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1. a. b. c.

One of anatomical land mark is: Ala tragus line. *** Ala orbital. Frank fort plane. .

2. a. b. c. d.

Which cranial nerve that petrous part of temporal bone houses: Trigeminal n V. Facial n VII. *** Vagus n IX. ) ( Vestibalcochealer n VII.

3. Facial vii nerve supply: a. Masseter muscle. b. Temoralis muscle. c. Buccinator muscle. *** d. Mylohyoid muscle.

4. a. b. c. d. e.

Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve leaves the skull through: Foramen rotundum. ) ( Foramen ovale. *** ) ( Superior orbital fissure. Inferior orbital fissure. Jugular foramen.

5. Foramen oval is in the following bone: a. ?????? b. Temporal. c. Occipital. d. Sphenoid. ***

61. Buccal branch of trigeminal V is: *** a. Sensory b. Motor c. Psychomotor d. Sensory and motor

Buccal branch of facial VII is: a. Sensory *** b. Motor c. Mixed Buccal nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2 .3 .

6. The inferior alveolar nerve is branch of: ***1. Mandibular nerve not divided 2. Posterior mandibular alveolar nerve. 3. Anterior mandibular alveolar nerve. () ()

7. Occlusal plane is: a. Above the level of the tongue. b. Below the level of the tongue. *** " mcqs in Dentistry" : " the tongue rests on the occlusal surface" 8. a. b. c. d. Lateral pterygoid muscle has how many origin: 1. 2. *** 5. 7. .

9. a. b. c. d.

Embryo become fetus in: 1st week 1st month. 2nd month. 3rd month. ***

10. All are single bone in the skull EXCEPT: a. Lacrimal. *** b. Occipital. c. Sphenoid. d. Parietal. 11. Coronal suture is between: a. Occipital and temporal bone. b. Frontal and parietal bone. *** c. Occipital and tympanic bone.

12. What is the number of pharyngeal "brancheal" arches: a. 4. b. 5. *** c. 6. d. 7. Anatomy of the Human Body" :

13. What is the name of pharyngeal "brancheal" arches: a. Maxillary. *** b. Mandibular. Hyoid . and fugi separated by: Stomodeum 1/frangeal arch 2/ectodermal cleft The stomodeum is lined by ectoderm, and is separated from the anterior end of the fore-gut by the buccopharyngeal membrane. 34-33 stomodeum ( ) .buccopharyngeal membrane .

1. Many parts of bones are originally cartilaginous that replaced by bone: *** a. True. b. False.

14. Mental foramen appear in radiograph as radiolucent round area to the area of: a. Mandibular premolars. *** b. Mandibular incisors. c. Maxillary canine. 15. Oral diaphragm consist mainly of: ) ( a. Tongue. b. Geniohyoid muscle. c. Digastric muscle. d. Mylohyoid muscle. *** 16. Masseter muscle extends from lower of border zygomatic arch to lateral border of ramus and angel mandible. a. True. *** b. False. Dental Decks - page 416 17. Extend of temporalis behind infratemporal fossa of temporal bone insert in coronoid process: a. True. *** b. False. 18. Main arterial supply in face is facial artery and superficial temporal artery: a. True. *** b. False. 19. Mandible is the 1st bone calcified in skull but clavicle start first but in same embryological time: a. True. *** b. False. 20. Mandible formed before frontal bone: a. True.*** b. False.

22. Maxilla is formed a. before mandible b. same with mandible c. slightly after mandible. *** d. none of the above 23. Development of maxillary process and medial frontal process in medial elongation of central portion: a. True. b. False. *** 24. Some bone are formed by endochondral ossification like long bone, flat bone by intramembranous ossification and some bone by endochondral and intramembranous ossification: a. True. *** b. False.


25. Flat bone grow by endochondral ossification: a. True. b. False. *** .

26. Mastoid process is a part of: a. Temporal bone. *** b. Parietal bone. c. Occipital bone. 27. Parotid duct opens opposite in 2nd Mandibular molars: a. True. b. False. *** .

