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Home Architecture & Built Environment Conservation & Museology Textile Conservation: 2 !

! Advances in Practice "ichmond & Brac#er Conservation: Princi$les% 2 * &ilemmas and 'ncom(orta)le Truths Craddoc# +cienti(ic ,nvestigation o( 2 * Co$ies% -a#es and -orgeries: Po.ell & Allen ,talian "enaissance 2 * -rames at the /&A: A Technical +tudy Adams% Early & Bam(ord Princi$les o( Horticulture% 2 1 0th Edition Bro.n A$$lied Princi$les o( 2 1 Horticultural +cience% 2rd Edition Eastaugh% 3alsh% Cha$lin Pigment Com$endium: A 2 1 & +iddall &ictionary and 4$tical Microsco$y o( Historic Pigments +hashoua Conservation o( Plastics: 2 1 Materials science% degradation and $reservation 5ynch The History o( 6auged 2 7 Bric#.or#: Conservation% "e$air and Modern A$$lication A$$el)aum Conservation Treatment 2 7 Methodology 48Connor & Broo#s 9:"adiogra$hy o( 2 7 Textiles% &ress and "elated 4);ects Conti & 6lanville History o( the "estoration 2 7 and Conservation o( 3or#s o( Art Cuttle 5ight (or Art8s +a#e: 2 7 5ighting (or Art.or#s and Museum &is$lays Ashurst Conservation o( "uins 2 < Mac&onald &igital Heritage: A$$lying 2 < &igital ,maging to Cultural Heritage 5ennard & Hay.ard Ta$estry Conservation: 2 <

-lec#er &eMouthe &ur)in Middleton >eene >ite & Thomson Eastaugh% 3alsh% Cha$lin & +iddall Muno@:/inas -eilden "ivers & 'mney Ao#ilehto >EE=E &avison Easto$ & 6ill "ead & Meyer Ashley:+mith Mills & 3hite Timar:Bala@sy & Easto$ >EE=E 5andi &imes & Ashurst

Princi$les and Practice A Practical 6uide to Costume Mounting =atural Materials: +ources% Pro$erties and 'ses Architectural Tiles: Conservation and "estoration "adiogra$hy o( Cultural Material% 2nd Edition -ragments o( the 3orld: 'ses o( Museum Collections Conservation o( 5eather and "elated Materials Pigment Com$endium: A &ictionary o( Historical Pigments Contem$orary Theory o( Conservation Conservation o( Historic Buildings% 2rd Edition Conservation o( -urniture History o( Architectural Conservation Managing Conservation in Museums% 2nd Edition Conservation and "estoration o( 6lass% 2nd Edition '$holstery Conservation: Princi$les and Practice "estoration o( Motion Picture -ilm "is# Assessment (or 4);ect Conservation 4rganic Chemistry o( Museum 4);ects% 2nd Edition Chemical Princi$les o( Textile Conservation &igital Collections: Museums and the ,n(ormation Age Textile Conservator8s Manual% 2nd Edition Conservation o( Building and &ecorative +tone

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Conservation and "estoration o( Ceramics Care and Conservation o( 6eological Material: Minerals% "oc#s% Meteorites and 5unar -inds Materials (or Conservation Museum Environment% 2nd Edition

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