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Five elements (Conversations)

Expressions researched: "five basic elements" |"five different elements" |"five element" |"five elements" |"five great elements" |"five gross elements" |"five material elements" |"five physical elements" |"five primary elements" |"five principal elements" |"five subtle elements" |"five tattvas, elements"


1 Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 1 1!"# Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 $ 1!%1 Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 & 1!%$ Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 ' 1!%& Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 ( 1!%' Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 " 1!%( Conversations and Morning Walks o 1 % 1!%" Conversations and Morning Walks

1 # 1!%% Conversations and Morning Walks

Conversations and Morning Walks

1968 Conversations and Morning Walks
)rabhupada Comments on )rahlada Mahara*a +lides , -ugust $(, 1!"#, Montreal. )rabhup/da. 0his is called avyakta, nonmanifested 1ust like in the sky there are nonmanifested and manifested things 2f you go high, some $(,333, fifty thousand miles up, you4ll simply find in the sky nothing manifested 5ut if you go still higher, higher, higher, you 6ill find some other planets e7isting +o the part 6hich is nonmanifested is called avyakta, and the part 6hich is manifested, that is called vyakta +o these t6o souls from 8aikuha, they are coming into this material 6orld +o they4re penetrating the nonmanifested matter -s the matter 9ive elements:earth, 6ater, fire, air, ether -nd then 0hese are gross elements -nd there are subtle elements. mind, intelligence, ego -nd then spiritual ;ur body is composed of three things:the spirit soul, and it is covered by subtle body. mind, intelligence ego< and there is gross body. fire, 6ater earth, 6ater, fire, air, ether 2ntervie6 6ith =- 0imes >eporter -bout Moon 0rip ,, ?ecember $", 1!"#, =os -ngeles. @ayagrAva. 0heir bodies are subtle bodies 0hey4re not like gross bodies

)rabhup/da. 1ust like Bou try to understand me, that this matter, consisting of five elements, earth, air< earth, 6ater, air earth, 6ater, fire, air, ether -nd then, still subtler than ether is the mind, and then, subtler than the mind is intelligence, and subtler than intelligence is the spirit soul +o before 6e reach our spiritual platform, there are so many elementary material platforms +o in different planets one of the element is prominent 1ust like 6e can e7perience in the ocean and sea the 6ater is prominent 2n the land earth is prominent +imilarly, in different, *ust like in the sun planet fire is prominent +o in each and every planet there are particular type of body, particular type of residents Bou cannot e7pect that the same type of body and same type of residents are there

1971 Conversations and Morning Walks

>oom Conversation ,, 1uly 1#, 1!%1, ?etroit. )rabhup/da. We reCuire help from personalities like you, because it is very important movement, checking a great mistake in the modern 6orld Modern civiliDation is very risky >isky in this sense. that the human form of life is an opportunity for self, realiDation, but our leaders, they are miseducating that "Bou are this body " - basic mistake 5ut 2 am not this body, but *ust like you are sitting there, if 2 take account of your shirt and coat only, not you as a person, then there is a great mistake +imilarly, the modern civiliDation, education, everything is based on this bodily concept of life 5ut actually 6e are not body 5ody is my shirt and coat Mind, intelligence and ego, that is the shirt, finer dress -nd this five element body:earth, 6ater, fire, air, ether:this is gross 1ust like shirt and coat +imilarly, 6e are dressed, the spirit soul

1972 Conversations and Morning Walks

>oom Conversation 6ith Eenneth Eeating, F + -mbassador to 2ndia ,, ;ctober 1', 1!%$, Ge6 ?elhi. )rabhup/da. 0herefore anything produced out of the land, that is also property of Hod 1ust like if you have got a gold mine in your country +o 2 am not 2ndia 6ill not go to claim that "2t is my property " 2t is your property, because it is produced 6ith your land +o if the 6hole land, 6hole sky, 6hole air, 6hole light, everything belongs to Hod, then 6here is your proprietorshipI 2t is stated, bhJmir /po 4nalo v/yu kha buddhi mano eva K5H % 'L Go6, nobody can say "0he sky is my property," but there must be some proprietor of the sky What do you thinkI 2f everything has got a proprietor, everything is made of these five elements:sky, 6ater, air, earth

