AFP Report: Exposing The Special Interests Behind Waxman-Markey

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September 2009 Published by:

No. 0909

Exposing the Special Interests Behind Waxman-Markey

Influence, Corruption and Control in H.R. 2454
James Valvo and Carl Oberg

1. Road to Passage: Key Players 2

2. Free Allowances: The Biggest Corporate Welfare Program in History 3
3. Implementation: Getting Rich Trading Permits 6
4. Eco-Protectionism: Are Carbon Tariffs Smoot-Hawley II? 9
5. Implementation II: National Greenhouse Gas Registry 12
6. Green Mortgages: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 12
7. Carbon Offset Credits: Forest Preservation 14
8. Union Giveaways: Davis-Bacon and PLAs 18
9. Green Construction Projects 20
10. Conclusion 23
11. Appendix and Citations 24

On June 26, 2009, the U.S. House terintuitive because the drumbeat
of Representatives passed H.R. for global warming legislation was
2454, the American Clean Energy consistently used as cover to advance
and Security Act of 2009, by the the scheme. No, Waxman-Markey is
scant margin of 219-212. This bill about control. The more of the bill
envisions a major reordering of the you read and the more of the players
American economy with a heavy around the plan you examine, the
reliance on a government-controlled clearer it becomes who stands to
energy strategy. benefit and why.

It is widely agreed that H.R. 2454, Americans for Prosperity offers the
cosponsored by Reps. Henry following analysis of H.R. 2454 as
Waxman (D-Calif.) and Edward a tool for stakeholders, legislators
Markey (D-Mass.), is not an environ- and citizens alike to understand the
mental bill. This may seem coun- magnitude of government control
envisioned by this legislation.
Mr. Valvo is government affairs manager and can be reached at
Mr. Oberg is a policy associate and can be reached at
Democratic Leadership PAC Donations - $130,000
1. Road to Passage: Key Players June 23-30, 2009

The power shift from Republicans to Voting Yes Voting No

Democrats over the past few elections $100,000
has seen California-based central state $90,000
advocates reaching the zenith of their $80,000
power. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.), House Energy and Commerce $50,000
Chairman Henry Waxman, and Senate $40,000
Environment and Public Works Chair- $30,000
man Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) are the
power players moving this legislation $0
through Congress. They have signed on


