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2011 Chabad of Greater Dayton 500:Layout 1 9/13/2009 10:33 AM Page 2

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Greater Dayton Holiday


2011 Chabad of Greater Dayton 500:Layout 1 9/13/2009 10:33 AM Page 3

Go to
to complete the Tishrei checklist and win some amazing prizes!

Rabbi Levi & Rochel Simon


Chabad of Greater Dayton

2001 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
937-643-0770, Fax: 937-643-0771
Visit our website

9/18/2009 9/27/2009 10/02/2009 SIMCHAT TORAH
Light candles 7:24 pm Light candles 7:09 pm Light candles 7:01 pm 10/09/2009
9/19/2009 Fast begins 7:09 pm 10/03/2009 Light candles 6:50 pm
Light candles* after 8:20 pm Kol Nidrei 7:09 pm Light candles* after 7:57 pm Hakafot 7:00 pm
9/20/2009 9/28/2009 10/10/2009
Shofar 11:15 am 10/04/2009
Yom Tov ends 8:18 pm Yizkor 11:30 am Yom Tov ends 7:55 pm Yizkor 11:00 am
Neilah 5:15 pm Light candles* after 7:46 pm
Yom Kippur/Fast ends 8:05 pm Hakafot 7:15 pm
Hakafot 11:00am
2011| 500

Yom Tov ends 7:45 pm

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:25 PM Page 3

Win amazing prizes!

Fill in the Tishrei checklist for your chance to win!

Your very own Shofar
September 18—20, 2009

❍ Light holiday candles (girls) YOM KIPPUR

❍ Eat a festive meal
Pre-Yom Kippur: Sept. 27
❍ Dip apple in honey
❍ Kapparot
❍ Listen to the Shofar
mball Machine ❍ Ask for forgiveness
Giant Gu ❍ Tashlich
❍ Eat festive meal before fast
❍ Light holiday candles (girls)

Yom Kippur: Sept. 28

❍ Fast
❍ Wear non-leather shoes
October 2–9, 2009
❍ Go to Synagogue

❍ Light holiday candles (girls)

❍ Eat in the Sukkah
❍ Shake Lulav and Etrog SHMINI ATZERET
❍ Dance in the Synagogue Mega Jeng
TORAH October 9–11, 2009

❍ Light holiday candles (girls)

❍ Rejoice with the Torah
❍ Dance in the Synagogue
❍ Get called up to the Torah

A joint project of
Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch
and Tzivos Hashem Talking Globe
Made possible by a grant from:
The Rohr Family Foundation
Editor-in-Chief: Ella Wilhelm
Contributing Editors: Levi Avtzon, Yisrolik Baumgarten, Rochel Nerenberg
Art Director: Gershon Eichorn Design:,
Contributing Illustrators: Comic: Paul Fricke, Back cover art: Yanky Gitlin
This magazine contains G-d’s name, please treat with respect.

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:25 PM Page 4

& Roll!
All of the 4 kinds need a lot of water to grow.
The Lulav grows in watered valleys,
Hadassim and Aravot grow near water
On Sukkot, Jews around the sources, and the Etrog requires much
world take 4 different plants more water than other fruit trees. By
which represent 4 parts of the taking these species and waving them in all
human body and SHAKE them directions, we are symbolically showing that
together in all directions! we want enough rain for the entire world
for the coming year.

The LULAV is a palm branch,

1 the tallest of the bunch.
This represents the SPINE.

HADASSIM are myrtle branches

with sweet-smelling leaves
shaped like an EYE. PALM READING
The Lulav comes from a palm tree, but not any old palm tree – a
Date Palm. In 2005, Israeli scientists found a 2,000 year old date
ARAVOT long willow palm seed amongst the ruins of MASADA. They planted it, and as
3 branches whose of June 2008, this healthy, 4-foot tall date palm now holds the
leaves look like LIPS. record for the oldest germinated seed. Its name? Methuselah –
after the longest living person in the Torah!
And the ETROG is the
citron which represents
4 the HEART.
In ancient Greece and Egypt, the leaves of the willow tree were
used as a remedy for fever. For centuries, Native Americans
across the American continent used it as a remedy for all
kinds of aches. Thousands of years later, the world
was formally introduced to
the wonderful medicinal
qualities of the willow,
in the form of
Acetylsalicylic acid -
otherwise known as:

