, 1889, P 18, pi 2, f 19; E. Lemmermann, 1907,p264
~,T IIngulosum var. haynaldii (Istvanffi) Radb., 1889
0'7. hllynaldii Istv., 1886, P 242
'o~>.IIraneosum (Racib.) G. :vf. Smith, 1916 b, P 476
",'. boryanum var. haynaldii (Istv.) Playfair, 1918, p 539, pi 57, f 33 ~

C{\:nies circular to oval, of 8-16-32-64 -or more closely arranged cells without ,it!

perforatins or with minute perforations. Inner cells 5-6 sided, transversely

elongatC"'"and with the outer side slightly concave. Marginal cells closely arranged,
deeply cmrginate and with the two lobes slightly concave on the back. Lobes short ..,.

.. and P{\i#:d or rounded at the tip, sometimes with two indentations. Ce1l wall
covered i:y coarsely reticulate ridges without gr~nulations. Cells 15-32 p, in
diamete:' fig. 42 b).
H~t:rAT. Planktonic, Gregory take, Ceylon~January. (Lemmermann, l.c.);0'
Suraha Tiu', U.P. (V. P. Singh, 1959).
DmunUTION.-Europe, N. AInerica, Ceylon, and Australia. c

FIG. 42. 42b, Pediaslrum'araneosum (RACIB.) RACIB.; 42 a-c, VAR.

var. rugulosum (G. S. West) G. M. Smith rugulosum (G. S. WEST) G. M. SMITH; THE RlDGES'lIEINGSHOWNIN ONLY A
:-.r. Smith, 1916 b, p 476, pi 25, f 14 (b, FROMRACIBORSKI;a arid c, X 875).
H' horyanum var. rugulosum G. S. West, 1907, P 132, pi 5, f22; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 102,
h} h 43, Pediastrum duplex Meyen

n1i:~ from the type in having the sides of cells, where they are in contact with F.I.F. Meyen, 1829~ p 772; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 95; G.M. Smith, 1920, p 171, pi 46, fJ4-16;
M. ~. Phi1!pose, 1940, p 161, pi 2, f 41 . . /'
one an~. undulate. . Cells 10-29. p, in diameter. 16-32 celled colonies up to 120,u =Muras/eTlas.selenaeaKuetzing, 1833, p 604 (
in diamfC (Fig. 42 a, c): =PediaslrumperlusumKuetzing, 1845, p 143
=P. napoleonis Ralfs, 1848, p 184
HJ:Jn'AT. Ponds, CWanakarai, Coorg, abundant-February, Azhicode,
=P. limneticumThunmark, 1945, pp 208-09 (,
(Kerala. .iliundant-October; rock~pool, Mysore, stray-February; canal, Chalakudi
Colonies usually of 16-32, sometimes of 4, 8, 64, or 128 cells wit~ small lens-
(Kerala. ~ay-February (!).
l)mUBUTION. Europe, N. America, Africa, and India. shaped perforations between cells. Inner cells quadrate to angular andtriot in contact

~. \

DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopolitan. 12~
at the central portion of the side walls. Inner side of marginal cells concave, outer side
Bruhl and Biswas's P. duplex var. loktakense(1926, p 270, pI 2, f 19) with (8-) 10
produced into two short truncate processes. Cells (6)-8-21 fl in diameter. 16-
celled colonies up to 90 fl in diameter (Fig. 43 a, b). (-:32) cells, each with a diameter of 18 fl, is in all probability a Pediastrumduplex proper.
HABITAT. Parel and Byculla, Bombay (Schmidle, 1900 e); paddy fields and
var. asperum (A. Braun) Hansgirg
artificial tanks, Ceylon (W. et G. S. West, 1902); ponds, tanks, lakes, canals and rivers,
Ceylon (W. B. Crow, 1923); Museum Pond, Madras (Philipose, l.c.); ponds and lakes, A. Hansgirg, 1886, p 112; W. B. Turner, 1892, p 160
=Pediastrum pertusuIIIvar. asperuIIIA.Braun, 1855,p 93
Rangoon and Mandalay (Skuja, 1949); River Hooghly (Dutta et. al., 1954); River =P. duplex var. asperuIII A. Braun in C. Bernard, 1908, pp 197-98, f 516-18; J. Brunnthaler
Hooghly, Barrackpore, stray-December; ponds, Barrackpore, stray-December, 1915, p 96, f 57 m
Cuttack, rare-August and May; well, Nandi Hills, Mysore, stray-February (!).
Colony 8-64 celled with the central lacuna large. Marginal cells with thick
lobes which end in stout, truncate, toothed, or coarse processes. Cell membrane
ornamented with small denticulations. 32-64 celled ,colonies up to 200 fl in diameter.
Cells 7-35 fl in diameter.
HABITAT.N. E. India (Turner, I.e.); ponds and tanks, Dum Dum, rare-
September, Belgharia (W. Bengal), rare-May, Kausalya Ganga (Orissa), rare-
. November,and Azhicode(Kerala),rare-February (!). ·
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, Africa" India, Jav~, Japan, Siberia, and Paraguay.

. - var. genuinum (A. Braun) Hansgirg

A. Hansglrg, 1886, p III
pertusumvar. genuillum
A. Braun, 1855,p 95 :
=P. duplexvar. gelluinumA. Braun in G. B. Dc Toni, 1889, p 579; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 95,
f 57 a; P. Bruht et K. Blswas, 1926, p 269, p18, f 60; E. A. Gonzalves et D. B. Joshi, 1946,
43 pI74"pll,f4 '-
=P. gracileA. Braun, 1855, p 93; W. B, Turner, 1892, p 160; M. R. Handa, 1927, pp 261-62,
I- pI. 6, f6

Colonies 4-8-16;-32 celled with fairly large intercellular spaces. Marginal

cells with stout processes which are straight or slightly curved. Cell membrane smooth
or punctate. Cells 6-18 fl, perforations IIp to 6 fl ~and colonies 45-65 fl in diameter
(Fig. 4-3 d).
HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, I.e.); Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl et Biswas~
I.e.); Royal Lakes,-Rap.goon (Handa, l.c.); pond, Bombay (Go!lzalves et' Joshi, I.e.).
DISTRIBUTION. Europe, W. Africa, India, Burma, Java, and Japan.

"Var. clathratum (A. Braun) Lage~heim ~.

G. Lagerheim, 1882,'p 56 - .~
=Pediastrumpertusumvar. clathratumA. Braun, 1855, p 93
=P. dllplexvar. clathratrllllA. Braun inJ. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 95, f57 d
Cells with more deeply emarginate sides and larger intercellular spaces than in
t: ,PediastrumduPlex. Colon1es8-64 celled. Cells 9-25 fl in diameter. Sixteen-celled
Y~colonies up to 90 fl in diameter (Fig. 43 e, f).
l" HABITAT. Lake qolombo, Ceylon, (Holsinger, 1955); planktonic in ponds,
FIG. 43 a-e. a-b, PediastruIII duplex MEYEN; c, YAR. .IubgranulatuIII
l~es, reservoirs, canals, and rivers in Assam, W. Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Prade~h;.'" .,..

Andhra, Mysore, Madras, and Kerala (!). ~'..' ,. .

RACIB.; d, YAR. genuillulII
(A. BRAUN) HANSG.; e, YAR. clathratum (A.
DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan. .'. .
(d, FROM GONZALYES & JOSIO, 1946; a-c,xIOOO; e, x725). Crow (1923) observed the variety indistinguishably mixed with the type speci~s.'
.. .~'f:;,.. .. g~
Colonies with very large intercellular spaces. Cells very narrow, as broad or
var. reticulatum Lagerheim
narrower than the processes. Body of marginal cells curved outwards and with wo
G. Lagerheim, 1882, P 56, pi 2, CI; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 95, C57 h; G. M. Smith, 1920, long processes with emarginate apices. Inner cells also similar to marginal cells b t
p 172, pi 47, C4-7 with shorter processes. Cells 10-18' 5 (-22) P. broad, 12-25 (-32) P. long. Pedor-

Cells more or less H-shaped with sides of processes of marginal cells nearly
parallel. Intercellular spaces large and oval. Cells 10-20 (-40) P. in diameter.
Colonies 8-16 celled, 58-70 #- in diameter (Fig. 43 g).
tions 4-16 p. in diameter. Sixteen celled colonies 65-140 p. in diameter (Fig. 43 . ')'
HABITAT. Pool, Companygu~. Assam (Biswas. 1934); Museum Pond. Ma as
(Philipose. 1940)j Gregory lake, Colombo (Holsinger, 1955); Ramgarh and
, Tals " U.P.(V. P. Singh, 1959); ponds, tanks, swamps, lakes. reservoirs, canals, and
~ raha
HABITAT. Gregory and Colombo Lakes, Colombo, Ceylon (Lemmermann, rivers in W. Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa. Andhra, Madras, Mysore, and
I 1907); Kan-gyi (big tank), Mudon, Burma (W. et G. S. West, 1907); Royal Lakes, Kerala (!).
f Rangoon (Handa, 1927); River Cooum, Madras (Iyengar et Venkataraman, 1951); DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopolitan.
t! Though the varieties clathratum,-reticulatum,and gracillimum gradually merge into
one another, Smith (l.c.) suggested that these varieties should be recognized since the
individuals from any parti<:ular locality observed by him varied .only within narrow
limits. Crow (1923) found these varieties almost indistinguishable in the collections
examinea by him. The author also observed a certain degree of overlapping between
.these varieties. Howc::ver, it was possible to distinguish them without much difficulty.

var. subgranulatum Raciborski

M. Raciborski, 1889, p 23, pi 2, f 28; J. Brunnthaler, 1915. p 95, f 57 i; P. Bruhl and
K. Biswas. 1926, p 269, pi 6, f 43 a-b

43 Colonie~ 8-16-32-64 celled. Dells and intercellular spaces more or le~ as in

the type of the species, but the cell wall distinctly granulate. Cells 10-25 /J in diameter.
Colonies 16-64 celleo, 100-180 p. in diameter (Fig. 43 c,j). .R\
HABITAT. Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl et Biswas, i.e.); ponds and tanks,
Dum Dum, 'common-October, Belgharia (West Bengal), rare-May; Kujang;..,a'nd
I Cuttack. rare-February; Mettur (Madras), stray-December; Azhicode (Kerala).
I. rare-February, and October and Ochira (Kerala), ab,undant-February; swamp,
,Kausalya Ganga, rare-April (!).
I DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopolitan.
t Smith (19i8) did not consider the granulation of the cell wall a sufficient
Characteristic to distinguish varieties nor did he recognize this variety. Since the smooth
I g and .granulate forms were not found together by the author in any of his collections,
I. FIG 43.' f-i. Pediastrtifn duPlex MEYEN; f. VAR. clathratum (A.BR.)
the granulate form'is retained here as a separate variety. l'

II LAGERH.;g. VAR.reticulatumLAGERH.;hand i, VAR.grt.2cillimumW. & G. S.

WEST.(C,X 1500; g, X 1000; h, x 725). var. rugulosum Raciborski
I and' rivers in W. Bengal, Orissa, M. Raciborski, 1889, p 24, pi 2. f29; J. Brunnthaler. 1915; p 96. f 57 k; G.W. Prescott, 1951.
ponds, tanks, filter. beds, lakes, reservoirs, canals, ~'p 224. pi 49, f 3
Andhra, Madras, Mysore, and Kerala (I).

DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan.
. . ~olonies usually oval to elliptical with (8-) 16-32 (-64) cells having
: .shaped perforations. Inner cells nearly rectangular or many sided. .Margiii~l cells
~ lens-
, '.' .. var. graciWmUIDW. et G. S. West ~:in lateral contact up to the middle. Processes short and ending in 'two spines.
. W..,and G.s: West. 1895 b. p 52; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 95; G.M. Smith, 1920, p 172. pi 47.; )Valls irregularly undulate and granular. Cells 11-15 (-25) p. in diameter. ,. Colonies
.:~x. ''''' .. f 8-11, pi 48. f 1-2. . . i40-86 (-240) P. in diameter (Fig. 43 m). '" ~
~_""'_ r$
=Pedjastrum gracillimum'(W. et G. S. West) Thunmark, 1945. p 219 ."
.~C.. :.~ ... ,~.... .',.
~ . . .. ~...


43 44


lon!!ecornutum Pediastrum biradiatum MEYEN NONRALFS; a, TYPE; b-d, VAR.
- (a, FROMA. BRAUN; b-d, x 1000).
FIG. 43 j-m. j, Pediastrum duplex MEYEN VAR. subgranulatum RAcm.;
k, I, VAR. coronatum RACIB.; m, VAR. rugulosum RACIB. .
(k, FROMRACIBORS~ j, k, x 1000; ix 500)..
Nandi Hills,
February; Mysore, abundant-February;
common-October (!). Azhicode and Ochira (Kerala), rara-
HABITAT. In a freshwater aquarium, Bombay::-February (Dixit, 1937).
DISTRIBUTION. Europe, W~"Mrica, India.
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, India, Java, and Japan.
Pediastrum biradiatum .Meyen
var. coronatum Raciborski

M. Raciborski, 1889, p 24;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 96, f 57 I; P. Bruhl and K. Biswas, 1926,
p 270, pI 15, f 159
. -G.F.I.M.F.Smith, 1920,1829,
Meyen, p 173,
P' pI 48, pIf 5-8
773, 43, f 21-22; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 105, f 66 a; - !
=MicrasteriasRotuLaEhrenberg, 1838, p 158, p] II, f 7 b-c
=Pediastrum Rotula (Ehr.) Braun, 1855, p 101, non Kuetzing, 1845, p ]43
Colonies 16-32-64 celled. Inner cells four cornered with a small lens-shaped
perforation in front and another at the back. Marginal cells usually longer than broad Colonies 4-8-16-32-64 celled (usually 8-16-32 cell~d)" with medium sized
and in" lateral contact along one-third the length. Processes of marginal cells ending perforations. Marginal celIs in contact at the base only, and provided with two lobes
in short spines. Cell membrane with a net""\york of punctae. Inner cells 18-'26 fI .. formed by an incision reaching the middle of the cell. Lobes dilated and incised at
broad, 18-25 p long. Marginal cells 21...:25fI broad, 25-26 fI long. Colonies the apex. Inner cells with lobes which are neither dilate nor incised. Cells 9-22 p
120-214 p in'diameter (Fig. 43 k, I). board, 15-30 p long. Colonies 32-celled, 80-150 p in diameter (Fig. 44 a).
HABITAT. Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl et Biswas, l.e.); ponds and tanks, HABITAT. Among other algae, Tanuggyi Pond, Burma (Skuja, 1949).
Du.m Dum, stray-October,'Hyderabad, common-January, very common-February, and Siberia.
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. and S. America, W. Africa, Burma, China, Japan,

var. longecornututll Gutwinski Sadiya, Assam (N. Carter, 1926); Royal Lakes, Rangoon (Handa, l.c.); freshwater,
pool, Companygunj, Assam (Biswas, 1934); ponds, Bombay (Dixit, 1937, Gonzalves
R. Gutwinski, 1896, P 35, pI. 7, f64; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P lOS, f66 c et Joshi, 1946); ponds and lakes near Mandalay and Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); lake,
=Pediastrum biradiatul/i var. Braunii (Wartm.) Chodat in G. I. Playfair, 1918, p 539, pI 57,
f35 Colombo, Ceylon (Holsinger, 1955,); ponds, Banaras (Venkataraman, 1957); guts
of anopheline larvae, Damodar Valley, Bihar (Kachroo, 1959); River Sone, Dehri
Differs from the type in the lobes of marginal cells being bifid instead of being (Bihar), stray-March; ponds and tanks, Cuttack, stray-July, common-August,
just incised as in the type of the species and in the lobes ending in long horn like . rare-April and May; Nuapara (Cuttack), stray-February; Phulbani and Sambalpur,
processes. Colonies four-celled with a central perforation or 8-16 celled with a circular stray-December; Nagpur, rare-April; Ootacamund, rare-June; Chikkanakarai and
to oval outline and with 4-8 perforations. Cells slightly concave at the sides and the Mercara (Coorg), stray to rare-February; and Azhicode (Kerala), stray-February;
base. Cell membrane smooth or punctate. Cells 8-15 I'- broad, 14-24 I'- long., Moat, Cuttack, stray-May; canal, chalakudi (Kerala), stray-February (!).
Four-celled colony 30 I'- and eight-celled colony up to 63 I'- in diameter (Fig. 44 b-d). DISTRIBUTION.Ubiquitous.
HABITAT. Fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore (W. Bengal), Handa's var. i"egularum (1927, l.c.) with its marginal cells irregularly developed
stray-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri, rare-April; ponds; Mercara, and and having both the processes of one of the lobes short and flat and those of the other
Chikkanakarai (Coorg), stray-February; Chalakudi (Kerala), stray-February (!). lobe elongate and pointed, does not appear to be a significant variation from the type
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, India, Japan, and Australia. of the species. I t is also not certain whether this lack of distinct' processes in one of
Apart from the long horns characteristic of the variety, Brunnthaler (probably the lobes is a constant character or whether it is only the juvenile stage of the alga.
after Gutwinski-!l0t referred to by the author in original) refers to the alga as being Handa's P. tetras var. anamolum (Handa, l.c., pI 6, f 4) also-appears to'be a doubtful
four-ce.11ed. In the author's material, colonies with. ,4, 8 or 16 cells were encoun- variety. Both these varieties are considered here along with the type of the
tered, and in all the horns were markedly long. species.
The alga referred by Playfair (l.c.) to P. biradiatumvar. Braunii (Wartm.)
Chodat (1902), which, is synonymous to P. Braunii Wartmann (in Wartmann e~ Schenck, var. tetraodoD (Corda) Hansgirg
1862, No. 32), is no doubt a P. biraqiatumvar.longecornutumsince the horns of its marginal A. Hansgirg, 1886, p 112; G. M. Smith; 192'0, p 174, pI 48, f 13-14, pi 49, f 1-2; V. P. Singh,
cells are very long unlike those of P. Braunii which are much shorter and often irregul~r 1959, pp 253, 255 , - ,
=Euastrum tetraodon Corda, 1839, p 238, pI 2, f 9
(see Big~ard, 1935, f-l5.5-58). Pliyfair's alga is also more than four-c-elled. =Peditlftrum ehrenbergii var. tetraodon (Corda) Rabenhorst, 1868, p 78
=P. tetras Var. tetraodon (Corda) Rabenhorst in J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 103
=P. tetras var. burmanieum Handa, 1927, p 261, pI 6, f3
45. Pediastrum tetras (Ehr.) Ralfs
J. Ralfs, 1844, p 469, pi 12, f4;'W. B. Tumer~ 1892, p 159; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 103, f 64 a; Colonies 4-8-16 celled. Incision of cells deep with the -lobes adjacent to the
G. M. Smith, 1920, pp 173-74, pi 48, f 9-12; P. Bruhl and K. Biswas, 1926, P 271, pI 2, f 18 incision of the marginal cells very pronounced; Cells 8-18 I'- in diameter (Fig. 45
a-b, pi 6, f 42
=Micrasterias Tetras Ehrenberg, 1838, P 155 d, e, g). _ ,

=Pediastrum Rotuta Kuetzing, 1845, P 143; C. Naegeli, 1849, p 95, non A. Braun, 1855, P 101; HABITAT.Royal Lakes,Rangoon(Handa, l.c.); Ramgarh and Suraha ' Tals" - _
W. B. Turner, 1892, P 160
=P. biradiatum_Ralfs, 1848, p 183 non Meyen, 1829, P 773 D.P. (Singh, l.c.); ponds, CJ1etput, Madras-April, 1942; Azhicode, Kerala, rare-
=P. Ehrenbergii (Corda) A. Braun, 1855, p 97; P. Bruhl and K. Biswas, 1922, P 13, piS, f 31. February (!). ,-
=P. ineavatumTurner, 1892, P 160, pi 21, f 21 . - -
=P. tetrasvar. anamotumHanda, 1927, p 261, pi 6, f 4 and P. incavatumv~r. irregularum DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopolitan.
Handa, I.e., pl. 6, f 5 Handa's var. burmanicumdiffers from var. tetraodononly in the unequal length of
the lobes and this feature does not seem sufficient to treat it as a separate
Colonies rectangular, oval, or circular of 4-8-16 (-32) cells without intercellular variety. "I
spaces. Marginal cells divided into two lobes by a deep linear to cuneate incision on
the outer side reaching to the middle of the cell. Each lobe truncate, slightly var. excisum (Rabenh.) Hansgirg
emarginate, or further divided into two lobes. Inner 'cells 4-6 sided with a single linear
incision. Diameter of cells 5-15 (-27) 1'-' Eight-celled colonies 20-33 I'- and II).. A. Hansgirg, 1886, p 112
Pediastrum ehrenbergii var. exeisum Rabenhorst, 1868, p 78
celled colonies up to 50 I'- in diameter. P. tetras var. tetraodonRabenhorst in J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 104, f 64 b-c (incl. forma
HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, l.c.); Parel and Matunga, Bombay (Schmidle, a and b W. et G. S. West); H. Skuja, 1949, p 62 ~-
1900 e); paddy fields, pools and tanks, Ceylon (W. et G. S. West, 1902); stream,
Differs from the type in the lobes being more or less deeply concave
Mansang near Hsipaw, Burma (W. et G. S. West, 1907); filter beds, Bengal (Bruhl
(Fig. 45 f).
..,' .~ .- '..,~ ....
,et Biswas, 1922, l.c.); Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl et Biswas, 1926, l.c.); ditches, ...
-~~ '
130 P. glanduliferum Bennett, 1892, p 7
P. heimii Bourrelly (see below)
P. kawraiskyi Schmidle, 1897, p 269
HABITAT. Ponds and lakes, Mandalay and Rangoon-April and November P. obtllsum Lucks, 1907, p 43

=P. quadricon/utum Prescott, 1944, p 356, pi I, f 11
(Skuja, l.c.); swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri, rare-April; pond, Azhicode (Kerala), P. praecox Morosowa-Wodianitzkaja, 1923, p 22
rare-February (!). } "P.sculptatum G.M. Smith, 1916 h,p475,pI25,fI3
DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopolitan. P. sorastroides Woloszynska, 1914, p 194
P. tetrapodum Morosowa-Wodianitzkaja, 1923, p 29

ffi ~
P. trieusPidatllm Conrad, 1949, p 90, f 2
P. westi Woloszynska, 1914, p 194

~ Four species of fossil Ped;astmm, viz. P. b;.fidites-, P. delieatites, P. kajaites and P. pa/eogeneites have also

· been recorded by Wilson and Hoffmeister (1953, pp 755-60) from Paleozene age. This genus of algae
had not been known earlier than Pleistocene.
Evitt, (1963) reports that fossils of Pediastrum, an alga that today lives exclusively in freshwater, occur
in marine sediments in Pakistan (Lower Cretaceous) and California (Upper Cretaceous). Therefore, fossil

w~ Pediastrum does not (as has been assumed) establish the fresh water origin of its enclosing sediments. The
genus, according to him, ranges back at least to the Lower Cretaceous, and known Cretaceous forms closely
resemble some modern ones. The Pakistan material was obtained from core samples from several
~CJ~ b
e,xploratory wells drilled by the Standard-Vacuum
in marine shales in association with hystrichospheres,
Oil Company east of Hyderabad
in West Pakistan,
spores and pollen.
Pediastrum were reasonably common in one sample (about 10 being noted in scanning two prepared slides)
Specimens of

and rare (14 in eight slides) in a second sample stratigraphically 850 feet below the first in the same well.
Preservation of specimens was poor to fair, buHt left no doubt that the best represented species (if more
than one was present) is similar to P. bOI)'anrun, with compact 8- to '64- celled coenobia and 2-pointed
-marginal cells.

P. biwae Negoro (1954, pp 135-38) has been considered by Fukushima (1956) as a variety of
P. simplex under the name var. biwaense (Negoro) Fukushima. Bigeard (1935, p 342) considered
P.praecox,gs a coelastroid form of.P. bOI)'anum and P. tetropodllm as a P. biradiatum. However, Korshikov
(1953,p 226) recognizedthe latter as a speciesclistinctfromP. biradiatum. '

There has been corisiderable difference of opinion with regard to the characteristics used for
specific determinations o(Pediastrum. The presence or absence of perforations between cells and their
f sizes, the number of proce~es from the marginal cells and their arrangemeni (whether in the same plane
or in different planes), the shapes of cells, the presence or absence of granulations, reticulations,etc. in the
FIG. 45. Pediastrum tetras (EHR.) RALFS; a-c, TYPE; d, e and g, VAR. .cell membrane, the nature of the sinus in the peripheral cells (whether open or closed) and the presence
tetraodon (CORDA) RABENH.; f, VAR. exCisum(RABENH.) HANSG.; h,? VAR. or absence of glandular thickenings at the ends of processes have been some of the characters generally
used in the classification into species and varieties. However, Bigeard (1934) considered the largeness of
tipieulatum FRITSCH.
(a, FROM G. M. SMITH, 1920; b, FROM GONZALVES & JOSHI, 1946; lacunae, furcations of processes and length of apices, grouping of cells, ornamentations and undulations of
cell membrane and the swellings and teeth at the ends of arms all relative terms which describe only
C, FROM CHODAT; d-e) x 1000; f-h, x 1500).
habitat forms, stages of development, particulars of morphology of coenobe and disposition of cells. In
his opinion, only the presence or absence of perforations and the number and arrangement of processes
It is quite possible that the records of P. tetras .from India. by various authors {,from the marginal cells should be the sole criteria for determining the species. Thus, he recog"nized only
" eight European spccies known up to the time, viz. P. simplex, P. kawraiskyi-, P. duplex, P. _biradiatum,
light incl~de records of var. tetraodon and var. excisum as well, since, apart from the '" l' boryanum,.P. angulosum, P. tetras and P. braun;i, and he suppressed all other species and varieties known up
.ct that these varieties might not have been accepted by all the authors concerned, .to the tim<E' This drastic simplification, th.ough convenient, has not met ,with general acceptance,
'~ough some authors like G. M. Smith (1918, 1920) believed that ornamentations like punctae and the
Ie difference in structure betwee!l the type of the species and these va.rieties are easily .slze of perforations do not provide any valuable basis for classification into species. Bigeard (I. c.)
rerlooked under low magnifications. Thu~, in Bruhl and Biswas (1926) pt 6, f 42 considered P. bidentulum A. Braun arid P. seulptatum G.M. Smith as synonymous to P. duplex; P. mutieum,
P. inlegrum, 1'. compactum, P. glanduliferulII and P. sele>laeaKuetz. (1845) as synonymous to P. boryanum;
almost like a var. excisum ( also see Bigeard, 1935, f 151). 'f. ,.and P. obtusum as synonymous to P. tetras. -
One of the colonies (Fig. 45 h) fr,om Azhicode had processes with apical nodular "- I.,. According to M. Lefevre and P. Bourrelly (Compte Rt>ldus, 208, 1939, P 368), ornamentation of cclls
; In Pediastrum is perfectly stable, contrary to the opinion of certain authors. Bourrelly (1940), after
lickenings as in P. tetras var. Fritsch (in 'Fritsch and Stevens: 1921, pia,
apiculatum . ~~~erimentation, rccognizcd the following species and varieties: P. boryanum and its variety lougicoT>le
! A-D). The colony was 24' 6 fl in diameter with cells 14-17' 6 fl in diameter. Owing :~'Reinseh; P. integrum; P. tetras \'ar. tetraodou; P. angulosum; P. duplex, and its varieties coronatll7nRacib.,
,asperum A. Braun., cohaerensBohlin and clathratum A. Br.; P. biradiatum, var. IOl/gecoTnutum Gutwinski.;
insufficiency of material it could not be decided whether the alga belonged to this (1'. simPlex, (Meyen) Lemm. and P. clathratum (Schroeter) Lemmermann. Besides these, he stated, there
':,are P. kawraiskyi, Schmidle and P. braun;i Wartmann, which are contested by some people, and
Iriety. (f. heimii Bourrelly, a new species from Madagascar, for which Bourrelly (I. c.) promised the diagnosis
~.?n a later date. Pediastrum clathratum is also recognized by Skuja (1948). However, in the present account
Somespeciesof Pediastrum not recordedfrom the Indian region !,.Itis treated .as a synonym. of P. simplex ~ar. duoden~rium, follo~ing in this. respect G. M. Smith (1918):
~,'P. letrapodum
the ninth
the 'elght species recogl11zed by Blgeard (1934-35), but retamcd
P. aeanthostep/zanos
Samano, 1932,p 235
P. a/ternans Nygaard, 1949,p 42, f 16
P. bidentulumA. Braun, 1855, p 91 -Mathur (Sci. & Cult., 29 (5) : 250, 1963) has reported the same alga from maceration of a
P. brauniiWartmann in Wartmann et Schenk, 1862, Fasc. 1, No. 32 !¥11pleof sediments from Subathu formation (eocene in Himachal Pradesh, India). .~
=P. trieon/utumBorge, 1892, p 4 I: "See addendum.
P. eoelastroidesWoloszynska, 1914, P 194
" P. eompaetumBennett, 1886, p 5, pi I, f 4-5 , .


XVIII. Genus SORASTRUM Kuetzing, 1845, p 144 HYDRODICTYON 133

Colonies more or less spherical, 4-8-16-32-128 (usually 16-32-64) celled. Colonies of 4-8-16-32 cells. Cells reniform to cuneate, three angled and with
Cells sublunate, reniform, pyriform, - subtriangular or rarely ovoid, with one to four a short stalk from the basal angle and two short pointed spines from each of the outer
spines from the outer face and a gelatinous stalk from the inner side. The stalks of
angles. Chloroplast parietal with a single pyrenoid. Cells 8-20 p broad, 6-18 p long
all cells united at the centre to form a mucilaginous sphere. Chloroplast parietal and and 5-8 p thick.
Sixteen-celled colonySpines 4-8 47).
35 p (Fig. p long. Eight-celled colony 26'4 p in diameter.
with a pyrenoid. Adult cells multinucleate.
Reproduction by zoospores which are liberated into a vesicle as in Pediastrum. ~
They group together with their colourless ends towards the centre, where stalks are
Two species are known from the Indian region.
1. Cells with 2 spines from the outer face; cells small and spherical to ovoid.. S. bengalicum '[<,

2. Cells with 4 spines from the outer face; cells reniform to cuneate or subtriangular and broader than
long. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. spinulosum

46. Sorastrum bengalicum sp. novo

Coloniae plus minus sphaericae, 16-32 cellulares, cellulis plus minusve compacte dispositis.
Cellulae sphaericae vel ovoideae, duplici brevi spina ex facie exteriore et stipite brevi .ex interiore facie
ornatae. Contenta fusca. Cellulae 3.5-5.3 diam.; colonia 32-cellularis 25,. diam.
HASITAT.Vagat inter filamenta Oedogonii in campo percolationisad Barrackpore,Bengaliaoeci.
dentali, mense aprili anni 1949. Species servata in formaldehido (Coil. No. II) in C. 1. F. R. Sub- FIGS. 46-47. 46, SOTar/rumbengalicum NOV.; 47, S. spinulosum NAEGELI. ()(' ] 500).
station, Cuttack.

Colonies -more or less spherical, 16-32 celled with ~he cells more or Jess com- HABITAT. Bombay (Carter, 1869); among Utricularia,Bengal and Khasia (Turner,
1892); paddy fields, Heneratgodha (W. et G. S. West, .1902); ditch at the edge of rice
pactly arranged. Cells spherical to ovoid with two short spines from the outer face
and a short stalk from the inner. Cell contents dark. Cel:ls 3'5-5'3 p in diameter; field, Sadiya, ""affi (Cacter, 1926) ; Pond, Bombay (Go",al"", et Jo,hi, 1946) ;
Thirty-two-celled colony up to 25 p in diameter_ (Fig. 46).
HABITAT.Among filaments of Oedogonium in a filter bed at Pulta Water Works, · among decaying
. January (!). macroflora in a moat at Cuttack, rather common-April;'
decomposing. weeds, cement cistern, Cuttack, rare~une;
pool, Hyderabad, stray_
Barrackpore, W. Bengal (!). .
DISTRIBUTION. . India (Bengal). ;Java, DISTRIBUTION.Europe,
China, Siberia, Japan, and
N. New
and Zealand.
S. America, Jamaica, Africa, India, Ceylon,
The alga is somewhat like SorastrllmsimPlex Wille (seeBrunnthaler, 1915, p 200,
f 325) in the shape of the colony and of the cells, but unlike S. simPlex,which is about f. Printz (1927) treated Sorastrumcrassispinosum
(Hansg.) Bohlin as a distinct species,
,; but Brunnthaler (op. cit.) treated it as synonymo,us to S. spinulosum. Apart from ilie
eight-celled and with a single spine trom the..outer face, the present alga is more-celled-,
and with two spines from the outer face. The cell dimensions-are also smaller than :'tl1ere
<a., that tho 'pin"
is hardly any ac, IDO« ddieate
difference betweenandthepo;ntodin
two. S. ""''''I;'''Mn
than ;n S. 'P;""t'Mn,

in S. simPlex, the cells of which are 13 p broad and 9 plong. In the presence ofla'rger "
number of cells and two spines from each cell, the alga shows some resemblance td Some species of Sorastrum.not recordedfrom the Indian region
S. bidentatumReinsch (seeBrunnthaler, 1915, p 200, f 326), but the spines in the latter S. atnericanum (Bohlin) SChmidle, ]900 d, P 230
are very small and the cells are kidney shaped. The present. alga may, therefore, =Selenosphaerium americanum Bohlin, ]897 a, p 40, pI 2, f 38-4]
S. bidenla/um Reinsch, ]866, p ]34, p] 20, fD-iv
be considered as a new species under the name S. bengalicum. S. echina/um (Menegh.) Kuetzing, ]845, p 144
S. minimum Scbmidle See]. Brunntha]er, p. 200, f 327
47. Sorastrum spinulosum Naegeli S. simplex WiJle. ]879, p 29, pi 12, f 7 .
mermann (1910, p 3]]) .
S. ha/hoTis (Cohn) Schmid Ie (1900 d, P 230) is only S. spinulosum var. ha/horis (Cohn) Lem.
C. Naegeli, 1949, p 99, fDa-Dd; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p20l, f328;-G."M. Smith,1920, p 163,
~~f~ .
=Soras/rum cornu/um Reinsch, 1875, p 73, pi 6, f I only
=S. spinulosum var. crassispinosum Hansgirg. XIX. Genus HYDRODICTYON Roth, 1800, p 531
=S. crassispinosum (Hansg.) Bohlin, 1897a, p 39, pi. 2, f 34-37
=S. indicum Bernard, 1908, pp 199-200, f 531-32
. r Macroscopic, free-floating, closed cylindrical or flattened single-layered, net-like
e"'loni" of ""'''01 hnn"',d to many thou..nd ,d!, whicl,are eylindrieal,eoeoocyti,
with large central uacuole. Reticulation of colony 3-12 (generally 5-6) sided.
Chloroplast parietal and with a single pyrenoid in young cells, but diffuse with a
number of pyrenoids in old cells.
Asexual reproduction by the formation of a large number of biciliate zoospores
from each cell, which arrange themselves inside the cell as in the mature colony and
later get liberated by the gelatinization or-the old mother cell wall, or they form
, germ nets', each coenocyte of which later producing a daughter net. Zoospores
sometimes liberated to form haploid -hypnospores.
Sexual reproduction by isogametes which are smaller than zoospores and which

fuse after liberation. The zygote germinates into 2-8 zoospores which rest and form
polyhedral cells which later give rise to a number of zoospores. These form a net as
in asexual reproduction.
" -........;-..rAft _ @)
Two species are known from the Indian region. 49a
., ....... ....... 4!'
1. Coenocytes cylindrical and not generally separating at maturity; cell wall 2-layered and uniform;
coenocytcsup to 250 p.broad and up to 1.5 cm long < ~ .H. retieulatum
2. Coenocytes cylindrical and separating at maturity; cell wall thick and lamellated and with knob-
like projections into protoplasm; coenocytes up to 1000 p.broad and 1.6 cm long ............
H. indieum

48. Hydrodictyon reticulatum (Linn.) Lagerheim

49 d
G. Lagerheim, 1883, p 71; j. Brunnthaler;1915, p 107, f68\ G. M. Smith, 1920, p 166, pi 44, 'r FIG. 48-49. 48, Hydrodictyon retieulatum (LINN.) LAGERH.; 49, H. indicum
f6, pi 45, f I; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 219, pi 47, f 1 ," IYENGAR; 49 a, A NUMBEROF KNOB-UKE LAMELLATEDINGROWTHSOF THE CELL
=Conferva retieulata Linnaeus, 1753, p 1635 WACL; 49b, SURFACEVIEW OF CELL WALL,THE KNOBSAPPEARINGASROUNDwmt
=H. pentagonum Vauch., 1800, p 88 OF A COENOCVTE; 49 d, r, KNOB-LIKE PORTION OF WALL PROTRUDING INTO
Colonies reticulate, meshes pentagonal, or hexagonal. Cells elongate-cylindrical.
(48 1925).
Cell wall two-layered. Cells up to 250 ft broad and up to I' 5 cm 1<;mg. Nets up to a, FROM:G. S. WEST, 1916; 48 b, FROM:KLEBS; 49 a-d, AFTER
10 cm long. (Fig. 48).
-HABITAT. Lake in Poona town (SchriUdle, 1900e); Tardi river near Niakot,
Nepal, ~nd Suket (Carter, 1926); in pools, rivulets and rarely in brackish water along
~ and Iamellated with num""""
'into the thin layer _ofprotoplasm inside (Fig. 49).
"'o,~ knob-like po,tio", of the od1 wall projecting

with ~ntero"!orphaproliftra at Borivali, Bombay, and Poona (Dixit, 1937); iii running HABITAT.., In a rainwater pool at Madras (Iyengar, ,I.e.).
soiled trench water, Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); ponds, Banaras, D.P. (G. S. Venkata- i-DISTRIBUTION. India and ? S. Africa~(seeNygaard, 1932). _
raman, 1957); cultures of pond soil from Cuttack-November (leg. T. Ramaprabhu)! . According to Fritsch (1935), this alga is a larger form of Hydrodictyon reticulaturn
DISTRIBUTION.Widespread. ;'with bigger cells and meshes and thick lamellated walls. However, unlike H. reticula_
,:,..., thk .pecie, I. very brittle, b'eaking up io", bl. =ily wben taken ont of ~t«,
49. Hydrodictyon indicum. Iyengar '~i ,and the cell wall is thick and lamellated with knob-like protrusions into the protoplasm

M.O.P. Iyengar, 1925, p 316, pi 1-4 !"'de. So, th"", 'ppeon to be every j",tifiea60n 1o treating It '" a diOtinet .peci",.
'- In her account (Iof South
il1Ydrodictyon,Pocock 93 i) also African Hydrodictyon
recognized with notes on known species of
H. indicum.
Nets resembling those of Hydrodictyon reticulatum (L.) Lagerh., but mesh~s and
cells very much larger; cells, when living, very turgid', and nets, therefore, very brittle . Species of Hydrodictyon not recordedfrom the Indian region
and easily breaking up into individual coenocytes on handling; cells deeply green, H. afrieanum Yamanouchi, 1913, pp 74-79
cylindrical and very big, about I mm thick and 10-16 mm long; cell wall very thick, H. patenaiforme Pocock, 1937, p 264, Text-f I
L~ "
H. lertiarum Koriba et Miki-see Fukushima, 1956, p 6


Genera belonging to the Hydrodictyoideae not recordedfrom the Indian region D. Cellspentangular
i. All angles in'the same plane , ... , .. .. , , T. caudatum(p 150)
EuastropJiJ Lagerheim, 1894, monospecific : /

E. richleri (Schmid Ie) Lagerh., 1894, p 20, pi I, f 8-27 ii. Allanglesnot in the sameplane.. T. pentaedricum
(p 151)
= EuaJtrum richteri Schmidle, 1894, p 60, pi 7, f 25
Soropediastrum Wille, 1924, p 432, with two species: E. Cells octagonal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. octaedricum (p 152)
S. kerguelenJCWille, 1924, p 433
S. rotundatum Wille, 1924, p 433
,III. Angles of cells produced into processes
A. Processes not branched T. hastatum (p 153)
coelastroid formsto of
Bigeard (1935, p 327) the two species of Soropediastrum show a great resemblance
PediaJtrum, ,
B. Process('.s bifid .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . T. bifidum(p 154)
C. Processes bra~<;hed .........................................................
Subfamily TETRAEDRONOIDEAE a. AII processes in the same plane
i . Processes long and welI branched. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. gracile(p 154)
ii. Processes short and not welI branched T. cruciatum(p 155)
XX. Genus TETRAEDRON Kuetzing, 1845, p 129
b. Processes not alI in the same plane
Cells isodiametric
Cells solitary, free floating, flat, isodiametric or twisted, triangular, quadrate or + Processes short. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. enorme (p 157)
polyangular. Angles simple, with or without spines. Cell wall smooth, granular or + + Processes long
With-more than three series of branches. ...................................
verrucose. Chloroplasts one to many, parietal or disciform and with or without
pyrenoids. - With never more than three series of branches
T. lobulatumvat'. polyfurealum (p 158)

Reproduction usually by autospores formed by the simultaneous division of the Diameter of celI bodfless than length o~processes T. limnelicum(p 158)
cell content..., mrelyby biflagellate zoospores. ii. Cells cruciate.. . . . . : . . . . . . . . .-.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . T:. pUJillum (p 159)
Twenty-five species are known from the Indian region.
50. TetraedroD trilobulatum (ReinscN Hansgirg
KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Hansgirg, 1889,p 18; G. B. De Toni, 1889,p 600 .
=Polyedrium lrilobulatum Reinsch, 1888, p 498, pi 4, f 5
I. Angles of cells without papilla, spines or processes = Telraedron trilo&alum (Reinsch)'Hansgirg inJ. Brunrithaler, 1915, p 146, f 152; E. A. Gonzalves
A. Cells triangular
a. CelIs flat and D. B.Joshi, 1946. p 174, p12, f3' -

i. Sides of eelIs deeply Concave and angles rounded T. trilobulatum(p 137).

