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! M12

HARDWARE EXAM a) Interrupt is a signal send b' external device to the processor. b) /topping the wor. c) Instruction to memor' d) It is a data signal 7. What is cache memor'? [ ]

1. What is a Microprocessor? [

a) It is a program-controlled device b) which executes the instructions c) It is a chip d) It is a input device. 2. Microprocessor speed depends on? a) Data bus width. b) ddress bus width [ ]

a) It is a small high-speed memor' b) It is used "or temporar' storage o" data c) It is onl' in , M. d) Memor' in the processor

c) !o o" instructions d) cost 3. ddress bus is #######? [ a) $i directional b) %nidirectional c) &or communication d) $unch o" wires 4. What is meant b' ( )*+? a) (atch is a D- t'pe "lip-"lop b) It is a temporar' storage device c) It is a t'pe o" processor d) !one o" the above 5. What are the primar' storage devices? a) , M b) ,-M c) &lopp' disc d) +ard dis.. 6. What is interrupt? [ ] [ ] [ ] ]

8. What is !0-, M? a) &lash memor' b) /hadow , M.

c) !onvolatile ,ead Write Memor' d) !one

3+-!1 !-2

9. What is +ardware?

a) a device that is ph'sicall' connected to 'our computer b) /omething that can be ph'sicall' touched. c) It is a science d) )ool "or repairing. 10. Which o" the below media t'pes hold the most in"ormation? [ ] a) $lue-ra' b) D0D c) *D d)&lopp' dis.ette

11. Which o" the below utilities allow 'ou to view a drives partition in"ormation?[ ] a) *h.ds. c) Dis. Management

a) unidirectional access regarding transmission [ ] b) universal as'nchronous receiver?transmitter c) upper advanced real trans"er d) unable all restore t-bits e) use all rom t'pes 17. /elect all true statements2 [ ]

b) Device Manager d) /candis. 12. ,/-454 is a standard that applies to2 a) serial ports b) parallel ports c) game ports d) networ.s e) digital "re6uencies 13. *omm ports uses7select that appl') a) 8 pin male connector [ ] [ ]

a) com9 and com5 share the same I,= b) com9 and com: share the same I,= c) com4 and com5 share the same I,= d) com4 and com: share the same I,= e) com9 and com4 share the same I,= 18. $aud ,ate means##### [ ]

b) 9: pin "emale connector c) 4; pin male connector d) 8 pin "emale connector e) parallel connector 14. $e"ore a modem transmits< it send a2 a) ,)/ b) D/, c) ),> 15. In modem terminolog'< *D stands "or2 a) collect data b) cease deliver c) comm detect [ ] d) D), e) ,=/ [ ]

a) It is the no o" discrete signals?second b) -ne discrete signal per second c) !umber o" c'cles per second d) It is unit o" data trans"er rate 19. ######## is the term used to re"er to the process o" two modems establishing communications with each other. a) interacting b) c) 20. I/D! stands "or2 [ d) connecting e) pinging [ ] ]

d)carrier detect e)call data

a) internal select data nulls b) Integrated services digital networ. c) interval set down next

16. % ,) is t'pe o" serial chip stand "or2

d) interior sector direct none e) in"erior sector data net 21. @our modem does not respond when 'ou tr' to dial out. @ou tr' another modem on another computer and get the same result. What is the most li.el' problem? a) de"ective modem b) de"ective computer c) so"tware bug d) virus e)bad phone line ] [ ]

d) hard drive e) bios 26. Which o" the "ollowing are /*/I issues? /elect all that appl'. [ ] a) uni6ue id settings b) passive termination c) active termination d) !o adapter used e) (ess cost 27. /*/I adapters usuall' donAt need drivers< Fust the devices that inter"ace with them. a) )rue b)"alse [ ]

22. I/D! uses ## technolog'. [ a) onl' digital b) onl' analog c) mostl' digital d) neither digital nor analog

e) digital and analog ") mostl' digital

23. I" a computerAs bios allows it< 'ou can boot "rom a *D-,om. 7 ) ? &) [ ] 24. *D-,om drive trans"ers data at2 a) 9 M$ per second b) 9BB b'tes per second c) 4B million bits per second d) 9CD<4C4 bits per second e) 9;B E$s per second 25. @our *D-,om audio cable connects to the2 a) / [ ] [ ]