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:26 PM Page 5


Jewish unity is one of the central themes
of Sukkot. The four kinds symbolize four
types of Jews, with different levels of
Torah knowledge and observance.
Bringing them altogether shows that
no matter how different we may be,
we remain a strong, proud,
Every Jew wants to participate in the united Jewish nation!
EXPRESS Mitzvah of shaking the 4 kinds on
DELIVERY Sukkot, and Private First Class Gavin
Ellman is no different. That is why
two years ago, when she found herself
stuck in Kalsu, Iraq without a Lulav
and Etrog, she emailed an emergency
SOS to her army chaplain, Captain
Shulman in Baghdad to see what he
could do. Sure enough, Shulman had a
spare set delivered to him by the Aleph
Institute in Florida, an organization
which provides Jewish soldiers with
assistance and materials for
holiday celebrations. Shulman
found a helicopter destined to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE
Kalsu and placed the precious cargo on What happens to our Etrog and Lulav set after
board…just in time for Gavin to celebrate Sukkot? Some people have a custom to set aside their
the holiday of Sukkot! Lulav and save it until Passover, when they burn it
together with any Chametz they may have found.
Some people will take the Aravot branches used on
the last day of Sukkot, called Hoshanah Rabah, and
ETROG COUTURE throw them on top of the ark in the Synagogue. Some
It may feel like a lemon, it may look like like to use their Etrog to make Etrog-jelly (you’ll need
a lemon, but the Etrog is most certainly a bunch of Etrogs for this one – see if your neighbors
not a lemon! In fact, while a will give you theirs). And some like to pick off the
lemon may cost 50 individual sweet-smelling Hadassim leaves and use
cents in your local them for the after-Shabbat Havdalah service.
supermarket, an
What will you do with yours?
Etrog can cost
between $50
to $500 US Making the blessing and shaking all 4 species together is
dollars! Don’t the perfect way to show G-d how happy and ready we are to
serve Him with our entire body and soul!
go squeezing
The first time you do this Mitzvah this year, say blessings 1 and 2.
this citrus over For the rest of Sukkot, except for Shabbat when we do not touch the Lulav and Etrog, say blessing 1:
your garden
.a¨lEl z©li¦h±p l©r ,Ep«²E¦v±e ei¨zF§v¦n§A Ep«¨W§C¦w x¤W£` ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dΡ÷¡` ,ii d¨Y©` KEx¨A
.d®G©d o©n±G©l Ep«¨ri°B¦d±e Ep«¨n±I¦w±e Ep«²i¡g¤d¤W ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n Epi«d
¥ Ρ÷¡` ,ii d¨Y©` KEx¨A
1) Baruch Atah Ado-noi Elo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam Asher Kid-shanu Be-mitz-votav Ve-tzi-vanu
Al Netilat Lulav. 2) Baruch Atah Ado-noi Elo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam She-heh-che-yah-nu
Ve-kiye-ma-nu Ve-hi-gi-ah-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh.

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 8/3/2009 12:29 PM Page 6


Name: Shaul Hamelech

Passed Away:28th Elul, 2884 (877 BCE)
Wife: Achinoam

Not actual photo

Children: Yehonatan, Ish-Boshet, Malchishua,
Avinadav, Merav and Michal.
Claim to Fame: Crowned as the first Jewish king
in 2882, and was the father-in-law of King David.

The man’s humility was so great that, when he returned home, he

did not even tell his father that he had been chosen to rule the
“Here is the man Hashem has chosen! There is none like him in
Israel!” proclaimed Shmuel, who Hashem had commanded to
anoint Shaul as king.
King Shaul “Long live the King!” roared the people.
And so, Israel’s first king reluctantly began his rule.