to an agenda that prioritizes bureaucratic





planning over market efficiencies. The





beneficiaries of this centralization are





power hungry politicians in Washington,




handpicked so-called green energy

upstarts, environmental non-profits and

labor unions. The losers will be the reluctant Democrats for a meeting in the
American consumer, small businesses West Wing. Rep. Tim Walz (D-Minn.)
and the dependable sources of energy reported, “Those that were undecided got
that continue to lift countless millions a tap on the shoulder and met with the
out of poverty around the world. president.”1 Members of Congress from
across the political spectrum were rightly
Waxman-Markey was not the first concerned about the impact of Waxman-
attempt by central planners to introduce Markey on constituents and businesses in
command-and-control energy policy. their districts. However, cajoling was not
However, it is the first time that a cap- enough to pass the bill and in a transpar-
and-trade scheme targeting carbon diox- ent and corrupt move to show support for
ide emissions has passed either chamber members who were worried about losing
of Congress. In the past, concerns about their seats due to voter backlash, the
levels of taxation, efficacy of government Democratic leadership began stocking
and regulatory impacts on business has campaign war chests.
stymied other legislation. However, in
2009 the political landscape was dif- In a span of one week, June 23rd-30th,
ferent. Large majorities in the House surrounding the roll call vote of June
of Representatives gave far-Leftists 26th, a total of $130,000 was given to
the upper hand, but nonetheless, as the 41 swing Democratic voters by four key
vote approached it became clear that Democratic leadership PACs.2 The most
Waxman-Markey did not have enough active was Friends of Jim Clyburn, the
support to pass. PAC directed by the majority whip from
South Carolina, which gave undecided
Buying Votes: Round One members $60,000 just two days before
the vote; the recipients ended up evenly
In an effort to win votes where she alone divided among yes and no votes. The
could not, Speaker Pelosi called in the cash carrot-and-stick approach was
White House to put pressure on members chronicled in the Politico, which quoted
to support the legislation. White House Democratic Congressional Campaign
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel gathered Committee spokesman Ryan Rudominer
defending the behavior by saying, “Con- Maryland farmers to take steps
sidering the long list of contributions to reduce emissions and then sell
that Leader Boehner gave … their false the offsets to covered entities.8
accusations against Democrats are at
best phony outrage and at worst, hypoc- While the bill was pushed through the
risy of the highest order.”3 The minority House with a combination of White
leader from Ohio gave $2,000 each to House lobbying, political payoffs and
eight Republicans, for a total of $16,000, incessant vote whipping, the predictably
paling in comparison to Democratic corrupt process is just the beginning.
The 309-page manager’s amendment to
Campaign contributions were not the Waxman-Markey, which contained many
only means employed to attract unde- of the most problematic provisions, was
cided votes. Classic pork barrel politics used to cajole last minute supporters
pushed this flawed legislation over the with parochial giveaways. The amend-
finish line. Examples of vote-buying ment was not made public until 3 a.m.
earmarks in Waxman-Markey include: the morning of the vote and was still
being collated into the official text as
• R
 ep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) angled members were being asked to vote on
for nearly $1 billion worth of final passage, a point Minority Leader
energy-related job training and Boehner made quite emphatically in an
public housing energy efficiency hour-long floor reading of sections of the
upgrades in exchange for his amendment.9 If members of Congress
While the bill was vote.5 had been given time to read the bill, they
pushed through the would have discovered troubling provi-
House with a com- • R
 ep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) made sions that prioritize government control
bination of White sure that his pet project would and offered paybacks for lifelong politi-
benefit his home district before cal allies.
House lobbying,
he handed over a “yes” vote.
political payoffs Grayson bragged about securing 2. Free Allowances: The Biggest
and incessant $50 million for a new National Corporate Welfare Program in
vote whipping, the Hurricane Research Center to be
predictably cor- located in Orlando. 6
rupt process is just
• R
 ep. Mary Kaptur (D-Ohio) The centerpiece of Waxman-Markey
the beginning.
surrendered her vote in exchange is a cap-and-trade scheme that seeks to
for a $3.5 billion federal power lower carbon emissions by establishing
authority, which is authorized an arbitrary cap on the amount of carbon
to dole out taxpayer money for a covered entity can emit and a trading
renewable energy project in program that lets “polluters” cannibalize
Ohio.7 Minority Leader John each other to stay in business. Any cap-
Boehner (R-Ohio) was critical of and-trade scheme is primarily concerned
the move, calling it pork, even with two issues: at what level should the
though it would benefit his home cap be set and how should the permits
state. for emission be distributed; this section
examines the latter.
• R
 ep. Frank Kratovil (D-Md.)
only offered his vote after bill An August 4, 2009, report by the Gov-
managers agreed to include $1 ernment Accountability Office (GAO)
billion worth of agriculture offset discussed the various ways that emission
provisions, which would allow allowances could be distributed.
