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Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver The purpose of this document is to provide additional frequency coverage information for the BA !"N# multi$functional, hand held transceiver, not necessarily found in the user manual% &any people o'n this radio to pursue their interests in (am Radio% ) reali*ed ho'ever other people including myself have additional interests in using this radio +eyond the 2 meter and ,0 cm +and, so +esides the amateur radio coverage, other interesting land, sea and space communications are availa+le too% This e-tra frequency coverage this radio even more en/oya+le0 even from /ust a listening stand point1 As you 'ill see, this is a 'or. in progress% &uch of the information 'as derived from other resources so reader +e'are% ) loo. for'ard to your comments and suggestions% 2ohn North /ohnpnorth3yahoo%com Note: Discussions regarding software / programming, repeater / hardware operation or license requirements are

beyond the scope of this document.

The Radio Spectrum Frequenc! Allocation

4se of radio frequency +ands of the electromagnetic spectrum is regulated +y governments in most countries, in a 5pectrum management process .no'n as "requenc! allocation or spectrum allocation% Radio propagation does not stop at national +oundaries% #iving technical and economic reasons, governments have sought to harmoni*e the allocation of R! +ands and their standardi*ation% A num+er of forums and standards +odies 'or. on standards for frequency allocation, including6

)nternational Telecommunication 4nion 7)T48 "uropean 9onference of :ostal and Telecommunications Administrations 79":T8 "uropean Telecommunications 5tandards )nstitute 7"T5)8 )nternational 5pecial 9ommittee on Radio )nterference 79omit; international sp;cial des pertur+ations radio;lectriques $ 9)5:R8

These standards +odies have assigned frequency +ands in three types of allocation6

No one may transmit6 frequencies reserved for radio astronomy to avoid interference at radio telescopes

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

Anyone may transmit, as long as they respect certain transmission po'er and other limits6 open spectrum +ands such as the unlicensed )5& +ands and the unlicensed ultra$'ide+and +and, and the some'hat more regulated amateur radio frequency allocations% ften users use a <listen +efore tal.< contention +ased protocol% nly the licensed user of that +and may transmit6 the licensing +ody may give the same frequency to several users as a form of frequency reuse if they cannot interfere +ecause their coverage map areas never overlap%

(igh$demand sections of the electromagnetic spectrum may sometimes +e allocated through auctions% !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http6==en%'i.ipedia%org='i.i=!requency>allocation

The #HF Spectrum$

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

%&&'%(& )H*+ #HF ,-& cm .and %/&'%0& )H12 http: www3ntia3doc34ov "iles ntia pu.lications /&&5'allochrt3pd" +Scanner wor6s "rom %&&'0783880 )H1

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

-&'9entimeter Band
The -&'centimeter amateur radio +and is a portion of the 4(! radio spectrum% This +and is used +y amateurs engaged in emergency communications 'here porta+le and mo+ile radios are frequently used% &any such radios have dual-band capa+ilities, operating on +oth the ,0$centimeter and 2$meter +ands%

Band Allocation
The +and allocation varies regionally% )n the 4nited 5tates,?1@ Australia and Trinidad and To+ago?2@ the +and ranges from A20 to AB0 &(* 'ith some geographical limitationsC in 9anada, the +and is only AD0EAB0 &(*C in the 4F, amateurs are allocated AD0EAA0 &(*% By international treaty +et'een the 45 and 9anada, operation in the portion of the +and from A20 to AD0 &(* is prohi+ited north of Gine A,?D@ 'hich runs /ust south of the 9anadian +order from Hashington state to &aine, and east of Gine 9, 'hich runs from northeast to southeast Alas.a% !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http6==en%'i.ipedia%org='i.i=,0$centimeter>+and