His courage was as great as his humility. He fought many
t was among the jars in the storage room they found
successful battles against the enemies of Israel. At the end of his
him, trying to hide from the honor and prestige. “I am
rule, he heroically went to war against the Philistines, even
not worthy! Leave me, please!” he begged.
though he knew from a prophecy that he and his sons would fall.
Ignoring his pleas, they pulled him out and
David, his son-in-law and the next king of Israel,
made him stand before all the people. Deeply
wept bitterly for Shaul and his son, Yehonatan,
embarrassed, Shaul tried to shrink as small
when he was told of their deaths in battle.
as he could, despite his towering height.
“How the mighty have fallen!” he
The people were impressed by his
humility, but they refused to accept
it. They had asked for a king to rule Shaul’s death was on the 28th of
over them, and here he was. Elul, the month in which we
prepare ourselves spiritually to
All Shaul had done was go
crown Hashem as our King on
search for his father’s donkeys.
Rosh Hashanah. Just as the
He never did find them.
people demanded that Shaul
Instead, he found Shmuel
rule over them as king, so too in
HaNavi (the prophet), who told
Tishrei, do we loudly proclaim
him that Hashem had chosen
Hashem as King of the world!
him to be king.

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:26 PM Page 7

Past present
Imagine you live in London. In the last two
Imagine you live in London in the centuries, the train,
year 1800. the car, the plane and
Imagine you live in London in the the jumbo jet were all
year 1800, and your best friend invented. Flying from London to Cape
lives in Cape Town, South Africa. Town takes a mere eleven hours, and we’d
arrive in Manchester after just 2 hours on a comfortable train.
How long will it take to visit?
5-10 months, if not more. Make sure In the last two hundred years, travel has progressed to a point our
to take a sturdy pair of shoes with great-grandparents never even dreamed of! There are over 50 thousand
you—there’ll be plenty of walking. commercial flights every day carrying people to different locations
And a couple of swimming lessons around the globe in less time than it would have taken to travel from
would come in handy as well—just in one village to the next.
case you get shipwrecked, or captured
Believe it or not, the first commercial flights to the moon are soon
by pirates!
becoming available! Of course, you do need a
Even traveling to a nearby town like spare $100 million to
Manchester would take a good 2-3 days pay for the trip, and
of hard walking or riding on a horse there’s no such thing
and buggy if you were really lucky! as a one-way ticket!

When Moshiach comes, Jewish people around
the globe will gather in the land of Israel to celebrate
the arrival of peace and harmony to the world.
How will we get there? Cloud Power!
That’s right! G-d will ensure that every one of us gets a first-class pass
to Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) on the clouds of the sky.
No tickets, no turbulence, no waiting in transit and best of all, it will
be a time of peace and harmony!
The advances of the last two centuries are a true
sign of the times, the times of Moshiach!

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:26 PM Page 8

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:26 PM Page 9

Rosh Hashanah
The start of the Jewish New Year, a time when we are judged for our
past actions, and resolve to be even better for the new year ahead of
us. It is also the birthday of the world, and a time when we proclaim
G-d as King of the Universe, by blowing the
Shofar out loud! Every good deed makes a
big impact. Every one of us can make a
difference and change the world we live
in, for the better. Let’s make
this year a good and
sweet one for the
entire world!

You’ll definitely have a

sweet new year with this
Go to our website
to find out how to

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:27 PM Page 10

Yom Kippu
is the
we’ve d
a full
day of
one wr
ong in
t h e p
when w
ast, an
e repe
nt for
anythin REMEMBER:
It is th d G-d g
our go e day w forgiv
od res
hen we
es us
w ith 27th Sept.
and a f ns, an e to ac
resh s d ask t on Eat festive meal
ta r t. G-d t f o r a sec
Praye ells u ond ch
r and s that ance and
Charit Repen
before y can h tance
Yom Kip elp ave ,
fast-d pur we rt a ha Light candles
ay of Y give mo rsh de
om Kip n e y to ch c r e e, so before nightfall
and pr pur, we arity, a
ayer. spend nd on
our tim the Fast begins
e in re
pentan at night

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:27 PM Page 11

28th S y, No
st da
- Fa es, G
at h e r sho g u e
le nago
to sy .
to pr

Win your very far!
authentic Sho
Go to our website
find out how.
TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:27 PM Page 12

OF Sukkot

Sitting in this temporary dwelling, with a roof made
of leaves and branches isn’t just an excuse to get in
touch with nature. It reminds us of the Clouds of
Glory which protected us when we were traveling for
40 years in the desert. Sitting in the Sukkah shows
our appreciation of how G-d took care
of us then, and continues to take care
of us today!

SHÄKEA it all together!

