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Bi yani ' s Thi nk Tank
Concept based notes
liii ^ lin- -ii-il iii
(Psycho-Social Basis of Learning and Teaching)
(B.Ed. - Paper-II)

Ekta Pareek
M.A., M.Ed. (Geography)
Vandana Naruka
M.A., M.Ed. (Pol. Sc., History)
Deptt. of B. Ed.
Biyani Girls College, Jaipur

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Published by :
Think Tanks
Biyani Group of Colleges

Concept & Copyright :
Biyani Shikshan Samiti
Sector-3, Vidhyadhar Nagar,
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Website :www.gurukpo.com; www.biyanicolleges.org

First Edition : 2009

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I am glad to present this book, especially designed to serve the needs
of the students. The book has been written keeping in mind the general
weakness in understanding the fundamental concepts of the topics. The
book is self-explanatory and adopts the Teach Yourself style. It is based on
question-answer pattern. The language of book is quite easy and understandable
based on scientific approach.
Any further improvement in the contents of the book by making corrections,
omission and inclusion is keen to be achieved based on suggestions from the
readers for which the author shall be obliged.
I acknowledge special thanks to Mr. Rajeev Biyani, Chairman & Dr. Sanjay
Biyani, Director (Acad.) Biyani Group of Colleges, who are the backbones and
main concept provider and also have been constant source of motivation
throughout this Endeavour. They played an active role in coordinating the various
stages of this Endeavour and spearheaded the publishing work.
I look forward to receiving valuable suggestions from professors of various
educational institutions, other faculty members and students for improvement of
the quality of the book. The reader may feel free to send in their comments and
suggestions to the under mentioned address.

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B.Ed. Paper-II
liii ^ lin- -ii-il iii
(Psycho-Social Basis of Learning and Teaching)

1. To develop an understanding of the basic concepts, methods and principles of
Psychology and of Educational Psychology with reference to learning and
2. To develop an understanding of the nature and process of learning in the context
of various learning theories and factors.
3. To develop an understanding about the various factors that affect learner like
personality,intelligence, creativity and motivation.
4. To develop an understanding of the impact of social and psychological factors
responsible for a balance development of personality of the learners.
5. To develop effective teaching skills in the teacher : in the making.
6. To acquaint them with various aspects of teaching such as factors that affect it,
teaching models and various teaching theories.
7. To develop necessary skills to evaluate and interpret the learning outcomes.
Course Content
Unit 1 :
1. Educational Psychology its meaning, methods, scope, Functions and applications.
2. Implications of Educational Psychology fora Teacher, Curricula, Classroom
situations and learner development.
3. Growth and Development of the learner-Growth and Development meaning,
Principles (Physical, social, mental and Emotional Development) and their
Implications for learning.
Unit 2 :
1. Learning, its meaning, factors affecting learning and types of learning. (Gagne)
2. Theories of learning : Trial and Error, classic, Conditioning, Operant
Conditioning, Gestalt, Piaget and Burner.
3. Transfer of learning, factors, theories, and its implications for teacher.
4. Motivation meaning and role in the process of learning.
Unit-3 :
1. Personality meaning, types, factors responsible for shaping it, objective and
Projective of assessment.
2. Intelligence meaning, Theories, measurement and role in learning.
3. Creativity meaning components, development and measurement.

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Unit 4 :
Psychology of adjustment, concepts of adjustment,mechanism of adjustment
Ego-defense mechanisms, identification and education of mal adjusted children.
Individual differences-meaning causes and their educational implications, (with
special reference to the slow, learner, gifted, delinquent, Physically disabled and
Socially deprived children.
Unit 5 :
1. Group Dynamics, Classroom as a group-its impact upon learning
2. Development of a child as an individual (concept development), school and
development of self-concept.
3. Creative thinking, reasoning and problem-solving and the effects of social class
on their development.
4. Learning increments of Socialization,Individualized instruction,Diagnosing
learning difficulties.
5. Concept of Social Learning (Bandura).
Seasonal Work (20 Marks)
(1) One test of 10 marks.
(2) An one of the following (10 marks) :
1. Case-study of Special child.
2. Administration of Psychological testandpresentationof the result.
3. Observing the behaviour of an adolescent boy/girl and listing his/her
characteristics and problem.
4. Sociometry-preparation and interpretation.
5. Study of community factors that effect pupil learning.
6. One experiment on any aspect of learning.