Famil! Radio Service

The Famil! Radio Service 7!R58 is an improved ' radio system authori*ed in the 4nited 5tates since 199I% This personal radio service uses channeli*ed frequencies around AI2 and AI, &(* in the ultra high frequency 74(!8 +and% )t does not suffer the interference effects found on citi*ensJ +and 79B8 at 2, &(*, or the A9 &(* +and also used +y cordless phones, toys, and +a+y monitors% !R5 uses frequency modulation 7!&8 instead of amplitude modulation 7A&8% 5ince the 4(! +and has different radio propagation characteristics, short$range use of !R5 may +e more predicta+le than license$free radios operating in the (! 9B +and% )nitially proposed +y Radio 5hac. in 199A for use +y families, !R5 has also seen significant adoption +y +usiness interests, as an unlicensed, lo'$cost alternative to the +usiness +and% Horld'ide, a num+er of similar personal radio services e-istC these share the characteristics of lo' po'er, operation in the 4(! 7or upper K(!8 +and using !&, and simplified or no end$user licenses% "-act frequency allocations differ, so equipment legal to operate in one country may cause unaccepta+le interference in another% !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http: en3wi6ipedia3or4 wi6i Famil!:Radio:Service Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

General )o.ile Radio Service

The General )o.ile Radio Service 7#&R58 is a North American land$mo+ile !& 4(! radio service designed for short$distance t'o$'ay communication% )t requires a license in 4nited 5tates +ut can +e used license$free in 9anada% The 4nited 5tates permits use +y an adult individual 'ho possesses a valid #&R5 license, as 'ell as his or her immediate family mem+ers% ?1@ )mmediate relatives of the #&R5 system licensee are entitled to communicate among themselves for personal or +usiness purposes, +ut employees of the licensee, 'ho are not family mem+ers, are not covered +y the same license% #&R5 radios are typically handheld porta+le devices much li.e !amily Radio 5ervice 7!R58 radios, and share the !R5 frequency +and near AI2 and AI, &(*% &o+ile and +ase station$style radios are availa+le as 'ell, +ut these are normally commercial 4(! radios as often used in the pu+lic service and commercial land mo+ile +ands% These are legal for use in this service as long as they are #&R5 type$approved% They are more e-pensive than the ' tal.ies typically found in discount electronics stores, and are generally considered higher quality%

Frequenc! chart
The <!riendly Name< of a frequency is the portion of the frequency to the right of the decimal 7the .(* portion8% This first set of frequencies sho's the split frequency pairs used in duple- operational mode, often used 'ith repeaters% 5imple- 7same frequency for receiving and transmitting8 mode only utili*es the lo'er set of frequencies% All channels are used 'ith narro'$+and frequency modulation% ;ower "requenc! Name ,repeater output2 ,)H*2 <BB0< AI2%BB0 <B,B< AI2%B,B <I00< AI2%I00 <I2B< AI2%I2B <IB0< AI2%IB0 <I,B< AI2%I,B #pper "requenc! ,repeater input2 ,)H*2 AI,%BB0 AI,%B,B AI,%I00 AI,%I2B AI,%IB0 AI,%I,B )otorola convention 9h% 1B 9h% 1I 9h% 1, 9h% 1L 9h% 19 9h% 20 <com F/7'G) convention 9h% 1 9h% 2 9h% D 9h% A 9h% B 9h% I Notes

4se not permitted near the 9anadian +order% 5uggested nation'ide emergency and road information calling% Nationally recogni*ed coded squelch for I,B emergency repeater operation is

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver <,00< AI2%,00 <,2B< AI2%,2B AI,%,00 AI,%,2B 9h% 21 9h% 22 9h% , 9h% L 1A1%D (*%? 4se not permitted near the 9anadian +order%

NOTE: Hhen used 'ith repeaters, the input frequency to the repeater 7transmit frequency of the handheld8 is B &(* higher, e%g%, AI,%BB0% Note that AI2%IB0 and AI2%,00 7as 'ell as AI,%IB0 and AI,%,008 are not permitted for use north of Gine A 7'hich 'ill +e clearly stated on your #&R5 license8% This second set of frequencies +elo' sho's the interstitial ranges shared 'ith the !amily Radio 5ervice services% These frequencies can only +e used for simple- operations% Name <BI2B< or <!R5 1< <BL,B< or <!R5 2< <I12B< or <!R5 D< <ID,B< or <!R5 A< <II2B< or <!R5 B< <IL,B< or <!R5 I< <,12B< or <!R5 ,< Frequenc! ,)H*2 )otorola convention <com F/7'G) convention Notes AI2%BI2B 9h% 1 9h% 9 AI2%BL,B 9h% 2 9h% 10 AI2%I12B 9h% D 9h% 11 AI2%ID,B 9h% A 9h% 12 AI2%II2B 9h% B 9h% 1D AI2%IL,B 9h% I 9h% 1A AI2%,12B 9h% , 9h% 1B

