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Doc:STI/13487/2 December 1994

SCHEME OF TESTING AND INSPECTION FOR CERTIFICATION OF IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT EMITTERS ACCORDING TO IS 13487:1992 1. 1.1 LABORATORY: A laboratory shall be maintained, which shall be suitably equipped and staffed, to carry out tests and inspection in accordance with this scheme and asper the methods given in the Indian Standard. All testing equipment shall be calibrated periodically and record of such calibration maintained. TEST RECORDS: All records of tests and inspection shall be maintained in suitable forms as approved by the Bureau (See Forms annexed). Copies of any records or charts that may be required by the Bureau shall be made available at any time on request. Quality Control: It is recommended that, as far as possible, Statistical quality control (SQC) methods may be used for controlling the quality of the product during production, as envisaged in this scheme [See IS 397 (Part I):1972, IS 397 (Part 2): 1985 and IS 397 (Part III):1980]. Quality Systems: As far as possible, quality systems as per IS 14003:1988 shall be installed by the firm. STANDARD MARK: Standard Mark as given in Column (1) of the first Schedule of the license shall be clearly and indelibly marked on each box containing the emitters in the form of a transfix label or by screen printing or by any other method, as the case may be, provided always that the material in each bag to which this mark is thus applied conforms to all requirements of the specification. MARKING: In addition to 3.1, each emitter shall be marked clearly and permanently with the following information. a) b) Manufacturers name or trade mark; Nominal emission rate, in litres per hour, indication by colour or otherwise;


2. 2.1




3. 3.1

4. 4.1

Doc:STI/13487/2 December 1994

c) d) 4.2

Uniformity category; Arrow indicating the direction of flow

In addition to 4.1, each pouch containing 100 emitters shall bear the following details: a) b) c) Mould number, if it is manufactured on more than one mould; Control unit or batch number to enable to trace back lot numbers of button, cover, body and assembly; Made in India, if required.


The manufacturer shall make available to the user, together with the emitters, a catalogue that include the data as specified in clause 10 of IS 13487:1992. LEVELS OF CONTROL: The tests as indicated in Table 1 and at the levels of control specified therein, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory and appropriate records maintained in accordance with paragraph 2 above. All the production which conforms to the Indian Standard and covered by this license shall be marked with the STANDARD MARK. Control Unit: For the purpose of this scheme, all the emitters of the same type, nominal flow rate and uniformity category, assembled in one shift shall constitute a control unit.

5. 5.1


NOTE 1: The control unit number assigned to a particular control unit shall be such that it shall be possible to trace back the manufacturing details of each competent from the factory records. NOTE 2: Manufacturing details shall mean shift-wise production details of each competent including mould number, quantities produced, accepted and rejected.

6. 6.1

RAW MATERIALS: The raw materials used in the manufacturing of emitters shall meet the requirements of clause 5 of 13487:1992. REJECTION: A separate record shall be maintained giving information relating to the rejection of emitters which do not conform to the specification and the method of their disposal. Such emitters if packed, shall in no case be stored together with those conforming to the specification.

7. 7.1

Doc:STI/13487/2 December 1994

8. 8.1

SAMPLES: The licensee shall supply, free of charge, the samples required in accordance with the BIS (Certification Marks) Regulations, 1988, as subsequently amended, from his factory or godowns. The Bureau shall pay for the samples taken by it from the open market. REPLACEMENT: Whenever a complaint is received soon after the goods with standard Mark have been purchased and used and if there is adequate evidence that the goods have not been misused, defective goods or their components shall be replaced free of cost by the licensee, in case the complaint is proved to be genuine and the warranty period (where applicable) has not expired. The final authority to judge conformity of the product to the Indian Standard shall be with the Bureau. STOP MARKING: The marking of the product shall be stopped under intimation to the Bureau, if, at any time, there is some difficulty in maintaining the conformity of the product to the specification, or the testing equipment goes out of order, or if directed to do so by the Bureau for any reason. The marking may be resumed as soon as the defects are removed or when the Bureau gives the permission to do so. The information regarding resumption of marking shall also be sent to the Bureau. PRODUCTION DATA: The licensee shall send to the Bureau, a statement of the quantity produced, marked, and exported by him and the trade value thereof during the half-year ending 30 June and 31 December. This statement is required to be forwarded to the Bureau on or before the 31st day of July and January for the preceding half year.

9. 9.1

10. 10.1

11. 11.1

Doc:STI/13487/2 December 1994

IS 13487:1992 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT EMITTERS, ACCORDING TO IS 13487:1992 TABLE 1 LEVELS OF CONTROL (Para 5 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection)
TEST DETAILS Clause Requirements Clause 5.2 Emitter Ends 5.2 Test Method Reference IS 13487:1992 5 Once in a day Applicable when PE pipe is used.

No. of Samples




Construction and Workmanship



One Sample from each mould cavity. -doOne sample from an assembly.

Each Control Unit

7.2 7.3

Dimensions of flow paths in emitter. Resistance to Hydrostatic Pressure

7.2 7.3.1 7.3.2 & 7.3.3


-do-doTesting shall be done on an assembly.


Emitter Pull-out.

7.4.1 & IS 13479:1992 7.4.2 IS 13487:1992 & IS 12786:1989 8.1.1 IS 13487:1992 8.1.2 & -do8.1.2 -do8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.3 & 8.3.1 -do-


One per production

One assembly.


Uniformity of Emission Rate


Each hour of production



Emission Rate as a function of Inlet.

25 Emitters

Once in a week


Determination of Emitter Exponent





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