They outline that “the method of allow- charges you will also be the same
ance allocation will generally not affect no matter how he got them.
the level of emission reductions.”10 The
two issues are largely independent Of course, the scalper would much
economic functions. rather get his tickets for free - and
that’s precisely the point. Polluters
The GAO states that “regardless of the are financially much better off if
mechanism for distributing allowances, permits are given away instead of
customers will bear most of the cost of auctioned, but the cost of cutting
a cap-and-trade system…”11 However, emissions and the resulting effect
“If you didn’t
if the emission allowance distribution on energy prices will be the same
auction the permits scheme favored giving away allowances no matter how the permits are
it would represent for free, “[m]ost of the benefits … will delivered.14
the largest accrue to the shareholders of entities that
corporate welfare receive them … consumers are unlikely GAO and environmental economists
program that has to see these benefits in the form of lower are not the only ones who see gifted
prices, since most covered entities will allowances as a giveaway to business. In
ever been enacted
pass on costs associated with a cap-and- March 2009, President Obama’s budget
in the history trade program, even when they receive director, Peter Orszag made exactly the
of the United allowances for free.”12 same point, saying, “If you didn’t auction
States.”15 the permits it would represent the largest
– White House GAO insisted that maximizing auction- corporate welfare program that has ever
Budget Director ing is not only the most transparent been enacted in the history of the United
and economically efficient method for States. All of the evidence suggests
Peter Orszag,
distribution, but it is also the best way to that what would occur is that corporate
March 9, 2009 ensure that generators do not profit from profits would increase by approximately
the implementation of the system. While the value of the permits.”15
examining the international record
for this type of program, GAO found Let’s explain how this corporate welfare
that “in the first phase of the European will occur. In addition to basic explana-
Union’s [Emissions Trading Scheme], tion that government will be providing—
electric utilities that received free free of charge—a commodity that has
allowances reaped substantial profits by been imbued with value to businesses,
charging ratepayers for the opportunity many of the targeted emitters will be
cost of those allowances.”13 electricity generation and distribu-
tion companies. We will witness new
An appropriate analogy that clarifies this government regulations running afoul
point has been offered by pro-cap-and- of older government regulations; in this
trade environmental economists Kristen case, rate controls.
Sheeran and James Barrett. They wrote:
In a Q&A session with Forbes Magazine,
Try buying World Series tickets American Electric Power CEO Mike
from a scalper. Would he charge you Morris said that the mandated clean
any less if he found the tickets on energy technologies in Waxman-Markey
the ground? Of course he wouldn’t.
Like energy, the street price of
World Series tickets is based on
supply and demand. The supply
and demand for tickets is the same
no matter how much the scalper
paid for them, and so the price he
will actually boost his profits.16 Public Sure. Today, every credit I buy as
utilities are so heavily regulated in the part of the Clean Air Act [to cover
United States that if they need to make sulfur dioxide emissions] is recov-
infrastructure investments, they must ered dollar for dollar.17
ask government for the right to raise
rates to recover the cost. Morris was Morris isn’t alone in his calculations;
quite candid in his discussion of cap- John Rowe—CEO of Exelon, one of the
and-trade’s impact on his business: nation’s largest electricity distributors—
estimates that for every $10 increase
Q: What effect would a carbon in the price of cap-and-trade permits,
cap-and-trade scheme, which Exelon’s annual revenues will increase
would require AEP to use allow- $750 million dollars.18 Those estimates
ances and carbon offsets to can only mean that Morris and Rowe
meet greenhouse-gas-emissions believe, correctly, that they will be able
reduction targets, have on your to raise their rates to recover for their
business? new costs. That’s why electric utilities
support Waxman-Markey, because they
In the early years of such a scheme stand to make a fortune from it.
there won’t be much going on at all.
I’ll have both enough allowances
and I will have created or bought
enough offsets … Therefore, my
rates will stay pretty steady in the It’s nice to see that in the contentious
early going. They’ll begin to go up debate over cap-and-trade everyone can
when I begin to react in a costly agree on one thing: consumers will pay,
cap-and-trade market or deploy companies will benefit. From envi-
It’s nice to see that carbon-capture and storage technol- ronmental economists Kristen Sheeran
in the contentious ogy. Rates could go up as much as and James Barrett, to the Government
debate over cap- 30% to 50% to pay for all of that. Accountability Office, to White House
and-trade every- Most people miss the point when it Budget Director Peter Orszag, to energy
comes to profitability … much of company CEOs John Rowe and Mike
one can agree on
the analyst community still looks at Morris, everyone acknowledges that the
one thing: consum- AEP as being negatively affected by cost of Waxman-Markey will fall on
ers will pay, com- carbon law, and that isn’t true. Our citizens and small businesses, not so-
panies will benefit. business profile actually increases. called “carbon polluters.”