Every day of Sukkot except for Shabbat we take THE 4 KINDS,
hold them together and shake them in all directions to show
that G-d is found everywhere. The Etrog, Lulav, Hadassim and
Aravot are also a great reminder that it takes all types of
people to make a world, and everyone is equally important
and loved in the eyes of Hashem.
A. Etrog Citrus fruit x1
B. Lulav Palm branch x1
C. Hadas Myrtle branch x3
D. Aravah Willow branch x2

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 8/3/2009 12:30 PM Page 13

There are so many Mitzvot to do on Sukkot:

Sitting in the Sukkah, special blessings to say before we eat
in the Sukkah, shaking the Lulav & Etrog – and then right
after Sukkot comes the holiday of Shmini Atzeret and
Simchat Torah – where it’s actually a Mitzvah to get up
and dance! Sukkot is truly a time of rejoicing, a
time to thank G-d for all the good He has
done for us, and the constant protection
He gives us.

Not really…but we do eat, drink and pretty much
spend as much time as we can inside the Sukkah.
Celebrating Sukkot is easy – just enjoy your time in
the great outdoors! Plus, this is one Mitzvah that
we can do with our whole bodies – just don’t forget
to say the special blessing as you sit and eat inside Say this blessing every time you eat bread in the Sukkah.*
the Sukkah this holiday.
Ep«¨W§C¦w x¤W£` ,m¨lFr¨d K¤l«¤n Epi«¥d÷Ρ` ii d¨Y©` KEx¨A
.d¨MªQ©A a¥Wi¥l Ep«²E¦v±e ,ei¨zF§v¦n§A
Baruch Atah Ado-noi Elo-hei-nu Melech Ha-olam Asher
Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-sav Ve-tzi-vanu Lay-shev Ba-sukkah

*The first time eating or doing a Mitzvah in a Sukkah, add blessing 2 on page 5

it’s Simchat
The last holiday of Tishrei is Simchat
Torah. We started with Rosh Hashanah
at the head, and now we’ve moved to
Simchat Torah at the feet! Not everyone
has the same capabilities when it comes
to learning, but we can all celebrate
with the Torah.
On Simchat Torah we dance in the
Synagogue together with the
Torah, rejoicing in our unity. Happiness breaks all
boundaries, and Simchat Torah is the perfect way to
show G-d how happy we are as a proud Jewish nation.

Continue the building fun all year long with this amazing
MEGA JENGA set! Join in the fun as you and your friends
compete to see who can slide out the blocks before the tower
starts to FA Go to our website to find out how to win!
TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:28 PM Page 14

E very month in the Jewish calendar has a specific symbol that
corresponds to that month. The symbol for Tishrei is a scale, the
symbol of judgment. This is because Tishrei is the head of the new year,
the month in which G-d takes a close look at our actions of the previous
year and decides what’s in store for us in the year to come. The days
between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called the Ten Days of
Repentance, a time when we can ask G-d for forgiveness for anything we
may have done wrong, and vow to try harder and improve the following
year. Let’s make this year a better year for everyone and ask G-d for
peace and happiness with the coming of Moshiach!

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:28 PM Page 15

I Shpy a walnut, a Shofar and a quill,

2 types of palms and a hundred dollar bill.
A carrot, a bell, a shoe without its match,
The king of the jungle and a glove
with which to catch.

I Shpy an Etrog, a scale and a key,

2 flags from different countries
and a healthy apple tree.
A Challah that is round and a Torah unrolled,
A candle that is lit and a crown of precious gold.

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:29 PM Page 16


Babel (or Babylonia) was
ruled by King Nimrod, a cruel
and wicked idol-worshipper. One night,
Nimrod’s astrologers read in the stars
that the newly-born child of Terach – the
chief advisor to Nimrod’s cour t, was to
become the head of a mighty nation.
Nimrod became afraid that this boy
would grow up to overthrow his own
kingdom! He immediately commanded
Terach to bring his son to the palace to

be killed. Terach managed to fool the
king, and convinced him that he had
followed his orders. In reality, he
secretly hid his son in a faraway cave!