Cells triangular, sides 'equal in length, and deeply concave. Angles of cells
ii. Sides of cells slightly concave and angles more or less pointed. . . . T. muticum (p 137)- broadly rounded. Cell membrane thick and smooth. Cells up to 25 I-' in diameter
B. b. Cells
Cells depressed lateralIy in the form of a hemisphere. . . . . . . . . . T. ,hemi~phaericum
9uadrangular (p 138) '(Fig. 50).
a. Sides of cells deeply emarginate ....... '" .. .. ... ...... T. minimumJp 138) "
HABITAT. In a tank near Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, l.c.).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe and India. I
, b.
CelhSides of cells slightly emarginate. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ::,. .. . . . . . . T. tumiJulum(p 139)
- a. CelIs_regular. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Jimmeri(p 139) [51. TetraedroD muticum (A. Braun) Hansgirg

,b. Cells irregular
Angles of cells with papiIIae or spines
and sometimes with six sides. . . . , . .. . . . . '_'. . .. . . . ; .-. . . T.
(p 141) I.'c A.-Hansgirg, 1888, p 131; J. Brunnthaler, 1915,p 146,f 153;G. M. Smith, 1926,p 172,pi 6,
'f 4-9; G. W. Prescott, 1951,p 267, pi 60, f 16-17; incl., forma minimumReinsch-Jee J.
A. Cellswith2-3 angles... .. .. .. . . . ... .. .. : .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . T. proleiforme (p 141) Brunnthaler 1915, p 147; E. A. Gonzalves and D. B.Joshi, 1946, p 174, pi 2, f4
=Polyedrium mulicum A. Braun, 1855, p 94 and P. mulicum f. minimum R~insch, 1888, p 498,
C. CelIs triangular
CelIs quadrangular T. trigonum (p 142) pi 4, J 2 a '

b. Cells regular... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . T. quadratum(p 145)
CelIs irregular
i. CelIs pyramidal Cells, small, flat and triangular with the sides slightly concave and angles broadly
+ Angles of celIs rounded and with one spine .. 'ounded or truncate. Cell wall smooth. Cells 6-30 I-' in diameter (Fig. 51 a, b).
Sides nearly straight, Convex'or slightly concave T. regulare(p 145) HABITAT. Ponds and tanks, Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); Barrackpore,
- ,
,Sides deeply concave : T. inCUJ(p 148)
:~ay-March and April, Cuttack, rather common-July, stray-March and August;
,.uapara (Cuttack), stray-February; Bhopal, stray-July, Raipur (M.P.), stray-
+ + Angles of cells truncate to concave and with two spines... . . . T. bifureatum (p 148)
:pril, and Visakhapatnam, Stray-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga (Puri),
ii. Halves of cells tWisted over one another. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T. victorieae (p 150) , .y-April; reservoir, Jabalpur, stray-April (!).



The alga observed by the author had only a diameter of 7-12' 5 po and agreed
better with the American alga measuring 6-18 po (Prescott, op. cit.) than with the
European alga measuring 12-30 po in diameter (Brunnthaler op. cit.).
Cell wall coarsely scrobiculate. Cells 15-16 poin diameter. (Fig. 53 f).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, 'tV. Africa and Rhodesia, Siberia, India, HABITAT. Swamp, Kausalta Ganga, stray-April (!).
and China. DISTRIBUTION. Europe, N. America, and India.

52. Tetraedron hemisphaericum Skuja forma tetraloblllatum (Reinsch) De Toni

G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 601
H. Skuja, 1949, p 64, pi 10, f 28-31
=Po{yedrium minimum f. tetralobulatum Reinsch 1888, p 499
Cells triangular in vertical view, concave and depressed in the form of a 1915 a, p 30, pi 4, J 180-81
== Tetraedron minimum f. tetralobulatum Reinsch in J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 148; H. Printz,
hemisphere in lateral view, angles broadly rounded and without spines. Cell wall
hyaline and densely punctate. Chloroplast parietal and with a pyrenoid. Cells.
Differs from the type in the ceUs having a short spine from each angle. Cells
42-49 poin diameter, 20-30 pothick (Fig. 52). -. 11-14,u in diameter. Spines 1'5..:1'8 It long (Fig. 53 e).
HABITAT. Pond, Cantonment Gardens" Rangoon, during December (Skuja, "
HABITAT. Planktonic in a pond at Cuttack, stray-Auguste I).
t.c.). DISTRIBUTION. Europe, Siberia, and India.
54. Tetraedron tllmiduJum (Reinsch) Hansgirg
53. Tet!aedron minimu~ (A. Braun) Han§girg
A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 131; 1889, p 18; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 147, f 155; G. M. Smith, 1920, A. Hansgirg,
f 17-18; 1889, pW.18;
inel.forma et J.G. Brunnthaler, 1915,
S. West, 1895, p 148,
p 84, r'15.7; G. W. Prescott,
pi !>,f20 1951, p 270, p161,
p 118, pi 24, f 10-13; P. Bruhl and K. Biswas, 1922, p 14, p13, f23 =Po{yedrium lumidulum Reinsch, 1888, p 506, pi 7, f 3 .
=Po{yedrium minimum A. Braun, 1855, p 94; J. Schaarschmidt, 1886, p 248
- "
- ?T, , ro,;_ PI",,,,,, 1918,
p 535,pi57,'" _ \.
Cellssmalland 'quadrangularwith th~ sidesconcave'~md anglesrounded. Cell
wall smooth. Cells6-20 ,u-in diameter.'(Fig.53 a-c).
Cdk- temjgonal with m"""", more . "' 1= co~oavoand an~~"" 0'
sometimes with knob-like projections. Cells 16-60 po in ,diameter (Fig. 54).
HABITAT. Attached to aquatic macroflora in Afghanistan (Schaarschmidt, l.c.);' HABITAT. Planktenic in ponds and tanks,Serampore, straY-May; Cuttack,
planktonic in Colombo Lake (Lemmermann, 1907); filter beds, Bengal (Bruhl and'
very ,rare--.August; Balasore and
Kausalya Ganga (Pun), stray-April Sambalpur,
(!). stray-December, and
swamp,, l.c.); trench, Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); ponds and tanks, Serampore, rare- ~
July; Cuttack, very common to abundant-July and August; Jabalpur and Nagpur, A.ustralia, and India.
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, S. Africa, Madagascar, Siberia, Sumatra,
stray-April; and Coorg, stray-February; swamp. Kausalya Ganga, Puri, rare-,~.
Apri~(D. ' Tw<? forms of the ?lga were observed by the author: The one with rounded
DISTRIBUTION., Ubiquitous. angles (Fig. 54 c) agreed fully with Brunnthaler's ~escription and figUre, except thaUt
Wasonly 1'6-18 poin diameter (Brunnthaler gives.the diameter as 20-60 po)and occurred
forma apiclIlatum (Reinsch) De Toni
," at Kausalya Ganga. The second form with knob-like extensions from the angl~s
G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 601 ~'"(Fig..54 a-b) and 19-26'5 po in diameter Occurr~d in the1est of the collections.. It
=J>o{Yedriumminimum f aPiculatum Reinsch, 1888, p 499, p14, f2 c .lagreed- fully with 'West's alga, 17-23 It in diameter., Prescott (op.c.)also referred to the
=Tetraedron minimum f. apiculatumReinsch in W. et G. S. We~t, 1895, p 84, pi 15, f 19;J.
Brunnthaler, 1915,p 148 ','coccasionalpresence of knob-like extensions in the American alga (30-53 poin diameter).
Tetraedron simmeri Schmid Ie
Cells with a very short fine papillafrom eacb angle (Fig. 53 d).
HABITAT. Windermere Park, Rangoon-April (Sktija, 1949). W. Schmidle, ,1901 b, p 41;J. Brunnthaler, 19J5, p'148, f 158
DISTRIBUTION. Europe, Madagascar, S. ami W. 'Africa, Siberia; and Burma.
Cell five-angled with the angles rounded and in side VIew somewhat oblong.
var. scrobiculatum (Lagerhcim) De Toni ;",~i~esstraight or slightly concave. Cells 24-28 poin diameter.
G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 601 ,
The typical form is not known from the Indian region.
=Po{yedrium minimum var. scrobkulatum Lagerheim, 1888, p 591
= Tetraedron minimum var. scrobkulalum Lagerh. in J. B~tha1er, 1915, p 148 var. minus var. novo

Cellulae parietalia,
"1P;Ioroplasta 5-angulares, unico
rotundatis. Latera
Cellulae paulum
9-10'5 concava.
/I. diam. Cellularum membrana
A h~~ ,->'tr___o tenuis.
140 HABITAT. Vagat in planktone in palude ad Madras, mense aprili 1943; species servata in formalde-

hido (Coli. No.6) in C.I.F.R. Substation ad Cuttack.
Cells five-angled with the angles rounded. Sides slightly concave. Cell

membrane thin. Chloroplast parietal with a central (or lateral) pyrenoid. Cells

f> [>61t?/
50 a /

9-10'5 (-13) ft in diameter (Fig. 55).
HABITAT. Swamp, Madras city (Chetput), stray-April,
DISTRIBUTION.India (Madras), Java. .
1943 (!).

The alga differs from the type only in its much smaller dimensions. Bernard's
Polyedriumcaudatum (?) (Corda) Lag. (1908, pp 191-92, f 470), ll-13 fi. in diameter,

can obviously be referred to this variety.

a 63
[J b
63 d
63 e &t c
56. Tetraedrongigas (Wittrock) Hansgirg
A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 131 ;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 148.f 159; G. W. Prescott,
=Polyedrium gigas Wittrock, 1872, p 34, pi 4, f 4
1951, p 265

V7- Cells irregularly 5- or 6-angled with the angles broadly rounded.

concave.- Cells 35-45 # broad, 65-75 ft long.
- The typical form is not known from the'Indian region.
Sides slightly

f. minus forma nov. 0'

Cellulae 5'-6 10batae, Tateribus alte emarginatis; apices loborum paulum producti et truncati. 1
Cellulae 14-16", diam. ,
HABITAT.Vagat in planktone in stagno ad Cuttack mense augusto anni 1954. Species servata in

formaldehido (Coli. No.7) in C.I.F.R. Substation ad Cuttack.
Cells 5-6 lobed with the sides deeply emarginate. Ends of lobes slightly drawn
out and with truncate ends. Cells 14-16 ft in diameter (Fig. 56).
HABITAT. Planktonic in a pond at quttack, stray-August (!).
DISTRIBUTION.India (Orissa). .
The alga differs from the typical fonn in its much smaller size. The form.
obtusumW. West(1892,p 739,[-53;J.-Brunnthaler,1915,p 148)isalsi:51~rger (27-42ft
in diameter) than the present alga, though its angles are abruptly obtuse.

57. 'tetraedron proteifonne

(Turner) Brunnthaler
J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 152, f 177; H. Skuja, 1949, p 65, plIO, f23-25
FIG. 50-57. 50, Tetraedron trilobulatum (REINSCH) HANSG.; 51, T. muticum =Polyedrium proteiforme Turner, 1892, p 158, pi 20, f 24; non Tetraedron proteiforme G. M. Smith,
(A. BR.) HANSG.; 52, T. hemisphaericum SKUJA; 53 a-c, T.minimum (A. BR.) HANSG.; 1918, p632
d, PORMAapiculatum (REINSCH) D.ETONI; e, vAR.telralobulatum (REINSCH)DE TONI;
f, PORMA scrobiculatum (LAOERH~) DE TONI; 54, T. tumidulum (REINSCH) HANSO.
55, T. simmeri SCHMIDLE VAR. minus VAR. NOV.; 56, T. gigas (WITTR.) RANso. Cells 2 to 3-cornered, angles drawn out and ending in a long spine; in side
P. minus P. NOV.; 57, T. proteiforme (TuRNER) BRUNNTH. . view more or less acicular. Sides wavy. Two-angled cells 12 ft broad and up to 65 ft
(50, PROMGONZALVES& JOSHI, 1946 (AS T. trilobatum); 52 a-c, 57 a, d, e, long. Three-angled cells 36 ft in diameter without spines (Fig. 57).
PROMSKUJA, 1949; 57 b-c, PROMTURNER,1892, AS Polyeilrium proteiforme TURNER; HABITAT. In standing waters, East India (Turner, l.c.) and Lower Burma,
REST,X 1500). May and December (Skuja, l.c.).
DISTRIBUTION.India, Burma, Japan, and Sweden.
The alga from Burma is three-cornered and usually 41-46 p" rarely 24-35 p, in
diameter, and has concave or nearly straight, or slightly convex sides with cell
membrane thick and punctate (Skuja, t.c.).

58. Tetraedron trigonuDl (Naegeli) Hansgirg.

A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 130; 1889, p 17; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 149, f 163; G. M. Smith, 1920,
p 117, pI 23, f 14-16
=Pofyedrium trigonum Na~geli, 1849, p 84, pl4 B, f I; W. B. Turner, 1892, p 158, p121, f 13
T .<~'t!

Cells flat, triangular with somewhat concave sides and rounded corners each
ending in a stout ,spine. Cells, without spines, 18-30 p, in diameter. Spines 5-10 p
long (Fig. 58 i).
HABITAT. Ranigunj, E. India (Turner, I.e.); River Cooum, Madras .(Iyengar
and Venkataraman, 1951); ponds and tanks, Serampore (W.. Bengal), stray-April;
C~ttack, stray-February, March, August, and September; Hindol and Nuapara
(Orissa), stray-December; Azhicode and Chalakudi (Kerala), stray-February;
fishery bundhs, Berhampur (Orissa) and Srikakulam (Andhra), stray-December (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Widespread. t;.-,,_

forma Dlinus (Reinsch) De Toni

G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 598
=Pofyedrium trigonum f. minus Reinsch, 1867, p 75, p13, f 1 ~, d
= Tetraedron trigonum var. minor Reinsch in J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 149
= T. trigonum var. minus Reinsch in P. Brrihl and !(. Biswas, 1922, p 14, pI3,! 24 k

Cells smaller than in the type. Diameter of cells 10-15 (-20) p,. Spines 2'7 Jl 'Ii

long (Fig. 58 c).

HABITAT. Filter beds, Bengal (Bruhl and Biswas, t.c.); ponds, Cuttack, stray-

July, and Nuapara, stray-February (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe,-N. America, India, Java, and Si~eria.
Most authors give the dimensions of_the alga as 10-14 p,; but that from Orissa, the author, measured 14-15 p, whereas the Bengal form (seeBruhl and _
Biswas, t.c.) measured 20 p,. The~e is a possibility that the Bengal alga belongs to the .~
type itself. ."

forma crassUDl (Reinsch) De Toni
G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 598 FIGs. 58-59. 58 a, band p, Tetraedron trigonum (NAEa.) HANSG. FORMA
. .=Pofy~drjum !rigonum f. Crassum Reinsch, 1867, p 75, pI 3, f I e-f gracile (REINSCH) DE TONI; c, FORMAminus (REINSCH) DE TONI; d-h, FORMA
1i crassum (REINSCH)DE TONI; i, T. trigonum (NAEo.) HANsa.-TYPE; j-m, VAR.
.,raei/ron ITlgonum f. crassum Reinsch in J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 149; H. Skuja, 1949, p 65,
p 1 10, f37-38 longispinum VAR. NOV.; nand 0, VAR. verrucosum JAO; 59, T. quadratum
":.;' Cells with stx:aight or convex sides and stumpy angles, "each with a short spine~ and 59,(58 d and h, FROMSKUJA, 1949; 58 a-b,
x 1500). x 1000; c-e, g, i,j-m and n-o,
Ceil membrane Very thick and frequently with pores. Diameter of cells 14-27. f'
Thickness12-!7 p. Spines5-6 long (Fig.58 d~h).
I-' . ~
.' HABiTAT. 9antonment Gardens, Rango~n-December (Skuja, I.e.); ponds, >L (,p.,.)in '"' ong;nal d=npuon ".red that tho ,id" of tho cdh are
Cuttack, stray-Aug., and Sonepur (Orissa), stray-December (!).
j;aight. However, both the Indian and Burmese algae showed markedly convex
DIsTRmUTION. Europe, -India, Burma, and Siberia. .-~...
:ea. The cell membrane of the Burmese alga was also porous (seeSkuja,t. c.). ;;'.,Jo.,'

forma gracile (Reinsch) De Toni 145
var. verrucosum Jao
G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 598; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 117, p124, f 5-9 C. C.Jao, 1947a, p 253,£3 c-d
=Polyedrium trigonum f. gracile Reinsch, 1867, p 75, pI 3, f I a-b
= Tetraedron trigonum f. gracile Reinsch in 1.. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 149; H. Skuja, 1949, p 66,
plIO, f 39-41
= Tetraedronproteiforme G. M. Smith, 1918, p 632, pI 15, f4-5, non (Turner) Brunnthaler, 1915, Cells flat, triangular, with the sides slightly convex or concave. Angles with
a stout spine. Cell membrane and spines i~regularly granulate to verrucose. Cells
17'6-24'6 p. in diameter. Spines.7-8 p.long (Fig. 58 n-o).
Cells with more markedly concave sides than in the type. Cell membrane
fIlooth. Cells 19'4-35 fl in diameter, 6-8 fl thick. Spines 6'2-7 fl long
HABITAT. Planktonic
China and
in swamp,
India. .
Kausalya Ganga (Puri), stray-April (I).
Fig. 58 a, b, p). .
59. Tetraedron quadratunl (Reinsch) Hansgirg
I HABITAT. Planktonic in Museum Pond, Madras, stray-February and October
~hilipose, 1940); Windermere Park, Rangoon-April and Cantonment Gardens, A. Hansgirg, 1889, p 18;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 150, £ 165
=Polyedrium quadratum Reinsch, 1888, p 499, pI 4, £7 c
angoon-May (Skuja, l.c.); Fishery bundh, Midnapore (W. Bengal), stray-
ecember; Swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri, stray-April; ponds, Cuttack anI;!
haudwar, stray-January and August (I)'. . Cells
".~ameter. regularly quadrate with the sides nearly straight or slightly convex. Angles

DISTRIBU.J10"!.Europe, N. America, India, Burma, Java, and Siberia. i obtu", aDdwith a "'on 'pine. Cell men>l'.ane thid and tw~"ytted. Celh 3. pin
Tetraedrontrigonumvar. gracile listed and figured by Gonzalves and Joshi (1946, , . The typical form is not known from the Indian region.
~ 174, pI 2, f 2) appears to be either .a form of Tetraedron arthrodesmifo'(T1l4 ~
[G. S. West) Woloszynska (1914, p 203), which is synonymous to T. trigonumvar. ,y forma minus (ReinSch) De Toni
G. S. West or a Tetraedronregulare Kuetzing; both of which are ''':' G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 601
letragonal. However, it is nQt possible to refer it to any of these species since a ' =Polyedrium
minusReinsch,1888,p499, pi 4, £ 7 d
tlescriptio~ is lacking. - =Tetraedronquadratum£. minor-ocutumReinsch in Brunnthaler, 1915, p 150
,'- Cells quadrate, sides straight or slightly convex. Angles broadly rounded and
var. longispmum var. novo with a(I).
spine. Cells 15-18", in diameter. Spines 3'5-4'5 p.Jong (Fig. 59).
HABITAT.Planktonic in a swamp at Kausalya Ganga,' Puri (Orissa), stray_
Cellulae complanatae, triangulares, lateribus paulum vel fortiter concavis. Anguli acuti et'
longissimis rectis spinis ornati. Cellulae 12-18,.. diam. Spinae 9-15 ,..Iongae. DlSTR1BUTION. N. America, India, and Australia.
. HABtTAT. Rara in planktone in palude ad Kausalya Ganga (Orissa)mense aprili 1951. Species.
~ervata in formaldehido (Coli. No.8) in C.I.F.R. Sub-station ad Cuttack. Forma minus-obtusum(Roinsch) De Toni, including; Tetraedronjavanicum
.~Probably (1912),Java,
in Europe, a d"""y alUe<lfono
Siberia, and Africa.('U Bnmnthaler, 1915, p 150), occu'"
. ,
Cells flat, triangular, with the sides slightly to strongly concave. Angles pointed~
and with long straight spines. Cells 12-18 fl in diameter. Spines 9-15 fl long . - Kuetzing
~60. Tetraedron regulare _
(Fig. 58 j-m).
HABITAT. Planktonic in swamp, Kausalya Ganga (Puri), rare-April (I). pi 24, £14 _
F. T. Kuetzing, 18t5, P'129;-J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 150, £ 167; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 118,
DISTRIBUTION.India (Orissa). /892, p 158; W. Schmidle, 1900 e, p 160
This alga differs from the type in possessing fairly long spines, the spines in the =Polyedrium letraedricum Naegeli, 1849, pi -t B, £ 3; P. Reinsch, 1888, p 505; W. B. Turner,
=P. regulare (Kuetz.) Chodat, 1902, p 220; C. Bernard, 1908, p 192, £471-76
type measuring only 5-10 fl. In the presence of the fairly long spines and markedly
concave sides, the alga shows a certain degree of resemblance to Treubaria setigera
(Archer) G. M. Smith (G. M. Smith, 1933, p 499= Tetraedron.trigonum var. setigerrun , Cell, ""agonal, P""",,,daI, with the ,id", """eave, '!<aigh' '" illghUy COnvex.
:ig.60 a-d, {).
(Archer) Lemmermann (seeLemmermann, 1904, p 110; Brunnthaler, 1915, p 149; _ !\ogle, with a bl"", "0'' 'pine. Celh 16-34 P in diameter. Spin.. 5-7 P long
G. M. Smith, 1920, p 117, pI 24, fig. 1-4). However, Treubaria setigerumhas much
smaller cells (7-9 fl in diameter) with broad angles and the long setae are exte!l5ionS i . HABITAT.East.India (Turner, I.e.); Parel, Bombay (SchmidIe, I.e.); ponds and
of the angles, which are the main points of difference between. Treubaria and lob, Dib"' h (&, '''''y-May, Serampo« (W. Bengal), '''ay-April, C.ttack,
Tetraedron. The present alga is, therefore, considered as a new variety of Tetraedrqr& ~rare-:July and August, Coorg (Mysore), straY-February, Chalakudi and Ochira
trigonum. '""fa),
ery '''ay-Fe
bundh, a..,.; """"'p, Kan""ya Ganga,(!).
Srikakulam(Andhra),straY-December Pn,i (0,,=), '''''y-April;
DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan.
var. longispinwn (Reinsch) De Toni var. granulata Prescott
G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 605 ..~ G. W. Prescott, 1944, p 359, pI 3, fl; 1951, p 269, p161, f 2-3
=Polyedrium tdraedricum var. longispinum Reinsch, 1888, p 506, pi 5, f I a ..
= Telraedron regulare var. longispinum Reinsch in Brunnthaler, 1915, p 150; H. Skuja, 1949, ,;;
p 65. pi 10, f 32 Cells pyramidal with convex or slightly concave sides.
Angles broadly rounded
with short spines. Cell wall granular. CeUs 35-51 '8 fl in
Cells with compressed side; angles with a long stout spine. Cells with spines diameter (Fig. 60 i, I).
()--49fl in diameter (Skuja, l.c.); cells up to 30 fl in diameter, spines 12-14 fllong (De
'oni, op.c.; Brunnthaler, op.c.) (Fig. 60 e).
HABITAT. Ditch, Sadiya, Assam Valley (N. Carter, 192h); Royal. Lakes and
;antonment Gardens, Rangoon, November-December (Skuja, l.c.).
DISTRIBUTION..Europe, India, Burma, and Java.

var. minus (Reinsch) De Toni

G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 605

=Polyedriumtetraedricumvar. minus P. Reinsch, 1888, p 506, piS, f Ib
=Tetraedron regulaTevar. minusReinsch inJ. Brunnthaler, 1915, p ISO; H.Skuja, 1949, p 65,
pliO, f33

Cells tetragonal with the slightly convex and with a long massive spine &om:
:ach corner- (Fig. 60). Cells 23-46 fl in: diameter with spines (Skuja, l.c. Fig. 60).
HABITAT. On Limnanthemum n.fmphaeoidesin Royal Lakes, Rangoon (Skuja, l.c.). -
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, West and Central Africa, Burma, and Siberia. .


r .!: ..~'.'
" .I.
var. tors1UD (Turner) Brunnthaler h

J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p ISO, f 169; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 1-19,pi 24, f 17-18; G. W. prescott,
1951, P 269, pi 61, f 8-10 . g
=PolyedriumtetraedricumNaegeli f. torsumTurner, 1892, p 158, pi 20, f IS

Cells tetragonal with the two .halves twisted in a cruciate manner. Sides"
of arms slightly convex. Angles with a short spine. C~lls 11'4-40 fl in diameter
(Fig.60 g,j, k, m, n). 0

HABITAT. East India (Turner, l.c.); ponds. and tanks,_ Serampore, stray-
July, Cuttack, stray-May and AUgusl,~Balasore (Orissa), stray-Noyember, Sambal-.
t:{-. Ie

pur (Orissa), stray-December, and Madras, stray-May; well in Nandi Hills, Mysore,
stray-February (!).
DISTRIBUTION.India,? Burma, China, Japan, S. Africa, N. America and 1,

was much smaller, only 11' 4-17 .5 fl in diameter.

Turner did not give the dimensions of the alga from East India~ Smith, and.
Prescott gave the diameter of the American variety as 25-40 fl. The present alga,

Skuja (1948, P. 333; 1949, P 173) placed this alga under Tetrakentron pascheri..
I:Im h,
FIGs.60-6la. 60 a-d and f, Tetraedron regulare KUETZ.; e, VAR. longis_
Pinum (REINSCH) DE TONI; h, VAR. minus (REINSCH) DE TONI; g, j, m, n, VAR.
Tetraedron incus (TEIUNG)
and I, VAR. granulata PRESCOTT; 61a,
a genus belonging to the Xanthophyceae and named it T. torsum (Turner) Skuja.; Ii
Skuja's Burmese alga was 17-20 fl in broad and 35-45 fllong with spines up to 8 1" (60 b, e, h, PROM SKUJA, 1949; m, PROM G. M. SMITH, 1920; g, j, k, I
PROM TURNER, 1892 (AS Polyedrium telraedricum NAEG. VAR. torsum TURNER);
in length. 61a,
(60a, c,
and I, x 1500;
(AS Teiraedron
n, x 1250). regulare KUETZ. VAR. incus TEIUNG);
HABITAT. Swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri, stray-April; Pond, Kumool
(Andhra Pradesh), stray-December (!). The Burmese alga, .39-55 I' in diameter with spines, has the cell membrane
DISTRIBUTION.N. America and India. covered by small excrescences giving it a porous appearance. This feature is not
known in the algae originally described by Wille and Wolle.
The dimensions of 35-51'8 P, given by Prescott in his descriptions obviously. j
include those of the spines also. The present alga had cells 22-'24' 6 I' in diameter There is some confusion regarding the ndmenclature of this alga. Wille (1884,
without spines, the spines being 7-81' long. Unlike the American variety, the Indian I.e.) described the alga Polyedrium tetraedricumvar. bifurcata with tetragonal pyramidal
alga had small granulations on the spines .also. cells having convex or slightly concave sides and broadly rounded angles having two
stout curved spines, with cells 30-'36 p, in diameter. Wolle (1887) described a somewhat
61. Tetraedronincus (Teiling) G. M. Smith similar alga with more or less concave sides and 38-46 p, without spines and 50-'59 p.
with spines as Polyedriumtrigonum val'. bifurcatum. Lagerheim (1893) combined the two
G. M. Smith, 1926, p 174
= Tetraedron regulare var. incus Teiling, 1912, p 277, f 12; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 150, f 168;
as Tetraedronbifurcatum (Wille) novo De Toni (1889, p 599; 605) had earlier treated the
G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 269, p161, f 4-6 _ two algae separately as varieties of Tetraedron regulare and T. trigonum respectively.
In referring to T. trigonum var. bifurcatum, probably by mistake he gave the name
Cells tetragonal, flat or pyramidal with concave sides. Angles slightly produced var_ ? bifurcatum Wille in Freshw. Alg. of the U.S. (p 184), and the same mistake has
to form short lobes, each. ending in ,a fairly long, slightly curved spine. Cells 15-20}' been repeated by Brunntl1aler and Prescott (op. cit.) who also treated the two algae as
in diameter without spines and up to 37 I' with spines. Spines 7-8 p, long (Fig. 61 a, b). .separate and gave the reference C?fWille to both.., Schmid Ie (1900 e) treated Wolle's
alga as Tetraedron bifurcatum (Wolle) novo
The typical form is not known from the Indian region.
., The two algae under consideration are very similar, except for the slightly smaller
. -
forma decolorata

= Tetraedron incus (Teil.) G. M. Smithforma

(Defl.) nom. nov.

Deflandre, 1928;
H. Skuja, 1949, p.65, pliO, £42
. "c5izeand occasional convex sides of Wille's alga compared to the slightly larger alga with
. treated here
.~.concave sidesas described
the same. by Wolle.
- So, following Lagerheim, I?oth the algae are

Cells tetragonal and flat with concave sides having deeper sinus. than in the type,
and. weaker expansion. Cell membrane smooth and colourless. Cells 16 I' broad,
22 p, long. Isthmus 5' 5 P, broad (Fig. 61 c).
HABITAT. Pond, Rangoon-January (Skuja, I.e.).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe and Burma.

62. Tetraedron bifurcatwn (Wille). Lagerheim.

G. Lage~heim, 1893, p 160; W, et G. S. West, 1901 a, p 183, pi 4, (50; J. Brunnthaler, 1915,
pp 156-57, f 194; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 263, pi 59, f 14; H. Skuja, 1~49, pp 63-64, pliO,
I 17-18
-=Polyedrium tetraedricum Naegeli var. bifurcata Wille, 1884,.p 12, pi I, f 24 a-b
=P. trigonum var. bifurcatum Wolle, 1887, p 184, pi 189, f 15-::18
=P. bifurcatum (Wolle) Schmidle, 1900 e, p 160 _
= Tetraedron regulare var. bifurcatum Wille in Brunnthaler, 1915, p 151, f 170; G. W. Prescott,
1951, p 269, p161, f I
Cells tetragonal, pyramidal, with the sides somewhat concave or sometimes con- - t.
ve~, and ends rounded, truncate or slightly concave with a short, often curved, spine
FIGS. 61 b-c, 62. 61b, Tetraedron incus ('I'EIUNG)
from each an&,leof the cell end. Cell wall smooth or with' small excrescence~ which G. M. SMITH; 61c, FORMA decolorata (DEFL.) NOM. NOV.;
make it appear porous. Cells 30-46 p, in diameter without. spines and 39~0 I' with 62 a-b, T. bifurcatum (WILLE) LAGERH.; 62c, FORMA sub.
mammillata (W. ET G. S. WEST) NOM.NOV.
spines. Spines up to 6 I' long. (Fig. 62 a, b).
HABITAT. Pard, Bombay (Schmidle, I.e.); tanks, Rangoon -and Mandalay- SKUJA, (61 b, FROM
1949; SMITH, 1920; 61c and
62c, )(725). 62 a-b, FROM
April, May, ang November (Skuja, I.e.).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N and S. America, W. Indies, Central imd N. Africa, forma submammillata (W. and G. S. West) nom. novo
India, Burma, Siam, and China.
= Tetraedronbifurcatum(Wille) Lagerheimforma W. et G. S. West, 1907, p 231, pi 12, f22

150 var. incisuDl (Lagerh.) Brunnthaler

Differs from the type in the angles from which the spines arise being sub- J. Brunnthaler, 1915,p 151, £ 173 I
=Polyedrium pentagonum Reinsch £. inCisa Lagerheim, 1882, p 67, p12, £22
mammillate. The cell membrane is also punctate. Cells 27-38 P in diameter =P. caudaturn£.incisum(Lagerheim) Reinsch, 1888, p 503, p14, £9 b
(Fig. 62 c). =Tetraedron cauda/um(Corda) Hansg. £. incisurnReinsch in G. B. De Toni, 1889, P 603; W.
HABITAT. Mansang near Hsipaw (W. et G. S. West, I.e.); Pond, Azhicode et G. S. West, 1902, p 198 . .