28. @our 3* has both internal and external /*/I devices connected to one /*/I host adapter. Which devices should be terminated? /elect all that appl'. [ ] a) the last internal device on the chain b) the last external device on the chain c) the host adapter d) the host adapter and one external device e) the 3* 29. +ow man' devices can connect to the t'pical /*/I adapter? ssume is has onl' one data connector. [ ] a) G b) 4B c) C d)9B

b) sound card 7or motherboard i" sound is integrated with it) c) power suppl'

30. +ow man' devices can be used on a single /*/I bus? Eeep in mind that the

/*/I host adapter counts as a device. ] a) G b) 4B c) C d) 9B

37. *D-,om drives have which connectors? /elect all that appl'. [ ] a) molex d) berg b) data cable c) arcnet 38. @our ID1 *D-,om drive is attached to the primar' ID1 adapter with our hard drive. +ow should its Fumpers be set? a) as a master [ ] b) as neutral c) to BB9 d)auto detect e)as a slave ] e) audio cable

31. What is the Fumper setting on a /*/I device to con"igure it to use the "ourth /*/I id? a) B9B b) B99 c) BB9 d) 99B e) 9B9 ") BBB [ ]

32. Which t'pe o" inter"ace provides "or the "astest data trans"er? a) ID1 b) parallel serial c)/*/I e) I/ [ ]

39. What is 1MI? [ . electro-magnetic inter"erence $. electronic maintenance in6uir'

33. /*/I-4 cables have how man' pins? a) :B b) ;B c) 9BB d) 4; e) G4 ") DB [ ] 40. @ou should never put "lopp' drives< hard drives< or even 0*, tapes or cassette tapes on top o" spea.ers 7or near an' other source o" magnetism) because o"2 a) ,&I c)1MI [ ] b) 1>1 d)&@I e) I-%

34. Dis. /triping with 3arit' corresponds to which , ID level? [ ] a) , ID B c) , ID 9 b) , ID 5 d) , ID ;

41. WhatAs the best wa' to protect 'our hard drive data? [ ] a) regular b) periodicall' de"rag it c) run ch.ds. at least once a wee. d) run scandis. at least once a wee. e) run a regular diagnostic 42. Which o" the "ollowing are input devices onl'? /elect all that appl'. [ ] a) modem d) mouse

35. Which o" the "ollowing media t'pes is most susceptible to 1MI? [ ] a) &iber -ptic c) /)3 b) *o-axial d) %)3

36. *D-,oms t'picall' hold ###### o" data. a) 9BB meg d) ;BB meg [ ] b) D;B meg c) 5;B meg e) 9BBB meg

b) .e'board c) video card

e) /*/I controller ") Monitor

d) alternating power out< power on lasting a "ew minutes e) has nothing to do with electricit' 48. 3-/) stands "or2 [ a) positive operating s'stem test b) particle o" static trans"er c) power on sel" test d) printer online static test e) printer online standard test parit' error usuall' indicates a problem with2 [ ] a) memor' d)hard drive 49. b) hard drive controller c) power suppl' 50. +ow man' bits in a b'te? [ a) 9D c)C b) 4;; ] e)i?o controller ]

43. Which component stores an electrical charge? a) diode d)recti"ier [ ] b) capacitor c) transistor 44. )he output voltages o" a 3* power suppl' are in the "orm o" ##### current. . * d)D* [ ] $. ampere *. 1lectrical 45. )he output voltages "rom a 3* power suppl' are2 [ ] a) H4B< H99B< -4B< -99B b) H99B< -99B< H4;< -4; -4B c) H99B< -9;< H4;< -; spi.e is a sharp and sudden rise in voltage ItAs duration is usuall' measured in2 [ ] a) nanoseconds D)milliseconds 46. b) seconds c) 3ico seconds 47. brownout is de"ined as2 [ ] a) a slightl' elevated voltage lasting "rom seconds to minutes or more b) a slightl' decreased voltage lasting "rom seconds to minutes or more c) complete power out lasting a "ew minutes 1)minutes d)H;< H94< -;< -94 e)H9B< -9B< H4B< e)resistive e)resistor

d)9B e) 4 to the 8th power

51. )he power connector on a "lopp' drive is? a) berg connector [ ] b) molex connector c) has no "ormal name d) mini-molex e) h'brid connector 52. During the "using process< toner is2 a) dr' pressed into the paper [ b) electricall' bonded to the paper c) melted into the paper d) glued to the paper ]