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

;ist o" FRS = G)RS #HF 9hannels Frequencies

9hannel Frequenc! ,)H*2 1 AI2%BI2B 2 AI2%BL,B D AI2%I12B A AI2%ID,B B AI2%II2B I AI2%IL,B , AI2%,12B L AI,%BI2B 9 AI,%BL,B 10 AI,%I12B 11 AI,%ID,B 12 AI,%II2B 1D AI,%IL,B 1A AI,%,12B Notes 5hared 'ith #&R5 5hared 'ith #&R5 5hared 'ith #&R5 5hared 'ith #&R5 5hared 'ith #&R5 5hared 'ith #&R5 5hared 'ith #&R5 !R5 use only !R5 use only !R5 use only !R5 use only !R5 use only !R5 use only !R5 use only

!or more information please follo' this lin.6 http: en3wi6ipedia3or4 wi6i General:)o.ile:Radio:Service

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

The >HF Spectrum$

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

75?'7-% )H*+ >HF ,/ meter .and 7%%'7%( )H12 http: www3ntia3doc34ov "iles ntia pu.lications /&&5'allochrt3pd" +Scanner wor6s as "ollows: 75?3&&&'7-%3880 )H1

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

/')eter Band
The 2$meter amateur radio +and is a portion of the >HF radio spectrum, comprising frequencies stretching from 1AA%000 )H* to 1AL%000 &(* in <nternational Telecommunication #nion re4ion ,<T#2 Re4ions 2 7North and 5outh America plus (a'aii8 and D 7Asia and ceania8?1@ and from 1AA%000 &(* to 1AI%000 &(* in )T4 Region 1 7"urope, Africa, and Russia8% The license privileges of amateur radio operators include the use of frequencies 'ithin this +and for telecommunication, usually conducted locally 'ithin a range of a+out 100 miles 71I0 .m8% Because it is local and relia+le, and +ecause the licensing requirements to transmit on the 2$meter +and are easy to meet in many parts of the 'orld, ?B@ this +and is one of the most popular non$HF ham +ands% This popularity, the compact si*e of needed radios and antennas, and this +andJs a+ility to provide easy relia+le local communications also means that it is also the most used +and for local emer4enc! communications e""orts, such as providing communications +et'een Red 9ross shelters and local authorities% )n the 45, that role in emergency communications is furthered +y the fact that most amateur$radio operators have a 2$meter handheld transceiver 7(T8, handie$ or '$

Band Allocation
The Radio Regulations of the )nternational Telecommunication 4nion allo' amateur radio operations in the frequency range from 1AA%000 to 1AL%000 &(*% !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http: en3wi6ipedia3or4 wi6i /'meter:.and

)arine 9ommunications and NOAA National @eather Service

9urrently in the 4%5% there are appro-imately B9 K(! channels availa+le plus 10 additional channels dedicated to N AA HM Radio% &any of these channels are dedicated to specific uses and therefore are unavaila+le for routine traffic% (ere is a quic. +rea. do'n +y usage6

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

:ort perations N KT5 9ommercial :u+lic 9orrespondence Non$9ommercial 459# 45 #overnment 5pecial 4sage :rohi+ited 4sage Heather Radio 1D 12 L , A 2 9 D 10

#se"ul Frequencies "or the Boater

GetOs loo. at the channels = frequencies that are of interest to the recreational +oater% These are comprised of the , non$commercial, 10 'eather, L pu+lic correspondence, plus a num+er of the special usage frequencies%

Non$9ommercial !requencies and 4sage

0I 09 1D 1I 22A 9oast #uard Giaison and 5afety )nformation Broadcasts%

)nter ship 5afety (ailing !requency Bridge to Bridge Navigation

T!pes o" Transmissions

5hip to 5hip 5afety N 5earch and Rescue 9alling 9hannel% Traffic must +e a+out vessel navigation% )nternational Pistress, 4rgency, 5afety, N (ailing 4se this channel to tal. to the 9oast #uard%