1973 Conversations and Morning Walks

>oom Conversation 6ith =ord 5rock6ay ,, 1uly $&, 1!%&, =ondon. )rabhup/da. +o if people take to it, if people are educated, then things 6ill change in a different 6ay 0hey4ll be happy and they 6ill be peaceful, nice -nd above, over and above them, they 6ill have ne7t life very blissful, full of kno6ledge, and eternal Bad

gatv/ na nivarta 0hese things are all very nicely e7plained 0here is eternal life 0here is another nature )aras tasm/t tu bh/vo 4nyo 4vyakto 4vyakt/t san/tana K5H # $3L 0his is material nature, but there is another, spiritual nature 0here everything is permanent @ere everything is non,permanent 1ust like my body, your body 2t is no6 getting older -nd it 6ill vanCuish 0his body 6ill be finished 2t 6ill never come again back Gever come 0his e7actly type of this body you4ll never get +o 6e have to accept another body 0ath/ deh/ntara,pr/ptir dhAras tatra na muhyati K5H $ 1&L ?eh/ntara,pr/pti 2t is e7emplified *ust like 6e change our shirt and coat and take another set, similarly, this gross body, material gross body, five elements, earth, 6ater, air, fire, sky, and then mind, intelligence, ego, subtle body, 6ithin that subtle body the soul is there, and after annihilation of this gross body, the subtle body takes to another gross body 0he nature is going on like that >oom Conversation ,, +eptember 1, 1!%&, =ondon. )rabhup/da. ;h yes 0here are varieties Mnanda, /nanda, pleasure means varieties 8ariety is the mother of en*oyment Without varieties, *ust like 6e prepare from grains, sugar, ghee, hundreds of varieties 2f you simply give grain, ghee and sugar, it 6ill not be en*oyable 5ut the same thing, you prepare in varieties and give you a plate, oh, you4ll say, ";h, so nice thing " 0he ingredients are the same Hrains, ghee and sugar, that4s all +imilarly, this material 6orld, the ingredients are the same Gamely five gross elements and three subtle elements, finer Narth, 6ater, air, fire, sky 0hese are gross elements -nd mind, intelligence, ego these are finer elements Combined together this material 6orld has come 0he brain behind is a living entity 1ust like 6e are using these ingredients, these five elements. earth, 6ater, air, fire, sky, making this building, making this table, making this chair, vase, so many things, harmonium, pictures, book >oom Conversation ,, +eptember 1, 1!%&, =ondon. )rabhup/da. Nverything is gro6ing on account of Ea Bour body, inside or outside, it is made of these five elements. earth, 6ater, air, fire, like that 2t is nothing but combination of these five elements Huest. 2s the 6ater inside the same as the 6ater in the oceanI )rabhup/da. Bes Huest. 2t4s the same 6ater )rabhup/da. Bes Bou Huest. @mmI Morning Walk ,, ?ecember ', 1!%&, =os -ngeles. )rabhup/da. @mI @ave you tasted ever perspirationI

?evotee K$L. When the material 6orld is annihilated, it still is there, is it notI @day/nanda. 0hat4s in the 5hagavad,gAt/, the five elements are all eternal BaOomatAnandana. 2 understand that the process is eternal, )rabhup/da said ?evotee K$L. Go, no, no, the five elements are eternal BaOomatAnandana. each universe

)rabhup/da. What is thatI ?evotee K$L. 0he five elements are eternal Morning Walk ,, ?ecember 1%, 1!%&, =os -ngeles. )rabhup/da. Go, ho6 you can say soI 0he condition is the same Nvery planet is made of earth, 6ater, air, fire, the five elements +o if under these condition there are living entities in this planet, 6hy not in that condition living entities in other planetsI 0hat is their ignorance 0hat is their bluff 0he different condition of the planets is that some planet is fiery, some planet is gaseous, some planet is 6atery 0hat may be, but after all, they are made of these five elements -nd each element, 6e find there is living entity +o it may be mi7ture or pure, there must be living entities -nd in 5hagavad,gAt/ it is said sarva,ga Nven in the fire there is living entities -nd 6hy notI 2f living entities can stay in 6ater, 6hy not in fireI

1974 Conversations and Morning Walks

Morning Walk ,, 1anuary 1#, 1!%', @a6aii. )rabhup/da. 0hen so much control, that is another thing 5ut not control "+o much control" means no control K*apaL KbreakL admitted that 6e are controlled by nature 0hat you cannot refuse 0hat is foolishness Go6, ne7t, ho6 nature is 6orkingI 0hat is also replied in the 5hagavad,gAt/, may/dhyakea prakti sJyate sa,car/caram. K5H ! 13L "0he material nature is 6orking " 1ust like 6e are also taking the advantage of material nature, kity,ap,te*a @ere is earth, but 6e can take this earth and make into brick and make a skyscraper building +o it is not that the earth itself is going to become a skyscraper building 2 am living entity< 2 am utiliDing +o nature means these five elements, eight elements +o that has been manipulated by another living entity Morning Walk ,, 9ebruary 1%, 1!%', 5ombay. ?r )atel. Bes, yes )rabhup/da. 5ut that sound is e7isting in all other five elements, four elements