(Kerala), stray-February (!). Cells regular with sides of equal length and with the notch in the middle more
Distribution. Burma and India.
pronounced tJ:lan in the type. Cells 12-15 p in diameter. Spines 3 p long (Fig. 64 c).
& HABITAT. Pond, Botanical Gardens,. Peradeniya, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West,
63. Tetraedron victorieae Woloszynska
r' I.e.).
J. Woloszynska,1914,p 203, pI 7, f 1-4; G. M. Smith, 1926,p 173,p16, £33-34 i DISTRmUTION. Europe, N. and S. America, and Ceylon. Fritsch and Rich
(1929) considered one form they came across in collections from South Africa as
Cells small, four-sided with two of the sides deeply emarginate dividing the
1" probably f. incisum of Tetraedron eQudatum.
cell into cruciately arranged halves. Halves of cells fusiform in vertical view with
a short straight spine from the apices. Cells (with spines) 10-24 p broad, 30-42 /J 65. Tetraedron pentaedriCUDl W. et G. S. West
long. Spines 3' 5 P long (Fig. 63 a, b).
HABITAT. Fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore. (West Bengal),.>It W. et G. S. West, 189S, p 84, piS, £ IS-16; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p IS2, £ 174; G. M. Smith,
1920, pp 120-21, p12S, £ 13-17
stray-December; Pond, Cuttack, stray-February, rare-August (!).
DISTRmUTlON. Africa, N. America, Europe, an!! India.
var. major G. M. Smith
. " . Cells small, irregularly five-lobed with four lobes in one plane and the fifth at
r,\,an angle to the former. Comers somewhat acute, each with a short slightly curved
,spine. Cells 10-15 p in diameter without spines. Spines 3' 5-5' 5 P lQng(Fig. 65 a-b).

G. M. Smith 1920, p 119, p124, f19-22,.p125, f1; G. W. Prescott, 1951,p 271, p161, £28-29 " HABITAT. In culttlres of soil from rice fields near Allahabad {Mitra, 1947);_
ponds and tanks, Bhopal, stray-July; and jabalpur, (Madhya Pradesh),
Cells same as in type, but much larger. Spines also larger. Cells with spi(leS ?siray-April; Cuttack (Orissa), stray~July and August; Kurn.ool (Andhra Pradesh),
15':'20 p broad, 30-63 P long. Spines 8-12' 3 P long (1:ig. 63 c-e). {'J:I1re-December; Madras, stray-April; Ochirn (Kerala), stray-February;
HABITAT. Tanks, Dibrugarh (Assam), stray-May, Kausalya Ganga (Orissa)~ ~phandigarh (Punjab), stray-October, Leg Shri K uldip Singh (!).
rare-November, Athmalik (Orissa), stray-December and Azhicode (Ktrala), rare-: ~ DISTRIBUTION.Africa, N. America, India, and China.
February ( !1. ? Though the alga observed by Mitra (l.e., f -16) agree with the 'typical form
DISTRmUTION. N. Amtrica and India. ~~escribedby Wests in most respects, its spines are more blunt and rounded at the ends.

64. Tetraedron caudatum (Corda) Hansgirg ftlso, the cells m~asure 7-15 p ~ithout spines.
forma D1iniDlUm W. et G. S. West
A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 131; 1889, p 18; j. BrUnnthaler, 1915, p 151, £ 171; O. A. Korshikov,
1953, p 239, £ 181 - - W. et G. S. West, 189S, p 84, piS, £ 17;J. Brunnthaler, 1915,p IS2; K. Biswas,1936,p
=Asteruium caudatumCorda, 1839 . 125, pI 8, £ 9
=Po!yedriumpentagonum.Reinsch,1867, p 76, pI 3, £ 2
~PO!yedriumcaudatum(Corda) Lagerheim, 1883, p 69
" Cells small~r than in type, 6 p in diameter without spines, and 10 p with spines
Cells small, flat, five-sided with four of the sides con~ave and the fifth in the iF:ig.65 c-e).
fo,m of a notel< of varying d,pili. Angl" mnndod ~d pmdn"" into a ,hort ,,,,",ht HABITAT. In freshwater, among a colony of rotifers, N. E. India, September
)swas, l.c.).
spine. Cells 6-23 P in diameter. Spines 1-4 p long (Fig. 64 a, b).
HABITAT. Planktonic in a muddy pond, Ootacamund (at an elevation of about DISTRIBUTION.Madagascar and India (?).
2150 m), common-June (!). Though Biswas..described the alga as five-cornered, none of his three figures show
J)m"RD'''''ON. Enrol". N. Am"im. 5. Af<im. India. Japan. 5ih"ia. and ,ore than four corners. Nor did he mention that one lobe is in another p1ane. The
Australia. ~thor is inclined to consider Biswas's alga as a smaller form of Tetraedron minimumf.
_ The form from Java without spines which Bernard (1908, p 191, fig. 470) baS. ralohulatum(Reinsch) De Toni (for description see elsewhere; also compare: with
tontauvolypia"" nnd" p,ly<bi"'",..".,... (Co""') La"",h,"". app"''' to h, it ,...Il '~3 e).
fonn of T,"",uon "'""'" SchmidI' (u, und" that ,poci") ",th« than a T., "'"
var. inciSUJD (Lagerh.) Brunnthaler
Differs from the type in the angles from which the spines arise being sub- ',- J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 151, £ 173 I
=Polyedrium penlagonum Reinsch £. inCisaLagerheim, 1882, p 67, p12, f 22
mammillate. The cell membrane is also punctate. Cells 27-38 p in diameter ...:~ =P. caudalum £. incisum (Lagerheim) Reinsch, 1888, p 503, p14, £9 b
(Fig. 62 c). =Telratdron caudalurn (Corda) Hansg. £. incisum Reinsch in G. B. De Toni, 1889, p 603; W.
HABITAT. Mansang near Hsipaw (W. et G. S. West, I.e.); pond, Azhicode et G. S. West, 1902, p 198 '

(Kerala), stray-February (!).

Distribution. Burma and India. Cells regular with sides of equal length and with the notch in the middle more
pronounced t}lan in the type. Cells 12-15 ft in diameter. Spines 3 ft long (Fig. 64 c).
HABITAT. Pond, Botanical Gardens,- Peradeniya, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West,
63. Tetraedron victorieae Woloszynska
J. Woloszynska,1914,p 203, pI 7, £ 1-4; G. M. Smith, 1926,p 173,p16, £33-34 DlsTRmUTION. Europe, N. and S. America, and Ceylon. Fritsch and Rich
(1929) considered one form they came across in collections from South Mrica as
Cells small, four-sided with two of the sides deeply emarginate dividing thi i.. probably f. incisumof Tetraedroncauda/um.
I cell into cruciately arranged halves. Halves of cells fusiform in vertical view with
a short straight spine from the apices. Cells (with spines) 10-24 p broad, 30-42 fJ Tetraedron pentaedricum W. et G. S. West
long. Spines 3' 5 plong (Fig. 63 a, b).
HABITAT. Fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore. (West Bengal), W. et G. S. West, 1895, p 84, pI 5, £ 15-16; J. Brunnthaler, 19i5, p 152, £ 174; G. M. Smith,
I 1920, pp 120-21, pI 25, £ 13-17
stray-December; Pond, Cuttack, stray-February, rare--August (!).
DISTRmUTION. Africa, N. America,.Europe, an!! India. ,~ .
var. major G. M. Smith · Cells small, irregularly five-lobed with four lobes in one plane and the fifth at
"\ an angle to the former. Comers somewhat acute, each with a short slightly curved
,spine. Cells 10-15 ft in diameter without jlpines. Spines 3' 5-5' 5 ft 19n9 (Fig. 65 a-b).
G. M. Smith 1920,p 119,p124,£l9-22"pI25, fl; G. W.Prescott,1951,p 271,p161,£28-29 r' HABITAT.In cultures of soil from rice fields near Allahabad {Mitra, 1947); _

iponds and tanks, Bhopal, stray-July; and 'jabal pur, (Madhya Pradesh),
Cells same as in type, but much larger. Spines also larger. Cells with spu"eS :~stray-April; Cuttack (Orissa), stray-,July and August; Kum.ool (Andhra Pradesh),
15':'20 p broad, 30-63 plong. Spines 8-12' 3 fJ long (~ig. 63 c-e). 'ttare-December; Madras, stray-April; Ochira (Kerala), stray-February;
HABITAT. Tanks, Dibrugarh (Assam), stray-May, Kausalya Ganga (Orissa),. ,.,:,Chandigarh (Punjab), stray-October, Leg Shri Kuldip Singh (!).
rare--November, Athmalik (Orissa), stray-December and Azhicode (Kerala), rare- ~. ' DlsTRmUTloN. Mrica, N. America, India, and China.
February (!}. . o Though the ~lga observed by Mitra (l.c., f -16) agree with the 'typical form
DISTRIBUTION.N. America and India. . 'described by Wests in most respects, its spines are more blunt and rounded at the ends.
,'~lso, the cells measure 7-15 ft without spines.
64. Tetraedron caudatuJD (Corda) Hansgirg
forma IDiniDl1Un W. et G. S. West
A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 131; 1889, P 18; j. Bronnthaler, 1915, p 151, £ 171; O. A. Korshikov,
1953,p 239, £ 181 - - W. et G. S. West, 1895, p 84, pi 5, £ 17; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 152; K. Biswas, 1936, p
=Astericium caudalumCorda, 1839 125, pi 8, £ 9
1867,p 76, p13, £2 >
(Corda) Lagerheim, 1883,p 69 .
, Cells smaller than in type, 6 p in diameter without spines, and 10 ft with spines
Cells small, fiat, five-sided with four of the sides concave and the fifth in the JF,ig. 65 c-e). '
form of a notcn of varying depth. Angles rounded and produced into a short straight 't:, HABITAT. In freshwater, among a colony of rotifers, N. E. India, September
spine. Cells 6-23 P in diameter. Spines 1--4 plong (Fig. 64 a, b). '~iswas, i.e.).
HABITAT. Planktonic in a muddy pond, ootacamund (at an elevation of about , DISTRIBUTION.Madagascar and India (?).
2150 m), common-June (!). Though Biswa,s.described the alga as five-cornered, none of his three figures show
Europe, N. America, S. Africa, India, Japan, Siberia, and ..' J)re than four corners. Nor did he mention that one lobe is in another plane. The
Australia. -!bor is inclined to consider Biswas's alga as a smaller form of Tetraedronminimum f.
_ Tho ronn trom Java without ,pin" which !JenWd (1908, P 191, fig. 470) baa !f~alohulatum(Reinsch) De Toni (for description see elsewhere; also compare with
tentanv"y p1ac<dond" p"pan.m "wi.,,,,, (Conla) Lag"heim, app"'" to bo .".n h. · "3 e). ' \
form of TetraedronsimmeriSchmidle (seeunder that species) rather than a T. caudat~
152 Cells octagonal with the sides markedly concave. Angles acuminate. Cells
10-23 fl in diameter.
66. Tetraedron octaedricum (Reinsch) Hansgirg p.p. ,.<::
" Since Reinsch (op.c.)has described only two varieties and no type, the first of the
A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 131 pro parte varieties, viz. octaedricumacuminatummay have to be retained as the type.
=Polyedrium octaedricum acuminatum Reinsch, 18671 p 77, p15, f4 ;~ This alga is not known from the Indian region.

var. spinosum (Reinsch) W. et G. S. West

W. and G. S. West, 1901 a, p 183
=Polyedrium octaedricum sPinosum Reinsch, 1867, P 78, pi 5, f 5
= Tetraedron regulare var. octaedricum (Reinsch) Playfair, 1918, p 535, pi 27, f23

Cdls octagonal with eight lateral planes. Angles rounded and obtuse, each
with a spine. Cells 32-47 fl in diameter (Fig. 66).
63b HABITAT. Planktonic ina swamp at Kausalya Ganga, Puri (Orissa) (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, India, Siam, and Australia.
The Indian alga, 15-17'6 fl in diameter, with the spines 3'5-4'5 fllong, is
nearer tlte Australian -alga, which is .17 fl in diameter,th~n the Siamese (32-38 fl
"'. with spines and 21:-26 fl wi~out spines) or the European alga (38-47 fl in diameter).
In his original description, Reinsch (op.c.) referred to two distinct types, viz.
Polyedrium octaedricumacuminatumand P. octaedricumsPinosum, the former being
described as "Cellulae octaedricae,Planities octonae laterales subconcavae,anguli acutiusculi

~M' *. ~~ -.....
et acuminati. Latit 0, 01 mm. usque 0, 023 mm." and the latter as "Cellulae octaedricae,
planities laterale~octonaePlanae, anguli ror-undatoobtusi, sPino singulofirmo hyalino armati.
Latit, 0, 038 mm. usque 0, 047 mm." Th~s, the chief distinction between the two types

... ~J-( '8 :.liesin the fact that octaedricumacuminatumhas eight subconcave lateral planes and acute
to acuminate angles, whereas octaedricumspinosum has eight plain lateral sides with the


~.lUlglesrounded and obtuse and ending-in distinct'spines. His figures (pI 5, f 4, 5)
>-the name of acuminatum
sPinosumgivenfor f 5 is obviouslyan error and shouldbe
~ I 'read as octaedricumspinosum-also clearly bring out these differences.

~ Apparently in his later work, Reinsch (1888, p 507) has comb,ined the two types
Lt. t:tinderP. octaedricum: Han~girg- (1888, 1889) and Brunnthaler (1915, p 152) a!so
",iadopted the same procedure. From W., and G. S. Wests' reference (1901 a, l.c.) to
,;.T. octaedricumand var. sPinosumit appears that they retained var. sPinosumwhile consi-
- '::dering the acuminate form -as the type. Playfair (1918, l.c.) stated that Polyedrium
'{octaedricumacuminatum should be retained in the type (as Tetraedron octaedricum) and

~ Zthe variety octaedricumsPinosumshould be treated as a'variety of Tetraedron regulare as

~ 66 b t;;.~..; )at. octaedricum(Reinsch) Playfair, his reasons for the same being that the alga is six
~ttoeight-angled and is nearer the tetragonal T. regulare. The author does not agree
(~th this contention since it is quite clear from Reinsch's original descriptions of the two
~es that he laid more stress on the number of planes (sides) than on the number of
~gles (poles). -
Flos.63-68. 63 a-b, Tetraedron victorieae WOLOSZ.; c-e, VAR. major G. M.
SMITH; 64 a-b, T. caudatum (CORDA) HANSO.; c, VAR. incisum (LAOERH.) BRUNNTH.;
65 a-b, T. pentaedricum W. ET G.S. WEST; 65 c-e,? P. minimum W. ET G. S. WEST; Tetraedron hastatum (Reinsch) Hansgirg
66 a-b, T.octaedri<;um (REINSCH) HANSO. VAR. spinosum (REINSCH) W. E'I' G. 5.
WEST; 67, T. hastalum (REINSCH) HANSO.; 68 a-b, T. bifidum (TURNER) WILLE. A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 132; 1889, P 19;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 157, f 196; G. M. Smith, 1920,
p 121, pl25, f 18; H. Skuja, 1949, p 64, pliO, f21
, (64 c, PROM LAOERHEIM; 65 c-e, BISWAS, 1936; 67, PROM SKUJA, 1949;
68 a-b, FROMTURNER, 1892 (AS polyedrium bifidum TURNER); (llES'l',x 1500).
=Po{)'edrium tetraedricum hastatum Reinsch, 1867, p 77, piS, £ 3 a-b 155
=P. enorme var. hastatum Rabenhorst, 1868, p 630
=P. hastatum Reinsch, 1888, p 507

Cells tetragonal, pyramidate, with the sides deeply concave, angles produced
into long tapering concave unbranched processes ending in 2-3 short spines. Cells
28-36 Jt in diameter (Fig. 67).
HABITAT. Cantonment .Gardens, Rangoon-May (Skuja, i.e.).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, W. Mrica, Burma, China, and Jap<l:n.

68. Tetraedron bifidum (Turner) Wille

N. Wille, 1909, p 60d. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 157, £ 199
=Polyedrium bijidum Turner, 1892, p 158, pi 20, £23

Cells triangular in front view with the sides sinuous, in side view elongate-
ellipsoid. Processes gradually tapering and ending in two spines. Cells 4'5-5' 5 Jt
broad, 13-17 Jt long (Fig. 68).
DISTRIBUTION.EaH India (Turner, I.e.).

69. Tetraedron gracile (Reinsch) Hansgirg

A. Hansgi.rg, 1889, p 19; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 157-58, f201; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 26~, Fla. 69. a-c, Tttraedron gracile (RI!INscn) HANSO.;
pi 60, £ I; L. H. Tiffany and M. E. Britton, 1952, p 118;pl 34, £339 d-f, FORMAminus F. NOV. .
=PolyedriumgracittReinsc~, 1888, p.502, p16, £ I b-c
(a-c, x 1000; d, FRoM'PmuPosE, 1940, X 1500). _
Cells flat and rectangular with the corners produced into narrow processes
which usually branch twice and end in spines. The primary branches usually at' forma minDS f. novo
right angles with one another and parallel to one side of the cell. Cells, with processes,
'.' Cellulae multo minores quam in typo, ornatae quidem processibus 27-30 podiam.,
_ processibus
30-43 (-80) Jt in diameter, without processes, 10-20 (-30) Jt (Fig. 69 a-c). "',(vero non ornatae4'5-9 po.
HABITAT. Fishery bundh, Chandrakoria Road, Midnapore (West Bengal), ~. HABITAT.
Rarissima in planktone in Museum Pond, Madras, mensibusjan.-aprili, junio-augusto,
Voctobri-novembri; 1938'. Species servata in £ormaldehido in University Botany Laboratory, Madras.
stray-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga; Puri,- very rare-April; ponds and tanks,
DiJ:>rugarh (Assam), stray-May; Cuttack,-stray-May, July, and August, Sambalpur
Cells much smaller than in the type measuring only 27:-30 Jt in diameter with
(Orissa), stray-December; Coorg (.Mysore), stray-February, and Azhicode (K~rala)" _
stray-February (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, India, and China.
- ',processes

and 4' 5-9 fJ without

Museum Pond,
to November Madras,1940).
processes .(Fig.

very rare~anuary

to April, June to August

. Skuja (1949) placed this alga under the Heterokontae in /sthmochloronSkuja DISTRIBUTION.India (Madras).
(1948) and gave it the name 1. gracile (Reinsch) Skuja, and described a form, f.
What has been stated about the validity of the type species applies to this form also.
reduetum Skuja, from the suburbs of Rangoon. The main characters of /sthmoehloron
which distinguish it from Tetraedronare the presence of nu.merous discoid olive-green Tetraedron cruciatwn (Wallich) W. et G. S. West.
chromatophores devoid of pyrenoids and also the presence of oil globules and granules '

of amylaceous and carotinoid nature. I~ Tetraedrongracile, Smith (1920) referred to W. M.

G. andSmith,
G. S. 1926,
West, p1902, p 198;£ 1-2;
175, p18, 1901G.W.
a, p 183, pi 4, £51;J.
Prescott, Brunnthaler,
1951, p264 1915, p 158, £202;
numerous discoid chromatophores without pyrenoids. Brunnthaler, Prescott, and... , =Micrasltrias "'Iciata Wallich, 1860, p 281, pi 13, £ 12
pi 20, £ 20-21
Tiffany and Britton (op.c.) did not refer to the' chromatophores. It has not been -... =StauroPhanum cruciaturn (Wallich) Turner (incl. £. maj~r and £. minor Turner) 1892, p 159,
- possible for the authQr to make out more than one or two parietal chromatophores;
However, pending further investigation, the alga is only tentatively referred here ~c
; , Cells cruciate with the corners produced into irregular processes which are not
Tetraedron gracile.
,~ in the (Fig.
heter same70). '
plane. Processes ending in 2-3 short spines. Cells 23-54 fJ in
71. Tetraedron enorme (Ralfs) Hansgirg
HABITAT. Bengal and Central India (Wallich, I.e.; Turner, I.e.); artificial tank, A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 132; 1889, p 19;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 155, £ 192; G. M. Smith, 1920,
peradeniya, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West, 1902); pond, Cuttack, stray-August (!). p 124, pi 27, £6; G.W. Prt'Scott, 1951, p 265, pi 52, £6-7, pi 59, £ 19
DISTRIBUTION.India, Ceylon, Siam, Japan, and Scotland. =StaurastrummormeRalr.., 1848, p 140, pi 33, £ II
=Polyedrium enorme (Ralfs) De Bary, 1858, p 71; C. Bernard, 1908, p 195, £ SOl
According to Skuja (1948), this alga is very much like Isthmochloronlobulatum
(Naegeli) Skuja (=Polyedrium lobulatumNaegeli, 1849), a member of the Xanthophyceae Cells irregularly tetrahedric with the angles produced into short bilobed
having numerous disc-shaped yellow green chromatophores. T!Jrner, Wests, Smith, processes ending in short spines. Processes not all in the same plane. Cells 25-45 p,
and Prescott did not give details of the chromatophore. The author could not also in diameter.
study the chromatophore in detail. So, the alga is tentativeJyreferred here to Tetraedron The typical form is not known from the Indian region.
var. pentaedricum Prescott

G. W. Prescott, 1944, p-358, pi I, f 17
Cells five-sided with the sides straight or slightly convex and with pairs of
narrow bifurcate processes extending in all planes. Processes ending in short spines.
Cells 27-55 '" in diameter (Fig. 71 a, b).
70 c HABITAT. Ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh (Assam), stray-:-May; Cuttack, stray-
70 ~
if August, Srikakulam (Andhra), stray-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga (Puri),
"very rare-April; and reservoir, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), stray-April (I).
;~: DISTRIBUTION.N. .America, C. Africa, and India.'
The variety differs from the type in the straight (instead_of concave) margins
, and the narrow bifurcated proce~es extending ftom the angles. The Indian alga with
¥"cells 27-30 '" itl diamete~ is smaller than the American alga, which measures 50-55 '"
~':indiameter. Since it agreed with the American alga in all other respects it is referred
III ,- :to the same.
71c var. turneri var. novo

=Polyedriumsp. ? in W. B. Turner, 1892,p 158, pi 17, £ II _

~. A typo differt processibus robustioribus quorum apices sunt truncati vel rotundati et desinunt in
,1-2 spinas. Cellularum diam. 37 ,... Spinae 2 ,.. longae. -
, DISTRIBUTION. India Orientalis.

" Differs from the type in- having processes which are stouter with their ends
"truncate or rounded and ending in 1-2 spines. Diameter of cell 37 fl. Spines 2 fl
,long (Fig. 7lc).
DISTRIBUTION.East India (Turner, I.e.).

Tetraedron lobulatum (Naeg.) Hansgirg

A. Hansgirg, 1888, p 132; 1889, p 19; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 266, pi 60, £ 6-7
=Polyedrium lobulatum Naegeli, 1849, p 8-1, pl6 B, £ 4
FIGs. 70-72. 70, Tetraedron cruciatum tWALUCH) W. ET G. S. WEST; = Tetraedronlobatum (Naegeli) Hansgirg inJ. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 156, £ 193; M.O.P. Iyengar"
1951, £ 5 AA
71, T. enorme (RALFS) HANSG. VAR_ ,pentaedricum PRESCOTT; c, VAR. turneri
VAR. NOV.; 72, T. lobulatum (NAEG.) HANSG. VAR. polyfurcatum G. M. SMITH.
Cells tetragonal or pyramidal with the sides distinctly concave. Processes
(70 a-b, 71c, FROMTURNER, 1892 (AS Staurophanum cruciatum (WALUCH)
TURNER F.' major an~- F. minor TURNER AND AS Polyedrium SP. RESPECTIVELY, ort and stout, and bifurcate at their apices. Cells 31-40 p, in diameter.
(REST,x 1000);
Skuja (1948, 1949) regarded this alga as one of the Xanthophyceae and named,
74. Tetraedron pusillum (Wallich) W. et G. S. West
it Isthmochloron lobulatum (Naegeli) Skuja. Smith (1920) also referred to numerous
discoid chromatophores without pyrenoids in this alga. The alga is included here W.
p 67,andpI G.
14, S.f West,
25-26; 1897,
1951,p P237;
268, J.pI Brunnthaler,
60, f29 1915, p 157, f200; G. W. Prescott, 1931,
tentatively. = Micrasterias pusilla Wallich, 1860, p 281, pI 13, f 13
It is not known from the Indian region except for the original figure of Iyengar =Staurophanum pusillum (Wallich) Turner, 1892, p 159, pI 20, f 22
Cells cruciform with usually four, rarely three, processes, each ending in two
var. polyfurcatum G. M. Smith recurved spines. In side view, elongate-ellipsoid with attenuate ends. Cells 10 ft
broad, 25 ft long (Fig. 74 a-c).
G, M, Smith, 1916 b, p 480, p126, f 21-22; G. W. Prescott, 1951;p 267, pI 60, f II; K. Tho-'
masson, 1953, p 56 HABITAT. N. E. India (Wallich; I.e.; Turner, i.e.).
DISTRffiUTJON..India and N. America.
Cells tetragonal or pyramidal with concave sides. Processes not all in the same
plane and branching dichotomously three to four or five times. Ultimate branchlets var. angolense W. et G. S. West
with 2-3 small spines. Cells with processes 35-70, ft in diameter, without processes
and G. S. West, 1897, p 237;J. Brunnthaler, 191.'),p 157; G. M. Smith, 1926, p 176, p118,
15-25 ft (Fig. 72).
HABITAT. Pond, Azhicode (Kerala), rare-February (!).
Cells irregularly tetrahedric with one short process from each corner. Each
DISTRIBUTION.N. America, Sweden and India.
process splits into two, rarely three, outwardly bent spines. Cells w~thout spines
Smith (l.c.) and Prescott (op.c.) did not Jefer to det~ils of the chromatophore.
In the preserved material of the Indian algae also it was not possible to study the" 14' 5-25' 5 ft in diameter, with spines 22-38 ft:
chromatophore. If T. lobulatum is regarded as one of the Xanthophyceae and'the
chromatophore of the var~<;LY polyfurcatum is typically Chlorophycean, then the latter
may have to be treated as a distinct species of Tetraedron.

73. Tetraedron limneticum 13?rge

0, Borge, 1900, p 5, pI I, f 2; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 157, f 195; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 123,
pI 27, f 1-3; 1926, P 175, p18, f9-12; H. Skuja, 1949, p 64, plIO, f 13-14

Cells tetragonal with the angles produced into processes having one to tw~
dichotomous branchings. Ultimate branchlets with 2-3 short spines. Cells with
processes 45-85- ft in diameter. Base of processes 8-12 ft (Fig. 73 a-d).
HABITAT. Among epiphytic forms, Mandalay-November (Skuja, i.e.)f"

planktonic in ponds and tanks,_ Cuttack, rather common to abundant-July, August,
and October; Azhicode and Iringalakuda (Kerala), stray-Februcn-.y; swamp,
Kausalya Ganga (Ox:.issa), stray-April (!).
DISTRffiUTION.Europe, N. America, C. Africa, India, and Burma., ,.~
The alga is typically a planktonic form. Skuja (i.e.) rioted it -among -the
" epiphytic forms" !

var. gracile Prescott
G. W. Prescott, 1944, p 358, pi I, fl8; 1951, p 266, pI 60, f 5
Differs from the type in having much narrower processes which almost adjoin
at the base, there being scatcely'any cell body. Cells 35'2-46'8 ft in diameter.. Base,
~ 74 c , 174d
of processes 5' 3-8 ft broad (Fig. 73 e). FIGS. 73-74. 73 a-d, Te/raedron limneticum BORGE; e, VAR. gracile
'w. ET G. S.74 a-c, F.T.minus
WEST pusillum (WALUCH) W. ET G. S. WEST; d, VAR. angolense
HABITAT. Pond, Cuttack, stray-August ( !).
DISTRIBUTION.N. America and India. . (73 c, FROMSKU]A, 1949; 74 a-c, FROMTURNER, 1892 (AS StauroPhanum
pusillll17l (WALUCH) TURNER; 74d, x 1500).
T. reliculalum (Reinsch) Hansgirg, 1889, I' 18
T. smilhii Tiffany, 1934, p 64, pili, f249
HABITAT. Ponds, Barrackpore (W. Bengal), stray-April and Cuttack, stray- = T. slauraslroides G. M. Smith, 1926, non T. slauraslroides (W. West) Wille, 1909, p 60
T. somogyicum Hortobagyi, 1962, p 42, pi 53, f674
August; swamp, Kausalya Ganga (Orissa), stray-April (I). T. spiniferum G. M. Smith, 1922, p 334, pi 8, f 9-11
DISTRIBUTION.Africa (Angola), N. America, and India. T. ~Iragonum (Naeg.) Hansgirg, 1889, I' 18
.. =Polyedrium telragonuTliNaegeli, 1849, p 84, pI4-B, f2
f. minus f. nov. =P. Irigonum var. lelragonum (Naegeli) Rabenhorst, 1868, p 62
T. lorlum W. et G. S. West, 1895 b, I' 52
T. Iriangulare Korshikov, 1953, I' 239, f 180
Cellulae multo minores quam in var. angolense West, magnit, tantum 10,3-13,9,. diam. = T. Irigonum var. papilliferum (Schroeder) Lemm.
HABITAT. Vagat in planktone in Museum Pond, Madras, mensibus martio, junio et augusto anni T. troPicum W. et G. S. West, 1897, I' 237
1938. Species servata in formaldehido in University Botany Laboratory, Madras. T. valdezii Kol, 1942, I' 22, 1'16, f 87-88
T. ve"ucosum G. M. Smith, 1918, I' 632, pi 15, f 1-2
T. waslneysii Playfair, 1917, I' 846, 1'158, f31
Cells much smaller than in var. angolense W. et G. S. West and in var. gracile
Huber-Pestalozzi (1935), being only 10'3-13'9 P. in diameter (Fig. 74.d). According to G. M. Smith (1933), Telraedron duospinum Ackley is the same as Closteridium lunula
Reinsch. However, Prescott (1951), who, incidentally, did not recognize Closteridium, treated the two as
HABITAT. Museum pond, Madras, stray-March, June, and August (Philipose, separate species of Tetraedron. It is possible that some of Playfair's species do not deserve more than the
1940). ' "'"statusof varieties and forms of already known species. His T. slrialum (see Playfair, 1917, p 846, pi 58,
f 30) could be a Staturaslrum.
DISTRIBUTION. India (Madras). Tetraedron stellaturn Swirenko (1926, p 85) has been considered by Korshikov (1953, p 150) as synony-
mous to Echinosphaerella limnelica G. M. Smith.*
Fott (1959, p 257) states that a number of algae described as Tetraedron mUlicum, T. trigonum,
Species of Tetraedron not recordedfrom the Indian region T. gracile, etc., have been found later as members of other classes of algae like Xanthophyceae and
Dinophyceae, and no species without a pyrenoid ajld starch can._be considered as a Tetraedron. Thus,
T. aculealum (Wolle) De Toni, 1889, P 612 .,.r. :' ~ T. muticum, according to him (1959, I' 136), is Goniochloris mutica (A. Braun) Fott, pne of the
0' r.
T. aculitleTisBeck-Mannegetta, 1926, pp 181-82, f 10 !r "..Xanthophyceae. Fott and Ettl (1959, I' 240). also state that the Po/)'edriurn gigas described by Naegeli and
T. aculum Playfair, 1917, P 844, p158, f24-25 Reinsch is probably only Telragoniella gigas Pascher (Xanthophyceae) and not a Tetraedron, whereas
T. angulosum (Larsen) Collins, 1909, P 164 Skuja's (1948,1'115, f 20) T"raedron regulare with a pyrenoid is really a Tetraedron.
T. armalum (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, P 611 Bourrelly (Bull. Mus. Paris, Ser. 2, 23: 670, f 5, J951) has placed a number of species originally. known
T. arlhrotlesmiforme (G. S. West) Woloszynska, 1914, P 203 as Tetraedron within the genus PseudosiaurastrUTII (Xanthophyceae) under the sections Telraedriella,
T. asymmelricum Prescott, 1944, P 357, pll, f 14 TIlrakenlron, Tetragoniella, Goniochloris and ISlh11Jochloron. Fott and Komarek (1960, PI' 249-51) gave the
T. bilritlens Beck-Mannegetta, 1926, p 182, f 11 following forms originally known_as Telraedron under Pseudostauraslrum Chodat emend. Skuja (1959)
T. conslriclum G. M. Smith, 1920, P 122, pi 25, f 22-24 emend. Fott ~nd Komarek: P. hastalum (Reinsch) Chodat in Bourrelly, 1951; P. lobulatum (Naegeli)
=T. arlhrotlesmiforme var. lobulalum Woloszynska, 1914, P 203, p16, f 11 Chodat in Bourrelly, 1951 and P. enoriize(Ralfs) Hansg. in..Chodat, 1920. Bourrelly (1951) had considered
T. crassitlens Beck-Mannegetta, 1926, p 182, f 16 - Pseudostaurastrum armalum (Reinsch) Chodat and P. gracile Chodat as invalid.
T. cruciforme Playfair, 1917, P 845, p158, f29 . ... According to Wt".st and Fritsch (1927, PI' 126-27), only those species of Telraedron in which autospore
T. tlecussalum (Rabenh.) Hansgirg, 1888; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 157 ,Jormation is known to take place can be considered as Tetraedron, since Tetraedron-like stagt"s are known to
= Polyedrium enormt var. tlecussalum Rabenhorst, 1865, P 63 ,occur in Pediastrum, Hydrodictyon and Oocystis. Also, the resting stages of some other algae resemble
= Telraedron tlecussalum (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, P 610 ..:Tetraedron. Still, they state that even the recording of such forms as new species of Tetraedron helps in their
=T. tleCU$Salum(ReillSGh) W. et G. S. West, 1901, P 125
'{ .temporary classification till they are assigned elsewhere. Regarding Chodat's (1920) reference of
T. dotlecaedricum (Reinsch) Hansgirg, 1889, P 18 Tetraedron enorme to Pseudostaurastrum, they state that this name can hardl1 be retained s.ince it was used
T. duospinum Ackley, 1929, P 304 <ea!lier (see Hansgirg, 1889; Wille, 1909; Brunnthaler,.1915) for a section of Tetraedron. Further, they
T.floridens W. et G. S. West'-seeJ. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 155 ~_ state that this requires reinvestigatiop.
T. grande Reif, 1939, P 615 f.~._ Fritsch (1935, 1'151) remarks that in most cases of Tetraedron, the chloroplast appears to be- a curvcd
T. granulosum PJayfair, 1918, P 534, p157, f 17-18
T. ho"idum W. et G. S. West, 1897 a, P 502, p17, f 4-5
t 'plate with or without pyrenoids, but there are also instances of records of numerous chloroplasts. He does
~I,notrule out the.possibility of their formation by multiplication preparatory to cell diviSion.
T. hortense Playfair, 1917, P 844, p158, f23
T. hungaricum Hortobagyi, 19"62, P 41, p153, f 663 ~_' - . b.llTldens.
I~ is.ofinterest-in this eonne.ction that Starr (1954) has. recorded zoospores in one species, viz.
T. i"egulare (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, P 611 .:-". From the foregoing it appears that, though .all described" species" may not really be Tetraedron
T. mainensis Wheldon, 1943 . .(as shown by lack of records of pyrenoids, starch and autospore formation in some species), the
T. marssonii Lemmermann-see J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 157 .~~ibility. of the existence of parallel species in several classes of algae cannot be ruled out and each des-
T. miniata? ..-see Hirano, 1954, P 163 : ,cnbed species may have to be'decided on its own merits. As far as the Indian species are concerned,
T. minutissimum Korshikov, 1953, P 241, f 184 :',the author prefers to retain them within Telraedrontill more details are known.
T. oblusum Playfair, 1918, I' 536, 1'157, f26
T. octopus Teiling, 1946
T. olivaceum Beck-Mannegetta, 1927, I' 15 XXI. Genus CLOSTERIDIUM Reinsch, 1888, p 510
I T. pachytlermum (Reinsch) Hansgirg, 1889, I' 18
I =,!. po.chydermum (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, I' 603
I T. pannomcum Hortobagyi, 1962, I' 43, p154, f 684-87 Cells free-BoC\tiilg, solitary or in loose aggregates, semicircular to crescent-
T.planctonicum G. M. Smith, 1916 b, P 479, pl26 f 19-20
T.platysthmum (Archer) G. S. West, 1908, P 286, 1'121, f36-39 tS)1apedor cylindrical and invDluted, with an unbranched spine from each end. Cell
T. polymo~phum lA;sken.) Hansgirg, 1888, P 131 ~all relatively thick. Chloroplast single and filling the cell, usually with a pyrenoid.
T.prolumldum (Rel~ch) Hansgirg, 1889, P 19
T. punclu!alWl! (Remsch) Hansgirg, 1889, P 18 Reproduction unknown.
T. quadr~pidatum (Remsch) Hansgirg, 1889, I' 18
T. quadrilob~ G. M. Smith,.1922, p 333, 1'18, f 14-18 Three spec~es are known from the Indian region.
=T. quadrilobum G. M. Smith in G. M. Smith, 1926, I' 172
*Tetraedron cuspidalum (Bailey) Wille in J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 153 (=Closterium cusPidalum
ey in Ralfs,
Toni. 1889. n1848,
614) p ;.
219,=Ophiocytium cuspidatllmu:..
~,..h,~1Iv ~ .f:";"",.1"f'I--.O._ C"6 1868,
'_'''_. I'n 68,=Reinschiella
_n..J"nnfo ?...n.'''.
cusR!data (Bail.)

