Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures - S K Chakrabarti

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8. K. CHAKRABARTI (CBI Industries, Inc. 1501 North Division Street Plainfield, Mlinois 60544-8929 USA. Bish Library Cataloguing in Publaton Data (Chakrabarti, Subeata K. “Hyérodynamis of ore structure, Overs seuctures Hydrodynamics Ute arse Te166s ISBN 0505451-65 Libary of Congress Catalog Card Number 87-71235 SRN 0.905451-6X Computational Mechanics Publications Southamton ISBN 09312151641 Computational Mecha Pubcatins Boston [BBN 13 3168 Speen ete Heber Now Ye London "Tokyo ISDN 0367-13196 Springer‘ New York Heiderg Bein London Pass Tokyo “This work ie sbjot to copyright. Al gh ae eaerved whee the “whole o prt ofthe matali concen, specially the hs of Tranlton, epitngf-oseof stations, eiation, browdeasting, ‘epredacion oa mlerofie ori other wa, and storage in data baks. ‘Boplaton ofthis pustion or parts theo i aly Pemited under ofthe German Copyright Law of Septenbe 9, 1965, ints 24, 1985, and a copyright fee mat sways be pai Volatoos fall under the prosrtioa tof the German Copyright Law. (© Computational Mechanics Publications 1987 1B Springer Veriag Bes, Heidelberg 1987 ‘Printed in Geet Britain by Heary Ling Lid, Dorchester Flimet ty Md:Couny Pes, Landon “The wt of rpiered ame, uademarks, ec. this politi doe ot ply even ithe abence ofa speie sateen, that sch ames are xc fom the reeratprotecve lve and regulon ad therore Ite for geneal we. Table of Contents ‘Acknowledgements Ra pee ceea en Definition of Symbols Used tas Chapter 1 MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND . . Ld. Fourier Series... « eee 12, Complex Variable... 2... 124. Singularity 22... ae 122. Complex Integration |. . 1.3. Hyperbolic Funetion 7 13.1, Catenary Equation 14, Bessel Functions... . 45. Pasta Diflental Equation 16. References... ee ee eee : Chapter 2. INTRODUCTION TO OFFSHORE STRUCTURES . 2.1. ‘Types and Funetions of Offshore Structures. . 214. Exploratory Structures... 212, Production Structures... . 213. Oil Storage Structure |... 214. Oil Loading Structure - 2.1.5. Installation Operations 22, Fixed Jacket Platforms... . 22.1. Gulf of Mexico Platforms. 222. Southem Caforia-West Coat Patforms 22.3. North Sea Platforms 23, Single Point Mooring Systems ‘ 24, Tension Leg Platform... ee 25. Arctic Structures... Bee 26. Future Ofbor Sine Cone 2. - References Chapter 3. WAVE THEORIES eee 34, Stream Function 2... 32. Potential Function... - BESesauee = 33, Bemoulli Equation 3.4, Boundary Conditions 3.5. Common Wave Theories 35.1, Linear Airy Wave Theory 352) Stokes Finite Amplitude Wave Theory 35.3. Choidal Wave Theory 3.54. Stream Function Wave Theory 3155. Standing Wave Theory 356. Applation of Theories 36, References Chapter 4 DESIGN WAVE ENVIRONMENT 44. Wave Energy Spectral Density 4.11, Autocorrelation Method . 4.12, Fast Fourier Transform Method 42, Smoothing of Enerey Spectra 43. Filtering of Energy Spectra 44, Limitation of Energy Spectral Approach 45. Variation in Spectral Representation 46. Mathematical Spectrum Models 46.1. Phillips 462. General Form 463, Neumann Spectrum 464, Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum 46.5. Bretschneider Spectrum 4.66. ISSC Spectrum 46.27, ITTC Spectrum . 468. Unified Form. 469, JONSWAP Spectrum 4.6.10, Scott Spectrum . 