?r )atel. >ight )rabhup/da. 0he sound is not only in the ether, but sound is on the air 0he sound is in the fire, the sound is also in the 6ater, and sound is also on the land +o the basic principle of O/nta,rasa is there ?r )atel. 2n all of them )rabhup/da. -ll of them 5ut according to the position, it is more developed ?r )atel. Bes Morning Walk ,, -pril 11, 1!%', 5ombay. BaOomatAnandana. >aso 4ham apsu kaunteya prabh/smi OaOi K5H % #L KbreakL )rabhup/da. 5hJmir /po analo v/yu K5H % 'L 5ecause this material 6orld means these elements, this earth, this 6ater, then fire, then air, then sky:five elements +o 6hat are these elementsI 0hese elements are Ea4s energy 5hJmir /po analo v/yu 2talian Man K1L. Material energy )rabhup/da. Material energy, yes -nd the living entities, they are also energy, spiritual energy 06o energies 06o energies means *ust like fire 9ire has got t6o energies, heat and light +imilarly, the 6hole creation is combination of Ea4s energy 0herefore everything is Ea 2s it notI Bes 1ust like you take milk 9rom milk you prepare so many milk preparations Bou prepare yogurt, you prepare ghee, you prepare rasagull/, you prepare burfi and so many others 5ut therefore, actually, all of them are milk 0his is Fnder different combination only 2n the milk, if you put some sour thing, it becomes yogurt 5ut it is milk -nd that sour thing also, 6hich is put into the milk, that is also Ea KbreakL Why @e is originally person, try to understand

197 Conversations and Morning Walks

>oom Conversation ,, 9ebruary 1(, 1!%(, Me7ico. )rabhup/da. 2f you have studied about the subtle body of living entityI )sychologist. Go )rabhup/da. 9irst of all, this, this gross body made of five material elements:earth, 6ater, air, fire, like that 0his 6e can see 6ith our eyes, but 6e cannot see the mind, intelligence and ego -lthough everyone kno6s there is mind, there is intelligence +o 6hen this body is annihilated, the subtle body:mind, intelligence, ego,carries the soul to another gross body 0his is the process of transmigration of the soul Go6, 6hat do you think of this processI

)sychologist. K+panishL >oom Conversation 6ith Boga +tudent ,, March 1', 1!%(, 2ran. )rabhup/da. Nh, these are e7ample Boga student. @e can4t touch the globe because he 6ould be consumed )rabhup/da. 0hat is another thing, the Cualitative change 5ut it is 0here are five elements, so it is made of fire, that4s all -s your body is made of earth, that sun globe or the sun,god, the body is made of fire, that4s all 0here are other planets also< the body is made of air because you do not find more than these five elements, earth, 6ater, air, fire, sky,gross< and subtle:mind, intelligence and ego +o subtle, the same, but gross: some6here the fire is prominent< some6here 6ater is prominent, air is prominent< some6here earth is prominent +o here in this 6orld, in this planet, the earth is prominent >oom Conversation 6ith Boga +tudent ,, March 1', 1!%(, 2ran. Boga student. ;h, prominent -treya i. Narth is prominent Boga student. 2t4s the prominent form in this material 6orld -treya i. 2n this earth, in this planet, earth is the prominent of the five elements )rabhup/da. Whole 6orld, 6hole universe, they are made of these five elements -treya i. -ll the creation, the material creation, is made of five elements Boga student. What is the fifth besides earth, air, fire and 6aterI )rabhup/da. Nther Boga student. Nther @o6 does ether distinguish )rabhup/da. 0he sky Nther is )resence of ether by sound

Morning Walk ,, March 1(, 1!%(, 0ehran. )rabhup/da. Go, these are e7amples Huest. @e can4t really touch the globe because he 6ould be consumed

)rabhup/da. 0hat is another thing, Cualitative change 5ut if, there are five elements 2t is made of fire, that4s all -s your body is made of earth, that sun globe or sun god4s body is made of fire 0here are other planets also, the body is made of air 5ecause you do not find more than these five elements:earth, 6ater, air, fire, sky,gross and subtle:mind, intelligence +o, subtle, the same gross, some6here fire is prominent, some6here 6ater is prominent, air is prominent, some6here earth is prominent +o here in this 6orld, in this planet, the earth is prominent Huest. +o, there is a distinction bet6een permanent and the eternalI Morning Walk ,, March 1(, 1!%(, 0ehran. ?evotee. ;n this earth, on this planet Huest. ;n this planet ?evotee. earth is prominent amongst the five elements