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S. No. Name of Topic Page No.
1. Unit-I 9-26
. liii -il^ni i, l^lii, i, i ^ in
Educational Psychology Its Meaning, Methods,
Scope, Function and Applications
z. liii -il^ni | ilnni
Implications of Educational Psychology
s. lin--ii | ^l, ^ l^i
Growth and Development of the Learner
2. Unit-II 27-44
. lin- i ^ i
Meaning & Types of Learning
z. lin- l,in
Theories of Learning
s. lin- i -iiini i, l,in ^ lii l
Transfer of Learning, Factors, Theories and its
Implications for Teachers
. liii i ^ lin- li - il-i
Motivation Meaning & Role in the Process of
3. Unit-III 45-59
. ln-^ i ^ i, ln-^ l-ii -ii| i
S. No. Name of Topic Page No.
z. l, i, l,in, -i, lin- - il-i
s. i--ni i, n l^i
4. Unit-IV 60-69
. -ii i -il^ni -ii ii
z. -ii ^ i ii - n

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s. lnnn l^lini i ii, ili -r-^
. lniii| i, -l, i, l^li- i
5. Unit-V 70-77
. -r n-i--ni
z. ii i lin- ii^
s. i-- -- i l^i
. i-- i
r. n ^ ln
s. lin- ^l, i i-i|i
/. --i -iii
s. i-il lin- i -
i ni 78

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i - 1

liii -il^ni i, l^lii, i, i ^ in
Educational Psychology Its Meaning, Methods,
Scope, Function and Applications

i. . liii-il^ni i r` ; in i --|i |l l liiliii
i--i - sii i liii -il^ni i ii ii ilr`
What is Educational Psychology? Explain why Educational Psychology should
be taught to student in the Teacher Training Curricula?
lii l liii -il^ni - ~ | iri |l|
Appreciate the value of Education Psychology for a Teacher?
i i liii -il^ni i i i ilr` i li - ~i
Why should a teacher study Education Psychology? Mention only five points.
-i. lii l liii -il^ni i -r-^ l- l- ii -- r
"The teacher needs Psychology to bridge the lives of the young and the aims of education
in our democratic society."
ii liii i ii^| i l i^ r l lii l^nilii i
l ni | ; i l lii ,ii -il^ni l,ini i
in li ii i^ r|
l i l^i ; i n l r liii i liii -
-i^nil l,ini i in l ni ri ilr, i liii i
ii^ii| lin- l l^i r|
"The teacher should be prepared to apply in his teaching activities the psychological
principles that are basic to successful teaching and effective learning." - Alice Crow
lii l -il^ni | ilnni :

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. -^ i ni ^ ni| (Self Knowledge and Preparation) : liii-il^ni |
rini i - llrn -^ii^, l,-n, ^ri, ini il i
ni in ni r|
z. i l^i i ni (Character Development of Child)
s. i-^ii^ ^ ^ri i ni (Knowledge of Child's Nature and Behavior)
. ii i l l-ii (Knowledge Development of the Child)
r. ii | i^ni i ni (Knowledge of the Needs of Children)
s. i | lnnn l^linii i ni (Knowledge of Individual Differences
of Child)
/. ii | -^l-ii i ni (Knowledge of Children's Instinct)
s. ii ln-^ i ^in|i l^i (All-round Development of Personality
of the Child)
s. ii | --ii i -iii (Solving Problems of the Class-room)
a. ii - rini (Helpful in Discipline)
. in| i-- i l-ii (Construction of Useful Curriculum)
z. ln liiil^lii i in (Use of Proper methods of Teaching)
s. -~i | ; l^lii i in (Use of New Methods of Evaluation)
n li -- r l lii i ni i li ini ^
ni | n ^il |^ | ii -in | n| r|
;l -il^ni ni ^ il-^i i i - rini ni r|
;l -il^ni i ni r| lii | ni i r- r|
. .z. -il^ni i liii -il^ni - n -- |l|
Differentiate between Psychology and Educational Psychology.
-i. liii nii -il^ni l,in nii ^ri i -^ r| liii nii -il^ni i
i-l -i -i^ -l^n ^ nln l^i l i^ r| liii
--n i, -il^ni l,ini iiiln r|
i i i -il^ni |i -lin -i^ l^i |
ii ni r, liii, |i i i i | -i n| r|
liii-il^ni |i i i -lin r|
Psychology explain the how of human development as related to learning education
attempt to provide the what of learning, Educational Psychology is concerned with the
why and when of learn by.- Crow and Crow