Q: So the states just allow you to Buying Votes: Round Two

pass on costs?
If we know that giving allowances away
You’re complying with federal law. is bad policy, then why does Waxman-
When I put a scrubber on a smoke- Markey dole out eighty-five percent of
stack my investment is absolutely the permits for free? The rationale that
recoverable … was offered by those handing out the
permits is that it would soften the blow
Q: What happens if carbon- on businesses, who are then ostensi-
capture technology, which is bly supposed to refrain from turning
still experimental, doesn’t work around and raising rates and prices on
out. Will you simply buy carbon consumers.
On June 23, three days before the vote,
President Obama said, “this legislation
is paid for by the polluters who currently only absolving the entire agriculture and
emit the dangerous carbon emissions forestry industries from the emission cap
that contaminate the water we drink and and winning lucrative offset provisions,
pollute the air we breathe.”19 Although but he was also aggressive in winning
it is unclear how carbon emissions $400 million in free allowances for rural
contaminate drinking water, perhaps the electric cooperatives. These carve outs
president should consult with his budget eased the fears of some moderate Demo-
director and learn the real financial crats; Peterson and his cohorts ended
impact of the bill on consumers and up voting for the bill.22 Coal-burning
“There’s so much
businesses. Rep. Waxman proffered a utility companies fell in line after Rep.
revenue that comes similar platitude in a July 29, 2009 radio Rich Boucher (D-Va.) secured forty-
in from a cap-and- interview. He stated, “We’re giving three percent of the free permits, worth
trade system that away the credits to utilities in order billions of dollars; Boucher abandoned
you can really to protect ratepayers. The credits they his opposition and supported the bill.2324
go to a person in won’t have to pay for won’t be charged Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas) won oil
to ratepayers, both individual consum- refiners two percent of the allowances at
a congressional
ers and businesses... So this is a way to no cost; Green voted for final passage.25
district and get be fair to the consumers.”20 However, The automotive industry won 3 percent
enough votes there as we have just shown in the preceding of the free allowances, securing the votes
by saying, ‘What section, every indication is that exactly of Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), and
do you need? What the opposite is true. other members leery of the bill’s impact
do you want?’...”21 on the industrial base.26
The real reason emission allowances
- Senator Barbara
were given away for free was to buy In the end, eighty-five percent of the
Boxer, June 6, votes. Waxman-Markey was only able allowances proved enough of a corporate
2009 to pass because the allowance distribu- giveaway to mollify the opposition and
tion methodology was used to gain pass the bill by a count of 219-212. A
support from members of Congress who bill that originally purported to address
were rightly concerned over the negative climate change and energy dependency
effects this bill would have on their con- had become, in White House Budget
stituents. Senator Barbara Boxer, who Director Peter Orszag’s words, the “larg-
will be in charge of passing out allow- est corporate welfare program that has
ances in the Senate, explained how this even been enacted in the history of the
works, “There’s so much revenue that United States.”
comes in from a cap-and-trade system
that you can really go to a person in a
3. Implementation: Getting Rich
congressional district and get enough
votes there by saying, ‘What do you Trading Permits
need? What do you want?’ -- You can
really help them.”21 After allowances have been distributed
to covered entities—whether sold at
In addition to the earmarked projects auction or given away based on political
discussed earlier, the House Democratic consideration—a market will be estab-
leadership followed Boxer’s advice and lished so companies with more permits
used emission allowances to buy enough than they need can sell them to com-
votes for passage. The series of com- panies that have been unable to restrict
promises that were reached with agricul- their emissions below the cap. This is
ture-state Democrats, led by Rep. Collin the so-called market-driven function of
Peterson (D-Minn.) were also instrumen- a cap-and-trade scheme that makes it so
tal to the process. As we will outline attractive to central planners. Not only
shortly, Peterson was successful in not are they able to dictate the terms of the
cap, create the allowance distribution
methodology, and establish the permit
retirement rate, but they can do so by
hijacking conservative language and
making it appear as though they value
private markets.