)rabhup/da. Whole 6orld, 6hole universe, they are made of these five elements ?evotee. KindistinctL of the five elements Huest. What is the fifth besides earth, air, fire and 6aterI )rabhup/da. @uhI Huest. What is the fifth element after earth, air, fire and 6aterI )rabhup/da. Nther >oom Conversation 6ith Eim Cornish ,, May #, 1!%(, )erth. )rabhup/da. 2 have given the e7ample 1ust like this sunshine is coming from the sun globe Within the sun globe there is the president of the planet 1ust like here on this planet you have got some president @ere there are many presidents, because it is hodgepodge, chaotic 5ut there everything is systematic 0here is one person, his name is 8ivasv/n @e4s the predominating deity Ea 6ent to see him and talked 6ith him about 5hagavad,gAt/ @e4s a person, and there the people, they are also persons 1ust like in this planet 5ut here the body is predominantly made of earth, and there the body is predominantly of fire 0herefore it is so glo6ing 0he glo6ing temperature, heat and light, is coming from the person, their body is made of glo6ing heat or fire 0here are five material elements. earth, 6ater, fire, air, and ether 2n some planet the earth is prominent, in some planet the 6ater is prominent, in some planets the fire is prominent >oom Conversation 6ith 06o =a6yers and Huest ,, May $$, 1!%(, Melbourne.

)rabhup/da. 0hat is called m/y/ 0his is m/y/ 0he philosophy of m/y/, m/y/ means 6hat is not M/,y/ M/ means not, y/ means this +o m/y/ means the conclusion, as you have made, that is not 0hat is not the fact +o 6e are claiming, "-merica is our", "-ustralia is our", "2ndia is our" Gothing our Nverything Hod4s 0he best conclusion is, "2t is Hod4s property Hod has given us to live =et us thank Hod, feel obliged to @im, and glorify @im " 0hat is our vision 0hat is Ea consciousness movement Bou accept the real position, that nothing belongs to you, everything belongs to Hod Bou also belong to Hod Bour body, yourself, everything belongs to Hod 0his body is material body 0hat material energy, earth, 6ater, air, fire:everything belongs to Hod 0his sea belongs to Hod, 6ater, vast 6ater Bou have not created, neither your forefather has created +o this body is made of earth, 6ater, air, fire, five elements +o your, the body is also Hod4s Morning Walk ,, 1une $, 1!%(, @onolulu. )rabhup/da. -nd Mosco6 +ea 0hey pitched one flag in the moon planet and named Mosco6 +ea Bes 2ndian man. 1ust like you said that this moon and other planets are also made of these five elements:earth, 6ater, fire, ether:they brought a rock from there +o they are accepting that the moon is made of those elements also 5ut they are not accepting that life is there )rabhup/da. Go, they4ll not accept 0herefore therefore fools WhyI 0he circumstance is the same Why there should be no lifeI 0hat is foolishness We have got e7perience -s soon as there is 6ater, there is life -s soon as there is land, there is life -s soon as there is air, there is life +o 6here is lifeI Go life >oom Conversation 6ith ?r 1ohn MiDe ,, 1une $&, 1!%(, =os -ngeles. )rabhup/da. Bes Bes Mind is there also 0hat is spiritual mind Nverything is spiritual 0here is nothing material 5ody spiritual, mind spiritual, intelligence spiritual, he is spiritual, the land spiritual, 6ater spiritual:everything is spiritual 0hat is spiritual 6orld @ere in the material 6orld, e7cept the spirit soul, everything is material -nd he is encumbered 6ith this material atmosphere by t6enty,seven stratas, layers 0he five elements, gross elements, then ten senses, and then three guas 2n this 6ay there are t6enty,seven layers @e is 6ithin, and he has to be taken out 0hat is called liberation 1ust like if you are covered 6ith t6enty,seven layers of dirty things, so it is very difficult position 5ut there is process to clear the garbage and take him out 0hat is Ea conscious movement, to take the soul out of the covering of t6enty,seven layers of material atmosphere >oom Conversation 6ith ?r 1ohn MiDe ,, 1une $&, 1!%(, =os -ngeles. 5ahul/Ova. )rabhup/da, in the 0hirteenth Chapter of 5hagavad,gAt/, "Gature, Nn*oyer, and Consciousness," in verse number si7 and seven you mention those t6enty,seven coverings. "0he five great elements, false ego, intelligence, the unmanifest, the ten senses, the mind, the five sense ob*ects, desire, hate, happiness, and distress, the