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i i liii ^r li r, l ,ii ln ^ri - l^n
li ini r|
l~^| i -il^ni -i^ ^ri i l^ni r|
n liiiii -- r l liii i -il^ni ii i -i -i^^ri
r| liii, -i^^ri - l^n -i- in| r| -il^ni
-i^^ri i ni r| -il^ni liii i iii i ni r| liii
i - i l -il^ni -^|ln in | n| r|
|. . ni i liii i s n| r i l i ^r li ini r|
l -i^nil iii li rii ni r|
"Education has to depend on psychological findings for what it does and how it is done."
-il^ni i l^li l^,ii l- i liilin li r
^ -il^ni ^r l^ni r, i |l^n ilii ^rii i -il iiii -
-- ni r|
Drever- "Psychology is the science which interprets in mental terms the behavior of
living organisms."
-il^ni -i^ -l-n | lii i ^nil l^ii r|
Russel "Psychology gives scientific analysis of the working of the human mind."
liii -il^ni i i l- i liii -il^ni iii i
iili ll-ilni - in r, i ili ll-ilni - -i^ i^ nii
^ri lin r|
Educational Psychology utilizes those findings that deal specially with the experiences
and behavior of human beings in educational situations.
i i liii-il^ni - ^,i^-ii n ln |i
i^i i ^i i ii ni r|
Educational Psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual
from birth through old age.

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-il^ni ^ liii -il^ni - n

.. -il^ni liii -il^ni
. -il^ni -i^ ^ri i l^ni r|

liii -il^ni liiii| ^ri i
z. -il^ni li-- l^ni r|,
^-n l^ni r|
-il^ni l,ini i ili
ll-ilni - in r|
s. -il^ni - -i^ ^ i ii
^ri i --n ll-ilni -
li ini r|
liii -il^ni - liiii| ^ri i
l iili ll-ilni - li
ini r|
. -il^ni i i i r| liii -il^ni i i |l-n ^ l^li-

i - 2

liii -il^ni | ilnni
Implications of Educational Psychology

. . liii -il^ni i ni i ln liii l^i - l i ini
ni r` lin l^^i |l|
How can knowledge of Education Psychology help in developing Child
Central Education? Discuss briefly.
liii -il^ni i i -r-^ r`
What is the importance of Educational Psychology?
l^ni -n liii -il^ni i i in r`
What is the application of Educational Psychology in Teaching at School
-i. -il^ni i ni r| lii | ni i r- r| -il^ni ni li
ini i ni | n i^il |^ | ii