The child was called Abram,

and he remained in the cave until he was
t’s well known that Adam

I was the first human being to

be created – and his birthday
is on Rosh Hashanah!
ten years old. During this time, he would
watch the sun rise every morning,
bathing the land in warmth and
light and helping things to
grow. He soon decided that
But do you know who was the the sun had to be god of the
very first Jew? Abraham! world.
But something troubled
One thousand, nine hundred and Abram. Each night, the
forty-eight years after Adam was sun sunk low in the sky and
created, a baby boy, who would the moon appeared to push
it away. If the sun could be
grow up to transform the entire pushed away by the
world was born! How did moon, then there had to
Abraham become the first be a more powerful god!
Jewish person and how did he
change the world?
To answer those questions we
need to delve deep into the past Year
and go back in time… all the way
to a place called Ur in the ancient
country of Babylon! Adam
TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 8/3/2009 12:31 PM Page 17

said,” replied Abram. “These statues have called Sarai. Together, the two of
By the time he was three years old,
no power at all. They are merely blocks of them devoted their lives to helping
Abram concluded that there must be a
wood and stone. How do you worship strangers, and spreading Torah
great power that had created,
them.” and the way of G-d. They
and therefore controlled,
were famed for their
every single thing in When King Nimrod heard of Abram’s
hospitality, and
this world – rebellious behavior, he ordered him
had a special tent
including the sun brought to his palace, to be thrown into a
with 4 doors, ready
and the moon. This fiery furnace alive! Hundreds of people
to welcome guests
great power must came to watch the son of Terach be
from all directions.
indeed be Hashem – G-d of punished for his impudence against the
the universe! Abram had discovered the gods. Abram faced the crowd and One day, when Abram was
existence of one true G-d. Hashem exclaimed that no one, not even Nimrod 75 years old, Hashem
revealed Himself to Abram and taught had any power against the will of the one appeared to him and said:
him the right way to live. true G-d of the universe! “Go out of your country, from your
birthplace, from the house of your father,
His courageous speech stirred many
Abram grew up and wanted hear ts and everyone wondered whether
to a land which I will show you!” He then
to teach his family and Abram was right.
blessed Abram and told him a great
friends about Hashem. He tried nation would come from him.
doing everything in his power to crush They did not have to wait long. Abram
Without hesitation, and without any
the foolish belief in idol-worship that was was thrown into the furnace, but the fire
questions, Abram did as G-d told him. He,
practiced by everyone around him, but did not even harm one hair
his wife Sarai and nephew Lot traveled to
his father Terach remained unconvinced. on his head! The people
the land of Canaan. When they arrived,
One day, Abram took an axe and could see Abram
Hashem appeared again to Abram
destroyed all his father’s idols, leaving walking around in
and said; “I will give this land to
just the largest intact. Terach furiously the furnace. It
your children!” This country was none
accused his son of destroying his gods. was obvious G-d
other than Eretz Yisrael – the land of
“But father,” Abram replied, “it was the was with him!
Israel. G-d designated the holy land of
largest idol that did it. He was hungry Abram left Ur and Israel to Abram and to his descendants
and wanted to eat first, so he smashed all escaped to – the Jewish people!
the other idols!” Mesopotamia with many
“Impossible!” spluttered followers who accepted and believed in Shortly after Abram arrived,
his father. “These idols Hashem. Amongst them was Eliezer of a terrible famine broke out in
are made of wood, Damascus who would later become his the land, forcing him and his family to
stone and gold. They most trusted servant. travel to Egypt to buy food. The Pharaoh
cannot move or walk of Egypt saw how beautiful Sarai was and
or talk!”
Abram settled in Haran and wanted to marr y her, but G-d punished
married a beautiful lady him, causing painful boils to break out all
“Listen to what you just