How much wealth would be peddled in

a carbon market? Commodity Futures
Trading Commissioner Bart Chilton
estimates that within five years carbon In addition to trading in the allowances
emission markets could swell to $2 tril- to emit carbon, another market will be
lion and become the largest commodity established to trade in carbon offsets.
market in the world.27 These trillions of A major player in this area has been
dollars will be extracted from consum- General Electric, a member of the U.S.
ers, routed through energy companies, Climate Action Partnership (USCAP),
managed by commodity brokers and a group of businesses that have been
regulated by Washington bureaucrats. lobbying for cap- and-trade and salivat-
Each layer will introduce new costs ing over how to leverage environmental
to society and reduce the efficacy and activism for private gain. GE’s Energy
efficiency of the program. The result- Financial Services partnered with AES
ing waste, fraud, abuse and corruption Corporation, a global power company,
associated with a massive carbon com- to launch Greenhouse Gas Services with
modities market will be staggering. the aim of trading carbon offset credits.
According to its website, “Greenhouse
… trillions of
Tantalized by the sheer scale of the ensu- Gas Services, invests in and develops
dollars will be ing market, many Wall Street firms are a diverse range of projects that reduce
extracted from busy readying themselves to manage and greenhouse gas emissions and supplies
consumers, routed profit from the scheme. Goldman Sachs corporate clients with real, indepen-
through energy has been aggressively positioning itself dently verified GHG credits to offset
companies, to capitalize from the looming govern- emissions from operations, products and
ment-created faux-commodity market. services.”29 One type of offset will be
managed by
Based on its 2005 Environmental Policy generated by the forestry industry and
commodity brokers Framework, Goldman Sachs established is discussed at length in a subsequent
and regulated the “Center for Environmental Markets section.
by Washington to … explore/develop public policy
bureaucrats. options for establishing effective markets Hedge fund managers are also not
around climate change [and] … to act waiting for the market to be established
as a market maker in emissions trading before launching their projects. In
(CO2, SO2), weather derivatives, renew- August 2008, Gressel Advisors spawned
able energy credits, and other climate Universal Carbon Fund in hopes of
related commodities…”28 Future Secre- capturing business from a mandatory
tary of the Treasury Hank Paulson was emissions regime. However, this won’t
chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs be the type of fund that average Ameri-
while this venture was in the planning cans can benefit from; the fund requires
stages and simultaneously served as the a $250,000 minimum investment.30
Chairman of the Board of Directors for
the Nature Conservancy, who we will
see later played a major role lobbying for
and drafting Waxman-Markey.