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-in | n| r| -il^ni i i l -r-^ l- l^,ii l^ii
llin rini r
. -i^nil li | l^lii - lilin i; i| ln -i^n
ii i -ii i i r| ni r, li -iil-^
liii r|
No person untrained in methods of psychological diagnosis can possibly fullfil the
obligations, and tasks which are the responsibilities of teachers.- G. M. Blair
z. il liii-il^ni, lii l^ii i r li - rini
ni r l ^r l^li- ll-ilni - | l^li- --ii i -iii l
i |
Educational Psychology can help a particular teacher to decide for herself what she
should do in her particular situations with her particular problems. - Kolesnik
iil n - liii i iii r| -il^ni r| liii -il^ni i -r-^ i
ilnni l- li -- r
. i ln liii (Child Centered Education)
z. liii ,ln - l^n (Change in Teaching Methods)
s. i-- (Curriculum)
. -ii| (Time Table)
r. ii (Discipline)
s. i-rni-| li (Cocurricular Activities)
/. liii --ii -n liii
s. -i ^ -~i (Measurement and Evaluation)
s. -^-i ^ini^i (Healthy Atmosphere)
a. liii | iln - ri
. l^nilii i -ni
z. --i-- ii i -ni
s. lin- li - ii
. -i ln-^ i l^i (Development of Whole Personality)
r. ili ii (Educational Research)
; i n li ,ii -- r l ^n-i - - liii - i -
-il^ni i in li ini r| liii -il^ni l,ini i in sii
lin- i ii^| ini r|

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i - 3

lin--ii | ^l, ^ l^i
Growth and Development of the Learner

. . li^l, nii l^i - n -- |l|
Differentiate between Growth and Development.
n irii iii ^l, i l^i - n -ni;|
On the basis of suitable examples differentiate between Growth and
-i. li^l, i i iliii | nii-- ^l, li^l, rin| r| + i;,
ii, ii; il | ^l,| rii, ^ ii i i li^l, rini r|
i i i-i li^l, i i in i| i ni
ii i ii - ^l, l li ini r| ; ^l, i ii i nii i
ni r| l^i i -i li^l, ^ rini r, r i| ni -
ri ^i l^n i l^ii - n ni r|
ri ii - l^i, li^l, n r| |l-n r| r| ; i, ;-
ii^-ii | i l^ni i nlni| - llrn rni r| l^i
lii--^ ln - ^| l^iini i ^| ini - rin| r|
Development is not limited to growing larger. Instead, it consists of a progressive series
of change towards the goal of maturity. Development results in new characteristics and
new abilities on the part of the individual. - Hurlock
n i l^i lii--^ -^-i ln - ^| l^iini ^
ini - rin| r|
; i ^l, ^ l^i - l-llin n i in r

.. li^l, l^i
. li^l, ni- ii|l l^n

l^i ni- ii|l, -il ^
^ril l^n r|
z. ^l, l^ii i i ili -^ i
n n| r|
l^i l^ni i in r|

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s. li^l, i -i li i ni
l^i i ^ ^iln li i
ni r|
. ^l, lln i in
in| r|
l^i |^ n ni rni r|
r. ^l, - lnnn i rin r| -
i | ^l, -i r| rin||
l^i i - -ini i; in| r|
;| , |-i nii lini - n rini
s. ^l, ^ini^i| ii
i ii^ ni r| ii ^
ril ri ni r|
l^ni l^i i -i ^l, - r|
/. ^l, l^i i ^^ r| l^i i i i r| l^i - ^l,
i| llrn rin| r| ii|l l^i
iiii il,, i-il nii
^ni-- l^i i| rini r|

. z. l^ni | liiii |l ^ lin- ; -i i ni;|
Define Maturation and explain its relationship with Learning.
l^ni |i i iil^n n| r`
How does Maturation effect Learning?
l^ni ^ lin- ii r| iiii n r| lr| n| irii i
; i i -- |l|
Learning and Maturation go together. Explain briefly with any three
-i. l^ni i i | i i i | iiii
n i n r ni ^ l^ rin r| l^ni i i l-
liiiii ,ii li r|
iln n |~ ^ ^~ l^ni li^l, ^ l^i | ^r l-iln r i l|
^ri lin- rn i^ r|
Maturation is the situation of growth and development which is important for any
specific behaviour of learning.
i l^ni -n inl iii | li r|
Maturation is a process of basic inner.