Noah Abram
Born 1656 1948 Discovers G-d

The Abram 1951

1056 Flood Fiery
born Furnace
TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 8/3/2009 12:31 PM Page 18

over his body. Pharaoh and promised him further protection and G-d, and G-d would protect and care for
returned Sarai to Abram, great rewards. Abram cried out: “What use them, and give them the land of Israel.
then sent them away with are riches to me if I have no one to pass
many gifts and servants. The command of Circumcision (Brit Milah)
them to?”
was then given as a symbol of this
Abram returned to Canaan a G-d called Abram out of his covenant. Every newly-born Jewish boy is
very wealthy man. He had tent and told him to look circumcised at the age of eight days. Even
hundreds of sheep and cattle towards the heavens. “Can you though Abraham was 99, he and all the
and divided his flocks with count the number of stars? They are too members of his household under went the
his nephew Lot. Lot and many to count. Like the sands of the sea – circumcision, and the covenant of Brit
his shepherds decided to so shall be the number of your Milah and the Jewish Nation was
leave Abram and settle in the city of descendants!” G-d blessed established forever!
Sodom, in the Jordan valley, which was Abram that he and
known for its lush, green pastures and Sarai would have a
The third day after Abraham
beautiful surroundings. son who would be
had his Brit, G-d made the
the start of a great
sun blazing hot, so no-one would
But Lot soon found himself in travel and Abraham would
the middle of a terrible war! not need to serve any
Four neighboring kings decided to wage When Abram turned guests. G-d saw
war on the five kings of Jordan, and a 85, his wife Sarai however, that it
desperate battle was fought. The five told him to marry her maid Hagar, in the distressed him not to
kings lost the battle, and all their people hopes that he would have the child that be able to perform the
and possessions were captured by their he longed for. She soon bore him a son Mitzvah of welcoming
conquerors… among them, Abram’s whom he called Ishmael. But Ishmael did guests. So He sent three
nephew, Lot! not grow up as his father had hoped. He angels disguised as weary
Armed with absolute faith in G-d, Abram worshipped idols and went against all that travelers to walk towards Abraham’s 4-
gathered 318 men, and marched into the Abram had taught him. doored tent.
enemy camp. G-d made an incredible Abraham ran to greet them, and invited
miracle for them! As the
When Abram was 99 years them to sit, wash their feet, and partake
men picked up handfuls of
old, G-d appeared to him of a fine meal. After they had eaten, the
sand to throw towards the
again. This time, He changed Abram’s angels told Abraham that they were there
enemy, it immediately turned name to ABRAHAM, meaning “the father
on a mission. Abraham then realized
into sharp arrows and deadly of great nations.” Sarai’s name was
these men were really angels, messengers
spears! The four kings were changed to SARAH, meaning “princess to
from G-d. The first angel, Rephael, healed
vanquished, and Lot and the people the world.”
him. The second angel Michael informed
of Sodom were freed! G-d made an everlasting covenant Abraham and Sarah that in exactly one
After this victory, G-d appeared to Abram (promise) with Abraham. He and his year a son would be born to them! Sarah
descendants must follow in the path of laughed because she and Abraham were

captured by
2023 Pharaoh 2034

Abram & family go to War of the 4 kings Ishmael

and the 5 kings
Land of Canaan is born
TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:29 PM Page 19

old, but they were excited and happy and

Isaac grew to be a as G-d commanded.
trusted in G-d.
wonderful boy, Isaac was a fully grown man, and he
The third angel Gabriel, was following in the realized exactly what was going.
on his way to Sodom to path of his Nevertheless, he too went
destroy the city because the people parents, but willingly with his father, happy
were wicked and cruel. Abraham prayed to Hagar and Ishmael
to be fulfilling G-d’s command.
G-d, begging him not to destroy Sodom. continued to pray to
idols. Sarah noticed this After three days of traveling, Abraham
But G-d replied that the people were so
and Isaac reached Mount Moriah. There,
very wicked and behaved so terribly and was frightened that they would be a
they prepared an altar of wood and stone.
towards one another, that they deserved bad influence on Isaac. Hagar and
Abraham tied up the son for whom he had
to die. Ishmael were sent away to the desert, and
longed and prayed for so many years, and
Ishmael grew up to become a great archer,
Two of the angels made their way to lifted up the knife, ready to sacrifice him.
who married and had many children of his
Sodom where they rescued Lot and his own. The angels watching from heaven above
family, warning them not to look back at could not bear to see such a sight. Was
Abraham had endured many hardships
the death behind them. Lot’s wife was too this the reward for such a great and
during his lifetime. G-d tested his faith
curious to obey the angel’s command. She wonderful man? And what would become
and his determination to stay true to his
turned to look back at the fiery of the Jewish nation? Their tears dripped
beliefs 9 times. And now, Abraham found
destruction and was punished instantly; down from the skies and fell onto Isaac
himself tested yet again. When Isaac was
she was turned into a pillar of salt! Where below.
37 years old, G-d appeared suddenly to
the beautiful valley of Jordan once stood, Abraham and told him: Suddenly, a messenger from
was now salt and G-d called out: “Stop! Do not stretch
devastation, and a “Take your son, your only
out your hand against your son!” Abraham
great sea formed – son, whom you love, Isaac,
looked around and saw a ram that had
the Dead Sea, one and bring him to Moriah as
been caught in a thorn-bush by its horns.
of the saltiest an offering on a mountain I
He took the ram and in gratitude, offered
bodies of water on will show you!”
it as a sacrifice to G-d in place of his son.
earth. Abraham did not waste an instant. Early
This was the tenth and final test, known
the next morning he immediately saddled
Exactly one year later, G-d’s his donkey, prepared wood for the fire,
as the Akedah (binding),
promise was fulfilled. When and took two servants and his beloved son
and Abraham had
Abraham was one hundred years old and passed with
Isaac with him on a journey.
his wife Sarah ninety, she gave birth to a flying colors.
son. When he was eight days old, they Abraham did not question, or He had proved
circumcised him, bringing him into the beg, or even plead with G-d his loyalty to G-d
covenant of G-d, and called him Isaac! for his son. He didn’t even ask how and shown he was
Isaac would become the father of a large truly worthy to be
nation if he was to be killed. He simply did the father of a great

