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Why Pepe Mel is the man to take West Bromwich Albion forward

Nearly four weeks after Steve Clarke's sackin as West Bromwich Albion head coach! the club have appointed Pepe Mel "via BBC Sport#$ %o many! includin former West Brom mana er &on Atkinson! the '()year old Spaniard is indifferent forei n coach who few will have heard of "via *+press and Star#, -. think it is an appointment influenced by what happened last season with Southampton appointin Mauricio Pochettino$ /e was not over)fancied at the time and has been relatively successful! althou h . notice that it is perhaps 0ust startin to level out there$ . don1t think there would be a problem with the top! top coaches comin to our ame such as a Mourinho or a 2uardiola$ But you do wonder if a little further down the ladder! owners are unduly influenced by a forei n name$3 -. can1t believe he was a coach they knew all about before this process be an! but clearly they like what they hear$ /e1s not a bi name in Spain and his appointment is a bit of a amble 4 but all appointments are$3 56 of 7( Premier 8ea ue mana ers are British$ While many forei n layers attract fre9uent headlines! forei n mana ers are less e+posed$ %his is due to mana erial sackin s happenin at une+pected times! and the appointment bein a rushed one! to find the most reco nisable name available with the best coachin credentials! whereas an e+tensive scoutin compilations of potential players are made months before transfer windows open$ .f you follow 8a 8i a! which &on Atkinson doesn't! you will almost certainly know of him$ /is yearly achievements at &eal Betis are fre9uently lauded by the Spanish Press$ Since his appointment in 7(5(! he has turned the club from a debt)ridden stru lin in the second division to one flyin hi h in the *uropa 8ea ue$ Since the club's return to 8a 8i a! he has played many variations of 6)6)7 and 6):):! plus 6)7):)5! 6)')5! 6)5)6)5 and 6)6)5)5$ %he formation can differ weekly dependin on the ame plan and his available personnel$ But we always saw the same hi h)pressin ame with centre backs hurlin into challen es on the half way line! patient build up and them turnin openin s into oals$ %heir double pivot! Benat and ;ose Canas! and the defenders were often positioned around the

middle of the pitch! althou h they did press hi her when numbers were lackin $ %his was not only to have a better chance of winnin the ball first time! in order to initiate attacks 9uicker! but also to reduce space for opposin players! with an increased chance of them bein cau ht offside$ <sin this strate y! ener y was used primarily to win the ball! without the worry of onrushin players behind them$ .f a centre half was cau ht out of position! others would be back to help out$ %he full backs! the double pivot and the remainin centre half would be positioned deeply enou h to face attackers$ As a result! in 7(57)5: the club were fourth placed in total interceptions "via WhoScored#$ <ntil the ri ht openin appeared! they were happy to keep possession from the opposin team at the centre of the pitch$ .n Benat! they had a player who had mastered this art! with his 0aw)droppin ability to unlock a defence with a sin le pass and surprisin opposin players by his 9uick decision makin $ /e honed their possession strate y! but every player was comfortable with keepin the ball$ %his is represented in their action =ones! which show that 6>? of their possession is kept at the centre$ %he attackers were not always in conventional positions at first$ %he forwards and win ers did not track back so much because of the movement re9uired of them when attackin $ When the team retrieved the ball! their focus was to et in a position where they can receive it$ %op scorer &uben Castro was often stationed on the ri ht channel! @orlan Pabon sometimes at the centre or left$ But when on the ball! this 9uickly chan ed$ After lendin duties to the more attackin players! openin s at oal were often created in few passes$ *ach win er at Betis! other than ;oel Campbell! was occupyin a channel between the midfielders and defenders$ %hree players rapid movement ahead would mean the opposin players would be at a dilemma whether to be drawn to him when comin inside! meanin Betis have a numerical advanta e and an e+tra second to create somethin $ With &uben Castro rapidly movin on the defenders shoulder! ;oel Campbell providin width and at least one other player occupyin somebody! Betis were in pole position to score$ Scorin oals can be an easy process if you have the ri ht mi+ of players who are mobile enou h$ %hey scored ei ht oals directly from counter)attacks! 0oint fourth in 8a 8i a$ <nfortunately! 5A of their :: man s9uad from last season have left on either temporary or permanent deals! ettin BC$6A M but only spendin B6$AA6 M back into the team "via %ransfermarkt#$ Moreover! they still only have the fourteenth hi hest wa e bud et in 8a 8i a "via %SM P8<2#$ All of Mel hard work in assemblin that team had been undone! and he duly paid conse9uences for that by bein sacked four months into the new season$ At West Brom! he has similar types of players, imposin centre halves! a double pivot! dynamic attackin players but lackin a striker of &uben Castro's 9uality$ %hey are used to defendin deeper! but he has time to lay out his principles$ /e is also likely to et more out of our misfirin forward players$ /e is ruthless and will not persist with underperformin players that aren't in his mould$ .f players fail to adapt! he will not play them$ Selfish and wasteful players like Stephane Sesse non may stru rounded players like ;ames Morrison may flourish$ le for ames! while intelli ent! all)

/e is an innovative and charmin character! who never ives e+cuses for defeat! and bravely makin peace with Betis)ultras invadin the trainin round "via MA&CA#$ /e's the only known mana er who's written a novel and on twitter$ <pon the release of his mystery novel! '%he 8iar'! he astutely claimed, -.t helps me to rela+ and between the pa es . mi ht think of a way to stop Cristiano &onaldo$3 "Mel1s Betis play &eal Madrid on Saturday# "via Who Ate All %he Pies#$

/is appointment is unconventional! as forei n mana ers at smaller clubs are a rarity! but he has the traits necessary to improve West Brom and will 9uickly win over any doubters$

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