e) high pressure spra'ed onto the paper 53. -n the 3* side< the printer port is a2 [ a) 4; pin "emale serial connector b) 9; pin "emale parallel connector c) 4; pin male serial connector d) 9; pin "emale serial connector e) 4; pin "emale parallel connector 54. I/ is a ### bit technolog'. [ a) C?9D d) 9D?54 b) :?C c) 54?D: 55. 3*I devices do not have Fumper settings or dip switches. +ow are the' con"igured? /elect all that appl'. [ ] a) *M-/ setup b) an installation utilit' "rom the manu"acturer c) through D-/ d) Windows setup e) the' are alwa's sel"-con"iguring 56. What is the "irst *3% to include an internal math coprocessor? [ ] . 5CDD> d):CD/> $. :CDD> e)3entium ] e) 94?4: ] ]

components and the operating s'stem are called2 [ ] a) Device Driver b) interrupt handlers c) peripheral component interconnects

59. Where is the $I-/ usuall' stored? a) on a hard dis. [ ] b) on a &lash memor' chip c) in a device driver

60. Incorrect settings in the *M-/ setup ma' prevent 'ou "rom doing what? a) ccessing 'our e-mail [ ] b) logging on to the Internet c) booting up 'our computer 61. What .ind o" computer memor' is both static and nonvolatile? [ ] a) , M c),-M b) *ache memor' d) $u""er

62. Dis. partitions divide the capacit' o" ph'sical dis. drives into ph'sical containers 7)rue or &alse) [ ]

57. 3entium 3ro $I-/ is a t'pe o" [ a) +ardware b) operating s'stem &irmware

c) /o"tware d) 63. Microprocessor description on the processor shows 4.D?9B4:?4;D?9.G. What does it indicates? [ ] a) 3rocessor /peed?*ost?*ache memor'? 0oltage

58. /mall pieces o" so"tware that act as translators between the hardware

b) Date o" manu"acturing?!o o" transistors?/peed o" processor?Distance between transistor c) 3rocessor *loc. speed?*ache?$us speed? *ore voltage d) *ore voltage? &/$? $/$?speed o" processor

b) 3aint


69. Which component are 'ou most li.el' to replace in a laser printer? [ ] a) )he toner?drum assembl' b) )he "eed rollers c) )he parallel cable d) )he paper tra' 70. +ow does a 3entium II processor attach to the motherboard? [ ] a) / II c)/ 8 b) /lot 9 d))he processor is integrated 71. What is the max capacit' o" an /, M chip? [ ] a) 4;DE$ b);94E$ c)9M$ d)D:M$ 72. computer uses odd parit'. What is the parit' bit "or the data stream 9B99BB9B? a) B [ ] b) 9 c) B9 d) D. *omputers do not use odd parit'

64. %/$ port supports #####devices a) 94; b) 94G c) 9BB d) 94D e)9 [ ]

65. 1ach time 'ou start 'our computer< it as.s 'ou "or the proper time. Which component will 'ou most li.el' need to replace? [ ] a) )he $I-/ c))he s'stem timer b) )he *M-/ batter' d))he processor 66. %nder which circumstance would 'ou run Microso"tIs Dis. De"ragmenter?[ ] a) -n a set schedule b) When the dis. reports corrupted "iles c) When the computer cannot recogniJe the hard drive d) When 'ou accidentall' delete a "ile 67. Which o" the "ollowing printer t'pes contains a heating element within the cartridge? [ ] a) Dot matrix c) In.Fet b) $ubbleFet d) (aser 68. Which o" the "ollowing does a dot matrix printer use to create printouts?[ ] a) In. cartridge c) ,ibbon

73. Which is the most commonl' used motherboard t'pe in currentl' manu"actured computers? [ ] a) $ab' ) c) ) b) *. &ull )> d) )>

1>3 !D )+1 &-((-WI!K

9. 3*M*I 4. 3*I 5. I/ :. ID1 ;. / )

D. /*/I G. )>

C. DIMM 8. /M ,) 9B. /M3/

nswer the "ollowing2-

9. 1xplain the o" a M-D1M with a neat diagram? 7 ;M)

4. Describe the important parts o" Mother $oard with a neat diagram? 5. What are the di""erent t'pes o" dd--n cards available in the mar.et7 Min ;)?

74. #####is the process or method that an operating s'stem uses to manage "iles and data on the storage devices. [ ] a) &ormatting c) &ile s'stem b) De"ragmentation d) Dis. *leanup 75. ####is the so"tware or programs and hardware that are written into ,ead--nl' Memor' 7,-M) "or the computer to operate. [ ] a) +ardware c) *M-/ b) &irmware d) &ire wire

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