Brit Meeting of the

Milah 3 angels 2048

v Names are changed to

Abraham and Sarah 2047
Destruction of
Isaac is born

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:29 PM Page 20

Every year on Rosh like a father passes on

Hashanah, we blow the the DNA in his genes to
Shofar, made from a ram’s his children, so too we
horn, to remind G-d have all inherited
of the great deed Abraham’s qualities. You
Abraham performed, and may have green eyes like
ask that in his merit, we your mother, or brown hair
should be blessed with a like your father. You may
good, new year. have inherited your sense of
Abraham passed away at humor from your dad, and your
the ripe old age of 175, and was ability to sing from your mom. But
buried in the Cave of Machpelah, in the you have something else as well:
city of Hevron, next to his wife Sarah. Jewish pride, care for others, and
Abraham lived to see the beginning of belief in G-d. That is something
the fulfillment of G-d’s promise to him. each and every Jewish person
He saw his righteous grandson Jacob, has inherited from our
who would grow up to be the father of father of long ago…
the 12 tribes of Israel! Abraham!
There are so many lessons
we can learn from our
forefather Abraham: The great
kindness and compassion he showed for
family, friends and strangers. His warm
hospitality and open home to all
people. His braver y and
determination to what he knew
was right and true. The pride in
his culture, and his way of
life, and of course his
complete and unshakeable
faith in G-d.
Abraham is the father
of the Jewish
nation, and

Binding Jacob 2123

of Isaac (Akedah) 2088 born
From Creation
Sarah Marriage 2108 Abraham
passes away of Isaac and Rebecca
passes away
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Fun Page
P i c t o g r a m s
+ the + + on + ( sh) + ( h + + Anna ).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

+L+( -w)+ + + yom +

__ _______ _____ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _.

( Writ + n ) + & ( + d ) + in the + + of + .

_______ ___ ______ __ ___ ____ __ _ _ _ _.

+ the + (lu + ) + & + et + ( – f) + on + + .

_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Dans + with the + ( +r+ ).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
1. Blow the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah. 2. No leather shoes on Yom Kippur. 3. Written and Sealed in the book of life. 4. Shake the Lulav and Etrog on Sukkot. 5. Dance with the Torah.

Simchat Torah is a day of unity, and a celebration for Jews around the globe!
With the incredible Talking Globe you can discover interesting facts and incredible
information about every country in the world! Go to our website to find out how to win!

TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:30 PM Page 25

On Rosh Hashanah, it’s customary to
have the head of a fish on the table. We ask
G-d that this year we should be like the head
and not the tail. We also have a custom to
walk to a body of water on the first day of
Rosh Hashanah (this year since the first day is
Shabbat, we do this on the second day), and
symbolically throw our sins to the fish, asking G-d to
let us start on a fresh, clean slate. This is called the
Tashlich service. Here are some fishy jokes in honor
of our fine, finny friends! What do you
sy call a fish
Why is it so ea with no eyes?
to weigh fi sh ? FSH!
They have their
own scales!

What f
like a h sounds
ing… h
… herr
Why couldn’t
the fish afford
a house?
have anemon
Because he didne.

4- SQUARE Using the clues below, can you find four words
I that spell the same word, up and down?
One is completed for you:

I D E A WE crown Hashem as _ _ _ _ of the world.