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l^ni r-ii lii l^i i li^l, i in i r l li
i; l^li- ^ri r| li i ni r|
By maturation we mean have to gain the growth and development, any specific behaviour
cant done without it.
; i l^ni - l- l^iini llrn r
. l^ni i | i ii i -n i -
n| r|
z. l^ni i -i ii| | li^l, ^ l^i rini r|
s. l^ni li^l, | - |-i r|
. l^ni ^r l-iln r i l| l^li- ^ri lin- l i^ r|
r. l^ni n| i r
() il,
(z) i-il
(s) ii^i--

l^ni ^ lin- - -i (Relationship between Maturation and Learning) :

.. lin- l^ni
. lin- ^ri iii r| l^ni i| ^ri iii r|
z. lin- i iii l^ni r| l^ni -^iiil^ li r|
s. lin- ln r| l^ni -in ^| li r|
. lin- l ir -iii |
i^ni rin| r i ln i
- i ni r|
l^ni l ir -iii |
i^ni r| rin|| ln i -
r| i ni|
r. lin- - l^li lilnli rin|
l^ni i - lln rini r|
s. lin- - iln i l^i ii^ r|
l^ni iln ^ iln i ii^
ni r|

i. s. iln -, r- i ir- i i -nn r`
What do you understand by Id, Ego and Super Ego?
; (Id), r- (Ego) ^ - r- (Super Ego) --i | ii |l|

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-i. iln - (;-) (Id) iln - r-ii r- i ir- l i - rni
r, r iil^ ^l-i i rini r ;l r r-ii i i irni r| r
-~r| ri ii i- ^l-i ln rini r| iln - | r; ;sii
i nl-n ii r|
i. ; ^ i r ^l-i | niii | n-i lnl- ir ^ii
r n l| i| i l- n i - ~ iiln r| rini r r| i,
i - ii^ - ;- iln | i; ii | i n| r|
ni (drive) nii ^ r ^l-i -r ;- | i -n r|
nl-n rin| r|
r- (Ego) i i r- i, ^ini^i ln - i
iiini l,in iiln rni r| r iln - i i r- ii
| --ini ni r, i iln - i lln ni r| ;i liii iin
ni^-ii - rini r ;l r nilni iii rini r i nilni r|
|ii ^i-nl^ni n rni r| ;l ;i l^^ i -iii -ii
ini r| ; -i- r| iln - i lin li ini r| r n
n ^-ii n l^-nn r| r iln - i - r- ii i r| lln
ni r|
ir- (Super Ego) ir- i r- ii i li ri i ni r|
ir- i iln - - rni r i r- li rni r| i r-
- r- | ni - - ni rin| r| ;- l^^ ^ ii ii ln
;sii i ii^ li rini r| ; ^r ln ^ i-il ;sii i
-l-n - r| i ni|
. . liii | i^ln --ii ii il|
Highlight the Emotional Problems of the Adolescents.
liii^-ii - ri ^i ^ni-- l^i i -- |l|
Explain the Emotional Development during Adolescent.
-i. ^n i n| iiii - ;-ii (Emotion) rn r| ;-ii i | -l-i
l- iiii ;-i^ (Emovere) i r; r, li i r -iln i|
; l^ii i ln | -iln ^-ii i ^n rn r|
i i ^n i liilin n r lii r l ^n ii^ii| i^
r l ii inl -ii i ln | -il ^ ii|l -iln ii
| rn| r i i ir| ^ri - llin rin| r|
An Emotion is an affective experience the accompanies generalized inner adjustment
and mental and physiological stirred up states in the individual and that shows itself in
his over behavior. - Crow & Crow
; i - r l ^n n-i-- inl -ii r i ln
nii, ii ^ ii; l lii| rni r|