A Green Bubble: Attempting to In addition to the general Democratic
Shape the Marketplace apprehension toward markets, recent
speculation-driven price swings in oil
Another issue to keep an eye on is the futures have Senate bill authors cautious.
possibility of Waxman-Markey creat- Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) said,
ing a new asset bubble in the financial “The volatility that has existed in the oil
markets. The carbon commodities that market is exactly what we don’t want to
would be created by a cap-and-trade happen in carbon markets.”34 In addi-
scheme have no inherent value; they are tion to Cantwell, Senators Harry Reid
simply rights to emit carbon and are thus (D-Nev.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Amy
“ would be extremely vulnerable to massive price Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Byron Dorgan
pretty imprudent swings and speculative trading. (D-N.Dak.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Joe
actually to create Lieberman (I-Conn.), Jeff Bingaman
a very very large A March 2009 report by Friends of the (D-N.Mex.) and Arlen Specter (D-Pa.)
Earth found that “speculators do the have expressed concerns over letting
and complex majority of carbon trading, and they will Wall Street run the derivative and
carbon market continue to dominate as carbon markets credit default swap markets that would
and foist it upon a grow … a market dominated by specula- inevitably spin off from a cap-and-trade
new and untested tors may push up prices, create a bubble scheme.
financial regula- and spur development of subprime
tory regime.”35 assets.”31 The report’s author Michelle However, Chan counsels that, “The abil-
Chan warns: ity of Washington to regulate Wall Street
- Michael Chan, is really pretty bad. It would be pretty
March 2009 With a boom and a bust cycle, imprudent actually to create a very very
which sometimes occurs when there large and complex carbon market and
is a bubble, when carbon prices foist it upon a new and untested financial
collapse … it could pull the rug out regulatory regime.”35 If Senate Demo-
from underneath those companies crats are convinced that Wall Street
that have really made expensive traders will inject too much uncertainty
early investments in research and into a carbon trading market, who are
development, in green capital, they comfortable empowering to run the
technologies, [and] infrastructure multi-trillion dollar regime?
… but if carbon prices all of a
sudden collapse around them, then One solution would be to allow only
they will find that by the time that covered entities to trade the permits
these … technologies come online it among themselves and ban Wall Street
really would have just been cheaper firms entirely from the process. This
for them to buy their way out of would create problems because energy
compliance instead of making these companies most likely would not com-
investments.32 mand the expertise in this area and
would be forced to hire additional staff
Although Waxman-Markey contains simply to comply. More significantly, it
language that would prohibit “market would shield the process from lobbying
manipulation and excess speculation, and special interest access; we can rest
and provide measures to limit unreason- assured the politicized process will not
able fluctuation in the prices of regulated allow this to be final outcome.
allowances,” as many as nine Senate
Democrats are already voicing concerns
about turning the permit trading market
over to Wall Street.33
Another vehicle for implementation While establishing a massive new
might be venture capital firms like marketplace for trading in government-
Kleiner Perkins Causfield & Buyers, created commodities will create huge
who boasts Al Gore among its partners. challenges, countless entities are jockey-
The California-based firm has been ing to reap the rewards. These are just
investing in green technology start-ups a few of the many challenges that this
and recently launched Hara Environ- market will face and one many routes
mental and Energy Management. Hara that an entirely new financial trading
is a software services company that will system could travel.
assist companies and municipalities
calculate their carbon emissions and 4. Eco-Protectionism: Are Carbon
determine their position relative to a cap.
“Hara has raised $6 million to date. Even
Tariffs Smoot-Hawley II?
Al Gore, a Kleiner Perkins partner and
the former U.S. vice president, person- Waxman-Markey also contains a fright-
ally vetted the company’s business plan. ening return to protectionism, this time
The environmental champion encour- in the name of carbon reductions. The
aged Hara to have global aspirations.”36 accelerating pace of free trade around
This type of software is a pivotal piece the world has been the driving force
in Kleiner Perkin’s broader strategy to behind the rapid rise in living condi-
leverage green legislation that Gore is tions and wealth creation in developing
pushing. nations and in the United States. Enact-
ing painful new regulations on American
Another player likely to be favored by businesses and then attempting to
...Leakage is the those picking winners and losers is the shield them from global competition by
result of produc- Chicago Climate Exchange. The private reestablishing Depression Era tariffs is
tion shifting over- group, which received $1.1 million in ill-advised.
seas away from 2000 and 2001 from the Joyce Founda-
tion while then-State Senator Barack The first level of protection provided for
the regulations Obama served on its board, is “North industries that would be competitively-
that are meant to America’s only cap and trade system disadvantaged by this bill is an “Emis-
control carbon for all six greenhouse gases, with global sion Allowance Rebate Program.” The
output ... achieving affiliates and projects worldwide.”37 The goal of the program is “to provide a
no reduction in president of the Joyce Foundation when rebate to the owners and operators of
carbon emissions it awarded the grants was Paula DiPerna. entities in domestic eligible industrial
She has since left to serve as executive sectors for their greenhouse gas emission
but instead creat- vice president for the Exchange, which costs incurred under this title,” and “to
ing a significant officially launched in 2003. As president design such rebates in a way that will
loss of jobs and of Joyce, DiPerna said she was enabling prevent carbon leakage.”39
decreased domes- the Exchange during “the design of a
tic production pilot phase for a carbon dioxide emis- Leakage can occur in two ways. First,
capacity. sions trading market … [however,] the domestic producers can shift their
ability of the marketplace to create production activities—and the cor-
incentives for reducing carbon dioxide responding jobs—to countries with less
emissions has not been tested.”38 If stringent environmental standards. This
cap-and-trade becomes law, DiPerna and would not only result in no reduction in
the Exchange will not have to rely on a carbon emissions but would also mark
market, reductions will be mandated and an increase in other environmentally-
they can act as an administrative arm for damaging behaviors. Second, domestic
the federal government. producers may keep production in the
country, but their newly disadvantageous
position would allow foreign compa-
nies—in countries with less stringent
environmental regimes—to capture a
larger market share. Either way, leak-
age is the result of production shifting
overseas away from the regulations
that are meant to control carbon output.
This shift has the result of achieving
no reduction in carbon emissions but
instead creating a significant loss of
jobs and decreased domestic production
“...I think we have capacity. Image Source: Projections, Inc

