Add Mallesh GCV NGN GN Owda Hassan

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Detailed Estimate for the Proposed Additional works to the existing Building belongs to Sri.

Mallesh Gowda at Shanthi Nagar, Hassan. Appli ant ! Sri. Mallesh Gowda "o ation ! Shanthi Nagar, Hassan.

Propert# $D No. !%&'%'%((')*A +ard No. !%& S.A.S No. ! %&,(

Name -f +orks. ! .ompound +all, /it hen Plat 0orm /it hen, Ba k Side 1rill, 1la2ed 3iles, Surki, +ard robe 4 Show ase Sl.No %. Des ription of items No " B D 5uantit# 6nit 7ate Amount

Earth work ex a8ation for foundation and remo8ing the ex a8ated earth to a distan e not ex eeding 9,m and with a lift up to %.9,m in hard soil. .ompound % :(.;, ,.;& ,.;& < (:.&&.mtr. = 7s.*,>' (,(%*',,


Pro8iding and la#ing granite or basalt or trap ?ell# on rete using :,mm and down si2e ?ell# for foundation laid in %9 ms. thi k la#ers and well ompa ted in luding uring et ., omplete in .. %@:@A. .ompound % :(.;, ,.;& ,.%9 < :.A&.mtr. = 7s.%9&,>' ;,9A(',,


Pro8iding and onstru ting granite or trap or basalt si2e stone masonr# stones, hammer dressed in ourses not less than (, ms. high with bond stones (m apart in ea h ourse in luding uring et ., omplete. as per spe ifi ations for foundation in ..B %@&. .ompound % % % :(.;, ,.;9 :(.;, ,.&9 :(.;, ,.99 ,.( ,.( ,.( < < < &.:, 9.99 :.;, '''''''' %&.&9 .mtr. = 7s.%(&,>'



Pro8iding and la#ing granite or basalt or trap ?ell# .. using (,mm and down si2e ?ell# in luding mixing, la#ing, tamping, uring and finished for exposed fa es with ne #. entering and form work et ., omplete for basement in .. %@(@:. % :(.;, ,.:9 ,.%, < %.*) .mtr. = 7s.((9,>' :,):(',,

Page % of )

'(' 9. Pro8iding and onstru ting bri k masonr# with appro8ed Cualit# modular bri ks of si2e standard si2e with ne #. S affolding and .uring for basement and superstru ture in .B %@&. % % :(.;, ,.%) %.A) ,.%) %.(( %.(( < < &.;A ,.(* ''''''' &.:* .mtr.

.ompound +all Ded. of 1ate

Net 5uantit# of BBB &.

= 7s.(9,,>'


Suppl#ing and fixing of steel gate made out of pressed steel %,,mm x &9mm of %Aguage for frame with or without sill and shutters made out of (9mm x (9mm x &mm BS angle with ;9mm ..7. plain panels welded to the shutters frame two numbers of (,mm x &mm flats to be welded behind the shutters at %>) from the top and %>) form the bottom, one number B.S. flat )(mm x :mm to be welded hori2ontall# at the enter of the shutter frame, entire frames to be fixed in the masonr# with hold fasts &Nos. of (9mm x :mm :, ms. long embedded in .. %@)@& with granite metal of si2e (,mm and down si2e ?ell#. 3he hollow se tion of the door frames to be filled with .. %@(@: ompa t full#. 3he se tions should be ut to lengths, ?oints mitered and welded and ele tri all# grinded all the orners to neat finish. All the se tion shall be pretreated for remo8al of dust and rust. 3he entire surfa e of the gate should be painted with two oats of anti orrosi8e paint. % %.A) ' %.(( < (.() Smtr. = 7s.(9,,>' 9,9;9',,


Pro8iding Stu o plastering to walls in two oats onsisting base oat of %(mm thi k with .B D %@: E and finishing with additional oat with pebble dashing using graded pebbles of :mm to Amm in .B D%@)E in luding uring with ne # s affolding et ., omplete ( :(.;, %.(( < % :(.;, ,.%) < Ded of 1ate %x (.() < %,:.%* 9.99 (.()

%,;.9% Smtr. A.

= 7s.*,>'


Pro8iding emulsion painting to walls or eilings o8er the primer oat of appd. make 4 olour after s rapping the original surfa e and rubbing with sand paper of 2ero si2e 4 with base oat of plastofix primer and two oats of plasti emulsion painting of appd. olour su essi8el# after dr#ing ea h oat and finishing as per spe ifi ation and dire tion. Same 5t#. of Plastering %,;.9% Smtr. = 7s.;,>' ;,9(9',,


PAINTING ON GATE S#ntheti enamel painting of appd. make and olour, two oats o8er one oats of wood primer. Painting on 1ate :.:& Smtr. = 7s.&,>'


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')' %,. KITCHEN PLATFORM % %% :.(A ,.&% < (.&% Smtr. = 7s.)),,>' %%,*%)',,

DADDOOING WITH GLAZED TILES Daddooing with gla2ed tiles for walls with borders set in .B %@) and pointed with plaster of paris and white ement., omplete with olour gla2ed tiles of si2e (, ms. F %, ms. /it hen ( Bath % &.:% (,.;A %.,& %.A) < < %).&, )A.,) '''''''''' 9%.&) Smtr.

= 7s.*9,>'



FRONT SIDE GRILLS % %).;9 (.%: < (*.:)Smtr. = 7s.%9,,>' ::,%:9',,


WARDRO E ! SHOWCASE Pro8iding and fixing Show ase with )( F %(9mm si2e teak wood framework alround Plastering the walls extra (Amm thi k with m.%@& proportion where8er ne #. to bring the wall surfa e inline with the frame surfa e and the entire plaster surfa e is o8ered with :mm thi k pl#wood to look like a pl#wood box and shutters of (9mm thi k parti le board with $S$ ertifi ation and fa tor# pre'lamination appd. olour on one side 4 balan ing lamination of white on the other side. 3he Show ase should be bifur ated in three hori2ontal ompartment with %*mm bla k board with %9mm thi k steel pipe fixed in the enter portion of the ward robe as per appd. drawing with ne #. hinges and iron oxidised fittings su h as handles et ., and pro8iding ne #. lo ks. ) ( (.,9 %.9( (.%: %.A) < < %).%& 9.9& ''''''' %A.;( Smtr.

+ardrobe Show ase

= 7s.:,,,>' 3otal


(,9:,:);',, &(:',,

Bis ellaneous 4 7ounding off Grand Total 'Rupees Two Lakhs Fifty Five Thousand Only)


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