I. Cells crescent-to sickle-shaped

Cells solitary or in twos, rarely in threes, ovoid with the outer side strongly
Cells in aggregates and with short spines; cells 5-6 Jlobroad, 16-30
Jlolong. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. bengalicum convex, and the inner side nearly straight or slightly concave. Poles of cells with a
2. Cells ovoid or semicircular ,; single short
6'5-7'5 inwardly
p, long curved spine. Cells 12-16 p, broad, 29-46 p, long. Spines
(Fig. 77).
(a) Cells solitary
Cells semicircular with inner side nearly straight or slightly curved; spines recurved and usually HABITAT. Pond, suburb of Rangoon-August (Skuja, l.c.).
unequal; cells 26-28.Jlo broad .C. siamensis DISTRIBUTION.
. Siam, Burma, and N. America.
(b) Cells solitary or in aggregates of two to three
Cells ovoid with inner side more strongly convex than the outer side; spines short and
curved C. obseum


I 75. Closteridium bengalicum Turner

W. B. Turner, 1892~p 158, pI 20, f25
I = Telraedron bengal;cum (Turner) Wille, 1909, p 60; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 153-54, f 182;
K. Biswas, 1936, p 125, pI 8, f 8 . 1",
I 77 b
i Cells in aggregates, crescent-shaped with rounded ends and with a short spine
I from each end. Cells 5-6 p, broad, 16-30 p, long. - Spines 5~6 p, 19n9 (Fig. 75)~
I HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, l.c.); Amongst a colony of rotifers (Biswas, l.c.).
DISTRmUTION. India (North East). _'-;
This alga, which has so far been known only from N.E. India, has been consi-
dered by Printz (1927, p :150) as a Selenaslrum. In fact, it is a doubtful species as some-
specimens of Selenastium bibraianum, which accidentally got partially dried up on a
slide had the protoplasm in their apices plasmo~yzed into a' central spine-like st!u<:ture
(Fig. 127 c, d), the cell wall in this region .being left hyaline. In this state, the alga",
under low magnifications presented the appearance of a Closteridiumbengalicum. It is'
quite possible' that Turner's alga based on Wallich's manuscript was observed in a
similar state and that the alga is really only a SrlenastrumbibraianumReinsch. 'led

76. Closteridium siaDiensis (W. et G. S. West) G. M. Smith

G. M...Slnith, 1933, p 510
=Reinschiella siamen.<isW. et G. S. West, 1901 a, p'I83, pI 4, f 52
= Telraedron siamensis (W. et G. S. West) Wille; 1909, p 60; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 154, f 185- .J'

Cells solitary, free-floating, semispherical wit~ the inner side more or less_
straight and the outer side convex. Each end with a slightly recurved spine, the two
spines being usually unequal, Cells 26-28 p, broad, 66-77 p, long with' the spinei
15-52 p, long (Fig. 76). '
HABITAT. Pond, Sambalpur, stray-December (!).
DISTRmuTION. Siam, India, Siberia, and N. Anieri'ca.

FIGs. 75-78. 75, Closleridium bengalicum TURNE1!.; 76, C. siamensis

77. Closteridium obesum (W. et G. S. West) G. M. Smith (W. ET G. S. WEST) G. M. SMITH; 77, C. obesum (W. ET G. S. WEST) G. M.
SMITH; 78, Polyedriopsis sPinulosa (SCHMIDLE)ScHMIDLE. . .
G. M. Smith, 1933, p 510
=Reinschiella obesa W. et G. S. West, 1901 a, p 184, pI 4, f 53-54 (75 a, FROM TURNER, 1892; 75 h, FROM BISWAS,1936 (AS Telraedron
= Telraedron obesum (W. et G. S. West) Wille, 1909, p 60; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 154, f 186; bengalicum (TURNER) WILLE; 76, X 725; 77 a-b, FROM SKUJA, 1949 (AS
H. Skuja, 1~49, p 65, plIO, f26-27; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 268, pI 60, f 19-20 Telraedron obesum (W. ET G. S. WEST) WILLE; 78 c-d, AFTER KORSHIKOV,
78 a-b, FROMPHILIPOSE 1940 (AS TetraedronspinulosumSCHMIDU; 76,X725).
Species of Closteridium Ilot recorded from the Indian region C. slauraslroides W. West in W. et G. S. West, in 1895 a, p 268
C. bulliJorme Bradley, 1946 = 1926
Telraedron slauraslroides (W. West) Wille, 1909, p. 60, non T. slauraslroides G. M. Smith,
C. crassisPinum Reinsch, 1888, p 510, pi 8, f2
=Reinschiella crassisPina (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, p 613
The varieties incrassalum Reinsch and inequale Reinsch of C. raphidioides are now known to be the spores
= Telraedron crassispinrun (Reinsch) Hansg., 1889, p 18 of an aquatic fungus found in the plankton (see G. M. Smith, 1933, p 514)
= T. crassisPinum (Reinsch) Wille in Brunnthaler, 1915, p 154 Mycolelraedron Hansgirg, 1890, monospecific :
C. curvalum(W. West) comb. novo ,-
M. ceUare Hansgirg, 1890
=ReinschieUa curvala W. West-see West and Fritsch, 1927, p 127 f 41 C
= Telraedron curvalum (W. West) Wille; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 154 The exact systematic position ofChionasler Wille (1903), which has been placed both by WiII~ (1909)
C.lunula Reinsch, 1888, p 510, pi 8, f I a-b and Printz (1927) under the Protothecaceae, is not understood.. Some ,authors e.g. (Kol, 1942) place
it under the fungi.. If it is considered as an alga, its logical position would be by the side of Ceraslerias.
=Reinschiella lunula (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, p 613
= Telraedron lunula (Reinsch) Hansgirg, 1889, p 18 Two
p 174of =Cerastnias
the genus known
niva/isare: C. bicornis
Bohlin, 1893, Kol (1942, p 29, pI 6, f 32-34) and C. nivalis (Bohlin) Wille
p 43).
= T. lunula (Reinsch) Wille in Wille, 1909, p 60
strands Thamniaslrum Reinsch a (1888,
of a Gomphosphania, p 513)
. of
genus has green'
the blue been shown
algae. (see Taft, 1945) to be the central gelatinous
Closlerium cuspidalum Bailey, in Ralfs, 1848, p 219, pi 35, f 11 (=Ophiocylium cusPidalum
Rabenh., 1868, p 68
=Reinschiella? cuspidalaJBailey) De Toni, 1889, p 614=Telraedron cusPidalum (Bail.) WiIle .Garrick, R. K. (Amer.J. Bol.S2 (1) : 1-8,1965)also includesit under fungi.
Brunnthaler, 1915, p 154) is actually a Spinocloslerium, viz. S. &urvalumBernard (1908, pp 30-31)
belonging to the Desmidiaceae.

XXII. Genus POLYEDRIOPSIS Schmidle, 1899, p 17

Cells solitary, free-floating, flattened, and tetragonal or,pyramidal-'with cruciate

sides. Angles truncate with 1-10 long, hyaline, somewhat tapering spines. Chloro-
plast single, parietal, and with a single pyrenoid.
Reproduction by the formation of 2-4-8 autospores or ~oospores.
Only one species known from the Indian region.

78. Polyedriopsis spinulosa (Schmidle) Schmidle '-

W. Schmid Ie, 1899, p 17; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 124, pi 27, f7-8; 1926, P 177; pi 9, f 14-15
= Telraedron sfJinulosum Schmidle, 1896, p 193, f2; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 154, f 188; M. T.
Philipose, 1940,p 160,p12, f43 l

Cells solitary, tetragonal to cruciate with 4-5 angles. Sides of cells usually;,
concave. Cells without spines 12-25 I-' in diameter. Spines 21-40 I-' long (Fig. 78).
r _ HABITAT. Planktonic, Museum Pond, Madr¥, stray-March (Philipose, I.e.);.
swamp, Kausalya Ganga (Puri), stray-April (!).
DISTRmUTION. Europe, N. America, .India, and Japan. The variety excavatutn
(Playfair) G. M. Smith (19"26) is k"oown from-AustralIa and N., America.
Korshikov (1953, p 134, f 73) has recorded zoospores in this species (Fig. 78 d).
The only other species of Polyedriospsis,viz. P. quadrispina G. M. Smith (1926,
pp 176-77) is known from N. America only. It is very much like Lagerheimia choi/ati
Bernard (1908), but differs in the cells being rectangular.

Other genera not recordedfrom the Indian region

Cerasterias Reinsch, 1867, p 68 with four species :.
C. irretularis G. M. Smith, 1926, p 176 pi 9, f2-8.
C. longisPina (Perty) Reinsch, 1888, p 512
=Phycaslrum longisPinwn Perty, 1852, p 210, pI 16, f 30
= Telraedron longispinum (Perty) Hansgirg, 1888, p 132
, =Cerastniaslongispina (Perty) W. et G. S. West, 1901, p 125
C. raphidioiJes Reinsch, 1867, p 68 p15, f I
= Telraedron raphidioiJes (Reinsch) Hansg., 1888, p 131
~ J

2. Living in association with a rod-shaped blue green alga.,.,.,.,. ,Glaucocystis ( p 187 )

c. Cells curved, oblong, ellipsoid or reniform and usually in small number within a mucilaginous
envelope.. .NePhrocytium( p 189 )

8. Family OOCYSTACEAE Bohlin, 1901, pp 17, 25
XXIII. Genus LACElUIEIMIA Chodat, 1895, p 87

Cells spherical, oblong, ellipsoid, naviculoid or reniform (with or without an Cells. solitary, free floating, spherical. tetrahedral, ellipsoidal or sub spherical
envelope) or in small colonies usually enclosed by a mucilaginous envelope formed with broadly rounded poles. Cell wall delicate but distinct and slightly gelatinized
from the membrane of the parent cell, rarely without such an envelope; very rarely on the surface. Cells with'subpolar or both subpolar and equatorial setae (bristles).
in attached dendroid colonies. Cell membrane smooth or provided with a varyU:!g Setae with a distinct tubercle, which is sometimes dark brown, at the base. Chromato-
number of tubercles or bristles or with a number of longitudinal wings, or ridges. phore single, parietal and with one pyrenoid, but in"older cells forming autospo'res,
Chloroplasts one to many and with or without pyrenoids. there may be 2~ chromatophores according to the number of arising autospores.
Reproduction usually by autospores, rarely by aplanospores or oogamous Reproduction by the formation of 2+8 autospores which are usually liberated
gametes. immediately or may remain within the old-mother cell wall for some time. Autospores
Ten genera belonging to the family are recorded from the Indian region. liberated by the gelatinization of the mother cell wall, their setae being usually
developed before liber~tion from the widened gelatinized parent membrane.
~. ~-
Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
I. Cell membrane with bristlesrusually solitary and free-living, sometimes in small colonies, rarely in
attached dendroid colonies; cells spherical to ellipsoid.. Subfam. Lagerhrimioitltu
79. Lagerheimia chodati Bernard
Chloroplast single and parietal and with or without a pyrenoid
Cells with setae which are-subpolar, or subpolar and equatorial, but not covering entire surface C. Bernard, 1908, PIT-l70-71, f 349-50; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 136, f 127; B. FOIt, 1948 a, p 5,
a. Solitary and free-living; chloroplast with a pyrenoid pi 2, f a-b -.
I. Setae with basal tUbercles .~agerheimia ( p 167 ) =Bernordia chodati(Bernard) Playfair, 1917, P 847, pi 59, f 3-4 ,

. ;. =Chodatella chodati (Bemard) Ley, 1948, P 36; G. M. Smith, 1950, p 262, f 177 A
2. Setae without basal tubercles .Chodatelfa (p 168 )
b. In attached dendroid colonies; individual cells with or without spines which are devoid of " Cells more or less spherical with four long setae arrangeq in the form of a cross.
chloroplastwithouta pyrenoid... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DendTO&.Jstis ( P 171) , , Cell membrane somewhat thick. Setae with a small basal tubercle and gradually
II. Cell membrane smooth or omamented with tubercles. ehloropla~t one, rarely more, and with or ' \ ,tapering towards the tip. Chloroplast single, parietal and with a pyrenoid. Cells
withoutpyrenoids;solitaryor in smallcolonies;cellssphericalto ellipsoid.. . .Subfam. ChIorelloideu .5-~0 p in diameter. Setae 13-22 plong (Fig. .79).
Cell membrane smooth
a. Cells usually spherical; chloroplast single and with a pyrenoid: .Chlorella ( P 172 ) ; HABITAT. Planktonic in ponds, Balasore, s~ray-December; Cuttack, abundant
---July, rare-August; Chaudwar (Cuttack), stray-January; Madras, stray-March;
b. Cells usually ellipsoi<!;chl.oroplast one or.more and usually without aPalmellococcus
pyrenoid.. .,( p 176
.... )
, 'swamp, Kausalya Ganga (Orissa) rare-April (also see Philipose, 1959, p 276-as
'. 'hodatella chodati){!). -- ' - _
III. Cell membrane smooth, sometimes with irregular thickenings; cells solitary,.large and free-living, ~, DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, W. Africa, India, Java, and Australia.
spherical O!,ellipsoidal to naviculoid and with numerous disc-shaped to angular chloroplasts, ~ach
with. one or more pyren~ids .' : .Subfam.Eremosphaeroltltu . Though Fott (l.c.) gave the maximum length of the seta as 20 p, in the Indian
Cells naviculoid or rarely sigmoid to crescent-shaped; with oogamous sexual Oocystaenium ( P 177 )
reproduction........ "iiIlaterial sometimes it was as long as 22 p.
, There is lot of confusion between Lagerheimia Chodat and Chodatella Lemmer-
IV. Cell membrane without bristles; usually in colonies of 2-4-8-16 cells, rarely solitary; cells spherical, r~nn (1898 a, p 309) as conceived by different authors. According to Lemmermann,
ellipsoid, sub-cylindrical to reniform; chloroplast when present one or more, parietal and laminate c.hodatelladiffers from Lagerheimia in the absence .of tubercles at the base of the setae
or disc-shaped, with or without pyrenoids. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .'.. . . . . . . . .Subfam. Oocys/Oitltu
r~d the development of setae by the autosporeS only after their liberation from the
a. Cells spherical to ellipsoid, usually in colonies of 2-4 with dark gelatinous bands separating the; ,~arent cell membrane. Wille (1909) did no(c~nsider these differences sufficiently
cells .Gloeotaenium ( P 178)
,Characteristic to recognize Chodatellaand he included Chodatellaas a section of Lagerheimia.
b. Cells ovoid, ellipsoid to cylindrical, usually in colonies of 4-8-16, rarely solitary; without dark .R!intz (1927), Smith (1933), and Korshikov (1953) followed Wille. Lemmermann
bands separating the cells
I. Not living in association with any blue green alga Oocystis ( p 179 ),.1.:< ,910, pp 307-08) still retained both genera and the same was adopted by Brunnthaler
, "1915), West and Fritsch (1927) and Fritsch (1935).
166 .J
I '
Ley (1948) considered Lagerheimiainvalid on the ground that the name had
been used earlier by Saccardo (1892) for a fungus, and he merged all known species
of Lagerheimia in Chodatella. Smith (1950) followed Ley. Bourrelly (1951), who
considered the difference between the two genera minimal, also followed Ley though ~
he believed that some of the species of Chodatellawill have to be transferred to such ~.,
genera as Golenkiniaand Franceia. However, as pointed out by Skuja (1956), Ley was
in error in considering Lagerheimia Chodat invalid' since Saccardo used the name
Lagerheimaand not Lagerheimia, Even if it is contended that the use of two phonetically
similar names for two different plants might lead to some confusion, there is a new
name Lagerheimiella suggested by Boedijn (1940) for Lagerheimia. Thus, the only
valid reason that can be advanced for not recognizing two independent genera is that
the differences between them are minimal.
Fott (1948 a), who conSolidated all the then_known information on Lagerheimia
and Chodatella, stated that the difference between Lagerheimiaand Chodatellawas small,
though sufficient, when a well developed material was observed; and that the young
autospores of Lagerheimia could be, mistaken with the various species of Chodatellal
However, this.fact " camwt threaten the validity and independence of both g~nera ".
For this reason, he recommended study of good material of the algae containing
all stages of their development and reproduction.
In the present account both Lagerheimia and Chodatellaare retained.,

Speciesof Lagerheimia not recordedfrom the 1ndian region

L. cyanaeSchiller, 1954,p 240 - ,
According to Lund (1960, p 92) it is identical:to
(1953), except for the delicately blue chromatophore
L. genevensis Chodat, 1895, p 90, f'I-12
Golenkiniopsis tongispina- (Konh.) Korsh,.
and the occasional four-celled
81 b
=Chodautla genevenis (Chod.) Ley, 1948, p 26
var. subgtobosa (Lemm.) Chodat, 1902, p 188 FIGs. 79-81. 79, Lagerheimia chodali BERNARD; 80, Chodatetla quadrisela LEMM.;
81, DendroCYSlisraoi IYENGAR; 81 a, I2ENDRom COLONY;8t b, FORMATIONOF AUTO- ..
=L. su5gtobosa Lemm., 1898a, p 309 SPORES,81 c, AN AUTOSPORE;81c (b, FAT BODY, n, NUCLEUs).
=Chodautla subgtobosa (Lemm.) Ley, 1948l p 36
=C. genevensis var. subgtobosa (Lemm.) Bourrelly, 1951, p 680 (81, FROM IYENGAR, 1962; 79-80, x 1500).
L. griffithsii Fott, 1948 a, p 9, p12, f e-f
=Lagerheimia sp. Griffiths, 1916, p 430, pi 34, f 11-12 _
=L. subsala Lemm.-G. M. Smith,.pp 1926, p 168, pili, f9, 12, 13 only
L. marssonii Lemm., 1900 c, p 274 - Chromat9phore single, parietal, and. with a pyrenoid. Older cells fomung
=Chodatetla marssonii (Lemm.) Ley, 1948, p 36 autospores may have 2-4-8 chromatoph,ores according to the number ., of arising
L. minor Fott, 1933, pp 580-83, f 4 .
L. oct{J£antha Lemmermann, .1900, p 28 _ _-
=Chodatetla octacantha (Lemm.) Ley, -1948, p 36.- Reproduction by the formation of 2-4-8 autospol'es which are liberated by the
L. ulradriensis Roll,-1927, p 230, pi 15, f 7
L. wratislaviensis Schroeder, 1897, P 373, pi 17, f 7 gelatinization
after liberation.or rupture of the mother cell ~an and which do not develop setae until
=Bernardia WTiUislaviensis (Schroeder)' Playfair, 1917, p 847, pi 59, f 3-4
=Chodatetla wralislaviensis (Schroeder) Ley, 1948, p 36 . Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
Lagerheimia urmaniensis Woloszynska (1911, pp 227-28, pi 3, f6) has been considered by Folt
(1948 a, p II) as a species of Polyetlf.iopsis,probably P. sPinulosa .
Chodatella quadriseta Lemmermann
XXIV. Genus CHODA~ Lemm. emend. Fott, 1948 a, p 11 ,.
p14, fb-c; G. 1898 a, p 310,
M. SmIth, plIO,
1950, f 10;
p 262, J.JIrunnthaler,
f 177 D 1915,p 139, f 141j B. FOil,1948a,
Cells solitary and free-floating, ovoid, ellipsoidal to subcylindrical or lemon- p=Lagerheimia
251, pi 46, quadrisela
f 11 (Lemm.) G. M. Smith, 1926, p 180, pi 12, f 5-9; G. W. Prescott, 1951,
Shaped. Cells with four to many setae which are only subpolar or subpolar and
, equatorial but not covering the whole surface of the cell. Setae fine or firm, usually
tapering towards the end and without any tubercle at their bases. Cells ovoid or ellipsoid or nearly spherical with two long setae a little below
;each end. The two setae usually in the same plane and straight but sometimes,Jb".e
, "
planes of each pair of setae are crossed and the setae may be slightly curved.
Chloroplast parietal. Cells 3' 5-8 P broad, 5' 5-12 P long. Setae 11-23 p long " lakes of Wisconsin and Michigan are cited as giving some support to this argument.
(Fig. 80). Identification of unicellular and coenobial stages from the same site followed by pure
HABITAT. Planktonic in a pond at Cuttack, rare-August (!). 't culture,
beyond doubt.
thus appears to be very essential to confirm the identification of such organisms
. ,~
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, Argentina, Africa, Siberia, India, and :..
Japan. .
Though most of the individuals in the Indian material (cells 5; 3-7 p broad, xxv. Genus DENDROCYSTIS Iyengar, 1962, p 4
8 '8-12 P long) came within the range of dimensions given by Fott, a.single cell which
Thallus microscopic, forming a dendroid colony of cells, colony attached to the
had four daughter cells (Fig. 80 a) was much larger, 9' 7 P broad and 21 p long. This
substra~UIIl by a prominent mucilaginous pad, secreted by the lowermost cell of the
appeared to be due to the expansion of the parent cell membrane during reproduction.
colony at its base. Cells ellipsoid, slightly broader at the upper end than at the
lower. Each cell having a single nucleus in the centre with two round fatty bodies,
Species of Chodatella not recordedfrom the Indian region
one on either end of the cell inside a special vacuole. Chromatophore diffuse and
C. balatonica Scherffel ex Kol, 1938, p 168, f 3 a-c more or less laminate, and without a pyrenoid, but with plenty of starch grains. Cell
C. cilliata (Lagerh.) Lemmennann, 1898 a, p 310
=Oot;)lstis ciliata Lagerheim, 1892, p 76, pi 3, f 33-37 wall generally furnished with straighf or curved hollow spines as in Lagerheimia, but
=Lagerheimia ciliata (Lagerh.) Chodat, 1895, p 86 without a basal granule; many of the cells of the colony, however, not developing any
C. cingula (G. M. Smith) Ley, 1948, p 37
= Lagerheimia cingula G. M. Smith, 1926, p 181, pi 12, f 25 - spines at alL Cells dividing into two through a longitudinal division of the proto-
C. citriformis Snow, 1903, p 389, pl2, f8 plast. Cell division sooner or later followed by a rupture of the parent wall at its
=Lagerheimiacitriformis (Snow) G. M. Smith, 1920, pp 130-31, pi 30, f 1-2 apex; the two daughter cells formed at each division both passing-to the mouth of the
C. granulosa Kol, 1959
C. longiseta Lemm., 1898, p 310, ~I 10, f 11-18 ruptured parent membrane and becoming attached to it near the opening by a basal
=Lagerheimia longiseta (Lemm.) Wille, 1909
C. octoseta Alten, 1910, pp 47-65 secretion of mucilage. A repetition of this process of cell division leading- to the
C. playfairii Folt, 1948a, p 23, pi 4, f g _
formation of a dendroid colony. _

=Lagerheimia ciliata (Lagerh.) Chodat 'var. subsala (Lemm.) Playfair forma mixta 2; var.
subsala (Lemm.) + L. ciliata (type)
tion not known.
Reproduction by the formation of two autospores in a cell. Sexual reproduc-
C. striolata (Phyfair) Folt, 1948 a, p 23, pi 4, f j "
=Lagerheimia ciliata (Lagerh.) Chodat var. striolata Playfair, 1912, p 525, pi 53, f 22-25 " At present, monospecific.
=L. coronata Playf. var. striolata Playfair, 1917, p 847
C. subsala Lemm., 1898 a, p 310
C. symmetrica Hortobagyi, 1955, p.418; 1959, P 295, pi 13, f264-71 81. Dendrocystis raoi Iyengar
C.longispina Walton (1930), Lagerheimia comosaPlayfair (1917), L. coronata Playfair (1917), L. acuminata M.O.p. Iyengar, 1962, p 4, Text-f 1-12
Playfair (1917), L. elliPtica Playfair (1918), and L. dofteinii Schroeder (1921) have alI been considered by"
Folt (1948 a) as varieties of one or the other of the species ofChodatella list,ed above. -
Folt (/.c.) also stated that Chodatella,amphitricha (Lagerh.) Lemm. (1898 a), C. armata Lemm. (1898 a),
C. breviseta W. et G. S. West (1902 a), C. brevisPina Fritsch (1912), C. javanica Bemard (1908)... and
Colonies up to about 180 p long ~nd 150 p broad. Cells 10-16 p broad and
C. droescheri Lemm., (1900 b) should all-be excluded from the genus (al:o see Bourrelly, 1951). _ 24-36 p long. Cell wall thin, firm and generally furnished with 3-6 elongate, straight
or curved spines. Spines hollow and without' a basar granule. Spines 16-22 p
According to Traino; and Hilton (1963, 1963 a), there is some doubt concerning' long and about I' 5 P broad at the ~ase. Quite a number of cells in the colony
.the validity of Chodatellasubsala Lemm. because of the fonowing reasons. Scenedesml!' without any spin~s at all (Fig. ,81). ,
longus grown by these authors in unialgal, bacteria-free culture, in liquid media or: . HABITAT. Growing gregar!ously-on stones inside the water in a hilI stream at
inorganic composition, invariably showed only unicells bearing three or four spines Yercaud, South India, at an' elevation -of about 1,334 metres.
' DISTRIBUTION. India (Madras). '
from each pole, thus showing a close resemblance to C. subsala, but by changing the
medium to firm (2' 5 per cent) agar or by the use of a thermal shock to the liquid
medium the percentage of coenobes of the Scenedesmus type'increased markedly almo~ , Oe':" g~nerawhich may be includedin the Lagerheimioideae, but not recordedfrom
to the exclusion of unicells. In- soH-water media the unicellular form was oftep. found \ '.theIndian region .
suspended in the culture liquid while some coenobia were noted in the bottom of the .Bohlinia Lemm., 1899, emend. G. M. Smith, 1933 p 505 monospecific :
culture tube. Thus, apparently soil-water media are the nearest to conditions eXisting, B. echidna (Bohlin) Lemmennann, 1899
=Oot;)lstis echidna Bohlin, 1897, p 517, f7
in the field. According to the authors, there is a possibility of C. .subsalareported from =Lagerheimia echidna (Bohlin) Wille, 1909, p 59
, the plankton of lakes having a coenobial Scenedesmuscounterpart in the lake bottom. =Franceia echidna (Bohlin) Korshikov, 1953, p 249
Reports by Prescott (1951) of the occurrence of both S. longus and C. subsala in the., ,..{ill/cera.
1'101 !hough Smith (/.c.) was in favour of retaining the genus, Korshikov (1953) treated it as a species of
, . for Bohlinia. Bourrelly (195~:,-), I. Free living
, ' 11 (1948) appears to be only a new nam~ et de creer pour une algue VOlSlne Cells spherical, chloroplast cup-shaped
pseudobohllma B~trrBohlinia permet de remaner ce genre a FranCtla a. Cells usually solitary, about 5-10 IAin diameter and with thin smooth membrane'........
stated: .. L" examdb hl~ 'a (Ch10rococca1es). .. C. vulgaris ( p 173 )
Ie novo gen, : pseu 0 0 In'. _
d ll.h' Korshikov 1953, p 253, monospeclfic : " b. In 4-16 celled colonies, rarely solitary; cells with fairly thick membrane.. ..............
;, "
, C. el t
Cho ale o[;s~ea Korsh., i953, p~53, f 202
rshikov monospeclfic: 217

. II.
", , .'
Llvmg wlthm the cells or tissues of mvertebrates.
C. eonglomerata ( p 173 )

' e Ien?
DlCaI'jf°t °phorus Korsh.-see Korshikov, 1953,.pl 263, f:
DIceIIuIa S WIrenk o , 1926, P 85, with
k .
three spec
1953 P 4 O6
es : . , . .
a. Cells spherical
to ovoid, 3-6 IAin diameter and living inside coelentrates, ciliates, etc....
C. eonduetrix( p 174 )
eminata (Printz) Korshl ov, , f 116 18 .- - , '
D. !Franeeia geminata Printz, 1914, p 61, p14, - "b." Cells ?,:,oid, usually 1.5-3 lA, sometimes more, in diam. and living ~s!.je sponges,
D. inermisFott, 1941, P 66, f 1-4 397 £401 Ophynd,um,etc , .C; parasl/lCa ( p 175 )
=Didymocystis tubereulata Korsh., 1953, p ,
D. planeton!easWirTkoc/~6s~~~ 1926, p 182, pl12 f27-30 . ; f 82. Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck
=FranCtI,a tubercu Ii I . nder :he Micractiniacea~
Korshikov mclude d D ICeu au. h b t .ght species: .. . . _ .
F . L metmann 1898a, p 307,wit a ~O el M. W. BelJermck,1890,p 758; K. Blswas,1930,p 536, pi 4, f6 a-b; 1936,p 121;A. K. Mitra,
. arm
rane;a e~a a (Lemm) Korshikov,1953,p 23 1947,P 2, f 13; G. f280
W. Prescott, 1951,p 237, pi 53, 'f 13; L. H. Tiffany
=G0lenklnl'a a";'ala Lemm., 1898,nn P189 198
1952, P 114, pi 29, . andM. E. Britton,
=Choda~lla armata~Mesmrth '1933,p 505,f 344C-D _
F. ~C~c~r:H;;er;:r;:;1heri L;m:., '1900b, P 98 -. Alga tree living. Cells usually solitary or in small colonies, spherical and wi~,
F. dong:t:Korshikov,1953,b;5~,
"a ' a (
f1~1, p 28, p143, f 527-29.' . a thin cell membrane. Chloroplast parietal, cup-shaped and with a pyrenoid which is:'
. F. ja lllC
1IBe~~~ e)~~~~~rd,SY908,p 172 . - _ ' sometimes indistinct. Cells usually 5-10 fl in diameter (Fig. 82).
- 0 ate aJav-.. ~
Ch d 157 f 10 ' , '-
, F.;blonga P1ay£air,1918,p fiiti
F. ovalis(~rancel)'}F~~n~~'1894, 2, f 1-5
p 308. _ _ .>,.~;- . HABITAT.In tap water or in cultures of saline from Bengal (Biswas, 1930) ;.in
. =Phy he/10Sova .' -p ':-..... .~ I: .freshwater forming the favourite food of several animalcules (Biswas, 1936); iu cultu-
=Golenkiniafranee: 1Chodat 252 £ 200'1., res of paddy field sods from U.P. (R. N. Smgh, 1939; Mltra, 1951); m the suburbs
F. tenuis Pina K or~h '

, h
Fpolyeaeta Cl (S h rsc h
. )9~~r;hiko~, 1953,p 251, f 199 - . -
of Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); in soils from Delhi (Dutta- and Venkataraman, 1958';
=Ooeystis polyehaeta Schirsch . ta W. et
h ) LeJI1m.,1898a, C. brllJlSe
~"; ., ,in
. the plankton of a pond. at Kausalya G'anga, Puri, (Orissa), abundant-September;_

. . . ~. '

11 (1951) Chodatella amphllneha (~ge..r

d C J'avanlCaBerna rd 1908'. could alsobe
" referred to , .
m a pond mfested WIth WolfJiaat
. . Satya b hamapur, Cuttack, rare- :June ( ..)
A d'ng to Bourre Y .' 912 H t bi""" ( 1962)
~ S Wc~~ \902 a, C. brevisPinaFrttsch, 1 , d'nFott). -Following' this suggestion or 0 rw. .' DISTRIBUTION. UblqUltoUS. .
~~nc~ia (se;also under qhodateFlla, L~m(::; :~~):
~ d C javanlCato ranetl fic . . . . ., Most authors give the dimensions of this species as 5-10 fl.
.- In the field material
.. .
has trans rlwiocYstisBohlin,189!a, P 15,mOfSSPfci f i4-20 ~.'observedby BlSWas(1930, 1936) the cells were normally.4-12 fl. m dlameter,.but m
I P. endophytie~~oh~doP~:'?~(lhli~r wille, .19<>?,
P 59 : -.'1 cultures of saline they were sometimes as small as 2-6 fl. Mitra (1947) gives the
SideroC1;;i;;t~~~:, 1953, p 25403monospeclfic " " '.dimensions of the alga as 2-6 fl, sometimes up to 10 fl. According to-him, the material
S.fuseaKors~.,1953,p 254,f2 . _ - _' "'with usually small dimensions of tells and with constant presence of a pyrenoid hi'ving
I!a distinct sheath combines the characteristKs'oW: pyrenoidosaand of Chodat's (1913)
,,~strain of C. vulgaris. In the author's material the cells measured 4-7 fl jn diameter.
Beijerinck ,(l.c.) includes -under this species only--the free living form. Two
similar forms, -one living inside Hydra, Slentor or Paramoecium, and the other 1n
XXVI.. -Genus- C~O~LLA-Beijerinck, 1890, p 758 i- "
Jreshwatw sponges (Spongilla) and Ophyridium,and originally described by Brandt (188~)
;i'as /(,oochlorellaconductrixand Z: parasitica, respectively, are treated by Beijerinck as the
Cells small, spherical to broadly ellipsoid, solitary or aggregated in small.. ';,~espectivespecies of Chlorella. Some authorities (see Brunnthaler, 1915) even go to
.:!he extent of treating these two species occurring inside animals as identical with
colonies of irregular shape.' Free living or symbiotic. Chloroplast usually single~
'C. vulgaris. However, Fritsch (1935) believed that organisms inhabiting different
parietal, cup-shaped or laminate, rarely reticulate and usually with a pyrenoid. ;,hostsare probably different elementary'species of Chlorella. So, in the present account,
pyrenoid not' always clear. ' ~C:hlorella
occurring on animal hosts are excluded from C. vulgaris.
Reproduction by the formation of 2-4-8-16 autospores.
Species of Chlorell{lare found in freshwater, sea, subaerial habitats and in,
Chlorella conglomerata (Artari) Oltmanns
syIJlbiotic relationships.
Four species have been reported from the Indian region. F.Oltmanns, 1904,p 183;J.Brunnthaler, 1!J'15,p 112, £73
Pleurococcuscon,lomeratusArtari, 1892, p 28..p1 7. f 12-20
'FoU" .." (1959)
_"".d F,.".;'_, E U."...,...,..10
,. . F...~ (F=<,)"';;;;;;f
Cells globose or broadly ovoid, usually compactly arranged within the animal
host. Chloroplast usually one (rarely two), parietal and with a pyrenoid. Cells 3-6 p
in diameter (Fig. 84).
HABITAT. Inside the polyps of Myrionema amboinensis found in the sea coast
near Galle, Ceylon (Svedelius, l.c.).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America and Ceylon.
The alga occurs also in Hydra, Stentor and Paramoecium, the infected animals
becoming green.

85. Cblorella parasitica (Brandt) Beijerinck

M. W. Beijerinck, 1890, p 758; L. H. Tiffany, and M.E. Briton, 1952, p 114, pi 29, f281
d _ =ZoochlorellaparasiticaBrandt, 1882, p 140; G. W. Prescott, 1952, p 235, pI53,f9; as Chlorella
vulgarisBeijermck-seeG. S. Venkataraman, 1957,p 909 .

