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Detailed Estimate for the Proposed Additional works to the existing Building belongs to Smt. Tejaswini W/o Sri.

A.T. Mohan Kumar , at Land Army Office $assan% Applicant & Smt. Tejaswini Location & Land Army Office oad, !idya "agar, #athyamangala Extension, $assan% 'atha "o% & ())* + "o &&*,#. "o&& /01A "ame Of 2orks% & O3er $ead 4ank, 5nder ground tank, 'itchen Plat 6orm #howcase 7 2ardrobe, Back #ide 8rill , e9flooring in 6irst 6loor, 'itchen 7 4oilet 8la:ed 4iles, #urki, epainting 6or in 86 7 66 2alls, 7 epainting for openings in 86 7 66 #l%"o Description of items "o L B D Ground Floor ,% KITCHEN , (

oad, !idya "agar, #athyamangala Extension,








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$A$$""ING WITH G!A%E$ TI!ES Daddooing with gla:ed tiles for walls with borders set in @+ ,A? and pointed with plaster of paris and white cement%, complete with colour gla:ed tiles of si:e ()cms% B ,)cms% 'itchen ( Bath , *%-, (=%)) ,%)* ,%/? < < ,?%*) -=%0= 9999999999 =C%?= #mtr%

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#e' aintin( )or Ground Floor Pro3iding emulsion painting to walls or ceilings o3er the primer coat of appd% make 7 colour after scrapping the original surface and rubbing with sand paper of :ero si:e 7 with base coat of plaster fix primer and two coats of plastic emulsion painting of appd% colour successi3ely after drying each coat and finishing as per specification and direction% #ame ;ty% of plastering ?=-%C- #mtr% > s%/=19 ?),,*C9))


#e' aintin( )or Ground Floor #ynthetic enamel painting of appd% make and colour, two coats O3er one coats of wood primer% #ame ;ty% of 2ood work ( x (*%(C =(%=/ #mtr% > s%*)19 ?,,=-9))

First Floor *% #e' aintin( )or Ground Floor Pro3iding and fixing )%* +tr% B ,%(( +tr% si:e $igh Duality 8ranite #labs with 3eins for flooring in @+ ,A? including polishing and Eointing 2ith white cement and curing etc%, complete $all , oom , Bath , Dining , 'itchen , oom , -%(, ?%-? < ?%)= ?%-? < ,%/? ,%// < (%,= ?%)? < (%(, ?%)? < ?%)= ?%)? < ,-%-,)%-* ?%-*%=, *%*C C%(9999999999999

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#e' aintin( )or First Floor Pro3iding emulsion painting to walls or ceilings o3er the primer coat of appd% make 7 colour after scrapping the original surface and rubbing with sand paper of :ero si:e 7 with base coat of plaster fix primer and two coats of plastic emulsion painting of appd% colour successi3ely after drying each coat and finishing as per specification and direction% #ame ;ty% of plastering ?=-%C- #mtr% > s%/=19 ?),,*C9))


#e' aintin( )or First Floor #ynthetic enamel painting of appd% make and colour, two coats O3er one coats of wood primer% #ame ;ty% of 2ood work ( x (*%(C =(%=/ #mtr%
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WEATHE# #""F C"+#SE "# S+#KI Pro3iding and laying weather proof course ,)cms% thick a3erage chip Eelly concrete ,A(A- including cleaning the surface and beating the mixed and laid concrete finishing the top surface smooth and plastering with @+ ,A( and co3ering the surface with sand or hay and kept damp for not less than 0 days etc%, complete% 0%00 ,)%*0 < /(%C) #mtr% > s%==)19 -=,=C=9))


WA#$#",E - SH"WCASE F"# G#"+N$ F!""# - FI#ST F!""# Pro3iding and fixing #howcase with ?( B ,(=mm si:e teak wood framework alround Plastering the walls extra (/mm thick with cm%,A* proportion where3er necy% to bring the wall surface inline with the frame surface and the entire plaster surface is co3ered with -mm thick plywood to look like a plywood box and shutters of (=mm thick particle board with F#F certification and factory pre9lamination appd% colour on one side 7 balancing lamination of white on the other side% 4he #howcase should be bifurcated in three hori:ontal compartment with ,Cmm black board with ,=mm thick steel pipe fixed in the center portion of the ward robe as per appd% drawing with necy% hinges and iron oxidised fittings such as handles etc%, and pro3iding necy% locks% ? ( ?%)= (%-(%-,%/? < < ((%?? /%C? 9999999 ?,%(* #mtr%

2ardrobe #howcase

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,a./ Side Grill =%-(%-< ,?%(/ #mtr% > s%,/?(19 4otal +iscellaneous 7 ounding off Grand Total 4Rupees Five Lakhs Two Thousand Only) (-,?(/9))

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