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liii^-ii | ^li zs ^i ss ^i n -i| in| r| ; i
-n i ^ln l^i n|^ nln rini r| i i i -n r l
liii^-ii in- i n| ^ni-- l^i - l^n r| liii^-ii -
ii|l ^ -il l^i i| n|^ nln rini r| ; ii lii -ii
| --i i^ nni r| i~i^-ii | -ii l^lii ; i -
in| l, r| rin|| ; ^-ii - ln ^ i | i| ini i
si ^| ini i nri | li ii ^n n|^ rin r|
^ni-- l^i i iil^n ^i i (Factors which Influence to
Emotional Development) :
. l^i (Family)
z. -^i- (Health)
s. -il l^i (Mental Development)
. l^ni (School)
r. i-il l-iln (Social Status)
s. ili l-iln (Economic Condition)
liii^-ii - i^ln l^i (Emotional Development in Adolescence) :
. ii (Anger)
z. i (Fear)
s. ;i (Jealousy)
. -ii (Competition)
r. ni (Happiness)
s. lnii (Curiosity)
i-in liii^-ii l^ni i i rini r| n liii - n ^n
- rin r|

. r. lii l i ^ni-- l^i i i -r-^ r`
What is the significance of study of Emotional Development of a Child to a
-i. i nln l^i - ^ni i i| ii^ ni r| ^n ln | li^l-i
|^-~ i il^ ^ri i iil^n n r| ^ni s i ii
i ii^ rn r| ^n ii i i in rin r, nii i| i iln
i n r| ;l r i^ r l ^ni ln l^i l^ni -
i li i| i l^nii| ^ni i ii -i i- i i i
ii^ii| i ni r|

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i i l^nilii ^ni i - r| i ilr i ^ri i
l-i ^ l^ir| i ni r| lii i ^ri l^nilii i^ln l^i -
-r-^i il-i i ni r| lii i l^nilii i ^ni li i
liii i ilr, l^nilii ln riiln i| ilr ^ri
,ii ^r ii i l^|n nii li- ii | ii ni r|
; i liii | liii i ii^| i l l- ini i lii liii -
l--ln i ilr
. ii|l l^i ^ -^i- l liii (Education for Physical
Development and Health)
z. ^ni i iii (Sublimation of Emotions)
s. i^il i i (Vocational Guidance)
. i liii (Sex Education)
r. ili i-i | i^ni (Need of Excursions)
s. i-ilni i l^i (Development of Socialisation)
/. riiln ^ -^nni | i^ni (Need of Sympathy and Freedom)
s. lnnnl^linii i liii i i (Education based on
Individual Differences)
s. i-rni-| ii (Co-curricular Planning)
a. -i^|ni i l^i (Development of Humanity)
. n liii l^lii i in (Impliment of Appropriate Teaching
z. -^ii ^ i-- li (Self-dicipline and Self-control)
n ini i liii | liii - l--ln lii ^ liii^ si ^
siii ^ni-- ^ri iii i i ln i i
n r| l i l^i ii lii | i n ri - ^ni--
l^ni - i |^ i i|, i -, i|

. s. liii^-ii ni^, i^ nii ii | ^-ii r| -- ri ; i |
iiri l^^i |l|
"Adolescence is a period of stress, strain and strife." Discuss the statement of
Stainlay Hall with example.
liii^-ii i ni i ii i i ri ini r| l^^i |l|
"Adolescence is called a period of storm and strain." Discuss.
liii^-ii ni^ ^ i^ | ^-ii r| l^^i |l| r -- i
nii l^nilii - nli i l i iil^n ni r`