Cells ovoid with usually a single (rarely two) chloroplast which is in the form of
82 a
~ .,,;,'(,,~.,..
.-.:..;: .."":..'
a perietal plate. Cells l' 5-8'1 P in diameter (Fig. 85).
HABITAT. In the freshwater sponge in ponds, Banaras (Venkataraman, l.c.).
86 a

~his alga is kno~n to occur -also in Ophyrid~um. Both Prescott, and Tiffany
. and Britton (1952) gave the d~ensions of cells as 1'5-3 p. The Ip.dian alga, with
82 b 83 a' .ceqs 3'6-8'1 p in diameter, is larger. -
,. ~ . d. ' -
~ ~ Species of ChIorella not recordedfrom-the Indian region
@@ ~,..
86b' C. acuminata Gerneck, 1907
@ @ 85 AA C. DSymmelrica Mainz, 1928, p 93
C..aureoviridis Meyer, 1932, p 510 _
C. bacteroidea Hortobagyi, 1941a, pp 474:-76, f 3
. ~
.C. botT)'oidesPetersen,. 1932, p 36, f 18
@O'< @) .,' tC. brasilieT!Sisde Almeida et da Silva, 1946, p 295
. ~ i(::I ~
C. cladoniae Chodat, 1913, pp 108-11, f 103-06
(@ ~
.Ji!) @) 0
LTh\W C. coelostroides Chodat, 1909, p 103, pi 14, fD-E


~... Q

~3~U~ - -
Artari, 1906,p 179
.C. ellipsoidea Gerneck, 1907, p 250, pill,
C.faginea (Gemeck) Wille, 1909, p 56

C. genevensis Chodat, 1909, p 103, pi 14, f A-B

f 45-51

C. homosphaera Skuja, 1948, p 130, pi IS, f 13 a-k

FIGs. 82-87. 82, Chlorella vulgaris BEljE~GK; 83, C. conglomerata (ARTARI) !: C. koelllitzi (Fritsch) Wille, 1924
OLTMANNS;84, C. conductrix '(BRANDT) BEljERINCK; 85, C. parositica {BRANDT1BElj~; 86, C.lacustris Chodat, 1909, p 103, pi 15,fK
PalmeJlococcus saccharoPhilus (KRUEGER) CHODAT; 87, Oocystaenium elegans GONZ. ET MEHRA. C.lichina Chodat, 1913,pp 92-94, f81-84
C. luteo-viridis Chodat, 1913, pp 107-08, f 101-02
(82- a-c, FROM' GRINTZESCO; 82 d, FROM BISWAS, 1930; 83 FROM ARTARI; 84-85, C. marina Butcher, 1952
FROMTIFFANY & BRIT!.0N, 1952; 86, FROM MIGULA; 87 a-b, AFTER GONZALVES& MEHRA C. m'ucosa Korshikov, 1953, p 237, f 178-
1959; 87 c-e, FROM GONZALVES & MEHRA, 1959). - C. neustoniea Bourrelly, 1958, p 117, f 10
C.nordstedtii Printz, 1938, p 82, f I
C. ovalis Butcher, 1952
Colonies usually 4-16 celled, rarely solitary; 'cells spherical with 'a fairly thick C. pachyderma Printz, 1915 a, p 23, p12, f 124-33
C. paramecii Loefer
membrane. Chloroplast hollow-spherical with a pyrenoid (Fig. 83). C. pyrenoUlosa Chick, 1903, p 458
HABITAT. As pale green patches on a flowe~ pot in a laboratory, Rangoon, C. regularis (Artari) Oltmanns, 1904, p 183
in March (Skuja, 1949).
DISTRIBUTION.Switzerland, Siberia and Burma.
- =Pleurococcus regularis Artari, 1892, p 29, pi 7, f21-29
C. rubescens Chodat, 1909, p 103, pi 15, f G-H
C. rugosa Petersen, 1928, pp 431-32, f 35-36
C. salina Butcher, 1952
.C. simplex (Artari) Migula, 1907
84. CbIoreUa c:onductrlx .(Brandt) Beijerinck .,l · See Addendum
M. W. Beijerinck, 1890, p 758; L. H. Tiffany and M. E. Britton, 1952, P 114, p129, f 282 . . t Isolated by the authors from the lesions of patients with mycoses. Though not considered a
=Zoochlorella conductrixBrandt, 1882; p 14(); N. Svedelius, 1907, p 32; G. W. Prescott, 1951, !X'ntaminant, they wondered whether the antibiotic substance "chlore1lin" present in the alga might
p 235, pi 53, f "10 . !lot reduce the pathogenicity of the fungus (see Schwimmer and Schwimmer, 1955).
=Pleuroeoeeus simplex Artari, 1892, p 243
P. symbioticus Chodat, 1913, p 112, f 107-08.
C. sparkii Alvik, 1934 '...,','
P. thermalis G. S. West, 1904 a, p 287
C. stigmatophora Butcher, 1952
C. terrieola Hollerbach P. variegatus (Beij.) Chodat, 1909, p 103, pi 15, f M
C. tetraedriea Wille, 1924 =Chlorella variegata Beijerinck, 1890
C. viseosa Chodat, 1913, pp 105-07, f97-100
C. werthii Wille, 1924
C. xanthella Beijerinck, 1890 regionOthergenerawhich-ma)' be included in the Chlorelloideae, not recordedfrom the Indian
C. zopfingiensis Donz, 1934, p 131 ,-

Eomyees Ludwig, 1894, p 905, monospecific :

XXVII. Genus PALMELLOCOCCUS Chodat, 1894 b, p 601 E. erieanus Ludwig 1894, p 905
](lagia Vischer, 1955, p 517
-- =Chlorellopsis Zeitler non Reis, monospecific :
Cells spherical to ellipsoid, solitary or in an expanded stratum. Mature cells J. aquatica Vischer, 1955, p 517
with one to several discoid or plate-like chloroplasts which are generally devoid of a KerioehlatTI!JIs
Pascher, 1943, p 194, monospecific :
K. s{yriaca Pascher, 1943, p 194, pI 1-3
pyrenoid. Structure of chloroplast often masked by the accumulation of a reddish oil Mieracantha Korshikov, 1953, p 256, monospecific :
within the chloroplast. M. minutissima Korsh., 1953, p 256, f 204 -
Reproduction by the formation of 2-4-8-16-32 autospores which are liberated Muriella Petersen emend. Vischer, 1936, p 406, with five species:
M. aurantim;a Vischer, 1936, p 406, pi 17, f 1-3
by the rupture of the,mother cell wall. Sometimes, the entire cell contents converted M. australis Phillipson, 1935, p 276, f 20 ,

M. deeolor Vischer, 1936, p 407, pi 17, f 4-5

into an aplanospore. M. magna Fritsch etJohn, 1942, p 378, f 3 A-D
G. M. Smith (1933) stated that it is the usually ellipsoidal cells and the shape M. terrestris Petersen, 1932 a, p 403, f 9
MyeacanthoeoecusHansgirg, 1890'a, with three species :
and number of chloroplasts-which are more significant in distinguishing Palmelloeoecus M. antareticusWille, 1911 '
M. eellaris Hansgirg, 1890 a
from Chlorella than the presence or absence of pyrenoid. According to him, PalTTt§llo- M. ovalis Gain, 1912
coccus may have a pyrenoid occasionally. Wille (1909), Brunnthaler (1915), and", Myur~r;'rcus Hansgirg, 1890 a, monospecific
M. uroeoeeusHans.girg, 1890 a
Printz (1927) treated PalmelloeoccusChodat as a . section of Chlorella along with
Prototheea Krueger, 1892, with four species:
Euehlorella Wille, ChloroideumNadson (1906) and AerosphaeraGerneck (1907f P. chlorelloides Beijerinck
Only one species is recorded ftom th~ Indian region~ - P. moriformis Krueger, 1892, p 78, pi 4
P. portoricensis.Ashford, Citerri et Dalman, 1930, p 636*
P. zopfii Krueger, 1892, p 78, pl4
86. PahneUococcus saccharophilus (Krueger) Chodat Ii6 Sestosoma Hortobagyi, 1947 a" monospecific :
S. villosum Hortob., 1947 a, p 45, f 1-12
R. Chodat, 1909,p 103 III Sideroeelis (Naumann) FOIt, 1934, with ten species
. Chlorotheciumsaccharophilum Krueger, 1894, p 94- S. balatonicus Hortobagyi, 1948, p 27, f 6
',~ S. elegans FOIt, 1953, P 144, f 5 c
=Chlorella saceharoPhila (Krueg.) Wille, 1909, p 56
=C. saceharophila (Krueg.) Nadson, 1906;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, P 113, f 77; H. Skuja, 1949, S. estheriana Hortobagyi, 1948, p 26, f 1-5
p62 S. hexacosta Thompson, 1952, p 365, f 3-5
S. kolkowitzii (Naumann) Folt, 1934
=Chlorella kolkowitzii Naumann, 1919
Cells e1lipsoid, ovoid or rarely spherical, bean-shaped Qr pear-shaped.. Cem S. mintJt (Naumann) Fott, 1934
~Chlorella minor Naumann, 1919
membrane thin, colourless and slimy. Chromatophore in the form of a flat plate and S. minutissima (Korsh.) Bourrelly, 1961, p 318
devoid of a pyrenoid (Fig. 86). _' -- '" =Amphikrikos minutissima Korshikov, 1953, p 244, f 189
S. nana Folt et Heynig, 1961, p 351, pi 1-2, 3 b
HABITAT; As pale green patches on flower pot in a laboratory" Rangoon, during- S.. oblonga (Naumann) Fott.1934, p 117.
March, along with Chlorella eonglomerata(Skuja, l.e.). =Chlorella oblonga Naumann, 1919
S. ornata (Folt) Fott, 1934, pp 114-16, f 1-2
DISTRIBUTION.Europe and Burma. =Oocystis ornata Fott, 1933
This alga is normally found in excretions of trees (Brunn thaler, op.e.). ThelesPhaera Pascher, 1943, monospecific :
T. alPina Pascher, 1943, p 194, pi 4-7

Species of Pal~ellococcus not recordedfrom the Indian reg;on

P. marinus ColJins, 1907, P 197
P. miniatus (Kuetz.) Chodat, 1894 b, p 599
=Protocoecus miniatus Kuetzing, 1845, p 203 XXVIII. penus .OOCYSTAENIUM Gonz~lves et Mehra, 1959, p 206
=Pleuroeoeeus miniatus (Kuetz.) Naegeli, 1849, p 65
=Chlorella miniata (Kuetz.) Wille, 1909, p 56
=C. miniata (Naegeli) Oltmanns-seeJ. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 113 Cells solitary, naviculoid, rarely sigmoid or crescent-shaped, sometimes with an
P. prototheeoides (Krueger) Chodat, 1909, p 103, pi 15, f I, J, N
=Chlorella prototheeoides Krueger, 1894 ~nspicuous ,thickening at the poles; male cells more slender than that of female;
::oroplasts numerous, each with an embedded pyrenoid. Vegetative multiplication by
'~ *Isolated from the stools oftropicaJ sprue patients in San Dominll'o.

r 179
2-4- autospores from a cell. Sexual reproduction oogamous. Antherozoids ovoid;
oospheres globose, rarely ovoid; zygotes globose or ovoid with median layer of wall
I verrucose.
87. OocystaeniulD elegans Gonzalves et Mehra
E. A. Gonzalvesand K. R. Mehra, 1959,pp 201-06,f 1-20
a b
Cells usually naviculoid, rarely sigmoid or crescent-shaped, sometimes with an 88
inconspicuous thickening at the poles. Chloroplasts numerous (over 200) and frequently
arranged in a reticulate manner. Each chloroplast lanceolate to irregular with a
central pyrenoid. Cell uninucleate. Male cells 37-4-5 It broad, 150-198 It long.,
Female cells 55-64- ,a-broad, 160-216 ,a long (Fig. 87).
HABITAT. In accumulation of rain water in a field in Goregaon ~ear Bombay
(Gonzalves and Mehra, I.e.).
DISTRIBUTION.India (Bombay). .
This alga, placed by the authors near Oocystis,-shows a fair degree of resemblance c
to EremosPhaerain the cells being solitary and having numerous chloroplasts (each
with a pyrenoid) which show a tendency for reticulate arrangement. So, it is included Fro. 88. -G/oeolaenium/oil/esbergerionum
here under the subfamily Eremosphaeroideae within the family Oocystaceae. b-d, 1892).FROMGONZALVES
HANSO.(a, & JOSHI, 1946;
Generaof subfamily. Eremosphaeroideae ,not recordedfrom the Indian region
Colony broadly ellipsoid in front view and oblong in side view. Cells spherical
Eremosphaera De :!Jary, 1858, p 56, 'wit~ two species : - tel ovoid and completely filling the space inside the mother cell wall. Gelatinous
E. oocysloides Prescott in Prescott, Silva and Wade, 1945, pp 85, 93, pi I, f 20-21
E. viridis De Bary, 1858, p 56, pi 8, f26-27 ;",bands broad. Chloroplast usually with a .distinct 'pyrenoid. Colonies (2-4 celled) *
Both these spedes occur in acidic waters '20-80 It in diameter and 20-30 It thick. CelIs 12-30 It in diameter (Fig. 88).'
Excenlrosphaero G. T. Moore, 1901, p 320, monospccific :
E. viridisMoore, 1901,p 320 . "HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, I.e.); pond, Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi,
This alga has an irregularly thickened cell wall I.e.); pond, Mandalay-November and trench, Rangoon (Skuja, 194-9).
DISTRIBUTION. . Europe, N. America, W. Indies, India, Burma, China, and
.~ recorded
The onl~ from
other Austria.
species known is G. minus Pascher (1915, p 215, f 18-20), It has
XXIX. Genus GLOEOTAENIUM Hansgirg, 1890, p 10

Cells spherical to ellipsoid, llsually in flat or pyramidal cplonies of 4-, rarely 2 'or
8, cells lying within' the clos(} fitting mother cell wall. Cells in a colony separated
xxx. Genus OOCYSTIS Naegeli in A~ Braun, 1855, p 94-
from each other within the mother cell wall by dark gelatinous bands which are cI'QSS"
wise in 4-celled colonies and transverse in 2-celled colonies. Cell wall thick and
,.," Cells usually free-floating, solitary or enclosed within the expanded mother cell
lamellated. Old cell wall enclosing the colony very- often with folds and dark
~embrane to form te~porary colonies. Cells spherical, ovoid, ellipsoid, fusiform or
gelatinous discs opposite the cells. Chloroplast pari<;tal, .filling the cell and with or
Cylindricalwith rounded or pointed ends. Cell wall smooth or with conspicuous nodular
without a pyrenoid.
Reproduction by the formation of 2-4-8 autospores or akinetes. 'ckenings at the poles, rarely granular. Chloroplasts one or more, parietal, disc-
..,.ped,.laminate, irregularly stellate or reticulate, and with or without pyrenoids.
Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
~n Reproduction
the mother cellby wall
the for
formation of 2-4--8-16 autospores which. are retained
some time.
88. GloeotaeniUDl loitlesbergerianUDl Hansgirg Twelve species are recorded from the Indian region.
, A. Hansgirg, 1890,p 10; W. B. Turner, 1892,p 157, pI21,fl2; A. Pascher, 1915,p215,f 15-11; ,~: ";
E. A. Gonzalves and D. B. Joshi, 1946, p 174,pi I , f 8
.~~. Gupta their
and Nair
(Bal. Go.(;.,
in the124;
144-46,of the
have reported filamentous colonies in this alga
1. Cells with polar nodules in which sexual reproduction is known is Oocystaenitlm (Eremosphaeroideae) and
i. Polar nodules distinct
a. Cells solitary or in colonies and with numerous (12-25) disc-shaped chloroplasts............
the sexual fusion in this genus takes place between motile antherozoids formed in
O. solitaria(p 180) female cells.
large numbers within male cells and non-ciliated oospheres formed singly within
b. Usually in colonies and with 1-3 laminate chloroplasts... . . .'. . . . . .. .O.lacus/rit(p 181)
ii. Polar nodulesinconspicuous, . 90. Oocystis Iacustris Chodat
Cells with 4-10 disc-shaped angular chloroplasts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O. crassa (p 181)
II. Cells without polar nodules
i. Cells solitary and forming two kinds of autospores
Chloroplasts up to about 15 and disc-shared. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . O. kumaonensis(p 181) R. Chodat, 1897 a, p 119; 1897 b, p 296, plIO, f 1-7, 13; H. Printz, 1913, p 180, pH, f22-23;
1>,69, pi 3, f 30
J. Brunntharer, 1915, p 125, f96; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 112, pi 22, f 8-9; K. Biswas, 1949, Pt I,
Ii. Colonial and forming only one kind of autospore. Chloroplasts 1-4, parietal and laminate or'
more in number and disc-shaped
A. Cells broadly ellipsoid to round, about 11-li times longer than broad " Cells ellipsoid with somewhat pointed ends, about I! times longer than broad
a. Outer envelope more or less round and narrow
~Cells 9-14 pobroad, 9-19 polong. Chloroplasts1-4 . . . . . . . . . . O. borgei (p (83)
and usually in 4-8 celled colonies with polar nodules. Chr:omatophores 1-3,
parietal and laminate without pyrenoids. Margins of chromatophores entire or'
+ +Cells usually 29-40 pobroad and 40-51 . 8 po long .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. O. gigas (p (83)
b. Outer envelope irregular with cells somewhat crowded towards one end irr~gularIy lobed. Cells 8-22 p, broad and 13-32 p, long. Four-celled colonies 26 p,
Cells irregularly ellipsoid to round, 16-20 po broad, 24-30 polong; chloroplast single.... broad, 32-37 p, long. Eight-celled colonies 26-43 p broad and 30-75 p, long (Fig. 90).
O. imgularis (p (84)
B. Cells oblong or oblong-ellipsoid and about 2-3 times as long as broad , ' HABITAT.Ponds, Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); Dibrugarh (Assam),

a. Envelope of colony lemon-shaped .. :".....O.macrospora (p (84), t'straY-May; Cuttack, rare-July and August; Azhicode (Kerala), rare-February;
b. Envelope of colony not lemon-shaped ' '"
+Cells with one or more parietallalI!-inate chloroplasts ' ".' , :fishery bundh, Chandrakona - Road, Midnapore (W. Bengal), rare-December;
Cells 3-7 .5. pobroad, 6-12 polong chl01'.Opiasts2-3.. .. .. . . . ... O. pusilla (p 184) ,swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri (Orissa) stray-April 0).
Cells 9-26 pobroad, 16-40 polong; chloroplast single. .0. naegelii(p 185) " DISTRIBUTION.Europe, 'N. America, Africa, India, Japan, and New Zealand.
+ +Cells with a number of disc-shaped chloroplasts ~~
J~ ~ This alga Occurs bot:}:lin fresh and slightly saltish water (.printz, I.e.).
Cells 7-9'1 pobroad, 18-24 polong;5hloroplasts--2-8.. O. ecballocys/iformis(p 186)
Cells'II-12'5 pobroad, 22-25 polong; chloroplasts 10-20. . . .. . .. O. ellip/ica(p 1a6~' 91. Oocystis Cra~sa Wittrock _

89. Oocystis solitaria Wittrock J.ex Brunnthaler,1915,

V.B. Wittrock and-G.F.o. Nordstedt,
p 125, f99; 1880, p1920,
G. M. Smith, 117; pH.113,
pi 22,1913,pp
f 12-13 175-76, pH, r 12-14;

ex V.B. Wittrock et C.F.O. Nordstedt, 1879, p 24, r 1-5; H. Printz, 1913, p 183 pl5, f 36-39;' ~ '. Cells solitary or in colonies of 2-4, ellipsoid, nearly twice as long as broad and
J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 124. r 94; G. M. Smith, 1920,p 113, pi 22, f II; G. W. Prescott, 1951..
p 247, pi 54, f 10 . :!with mammillary th}ckenings at the poles. Chromatophores parietal, fairly large
~~d 4-10 in each cell, each with a pyrenoid. Cells 10-20 p, broad and 12-26 p, long
Cells 'solitary or in colonies of 2, 4 or .8 cells enclosed w~thin -th~ old mother ceil
wall; ovoid to ellipsoid, thick walled and - with markedly thick polar nodules. ~ ,- 'HABITAT. In shal!ow pools overgrown with weeds in Mansang, Upper Burm.a-
Chloroplasts num<:rous, p~rietil and discoid. Cells 3-20 p, br?ad, 7-39 p, long; \January
'Cuttack, (W. and G. S.-West,
stray-August (!).,' 1907); rock pool and tanks, Ceylon _.(Crow, 1923); pond,
(Fig. 89). -
HABITAT. In shallow pools overgrown with weeds in.,Mansang, Upper Burma
(W. and G. S. West, 1907); embedded in the mucus of Gloeocapsamonlana on ,dripping
r~fSiberia,and Australia. Europe,
'DISTRIBUTION. N. America, Madagascar, India, Burma, Ceylon,

rocks in Assam at an altitude of 200 metres-October (Biswas, 1934); pond, Bombay'

Oocystis kumaonensis K. P. Singh
(Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); ponds, Cuttack, rare-August; Ochira (Kerala);
stray-February (!). . K. P. Singh, 1960,pp 29-30, f 1-4
DISTRIBUTION.Widespread. ..
This species also occurs in brackish water (Moebius, 1889). ,. Cells solitary, broadly ellipsoidal with rounded poles. Cell wall. thin and
Heynig (1962, P 488) reported conj1,lgation between two adult cells of this species ,ooth" in young cells, appreciably thickened in older resting cells. Chloroplasts up :~\.I
by the disappearance of the cell wall 'at the point of fusion and migration of'nucl~ .,~f..~....
:~ about 15 in number, parietal and discoidal and with a pyrenoid. Reproduction by
towards the copulatory opening. However, he has not been able to follow the place of rour cruciately arranged autospores, two big (macro-autospores) and two small (micro-
, meiosis, amphimixis of the nuclei and development of the zygote. If this record is can. ~titospores), which are liberated by the gelatinization of the parent cell wall. Cells
firmed, it will be extremely interesting since the only other member of the Oocystacea~" lp'5-23'4 p, broad, 31'2-35'1 p, long; macro-autospores 15'6-19'5 p, broad, 23'4-
. ...~' "
,7'3 II long; micro-autospores 6'8-9'7 p, broad, 8'5-14'6 p, long (Fig. 92). ~
182 183

HABITAT. In a dripping rock, Naini Tal, Uttar Pradesh (Singh, i.e.).

DISTRIBUTION. India (Uttar Pradesh). .

According to Singh (l.c.), the exact fate of the micro-autospores is not known,
but apparently they degenerate.
91 a
93. Oocystis borgei Snow

.t J.p 111,pI22,
Snow, 1903, p 379, p12, f 7: 1-5; H. Printz, 1913, p 173, p14,
f4; G. W. rrescott, 1951, p243, pI 51, flO
t 1-2; G. M. Smith, 1920,
'. '

=Oocys!is gigas var. borgei Lemmennann, 1904, p 107; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 127, f 106

Cells broadly ellipsoid with rounded ends. Poles not thickened. Chloroplasts
1-4; parietal, each with a pyrenoid. Cells 9-13 p broad, 9-19 p long. Usually in
2-8 celled colonies,. the enclosing envelope being more or less round and' narrow
(Fig. 93).

HABITAT. Fishery bundhs, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore (W. Bengal),

very rare-December; ponds, Padampur (Orissa), stray-December; Cuttack stray-
July, Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh), stray-December, Madras, rare-October and
~lb .7November, Azhicode (Kerala), rare-Februarr, and Ochira (Kerala), rather

DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, S. and W. Africa, Faeroes, India, Java,
;. Japan, and Australia.
. was usually
entioned.- found in soft waters (also see,
- Prescott, op.c.) in the

Oocystis gigas Archer

W. Archer, 1877, pp 104-05; H. Printz, 1913, p 189; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 127, f 105;
A. Pascher, 1915, p 235; G. W.Prescott, 1951,p 244, p151, f 14

-l Usually in colonies of 2-4 cells. Envelope more or less round and narrow.
..cells broadly, ellipsoid, about 'I! times longer than broad with. the ends broadly
'ounded and not thickened. Cells usually 29-40 p broad and 41-51'8 p long, rarely
~8-20 p broad and 31-32 p IOI\g (Fig. 94 a). '

HABITAT. P~nds, Cantonment Gardens, Rangoon-May and Mandalay-
ovember (Skuja, 1949). .

DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, Africa (Sudan and N. Rhodesia), and
92 d var. incrassata W. et G. S. West

W. and G. S. West, 1894, p 14, p12, f37; H. Printz, 1913, pp 189-90, pI 6, f 71; J. Brunnthaler,
1915, p 127, f 107; A. Pascher, 1915, p 235; O. A. Korshikov, 1953, p 272
=Oocyslis incrassalus (W. et G. S. West) C~dergren, 1933, p 85

. Cells with thicker membrane than in the 'type and with the poles somewhat
~inted and drawn out. Cells 39 p broad and 56p long (Fig. 94 b).
~ HABITAT. In artificial tank, Peradeniya (W. and G. S. West, 1902).
DJSTRIBUTION.Europe and Ceylon.

95. OQcystis irregularis (Petkof) Printz
H. Printz, 1913, p 178, pI4,f21; A. Pascher, 1915, p 236, f 39
=Oocystis tlaegelii A. Braun var. tyPica Kirchner f. irregularis Petkof, 1910, p 159, pi 3, f 3

Cells irregularly ellipsoid to round and usually crowded towards one side in
4-celled colonies. Cell wall thin and without apical thickenings. Chromatophore
single, parietal, covering the cell completely and without a pyrenoid. Cells 16-20 ~
broad and 24-30 p, long (Fig. 95).
HABITAT. Ponds', Mandalay-November (Skuja, 1949).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe and Burma.
.~ 98

96. Oocystis macrospora (Turner) Brunnthaler
J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 127, f 109
=Hydrocytium macrosporum Turner, 1892, p 154, pi 20, f 32

Colonies 2-4 celled. Envelope lemon shaped. Cells elongate-ellipsoid to

oblong .with rounded ends and about two times as long as broad. Colony 39-52 ~
broad, 50-65 p, long. Cell 19 p, broad, .39 ~ long (Fig. 96).

a 99b
99 f

HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, i.e.)

Printz (1913) believed that this sp~ies can probably be included under
O. _elliPtica W. West.
97. Oocystis pusllla Hansgirg

A. Hansgirg, 1890, p 9; H. Pdntz, 1913, p 181, pi 4, f 31-32; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 124;

G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 246, p151, f IS, pi 54 f 4-5 1003 100b
=Oocystis naegel~iA. Br. var. minutissimaBernard, 1908, p 172
FIGs. 95-100. 95, Oocystis irregularis (PETXOF) PRINTZ; 96, O. macro_
spora (TURNER) BRUNNTH.'; 97, O. pusilla HANSG. VAR. MAlOR SXUjA;
W. WEST. .
Usually solitary but sometimes in coloJ!ies of 2-4-8 cells enclosed. by the en;' 98, O. naegeliiA. BRAUN; 99, O. ecballocystiformis IYENGAR; 100, O. elliptica
larged mother cell wall. Cells cylindrical, about two times longer than broad and
with the' poles rounded and without nodular thickenings. Chromat~phores 2-3, not' (95, FROM PRINTZ, 19'13; 96, FROM TURNER, 1892 (AS Hydrocytium
macrosporum TURNER); 97, FROMSXUjA, 1949; 98, FROM CHODAT; 99, FROM
occupying the entire cell and without pyrep,oids. Cells frequently 'with oil globules lYENGAR, 1932; 100 a, FROM W. WEST; 100 b, FROMGONZALVES,&JOSI!I,
dispersed and the chromatophores may also be yellow-green. Cells 3-7' 5 P, broad,
6-12 p, long.. " -
HABITAT. In ponds, Rangoon and ~andalay
The type species has not been recorded from the Indian region. ilatter locality as a scum (Skuja, I.e.). (April and November), in the

var. maior Skuja Oocystis naegelii A. Braun

H. Skuja, 1949, p 63, pi 9, f 18-28

A. H. Tiffany
Braun, and 94;
1855,p M. H.
E. Britton, 1952, pp
Printz, 1913, p 117, pi 32,
178-79, f320f 64;J. Brunnthaler,
pIS, 1915, p 127, f 108;
Cells elongate-ellipsoid with the ends truncate to rounded, and sometimes with
a slight median inflation. Solitary or as 2-4 autospores inside the old mother.ceI1
wall. Cell membrane thin and without polar thickenings. Cells much larger than ; Coloniesusually 2-4--8 celled with the envelopemore or lessclose fitting. Some-
in the type, measuring 6'8-II p, in breadth and II-23 p, in length. Chromatopho~ IOn" .. 'Out"y ,oil,. Coil, ovoid 0' dongat, with roundod 'n"'. Coli mombeano
apparelltly without pyrenoids (Fig. 97). . . lJii,iy thlok. Clucomatopboco,iogl, and io th, fonn of a Pari'tal plare, wbich "
f' lon~ a
(Fi~.98). lobod and without Pyreuoid. Cd" 9--26I' broad a"d
0' onmpl,rely
O. pseudocoronala Korsh.-see Korsh., 1953, p 271, f 224
O.pyriformisPrescott, 1944,p357,pll, £12-13
HABITAT. Adhering to water plants in Afghanistan (Schaarschmidt, 1886). O. reliculala Beck-Mannegetta, 1926, P 180, f4
O. rhomboidea Fott, 1933 a; T. Hortobagyi, 1957, p 14, f 275-76
DISTRIBUTION.Widespread, incl. Europe, N. and S. America, W. Africa, O. rifeum Guerrer., 1929 p 253
Afghanistan, Singapore and Hawaii. O. rupestris Kirchner, 1880, p 169, p12, f2
O. socialis Ostenfeld, 190 I, p 138, f 10
O. slriata Guerrer., 1947
99. Oocystis ecbaUocystiforJDis Iyengar O. sfi;iuxagona Playfair, 1916, p 130, pi 7, f 32-33
l-I.O.P. Iyengar, 1932, p 224, Text-f 7 M-T. O. s~lIiarina Lagerheim, 1886, p 45, f I
O. subsPhaerica Playfair, 1916, p 132, pi 8, f 7
" O. verrucosus Roll, 1927
Cells oblong-ellipsoid with broadly rounded ends. Cell membri"ne thin and
Kufferath's COllradia (see, Kufferath, 1914-15) with one species, C. incrustalls, has been regarded by
without polar thickenings. Chloroplasts 2-4-8, parietal and disc~shaped, each with Printz (1927, p 125) as totally an Oocystis. Oocystis aPiculata W. West (1893, p 99), O. as)mmetrica W. et
a minute pyrenoid. Reproduction by 2-4-8 autospores for!1led inside the distended G. S. West (1894, p 14) and O. marssollii Lemm. (1899, p 119) have been considered by Printz (1913) as
the respective varieties of O. solitario, O. solitaria and O. (rassa. However, Nygaard (1949, p 40)
mother cell wall. Adult cells 7-9'1 fL broad, 18-24 ft long. Young cell 5'5 fL broad considered O. marssonii Lemm. suffi.£iently distinct to treat it as a separate species.
and 16 ft long (Fig. 99). A number of other species, varieties a-nd forms are considered by Printz (1913) as doubtful or in-
HABITAT. In a rock pool near Jog Falls, Mysore (Iyengar, i.e.). ,sufficiently described. These include O. brunnea Turner (1892, p 156), O. mammillata Turner (1892,
p 155), O. sphaerica Turner (1892, p 155), O. rotunda Schmidle (1895 a, p 8), O. geminata Naegeli (in
DISTRIBUTION.India (Mysore). Rabenhorst, 1868, p 53), O.lacustris £. nivalis Fritsch (1912, p 313), O. novae-semliae var tuberculata Schmidle
(1895 a, p 7) and O. a.rymmetrica var. symmetrica Schmidle (1899 a, p 170).
Turner's G,lindrocystisovalis (Turner, 1892, p 16, pi I, f5) has been considered by W. and G.'S, West
100. Oocystis elliptica W. West l.J. Bot. No. 387, 1895, p 66-as cited by Playfair, 1916, p 136) as an Oocystis under the name O. ovalis
W. West, 1892, P 736, pliO, £56; H. Printz, 1913, p 182, pi 4, f33;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 126, (Turner) W. et G. S. West. This alga has a .. perfectly elliptical form with thick smooth membrane" and
£ 103; K. Biswas, 1934, P 19, p13, f2
is 17-20 ,..broad and 40-50 ,.. long and has been recorded from Central India and the Himalayas (see
Turner, I.e.). Playfair stated that the reference of this alga to Oocystis by W. and G. S. West is
confirmed by his finding autospores in the Australian alga. Since the alga under consideration is
Usually in 4-8 celled colonies with the envelope narrow, rarely solitary. <;:Jells imperfectly known, it is not included in the present account.
It is not certain how many ofPlayf<lir's species listed above can be considered good or valid species.
elongate-ellipsoid, about 2 (-21) times as long as broad and with broadly :-:'..Ulded' His Oocystis rotula (Playfair, 1916, p 130) has been subsequently considered by tbe same author (1918,
ends which are not thickened. Chromatophores numerous (about 10-20) and in "pp 518, 532) as a .. Gloeocystis" stage of Chlamydomonas. His.O. chodati (=0. solitaria p.p. Cbodat), even if
acceptable~ is invalid siqce the same name ha& been used by Woloszynska (1912) for a different species of
the form of parietal disc~ without pyrenoids. Cells 11-15'6 ft broad, 20-25 fL long
~~l~. ,

HABITAT.In paddy fields, Heneratgodha, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West, 1902);-

· '

XXXI. Genus GLAUCOCYSTIS Itzigsohn, 1854

embedded in the mucus mass of Gloeocapsa
montana'on dripping rocks at Therria,' No. 1935 in Rabenhorst, 1866 emend. Geitler, 1923
Assam, at an altitude of 200 meters during March (Biswas, i.e.); pond, Bombay
Characters same as in Oocystisj with the difference that chromatophores are
(Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); pond, Azhicode (Kerala) stray-October (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Widespread. ~Jacking. The vermiform blue green st~lIately arranged chloroplast-like bodies insige
really belong. to a rod-shaped member of the Chroococcales (Myxophyceae) and the
Speciesof Oocystis not recorded from the Indianregion relationship between the colourless 009stis-like alga and the' blue green has been-
o. arvernensis R. et F. Chodat, 1925,P 497, r 7 considered as one of symbiosis. .
O. almophylica Krieger, 1943 Reproduction by autospores...
O. auslraliensis P1ayfair, 1916, p 135, p18, f 12-13 '- ' .
O. chodaliWoloszynska, 1912, p 669, p124, £ 6 a-h, non O. chodati Playfair, 1916, p 134 , Originally (see Brunntlialer, 1915) the radiating bodies inside the cells were
O. coronata Lemmermann ex Marsson, 1911, p 263
O. eremosphaeria G. M. Smith, 1918, p 630, pi 14, £8-9 considered as Chromatophores, but now they are definitely known to belong to a rod-
O. exigua Van Goor, 1924 shaped member of the Chroococcales. Opinion is, however, still divided regarding the
O. gloeocysliformis Borge, 1906, p 23, pi 1, f I a-b
O. granulata Hortobagyi, 1962, p 33, pi 45, f 550-51 . ~stematic position of the alga. Some authors (Fritsch, 1935; Korshikov, 1953;
O. lism~rensis Playfair, 1923, p 219
O. manna Moewus 1951
.Fott, 1959,) regarded it as a colourless member of the Oocystaceae living in symbiotic
O. m~ma Beck-M~nnegetta, 1926, p 180, f 5 ,Felationship with the blue green alga, whereas others (Smith, 1950; Prescott, 1951)
O. minIma Lagerheim 1884 p 107 ,considered the blue green component more important and included it under the
O. mucosa Lemmerma~n, 1908, p 174, pi 5, £ 23-24
'~MYXophyceae. Skuja (1949) placed it under a separate class, the Glaucophyta,
.0.O. nodulosa
natans (Lemm.)
W. et G. Wille,
S. West,1909,
1894,P p5815, f31
',lietween the Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta.
O. novaN!mli~ Wille, 1879, p 26, pI 12, f 3 .'
O.panduriformuW. etG. S. West, 1894, P 15, f33-35 Because of reproduction by autospores, the alga is considered here as a colour-
O.parva.W. et G. S. West, 1898, P 335 :Jessmember of the Oocystaceae living symbiotically with a blue green alga.
O.JlflagU'4I.~ermann, 1901, P 95, pi 4, f7 '
Two species are recorded from the Indian region.
.SeeAddend~. --


Other speciesoj Glaucocystis known

G. duPlexPrescott, 1944, p 371, p14, f 17-19
Cells ellipsoidal and without any equatorial thickening, and with lessthan 20 radiating blue green G. ooeystiformis Prescott, 1944, p 372, pi 4, f 20
Both are known from N. America
bodies G. nostoehinearum
, I.
II. Cells spherical to.ell.ipsoidal with a small thickening on the cell wall at theequatora!1d with numerous XXXII. Genus NEPHROCYTIUM Naegeli, 1849, p 79
(20 or more) radlatmg blue green bodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. emgulata

101. Glaucocystis nostochinearum Itzigsohn Free-floating colonies with 2-4-8-16 cells enclosed within the partially gelati-
nized mother cell wall. Cells ovoid, oblong, fusiform to kidney-shaped or semispherical
in L. Rabenhorst, 1868, p 417;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 133,f 122; F. E. Fritsch and F. Rich,
1937-38, P 158; G. W. Prescott, 1951, P 474, pi 108, f2 and arranged spirally or irregularly within the colonial envelope. Chloroplast single,
parietal and with a single pyrenoid in young cells.