28. parotid DUCT is opposite to maxilary premolar maxilary 1st molar maxilary 2nd molar mandibular 1st molar The parotid duct, also known as Stensen's duct, is the route that saliva takes from the parotid gland into the mouth. It passes through the buccal fat, buccopharyngeal fascia, and buccinator muscle then opens into the vestibule of the mouth next to the maxillary second molar tooth. The buccinator acts as a valve that prevents inflation of the duct during blowing. Running along with the duct superiorly is the transverse facial artery and upper buccal nerve; running along with the duct inferiorly is the lower buccal nerve

29. Palate consists of: a. Palatine and sphenoid bone. b. Palatine and maxillary bone. *** c. Palatine and zygomatic bone. 30. Hard palate consists of the following: A. Palatal maxillray process & Ethmoid bone B. Palatal maxillary process & Sphenoid bone C. Palatal maxillary process & Palatine bone. *** D. Palatal maxillary process & Temporal bone 31. Pulp chamber in lower 1st molar is mesially located: a. True. *** b. False. " Endodontics Problem solving in clinical practice 2002" :

32. The 1st cervical vertebrae is: a. Atlas. *** b. Axis. -7 -6 -5 -4 Longus colli -3 Axis or Epistropheus,-2 Atlas-3 : prominens.

33. Cartilaginous joints in the body affect bone growth: a. True. *** b. False. 34. Intercellular movement of PMN leukocytes is called migration: a. True. *** b. False. 35. The function of the anterior teeth is: Disarticulate the posterior teeth. Incise food. *** Prevent attrition. Prevent food impaction. 36. In geriatrle Pt, Cementum on the root end will: a. Become thinned and almost nonexistent. b. Become thicker and irregular. *** c. Render apex to locater useless. d. Often not be seen on the radiograph. e. Indicate pathosis. 27. Cementum is formed from a. Cementoblasts *** b. Fibroblasts c. Cementicles d. ..

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

37. Cementum in cervical 2/3 have: Acellular intrinsic fiber. Acellular extrinsic fiber. *** Cellular mixed fibers. Intermediate cementumDental Decks - page 836 PAGE 15Periodontology

Which of the following is the longest in the dental arch: a. b. c. d. Maxiliary central incisor. Maxiliary second premolar. Mandibular canine. Maxiliary canine. ***

38. The roof of mandibular fossa consist of: a. Thin compact bone. *** b. Spongy bone. c. Cancellous bone. 39. In sickle cell anemia O2 decreased in oral mucosa: a. True. *** b. False 40. The following structures open into the middle meatus: a. Nasolacrimal duct. b. Posterior ethmoidal sinus. c. Maxillary sinus. d. Sphenoid sinus. e. Anterior ethmoidal sinus. f. A, b & d. g. A & b. h. C & e. *** i. All of the above a. : . : B. : D. :

41. Ligaments associated with TMJ: a. Tempromandibular. b. Sphenomandibular. c. Stylomandibular. d. All of the above. *** Ref *: The lateral temporamandibular ligament: limits the movement of the mandible in a posterior direction. The sphenomandibular ligament lies on the medial side of the joint. The stylomandibular ligament lies behind and medial to the joint. ( . ) Skeletal Bone of skull develop from : a- Neurocranium ossification b- Intramembranous ossification c- Endochondral ossification. Dental decks 287 Endochondral ossification : Short bone and long bone. Ethmoid, sphenoid and temporal bone. intramembranous ossification: Flat bone.
Question shuld be like this: Skeletal face is from: 1. Neural crest 2. Paraxial mesoderm 3. lateral plate (somatic layer) mesoderm. Neural crest give rise to : frontal b. - sphen - nasal - lacrimal - zygomatic - maxilla -- incisive - mandible _Sq. Temporal. paraximal mesoderm (somites & somitomeres) gives rise to: occipitals pet temporal- -paraietal bone. reference is Sadler's Langman's Medical Embryology

42. Location to give inferior alveolar nerve block the landmarks are: 1/ pterygomandibular raphe 2/ cronoid notch 3/ all of the above. ***

43. The optic foramen canal is a part of: A)Frontal bone B)Sphenoid bone. *** C)Esthmoid bone Optic nerve coming from which bone: - sphenoid bone - zygomatic - palatal 44. The body secret antibody against antigen using which cells: a. T lymphocyte b. B lymphocyte 26. Root most commonly pushed in max sinus a. Buccal of 7 b. Palatal of 6 *** c. Palatal of 7 d. Buccal of 6 e. Distal of 6 & 7 Dental decks 1816 The palatal root of the maxillary first molar is most often dislodged into the maxillary sinus during an extraction procedure.