DO you have an I D E A how to make the

E world a better place?

A good deed is listening to our parents and

making sure our rooms are nice and _ _ _ _.
A WE ask Hashem to open the _ _ _ _ of
heaven and listen to our prayers.

of a fish; 2. Wedge of cheese; 3. Tashlich in a goldfish bowl; 4. Apple on head. Can you find any more?
baseball; 5. Eating Etrog. SIMCHAT TORAH: 1. Throwing a baseball in the synagogue; 2. Dancing with a suitcase; 3. Blowing a Shofar; ROSH HASHANAH: 1. Tail
4. Eating on a fast day; 5. Listening to headphones on a holiday. SUKKOT: 1. A tent Sukkah; 2. Adding flowers to Lulav; 3. Bending Lulav; 4. Using Etrog as
Answers for back cover: YOM KIPPUR: 1. Blowing Shofar from the wrong end; 2.Reading a newspaper in the Synagogue; 3. Holding an umbrella inside;
TH KIDS Magazine - Tishrei 5770 7/31/2009 2:31 PM Page 26



The day before Yom Kippur we eat two festive
meals—one at midday and the other before the

fast which begins at sunset. The Talmud tells us
that whoever eats and drinks on the day before
in Yom Kippur, is considered as if he fasted a full TWO days!

the On the day before Yom Kippur it is customary to eat:

Kreplach! Kreplach are small bundles of rolled pasta
dough, filled with ground beef and folded into
triangles. The red beef symbolizes the severity of
Judgment, while the white dough symbolizes G-d’s
mercy. In preparation for Yom Kippur, the Day of
Judgment, we symbolically “cover” the severity, with
kindness! Interestingly enough, it is also
customary to eat Kreplach on the 7th day
of Sukkot—Hoshanah Rabah!

Enjoy these easy-as-pie,

delicious, Kreplach!

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, salt and oil.
2. Check the eggs for bloodspots, then add to the
3. Make sure your hands are clean, then knead the
mixture together until it forms a non-sticky
4. Roll the dough out as thin as possible with the
rolling pin. Hint: Sprinkle a bit of flour on the
counter before you roll out the dough. This will
prevent it from sticking.
5. Cut the dough into approximately 3-inch circles
with a round cookie-cutter.
Now it’s time to fill your Kreplach!
1 ¾ cups flour Large mixing bowl 1. Place all the filling ingredients together in a small
bowl and mix well.
2 eggs 2. Carefully place a small teaspoon of the mixture
Small mixing bowl
into the middle of each dough-circle.
½ tsp. salt 3. Fold the edges of the circle inwards, to form a
Wooden mixing rough triangle. You may need an adult assistant
spoon to help you with this part. Hint: Dip your fingers in
3 tbsp. oil cold water and moisten the edges of the Kreplach
before folding, to help the sides stick together.
Rolling pin 4. Your Kreplach are now ready to be boiled and
served in hot chicken soup, or sautéed lightly in
FILLING Round oil!
1 cup cooked To Boil: Place Kreplach in boiling salted water. Cook
ground beef for approximately 20 minutes until Kreplach float to
(or chicken) Pot or frying pan the top. They can now be added to the chicken soup.
To Sauté: Heat oil in a frying pan over medium flame.
1 small onion, Sauté boiled Kreplach until golden brown on both
grated Oil for frying sides.
Remember: Kreplach are a meat dish so make sure not to
1 tsp. salt Measuring spoons cook or eat them together with any dairy products! Enjoy!
& measuring cup
2011 Chabad of Greater Dayton 500:Layout 1 9/13/2009 10:34 AM Page 4

Boys and girls ages 2-13

Chabad of Greater Dayton
invites you to join our

s e rvi c es
Experience the High Holidays
this year, like never before!
• Active participation in services
• Experienced and dedicated staff
• Singing and story-telling
• Refreshments
• Fun and games for all!
Shabbat and Holidays
at 10:30 am
for more info:


Everything you need for Tishrei,

just a click away
2011 Chabad of Greater Dayton 500:Layout 1 9/13/2009 10:34 AM Page 5

Chabad of Greater Dayton Non-Profit Org.

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US Postage

Dayton, OH 45419
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A joint project of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and Tzivos Hashem

See page 25 for answers and details Made possible by a grant from: The Rohr Family Foundation

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