to be very careful The second protectionist component The fear of low-cost foreign production
about sending in Waxman-Markey is the border that spawned Smoot-Hawley closely
any protectionist adjustments section, which insists that mirrors the concerns of those who can
signals.”47 each “foreign country take appropri- plainly see the negative effects of a cap-
– President Barack ate measures to limit the greenhouse and-trade scheme on domestic produc-
Obama, July 24, gas emissions of [that] country and … ers. A letter from ten Senate Democrats
that, beginning on January 1, 2020, the representing states with large industrial,
2009 international reserve requirements of this mining and manufacturing sectors that
subpart may apply to a covered good.”40 will be particularly hard hit by Waxman-
This would allow the president to require Markey insisted that unless carbon
importers to submit proof of carbon tariffs were included in the Senate bill
offsets or emissions allowances in order they “would find it extremely difficult to
for their goods to reach our market. support” the bill.42 The senators from
This U.S. Government-imposed cost is Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana,
a tariff, which will drive up the cost of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Illinois
production and goods for consumers in wrote in strong support of “a border
all countries and leave everyone poorer adjustment mechanism” to “prevent the
for the exercise. export of jobs and related greenhouse
gas emissions” to countries not afflicted
These provisions bear a striking by a cap-and-trade scheme.43
resemblance to the disastrous Smoot-
Hawley Act of 1930, which was passed While Waxman-Markey would saddle
in response to a fear that a post-World American firms with a cost for their
War I Europe would flood the American carbon consumption, producers in the
market with goods produced at a much rapidly developing world would not have
lower cost. Smoot-Hawley raised tariffs to bear these burdens. India and China
on more than 20,000 imported goods. have both adamantly insisted that they
The result was a trade war, as within will not place First World carbon con-
two years 25 countries had retaliated cerns ahead of Third World hunger and
and the U.S. saw its exports fall from poverty. Top advisors for both countries
$5.24 billion in 1929 to just $1.6 billion have also pointed to the protectionist
in 1932. The act was so damaging
nature of the Waxman-Markey border
that the depression cascaded around the adjustments.
world. It took a second world war before
the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 India’s Minister for Environment and
lowered trade barriers again and put the Forests Jairam Ramesh greeted U.S.
world on a path of economic resurgence Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on
that has endured nearly unmitigated until July 19 by stating, “There is simply no
today. 10
case for the pressure that we [India] — Central planners have put themselves in
who have among the lowest emissions a tough position. They want to screw
per capita — face to reduce emissions … down the cap on American carbon emis-
and as if this pressure was not enough, sions but the carbon leakage to rapidly
we also face the threat of carbon tariffs developing countries will totally under-
on our exports to countries such as mine their efforts. They have turned to
yours.”44 An April 2009 article in the tariffs as a means to slow the problem
Financial Times outlined China’s reac- but the resulting “beggar-thy-neighbor”
tion as follows: policy is even worse than the leakage
they seek to remedy. Smoot-Hawley was
A top adviser to the Chinese gov- bad policy with disastrous results but
ernment … warned that a proposed at least it arose in response to existing
US border tax on carbon sensitive conditions. The eco-protectionism in
materials “smells of protectionism” Waxman-Markey is twice as bad because
and could spark retaliation from it seeks to counteract the damage done
developing countries … Tung Chee- by other provisions in the same bill. We
hwa, vice-chairman of the Chinese can easily avoid another trade war by
People’s Political Consultative simply refusing to economically cripple
Conference (CPPCC), the Chinese our domestic producers and encouraging
government’s official advisory, said research, innovation and ingenuity to
that a proposed “border adjustment” combat our energy concerns.
programme could be challenged
through the World Trade Organiza- U.S. carbon-dioxide restrictions -- a slap
tion and that he was “distressed” at China and India that some business
Central planners by the new bill introduced to interests fear could provoke a trade war.”
have put them- Congress.45 Central planners have put themselves in
selves in a tough a tough position. They want to screw
position. They Just as more than 1,000 economists sent down the cap on American carbon emis-
a letter to President Hoover urging him sions but the carbon leakage to rapidly
want to screw to veto the Smoot-Hawley Act, so too developing countries will totally under-
down the cap on today is the alarm bell being sounded mine their efforts. They have turned to
American carbon about the dangers of artificially raising tariffs as a means to slow the problem
emissions but the the cost of goods for consumers.46 Pres- but the resulting “beggar-thy-neighbor”
carbon leakage to ident Obama reacted to the last-minute policy is even worse than the leakage
rapidly develop- addition of the carbon tariffs by saying, they seek to remedy.
“At a time when the economy worldwide
ing countries will is still deep in recession and we’ve seen Smoot-Hawley was bad policy with
totally undermine a significant drop in global trade, I think disastrous results but at least it arose in
their efforts. we have to be very careful about sending response to existing conditions. The
any protectionist signals.”47 The Wall eco-protectionism in Waxman-Markey is
Street Journal quickly pointed out that twice as bad because it seeks to counter-
“the provision inserted by Democratic act the damage done by other provisions
leaders … would impose tariffs on goods in the same bill. We can easily avoid
imported from countries that don’t match another trade war by simply refusing
U.S. carbon-dioxide restrictions -- a slap to economically cripple our domestic
at China and India that some business producers and encouraging research,
interests fear could provoke a trade innovation and ingenuity to combat our
war.”48 energy concerns.