aggregate, the life symptoms and convictions:all these are considered, in summary, to be the field of activities and their interaction " -nd )rabhup/da. 5y the material life, these are our field of activities 0he body is a combination of all these things 1ust like a huge computer machine 2t is made of these material things, but the mechanical parts are very minute, different -ll these are matter 5ut 6ithin this matter, because the soul is there, therefore the finest machine is 6orking 1ust like your composition machine, Kimitates machine.L "Eut, kut, kut, kut, kut, kut " 5ut one has to push the button< other6ise useless @o6ever very nicely made the machine, 6ithout a living being4s touch, it is useless +o all this big machine, body, is 6onderful so long the soul is there -nd as soon as the soul is out it is lump of matter, useless, not 6orth a penny Morning Walk ,, 1uly $1, 1!%(, +an 9rancisco. )rabhup/da. Why notI 9ire is also one of the elements like 6ater and earth +o if there is life in the 6ater, life on the earth, 6hy not in the fireI What is this logicI 5ahul/Ova. -ctually, everything is burning Nven this body is also on fire )rabhup/da. Go, the material ingredients, five elements ;ut of the five elements, fire is one of them +o if in the four elements there are life, 6hy not in the fifthI @o6 do you sayI 0hat is their ignorance ?evotee K&L. Bou say even in the O/stra, )rabhup/da, that there4s so many living entities in this body 2t4s evident

1976 Conversations and Morning Walks

Morning Walk ,, March 1", 1!%", Mayapura. )rabhup/da. 0hen 6hat is the use of that machineI What is the use of that machineI Nveryone kno6s that it is air Go6 air is stopped 0hat is my re*ectKIL 5ring that air again 0here is ample air 5ring that machine +imply +imilarly, if you analyDe the 6hole body, it is confirmed, you 6ill find these five elements, that 4s all, earth, 6ater, air, fire, sky 0hat4s all 0am/la Ea. 0hat4s scientific Go one denies that )rabhup/da. Bes 0hey 6hy don4t you create a bodyI What is your scienceI )ua Ea. Bou4ve *ust pointed out. the body may already be there, but they cannot replace the life Nven a body is already created, like a dead body, but they can4t bring life back into it Morning Walk ,, March $", 1!%", ?elhi.

)rabhup/da. Go, no We do not find in the 6ater, in the air, in the fire the five elements, you do not find there is life +o 6hat is this, that life forceI 0hey are trying to prove that combination of this, there is life, but actually by analytical study 6e don4t find life 0he first e7ample is this breathing Nveryone is under the impression that breathing is life +o 6hen the breathing is stopped, the air is stopped 1ust make some artificial 6ay of breathing, bring life Badubara. 0hey may say that that is only one aspect )rabhup/da. Nvery aspect you say, rascal Bou take 6ater, take fire Where is lifeI 1ust like heat, heat in the body @eat is fire +o everything you take 6hich constitutes this body, analyDe separately and find out life, 6here is life Badubara. 5ut they may say that a combination produces >oom Conversation ,, -pril $3, 1!%", Melbourne. )rabhup/da. Gothing -rtificial blood +uperficially it is red 6ater +o if red 6ater is the life, then 6hy you are spoiling so much bloodI Eeep it scientifically and push it into the dead body 2 say it is, that 6ay, it is the red 6ater, nothing but red 6ater Frine is 6hite 6ater 2 am coming to the five elements, air, 6ater 0hen 6hat is this boneI Narth Bou can manufacture bone, hard bone, 6ith earth or 6ood or something plastic +o 6e are analyDing the combination of the body, so everything you can manufacture 5ut 6here is the life you can manufactureI Why do you sayI 0hat is our challenge -ll the ingredients of the body you can manufacture e7actly like that Fltimately you can give the beauty also of the 6oman or the man 5ut 6here is lifeI 5ring life by all these things 0hen 2 6ill say that you are scientist ;ther6ise cheater, simply bluffing people 0his thing should be stopped Where you get the information that this, from matter life is possible >oom Conversation ,, -pril $3, 1!%", Melbourne. )rabhup/da. Bes, this is the message, that people are under the impression that one is this body, but that is not the fact 0he soul, or the man, he is 6ithin the body 1ust like you are not your, this shirt and coat Bou are 6ithin the shirt and coat +imilarly, the living entity, the living being, is 6ithin this body, the gross body and the subtle body 0he subtle body is composed of mind, intelligence and ego, and the gross body is a composition of these material things, earth, 6ater, air, fire, like that, five elements -ltogether, eight elements 0his is inferior energy -nd the superior energy is 6ithin these eight elements, five gross and three subtle +o 6e have to study about that thing 1ust like 2 asked that boy that "Bou can manufacture a huge machine, flying in the sky, %'%, but 6hy don4t you manufacture the pilotI" Morning Walk ,, May &, 1!%", 9i*i.