10. Soft palate falls abruptly facilitate recording post dam , falls gradually make recording post dam difficult .two statement true .two false *** .first true, second false .first false, second true 2006 " " :

In 6 week intra uterine life the development start. The oral epithelium is stratified squamous epithelium will thickened and give dental lamina a: true *** b: false Http: //

45. Tongue develope from: 1/mandibular arch & tuberculum impar. *** 2/1st branchial arch

Anatomy of the Human Body - Henry Gray page 27 - The mandibular arch lies between the first branchial groove and the stomodeum; from it are developed the lower lip, the mandible, the muscles of mastication, and the anterior part of the tongue. - The ventral ends of the second and third arches unite with those of the opposite side, and form a transverse band, from which the body of the hyoid bone and the posterior part of the tongue are developed. Anatomy of the Human Body - Henry Gray page 693

During the third week there appears, immediately behind the ventral ends of the two halves of the mandibular arch, a rounded swelling named the tuberculum impar, which was described by His as undergoing enlargement to form the buccal part of the tongue. More recent researches, however, show that this part of the tongue is mainly, if not entirely, developed from a pair of lateral swellings which rise from the inner surface of the mandibular arch and meet in the middle line.

46. Cleft lip is resulted from incomplete union of: 1. Tow maxillary arches. 2. Maxillary arches and nasal arch.

47. Arrange the steps of cleft palate management: 1. Measures to adjust speech.3 2. Establish way for nursing and feeding.1 3. Cosmetic closure.4 4. Prevent collapse of two halves.2 2 4 1 3.

28. Teeth have convexity in buccal and lingual a. Upper premolars. *** b. ..

48. 2nd maxillary premolar contact area: a) Middle of the middle third with buccal embrasure wider than lingual embrasure. B) Middle of the middle third with lingual embrasure wider than buccal embrasure.*** c) Cervical to the incisal third .x d) .x

342) distal surface for first upper premolar ,contact with the neighbor teeth : A)in the middle with buccal vastness wider than lingual one B)in the middle with lingual vastness wider than bucccaly one. ***

590. Which of the following teeth has a contact area between the incisal (occlusal) third and middle third: A. 1st maxillary premolar. B. 1st mandibular premolar. *** C. 1st maxillary molar. D. Central mandible Incisor. In incisal Textbook of Dental and Oral Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion page 110 49. Distinguishing between right & left canines can be determined: a. because distal concavities are larger. b. with a line bisecting the facial surface the tip lies distally. c. others . .mesial distal : . : Dental Decks - page 1602 Primary canine: We can differentiate between the upper mesial & distal canine by the functional cusp tip is inclined distally if bisectioning crown the cervical line on lingual surface is inclined mesially root curved mesially

Pulp oedema 1- has no effect on vascular system 2- fluid is compressed in the vessels limiting the intercellular pressure 3- interstitial pressure increased due to increased vascularity *** 4- cause necrosis of the pulp tissues 71) Glenoid fossa is found in: 1/ orbital cavity 2/nasal cavity 3/ middle cranial fossa D) temporal bone. *** The glenoid fossa = the mandibular fossa. The mandibular fossa: a depression in the temporal Bone that articulates with the condyle of the Mandible and is divided into two parts by a slit. And Anatomy of the Human Body - Henry Gray page 82

215) endocrine and exocrine gland is : A) pancreas. *** B) pituitary gland C) thyroid g D) salivary g E) sweat g


The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, andsomatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestiveenzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help to further breakdown thecarbohydrates, protein, and fat in the chyme.

584. The main link between the pulp and the the periodontium is: A. Apical foramen. *** B. Dentinal tubules C. Accessory canals D. PDL

50. The cell primary site of ATP production is: a. Mitochondria. *** b. Lysosomes. c. Nucleus. d. Nucleolus. e. Vacuoles. 51. The organelle most closely associated with the manufacture of proteins within the cell: a. Ribosome. *** b. Lysosome. c. Nucleolus. d. Cell wall. e. Cell membrane. 52. The packing and sorting of protein is the function of: a. Endoplasmic reticulum. b. Golgi apparatus *** c. Mitochondria d. Nucleus

53. The process of attraction of neutrophils to a site of Local tissue injury is called: a. Phagocytosis. b. Diapedesis. c. Chemotaxis. *** d. Epistaxis.

54. Action of Histamine: a. Vasodilatation. b. Permeability. c. Chemokinesis. d. Broncho. ALL OF THE ABOVE a. b. c. d. The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called: Osmosis. *** Active transport. Filtration. Diffusion. Osmosis Osmosis is the net movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane driven by a difference in solute concentrations on the two sides of the membrane.