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"Adolescence is the period of stress and strain." Discuss. How can this concept
influence the interaction between students and teachers?
-i. liii^-ii |^ i ni r| ; ^-ii - ln ni i r| rini r
i i rini r| r i~i^-ii i ii^-ii - i i r| ln
l^i | l^li ^-iii - liii^-ii -li -r-^i -i| in| r| ;
^-ii - i ln l-i ni - l-ini i nn| r| ^ ii|l ^
-il ^-ii ^-ii i iii nn| r| i ^ liii^ i
| ; ^-ii li ii|n rn r, il lii ; ^-ii - --i
- ni r ^ -in -ini r|
-- ri i i r l liii^-ii ln |^ i ^r i r, ln
ln-^ i i - rini r| ; i - n|^ nii l^li- l^ni | n|^ni
ii ri ; ^-ii i ni i i^ (Storm & Stress) i i ri
liii^-ii -inilni nii i ii l nii ii r| i -^
l --i ii rin| r| r ^r - rini r ln iil |^ |
ni| ni r| liii^-ii - l^n -n n|^ nln rin r ;l ;
l^n ii i-- l-ii lii l i| l- ri ini r|
liii^-ii - ii|l, -il ^ i^ln l^n rin r| lii | l
l^i-ln -, i-il lii il - in| r| -inilni ; n i
ii i~i^-ii ^ri | iii n r| ; i liii^-ii i
-| i -n ii -inilni i liii ln ^ri liii -
--ii i - ni r|
liii^-ii - i i ni^ l n ri ini r| | lii | i in
ni ini r| ; ^-ii - lii ^ri - i^ni ^ ^ni - ;n|
l^ni|ni rin| r l ^r i -i l^ii| ^ri ni r| ; ii lii
i -ni l- rini r| ; ^-ii - liii | ii ^l-i - |-i
rin| r| ^ i|| ^-ni i ^ ii n r| ; ^-ii - ii|l l^i
n| rini r| ; - ii, iii, lli il - rin r| ;
lii i ^ini^i - -ii - l-i; rin| r| ^ i l^ir| ri ini
r nii -^n ni irni r|
liii^-ii | l^iini
. ii|l l^n
z. l^ii-- l^iini (Developmental Characteristics)
s. i- ii^i - l^ni (Maturity of Sex Instinects)
() i-- - (Auto Eroticism)
() -ln| i- ii^i (Homo-sexual Feeling)

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() l^i-ln| i- ii^i (Hetro-Sexual Feeling)
. i-- --i | ii^i (Feeling of Self Respect)
r. liiiii | ^l-i i l^i (Development of Juvenile Delinquent
s. - l (Interest in Study)
/. iil- ni (Religions Consciousness)
s. n iln | ini - ^l, (Development in Ability of Reasoning Power)
s. il-ni (Close Relationship)
a. -ii | -| (Lack of Adjustment)
. -r i -r-^ (Importance of Group)
z. ^i i (Choose of Business)
s. ~i i ir~ (Exuberance of Imagination)
. li - l^n ^ l-ini (Change and Stability in Interest)
r. i l^i (Sex Development)
s. |^i i l-ii (Construction of Life Philosophy)
liii^-ii i ili -r-^ (Educational Implications of Adolescence) :
. liii i iii ^lnni (Education Based on Individuality)
z. -i| ln-^ l liii (Education for Social Personality)
s. iii | liii (Education for Reality)
. lii | il-i (Role of the Teacher)
r. in| ^ini^i (Democratic Environment)
s. riiln i -i ^ri (Sympathetic and Affectionate Behaviour)
/. n-^ | liii (Education for Leadership)
s. ln-^ i i (Respecting Individuality)
s. -iil-^ i (Religions and Moral Education)
; i liii^-ii - liii ^ni i ii^ii i -iii iii l-ii
i ilr| lii | i l-i -i - -.. l^n| lii r l i
i sii i liln - i- rin r| ^ liii i| , i ii
li i-i r |n n r|
;l i i liii i i-- ii - nii ilr l- n
liii | i-iln i -in l^n ri | ilr-, i, n|n, -i^i
il - r, l- liii i | i- iln i -inlni
ri ini r ^ lii i-- ii - n ini r|