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

Non$9ommercial !requencies and 4sage

2A $ 2L LA $ LI IL I9 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,LA ,9A L0A HM$1 $$ 10 :u+lic 9orrespondence Non$9ommercial% Non$9ommercial% &arine perator% Routine Traffic% Routine Traffic%

Pigital 5elective 9alling nly, No Koice 9ommunications Authori*ed% Non$9ommercial% Non$9ommercial% Non$9ommercial% Non$9ommercial 7#reat nly8 Non$9ommercial 7#reat nly8 Heather Radio Routine Traffic% Routine Traffic% Routine Traffic% Routine Traffic% Routine Traffic% Receive nly%

9omplete Gist of K(! !requencies and 4sage

The complete list can +e do'nloaded in *ipped :P! format 4%5% K(! !requency 9hart Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

4%5% K(! !requencies and 4sage

01A 0DA 0BA 0I 0,A 0L 09 10 11

Ship Transmit )H*

1BI%0B0 1BI%1B0 1BI%2B0 1BI%D00 1BI%DB0 1BI%A00 1BI%AB0 1BI%B00 1BI%BB0

Ship Receive )H*

1BI%0B0 1BI%1B0 1BI%2B0 1BI%D00 1BI%DB0 1BI%A00 1BI%AB0 1BI%B00 1BI%BB0

:ort perations and 9ommercial, KT5% Availa+le only in Ne' rleans = Go'er &ississippi area% QQQQQ :ort perations or KT5 in the (ouston, Ne' rleans and 5eattle areas% )ntership :ort perations in Gos Angeles area% )ntership 5afety 9ommercial use only% )ntership $ 9ommercial use only% Boater 9alling% 9ommercial and Non$9ommercial% 9ommercial use only% 9ommercial use only% KT5 in selected areas%

T!pes o" Transmissions

4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% Not availa+le for use in 45 'aters +y the general pu+lic% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% 4se this channel for ship$to$ship safety messages and for search and rescue messages to ships and aircraft of the 9oast #uard% channel for ' ships only% channel for ' ships only% nly for ship$to$ship messages% (ailing 9hannel% channel for ' ships only% channel for ' ships only% )n certain ma/or ports, 9hannel 11 is not availa+le for general port operations messages% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% )n certain ma/or ports, 9hannel 12 is not availa+le for general port operations messages% This channel is availa+le to all ships% &essages must +e a+out ship navigation% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays%




:ort perations% KT5 in selected areas% )ntership Navigation 5afety 7Bridge$to$+ridge8% 5hips R20m in length maintain a listening 'atch on this channel in 45 'aters% :ort perations% KT5 in selected areas% "nvironmental 7Receive only8% 4sed +y 9lass 9 ":)RBJs%

1D 1A 1B 7?

1BI%IB0 1BI%,00 $$$ 70?3(&&

1BI%IB0 1BI%,00 1BI%,B0 70?3(&&

<nternational AistressB #r4enc!B Sa"et! and 9allin43

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

4%5% K(! !requencies and 4sage

1, 1LA 19A 20 20A 21A 22A 2DA 2A 2B 2I 2, 2L I1A IDA IAA IIA I, 1BI%LB0 1BI%900 1BI%9B0 1B,%000 1B,%000 1B,%0B0 1B,%100 1B,%1B0 1B,%200 1B,%2B0 1B,%D00 1B,%DB0 1B,%A00 1BI%0,B 1BI%1,B 1BI%22B 1BI%D2B 1BI%D,B 1BI%LB0 1BI%900 1BI%9B0 1I1%I00 1B,%000 1B,%0B0 1B,%100 1B,%1B0 1I1%L00 1I1%LB0 1I1%900 1I1%9B0 1I2%000 1BI%0,B 1BI%1,B 1BI%22B 1BI%D2B 1BI%D,B 5tate 9ontrol% 9ommercial use only% 9ommercial use only% :ort perations% 7duple-8 :ort perations% 4%5% 9oast #uard only% 9oast #uard Giaison and &aritime 5afety )nformation Broadcasts% 4%5% 9oast #uard only% :u+lic 9orrespondence% 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence% 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence% 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence% 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence% 7&arine perator8 QQQQQ :ort perations and 9ommercial, KT5% QQQQQ :ort perations% 9ommercial use only% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% Not availa+le for use in 45 'aters +y the general pu+lic% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% Availa+le only in Ne' rleans = Go'er &ississippi area% Not availa+le for use in 45 'aters +y the general pu+lic% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% channels for ' ships only% 4sed for Bridge$to$+ridge 4se this channel to tal. to the 9oast #uard 7+ut first ma.e contact on 9hannel 1I8% This channel may +e used to tal. to ships and coast stations operated +y state or local governments% channels for ' ships only% channels for ' ships only% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% 9hannel 20 is only for ship$to$coast messages% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% 9hannel 20 is only for ship$to$coast messages%