Colonies of 2-8 (usually 4) cells enclosed within the old mother cell wall. Cells Reproduction by 2-4-8-16 autospores from each cell.
oblong-ellipsoid and with a number (less than 20) of radiating chromatophore-like Four species are recorded from the Indian region.
bodies inside, which are vermiform and blue green and belong to a member of the . KEY TO THE SPECIES
Chroococcales. Cells 10-18 fl broad, 15-30 fl long. Colonies 2&-51 fl broad,
39-63 fllong (Fig. 101). I. Cells more or less crescent-shaped
Ends of cells pointed.. .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .N. lunatum ( p 189 )
b I~ Cells kidney-shaped
a. Adult cells 8-22 po broad, double as long .N. opnrdhianum( p 189 )
b. Cells 20-25 pobroad, 28-57 polong.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..N. hydrophilum( p 191 )
- .
Cells semispherical - _
Colony 2-celled with thick smobth membrane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. obesum! p 191 )
. . . . -

'- Nephrocyuum lunatum W. West

\0\ 10Za W. West, 1892, p 736, pliO, f49;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 140-41, fl44; H. Skuja, 1948, p 133,
102 C pi 15, f 16-18; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 249, pi 54, f 19
FIGs. 101-102. 101, Glaueocystis nostochinearum ITZIGS.;
102 a-c, G. cingula/a BOHLIN. . Cells more or less half moon to sickle-shaped with one.side convex and the other
(101,x 1000, 102, AFTERSKUJA, 1949)
(!) ; rconcave and ends pointed. - Cells spirally arranged' within an ellipsoid to oplong hyaline
HABITAT. Planktonic in a pond at Azhicode (Kerala), rare-February (gelatinous envelope to' form 4-8 celled colonies. Chloroplast single, parietal, and
t)Yith a pyrenoid. Cells 4-7' 9 fl broad, 14-21 fl long. Colonies 25-37 fl broad,
. Madhya Pradesh (B. Prasad, 1961, Bull. Bot. Soc. Univ. Saugar, 13 : 44-45).
Europe, 'N. America, S. and W. Africa, and India. 138-75fllong (Fig. 103);
HABITAT. Fishery bundh, Charidrakona Road, Midnapore (West- Bengal),
102. GlaucQ.cystis clngutata Boh~in "Common-December (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. and S. America, Africa, Siberia, India, Japan, and
K. Bohlin, 1897 a, p 13, pll, f 9-13; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 133, f 123; H.Skuja, 1949, P 58, .~ustralia.
pI 9, f 12-14 -

Cells ovoid to nearly spherical, solitary or in colonies of 2-4. Cell membrane Nephrocytium agardhianum Naegeli
colourless and thick with the poles slightly thickened af!.d with a small equatorial C. Naegeli, 1849, p 79, pl3"fC a-p; incl. var. ,..i,IUS Naegeli, 1849;J. Brunnihaler, 1915, p 142
f 147; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 114, p123, 1'6-7 - ,
groove which appears as a ridge on the inner side of the cell. Each cell with numerous =NephrocytiumnaegeliiGrunow i.. L. Rabenhorst, 1868, p 52; W. and G. S. West, 1902 -p 199
(20 or more) chromatophore-like radiating bodies which -are deeper blue than in =Selenoeoecusfareinalis Sehmidle et Zacharias ex O. Zacharias, 1903. ,
G. nostochinearumand resembling a Chroococcus or Asterocystisand with a central brownish
carotinoid grain. Cells 12-20 I-' broad, 18-68 I-' long. Cell membrane up to 2 P Cells more or less reniform with rounded ends and usually in colonies of 4, 8,
thick. Colonies 30--160 fl in diameter (Fig. 102). . .rarely 1, 2, or 16 cells, within a gelatinous envelope. Cells arranged somewhat
HABITAT. Pond, Mandalay (Skuja, I.e.). ~y in young and irregularly in old colonies. Chloroplast single, parietal, and
DISTRIBUTION.Paraguay and Burma.
190 105. Nephrocytium hydrophilum (Turner) Wille
with one pyrenoid. Young cells 2-7 ft broad and 3-6 times as long. Adult cells N. Wille, 1909, p 59;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 142, f 1.16
=Hydrocystis h).drophila Turner, 1892, p 157, p120, f27
8-22 It broad and double as long. Colonies 40-95 ft in diameter (Fig. 104).
HABITAT. Among Utrieuiariaflexuosain northern and eastern India (Turner,

1892); paddy fields, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West, 1902, i.e.); Kyauktaga and Mansang, . usually
Cells kidney-shaped
in colonies
or elongated with rounded ends which are often brown,
of four or more cells enclosed by a colourless gelatinous envelope. _
Burma (W. and G. S. West, 1907, P 231); in ditch at edge of a rice field, Sadiya, 'J.~
Assam (Carter, 1926); trench with running water, suburbs of Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); \j, Cells 20-:25 ft broad, 28-57 ft long (Fig. 105).,
HABITAT. Baboosole, N. E. India, October 1855 (Turner, i.e.).
ponds, Sambalpur (Orissa), rare-December, Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh), stray- DISTRIBUTION.N. E. India.
December; Azhicode (Kerala), stray-February and October, Ochira (Kerala),
Printz (1927) believed that this species could probably be identical with
stray-February; and reservoir, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), common-January (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Widespread. Schmidieia eiegans W oloszynska (1914).

106. Nephrocytium obesum W. et G. S. West
.'.r. "r';...,....
,: .. ~" W. and G. S. West, 1894, p 13, p12, f 39-40; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 142, f 148; H. Skuja,
1949, p 63, plIO, f22; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 249, pi 54, f20

: .J; :

. ~;?" ~" J
Cells semlspherical with rounded end's. Inner side oC cell' straight or very
'., slightly concave. In colonies of tWo cells with the colonial envelope thick and hyaline.
\.. ".' ..-;/J;V.,/ Cells 13-28 '(-38) '" broad, 25-49 ft long. Colonies 48-71 (-104) ft broad, 60-90
101 b. (-126) ft long. Envelope 10 '" thick (Fig. 106).
a HABITAT. Pond, Mandalay-among other algae (Skuja, i.e.). _

DISTRmUTIoN.Europe, N. and S. America, N. Rhodesia, Siberia, Burma,'and

; Japan. "

SPecies of Nephrocytium 1Iot recorded from the I1Idia1lregion

N. allantoidtum Bohlin, 1897 a, p 18, pll, f 21=-22
N. ecdysiscepanum W et G. S. West, 1896 a, p 161
N. limneticum (G. M. Smith) G. M. Smith, 1933, p 503
=Gloeocystopsis limneticus G. M. Smith, 1916 b, p 475, pi 24, f 12
=NePhrocytium limneticum (G. M. Smith) Skuja, 1948, pp 132-33
N. persevtTans Printz, 1914, p 62, pi s., f 125-27
N. spirale Beck-Mannegetta, 1\126, p 181, f 17
N. varium Hortobagyi, 1962, p 32 pi 44, f 546
Korshikov (1953, P 279) did not recognise N. hydrophilum and N. alian/oideuTII

'Other genera which may be i/lcluded wilhi1l lhe Oocystoideae hut /lot reeorckd from the
\ . Indian region

Chloropteris Paschcr, 1932, p 409, monospccific :

C. tetragona Pascher, 1932, p 411, f I a-k
Cryodactylon Chodat, 1922, p 80, monospccific :
C. glacile Chodat, 1922, p 80
Ecdysichlamys G. S. West, 19]2, p 76, monospecific :
E. obliqua G. S. West, 1912, p 77, pi I, f 18-29
Glaucocys/opsis Bourrelly, 1960, p 416, monospecific :
G. africana Bourrelly, 1960, pp 416-18, f I
106 Makinoella Okada, 1949, p 166, monospecific:
M. tosaensis Okada, 1949, pp 166-68, f A-B
Oocystidium Korshikov, 1953, p 275, monospecific :
FIGS. 103-106. 103, Nephrocytium IUlla/um W. WEST; 104, N. O. ovale Korshikov, 1953, p 276, f236
agardhiaullm NAEG.; 105, N. hydrophilum (TURNER)WILLE; 106, N. obesUln Scotitlla Fritsch, 1912, p 326, with about twelve species:
W. ET G. S. WEST. S. antarctica Fritsch, 1912, p 327
(105, FROM TURNER, 1892 (AS Hydrocystis hydrophila TURNER);
106, FROMSltUJA, 1949. (103, x 1500; 104 a, x875; 104 b, x725).


S. cryoPhila
Chodat, 19:.12
S.fri/schii Griffiths-see West and Fritsch, 1927, p 124, £ 41 E-F
S. levicostata Hollerbach, 1936, P :.143
S. muscicola Beck-Mannegetta, 1926, p 180, [4
S. nivalis (Shuttlew.) Fritsch, 1912, P 326
S. oboviformisJao, 1947, P 249, £2 [-h 9. Family RADIOCOCCACEAE Fott, 1959, P 251
S. oocystiformis Lund, 1957, P 41, [ I :.£..

S. palustris Korshikov, 1953, P 244, [190

S. polyp/era Fritsch, 1912, P 327 Members of this family have spherical to ellipsoidal cells which are embedded in
S. sinica J ao, 1947, p 249, £ 2 a-c mucilage to form colonies. Chromatophore cup-shaped to parietal and with or without
*S. tuberculata BourreUy, 1951, pp 673-74, [6-8
Zoocystis Sokol., 1933, P 47, monospecific: a pyrenofd. Reproduction is always by autospores, there being no formation of
Z. vorticellae Sokol., 1933, P 47 zoospores or gametes.
An additional genu'. Ray"i,lIa, wi.h one species. vi.. R. h,mop"at,;caha, been recently described by Edelstein Only one genus is recorded from the Indian region.
and Prescott t<Phycolog;a
4 (2) , 121-25, 1964). This alga is allied to p,ph,o",I;""'.
-'- - --
* SeeAddendum .. .. XXXIII. Genus DISPORA Printz, 1914, p 32
t Another genus describedis Podohedra
Duringer ( zeitschr,105 (1/3), 1958;Osterr.-
bol., 2: 112, 1965), with [our species including P. longiPes Duringer, 1958 (not seen in original).,
- Cells more or less round or flattened and angular. Chromatophore more or
less cup-shaped and without a pyrenoid. Four or more cells joined together in a
>, flat or slightly curved free-floating colony which is embedded ~n a gelatinous matrix.
Growth of colony by the division of the cells in two planes, the resulting four
cells having'straight sides where they adjoin. Reproduction by fragmentation of the
Only one species recorded from the Indian region.

Dispora cuneiformis (Schmidle) Printz

H. Printz, 1914, p 33, p12, £ 17
=Staurogenia cuneiformis Schmidle, 1902, p 81, pI 3, f 16
=Crucigenia cuneiformis (Schmidle) Brunnthaler, 1915, p 173; W. Conrad, 1949, p 86

Colonies 4-celled, quadrate and enclosed within a gelatinous envelope; rarely

,."inmultiple colonies. Cells more or less triangular or keel shaped with the oU,ter edge
.pointed or slightly rounded. Cells 4 It broad, 6-8 It long-(Fig.107).
HABITAT.' Tanks Barrackpore and Serampore (W. Bengal)) stray-February
".and.April( !)
DISTRIBUTION.Mrica and India.
The Indian alga with its cells only 2 .6-3 It broad and 3' 3-5' 3 It long is slightly
'smaller than the type. .
Three other species o£ Dispora known are :
D. crucigenioides Printz, 1914, p 32, pi I, £ 13-15, pi 2, £ 16
D. speciosa Korshikov, 1953, p 324, £ 308
D. vilhemii Fott, 1933

Genera oj Radiococceaceae not recordedfrom the Indian region

Coenochloris'Korshikov, 1953, p 322, with two species:
C. ovalis Korshikov, 1953, p 324, £ 297
C. pyrenoidosa Korsh., 1953, p 323, £ 296

I 193


CoenoeoceuJ Korshikov, 1953, p 321, with two species:

C. pelagicuJ (Teil.) Lund, 1961
=RadioeoceuJ pelagiea Teiling, 1946, f 1
C. planetonieuJ Korsh., 1953, p 322, f295
=RadioeoceuJ planetonieuJ Lund, 1956 a, p 594
CoenoeYJtis Korshikov, 1953, p 328, with four species:
C. obtuJa Korsh., 1953, p 330, f 305 .-; 10. Family BOTRYOCOCCACEAE Wille, 1909, p 32
C. Planetoniea Korsh., 1953, p 328, f 302
C. reniformiJ Korsh., 1953, p 330, f 304
C. Jubeylindriea Korsh., 1953, p 330, f303
GloeobotryJ Pascher, 1930, with five species:
Members of this family are colonial and free-floating. Colonies irregularly
G. ehlorintlJ Pascher, 1930 spherical to indefinite, often united' together by tough mucilaginous bands to form'
G. eoenoeoceoideJFolt, 1961, p 203, f a-d
G. ellipJoideuJ Pascher, 1930
net-like compound colonies. Colonies provided with an elastic gelatinous investment,
G. limnetieuJ (G. M. Smith) Pascher, 1930 .the cells being arranged radially and close together in the periphery of the envelope.
=AJterococeuJ limnetieuJ G. M. Smith, 1918, p 621, plIO, f 3-6 Cells ovoid to ellipsoid or obovoid or spherical and with a parietal laminate or reticulate
G. JubJaluJ Pascher, 1930
RadioeoceuJ Schmidle, 1902 a, p 41, with three species: and
oil. having a distinct or indistinct pyrenoid. Assimilatory product starch
R. nimbtJtuJ (de Wildem.) Schmidle, 1902 a, p 41
=PleuroeoceUJ nimbatuJ de Wildeman, 1893
= WeJtella nimbata de Wildeman, 1897, p 532 Reproduction by fragmentation or by autospores.
R. JubcylindrieUJ Korsh., 1953, p 325,f 299 Two genera, Botryococcus and BotryosPhaera(the latter nof known from the Indian
R. wildemani (Schmidle) Schmidle, 1902 b, p 159
= TetraeoceuJ wildemani Schmidle, 1894, p 45 region), "belong to the family. Some authors (pascher, 1925; Fritsch, 1935;
ThorakoehloriJ Pascher, 1932, p 415, with three species, including-: G. M. Smith, 1950; Prescott, 1951) have included BotryosPhaeraunder Botryococcus.
T. Planetoniea Folt, 1933, P 577
T. tetraJ Pascher, 1932, p 418, f 4-5 Fott (1959, p 251) followed Chodat (1915, p 193) in keeping it as a distinct genus
because the "colonies of BotryosPhaerahave only a very thin gelatinous envelope, the
The genus PlacoJphaera Dangeard (1889) with two species (P. opaca Dangeard, 1889 and P. velebitica
Pevalek, 1924) has bee~ shown by Thompson (1956) to be only a stage in the life history of SchiZl!.ehlamys
colonies are smaller and the cells are always spherical in this g-enus.
A. Braun (in Kuet.zing; 1849), a genuji belonging to the Tetrasporales. It has, therefore, to be excluded
from the Chlorococcales. Biswas (1936) recorded Plaeosphaera opaea from N. E. India.
XXXIV. Genus BOTRYOCOC~.uS Kuetzing, 1849, p 892
Bourrelly (Arch.';'Iilrobiol.42: p t57, 1962) has. described a third species of Coenochloris,
vi.. C. prings~imii. =ThallodeJmium Turner, 1892, p 159
=Ineffigiafa W. et G. S. West, 1897 a, p 503 emend. 1903, p 80
Free-floating colonies of irregularly spherical or indefi'1ite shape '(\rith the celIs
:..arranged.densely and more or less radially within a gelatinous tough membrane which
'iis sometimes wrinkled or folded. Colonies usually with <:ellsin several net-like aggre-
gates that are connected by broad or delicate strands of tough mucilage. Cells ovoid,
:'ellipsoid or cuneate and sometimes embedded in a cup-like sheath of fatty material.
f;tlliromatophore single, parietal, laminate, disciform or reticulate and with a central
;pyrenoid which may be distinct or indistinct~
Reproduction by fragmentation or by autospores.


Membrane. completely enclosing cells .B. braunii ( p 195 )

Membrane covering base of cells only B. protuberallJ( p 197 )
.~~08. . Botryococcus braunii Kuetzing

F. T. Kuetzing, 1849, p 892; W. B. Turner, 1892, p 157; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 84, pi 15, £5;
A. Pascher, 1925, p 91, £ 71-75; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 232, pI 52, £ I, 2, II
= ThallodeJmium wallichianum Turner, 1892, p 159, pI 20, £ 31
=Ineffigiata lIegleefa W. et G. S. West, 1897 a, p 503; 1907, p 231

196 Colonies free-floating and of irregular shape, without a conspicuous gelatinous
envelope but completely enclosed by a tough, hyaline, orange-coloured or dark

~ membrane that is produced into irregular wrinkles, folds or spines. Colonies often
united in compound net-like aggregates by means of long delicate mucilaginous projec-
tions from the colonial envelope. Cells ovoid to ellipsoid and arra~ged radially at

\~ 107 b
the periphery of the colony, the individual cells being invested .by an inner layer of
fatty substance and an outer. layer of pectin. Chromatophore yellowish green to grass
green, single, parietal, cup-shaped, laminate or reticulate and with a pyrenoid.
Assimilatory products starch and a reddish oil that may colour the whole colony a
\07 a brick red. Cells 3-6 p broad, 6-12 p long. Simple colonies up to 100 p and
compound colonies up to l' 5 mm in diameter (Fig. 108).
HABITAT. Malabar, ex Utricularia stellaris (Turner, 1892); Bengal (Turner,
fj~ 1892); Upper Burma (W. et G. S. West, 1907); Lower Burma (Skuja, 1949); Lake
~<If> Inle Rangoon, rather common-May (author-leg. J. A. Tubb); in confined waters
from, several parts of India, esp. Bengal, Orissa and Madras, particularly during the
i @ ~~ winter season, rarely during summer, often forming reddish or yellowish green blooms

@ ~ (!; also see Philipose, 1959).


109. Botryococcus protuberans W. et G. S. West

oW.and G. S. ':Vest,1905,p 507,piG, f8-9; A. Pascher, 1925,p 92, f77

~ Colony irregular with ~16 or more cells held together by ~ tough gelatii~ous
. .

:. 0 . ,.membrane. Frequently jQinea together in compound colonies by long tough hyaline

,. ,~.,'
V strands of mucilage~ Cells ovoid, obovoid, or ovoid-cuneate with their inner narrower
ends embedded in the envelope, the outer ends being not so enclosed and projecting
108d ,out of the colony. Cel~ 9 '5-11'5 P broad, 16'5-20 p long. Colonies 100-120 p in
diameter (Fig. 109).
HABITAT. Kyauktan, Royal Lakes, Rangoon, Cantonment Gardens, Rangoon
.and in running soiled trench water (Skuja, 1949); Lake Inle, Rangoon, ve~ common- ,
'~May and Minhla'Tank, RaD;goon, rare-May (Author-leg. J. A. .:tubb); Kendrol
:'Bundh, Midnapore (W. Bengal), abundant-December; Tanks, Kausalya Ganga,
!Puri (Orissa), common~November-December (!).' .
D~TRmuTIoN. (incl. var. 'minor G. M. Smith, 1918) Hebrides, N. America,
,Burma; and India.

Species of Botryococcus not recordedfrom the IndiaTi regloTi

109 -,r. B. calcareusW. West, 1892, p 19
B. micromoTUs W, et G. S. West, 1897, P 238
B. pusillus Van Goor, 1924, p 309
FIGs. 107-109. 107, Dispora cuneiformis (SCHMIDLE) PRINTZ; 108, Botryococcus _, B. giganteusReinsch (1877, p 239) and probably B.natans Schmidle are considered by Pascher
braunii KUETZ., 'a and f, COLONIES,(r, ONLY IN OUTLINE); 108 b, COLONY FROM ",(1925)as forms of B. braunii. He also considered B. terricola Klebs (1889, p 233) as one of the
I :retraspor.
WHICH MANYCBLLSHAVE BEEN PRBSSBDOUT; 108 c, and E, PORTIONS OFCOLONY IN , The only other genus belonging to the family Botryococcaceae and which has not been recorded
SBCTION,108 D; A SINGLECELLENLARGED;IQ9, B.protub§rans W. ET G. S. WEST. 'from the Indian region is :
BotryosphaeraChodat, 1915, p 193, emend. Korsh, 1953, p 341, with two species:
I (107 a, FROMSCHMIDLE(AS Siaurogenia cuneiformis SCHMIDLE); 107 b, x 1500; B. planctonicaR. et F. Chodat, 1925, p 459, f 14 (the mention of B. Planctonicaby the authors
108 a and c-d, FROM KORSHIKov, 1953; 108 b, e, f, FROM HARRIS (SEE WBST &
as /1011.
var. is obviously an error).
FRITSCH, 1927); 109,X 1500).

B. ~udelica (Lemm.) Chodat, 1915, p 193; 1921, p 93

=Bolryococcus sudeticus Lemm., 1896, p. III, f6-7

The systematic position of the genus Botryococcus(including BotryosPhaera)has

been considered uncertain for quite a long time. Earlier authors (Wille, 1897; 1909;
G. S. West, 1904; 1916; Oltmanns, 1904, 1921) included it under the Chlorophyceae.
Pascher (1925) tentatively placed it in the Heterokontae (Xanthophyceae). West 11. Family DICTYOSPHAERIACEAE (De Toni) C.S.
and Fritsch (1927) stated that if the reported presence of starch and a " pyrenoid " is West,- 1916, pp 160, 190 -
correct, Botryococcus will have to be transferred from the Heterokontae. However
(Fritsch, 1935; 1951) Smith (1933; 1950), Tiffany and Britton (1952) and most other
Members of this family are colonial with the cells held together by the thread-
authors continued to put it under the Xanthophyceae.
,like remains of the old mother cell wa'lIs of Successive generations, and with or without
Blackburn (1936), after a critical reinvestigation of Botryococcus
braunii,concluded a colonial envelope. Cells spherical, ellipsoid, oblong or curved. .
that the alga has normal green chloroplasts and contains, at times, considerable
Reproduction usually by auto-colonies, rarely by ZOOsporesor oogamous gametes.
quantities of starch and it should be removed to the Chlorophyceae. Since the Three gen~ra are known from the Indian region.
colonies are produced by the persistent membranes and secretions of the mother cells
of successive generations, she suggested for the family Botryococcaceae a place among-
the colonial Chlorococcales near the Dictyosphaeriaceae. Prescott (1951) and -I. All cells of a colony of one shape
Korshikov (1953) accepted this yiew and included the family under their Chlorococcales i. Cells usually arranged irregularly; colonies spherical to ovoid; cells with distinct dichotomous
and Protococcales ~espectively. connecting threads. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 0. 0. . . . . . . . 00. . . . .. . 0. : . . . 0. . DiClyosphaerium ( p 199 )

Belcher and Fogg (1955), after studying the affinities of Bot~yococcus from the ii. Cells arranged in groups off our ; colonies irregular. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weslella ( p 203 )
II. Cells in a Colonyof two different shapes, arranged in groups of four in irregular colonies 0.. 0',
biochemical point of view, not only confirmed the occurrence of starchJn B. braunii,
Dimorphococcus( p 204 )
but also reported 'the presence of chlorophyll-b, a pigment not occurring in the £XV.
Xanthophyceae. According to' them, the accumulation of fat, which is generally Genus DICTYOSPHAERItJMNaegeli, 1849, p 72
considered as one_of the characteristics of the Xanthophyceae, is n~t a reliable indica-
tion. - Further, the' ether soluble material of B. braunii consists largely of an' un- - Coloniesfree-floatingwith the celIsenclosedwithin a hyaline homogeneous gelati-
saponifiable liquid rather than true fat. The presence of cWorophyll-b together W!th nous envelope. Cells spherIcal, ovoid or kidney-shaped and connected to each other
starch in B. braunii clearly indicates, according to these authors, its affinities to the'
' by cruciatelyand
cup-shaped or dichotomously
with a single branching
pyrenoid. threads. CWoroplasts one to two, parietal,
Fott (1959) placed the family Botryococcaceae between the families Radio- Reproduction by the division of the cell into two or four a!ltospores, the daughter
coccaceae and Dictyosphaeriaceae under the Chlorococcales. The same arrange.- cells remaining connected to the colony by the old-mother cell wall which divides to
ment is followed in the present account.
.. form branching th]'eads. Daughter colonies are'formed by the fragmentation of larger
ductionin anotherspecies.
colonies. Zoospore formation . is known. in one species and oogamous sexual repro-
Four speciesare r~coraedfrom the Indian region.

Mature cells
cells spherical
ovoid to toellipsoid
ovoid 0 0 0 .Do puttllellum ( p 199 )

a. Cells 4-7 p. broad, 6-10 p.long 0 .D. ehrenbergianum( p 201 )

b. Cells 8'4-10 p. broad, 11,7-15 p. long .D. indicum( p 201 )
Mature cells kidney-shaped...; 0 0 0 .D. reniforme ( p 202 )

Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood

pH.105, pi 20, f1872,P84,pllO,f4;JoBrunnthaler,

C. Wood, 13, p121, f I 1915,pp 184-85,f 277; GoM. Smith, 1920
=Diclyosphaeriumg/obosumPo Richter, 1884, p 65

Colonies nearly spherical and of 4-64 or more cells. Cells spherical to ovoid
var. nUnutuin Deflandre
with a single parietal cup-shaped chloroplast having a single pyrenoid. Cells 3-10 ~
in diameter. Colonies up to about 64 p in diameter (Fig. 110). G. Deflandre, 1926, p 708, £ II-IS; A. K. Mitra, 19H, p ?, £19

.' .
~~-" .. - " "............. . Colony spherical, 30-50 p in diameter and composed of 4-32 (usually 16)
cells; without any evident gelatinous envelope. CeIls globular, 4-5 p in diameter
/' t"\\ f) "\
and with a cup-shaped chloroplast having a single median pyrenoid.
HABITAT. In cultures of soil from rice fields near AIIahabad (Mitra, l.c.).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe and India (D.P.).
According to Mitra, no gelatinous envelope could be detected even after suitable
staining. The absence of an envelope is also suggested by the fact that colonies
\. .. ~~...'
. . .. any envelope.
readily break up into fragments when handled. Deflandre (l.c.)also does not figure

_. 1I I. Dictyosphaerlum ehren.bergianum Naegeli

. 110 a
..... 1920,
C. p 105, 1849,
Naegeli, pi 20,p £73,
pl.2, £ E a-d; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 183-84, £ 276; G. M. Smith,

~............. Colonies spherical to ovoid and. consisting of 4-8-16, rarely more, ceIls. CeIls
{(~~~:~;,'" .......
ovoid to ellipsoid or nearly spherical. Chloroplast one to two in each cell, parietal

. and with (Fig.

diameter a pyrenoid:
II 1). - CeIls 4-7 p broad, 6-10 p long. Colonies up to 80 p in,.

it:- - £LwiTAT. Ro~k pools, tanks and lakes, Ceylon, September-October (Crow,
\'" ~

\.::' ~Ji:{

,., ,
.:./..:::;:': ;r ;..


1..;1 a .

. ..

" = ~.;.1b
1923); fIshery bundhs, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore (W. Bengal), rather common
to very common-December; Rallia reservoir, Coonoor (Madras), abundant-May;
Sim's Park Pond, Coonoor, rare--June; ponds and tanks, Barrackpore, rare-December;
]eypore (Orissa), rare-February;
(Mysore), rather common-February;
O~tacamund (Madras), rare-June;
and Chikkanakarai (Coorg,
Nandi Hills
Mysore), ,rather
common-February (!). ~
FIGS' 110-111. 119>- Dictyosphaerium pulchellum WOOD; II 1, D. ehren- .

bergianumNAEGELI. (1I0,xI000;III,XI500). . DISTRIDUTION.Widespread, including Europe, N. and S. America, Africa, India,

Ceylon,:Malaya, Singapore, Java, and Japan. _
The figure given by Brunnthaler (op.c.)is not quite typical.
HABITAT. RiverCooum, Madras-(Iyengar and Venkataraman, J951); ponds
and tanks, Dibrugarh and Sibasagar (Assam),' common to 'abundant, May-June;.
Barrackpore (W. Bengal), rare-December; Bhopal (M.P.), stray-July; Cuttack,
Dic:tyosphaerium iudiculD Iyengar et Ramanathan
rather common-July, common to abundant-August, Sambalpur (Orissa)" common
-December, Linghipur, Puri, (Orissa), common-April; Kurnool (A.P.), rare- M.O.P. Iyengar and K. R. Ramanathan, 1940, p 199, Text-£ 1-14, pl8
December; Trichur (Kerala), common-December,. and Ochira (Kerala), stray-
February; River Sone, Dehri (Bihar), rare-May; River Mahanadi, Cuttack, rare- Colonies spherical to broadly ovoid or slightly irregular and of 4-16-64 or more
March; fishery' bundh, Chandrakona Road, rare-December; swamp, Kausalya
'~elIs. Cells eIlipsoid, spindle-shaped, somewhat pIano-convex when young and
Ganga (Puri), rare-April; Moat, Vellore (Madras), rare-December; reservoirs,
Hyderabad, Mysore, Mercara and Trivandrum, rare-February; canal, Chalakudi ,;broadly ellipsoid when mature. Chloroplast single in young cells, two in older ceIls;
Parietal and plate-like and with a single pyrenoid. Young cells 5-8'4 P broad,
(Kerala). common-February (!).
1'7-15 p long. Mature ceIls 8'4-10 p broad, Il'7-15 p long (Fig. Il2).
! Vegetative multiplication by the formation of 2-4 autospores in each ceIl.
~exual reproduction by the fusion of a biciliate antherozoid with a non-motile egg.
~ 203
20~ DISTRIBUTION.North East India.
Full details of this form originally described by Wallich in MSCR 332 B (see
yeyCJ Turner, i.e.) are not available.
a Cosmocladium.
Turner believed that there is a possibility of its being

O-O-O~(?-~\5D ,~. D.
Species of Dictyosphaerium not recordedfrom the Indian region
anomalum Korshikov, 1953, p 339, f313
0;\;jC;::/y"c)Q D.
elegans Bachmann, 1913, pp 184-87, f 1
minutum Petersen, 1932, p 39

\S<::;>C;S~ 0 ~ /
oviforme Lagerheim, 1893, p 161
Plarutonicum Tiffany et Ahlstrom, 1931, p 458
pusillum Steinecke, 1926, p 474
~113ac? D.
regutare Swirenko, 1926, p 85
simplex Korshikov, 1953, p 337, f31O, non Skuja, 1956, p 181
"1iza D. skujae nom. novo _
=D. simPlex Skuja, 1956, p 181, pi 29, f 13-20
D. termtre Fritsch etJohn, 1942, p 378
D. tetrachotomum Printz, 1914, p 24, pi 1, f 1-6

ill Reproduction by zoospores is known in the terrestrial species D. termtre.
regarded D. regulare as probably synonymous to Westella botryoides.
Korshikov (1953, p 361)

Q b
FIGs. 112-113.

112, Dictyosphaerium indicum IYENG. ET RAMA:::.TH.;

. XXXVI. Genus WESTELLA de Wildeman, 1897, p 532

Colonies free-floating and ~sually without a gelatinous envelope, made up of


lf2a, COLONy;1l2 b-c, CELLSENLARGED;113a, D. reniforme BULNHEIM; 113b-c,F. about 30-100 cell; held together by the non-gelatinizing remains of the old-mother cell
major TURNER. -
(112, FROM IYENGAR & RAMANATHAN,1940; 113 a, FROMWOLLE; 113b-c, walls. Cells more or less spherical and usu!l,lly' grouped in fours, rarely in eights.
FROMTURNER, 1892). .Chloroplast single, parietal and c~p-shaped, with or without a pyrenoid.
Reproduction by the formati,pn of 4-8 autospores from each cell which remain
Antherozoids spindle- to pear-shaped, 3'3 J-l1;>road and 8:4-10 J-l long. Egg cells connected to the mother colony till they are broken off.
round and 8'4-10 J-lin diameter. Zygotes round and smooth-walled, 10-11'7 J-lin Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
HABITAT. Planktonic in a muddy rainwater pool near Madras (Iyengar et 114. Westella botryoides (W. West) de Wildeman
Ramanathan, i.e.).
De Wildeman, 1897, p 532; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 107, pi 21, f 4; G. S. West and F. E. Fritsch,
DISTRIBUTION.India (Madras). 1927, p 135, £45; M.-T. Philipose, 1940,p 161, p12, f30
" = TetracoccusbotryoidesW.West, 1892, p 735, pliO, f43~48jJ. Brunnthaler, 1915,p 116, f 81
113. Dictyosphaeri~renifonne Bulnheim
Colonies of irregular shap~ and of about 40-80 cells. Cells usually small,
o. Bulnheim,1859,P 22, pi 2, f 6; G. B. De T~iii, 1889,P 660; J. Brunnthaler,1915,p 185,
£ 278 - spherical and groups of four or eight. Chloroplast single, cup-shaped
. 'and with or without a pyrenoid. Cells 3-9 J-l in diameter. Colonies 30-84 p in
Cells usually kidney-shaped, sometimes heart-shaped or somewhat irregular. diameter (Fig. 114).
Cells in the colonies often grouped in bundles. Colonies 40-70 J-lin diameter. Cells HABITAT. Tank, Ceylon-October (Crow, 1923); ditch at edge of rice field,
~10 J-lbroad and 10-20 J-llong (Fig. 113 a). '!.Sadiya, Assam-August (Carter, N., 1926); Museum Pond, Madras, rare to very
The alga is not known from the Indian region. common, October-November (Philipose, l.c.); pond, Bombay (Gonzalves andJoshi,
,1946); Museum Pond, Calcutta, common-June; ponds, Barrackpore, common-
? f. major Turner June, stray-November and December, Cuttack, rare to common-July, August
;'and September and Nuapara (Cuttack), stray-December (!).
W. B.Turner, 1892,p 156,p120,£28
, DISTRJBUTION.Europe, N. America, Africa, India, Ceylon, Siberia, Japan, and
Cells kidney-shaped and grouped in a bundle, the cells being held together ~.
Korshikov (1953, p 361, f 340) recorded a distinct mucilaginous envelope in
by slender brown filaments. Cells 9-17 J-lbroad and 25 J-llong (Fig. 113 b, c).

115. Dimorphococcuslunatus A. Braun
Westella and treated Swirenko's (1926, p 85) Dictyosphaeriumregulareas synonymous to
Westella botryoides. A. Braun, 1855, p 44;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 185-86, f280; G. M. Smith 1920, p 106, p121,
f 5; P. Bruhl and K. Biswas, 1926, p 266, pI I , f9
=Scenedesmus radiatus Reinsch, 1867, P 81, pi 6, f 6

.. Colonies irregular. Cells in groups of four and arnmged alternately in a

fi- zigzag fashion. Outer cells of each group reniform or somewhat crescent-shaped,
t Inner cells elongate-ovoid to ellipsoid. Ends of cel~s rounded. Chloroplast a pari-
etal plate nearly covering the entire cell wall in mature cells. Cells 4-15 fl broad,
,', 9-2.5 fllong. Colonies up to 100 fl in diameter. (Fig. 115).


~" ~

.I ~;j HABITAT. Planktonic, Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl and Biswas, i.e.); pond,
Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); Royal Lakes aI'ld pond, Cantonment Gardens,
'Rangoon-December (Skuja, 1949); ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh and Joyasagar
, /)
. i'.
(Assam), stray-May and June; Cuttack, stray-February,
(Orissa), stray-December;'!:fyderabad, stray-January;
Sambalpur and Pachikot
Bangalore, rather common-
114 ~

FIG. .114. Westella botryoides ryv. WEST) DE WILDEMAN.

la, FROM PHILIPOSE, 1940; b, x 1500).

Species oj Westella not recordedfrom the Indian region

W; linearis G. M. Smith, 1920, p 107, p121, f2-3
W. natans (Kirchner) Printz, 1927, p !40
'=Coelastrum natans Kirchner
=Tetra£oCtus natans (Kirchn.) Lemmermann

XXXVII. Genus DIMORPHOCOCCUS A. Braun, 1855, p 44

Irregular free-floating colonies, usually without an outer gelatinous envelope,

rarely with one, the cells being held together by the branching remains of the old.
mother cell wall. Cells in groups of four, of wbi~ the outer two cells are kidney- to
heart-sb,aped and the inner two cells are more or less ovoid, ellipsoid or cylindrical with
rounded ends. Chloroplast single, parietal, more or less occupying the entire cell and
with one pyrenoid. _

Reproduction by the division of a cell irito four daughter cells, which remain
attached to the colony by the thread-like remains of the old-mother cell wall till
they are broken off. .
Three species are recorded from India.

