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Philosophy and Science, what is the connection?

The connection between science and philosophy has endured for thousands of years. In present-day conditions it has not only been preserved but is also growing substantially stronger. The scale of the scientific work and the social significance of research have acquired huge proportions. For example, philosophy and physics were at first organically interconnected, particularly in the work of alileo, !escartes, "epler, #ewton, $omonosov, %endeleyev and &instein, and generally in the work of all scientists with a broad outlook. 't one time it was commonly held that philosophy was the science of sciences, their supreme ruler. Today physics is regarded as the queen of sciences. (oth views contain a certain measure of truth. )hysics with its tradition, the specific ob*ects of study and vast range of exact methods of observation and experiment exerts an exceptionally fruitful influence on all or nearly all spheres of knowledge. )hilosophy may be called the +science of sciences+ probably in the sense that it is, in effect, the self-awareness of the sciences and the source from which all the sciences draw their world-view and methodological principles, which in the course of centuries have been honed down into concise forms. 's a whole, philosophy and the sciences are equal partners assisting creative thought in its explorations to attain generalising truth. )hilosophy does not replace the specialised sciences and does not command them, but it does arm them with general principles of theoretical thinking, with a method of cognition and world-view. In this sense scientific philosophy legitimately holds one of the key positions in the system of the sciences. http, 1an philosophy develop by itself, without the support of science2 1an science +work+ without philosophy2 3as science reached such a level of theoretical thought that it no longer needs philosophy2 4r is the connection between philosophy and science so mutual that it is characterised by their ever deepening interaction2 4ct 5., 5./5 6 %odified 4ct 5., 5./5 by the author Question Issam Sinjab

Research Gate Answers shared by M.Sundaresan

Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 I believe the origin of philosophy was from the very beginning of the 1osmos. great astronomers, philosophers always ga7ed the sky and the stars beyond, and formulated hypothesis without any external aids and have proven to be true. 'n example is ancient astrology where the period of planets, eclipses occurrences are valid even till today. 8e and the world we live in is the tiniest speck in the 1osmos. In the 9ltimate texts books on vedantic literature reference is made to the 1osmic Total mind and living beings are the limited mind a part of IT. If the universe is seen from the microcosm to the macrocosm and vice versa : i.e, particles to sub atomic levels;, we see a very large picture beyond comprehension to the common man. In the atomic level science and man have shown limited but formidable progress< destructive and constructive. In the 1osmic level our limitations are seen. .The vedantic texts refer this as an illusion of the Total %ind that =ees and the =een as the 4b*ect and a debate is made on 8hich came first. It concludes that the 9niverse is *ust an &xpression of the =eer. It is the firm belief on the higher 9nseen force which makes man to contemplate and meditate and sets his mind thinking which goes beyond his present realm of things and transforms to a higher level. )hilosophy is the key and mother of all inventions be it from ones genes or otherwise. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 'ctually philosophy is a non-mathematical expression of truth. For a modern researcher it is science. If one is able to express his scientific findings in a simple way which common intelligent people from any discipline in the society can understand then he is honored by the society with a nice title. =omehow in each areas of science dominated by groups of intellectuals decide and award this recognition. Though what is prevailing now is the best thing we can think off< )hilosophy sometimes gets undermined with the nature of scientific work reported and being accepted. 4ne cannot expect true philosophy and true science every time and everywhere but surely it motivates even an average individual to seek higher goals, and in the process encouraging creativity which I think )hilosophy drives scientists to the very limits of human endeavor. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 8hy is man made limited in this limitless space2 8hat is the capacity in man to understand the unlimited in its full breadth of space and time2 It is the human mind beyond doubt. 8hich time yard stick that is the speed with which the eye can see or the speed with which the mind can travel will really hold 2 're all human minds capable in unison to understand these intricacies or one master