)rabhup/da. =ago/ means the loincloth +o 6hat is it you have given upI -nd you cannot give up your body 0his is made, this kitir ap,te*o,marud,vyoma, KindistinctL these five elements, they4re also Ea4s Bou have got mind ;h, that belongs to Ea What you have got that you4ll give upI Bou have stolen everything Bou don4t accept the real proprietor, and you are thinking, "2 am the proprietor " 0hat is your fault 0hat is miscreant +tena eva sa ucyate K5H & 1$L 2t is said there >ead 5hagavad,gAt/ carefully, that everyone is a thief +tena eva sa ucyate -ll thiefs, rogues, rascals 0hat is the substance 2f one does not accept Hod, the +upreme, and does not surrender, he is miscreant, mJha MJha @e does not kno6 6hat does he possess, and he4s thinking, "2 am giving up " What you are giving upI Bou do not possess anything - mJha, falsely thinking that "2 am giving up " Morning Walk ,, 1une #, 1!%", =os -ngeles. )rabhup/da. +o ho6 the fishes are born in the 6aterI @o6 the other living entities, they remain in the airI ;r 6ithout airI 0here are five elements. earth, 6ater, fire, air -ny6here, the living entities can take birth +arva,ga +th/ur sarva,gata acalo 4yam Bou read all these 6ords of 5hagavad,gAt/ +arva,ga 9rom any6here, he can take birth ?evotee. ?o the living entities 6ho are born from perspiration reCuire a mother and fatherI )rabhup/da. Go Go 0here is mother 0hat perspiration is mother >/dh/vallabha. +o the reason 6hy they get a particular body >oom Conversation 6ith Mother and +ons ,, 1une 1&, 1!%", ?etroit. )rabhup/da. 0o understand Hod, a simple method +imple method to 1ust like the earth is there, everybody kno6s -nd from the earth different varieties of living entities are coming 0he grass is coming, the plant is coming, then insects are coming, flies are coming, then by eating the grass or flies, the bigger animals are coming or they4re e7isting 0ake for four,legged animals, they are eating the grass, the plants +o they are living, their generation is going on 0hen the human being is coming by evolution +o any6ay, ultimately, they are coming from the earth 2s it notI 2s there any difficultyI +o 6e are coming from the earth or 6ater or air, fire, there are five elements 0herefore on the total material elements is our mother 0he mother means 6herefrom one comes @e4s your child because his body has come from your body Nveryone kno6s it +o every living being is coming out of this earth in different forms Go6 if it is established, the mother is the earth and everything that is coming out of mother, they are children, then 6here is fatherI 2s it not the ne7t inCuiryI >oom Conversation With +cientists ,, 1uly ", 1!%", Washington, ? C . >Jp/nuga. Maybe a hundred seventy,five We can check reference book easily Bou4ll find out today

+varJpa ?/modara. PrAla )rabhup/da, 6e 6ant to make a chart Go6 from these gross elements, the five gross elements, 6e 6ant to e7tend to )rabhup/da. Narth, 6ater, air, fire +varJpa ?/modara. 9rom there 6e 6ant to include the, let4s say this table, ninety,t6o , 6hat scientists call elements, this gold, silver, copper, all these elements )rabhup/da. Bes, that is 6ithin earth +varJpa ?/modara. 5ut 6e are thinking that not only earth, but the 6ater, air >oom Conversation With +cientists ,, 1uly ", 1!%", Washington, ? C . )rabhup/da. Narth is the reservoir of all elements -s you go from earth to 6ater, one is minus 9rom 6ater, you go to fire, one is again minus 2n this 6ay, 6hen you go up, ether, there is only one -nd earth contains all the five +varJpa ?/modara. -ll the five gross elements )rabhup/da. Bes +varJpa ?/modara. +o actually 6e can use *ust from earth all these ninety,t6o elements, like silver, gold )rabhup/da. Bes, that is in the earth +o many varieties of mi7ture >Jp/nuga. Go6 is there an atom for eachI 2s there a copper atomI >oom Conversation With +cientists ,, 1uly ", 1!%", Washington, ? C . +varJpa ?/modara. -ctually, in 6ater also, all these, most of these earth materials are there, because it dissolves in 6ater Water is so many salts and elements, in a dissolved form )rabhup/da. 0hat 2 told you, that in the earth all other five elements are there >Jp/nuga. +o 6ater precedes earth in the creation Water comes first )rabhup/da. Go, ether >Jp/nuga. 2 mean 6ater comes before earth Narth is last, and 6ater is *ust before +o that 6e find earth in 6ater )rabhup/da. Water it dries up