I. Colonies irregular and without enveloping mucilage


117c 117 d. 117 e

i. Cell. ovoid-ellipsoid to reniform and without basalstalks .D.lunatus (p 205)

FIGs. 115-117. 115, DimorPhococcus lunatus A. BRAUN; 116, D. cordaius
WOLLE; 117, D.Jritschii CROW.
ii. Cells heart-shaped to reniform and with short stalks. . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . D. c.ordatus(p 205)
II. Colonies somewhat regular and ellipsoid; with enveloping mucilage . (115 a-b, x 1500; 116 a-b, FROM CHODAT; 117 b-e, FROM CROW,
1923 a; 117a, AFTER CROW, 1923 a; a, COLONY, b-e, DIFFERENTKINDSOF
to cellheart-shaped to cylindrical and with short stalks having a lappet at the .D.fritschii
pomt of attachrne£t
February; Chalakudi, Iringalakuda, Azhicode and Debira (Kerala), rare-February;
ground that no starch is produced
Xanthophyceae. by the alga. Folt and Komarek (/.c.) also placed the genus under the
fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore (West Bengal), rare-December (!).
The exact systematic position of S/einiella balatonica Hortobagyi (1952, p 237, f 11) is not understood.
DISTRIBUTION. Widespread-including Europe, N. arid S. America, Africa, India, Steiniella was originally established by Bernard (1908) with the type species S. graeventzii Bernard. It has
Burma, Siam, Java, Formosa, and Japan. been considered by later authors as synonymous to Scenedesmus bijuga, bijugatus var. alternans or ovalternus
D. lunatus is characteristic of soft waters, acid bogs and mountain tarns (see West var. (see G.M. Smith 1916; Chodat, 1926, Korshikov, 1953). No other species of S/einiella is known.
near it, if notspecies
with ait.great resemblance to LoboC)'s/is Thompson and could probably be placed
and Fritsch, 1927, p 136; Prescott, 1951, p 252). The author also found the alga in
soft waters. '"

116. -Dim.orphococcus cordatus Wolle

F. Wolle, 1887, p 199, pI 160, f30-38; F. S. Collins, 1909, pp 174-75, pI 6, f60;J. Brunnthaler,
1915,pI86,f281 .

Colonies like a bunch of grapes. Cells heart- to kidney-shaped with the concave
sides directed outwards, and with a short basal gelatinous stalk. Cells 4-8 p broad
and 6-16 p long (Fig. 116).
HABITAT. Pond, Rangoon-January (Skuja, 1949).
DISTRIBUTION.Switzerland, N. Amerka, Abyssinia, and Burma.

117. Dhnorphococcus fritsclUi Crow
W. B. Crow, 1923 a, p 141, f A-F; 1923, p 165.

Colonies faitly large consisting of up to 128 cells, regular and ellipsoid, of com~
pact compound grollps of four cell~ each, embedded in distinct envetoping mucilage.
Each group of cells dimorphic, one pair heart-shaped and the alternating pair cylindrical
and slightly bent inwards. Each cell with a short mucilaginous stalk having a small
lappet at the point of attachment 1:0the cell. Colonies 70-90 p broad, 85-100 p long.
Cells 12-20 p in height. Cylindrical cells 5-6 p broad (Fig. 117).
HABITAT. In rock pools, tanks, canals and lakes, Ceylon-September
(Crow, i.e.). . .
Genera oj Dictyosphaeriaceae not recordedfrom the Indian region

Da£/ylospfaerium Steinecke,. 1916, p 68, monospccific :

D. sociale Steinecke, 1916, p 68
Lobocystis Thompson, 1952, p 366, monospecific :
L. dichotoma Thompson, 1952, p 366, f 8-9
Quadricoccus Folt, 1948, p 11, with two species :
Q.laevis FOIt, 1948, P 11, fig
Q. verrucosus Folt, 1948, p 11, f 1 a-f, h-i
= Tetratomococcus ornatus Korshikov, 1953, p 340, f 315

Dic!Y06)'s!isLagerheim (1890, p 226), based on the single species D. hi/chcoc~ii (W~~le) LagerheiDl,
has been-consldered
Smith. _
by -G. M. Smith (1933) as a Cosmocladium with the name C. httchcockn (Wolle) G. M.

Euteltamorus Walton (1918, p 126) with one species, E. globoslls Walton, has been considered by G. M.
Smuh (1933) as synonymous to Sphaerocystis Chodat, 1897.
DrchotomococcusKorshikov (1928, p 418) with three species: D. capitatusKorsh. (1928); D. curvatus
Korsh. (1939) (=D. dongatus Folt, 1948) and D. luna/us Folt (1948) has also to be excluded from the
order. Korshikov (1928) originally placed his genus in the Chlorophyceae and it was followed by la:.
authors. However, In 1939, he (cr., Folt and Komarek, 1960), transferred it to the Xanthophyceae on e
,- 118. Dactylococcus infusionum

Naegeli *

C. Naegeli, 1849, p 85, pI 3, f F; Go W. Prescott, 1951, p 255, pi 56, f 13

12. Family SELENASTRACEAE (Blackman et TansIey) .~
Cells fusiform, solitary or attached pole to pole to form false branched filaments
Fritsch in West et Fritsch, 1927, pp 103, 127 or chains. Chloroplast parietal,
2 .5-4 P broad, 9 p long (Fig. lIB). sometimes with an indistinct pyrenoid. Cells
Members of this family are usua11y free-living, rarely attached and they usually
occur in loose colonies held together by a mucilaginous envelope or by the adhesion
of cells at certain points, rarely solitary. Cells club-shaped, fusiform, acicular, lunate
or ovate-cuneate. Chloroplast parietal and with or without a pyrenoid. -
Reproduction by autospores.
Nine genera belonging to this family are recorded from the Indian region:-
1. Cells elongated, in small groups or solitary
a. Cells attenuated to acute apices and often connected at apices to form loose colonies.. . 0. . .. ....
Dm;tylococcus (p 208).
b. Cells fusiform .to acicular, solitary or in loose aggregates
i. Cells of moderate length and with or without a single pyrenoid
tSolitary or in loose aggregates and usually without a mucilaginous envelope. . .. ........
Ankistrodesmus (p 210)

~2-4-8 or more cells within a mucilaginous envelope. 0

ii. Cells solitary, very.long and with an axial row of a dozen or more pyrenoids. . . . . . . .-: .. . . . .,
- Closteriopsis(p 216)
Quadrigula(p 215)

~~. Uge
c. Cells oblong-ovoid or club-shaped, usually joined by their ends to form radiating colonies.. . .....

Actinastrum(p 217)
2. Cells more or less lunate and in colonies
a. C«;lIsattenuated, fairly regularly arranged back to back and usually without a mucilaginous
envelope. . 0. . . . . . 0. . . . . . . . . 0. . . . . . .. . . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Selenastrum (p 218)

bo Cells usually small in number (1-2-4, rarely 8) and arranged within the enlarged mother cell
wall. . . . . ., 0.. . . 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 0. . . .. Nephrochlam'y~
(p 221)
c. Number of cells often larger (4 to many) and arranged loosely within a wide mucilaginous
envelope. . 00. . . . . 0 . . 0. . . . 000. . . . 0. . . 0. . . . . 0. . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kirchneriella (p 222)

3. Cells ovate-cuneate and in colonies

Cells arranged in radiating groups at the periphery of an envelope with the broad ends towarOs
the centre and touching each other. 0. . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Gloeom;tinium (p 225)

XXXVIII. Genus DACTYLOCOCCUSNaegeli, 1849, p 85

Cells solitary or joined' end to end to form fragile colonies, usually fusiforDl 1I9d
with attenuated apices. Cell wall thin and mucilaginous. Chloroplast parietal,
FIGs. 118-119. 118, DactylococCU$ infusionum NAEGELI; 119 a-c,
laminate and with an indistinct pyrenoid. Ankistrodesmus spiralis (TURNER) LEMMo;1 19d. vAR.fasciculatus G. Mo SMITH.
Reproduction by oblique division of the- protoplast leading to autospore (118, FROM G. M. SMITH, 1950; 119c, FROM TURNER, 1892 (AS
formation. Raphidium spirale TURNER); (1I9a-b,x 1500; 119d,x 725).

Only one species recognized. Four other species known have been transferred
by Pascher (1915) and Petersen (1928) to KeralococcusPascher, 1915. ... . .After studying Sa..d,smus dim.,phus and S. 06/iguus in axenic culture using different -media, Trianor (ConodiQnJ.
1~ 41 · 967-68, 1963; ibid. 42 : 515-18, 1964) concluded that unbranched or branched DQdylDtDttus stages with a can.
-.IIeCting band between adjacent cells OCcur in these species. With S. dim.rphus, Datlyloc.ttlu stages occurred when yeast extract
208 /"as Used and they Were never in abundance, whereas in inorganic media, with sodium citra.e as a buffer, coenobia typical
;Of Su""smus were formed. With S. obliguus, the DQdy/oco<<usstages Were produced in the absence of an organic ~ubitrate.
,'OIIte of the branched stages being composed of as many as 30 cells. S,nce the Ducly/oc,,«us .stages of S. o6/.gous ~re
lfonned in Bristol's solution and in complete medium which are simple, defined media and not concentrated m~dia or with
tldd.ition of organic compounds, Trainor is opinion that the DQ"y/~,,,,s stage i. likely to be a naturally occusnng form.
The above findings of Trainor Once again cast doubts on the validity of DQ"Yro-tIU i./Usi.num Nae,,'"

~..'T" 1..~
HABITAT. Adhering to aquatic phanerogamic plants in Afghanistan
(Schaarschmid t, 1886). Dibrugarh (Assam), straY-May, Chikkanakarai (Coorg), rare-February and
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, and Afghanistan. Azhicode (Kerala), rare-February; fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore
Since colonies of this alga break up readily, several authors (Wille, 1909; West (W. Bengal),
April (!). rare-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri (Orissa), rare-
and Fritsch, 1927; Fritsch, 1935) doubt the independence of Dactylococcusand consider
it probable tbat D. infusionum Naegeli is a naturally occurring state of Scenedesmus DISTRIBUTION.Widespread, incl. Europe, N. America, S. and W. Africa, India,
Burma, Ceylon, Singapore, Java, China, Siberia, and Japan.
obliquus,but G. M. Smith (1916; 1933; 1950) stated that a strain of D. irifusionumNaegeli
isolated in unialgal culture from material collected in Wisconsin (Smith, 1914)
developed typically many-celled colonies and lacked Scenedesmus-like stages. var. fasciculatus G. M. Smith
G. M. Smith, 1922, p 336, pi 8, f 19
XXXIX. Genus ANKISTRODESMUS Corda, 1838, p 196
=Raphidium Kuetzing, 1845, p 144 .~ Cells curved or sigmoid, twisted around one another and united in colonies of
50-200 cells with the median portion of the cells in contact and the apices free. Cells
Free-floating, solitary or in loose temporary colonies usually. not enclosed within -
3 '75-5 p, broad, 55-70 p, long. Colonies 75-180 p, in diameter (Fig. 119 d).
a mucilaginous envelope. Cells acicular to fusiform, straight, curved or sigmoid with
HABITAT. Ponds and tanks, Sibsagar (Assam), s,tray-June, Dibrugarh (Assam),
gradually tapering ends. Chloroplast single, parietal and with or without a pyrenoid.
rather common-May; Sambalpur, Kamakhyanagar and Chatrapur (Orissa), rare-
Reproduction by oblique-transverse and longitudinal division of protoplast
February, Chikkanakarai, Coorg, and Azhicode (Kerala), rare-February; fishery
leading to autospore formation. "'"
bundh,. <;:handrakona Road, Midnapore
Kausalya Ganga, Puri, rare-April (!). (W. Bengal), rare-December; swamp,
Four species are recorded from the Indian region.
DISTRIBUTION.N. America and India.
This variety differs from ,the type in the larger number of cells in a colony.
1. Cells sigmoid and usually in colonies of2-4-8 or more - The author observed the variety frequently in association with the type in neutral or
a. 4-8 or l!10recells twisted around <!.neanother ~.. ',' .A. sPiralis(p. 210).... slightly acidic waters with low total alkalinity. -
b. In fasci~late bundles of 2-3-4, sometimes solitary. . . . .. . . . . . . : . .. .. . . . . .A. sigmoides(p. 2Jl) ,

2. Acicular cells not twisted around each other .A.falca/us (p. 2Jl) 120. Aokistrodesmus sigmoides (Rabenh.) Bruhl et Biswas
P. Bruhl and K. Biswas, 1922, p 12, pi 3, f22
3. Celis fusiform, strongly curved and sickle shaped .A. convolu/us(p. 213)',
=Raphidiumpolymorphum var. sigmoideum Rabenhorst, 1868, p 45; F. WolJe, 1887, p 155
119. Ankistrodesmus spiralis (Turner) Lemmermann
Cells solitary or in fasciculate bundles of 2-3-4, fusiform, slen~er, gradually
E.Lemmermann', 1908, p 1-76;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 190, f 293; G. M. Smith, 1920, pp 135-36, attenuated from the middle towards the enqs and distinctly sigmoid. Ends of cells
pi 32,f6-7 ' -
=RaPhidium spirale Turner, 1892, p 156, pi 20, f 26 very acute. Cells 2-3 p, broad and about 2~ p, long (Fig. 120).'
=R. polymorphum FJ:es. var. /urneri W. et G. S. West, 1902, p 197, pi 17, fI8 HABITAT. Filter beds, Bengal (Bruhl and Biswas, l.c.).
=Ankis/rodesmusfalfa/us var. spiralis (Turner) G. S. West, 1904; N. Carter, 1926, p 277 'DISTRIBUTION. Europe, N. America, and India.
=Riiphidium /u!fleri (West) Bern!lrd, 190~, p 176, f376-19; 1909, p 76, f 156-59,
Aokistrodesmus fa1catus (Corda) Ralfs
Cells acicular with acute-apices; in colonies of usually 1=-8-16, rarely two, cells .
spirally twisted round one another in the median region, but free at the ends. Chloro-
J. Ralfs,
p 134, pi 1848,
32, £ I;p M.
34, £ 3 a-d;J.
1927, p Brunnthaler,
262, pi 6, £6 1915, p 188, f 283; G. M. Smith, 1920.
plast single and without a'pyrenoid. Cells 1-3'0 P,broad, 20-45 p, long (Fig. 119 a-c). =Micras/eriasfalca/aCorda, 1835,p 206, pi 2, £29
HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, t.e:); paddy fields, Heneratgodha, Ceylon =Ankis/rodesmusfusiformis Corda, 1838, p 199
=Raphidiumfasciculalum Kuetzing, 1845, p 144
(W. and G. S. West, 1902); ditch at edge of rice field, Sadiya, Assam-August
(Carter, l.c.); Royal Lakes and trench, Rangoon. (Skuja, 1949); ponds and tanks, C.
=R.Bernard, 1908,var.falca/um
polymorphum p 114, f 365-69
(Corda) Rabenhorst, 1868, p 45; W. and G.S. West, 1902, p 197;

Ankis/rodesmusis generally considered to be without a mucilaginous envelope.
to Korshikov (1953), some typical species ofthis genus possess a mucilaginous envelope.
However, according
On this ground,. ",(' CelIs acicular to narrowly fusiform with the ends tapering to acute apices,
he included Q.uadrigula, always with a distinct envelope, and Selenas/rum, (See Korshikov, 1953, p 302, f264)
which may have a gelatinous envelope, within the genus Ankislrodesmus. The author treats Q.uadrigu14' ,. Usually in fasciculate bundles of 2-+-8 or more, rarely solitary. Chloroplast single,
~nd Selenas/rum
as distinct genera. _ parietal
(Fig. 121and
a, e).usually without pyrenoids. Cells 1'5-7'0 P, broad, 20-165 p, long
.j .

var. aclc:ularis (A. Braun) G. S. West
G. S. West, 1904, p223;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 188,f 284jG. W. Prescott, 1951,p253, p156, fl6
=Raphidium aciculare A. Braun in L. Rabenhorst, 1863, p 18, No. 442; W. B. Turner, 1892,
p 156
.t~ =RaPhidium polymorphum var. aciculare (A. Braun) Rabenhorst, 1868, p 45; W. and G. S.
West, 1902, p 197
=Ankis/rodesmus acicularis (A. Braun) Skuja, 1948, p 143
=A. acicularis (A. Braun) Korshikov, 1953, p 291 -,
Cells mostly single, straight or slightly cOrved and with pointed ends. Cells
/:. 2-4'5 p-broad, 35-80, rarely up to 210 p-long (Fig. 121c). /
HABITAT. N. E. India (Turner, l.c.); paddy fields and artificial tanks, Ceylon
(W. and G. S. West, 1902); paddy fields, Momauk, and shallow pools overgrown with
weeds, Mansang,. Burma (W. and G. S. West 1907); ponds and Kokine Lakes,
Rangoon (Skuja, 1949).
DISTRIBUTION. Cosmopolitan.

var. radiatus (Chodat) Lemmermann

~ .../ E. Lemmermann, 1908, p 175; J. Bruniithaler, 1915, p 188
=Raphidium polymorphumFres. var. radia/umChodat, 1902, p t98; C. Bernard, 1908, p 175,
r372-73; 1909, P 76, f 153-55
Cells in radiating bundles, straight or curved, 2-3 ~ broad and 70-80 p- long
(Fig. 121 d).
HABITA,!,. Cantonment Gardens, Royal Lakes and trench, Rangoon (Skuja,
1949). Swamp, Ka!lsalya Ganga, Puri, Stray-Aprit (!). _

trlb .
... DisTRIBUTION. Europe, India, Burma, -Singapore, J~va, and Japan.

var. spiriWformis (W. et G. S. West) G. S. West

FIGs. 120-122. 120, Ankis/rodesmus sigmoides (RABENH.) BRUHL ET BISWAS; G. S. West, 1904, p 224; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 188, f288; G. M. Smith, 1926, p 182, p113,
121 a, e, A. falca/us (CORDA) RALFS; b, VAR. sPirilliformis (W. ET G. S. WEST) f6
G. S. WEST; C, VAR. acicularis (A. BRAUN) G. S. WEST; d, VAR. radia/us (CHOD.) =Raphidium polymorphum var. spirale W. et G._S. West, 1898
LEMM.; 122 a-d, A. convolu/us CORDA. .=R. polymorphum var. sPiroides Zacharias, 1903
(120, FROMBRUHL & BISWAS,1922; 121 a, d,x 1000; 121 b-c, FROMWEST;
7"R. angus/um Bernard, 1908, p 177 _ _ '
=Ankis/rodesmus angus/us (Bernard) Korshikov, 1953, p 297; incl. A. con/or/us Thuret in de
'121 e, IROM BISWAS 1949; 122 :;r-b, x 1500; c-d, FROM BISWAS, 1936 (AS A. --' Brebisson, 1856, p 158
Cells solitary, spir;tlly curved and with pointed ends, 1-2'2 p- broad, 16-40 p-
HABITAi. Paddy fields, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West, 1902,) Tanks and pools, ;)ong (Fig. r21 b).
Ceylon (Crow, 1923); banks and backwaters of the Irrawady, and shallow pools . HABITAT. Free-floating in a pond, Cantonment Gardens, Rangoon-May
overgrown with weeds, Mansang, Burma (W. and G. S. West, 1907); Royal Lak~, 'f(Skuja, 1949). _

Rangoon (Handa, l.c.); aquarium and Cantonment Gardens, Rangoon, and pond, DISTRIBUTION. Europe, N. America, Africa, Burma, Java, and Siberia.
Mandalay (Skuja; 1949); Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl and' Biswas, 1926);' pOl1d, Though most authors, including G. S. West, Brunnthaler and Smith, referred
Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); River Cooum, Madras (Iyengar. and % the variety as var. spirilliformis G. S. West, latest nomenclatural rules make it
Venkataraman, 1951); ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh (Assam) stray-May; Barrackpore \'Decessaryto include · G. S. West' within brackets immediately after the varietal
and Seranlpor_e (W. Bengal) stray-to rare-January to October; Cuttack, stray-July e since the alga is synonymous to Raphidiumpolym01phumvar. spiraleW. et G. S. West.
and August,Nuapara; (Orissa) stray_February;.Sambalpur, (Orissa) stray-December;
Azhicode (Kerala) stray-Octobe~, rare-February and Ochira, Kerala, rather Aukistrodesmus cODvolutus Corda
common-February; fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, W. 'Bengal, rare-
A.J. C. Corda, 1838, p 199, p12, f 19;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 190, f292; G. M. Smith, 1926,
December (!). p 182, p113, f 7-9


214 Korshikov (1953) transferred Ankis/rodesmus spiro/aenia G. S. West (1911) to Raphidonema Lagerheim,
and, unlike most authors who include Raphidonema under the Ulotrichales, he placed it under genera of
(Corda) Rabenhorst, 1B6B,p 46 uncertain systematic position in his Protococcineae. Hindiik (1963) created a new genus Koliella
(outside the Ch10rococcales) and treated A. spiro/aenia,A. nivalis (Chodat) Brunnthaler (1915, p 190,
Ankislrode~musconvolutus ~Rabenh.) G. S. West, 1904,P 204; W. and G. S. ~est,
var. mlnulum (NaegelI) Rabenhorst in Brunntha1er, 1915,p 190; F. E. Fntsch
1907, P 2.30;
and F. RIch f294) and A. vireli (Chodat) Brunnthalcr (1915, p 190, f 295) as its respective species.
1930, P 27; K. Biswas, 1936, P 125, pI B,'f 10; G. Nygaard, 1945, p 4B,p14, f 46 ' Ankis/rodesmus minulissimus Korshikov (1953, p 295, f255), A. subcapitalus Korshikov (1953, p 295,
f254) and A. rolunaus Korshikov (1953, p 294, f 253) look more like species ofSelenos/rum than Ankistrodesmus.
Solitary or in groups of 2-4 cells. Cells strongly curved or twisted with the ends Incidentally, it may be mentioned here that Korshikov (op.c.) included Selenoslrum, with its well known
species, as well as Q.uadrigula .and Closteriopsis, within Ankis/rodesmus.
pointed, rarely blunt and stumpy. Cells l' 5-5 P, broad, 3-28 p, long (Fig. 122 a-d).
HABITAT. In springs on the river bank, Bhamo, Upper Burma (W. and G. S. XL. Genus Q.UADRIGULA Printz, 1915, p 49
West, i.e.); among a colony of rotifers, N. E. India (Biswas, i.e.).
Brunnthaler (op.c.)stated that Ankislrodesmus convolulUS
Corda has strongly curved Cells in groups of 2-4~8 or more arranged with their longitudinal axes parallel
cells with pointed, rarely stumpy ends and that var. minulum (Naeg.) Rabenhorst to the long axis of the colony inside a homogeneous hyaline gelatinous envelope.
Colonies ellipsoid to sphelOid. Cells cylindrical to fusiform, about 4-20 times as long
(4 p, X 12-28 p,) differs from the former in having crescent-shaped cells and being
as broad, straight or slightly curved. Chloroplast single, filling the 'cell, and with or
always single celled. However, he did not give the dimensions of the typical form or the
without pyrenoids.
figure of the variety. The dimensions of the typical form as given by De Toni (1889)
and Prescott (1951) are 3'5-5 P, X 3'7-12 P, and 3-4'5 P, X 12-15 P, respectively. Reproduction by 2-4-8 autospores, which separate from each other slightly as
the parent cell wall gelatinizes and merges with the colonial matrix.
Nygaard's alga is 2' 5-4 P, broad and 5-11 p,long, which is very near that of the typical
form. The variety described by Biswas is l' 5-2 P, broad and 15-20 P, long. Thus, Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
apart froI!l the overlapping of the dimensions of the typical form and of the variety
given by Brunnthaler as var. minulum (Nae&..) RabenhOlst and subsequently followed
by others, the-var~ety itself appears to be invalid since the acj:ual name of Raphidium
123. Q.uad~igula quateruata
H. Printz, 1915 a, p 29 (W. et G. S. West) Printz
=Ankistrodesmusqua/ernatusW. et G. S. Wes~, 1907, p 230, f23-25;J.
B~unnthaler, 1915, p 191,
convolulumvar. minimum(Naeg.) Rabenh. given by Rabenhorst is for a different alga f299
originally described by Naegeli, viz. Raphidium minulum Naeg. (f849) measuring
2-3 p, X 7-9 P, and with. crescent-shaped cells, which has been considered by Collins Colonies four-celled. Cells more- or less semilunar with their apices rounded,
(1909) as Selenaslrum minulum (Naeg.) Collins. The variety millulum (Naeg.) Rabenhorst and arranged cruciately in a compact manner within -a gelatinous envelope, the
. is, therefore; §uppressed i!l the present account. The Danish and the Indian alga concave sides of the cells facing the centre of the colony. Cells 7-7' 7 J.l broad,
described by Biswas with their slightly twisted ends belong to an Ankislrodesmusrather .23-24' 5 .p, long (Fig. 123). .
than a Selenaslrum! HABITAT. In shallow pools overgrown with weeds, Mansang near Hsipaw,
Upper Burma (W. and G. S. West, l.c.).
Some oj lhe speciesof .Ankistrodesmus not recordedfrom Ihe Indian region DISTRIBUTION. Burma and Siberia.
A. aculissimus Archer, IB62, P 256
A. amalloides Chodat et Oettli
A. anguslllS Chodat et Oettli Speciesnot recordedfrom lhe Indtan region
A., 19~3, p 296, f 257
A. bernardense Chodat et Oettli Q..choda/i(Tanner=Fullman) G. M. Smith, 1920, p 13B
(considered by Korshikov, 1953, p 290, as synonymouS to A. braunii) "=':.Raphidiumchoaa/iTanner-Fullman, 1906, p 156, f I-II
A. biplex (Reinsch) G. S. West, 1904, P 224 =Ankis/rodesmuschodati1,Tanner- Fullman) Brunnthaler, 1915, p 193
A. biplex (Reinsch) Brunntha1er, 1915, p 190, f297 Q..closterioides(Bohlin) Printz, 1915, p 49
A. braunii (Naegeli) Lemmermann, 190B, p 16B =NePhrocyliumc/osterioidesBohlin, IB97 a, p IB, pi I f 23-24
=RaPhidium braunii Naeg. ex Kuetzing, IB49, p 891 =Raphidium pji/zeri Schroeder, 1902, p 152, pi &;f6
=Ankis/rodesmus braunii (Naegeli) Collins, 1912, p 7B =Ankis/rodesmuspjitzeri (Schroeder) G. S. West, 1904, p 224 .
=A. braunii (Naeg.) Brunnthaler, 1915, p 1B9 =A. closterioides(Bohlin) Printz, 1914, p 9B
A. densus Korshikov, 1953, p 300, f 262 =Q.uadrigula pjitzeri (Schroeder) G. M. Smith, 1920, p 13B
A. dulcis P1ayfair, 1917, P B36, pI 57, f 20 Q..foscicula/aLundberg, 1931, p 2B2
A. ex/ensus Korshikov, 1953, p 296, f 256 =Ankis/rodesmuslundbergii(Lundb.) Korshikov, 1953, p 305, f 26B
A.falcula (A. Braun) Brunnthaler, 1915, p 190 Q..lacus/ris (Chodat) G. M. Smith, 1920, p 139, pi 33, f 4-6
*A.frac/us (A. Braun) Brunntha1er, 1915, Ii IB9 . =Raphidium braunii var. laclLSlreChodat, 1902, p 200, f 117
A. mucosUSKorsnikov, 1953, p 290, f250 =Ankistrodesmuslacustris(Ohedat) Ostenfeld, 1907, p 3B4 ~
A. muscicola (Hustedt) Teiling, 1942 a, P 216, f 8 =Raphidium pyrenogerum var. -gelifac/um ChOdat, 1901
A. nannoselene Skuja, 1948, P 142, p116, f 14 =Ankistrodesmusgelifactum'(Chod.) Bourrelly,1951, p 679, f20
A. oblusUSKorshikov, 1953, p 290, f249 Q..montanaStrcpm, 1926, p !6B, pi I, f 10-12
A. pseudomirabilis Korshikov, 1953, p 297, f 258 Q..pannonicaHortcpb~gyi,1962, p 36, p14B, f575-77
A. sepIa/us Chodat et Oettli
(also considered by Korshikov, 1953,p 290, as synonymous to A. braunii) Printz (1927) believed that Strc;m's species should be merged with Q.loJ/erioides,
A.tortilis W. et G: S. West, 1912, P 431, p19, f9-10
*See Addendum.
..::-...... =Raphidium pyrenogerum Chod., 1902, inc!. Raphidium longissimum Schroeder, 1897, p 373
=Ankis/rodesmus longissimus (Lemm.) Wille, 1909, p 68; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 191, f 300;
,.' .:.~ ".
(: '"
@ O. A. Korshikov, 1953, p 288, f247
=A. pyrenogerum (Chodat) Printz, 1927, p 151
.o.'\ .
I. ..
~ :.",
Cells solitary and free-floating, very variable, usually long and spindle-shaped,
123b .............................
slightly curved with the ends very long and gradually tapering to a fine point. Cell
123 a . wall very thin. Chromatophore plate-like with numerous pyrenoids arranged in a
linear row. Cells 3'5-7"5 fl broad, 190-530 fllong. -
The alga has not been recorded from the Indian region. Out of several
varieties known, ollly var. tropica is recorded from the Indian region.

var. tropica (Wet G. S. West) W. et G. S. West

W. and G. S. West, 1905, p 31, pi I, fl; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 136, P 132, f8
=Raphidium longissimum Schr. var. tropicum W. et G. S. West, 1902, p 198
=AnkistrodtSmus langissimus (Lemm.) Wille var. tropicum W. et G. S. West in Brunnthaler
. 1915, P 191

'. Cells elongate, spindle-shaped with gradually attenuated ends but not ending
in sharp points. Chromatoph9re-in the form of a. plate with a number of pyrenoids
arranged"in a linear series. Cells 6-7'5 fl broad, 225-370 fllong (Fig. 124).
HABITAT. Paddy fields, Heneratgodha, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West, 1902).
DISTRIBUTION.Shetlands, N. America, and Ceylon.'
f 'Fhe only' other species of Closteriopsi~known is C. brevicula
_Wheldon, 1947~
... I Xl;II. Genus ACTINASTRUM Lagerheini, 1882, p 70
124 ." Colonies free-floating and made up of 4-8-16 cylindrical or club-shaped cells
radiating from <\co~on centre. Colonies sometimes joined together to form irregular
multiple colonies. Cells with a single parietal chloroplast with or withcut a pyrenoid.
Reproduction by the formation of autocolonies from each 'cell.
FIGs. 123-125. 123, Quadrigula quaternata (W. ET G. S. WEST) PRINTZ a, Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
longissima (LEMM.) LEMM. VAR. tropic a (W. ET G. S. W!!ST) W. ET G. S. WEST;
125 a-c, Actinastrum..h.antz;schii LAGERH.; 125 d, VAR. elongatum G: M. SMITH.. ActinastrulD hantzschii Lagerheim
(123, FROM W. ET G. S. WEST, 1.907 (AS Ankistrodesmus quaternatus W. ET
G. S. WEST); 124, FROM W. ET G. S. WEST, 1902 (AS Raphidium longissimum G. Lagerheim, 1882, p 70, p13, f25-26; J. Brunnthaler, 191'5, p 168, f 237; G. M. Smith, 1920,
SCHROEDER VAR. tropmzm W. ET G. S. WEST); 1.25 d, FROM G. M. SMITU, 1920; p 164, pl.43, f6-7
125 a-c, x 1500). . -. .-

XLI. Genus CLOSTERIOPSIS Letnn:lermann, 1899, P 124 Colonies of 4 or 8 radially arranged cells, sometimes joined together to form
multiple colonies. Cells spindle-shaped and 3-6 times as long as broad. Middle of
Cells solitary, acicular, without gelatinous sheaths and usually much longer than cell twice as broad as the apices. Apices attenuated or slightly rounded. Cells 3-6 fl
in Ankistrodesmus. . Chloroplast parietal with an a"Xialrow of a dozen or more pyrenoids. broad, 10-26 fllong. Colonies up to 50 fl in diameter (Fig. 125 a-c)~.
The genus which resembles a Closteriumalso is distinguished from' it by the chloro- . HABITAT. Tanks, Ceylon, September-October (Crow, 1923); free-floating in
plast being not interrupted in the middle. ... :,~Eond, Cantonment Gardens, Rangoon-May (Skuja, 1949); River Cooum, Madras
Only one species recorded from the Indian region. ..(Iyengar and Venkataraman, 1951); Museum Pond, Calcutta, rare-July to August
'alld November; ponds and tanks, Sibsagar and Joyasagar (Assam), stray-May
124. Closteriopsis longissima (Lemm.) Lemmermann [alld June; Barrackpore (W. Bengal), very rare-January, May-July and October- .
E.Lemmennann, 1899, p 124, p12, r 36-38 ,iNovember; Serampore (W. Bengal), rare-July and October; Bhopal, rare to
=Clos/tTiumpronum var.longissimum Lemm., 1896(?)
21fi "
=RaPhidium mi/lulum Naegeli, 1849, p 83
=R. convolulum var. minimum (Naegeli) Rabellhorst, 1868, p 46
common-July j Cuttack, rare to very common-1'lay, July and August; Srikakulam,
Rajamundry and Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), stray-December, Sunkesala, '! Cells crescent-shaped, usually uniformly curved and plump with pointed ends,
Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh), common-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri solitary or, rarely, united in colonies. Cells 2-3 p, broad, 7-9 p, long (Fig. 126).
(Orissa), rare-April; moat, Vellore'~[adras), common-December" (!). HABITAT. Ponds, Mandalay-January and November (Skuja, 1949).
DISTRIBL'110N.Cosmopolitan. DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, S. Africa, Burma, and Japan.

val'. elongatum G. M. Smith 127. Selenastrwn bibraianUID Reinsch

G.}'[. Smith, 1918, P 636 pi 12, f3; 1920, P 165, ~143,f 8 P. Reinsch, 1867, p 64, p14, f 2 a-c; W. B. Turner, 1892, p 162, pi 21, f 15; J. Brunnthaler,
1915, p 182, f273; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 133, p131, f6-7
=Ankislrodesmus bibraianus (Reinsch) Korshikov, 1953, p 302, f 264
Cells much longer than in the type and elongate cylindrical, tapering only
slightly towards the poles. Cells 4-5 p, broad and 30--35 P, long (Fig. 125 d). Cells crescent- to sickle-shaped with sharply pointed ends and in colonies of
HABITAT. Planktonic in Lake Gregory, Colombo, Ceylon (Holsinger, 1955).
4-8-16 or more cells. Chloroplast single, parietal and usually with a pyrenoid.
DISTRIBI:110N. N. America arid Ceylon.
Cells 5-8 p, broad, 16-38 p, long -(Fig. 127).
HABITAT. Searsole, X E. India (Turner,Jf.); swamp, -!<-ausalya Ganga,
Someother speciesof Actinastrum not recordedfrom the Indian region
.-; Yuri (Orissa) very rare-April; pond, Chikkanakarai, Coorg, Mysore, very. rare-
A. bacillarePlayfair, 1917, P 838, pi 57, f28-29 February (!).
A. gracillimumG. M. Smith 1916 b, P 480, p126, f 23
A. minimumG. Huber, 1929, P 357, p14, f 1-3 DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, S. and W. Africa, India, Java, and Japan.
A. raPhidioides(Reinsch) Brunnthaler, 1915, p 169, f242 There is a possibility that C. bellgalicumis only a partially desiccated Sele/l(zstmm-
A. schroeteriG. Huber, 1929, P 350, pi 2, f 1-6
A. letaniformeTeiling, 1912 .~"..b'ibraianum(see also, up-def Closteridium-bellgalicumTurner).

