Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon

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An Evening with Lou Dunst

Celebrate the life and good works of San Diego Holocaust survivor as he launches his long awaited book My Bargain with G-D Thursday Jan. 30 @ 6:30pm Ohr Shalom Synagogue 2512 3rd Ave.

Next Scholar-In-Residence Rabbi Yitchok Feldheim February 14, 15


Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky

Your Search for Clarity in the 21st Century

January 11, 2014

Shabbat Shira

Parshat Beshalach 366 Haftorah pg. 1152

President Leopoldo Kahn

1st Aliya: The Bnai Yisroel (Children

Young Beth Jacob!

Groups Begin @ 10:15am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand

Rabbi Blooms Class: OFF

Groups with the Weisers-3:30pm

Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: Davening, games and stories.

Tweeners Groups
Shalosh Seudos in Classroom A

Ages 10-13

Get Excited!
Parent/Child Learning Motzei Shabbos @ 6:30pm Chargers Playoff Game-1:30pm @ Youth Center, Sunday
Wednesday Missmar-4:30-6:00pm-Girls Contact Mr. Weiser for all the details - 619.933.6740

of Israel - Jews) had left Mitzrayim (Egypt). The closest route to Eretz Yisroel (The Land of Israel) was along the Mediterranean coast up into Israel. However; this territory was occupied by the Philistines. The Bnai Yisroel were not ready for a battle, so Hashem (G-d) lead them toward the Sea of Reeds. Pharaoh was informed that The Bnai Yisroel appeared to be lost, and he strengthened his resolve and that of his people and pursued the Jews into the Desert. 2nd Aliya: The Egyptians caught up to the Jews as they were camped by the edge of the sea. (Imagine the thundering sound, and cloud of dust that 600 charging chariots must have made and you can begin to understand the pure terror that must have struck the hearts of the people.) Moshe reassured them that they only had to trust Hashem and stand silently as His awesome majesty wiped out the might of Mitzrayim. 3rd Aliya: Moshe was told to stretch out his staff over the sea. Hashem separated the Jews from the Egyptians with a cloud cover and caused an Easterly wind to blow the entire night. As the waters parted, the Bnai Yisroel entered between the towering walls of water and crossed to the other side. The Egyptians chased after them into the parted

waters of the sea. 4th Aliya: Moshe stretched his arm back over the sea and the waters returned to their natural state, drowning the might and glory of Egypts best. The Bnai Yisroel witnessed G-ds awesome display of justice and they believed in the reality of Hashem and in the appointment of Moshe as His most trusted servant. Moshe, and then Miriam, lead the Bnai Yisroel in a spontaneous song of exaltation and thanksgiving. The incident with the bitter waters at Marah is detailed. 5th Aliya: The Bnai Yisroel struggled with the realities of their experience, attempting to balance faith with practical concerns for survival. The concerns for food and water were overwhelming and Moshe promised them quail and Maana. These miracles were introduced to the Jews as evidence of Hashems love, caring, honor and glory. 6th Aliya: The Bnai Yisroel were given strict instructions regarding the gathering and eating of the Maana. They were introduced to Shabbos, and an urn of Manna was saved for posterity. 7th Aliya: The nation traveled to Rephidim, and confronted Moshe over the issue of water. Moshe saw this as an unnecessary challenge to


Hashems caring and love. Hashem instructed Moshe to hit the rock and bring forth water. The final episode in the Parsha was Amaleks unprovoked attack on the newly independent nation. Yehoshua lead the attack against Amalek while Moshe, Aharon, and Chur (Miriams son) stood atop the battle field with Moshes arms stretched heavenward. Hashem commanded us to eradicate and never forget Amaleks evil.

Candlelighting..........................4:42pm Mincha......................................4:45pm Shacharis Beit Midrash.............7:45am Daf Yomi...................................7:45am Shacharis Main Shul.................8:45am Latest Shema...........................9:23am Mincha......................................4:25pm Shabbos Ends..........................5:44pm

Shabbat Schedule

Sun Shacharis..............................8:00am Mon-Fri.................................6:20/7:15am Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv...............4:45pm Sun-Thu Late Maariv....................9:15pm Candles Next Week.....................4:48pm

Lecture Schedule S.I.R.

Friday...................................7:45pm Shabbos Day......................12:00pm Shabbos Afternoon..............3:20pm

To all guests and visitors. Our Scholar-In-Residence Aliza Bulow. Mrs. Valerie Roth, Rabbi Roths mother. Family & Friends who are here to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Penina Adatto. Our snowbirds Bessie & Manny Mittelman, Mayer Mandelbaum & Paula Katz

This Week
Board Meeting-Sunday January 12 @ 9:00am

Weekly Schedule

Coming Up

Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities.

Learning In Your Community

Next Shabbos - Annual Shalom Bayit/Shovavim Class with Rabbi Bogopulsky @ 3:30pm. Shabbos January 25 - Kiddush Lunch in honor of Larry Greenbaums 90th birthday sponsored by his family.

Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am Gemara Megilla: Mon-Thu 8:30-9:15pm with Rabbi Bogopulsky Beginners Talmud: Tuesday nights w/Rabbi Mr. Weiser One-on-One learning on your schedule - 619.933.6740 Beis Medrash Learning: Weekdays after 2nd Shacharis and every Sunday @ 8:45am. Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee. Come and get a chavrusa and study.

Thank You
Mike & Rena Milstein for sponsoring Seuda Shlisheet in honor of Rabbi Pinny Roth.

Community Event
THS Dinner Theatre for women Mon. Jan. 13. For tickets call: 858-558-6880 Soille 8th grade Israel Trip fundraising dinner - Sunday January 26, 5:00pm @ Beth Jacob

Navi (Prophets)w/ Rabbi Marks See Rabbi Marks for time


Ladies Class w/The Rabbi 1:00pm Tastes of Talmud w/Rabbi Adatto 8:00pm

Parsha w/ The Rabbi 7:30pm Mishmar & Cholent 9:30-10:30pm

Mazal Tov
Rabbi Moshe & Ariella Adatto and Andrea & Greg Smith on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter & granddaughter Penina.

Beginners Talmud w/Rabbi Marks See Rabbi Marks for time

Refuah Sheleima
| Eliot Klugman | Stephen Ellis | Gershon Brookler |Paul Schraer |

Live Stream Shiurim

This weekend is the deadline for teens to apply for NCSY Summer Programs and receive up to $1,000 in grant money from the Federation. Call Adam Simon for details (619-663-8672) or visit to apply. Teens in non-orthodox high schools are eligible for our TJJ program, which (with the JF Grant) can cost as little as $1799 for a four week trip! Thursdays in the Social Hall

For men & women Now pairing students w/ mentors. See Rabbi Roth for details. Launches Monday January 20th

Rabbi Yissocher Frand @ 6:00pm

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