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

4%5% K(! !requencies and 4sage

communications in lo'er &ississippi River% )nter ship only% IL I9 -& ,1 ,2 ,D ,A ,, ,LA ,9A L0A L1A L2A LDA LA 1BI%A2B 1BI%A,B 70?30/0 1BI%B,B 1BI%I2B 1BI%I,B 1BI%,2B 1BI%L,B 1BI%92B 1BI%9,B 1B,%02B 1B,%0,B 1B,%12B 1B,%1,B 1B,%22B 1BI%A2B 1BI%A,B 70?30/0 1BI%B,B 1BI%I2B 1BI%I,B 1BI%,2B 1BI%L,B 1BI%92B 1BI%9,B 1B,%02B 1B,%0,B 1B,%12B 1B,%1,B 1I1%L2B Non$9ommercial% Non$9ommercial% Ai4ital Selective 9allin43 ,voice communications prohi.ited2 Non$9ommercial% Non$9ommercial% 7)ntership only8 :ort perations% :ort perations% :ort perations% 7)ntership only8 Non$9ommercial% 9ommercial use only% 7Non$9ommercial in #reat only8 9ommercial use only%7Non$9ommercial in #reat only8 4%5% #overnment only $ "nvironmental protection operations% 4%5% #overnment only% 4%5% 9oast #uard only% :u+lic 9orrespondence 7&arine perator8 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% channels for voluntary +oats% &essages must +e a+out the needs of the ship% channels for voluntary +oats% &essages must +e a+out the needs of the ship% #se this channel "or distress and sa"et! callin4 and "or 4eneral purpose callin4 usin4 onl! di4ital selective callin4 techniques3 channels for voluntary +oats% &essages must +e a+out the needs of the ship% channels for voluntary +oats% &essages must +e a+out the needs of the ship% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% 4sed in directing the movement of ships in or near ports, loc.s or 'ater'ays% channels for voluntary +oats% &essages must +e a+out the needs of the ship% channels for ' ships only% channels for ' ships only%

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

4%5% K(! !requencies and 4sage

LB LI L, LL LLA 1B,%2,B 1B,%D2B 1B,%D,B 1B,%A2B 1B,%A2B 1I1%L,B 1I1%92B 1I1%9,B 1I2%02B 1B,%A2B :u+lic 9orrespondence 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence 7&arine perator8 :u+lic 9orrespondence 7&arine perator8 9ommercial use only% 7)ntership only8 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station% 4se this channel to call the marine operator at a pu+lic coast station 'ithin ,B miles of the 4%5% 9anadian Border% channels for ' ships only%

A)5 1 A)5 2

1I1%9,B 1I2%02B

1I1%9,B 1I2%02B

Automatic )dentification 5ystem 7A)58 Automatic )dentification 5ystem 7A)58

)dentification N Navigation )nformation )dentification N Navigation )nformation

NOAA National @eather Service

HM$1 HM$2 HM$D HM$A HM$B HM$I HM$, HM$L HM$9 HM$10 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 1I2%BB0 1I2%A00 1I2%A,B 1I2%A2B 1I2%AB0 1I2%B00 1I2%B2B 1I1%IB0 1I2%,,B 1ID%2,B N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio N AA Heather Radio Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly% Receive nly%