4.6.11. Liu Spectrum 46.12. Mitsuyasu Spectrum 46.13. Ochi-Hubble Spectrum 46.14, Variation in Spectrum Models 477. Simulation of Wave Profile from Spectra 48. References Chapter §. WAVE STATISTICS 5,1. Short Term Statistics 5.11. Significant Wave Heights 5.12, Root Mean-Square Wave Heights 5113. Maximum Wave Heights . Sd, Average Wave Periods « 5.1.5. Spectral Width Parameters Contents a 45 46 48 35 6 @ 5 2s 130 132 33 1B3 14 Contents 5.1.6, Probability Distribution and Probability Density Probability Density of 5.1.62. Probability Distribution of H 5.163, Wide Band Extreme Value Prediction 5.1.64. Probability Distribution of T 5.1.63. Joint Distribution of H and T 52, Long Term Distribution of Wind and Wave 5.2.1, Return Periods of Local Storms 522. Wave Height Long-Term Distribution 52.3. Gumbel’s Standard Skewed Distribution 52.4. Weibull Distribution 525. Frechet Distribution 52.6. Log-Normal Distribution 527. Discusion of Long Term Probability Distribution 53, References Chapter 6 WAVE PORCE ON SMALL STRUCTURES 6.1. Wave Force Formulations 62. Morison Equation . 62.1, Development of Morison Equation 622, Inclined Cylinder 62.3, Oscillating Cylinder 62.4. Oscillating Cylinder in Current 62.5. Fixed Cylinder in Waves and Current 62.6. Oscillating Cylinder in Waves 7 627. Oscillating Cylinder in Waves and Current 62.8, Method of Coefficient Computation 63. Transverse Force 64. Hydrodynamic Coeficients 64.1. Smooth Cylinders 642. Rough Cylinder 643. Inclined Cylinders 64.4, Wall Proximity Effects 6455. Interference Elects 65, Discussion on Appropriate Design Values of Coeficients 65.1. Certifying Agency Guidelines 651.1. American Petroleum Insitute 65.12. British Standard Institution 65.13. Det Norske Veritas 65.14. Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 652, Ocean Tests in Waves... 65.3. Use of Laboratory Coefficients in Deen 66, Free Surface EMfects 67. References 13s 140 41 14s 150 152 134 155 136 138 158 162 163 165 165 168 168 19 14 178 19 197 vill Contents Chapter? WAVE FORCE ON LARGE STRUCTURES 7. Froude-Krylov Force 7d. General Theory 7.111. Horizontal Cylinder 71.12. Horizontal Halfeylinder TAA. Sphere : 71.14. Hemisphere TAS. Vertical Cylinder 71.16. Rectangular Block TAAT. Cirealar Dise 71.18. Force Coefficients 72. Diffraction Theory 72.4. Closed Form Solution 72.11, Large Fixed Vertical Cylinder 7.24.L.1. First-Order Theory 72.1.12. Second-Order Theory Free Surface Component, Velocity-Squared ‘Component Second Order Incident Vel- city Potential 7.2.12. Bottom Seated Horizontal Halfeylinder 72.13. Bottom Seated Hemisphere 72.13.1, Application of Stokes Fifth Onder They 72.14, Multiple Vertical Cylinders 72.2, Two Dimensional Source-Sink Method, Half Submerged Cylinder 7222. Fully Submerged Cylinder 7223, Half Cylinder on Bottom 723, Three Dimensional Source-Sink Method 72.4, Open-Bottom Structures 73. Application of Wave Force Regime 7a. References : Chapter 8. FLOATING STRUCTURE DYNAMICS 8.1, Added Mass and Damping Coefficients 82. Single Degree of Freedom System 83, Articulated Tower Analysis 84. Floating Storage Vessel Analysis 85. Tower-Tanker System Analysis 86, Six Degrees of Freedom System 87. Wave Drift Oscillation 88. Multi-Body Structure 89, Two Floating Structures mm 232 241 329 330 32 338 346 351 356 367 368, Contents 8.10, Tension Leg Platform 8.10.1. Set-Down Effect 8.11, Guyed Tower 8.12, Slender Body Dynamics 8.13. References Chapter 9 STRUCTURE RESPONSE STATISTICS 9.1, Short-Term Response Statistics 9.1.1. Response Amplitude Operators 9.12. Linear Response Spectra 9.12.1. Dynamic Pressure RAO Inertial Force RAO 9.13. Nonlinear Drag Force Linearization of Drag Force 9.1.32. ‘Nonlinear Drag Force Spectrum 9.1.33. Total Morison Force Spectrum 9.1.34. Extreme Morison Force Statistics 9.13.5, Linearization of Coupled Current and Wave Drag 9.1.36, Nonlinear Coupled Current and Wave Drag Force Spectrum Extreme Wave Current Force Statistics 9.14. inertia Force Spectrum Coupled with Current 9.1.5. Motion Response and Spectrum 9.116. Response to Short Crested Waves 9.2. Long Term Distribution 93. Short Term Vs. Long Term Prediction 93.1. Short Term Prediction 932, Long-Term Prediction 94. Fatigue Analysis 95. References Author Index Subject Index 37 374 379 383 386 391 391 392 393 395 397 397 399 405 407 au 415 416 42 407 a7 29 at 434 436 439

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