)ua Ea. @e4s saying you can find earth in 6ater >oom Conversation With +cientists ,, 1uly ", 1!%", Washington, ? C . )rabhup/da. 5ecause 2 am not scientist KlaughterL 1ust like 2 captured immediately, common sense +varJpa ?/modara. 2n one of the articles in 5ack to Hodhead, 2 think ?harm/dhyak a, he uses different 6ords for these five elements +o 6e are going to use these elements in our book also, so 6e 6onder, he says for fire "radiant energy" instead of fire 2 think it may sound little more >Jp/nuga. 0hey think this is so simplistic, you kno6, mythological,type breakdo6n, oversimplification +o he used different 6ords, fire he said "radiant energy," 6ater he said "liCuidity " What did he say for earthI "+olid matter" he said for earth, and air, "gas " -nd 6hat did he say for etherI "+pace " +o 6e thought, 6e 6ere 6ondering if these 6ere acceptable terms to use >oom Conversation ,, 1uly ", 1!%", Washington, ? C . )rabhup/da. Mahat,tattva is differentiated >Jp/nuga. ?ifferent categoriesI +varJpa ?/modara. 0he time element is there in mahat,tattva, so it is already t6enty,five elements there including time -t this stage also, the impregnation of the =ord4s internal potency means that the *Avas are already impregnated here from pradh/na +o here the living entities are in pure goodness )rabhup/da. 0he living entities are al6ays in pure goodness 0his material covering is separated 0he living entities can be freed from material covering at any moment 1ust like 6ater and oil, it is al6ays separated, it does not mi7 0he 8edic mantra also says asago 4ya purua -ctually, it is not mi7ed, but it is covered 0hat covering can be taken a6ay at any moment simply by Ea consciousness +a gu/n samatAtyait/n brahma,bhJy/ya kalpate K5H 1' $"L 2 think in 9irst Canto, that description you try to understand, you4ll get >oom Conversation ,, 1uly ", 1!%", Washington, ? C . )rabhup/da. Go, no -ll the living conditions are there in the matter, provided there is the living being, that4s all 1ust like a dead body, it is not that the living condition is finished, no 0he living conditions are there 0hat particular soul has left that body 5ut the dead body is also full of ingredients of living condition +o many germs are coming out 6hen the body is decomposed Bou say decomposition, but even in that decomposed condition there is living condition +o the living conditions are already there, matter in any form +o ho6 these rascals say there is no life in the moon planetI 0hat is not possible 0he living

conditions are al6ays there in the matter 0his is the e7ample Go6, a decomposed body, the living being has left, no6 it is dead matter, but still, the living beings are coming out @o6 it isI 0hat means matter has al6ays the potency to give shelter to the living entity +o it is impossible that there is no living being in the moon planet 2t is bogus We cannot accept it -ny condition there is provision for the living beings We see actually, in the earth, in the air, in the 6ater, in the fire, these five elements Whatever you take, these five elements in different proportions +o the living , *ust like from perspiration living entities come out 2t is impossible there is no living entities 0hat is bogus complete Bou can challenge like that

1977 Conversations and Morning Walks

Morning Walk ,, 9ebruary 1, 1!%%, 5huvanesvara. )rabhup/da. Ea says, "nonphysical " Gaina chindanti Oastr/i naina dahati p/vaka, naina Ooayati /pa K5H $ $&L Nverything, five elements, material 2t has nothing to do 6ith these five elements, clearly said in the 5hagavad,gAt/ 2t is beyond this @ere 6hatever you find is kitir /pa te*a marud vyom/. earth, 6ater, air, fire 0hat4s all 5ut beyond that, it is not physical -nd at last, na hanyate hanyam/ne OarAre K5H $ $3L Nverything is there +o 2 6as confident in the statement of 5hagavad,gAt/ 0herefore 2 strongly stressed, "0his is all 6rong " 2 believed completely in the 6ords of Ea 0hat4s all 2 never e7perimented 5ut 2 kno6 6hat Ea says is completely right >oom Conversation about 50H the Moon ,, 9ebruary 1#, 1!%%, Mayapura. )rabhup/da. What is your, your practical e7 I Bou are rascal Bou have no practical e7perience 2f there is life in the 6ater, if there is life in the air, if there is life 6ithin the earth, 6hy not in the fireI 2t is also one of the elements Why you discard only fireI 0here are five elements. earth, 6ater, air, fire, ether +o if there is life in the earth, in the 6ater, in the air, in the ether, 6hat fire has done there should be no lifeI @ari,Oauri. 5ut 6e see 0he 6ater4s here 0he earth4s here We see the life in there We agree )rabhup/da. Bour seeing is imperfect @ari,Oauri. 5ut the fire is here, and there4s no life in the fire >oom Conversation 6ith -di,kesava +6ami ,, 9ebruary 1!, 1!%%, Mayapura. )rabhup/da. 2t is condemned My position is different Why shall 2 dieI 0he rascals, they agree to die We do not agree to die We 6ant to come to our original position, no more death 0his is our motto, because 6e get information from the 5hagavad,gAt/, na hanyate hanyam/ne OarAre K5H $ $3L 2 do not die on account of my material body mi7ed up "?ust thou art< dust thou beist " 0his body is made of five elements. earth, 6ater, air, fire,