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

Frequenc! Assi4nments 7%%'7?/ )H1

1AA%0000 $ 1AL%0000 &(* S Amateur 72 meter +and8 ?:art 9,@ 1AL%0000 $ 1A9%9000 &(* S &ilitary ?2%10I footnote #D0@ S &o+ile$satellite 7"arth$to$space8 1AL%00$1AL%2B &(*, 1AL%,B$1AL%LBB &(* and 1AL%90B$1A9%L1 &(* ?:art 2B@ 1A9%9000 $ 1B0%0B00 &(* S &o+ile$satellite, non$voice, non$geostationary 7"arth$to$space8 ?:art 2B@ 1B0%0B00 $ 1B0%L000 &(* S &ilitary ?2%10I footnote #D0@ S 1B0%,,B0 and 1B0%,900 $ &edical radiocommunication systems ?90%2IB@ 1B0%L1B0 to 1B0%9,2B &(* S Automotive "mergency Radio 5ervice% ,%B .(* spacing%1 1B0%9L00 &(* S :etroleum Radio 5ervice $ il 5pill 9leanup1 1B0%9L,B &(* S :etroleum Radio 5ervice1 1B0%99B0 to 1B1%1D,B &(* S :u+lic 5afety 7(igh'ay &aintenance% ,%B .(* spacing%81 1B1%1AB0 to 1B1%A,B0 &(* S :u+lic 5afety 7:ar. 5ervice, 5tate and local level, !orestry ,%B .(* spacing81 1B1%A900 to 1B1%L0B0 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice $ 1B .(* spacing, odd channels at 1B1%B12B and 1B1%ID2B &(*1 1B1%L200 &(* S &ulti$4se Radio 5ervice 7&4R58 ?:art 9B@ 1B1%LDB0 to 1B1%LIB0 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice $ 1B .(* spacing1 1B1%LL00 &(* S &ulti$4se Radio 5ervice 7&4R58 ?:art 9B@ 1B1%L9B0 to 1B1%92B0 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice $ 1B .(* spacing1 1B1%9A00 &(* S &ulti$4se Radio 5ervice 7&4R58 ?:art 9B@ Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver 1B1%9BB0 to 1B1%9,00 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice $ 1B .(* spacing1 1B1%9LB0 &(* S Telephone &aintenance Radio 5ervice1 #ap in list 1B2%2A00 &(* S :u+lic Gand &o+ile 7paging only8 ?:art 22@ #ap in list 1B2%LA00 &(* S :u+lic Gand &o+ile 7paging only8 ?:art 22@ #ap in list 1BD%00B0 to 1BD%,D2B &(* S :o'er=Hater 74tilities8 and :etroleum Radio 5ervice K(! allocation% ,%B .(* spacing%1 1BD%,A00 to 1BA%122B &(* S &isc% :u+lic 5afety ,%B .(* spacing1 1BA%1D00 to 1BA%AB2B &(* S !ire Pepartment Allocations ,%B spacing1 #ap in list 1BA%A900 to 1BA%BA00 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice, ,%B .(* spacing, odd channels at 1BA%B22B and 1BA%BA00 &(*1 1BA%BBB0 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice1 1BA%B,00 &(* S &ulti$4se Radio 5ervice 7&4R58 ?:art 9B@ 1BA%BLB0 &(* S &aritime mo+ile stations for offshore radiolocation and associated telecommand operations% ?2%10I footnote N#1AL@ )NGANP6 Business Radio 5ervice%1 1BA%I000 &(* S &ulti$4se Radio 5ervice 7&4R58 ?:art 9B@ 1BA%I2B0 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice% Koice and :aging1 1BA%IA00 &(* S Business Radio 5ervice% Koice and :aging1 1BL%1000 &(* Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver S :u+lic Gand &o+ile 7paging only8 ?:art 22@ #ap in list 1BL%,000 &(* S :u+lic Gand &o+ile 7paging only8 ?:art 22@ #ap in list 1B9%AL00 &(* S &aritime mo+ile stations for offshore radiolocation and associated telecommand operations% ?2%10I footnote N#1AL@ #ap in list 1B9%A9B0 $ 1I0%2000 &(* S &otor carrier 7truc.ing8 ?:art 90@ 1I0%21B0 $ 1I1%BIB0 &(* S Railroad ?:art 90@ AAR 9hannel Num+ering 5ystem S 1I0%,2B0, 1I0%,LB0 &(* $ &aritime mo+ile stations for offshore radiolocation and associated telecommand operations% ?2%10I footnote N#1AL@ 1I1%I000 &(* S &aritime 9oast ?:art L0@ 1I1%I100 &(* S Railroad 7#randfathered only8 1I1%I2B0 $ 1I1%,,B0 &(* S Broadcast au-iliary ?:art ,A 5u+part P@ 1I1%L000 $ 1I2%012B &(* S &aritime 9oast ?:art L0@
Frequency chan. 161.800 161.825 161.850 161.8 5 161.!00 161.!25 161.!50 161.! 5 162.000 162.025 24 84 25 85 26 86 2 8 28 88 Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) Public coast (Radio telephone) "anadian Radio #elephone

