Experience: Sundaresan Muthuswamy

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Sundaresan Muthuswamy 3.56 0.4 Indian Institute of Science Today mornin I !is" to narrate an e#$erience t"at a%e me some direct insi "t& !"ic" I !ou'd 'i(e to s"are on t"is t"read. )"i'e tra%e''in in a *us in t"e ear'y mornin & it !as a coincidence t"at a menta''y c"a''en ed *oy in t"e o'der teens "a$$ened to sit *eside me. +e !as ca'm e#ce$t t"at "is %isi*'e traits 'oo(ed different to me. ,s t"e -ourney $ro ressed "e 'aid "is "ead on my s"ou'ders durin most of t"e -ourney time and s'e$t. ,t t"e end of t"e -ourney "e a%e me a smi'e !"ic" is natura''y different. .ut t"e enuineness of "is smi'e is un/uestiona*'e *ut t"e smi'e I a%e "im *ac( 'ac(ed t"e /ua'ity of "is e#$ression. 0ettin do!n from t"e *us I t"ou "t of t"e fo''o!in 12 +uman *ein s "a%e %arious !ays of reactin to t"e outside !or'd. , %ery inte''i ent man fee's %ery comforta*'e !"i'e discussin matters !it" a $erson of 'itt'e 'o!er inte''ect& ta'(s !it" di nity !it" e/ua's& fee's a 'itt'e insecure !it" immediate su$eriors& s"o!s res$ect to reater su$eriors & and su*mits to t"e "i "est. 3ne fee's disdain !"i'e ta'(in to 'esser $eo$'e and scorns at t"e i norant. )"en one dea's !it" a menta' $atient "e or s"e assumes t"e doctor $ersona'ity& t"e more i'' $erson is treated different'y ran in from $erson !"o is conscious to a $erson in coma condition. ,'' t"ese $eo$'e are $re%a'ent in t"e society and in a'' t"ere is a common consciousness !"ic" is rea''y unaffected and on'y t"e or anic differences e#ist *e it enes or "ereditary& inc'udin t"e I4 'e%e's of eac" indi%idua'& and (no!'ed e ained. S o !"en t"ere are mu'titude of suc" indi%idua's e#istin in t"e !or'd& Is e%o'ution indi%idua' or co''ecti%e. )e are more e%o'%ed t"an $'ants and anima's is an acce$ted statement *y a''& *ut !"at furt"er e%o'utions !e e#$ect from "umans is *etter discussed if some *ri "t $erson 'ays do!n t"e yardstic(. +ence !e are understanda*'y ta'(in no! on t"e inte''i ence as$ect of "uman *ein s e%o'%ed i.e. *ri "ter and *ri "ter& sma''er and sma''er5 *rains more com$acter and a'' t"e distortions t"at t"e $resent "uman *ein s can t"in( of. 6ere $"ysica' c"an e a'one is not e%o'ution. In a'' t"ese matters t"ere is a !i'' of a $erson !"ic" i%es directions on t"e indi%idua's e%o'ution. , $i'ot in modern !arfare if "e !i''s i.e& "is o!n s!eet !i'' can dro$ an atomic !ar"ead more de%astatin t"an +iros"ima e%en t"ou " "is $"ysics and mat"ematics are sound and t"e care'essness to "eed sound ad%ice ,fter destruction and anni"i'ation t"in s a ain e%o'%e -ust as ant "i''s are destroyed *y misc"ie%ous *oys. )"y is it t"at t"is !i'' differs from indi%idua' to indi%idua'& and t"ere are c"i'dren *orn !it" %arious *irt" defects e%en t"ou " t"e $arents are sound and "ea't"y5 )"y is t"en t"ere a dis$arity from $eo$'e to $eo$'e& nation to nations5 Is e%o'%in a$$'y to on'y t"e e'ite& or is t"ere a $"ase difference *et!een community de%e'o$ment and nation u$*rin in 5 ,re a'' inte''ectua's free from reed& %anity and destructi%e tenden... 7more8 !"ic" "as a say in t"e e%o'ution5 T"is as$ect "as *een addressed in t"e 9arma t"eory !"ic" *e'ie%es in cause and effect and a'so inc'udes t"e !i'' of an indi%idua' !"ic" modern "uman *ein s do not !ant to consider as it is *eyond $"ysics and mat"ematics. I do not !ant ta'( on 9arma t"eory immediate'y no! and 'ea%e it to 'ater. :ina''y I must t"an( myse'f on t"e *us e#$erience as it "as made me more !iser& $er"a$s

of my mad 'o%e to t"e True Consciousness on !"ic" I "ad s$o(en re'ent'ess'y so far. E#$erience of a $erson is t"e true 'esson 'earnt 6odified 6 "ours a o *y t"e aut"or Scott Russell ;ni%ersity of 6ic"i an2:'int I 'i(e your ans!er %ery muc". T"e /uestions you raise a'so c"a''en e orders !e find ourse'%es tryin to 'ocate or construct. I !as re%ie!in <o"n =e!ey>s !or( ear'y t"is mornin for a $resentation and some of !"at you descri*e can *e seen in "is a$$roac". =e!ey did not a'!ays su*scri*e to e%o'ution& *ut came to a$$reciate it mid2career ?I t"in(@. :rom t"at moment& "e /uestioned t"e ty$ica' "uman understandin of t"e Ameanin A or $ur$ose of 'ife. +e sett'ed for im$ro%ement o%er some uto$ian destination. T"e idea em*raced "o! c"an e is in"erent in !"at !e no! ca'' systems. T"e /ua'ities you /uestion in "uman $o$u'ations are "i "'y /uestiona*'e& I *e'ie%e1 for e#am$'e& "o! !ou'd I *e a*'e to te'' !"at im$ro%ement in t"e "uman anima' !as& since I can on'y -ud e from t"e conte#t of my cu'tura' norms and $ersona' e#$erience5 I !ant to "aBard t"at no one cou'd te'' !"at c"an e in t"e "uman anima' !ou'd *e an e%o'utionary im$ro%ement and !"at !ou'd *e an e%o'utionary dead end. T"e time sca'e is enormousC t"e conte#ts from !"ic" !e -ud e *ias our determinationsC e%en !it"in our conte#ts& many of us /uestion common notions of success and fai'ure. ,nd !e seem to c"an e our en%ironment faster t"an e%o'ution can "and'e. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 3.56 0.4 Indian Institute of Science Scott Sir.& T"an( you for t"e (ind !ords. ,'' t"e /uestions raised *y me !ere mi'd out*ursts from my inner consciousness and s$ontaneous& "ence rea''y not my inte''i ence. D "ours a o Scott Russell ;ni%ersity of 6ic"i an2:'int Per"a$s our minds !or( faster t"an our a!areness& too. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 3.56 0.4 Indian Institute of Science T"ou "ts in our minds tra%e' e%en faster t"an 'i "t in t"e infinite fie'd of ,!areness. E F 0 E4 "ours a o voted Scott Russell ;ni%ersity of 6ic"i an2:'int 0ood t"eory1 "ard to fa'sify.

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