A. aciculareP1ayfair (1917>-p838, pi 57, f 30) "has been considered by Huber_Pestalozzi(1929) as'

Selenastrwn grac~le Reinsch-
f. playiairii Huber of A. schroelerivar. curvalumHuber. A. gut/ula Playfair (1917) is, according to Fott,
(1953 a), the same as Paradoxiam/liliselaSwirenko (seeunder, Para~oxia). . .. P. Reinsch, 1867, p 65, pi 4, f 3 a-bj J. Bru'lnthaler, 1915, p 183, f 274; G. M. Smith, 1920,
p 133, p131, f 5
XLIII. Genus SELENASTRUM Reinsch, 1867, P 64 =S. bibrtiianum var. gracile (Reinsch) Tiffany et Ahlstrom, 1931 j L. H. Tiffany & M.E. Britton,
1952, p 117, p132, f 326 - ,
=A/lkislrodesmus gracilis p.p. (Reinsch) Korshikov, 1953, p 305, f 267
Free-floating colonies made up of 4-8-16 cells usually without an outer mucila-
Cells lunate to sickle~shaped and quite narrow in proportion to the length.
ginous envelope. Sometimes, several such groups joined together to form, larger
colonies containing as many as 100 or mOle cells. Cells semi-lunar, acicular or spirallY ',Apices of cells acute. Chloroplast without a pyrenoid. Cells 3-5 p, broad, 13-30 p,
twisted, joined to each other by their convex sides, rarely free. -Ends usually acutely 'long (Fig. 128).-.-
pointed, rarely oifid. Chloropiast single, parietal, fiJling the cell and usually with a HABITAT. Royal Lakes, Rangoon (Handa, 1927); N. E. India (Turner, 1892);
pyrenoid. --- '[po?d, Bombay (Gonzalves_ and Joshi,- 1946); fi~hery ?uudh, Chandrakona Road,
Reproduction by the formation of. 4-8-16 autospores from e!!ch cell which on ~Mldnapore (W. .Bengal)', .rather -common-December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga,
liberation arrange themselves as in the mother colony. " 'iPuri (Orissa), rather common-April; ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh (Assam), stray-
Four species are recorded from the "Indian region. ~~ay, Sambalpur (Orissa), stray-December, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh), rare-
KEY TO THE SPECIES 't ~pril, Bangalore, stray-February, Chikkanakarai, Coorg, Mysore, very common-
:F,ebruary, Trichur, Chalakudi and, Iringalakuda (Kerala), stray-February,
1. gells crescent-to sickle-shaped f!:\zhicode (Kerala), rather common-February and Ochira (Kerala), rare-
.~. Cells very_small,crescent-shaped and plump, 2-3 ~ broad, 7-9 ~ long . .S. minulum(p.218) l':ebruary; moat, Cuttack, rather common-April, very abundant among decaying
11. Cells larger, arcuate to sickle-shaped with sharply pointed ends
a. Cells 5-8 ,.. broad .-... . . .. . .S. bibraianum(p.219) "egetation-November and December (!).
b. Oells3-5,..broad !. .S.S gracile(p 221)
1 tp.219),
2. . - .
Cellsarcuatebutneversick le sh ape,d I 53_,.. b road
" "

. wes 1\ . .
DISTRIBUTION.Cosmopoli tan.
This species differs from S. bibraiallumonly in its more delicate cells, 3-5 p, in
:~eadth compared to 5-8 p, in S. bibraianum. Smith (1920) was probably the first to
126. ~ena8traD1 minutuID (Naegeli) Collins lint out this and suggest that possibly S. gracile should be considered as a variety of
F. S.Col1iJis.l~09,p 171,p16,f 55;J.Brunnthaler, 1915,p 182,f272
S. gracile may be justifiably considered as a variety of S. bibraianumthe sanction of long
usage is in favour of retaining the species.
Korshikov (1953) included Selenastrum under Ankistrodesmus. He combined

J)a d b
S. gracile Reinsch and S. westii G. M. Smith in a new combination, Ankistrodesmus
gracilis (Reinsch) Korshikov.
126 Handa's specimens of Selenastrum gracile from Burma ,are smaller than usual,
only 2-3 fl in broad and 11-13 fllong.
~c ,
- The alga observed by the author in a number of localities in India occurred
abundantly mostly during winter and that too in neutral or slightly acidic waters
frequently with decomposing vegetation.
121 a
129. Selenastrum westii G. M. Smith
G. M. Smith, 1920, p 133, pI 31,-f 8-10; G. Nygaard, 1945, p 46, f 62; G. W. Prescott, 1951,
p 257; pI 57, f 10
=Selenaslrumacuminal~mG. S. West, 1912 a, p 88, f 5 a-g, lionLagerheim, 1882, p 55
?=S. gracilevar. minulum PlaYfair, 1917, p 834, pI 57, f 10
=S. weslii F. E. Fritsch in G. S. West and F. E. Fristch, 1927, p 133, f 42 E-G
Colonies of 2-4-8 irregularly arranged cells with their convex sides in contact,
r~ely free. Cells lunate to arcuate but not sickle-shaped, and with acuminate apices.
'Chloroplast without a pyrenoid. Cells 1'5-3 fl broad, 15-39 fI- long (Fig. 129).
- HABITAT. Planktonic it! swamp, Kausalya Ganga, rare-April; tank, Ochira
(Kerala),rare-February 0). -,., _-
DISTRIBUTION. Europe, N. America,N. Rhodesia,India, Japan, _China,and?
Australia. ' .
The Indian alga is much longer than the American one which is only 15-18 fl
long between the apices; and in this respect, is more like the Danish alga which is
15-39 fA long. (Nygaard, op.c.). Playfair's S. gracile var. minutum, 1'5-2 fA broad and
9-18 fllong is most probably as. westii since his figure shows the cells arcuate, but not
Korshikov P953) did not con~ider this alga as a distiQft species, and treated it
, along with Selenastrumgracile as, synonymous to his Ankistrodesmus gracilis (Reinsch)
121c .Korsh.

FIGs. 126-129. 126, Selellaslrurn minulurn (NAEGELI) COLLINS; 127,

S. blbraianurn REINSCH; 128, S. gracile REINSCH; 129, S. weslii G. M. SMITH.
Species oj Selenastrum IlOtrecordedfrom the Indian regioll

(126, FROM NAEGELI (AS Raphidium minulum NAEGELI); 127 a, FROM" s. bi/idumBennett, 1887,p 13
TURNER, 1?92, REST,x 1500, EXCEPT 127 d, WHICHIS DIAGRAMMATIC;127 CIS S. capricornulum Printz, 1914-, p 92, pi 7, f 195
CONTENTSHAVE APPARENTLYPLASMOLYSED IN THE APICAL REGION GIVING ~ '-.:,. Some of Korshikov's (1953) Allkislrodesmus species could probably be considered as the respective
THE ALGATHE APPEARANCEOF A Closteridium bengalicum TURNER ( COMPARE species of Selenaslrum.
Closleridium bengalicum).
XLIV. ., Genus NEPHROCHLAMYS Korshikov] 1953, p 310
S. bibraianum. However, in his later works (Smith, 1933, 1950) he still retained the Cells usually small in number (usually 2-4-8, rarely 1")and arranged within
species. Tiffany and Ahlstrom (1931) gave the alga the status of only a variety... ~the enlarged non-gelatinizing mother cell wall, reniform: to strongly curved with their
Skuja (1948) merged S. gracile with S. bibraianum. In the author's collections, "ends rounded or blunt. Chloroplast parietal and without a pyrenoid.
S. gracile was observed from a number of localities, but the more robust S. bibraian~'., Reproduction by autospores.
was observed only in two collections, along with S. gracile. In his opinion, thouffli'I,;
Only one species recorded from the Indian region. =Raphidium convolutum (Corda) Rabenh. var. lunare Kirchner, 1878, p 114
=Kirchneriella lunata (Kirchner) Schmidle, 1893, p 16 (83), pi 3, f 1-3
130. Nephrochlal11Ys subsolitaria (G. S. West) Korshikov
Colonies spherical to ellipsoid with an outer gelatinous envelope. Cells irregu-
O. A. Korshikov, .1953, p 311, f278
=Kirchnerie/la subsolitaria G. S. West, 1908, p 284, pi 20, f 20-30; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 182,
larly arranged within the envelope in groups of four or eight, flattened and crescent-
f 27!; G. M. Smith, 1926, p 184, pi 14, f 6-9; G. W. Prescott, 1951, P 259, pi 58, f 8; ;. ,.shaped with pointed ends and about twice as long as broad. .Chloroplast nearly filling
K. M. Salim, 1963,p 211 .
the cell and with a singl~ pyrenoid. Cells 3-8 fl broad, 6-15 fllong. Colonies up to
250 fl in diameter (Fig. 131).
Cells crescent- to sickle-shaped having more. or less rounded ends, with one end
frequently sl~ghtly broader than the other. Solitary or 2-4 cells enclosed within the' . HABITAT. Gregory 'Lake, Colombo-January (Lemmermann, 1907); tanks
persistent non-gelatinizing mother cell wall. Chloroplast nearly filling the cell and and lakes, Ceylon, September-October (Crow, 1923); Royal Lakes, Rangoon (Handa,
without a pyrenoid. Cells 1'8-6'5 fl broad, 5-14 fllong (Fig. 130). '1927); pond, Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946); pond, Kamayut, Burma-April
HABITAT. Pond, Cuttack, stray to rare-July and August (!). (Skuja, 1949); ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh and Sibsagar (Assam), rare, May-June,
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, China, W. Pakistan and India. Balasore, Pachikot, Kujang and Sambalpur (Orissa), stray-December, Cuttack,
In his original description of Kirchneriella subsolitaria, West did not give the .stray-July and february, rather common-August; Kausalya Ganga, cornmon-
measurements of the alga though he stated that it is much smaller .than K. -obesa. 'November, Hyderabad, rare-January, Bangalore, stray-Fe,bruary, Ponnampet and
Smith's (1926) specimens from Iowa measured 6-9 fl in breadth and 10-15 fl in length j'.........
with the cells 2'5-3'5 fl broad and.5-6'5 fllong. Prescott (op.c.) gave the dimensions .' .......
of the cells as 3-4' 5 fl X 10-14 fl, whereas Korshikov gave them as 4-6.5 fl broad
and up to 13 fl long. The Indian alga, with cells l' 8-3' 2. fl broad and 7-8 fllong, .
. ~
. .
~:.. :,;~
...~ ..""
. ..
. : ~- ..
. . .
comes very near Smith's alga. .' ',"". ' ; \%i~~ ..\ ~
Other speciesof Nephrochlamys known
N. allanthoidea Korshikov, 1953, p 311, f280
N. rotunda Korshikov, 1953, p 311, f279
f~~~ ) -" '.
....... ~~~.:
N. willeana (Printz) Korshikov, 1953', p 312, f281
=Nephrocytium willeanum Printz, 1914, p 63, pi 5, P II 1;2&
:. . 131
XLV. Genus KIRCHNERIELLA Schmidle, 1893, p 16 (83) a :.....

Colonies free-floating with the cells enclosed within a homogeneou.s gelatinous

envelope. Cells lunate to sickle-shaped, elongate, vermiform, curved or spirally
:...:...:.." ::..:;..:;:..l

\.r :~.". .1::r.~ ;

\ :
twisted with their ~nd~ pointed or rounded, and irregularly- arranged within 'the
envelope usually in twos or fours. Chloroplast single, parIetal and u.sually with a
"single pyr~noid. .-
\. .. . :i::...
': \...J./
'f:ii b
Reproductiorfby the formation of 4-8 autospores in each cell,. whic;:hare liberated
into the colonial envelope by the rupture of the old mother cell wall. ~ ;.:3 a'
Three species are recorded from the Indian region. . :.................. .
Me> (j \...
.. ~
I. Cells lunate to sickle-shaped and with pointed ends .
Cells 3-8 /-' broad, 6-15 /-' long. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .K. lunaris (p. 222)
,0 . J

CellsstrQngly lunate with theirrounded ends brought very near each other..
Cells curv~d or spiral~ytwisted vermiform cylinders less than 2 /-'in breadth.. ... .K. contorta(p.224)
.K. obesa(p.224)
@) W, '. 0
130 a 130b ...\ ~ ~34.
131. Kirchneriella lunaris (Kirchner) Moebius
M. Moebius, 1894, p 331;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 180, f264; G. M. Smith, 1920, pHI, pi 34, FIGs. 130-134. 130, Nephrochlamys subsolitaria (G. S. WEST) KaRSH.;
f 4; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 258, pi 58, f 2 131, Kirchneriella lunaris (KIRCHNER) MOEB.; 132, K. obesa (W. WEST)
SCHMlDLE; 133, K. contorta (SCHMlDLE) BOHUN; ~34. Gloeoactinium limneticum
G.M.SMlTH (130-131. xIOOO. 132-134, x 1500).
224 =K.lunaris val'. irregularis G. M. Smith, 1920, p 142, pI 35, I' I
K. malmeana (Bohlin) Wille, 1909, p 59
=Selenoderma malmeana Bohlin, 1897 a, p 21, pi I, I' 31-35
Chikkanakarai, Coorg, stray-February, Azhicode (Kerala), common-February and K. microscoPicaNygaard, 1945, p 52, 1'42
K.phaseoliformis Hortobagyi, 1952, p 241, fJ2-13
October, Trichur, Chalakudi and Ochira (Kerala), rare-February; Sim's Park Pond, , K. ,sinensis Skvortzov, 1927, P 55
Coonoor (Madras), abundant-June; Fishery bundh, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore K. subcapilala Korshikov, 1953, p 318, I' 290
(W. Bengal) rather common-Dccember; River Sone, Dehri (Bihar), stray-May (!); - K. aperla Teiling (1912) has been considered by Brunnthaler (1915) as a variety of K.lunaris: val'.
in the guts of anopheles larvae in Damodar Valley (Bihar) in partly or completely t aperla (Teiling) Bn,mnthaler. Kirchneriella major Bernard (1908), which has been considered by Brunn-
thaler (1915) as synonymous to K. lunaris Val'. dianae Bohlin (1897 a), is considered here as synonymous
digested condition (Kachroo, 1959). to Telrallanlos lagerheimii (see under that species).
DISTRIBUTION.Ubiquitous (including Europe, N. and S. America, S. and W.
Africa, India, Burma, Ceylon, Java, China, Japan, Siberia, and Ausfralia). XLVI. Genus GLOEOACTINIUM G. M. Smith, 1926, p 184

132. Kirchneriella obesa (W. West) Schmid1c Colonies free-floating with the cells arranged in radiating groups of two or four
W. Schmidle, 1893, p 16 (83); J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 181, £ 267; G. M. Smith, 1920, P 142, towards the periphery of a homogeneous gelatinous matrix. Cells narrow, ovate-cuneate,
pi 35, £ 2-3 . with broadly rounded apposed bases and apices tapering to acute points. Chloroplast
=Selenaslrum obesum W. West, 1892, P 734, plIO, £ 50-52
=Kirchnerie/la obesa (W. West) W. et G. S. West, 1894, P 16 parietal and laminate without a pyrenoid.
Reproduction by 2-4 autospores from each cell that remain embedded within the
Colonies of 4-8 or more cells irregularly arranged within a wide gelatinous colonial matrix. -
envelope. Cells strongly lunate with the ends almost near each other. Outer side Only one species recorded from the Indian region.
of cell markedly convex, inner sige nearly parallel to it. Ends of cells tapering slightly
and with rounded or bluntly pointed apices. Chloroplast covering the entire convex 134. Gloeoa~tinium Ihnneticum G. M. Smith :

portion of the cell wall. Cells 2-8 P broad, 6-16 P long (Fig. 132). G. M. Smith,.J926,pp 184-85,p14,£ 12-13;G. W.Prescott, 1931,p58, pili, £].0
HABITAT. Ponds, Banaras (G. 'S. Venkataraman, 1957, p 909); swamp,
Kausalya Ganga, Puri, stray-April; pond, Cuttack, stray-August, and pond, Cells In radiating groups of 2 or 4, mostly in the periphery of a gelatinous
Azhicode (Kerala), stray-February (!). matrix. Cells ova~e-cuneate with broadly rounded bases and acute apices. Cells
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, Africa, India, Siam, and Australia. 1'5-2'5 p. broad, 3'5-7'5 p long. Colony 25-45 p, in diameter (Fig. 134).
HABlTtT. Pond, Barrac~pore, stray-Febru~ry; Moat, Cuttack, stray-
133. KirchnerieUa contorta (Schmidle) Bohlin August. '.
K. Bohlin, 1897a, P 20; J. Brunnthaler, 1915,p 1-82,£ 269; 'G. M. Smith, 1920, p 143, DISTRIB\JTlON. N. Am!:rica, W. Africa, and India.
1'135. r 7 .
= Kircllllerie/la obesa val'. cOlllorla Schmidle, 1894, p 44, p17, £2 'i' The alga should not be confusedwith Marssoniella
elegapsLemm. (SeeG. M. Smith, 1933,p 66,-
:,.£ 23,) which -belong to the Myxophyceae. - _ -
Colonies of 4-8-16 cells enclosed by a gelatinous envelope. Cells vermiforID, The only other species of the genus is G. malebaeKufferath (1956; also see,Woodhead and Tweed,
" 01960). -
",lindri"", 'u"'''' 0' 'wi,'''' and with ,ound,d md', and i_ula,ly ""'ltred wi,hin (~ - .
the envelope. Cells 0'7-2'0 p broad, 8-Pt- p long (Fig. 133). - - ; According to Fott and Komarek (1960) GloeoaetiniumG. M. Smith is probably
HABITAT.Fishery bundhs, Chandrakona Road, Midnapore (W.~ Bengal), the same as DichotomococcusKorshikov (1926). Since Smith has not given details of
"...y_Dt<""htt; ""amp, !{au,,"ya Ganga, Puri, ...,.-Ap,il; pon"', Kuntoo\ the origin of the colony, which is the distinctive feature of Dichotomococcus,the' alga
(Andhra Pradesh), stray-Decc:mber and Ochira' (Kerala), stray-February (I). 'remains an insufficiently described taxon.
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. and S. America, S. Africa, India, Japan, and China.
Generaoj Selenastraceae not recordedfrom the Indian region
Some oj'the speciesof Kirchneriella 1Iotrecordedfrom the I1Idianregiotl
Chlorolobion.Korshikov, 1953, p 283, monospecific :
K. africalla Pocock, 1933, P 506 C. oblusum Korshikov, 1953, p 284, £245
K; arcuala G. M. Smith, 1922, P 337, p18, £ 1-3 Gloxidium Korshikov, 1931, p 25!r, monospecific :
K. cornula Korshikov, 1953, P 319, £293 G. roiatoriae Korshikov, 1931, p 255, 1'19-20
K. dalecarlica
Lundberg, 1931,P 280 ' (A c<?l~urless alga occurrin~ on the roti~er AlIeuropsis hypelasma) .
K. etegallS Playfair, 1917, P 838, pi 57 , £ 32 Paseher et Korshlkov ex Korshlkov, 1931, P 249, with six species :
I K.
elongala G. M. Smith, 1916 b, p 473, pi 24, £ 7
gracillima Bohlin, 1897 a, P 20, pi I, £ 25-27
H. arcuatum Korsh., 1953, p 308, £276
H. contorlum Pascher et Korsh. ex Korshikov, 1931, p 249, f 1-6
K. inlennedia Korshikov, 1953, P 316, £286
K. irregularis (G. M. Smith) K:orshikov, 1953, p 319, £ 291 (See Addendum)

\ ..
H.curvatum Korshikov, 1931, p 251, £ 7-14-
H. moinae Korshikov, 1931, p 253, £ 15-18 (on Moina)
H. obtusum Hortob agyi, 1959 b, p 511, £ 22
H. rectum Korshikov, 1953, p 307, £271
]uranyiella Hortobagyi, 1962, p 29, monospecific : 13. Family COELASTRACEAE (West) Wille, 1909, p 64
].javorkae (Hortob.) Hortobagyi, 1962, p 29, pl44, £ 532
=KirchneriellajavorkM HortobaSyi, 1952, p 241, £ 14 ~
. Kerotococcuspascher, 1915, p 216, with seven species : Members of this fami~y are free-living and colonial, the colonies being more or
K. angulus pascher, 1915, p 219 £ 24
K. bicaudatus (A. Braun)Petersen, 1928, pp 429-30 I less globose or cubical, rarely irregular, and made up of 4-128 cells. Cells usually
=Dac!ylococcus bicaudatus A. Braun in Rabenhorst, 1868, p 47 spherical or' ovoid, rarely tetrahedric, pyramidal or pyriform, and connected to one
K. caudatus (Hansg.) pascher, 1915, p 217, £21
=Da.:!ylococcus ColUdt.tusflansgirg, 1886, P 146 another by mucilaginous pads or bands. Chloroplast single and parietal, and usually
K. dybowskii Woloszynska, 1917; T. Hortobagyi, 1948 a, p 12, p14, £ 53 with a pyrenoid.
K. raphidioides (Hansg.) pascher, 1915, p 218, £23
=Dac!ylococcus raPhidioides Hansg., 1886, P 146 Reproduction by ,autocolonies developed from each cell.
K. sabulosus (Hansg.) pascher, 1915, p 217, £22 Two genera are recorded from the Indian region.
=Dactylococcus sabulosus Hansg.
K. sestonicusHortobagyi, 1952, p 238, f 12-13
pseudococcomyxaKorshikov, 1953,p 283, with one species : KEY TO THE GENER'!\
P. adhaerens Korsh., 1953, P 28~, £ 244
PseudoraciborskiellaKufferath ex Conrad et Kufferath, 1954, P 251, with two species : 1. Colonies spherical to polygonal, of 8-32 or more cells connected by special pads or processes. . . . . . . .
P. illinoensis Kuff. ex Conrad et Kufferath, 1954, p 251, p16, f2 Coe/astrum (p. 227)
P. rnessikommeriKuff. ex Conrad e_t~ufferath,-1954, p- 251 -
Colonies regular or irregular. Cells pyrilorm and with a slightly bent solid apical horn. . . . . . . . . . . .
GlosleriospiraReverdin (1919, p 86) monospecific: C. lemanen.sis
Reverdin which was considered-by. Burkillia (p.234)
several authors as a member of the Selenastraceae, has been recently shown 'by Geitler.( 1959) to be the .
same as Spirotaenia(Desmidiaceae) in the nature o£the polar carotenoid bodies.
XLVII. Genus COELASTRUM Naegeli, 1849, p 9}
. See under Add~ndllm.
Colony usually aJlOllow sphere, 'rarely polygonal to pyramidal, and of 4-8-16-32
or more cells. Cells spherical, ovoid or pyramidal, closely adjoined and compressed
!r or interconnectecl by narrow processes to form small or large inter-.q:llular spaces. Cell
wall composed of an inner cellulose layer and an outer pectic layer which is often
~- locally thickened to form polar outgrowths or lateral processes that connect the cells.
, ~

Chloroplast cup-shaped to diffuse and with a pyrenoid.

Reproduction by autocolonies formed in any cell and liberated by the .'"
r""rupture of the old mother cell wall. Daughter colonies often remain joined together
by the remains of the old mother cell wal\;
Eight species are recorded fro:m the Indian region.


Cells without apical thickenings or processes

a. Cells spherical to ovoid with inter-cellular spaces much smaller than the cell diameter
C. microporum (p. 228)
b. Cells ovoid, compressed and with intercellular spaces as large as hal£the cell diameter or larger ..
C. sPhaericum(p. 229)
Cells with apical thickenings or truncate project.ion~
a. Cells with a single apical thickening
i. Cells pyramidal,6-sided .C. proboscideum(p.229)
ii. Cells 10-12 sided and with short connecting processes .C. cambricum(p.230)
b. Cells with three polar truncate processes; poles 6-sided . .C. cubicum(p.231)

(Crow, 1923); ditch at edge of rice field, Sadiya, Assam (N. Carter, 1926); Loktak
3. Cells with short connecting processes all round including apex Lake, Manipur (Bruhl and Biswas, 1926); Royal Lakes, Rangoon (Handa, 1927);
a. Cells with 3-6 processes , C. scabrum (p.231)
rain pool, Borivali, Bombay (Dixit, 1937); Museum Pond, Madras (Philipose, 1940);
b. Cells with 9-10 processes... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . ., C. morus (p. 233)
ponds, Windermere Park and Cantonment Gardens, and trench with running water,
4. Cells with apically springing or equatorial connecting processes which are veryC.lon~.
. . . . . .. . . 23~)
.... Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); ponds and tanks, Barrackpore (W. Bengal), August arid
"October-December, Serampore (W. Bengal), rare-August and October, Cuttack,
common to abundant-July and August, Bhopal, abundant-July, Narasingpalli
135. Coe1astrum microporum Naegeli
(Andhra Pradesh), common-December, Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), rare-
ex A. Braun, 1855, P 70; G.Senn, 1899, p 66, £ 6;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 195-96, £ 307; G. M. December, Madras, rare-May and August, and stray in many collections from Bihar,
Smith, 1920, P 160, p141, £ 12-13, pi 42, £ I Orissa, Andhra, Madras, Mysore,and'Kerala (!).
=Coelastrum robustum Hantzsch in L. Rabenhorst, 1864-65, No. 1407; P. Reinsch" 1867, P 88
=C. indicum Turner, 1892, P 161, pi 20, f 11 DISTRIBUTION.Obiquitous.
=C. sphaericum var. compactum Moebius, 1892

Coelastrum sphaericum' Naegeli

Colonies more or less spherical and of 8-16-32-64 (usually 16-32) cells with
small intercellular spaces. Cells spherical to ovoid, enclosed by delicate gelatinous C. Naegeli, 1849, p 98, pi 5-C, f I a-d; G. Senn." 1899, p 67, £ 14; J. Brunnthaler, 1915,
p 196, £ 308; G. M. Smith, 1926, p 192, pi 18, f 1T::\14 Cr>;'
sheaths and int<;J;.connected by alm~st...~perceptible gelatinous processes. Cells with =CoelastrumnaegeliiRabenhorst, 1868, p 79, p.P.r, ~...~
sheath 4-27 I' fn!diameter. Colonlc!J0-90 I' in diameter (Fig. 135). "
HAB~TAT.Ranigunj tanks, N. E. India and_British Burma (Turner, l.c.); Colonies spherical to ellipsoid, of 4-8-16-32 _regularly arranged cells; cells ovoid _
Colombo Lake, Colombo,June-July (Lemmermann, 1907); rock pool and tanks, Ceylon ith the narrow end directed outwards; sides of cells where they are in contact with
'each other flattened and the outer -free side strongly curved. Intercellular sp<!f,e,s
.~bout half the dia,meter of the cells or larger. Cells 6-25 pin diameter (Fig. l36).~tIi
" HABITAT. Among Utricularia fasciculata, E. India (Turner, -1892); pool"
CompanyiUnj, Khasia Hills, Assam-April (Bisw~s,_ 1934); aquarium and ponds,
!JVindermere Park, Rangoon (Skuja, 1949); Ramgarh Tal;tJttar Pradesh (V. P. Singh,
-t' ~J959); in the guts of Anopheles larvae, DaroodaPValley, Bihar (Kachroo, 1959).
DISTRmUTION.Widespread (incl. Europe, N. and S. America, West Indies,
" . Africa, Mac!agascar, India, Burma, Siam, Sumatra, Jap~n, China, SiQeria, Australia ...
~andNew Zealand).

Coelastrum proboscidewn Bohlin

~ elo V. B. Wittrock, C.F.O. Nordstedt et G. Lagerheim, 187.7, Fasc, 26, No. 1240; K. Bohlin, ....
1897a, p.33,-pI2, 19-22; G. Senn, 1899,p 67,£8;J. Brunnthaler,1915,p 196,f310 '

=Coelastrummicroporumf. typicaWolle 1887 '

=..C. irregulare Schroeder, 1897

=C. pseudocub~um ,Schroeder, 1897

, Cofonies more or less pyramidal and of 4-8-16, rarely more cells. Intercellular
,p!ices usually large and polygonal. Cells conical, truncate. and six-sided with the
. :teral -sides slightly concave. Poles of cells thickened. Cells 12-20 I' in diameter.
,lonies 20-110'1' in diamete'r (Fig. 137). _
HABITAT. Tanks near Trincomalie, September-October (Crow, 1923); pool
-ear Companygunj, Khasia Hills, Assam (Biswas, 1934); po~s, Rangoon and suburbs,
~ ~({Mandalay, MarCh .to May and November (Skuja, 1949); 'ponds, Cuttack, rare to
,~fhercommon-August and Coorg, Mysore, rather common-February (!). ..
. DISTRmuTION. Europe, N. and S. America, Africa, India, Burma, Ceylon, Japan ~
FiGs. 135-136. 135, Coelastrum microporum NAEGELI; 136, C. sphaericum NAEGELI. ij Siberia.
.' f. " ~:.:'.
(135 a-b x 1500; 135 c, FROMPHIUFOSE, 1940; 136, FROM NAEGEU), "
230 HABITAT. Padd,y fields, Heneratgodha, Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya ,and
paddy field between Kosgoda and Urahaighasmahendai, Ceylon (W. and G. S. West,
1902); shallow pools overgrown with weeds, Mansang, Burma (W. and G. S. West,'
1907); ditch at edge of rice field, Sadiya, Assam-August (Carter, N., 1926); pond
Bombay (Gonzalves and Joshi, 1946). '

DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. and S. America, Africa, India, Burma, Ceylon,

Malaya, Java, Sil;>eria,Japan, and Australia. ,
From the des.criptionsof G. M. Smith and G. W. Prescott (op:c.),it appears that
they include the undermentioned variety also in the type.
;'... . ....
var. intermediwn (Bohlin) G. S. West
G.,S. West,1907,p 136; J. Brunnthaler, 1915,p 196, r 312; P. Bruhl and K. Biswas,1926,
pi 268 pi 2, r 17 .
=Coelas/rum pulchrum var. intermedium Bohlin, 1897 a, p 35, pi 2, r 16-17
=C. cruciatumSchmidle, 1900 r, p 418 -
-:;=C.intermedium (B'ohlin) Korshikov, 1953, p 348, £ 320

Differs from the type in the outer face of the external cells being subspherical and
~adually arched. The outstanding projectio~ are also blunt and rounded and
F not truncate.' Interspaces between- cells more or less triangular. Cells 13-21 fl in
I diameter. Colonies up to 108 fl in diame,ter (Fig. 138 b). . I

HABITAT. Loktak Lake, Manipur (Bruhl and Biswas, i.e.); ponds in suburbs of -
. Rangoon, March a.nd May (Skuja, 19~9); .ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh, stray-May,
Dum Dum, rare-October, Belgharia ~W. Bengal), r~\fe-May, Cuttack, stray-
. February, Athgar, Boiangir and Sambalpur (O~}ssa), stray-December, Hyderabad,
FIGs. 137-139.137,
b, VAR.intermedium
Coelastrumprobos;;ideum .\_~8a, C. cambricum--
G. S. WEST;139,C. cubicum NAEGELI., ~ stray-January, Bangalore and Coorg, rather common-February and Azhicode
, :'(Kerala), common-February; fishery bundhs, Chandrakona Road,'Midnapore (W.
(138 a, FROM WEST; 139, FROM SENN; REST, x 1500).
;'Bengal), rarC'---:December; swamp, Kausalya Ganga, Puri (Orissa), stray-April (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, S. America,' Africa, India, Burma, Siam, Singapore,
The colonies of this" species are very variable, either regular or irregulJ;
'Java, Japan and Siberia.
\ According to Smith (1920) and Prescott (1951), Coelastrum compositumG. S. West
(1907, p 136, pI 5, f 8-9) is synonymoUSto C. proboscideum. Brunnthaler (l.c.), hQw.
I ev..., "",led C. "mp""'" .. a
d"UncI ,peci", Fri"'h and Rioh (1930) ond
Coelastrum cu~icum Naegeli -
Rich (193~) followed Brunnthaler. Here also, C. compositum is treated as. a ~istinct C.Naegeli,r849,p98, pI5 c,r 2; G.Senn, 1899,p68,r 17; C.Bernard, 1908, p198,
Colonies in Biswas's collections (l.c.) and in the author's material
' ,

appeared to be
r 519-20; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 1-97,r 315
=C. naegeliiRabenhorst, 1868, p 79, p. p.
=C. cornu/um Lamaire, 1-894,
pp 82-83; G.W. Prescott,1931,p 71,pi 15,r II
I juvenile, the cells being only '5-9 fl in diameter.
I Colonies subspherical. Cells six-sided when seen from the poles and with three
138. Coelastrum cambricum Archer ;'pbliquely truncate polar processes which are sometimes thickened at their apices.
:£ells 10-20 fl in diameter (Fig. 139).
W. Archer, 1868, p 65; J. Brunntha1er, 1915, p 196, £ 311; G. M. Smith, 1920, p 161, p142,
1"2-3; G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 229, p153, £ 2 H~ITAT. In artificial tanks, Peradeniya, deylon (W. and G. S. West, 1902).
=Coe/astrum pulchrumSchmid1e,1892,p' 206; G. Semi, 1899,P 67, f 16; W. and G. S.WeSt. DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. America, Ceylon, Java, Japan, China and Siberia.
1902. P 198 - -
~ Colonies spherical a"nd usually 32-celled, sometimes 8, 16, 64, or 128-ceiled. Coelastrum scabnun Reinsch
I Cells spherical and thickened at the poles; 10-12 sided when seen from the ap$ P. Reinsch, 1877, p 238; G. Senn, 1899, p 68, £ 21; J. Brunnthaler, 1915, p 197, £ 316;
connected to each other by 4-6 short gelatinous flat truncate projections. Interspaces G. W. Prescott, 1951, p 230, pi 46, £3
between cells circular to triangular. ' Cells 6-12 fl in diameter. Colonies usually \lP
to 70 fl in diameter (Fig. 138 a).


232 CHLOROCOCCALES 141. Coelastrwn morus W. et G. S. West

Colonies more or less spherical or ovoid, 4-8-16- celled. Cells angular globose W. and G. S. West, 1896, p 381, p15, f4;J. Brunntha1er, 1915, p 197,f318; G. M. Smith, 1950,
with three or more wart-like truncate processes from the outer surface. Cells 8-10 f'
in diameter. Sixteen-celled colony 28 f' in diameter (Fig. 140). Colonies spherical, 8-16 cellt:d. Cells spherical with 4-10 small wart-like
HABITAT. Ponds and tanks, Dibrugarh (Assam), rather common-May, Dum ""t"_ processes all round the cell membrane. Cells 9' 5-19 P, in diameter (Fig. 141).
Dum (W. Bengal), rare-October, Bhopal, stray-July, Cuttack, very common- HABITAT. In River Dihang and its tributary, N. E. India, January (Carter, 1926).
August and Sambalpur (Orissa), stray-December; fishery bundh, Chandrakona DISTRIBUTION.Central Mrica, Scotland, N. America and India.
Road, Midnapore (W. Bengal), rather common-December; cement cistern with
decaying Hydrilla, Cuttack, very common-March (!).
DISTRIBUTION..,~. and S. America, S. Africa, lndia, Japan and Siberia. 142. Coelastrwn
'- retic:ulatwn (Dangeard) Senn
G. Senn, 1899, p 66, p12, f 1-IO;J. Brunnthaler, 1915, pp 198-99, f322; G. M. Smith, 1920,
p 161, p142, f4-6
=Hariolinareliculala Dangeard, 1889, p 162, p17, f15-17; C. Bernard, 1908, p 199, f 521-30
=Coelaslrum dislans Turner, 1892, p 161, p121, f 18
=C. subPulchrum Lagerheim, 1893, p 158
=C. reticulatum (Dallgeard) Lt'mmt'rm~nn. 1!!99, p 113

Colonies spherical and of 8-16-32 cells, often in multiple colonies held together
by the remains of the old motht:r' cell walls. Cells spherical, enclosed by a gelatinous
Sheath and inter-connected by 6-9 long gelatinous processes. Cells 6-24 p, in diameter.
Colonies up to 65 p, in diameter (Fig. 142).
HABITAT. Ranigunj Park, N. E. India, July (Turner, l.c.); rock pool and a
number of tanks in Ceylon, September-October (Crow, 1923) ;_Cantonment Gardens,
Rangoon-December (Skuja, 1949); pond with muddy water, Bolangir (Orissa),
''-abundant-December and pond, Mettur, Madras, common-December (!).
DISTRIBUTION.Europe, N. and S. America, Africa, India, Burma, Ceylon, Java,
Sumatra, Japan, and Australia.

Chief speciesof Coelastrum not known from the Indian region

C. bohlini Schmid1e et Senn-see Brunnthaler, 1915, p 199
=Scenedesml# coslatus var. coelastroides Bohlin, 1893, p 42; 1897, P 519, f 8_
=S. coelastroides (Bohlin) Schmidle, 1898, p 9, pi 1, f 1
C. compositum G. S. West,.1907, p 136, pI 5, f8-9
C. cong(omeratum (H. V. Alten) Steinecke, 1916
C. coslatum Kors/likov, 1953, p 352, f 329
C. echinatum Swirenko, 1926, p 85
C. g;ganteum Cedergren, 1933, p 89
C. octaedricum Skuja, 1948, pp 140-41, pi 16, f9-12
C. piliferum Goetz-see Brunntha1er, 1915, p 197, f 323
C. pseudomicroporum Korshikov, 1953, p 348
C. schizodermaticum F. Rich, 1921, p 239
C. shensiense J ao, 1948
C. slwjae Korshikov, 1953, p 355, f 332
= C. verrucosum in Skuja, 1934 non De Toni, 1889
C. speciosum (Wolle) Brunntha1er, 1915, p 197, f 314
=C. m;cropcrum "ar. speciosum Wolle, 1887
C. tal'on:iBourrelly et Mangiun, 1950
C, I'errucosum (Reinsch) Reinsch, 1877, p 239, pi 6, f 3
=Sphaeraslrum verrurosum Reinsch, 1875, p 77, p112, f8;
14~b =C. verrucosum (Reinsch) De Toni, 1889, p 572; Brunntha1er, 1915, p 197

FIGs. 140-142.1<W, Codaslrum scabrum REINSCH; 141, C. morus W. ET , Senn (1899) considered CoelastrumastroideumDe Notaris (1867, p 80) as either a C. microporum
G. S. WEST; 142, C. reticualum(DANG).SENN.. ' Or a C. sphaericum. C. chodati Ducellier 1915, p 73, f 1-5 (= C. augustae Skl~a, 1934, p 54, f 63) and

141, FROM WEST; 142 b-c, AFTER KORSHlKOV, 1953; 'REST, x 1500).

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