55. Cell that can give more than one type: a. Fibroblast. b. Odontoblast c. Mesenchymal cell. *** Leiomyosarcoma Terms Leiomyoma through Neurofibromatoses Mesenchymal cell: An undifferentiated cell found in mesenchyme and capable of differentiating into various specialized connective tissues.

56. The process of cell engulfing particle is called: a. Endocytosis. b. Exocytosis. c. Phagocytosis. *** d. Pinocytosis.

57. The term acanthosis refers to: a. A decreased production of keratin. b. An increased production of keratin. c. An increased thickness of the prickle cell zone (stratum spinosum). *** d. None of the above. WordNet Search - 3.0 Acanthosis: Thickening of the epidermis and elongation of the rete ridges due to thickening of the spinous layer. May be associated with enlargement of rete pegs. an abnormal but benign thickening of the prickle-cell layer of the skin (as in psoriasis) Energy absorbed by the point of fracture called a-ultimate strength b-elastic limit c-toughness. *** d-brittleness Toughness It is defined as the amount of energy per volume that a material can absorb before rupturing. Toughness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The ability of a metal to deform plastically and to absorb energy in the process before fracture is termed toughness. Toughness

344) the movement of polymorphic cells in the gaps of intracellular to the blood capillary Outside it called: A)porosity B)slinking C) diapedesis. *** ( source Wikipedia)

41. Mandibular 1st permanent molar look in morphology as: - primary 1st mand molar. - primary 2nd mand molar. *** - primary 1st max molar. - primary 2nd max molar.

Upper teeth palatal mucosa supplied by: a. Nasopalatine b. Anterior palatine c. Both *** d. Post superior alveolar nerve

58. What supply the gingival buccal tissue of premolars, canines and incisors: a. Long buccal. b. Inferior alveolar nerve. *** c. Superior alveolar nerve. : .

. : : . . Lower anterior teeth labial mucosa supplied by: a. Mental nerve. *** b. Inferior dental nerve. C. Buccal nerve. .

13) pterygomandibular raph. Insertion & origin muscles should be medial to the injection all of the above. ***

27- the best definition to odontoblast: a- It s subjacent to predentine, odontoblastic process *** b- Odontoblast cell is more in the cellular pulp than radicular c- Odontoblastic layer; outermost layer which contains odontoblasts and lies next to the predentin and mature dentin

59. Distal fissure of premolar contact oppose: a- Middle of the middle third & buccal fissure is wider than lingual

b- Cervical line & lingual fissure is wider than buccal c- Middle of the middle third & vice versa d- Cervical of the middle third & vice versa

Mandibular foramen is: -above occlusal plane in elderly people -at the occlusal plane in adult - below the occlusal plane in children. -all of the above

Mandibular foramen is: -above occlusal plane in elderly people -at the occlusal plane in adult - below the occlusal plane in children. * -all of the above

-The average distance between the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and the buccal surface of the mandibular anterior teeth is: 1. 1/2mm. 2. 1mm. *** 3. 2mm. 4. 3mm. distance between the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and the buccal surface of the mandibular anterior teeth is the OverJet Overjet: distance between upper and lower incisors in the horizental plane. normal is 2-4 mm. reference is An Inroduction to Orthodontics by Laura Mitchel

mm 3 average

287. Mandible is the 1st bone calcified in skull but clavicle start first but in same embryological time: a. True. *** b. False.

288. Mandible formed before frontal bone: a. True. b. False. ***

60. Blood supply of the palate is from: a. Greater palatine artery. *** b. Lesser palatine artery. *** c. Facial artery. *** d. Long sphenopalatine artery. *** e. Anatomising braches from all of the above EXCEPT c *branches of the facial artery in the neck: ascending palatine>>>>supply soft palate. *branches of the maxillary artery:

The third part of maxillary artery gives branches which correspond to the branches of the maxillary nerve and the branches of the spheno-palatine ganglion. *Branches of the sheno-palatine ganglion: -greater hard palate. -lesser palatinesupply soft palate. -long spheno-palatine.anterior part of hard palate The blood supply of the palate is provided anteriorly through the incisor foramen and posteriorly through the great palatine foramen where the great palatine artery emerges. The blood supply of the palate is from ascending branches of the facial artery as well as from the branch of the maxillary artery, The palatine vessels and nerves pass through the palatine canal. The greater palatine artery was the main vessel to supply the hard palate and the ascending palatine artery provided the principal supply of soft palate. The branches of greater palatine artery formed abundant anastomoses with the neighbor vessels.

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