ether -nd this is my gross body 0he gross body is finished, but my mental, subtle body :mind, intelligence:that is not yet finished 0hat is carrying me to another body 1ust like 6e have got practical e7perience 2 am sitting here, you are sitting here Mind carries me to Ge6 Bork, and 2 am no6 dreaming or thinking 2 am sitting in that room and talking 6ith somebody 2 have forgotten this, but 2t is practical -lthough 2 am sitting here, 2 have forgotten it, and 2 am 6orking, thinking myself that 2 am in Ge6 Bork +imilarly, in dream my body is on the bed 2 am thinking 2 am on the @imalayan top Nvening ?arsana ,, 9ebruary $", 1!%%, Mayapura. )rabhup/da. -kledya, that 0he 6ood, if you put into the 6ater, it 6ill be moist 5ut it is not +oul never becomes moist 0hat means the five elements:earth, 6ater, air, fire, ether:all these five elements can be cut, can be moistened, can be burned, can be dried up 5ut he is giving negative definition that "+oul cannot be done like that " +o therefore it is not fallible, material 2ndian K&L. Will you preach to your HAt/ KbreakL KlaughsL 0herefore 2 said, dhAras tatra na

)rabhup/da. K@indiL 0he people cannot accept muhyati K5H $ 1&L 0am/la Ea. 0hey4re too restless

>oom Conversation ,, March $", 1!%%, 5ombay. )rabhup/da. +o you cannot deny, "0here is no Hod " 0hat is not possible 0he earth is the mother 0hey say "mother country," "mother earth " -nd everything is coming out from the earth 5eginning from the aCuatic animals, grass, they are coming from material elements, either from 6ater or from earth 0hat 6e can see -nd they are coming from fire also, but 6e cannot see 5ut they are 2t is common sense 2f life can come from 6ater, fire 9ire is also one of the elements, five elements +o from fire also 0herefore it is said, naina dahati p/vaka 5ecause it is coming from fire, therefore fire cannot harm the living entity +o mother is there, children are there Where is the fatherI 0his is the logic -nd the father is coming personally, "Bes, 2 am father " -ha bA*a,prada pit/ K5H 1' 'L 0hen 6here is the chance for denying the e7istence of fatherI Go Nvening ?arsana ,, May !, 1!%%, @rishikesh. )rabhup/da. K@indiL KlaughterL -nd 6e 6ant to be happy 0ri,t/pa,yantana,KIL three types of miseries, are al6ays there +o Ea, 6hen took charge of teaching him, the first lesson 6as that "-r*una, you have talked like a very learned man, but you are not learned " aOocy/n anvaOocas tva pra*Q/,v/d/O ca bh/ase gat/sJn agat/sJO ca

n/nuOocanti pait/ K5H $ 11L "Bou are taking care of the body, 6hich is a lump of matter, combination of five elements:earth, 6ater, air, fire:and you are concerned 6ith this nonsense matter Bou have no information of the real thing -nd you are talking as a learned I" 0his is the first -nd then @e said that "-ctual person is 6ithin the body " ?ehino 4smin yath/ dehe kaum/ra yauvanam K5H $ 1&L +o as 6e are changing body in this status, from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, similarly, 6hen you give up this body, you get another body Conversations 6ith Eirtana Hroups ,, May $!, 1!%%, 8rndavana. )rabhup/da. Nvery6here there are these there, every planet 0hese rascals, they do not kno6 Nverything is

+varJpa ?/modara. 0he five gross elements is present all the )rabhup/da. Eitir /po 4nalo v/yu Must Kaside.L Hive me Hive me that 2ndian devotee K'L. +till do6nI )rabhup/da. @m KbreakL Nvery6here there is life, there is everything, varieties @ere you see in the 6ater there is life, in the land there is life, in the air there is life, 6ithin the silicate there is life +o many, many millions 0hese crabs What is calledI +varJpa ?/modara. Crab )rabhup/da. @o6 they are livingI -s soon as you 6alk, they go 6ithin the sand

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