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http6=='''%/neuhaus%com=fccinde-=1AA>mh*%html

ColiceB Fire RescueB 9it! 9ount! Frequencies

!ire, police agencies and +usiness frequencies are generally located in the 1B0$1I0 &(T and ABL &(T region% )n my area6 http6=='''%radioreference%com=apps=d+=Uta+VreportsNctidV11IBNrptV1

T!pical Colice 9OAES$4o here "or !our State Scanner 9odes: http6=='''%+earcat1%com=radio%htm
7&'& 7&'7 7&'/ 7&'5 7&'% 7&'0 7&'? 7&'7&'( Rev B Nov 29, 2012 Fatalit! Si4nal @ea6 Si4nal Good Stop Transmittin4 )essa4e Received OD Rela! Bus! Out o" Service <n Service 7&'0& 7&'07 7&'0/ 7&'05 7&'0% 7&'00 7&'0? 7&'07&'0( Tra""ic Accident Tow Truc6 Am.ulance Roadwa! Bloc6ed ;ivestoc6 on Roadwa! <ntoEicated Ariver <ntoEicated Cedestrian Hit = Run Accident Airect Tra""ic

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver 7&'8 7&'7& 7&'77 7&'7/ 7&'75 7&'7% 7&'70 7&'7? 7&'77&'7( 7&'78 7&'/& 7&'/7 7&'// 7&'/5 7&'/% 7&'/0 7&'/? 7&'/7&'/( 7&'/8 7&'5& 7&'57 7&'5/ 7&'55 Rev B Nov 29, 2012 Repeat Fi4ht Animal Stand B! Report 9onditions Crowler Report 9ivil Aistur.ance Aomestic Cro.lem 9omplainant #r4ent Go to Station ;ocation 9all Aisre4ard Arrived at scene Assi4nment 9omplete Report to333 )eet Aetainin4 Suspect Arivers ;icense <n"o >ehicle Re4istration <n"o 9hec6 "or @ants @arrants <lle4al #se o" Radio 9rime in Cro4ress Gun Emer4enc! ' Stand B! 7&'08 7&'?& 7&'?7 7&'?/ 7&'?5 7&'?% 7&'?0 7&'?? 7&'?7&'?( 7&'?8 7&'-& 7&'-7 7&'-/ 7&'-5 7&'-% 7&'-0 7&'-? 7&'-7&'-( 7&'-8 7&'(& 7&'(7 7&'(/ 7&'(5 Escort Squad in >icinit! Cersonnel in >icinit! Repl! to )essa4e Crepare to 9op! ;ocal )essa4e Net )essa4e 9ancel )essa4e 9lear "or Net )essa4e Aispatch <n"ormation )essa4e Received Fire Advise Nature o" Fire Report Alarm Cro4ress Smo6e Report Ne4ative <n 9ontact @ith En Route E3T3A3 Request Assistance Noti"! 9oroner Alarm Breathal!*er Report Reserve ;od4in4s School 9rossin4 Aetail

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver 7&'5% 7&'50 7&'5? 7&'5( 7&'58 7&'%& 7&'%7 7&'%/ 7&'%5 7&'%% 7&'%0 7&'%? 7&'%7&'%( 7&'%8 Riot )aFor 9rime Alert Time Suspicious Cerson >ehicle #se ;i4hts and Siren Respond Guietl! ' Silent Run Be4innin4 Shi"t Endin4 Shi"t <n"ormation Cermission to ;eave Aead Animal Assist )otorist Emer4enc! Road Repair Tra""ic 9ontrol Tra""ic Si4nal Out 7&'(% 7&'(0 7&'(? 7&'(7&'(8 7&'8& 7&'87 7&'8/ 7&'85 7&'8% 7&'80 7&'8? 7&'87&'8( 7&'88 E3T3A3 Arrival Aela!ed Operator on Aut! Cic6 #p Bom. Threat Ban6 Alarm Cic6 up Su.Fect <lle4all! Car6ed >ehicle Bloc6a4e Ara4 Racin4 Su.Fect in 9ustod! )ental Su.Fect Test Si4nal Crison Brea6 @anted or Stolen