scientist or a few more will make us understand. To really understand it should be very simple or blind faith in accepting the same said by a master scientist which now is through a collective body. 9nfortunately for the ma*ority it is reek and $atin including many of those who advocate it. Till all the scientists understand wholeheartedly, then the natural way is to accept the words of that very very wise man who is in the 9ltimate sense the greatest philosopher.. 8hile the debate goes on for the greatest philosopher, the few smart ones around have their own thinking and become philosophical within their limitations, and the eager people around the world really appreciate their thoughts which is indeed philosophical. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 =imple birth of any species is due to and for happiness. The event makes everyone happy, and the manner in which it takes place is a study undertaken by few we call scientists out of curiosity and knowledge and to be of service to all. &veryone knows that what all has been studied and understood by science <so far is very remarkable and astounding, but from a higher standpoint it is indeed superficial. For the common man simple fact beyond the happy event has no meaning, and neither the probing scientist can ensure the happy event to take place. (ut the scientist does help to monitor the events and even warn and give remedies to ensure the event is indeed a happy one. (ut the secrets of birth and death remain still very elusive. This is where the philosophy begins of a scientist who is helplessly trying to probe the unknown. To probe the known is what we all know is not science and is called technology. =o the helplessness of a scientist initially is the root cause of philosophy. The less talented pray to a higher force, and the scientist assuming a role of never dying spirit pursues further. This & 4 is a natural gift given to man which makes him to do wonders and probe the unknown and makes life worth living and is not mere birth and death. (ut when the & 4 goes too far assuming additional roles of invincibility < #ature does get offended as some of the scientists channeli7es their energy to destructive purposes also.The present day science does both these things and commerciali7ation adds a different color camouflaging the true value of science. >.// 6 ..0 6 Indian Institute of =cience ? $arry 1arlson 6 'ctually we believe it or not the world order is governed by an unseen force which some call It as a as %aster controller. 8e as limited beings try to explain the outcome and try to categori7e and even give color to it. It is natural law that that for any orderly happening there should be a leader or else is chaos. This is where scientist have a doctrine that everything should have a proof and should be tangible. The proof will never come as long as we talk as scientists, *ust as how philosophy originates and no one questions it. It is always an attitude difference that makes and destroys anything. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 ?3arry ten (rink, =ir, welcome to your wake up call.. I am an aerospace engineer and somehow I also got a title as a scientist. in my *ob and I think to have contributed significantly on technology issues on launch vehicles in my

place. Frankly I respect all those who are doing pioneering work on physics related, astronomy, and for that matter any genuine researcher in any field. %y logic of arguments though looks biased, I am thoroughly convinced that intuition is the seed of all inventions and philosophy is its base, the will of the scientist is the driving force. (ehind these three requisites there is an unexplainable force which is the cause. #o arguments especially in this thread < which is specially about )3I$4=4)3@ and =1I&#1& is complete without mentioning It. 8e will be in fools paradise and talk about creation, creativity etc without addressing the root cause of all living and non-living things, #ot that I have or anyone will have an answer. (y the way are achievements in science is by a single individual2 Is there a society for scientists for one to follow laid up protocols on behavior and expression2 There are scientists in each speciali7ed areas where the exchange of ideas are made. =imilarly there are scores of other areas which are recogni7ed and some not known to all. 'll great scientists are born out of the blue and are really messengers of truth to remind mankind the enormous potential that #ature has in store <and we do not know how this happens Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 ? $arry 1arlson The cause of creation including the vast universe what we see including the living and non-living wonders have been beyond the reach of man for ages and till now. The arguments get subtler and subtler as one digs deeper into the cause and is beyond all the philosophies as to what scientists can imagine leave alone prove. The present rules of science support only proper hypotheses validated by experiments or logical reasoning done with the help of mathematics, and through other recogni7ed methods. 3owever the cause of creation and its vastness and all those unknowns canAt be explained scientifically with the present day yardstick by man :he or she; with his limited abilities, 3ence the proof will never come as long as humans wear the scientific attire. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 If philosophy is the source and cause then science is the result and action.The very award of a degree namely )h! is for a recognition to all scientists by the society which acts as an inspiration to all scientists added with a higher position in the strata of society. )hilosophy being so abstract has any scientist questioned the very title2 If any scientist argues that philosophy is not the cause but only ones intelligence and hard work is the cause called philosophy then the arguments will tow a different line. If many shares the above view we can perhaps have a separate session like abstract philosophy versus concrete philosophy < scientific philosophers versus the traditional philosophers etc. Sundaresan Muthuswamy The heart is the source of life, one with the qualities of love, courage, inspiration, emotion, contentment and is philosophical. The mind on the other side manifests, wills, gets ignited, acts, recogni7es and is basically restless and science is one its useful outcome..#o heart means is a mindless person. 'ctually the heart we are talking about is one of the compartments in our mind filled with

