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1/10/14 7 Surefire Ways to Get Bookings NOW! | JulieAnneJones.


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1/10/14 7 Surefire Ways to Get Bookings NOW! |

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7 Ideas to Get You Bookings NOW!

By Julie on October 18, 2012

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190 to Facebook
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"How do I get bookings?" It's the most common
Post to question I hear…on the Facebook Fan Page, on the monthly calls for my Direct Sales Virtual
Academy, and even in my one-on-one coachingPost to Google+
Twitter sessions.
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So in the interest of never being able to talk about bookings enough (in light of that), I give you my 7 Surefire Ways to Get Booking NOW! You
probably know some of these, but I figure it never hurts to remind you either. 2/6
1/10/14 7 Surefire Ways to Get Bookings NOW! |
1. Get Your Catalogs Out There

Your company spends a lot of money creating your most important marketing tool – your catalog. Get that valuable direct sales tool out there and it
will provide you with exposure and bookings. Here are some ideas:

Send a catalog to a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who has moved

Put a catalog in the teacher's lounge at your child's school
Put a catalog in your employee lunchroom
Give a catalog to the receptionist at your doctor or dentist office
Put a current catalog in your neighbor's door and include a 10% off coupon
Have your spouse or friends take a catalog to work

2. Throw Yourself a Home Party

Find a reason to celebrate something (your company’s new products, your direct sales business anniversary, a promotion, working on a new
incentive trip) and invite everyone you know to come help you celebrate. Offer incentives if they bring a guest and host it as an open house to increase
attendance. It could even be a fund raiser for your favorite charity.

3. Get Yourself Out There!

If you’re face to face with people, they’ll "get" your enthusiasm and want to share in it by participating in your direct sales business. Here are some
direct sales training ideas for getting out there and meeting new people:

Have a booth at a school fair

Work with other direct sales consultants in your downline or area and host a booth at a local Women’s fair
Check out local job fairs – they’re filled with people looking for work!

4. Advertise

Get the word out to people who need to know about you. Here are some ideas for where to advertise and improve your marketing efforts:

The service area of your local newspaper

Your church bulletin
Your alumni newsletter
School football, drama, or musical programs

5. Think of New Places and Environments to Host Parties

You can do your presentation in some interesting places – not just a host’s home. If you can do an open house format, the possibilities are endless.
Here are some ideas:

Host an office party during lunch or after work. Attendance will be automatic!
Host a restaurant party – the host doesn’t have to do anything except invite people and show up!
Hold a “multiple host” event; holding several shows in the same place on the same night
Host a show before a PTA meeting

6. Make your Home Party a Booking Event!

Create an awesome booking “commercial” which highlights the benefits of booking a home party with you – this is a great booking tool
At the beginning of the party, mention your host’s goals. Have the host tell everyone why she decided to host a party
Offer a gift wrapped gift to the host at your party; one booking, she takes off the bow, two bookings, she takes off the wrapper, three
bookings, she gets to keep the gift!
Offer “instant booking gifts” as a bonus for hosts who book on days and/or months you need to make a goal
Make your parties fun so your guests will want to book!

7. Use One of These Other Awesome Direct Sales Marketing Ideas:

Include a business card or flyer with ALL of your bill payments

Participate in a school fund-raiser
Wear clothing with your company logo on it 3/6
1/10/14 7 Surefire Ways to Get Bookings NOW! |
Have your business information printed directly onto your checks
Call your realtor with suggestions for "new home packages"
Start a "Host of the month" club (12 hosts agree to place at least a $30.00 order each month, and 1 of the 12 months, they also get all the host
Carry a notepad to jot down names of potential hosts as you think of them

Do you have any ideas I missed?


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Posting as Tricia Lynn Logan Comment


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Lauren K. Jinright Hartm an

I haven't even bought my kit yet but am planning to do so at the end
of this w eek. I have a sponsor picked out. I've been researching
business ideas and w ays to book parties and your site w as
extremely helpful. I have also come across the idea of handing out
hand sanitizers w ith your business info on them. Who doesn't need
hand sanitizer? I am told you can get them three for a dollar at dollar
tree and blow dry the label off and apply your ow n printed clear
mailing label for less than 50cents a bottle. Also, thinking of setting
up at the local farmer's market. I can't w ait to get started.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · May 27, 2013 at 6:33pm

Bethan Lew is · Consultant at Bethan at Temple Spa

I just w ish I had found you a year ago! Ah w ell... onw ards and
upw ards... I look forw ard to w here I w ill be this time next year!
Your advice is priceless xx Thank you xx.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 26, 2012 at 3:27am

Alicia Stinson · Independent Consultant at The Pampered Chef

how can I get a copy of this 7 ideas to get you booking now .
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 25, 2012 at 12:30pm

Sharon D Tudor · St. Petersburg Junior College

Great ideas! I w ould also encourage sending new homeow ners a
w elcome/congratulations letter inviting them to show off their new
home w ith your products. Who w ouldn't like to show off their new
home and gain free products?
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · October 23, 2012 at 9:38pm

Christine Konopelski
I love all the tips Julie Anne gives us. thank you
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 10:59pm

Crystal Muncy · Follow

I like the idea of doing multiple parties but unfortunately people don't
w ant to do combined parties? Any other suggestions?
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 2:52pm

Dayna Hodge · Follow · Works at Maggie Grey

hairbow boutique
Combined parties can go 2 w ays. The last one i did
over $800 in sales and i w as the last of 4 different ds
Reply · Like · October 28, 2012 at 8:08pm

Lessons Learned · Personal Jew elry Consultant & Buyer at

Diamond Glam Addict
Aw esome ideas! Thanks so much!
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 11:46am 4/6
1/10/14 7 Surefire Ways to Get Bookings NOW! |
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 11:46am

Patricia Wilson · Works at Lia sophia

I love everything you share w ith us, Julie Anne. You are so very.
generous and I appreciate the time and caring you put into helping
us, Direct Sellers. Thank you and much success to you.
Reply · 2 · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 8:42am

Mary Jo Lyons · Humber

I like the idea of putting a business card in w ith your bill payments.
Reply · 5 · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 7:55am

Donna Anderson- Your lia sophia advisor

I also love your ideas and particularly the Host of the month Can
you tell me a little more about how you get that one out there? Also I
think making a facebook page is a great w ay to advertise and stay
in front of people! Thanks Julie Anne Jones.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 19, 2012 at 7:37am

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You may, as long as you do not alter it and include the following information (with active links as appropriate):

Julie Anne Jones is a direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is
known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific systems, language, and tools for success in
direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read her weekly blog posts, visit her

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Shannon Pearson Cam den · Office Manager at Prest Xspress, LLC

Check this out Sarah Chapman McNeill!
Reply · Like · Follow Post · April 19, 2013 at 10:46pm

Facebook social plugin

Categories : Bookings, Home Party 5/6
1/10/14 7 Surefire Ways to Get Bookings NOW! |
Tags : Bookings, Direct sales, Home Parties


1. Julie says:
November 12, 2012 at 9:42 am

Your games sound great, Sheryl. I would keep the giveaway prizes very simple and very inexpensive (like no more than a few bucks
per prize). It’s more the fact that they won that turns people on, not so much what they win. Plus, you want to keep what you’re doing
duplicatable for your team.

2. Sheryl says:
November 12, 2012 at 9:27 am

Julie Ann,
Any suggestions of games. I play bingo, the ticket game, pull names from slips completed, and the card game. I'm bored with these.
At the booking event, what type of prizes do you think is appropriate to give away? Cost? Thx

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