1DI$1D, &(T is some'hat ne'ly assigned 710 years ago0thatOs the +ureaucrats for ya18 to include more channels, ho'ever the communications are A& and not !&% WAlong 'ith the Air Gine :ilots Association, the Air Transport Association, and the National Business Aircraft Association, )nc%, this action 'as found to +e consistent 'ith the !AAJs three$phase plan to implement 2B .(* channel spacing in the 11L$1D, &(* +and, 'hich creates more radio channels for use +y pilots% These organi*ations also noted that users of older radios 'ould have limited

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver access to !AA air traffic control channels, 'ould e-perience flight delays in !AA controlled air space, and 'ould +e una+le to utili*e ne'ly availa+le aviation frequencies in the 1DI$1D, &(* +andX% W452AA The +and 1DIE1D, &(* is allocated to the non$!ederal aeronautical mo+ile 7R8 service on a primary +asis, and is su+/ect to pertinent international treaties and agreements3 The "requencies 75?B 75?3&/0B 75?3&0B 75?3&-0B 75?37B 75?37/0B 75?370B 75?37-0B 75?3/B 75?3//0B 75?3/0B 75?3/-0B 75?35B 75?35/0B 75?350B 75?35-0B 75?3%B 75?3%/0B 75?3%0B and 75?3%-0 )H* are availa+le on a shared +asis to the !ederal Aviation Administration for air traffic control purposes, such as automatic 'eather o+servation stations 7AH 58, automatic terminal information services 7AT)58, flight information services$+roadcast 7!)5$B8, and airport control to'er communicationsX%

Space Satellite
The 5atellite Band
The frequency +and +et'een 1DI and 1DL &(* 'as, at one time, reserved for use in space research% &any early satellites had transmission frequencies in this +and, and the frequencies a+ove 1D, &(* are still used occasionally +y ne' satellites% Because of history, transmissions from older satellites can still +e found in the lo'er half 71DI$1D,8 &(* of the +and even though it has lost its reserved status% !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http6=='''%*arya%info=!requencies=!requencies1DI%php !or more information please follo' this lin.6 http6==md.enny%customer%netspace%net%au=emitters%html 5atellites 'ith ,0cm=2 meter handheld demo lin.6 http6=='''%youtu+e%com='atchUvV+T1D1HB(F-c 5atellite frequencies6 http6=='''%svengrahn%pp%se=trac.ind=freqlist=5pace!reqD%htm Rev B Nov 29, 2012

Frequencies Associated with BAOFENG Hand Held Transceiver

Radio Astronom!
!or more information please follo' this lin.6 http6=='''%hardhac.%org%au=ra>frequencies and http6==citi*enscientistsleague%com=2012=0A=2B=vlf$radio$astronomy=

Additional 5upported !requencies6 IB$10L &(T includes Broadcast !& Band LLY10L &(T The use of an e-ternal antenna 'ill greatly improve your reception% To connect the radio to other antennas you must use a 5&A 7Sub Miniature version A8 female type connector% ne option is to use the arrangement located at this 'e+site6 http6=='''%e+ay%com=itm=20in$4(!$5 2D9$female$/ac.$to$5&A$female$'ith$nut$:igtail$2umper$ca+le$R#D1I$=1B092LALB000U ptV45>Radio>9omm>9oa-ial>9a+les>9onnectorsNhashVitem2D2A09eaLL of antennas, here is a cheap antenna pro/ect for those 'ho 'ant to +uild a 2 meter antenna0/ust follo' this lin. and the D page instructions found under the title Build a 2 &eter Kertical Antenna% http6=='''%mi.estech+log%com=/oomla=ham$radio=ham$radio$antennas$category%html

Rev B Nov 29, 2012

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