love and compassion. 3eartlessness is often referred to as a wicked and vain person. 8hen the active mind recogni7es this love and compassion, it acts in a creative manner without any bias. In all these consciousness is the common factor. Sundaresan Muthuswamy Truth in the individual level is what one thinks, talks and acts do not cause conflicts in any way. The individual can be ignorant or intelligent it does not matter. The truth in worldly actions be it science, literature, politics or governance should follow a well laid out procedure which are wisely done with strict rules and are to be followed. In =cience the term physics and mathematics are the key words which all of us have no doubt. 3owever in worldly matters as sub*ective influence comes into the picture especially the leaders that are chosen the meaning of truth often gets distorted. 3owever in the 9niversal level the ultimate truth is that one that does not change in all periods of time that is past, present and future. That is why the worldly truth is often referred to as relative reality both from physical existence to the mental plane of expression in man. Truth is beauty and beauty is truth, and anyone who really understands this statement will be closer to truth. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 )hilosophy is the science of thought while modern science is the science in action #o thought means no action hence no science. Thoughts are intrinsic while science is explicit. #o proofs are required in philosophy which is a thought procedure. Bust carried away by science alone means wonderfully drifting in the oceans of knowledge but not not knowing the source or shore of the real destination. Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 1reativity is one of the expressions of philosophy. 1reative ideas can strike the mind only once to a philosophical mind. 1reative ideas when once written can be read any number of times and it will look always beautiful. =cience also the outcome of philosophy is beautiful only when created and attracts the mind initially after which it is taken for granted and the mind waits for another wonder to be created. #atures 1reation is different from manAs creation and will make him wonder all the time and is always beautiful. 3ence the 1reation by #ature can always be considered as a philosophical expression that always tantali7es the human mind. =culpture, paintings ,music are in reality inner expressions of the human mind and is not science. C Larry Carlson 6 =undaresan, %y response is that one should not forget that the human mind is an expression and outcome of nature and thus does not work by entirely different principles. 3ence the remark made in one way or another by writers such as "ant, $eibtnit7, 3egel, =chopenhauer, =artre, and 3eidegger to the effect that it is ama7ing that our senses align so well with external reality to point that nature is able to look at its own reflection and vice versa. 's 'lan 8atts, speaking of Den, puts it, E@ou are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself....@ou are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a

function of what the whole ocean is doingF =cience and philosophy, psychology, biology, and art should be bedfellows, not combatants in the ring. ' good book in this regard is+The 'ge of Insight+ by "andel.

C Sundaresan Muthuswamy 6 ?$arry 1arlson. I should agree with what you have nicely said. This mind of ours is really mind boggling and to talk of the mind we really can talk for ages. 'ctually most of us write our inner thoughts lurking in the corners of our mind hidden and gets revealed when we are triggered. 4ccasionally we ourselves are astounded by our own statements. =uch is the power of the mind.. %ind only expresses the thoughts that are reflected within our consciousness. %ind is a pure entity definitely an expression and outcome of nature as you said.(ut the thoughts which is the intelligence varies from individual to individual , a learning and evolutionary process. The principle is the same but the expression varies. /G hours ago

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