For more detail: - http://www.gurukpo.com

. /. -il^ni i ^ri l^ni - liilin |l|
Define 'Psychology' in brief as a science of behaviour.
liii -il^ni ^ri i l^ii l^ni r| ; i l-i| |l|
"Educational Psychology is a positive science of behaviour." Comment on this
-i. i| i - -il^ni -^n l^i - ri l^ii - l--ln
ii| il-~ iii- ^ n|ni - i ii | -|-ii - ^ril
-il^ni | -- ^iiii r| ^, li, i, ilr- nii ilr- - i|
-, i--i, ni, r- il n-^i | ii l-iii i | n; r|
-n iii- - i| -il^ni l^li ii | l^^i | n; r|
-il^ni i i l-n-^ i i-i s - ^ r| ri r| si-
|^ i - r| -il^ni i nii -^ - nii-- nii l^ii--
l^n l r| ;l -il^ni | liiiii - i| l^n i r| l^li
ii - -il^ni | liiii l^li i - | n; r|
. i--i i l^ni (Science of Soul) : ir^| ini| - r -ii ini ii l
-il^ni i i i--i i ^ l^^ r| n ; i--i i l^ni
-ii ini ii| nl- i i;i| (Psychology) i | -l-i,
i| iiii i ii r; r i;| (Psychi) li i r i--i (Soul)
i in (Logos) li i r (Study)| ; i i;ii| i
-il^ni i i ii Study of the soul ;l ;i ; i - i--i i
l^ni -ii ini ii| -i, l--i-, i- il i| iili ;
i--i i l^ni -ii| i--i i r` ^ i n, i ii i r`
i--i | ii, l-n-^ ^ i-ilini i -i i ii
s^| ini| - -il^ni i r i -^|i li ni|
z. -l-n i l^ni (Science of Mind) : ;-| iil i-ii|
-il^ni i -l-n i l^ni ri| ;i - ii r ii l
i--i -il i iil-- r, i l^i ri n i|
i; i| iil -l-n | ln i -^ i lln r| i|
lii--^ |..ni ii - -l-n -^ lln r i
ii -il^ni -l-n l^ni - l| i | nln r| ||
iil -il^ni - -^ nii ln i liii i| - i
l^i - i| -ni r, n r liiii i| -^|i | n;|

For more detail: - http://www.gurukpo.com
s. ni i l^ni (Science of Consciousness) : s^| ini| - l^l- -,
l^l- ^-, - ~| il l^,ii -il^ni i ni i l^ni
nii| i -il^ni, - | n lii i ni r|
^ ni i i -i - -n r| ri | i n r r l
n - i^i n - ^ , n - i| rin r, i - |
lii i iil^n n r| lii--^ r liiii i| ^-i r| ri
. ^ri i l^ni (Science of Behaviour) : za^| ini| i-i - -il^ni
i ni n| l- li -ini i i | n; l
-il^ni ^ri i l^ni r|
. ^i- i -il^ni, ^ri i lln l^ni r|
"Psychology is the Positive Science of Behaviour." - Watson
z. ^^i -il^ni, ^ini^i -i - ln | lii i ^nil
"Psychology is the scientific study of the activities of the individual inrelation to
his environment." - Woodworth
s. l- -il^ni, |^ | i| i | ll-ilni - ii| |
lii i ni r| lii i^i ^ri i ni- rii| |
i| i | nlnl^lii, -iii, li ^ lilni |
"Psychology deals with responses to any and every kind of situation that life
presents. By responses or behaviour is meant all forms of processes, adjustments,
activities and expressions of the organism." - Skinner
n liiiii iii r- -il^ni -i - l-llin n in
rin r
. -il^ni l^ii l^ni (Positive Science) r|
z. -il^ni iiln (Physical) ^ i-il (Social) ii i ^ini^i i
ni r|
s. -il^ni ^ ln ^ri i ln i ^ri i i| ni
. -il^ni i | nii-- lii (Cognitive Activities) --i
i, ~i, ^i il, ^ni-- lii (Emotional Activities)
ii, ri, , rii il i li-- lii ii, i, li
il i ni r| n ni iii r- ^^i ii - r-
; li rn r r -il^ni | i--i i -in
li| l - i -l-n i -in li| i ni
i -in li| ^r ^ri | l^li i -^|i ni r|

For more detail: - http://www.gurukpo.com
"First Psycology lost its soul then it lost its mind, then it lost its consciousness, it
still has behaviour of sort." - Woodworth

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