5. Implementation II: National
Greenhouse Gas Registry
businesses lower not their actual carbon
Centrally planning any system requires a output, but instead they will need to
massive amount of data collection. The demonstrate that their potential to emit is
new eco-state can only plausibly claim lower. However, grappling with mea-
...Facilities will to be able to control the country’s emis- surement accuracy and potential emis-
have their emis- sions if it collects and monitors emission sion thresholds are not the worst aspect
sions calculated levels throughout the economy. Enter of the provision.
the Greenhouse Gas Registry, section
not on what they
713 of Waxman-Markey.49 Energy inten- One of the biggest concerns about
are actually emit- sive industries have been voluntarily installing a mandatory reporting require-
ting, but on what reporting emissions since 1992 but it is ment is the compliance cost. James
they may emit. clear that this approach will no longer be McNew, vice president of technical
Waxman-Markey deemed acceptable. and marketing services for the Outdoor
will require that Power Equipment Institute, a trade
The voluntary approach is being association for manufacturers said, the
businesses lower
scrapped because it has largely been cost “will run in the millions of dollars
not their actual ineffective in lowering emissions. In for some manufacturers.”53 On the
carbon output, but fact, it has had just the opposite effect. lower end of the spectrum is an estimate
instead they will A study by University of Michigan put forth by the Environmental Protec-
need to demon- scholars found that, “participants in the tion Agency in March 2009, when they
strate that their [voluntary] program reported significant proposed a similar mandatory reporting
reductions while actually increasing their requirement, which put the average cost
potential to emit is
emissions. Ironically, firms that did not at $13,000 per facility; or an estimated
lower. participate in the program reduced their $160 million burden to the economy.54
emissions.”50 While replacing the exist- Remember, this is just for businesses
ing failing voluntary reporting program to report greenhouse gas emissions;
may seem like good policy, it belies the compliance with emission caps, renew-
core issue. Accurate measurements able electricity standards and mandatory
and employing third party verifiers will technology adoption would impose
plague the mandatory reporting require- additional costs.
ment in much the same way they did the
voluntary one. The University of Michi- Businesses that are struggling to rees-
gan study exposes that “The sources of tablish profit margins and maintain
uncertainty include unobserved alterna- employee rolls in the recession will be
tive attributes, unobserved individual faced with the prospect of passing these
attributes, and measurement errors.”51 costs along to consumers and jeopardiz-
ing their position in the marketplace, or
In order to try to offset the issue of inac- simply shutting down.
curacy in reporting, Waxman-Markey
proclaims that all facilities will not be 6. Green Mortgages: Fannie Mae
rated on their actual emissions, but and Freddie Mac
instead on an “estimate of such levels
assuming the [business] is emitting …
at a maximum potential level.”52 That’s If Edmund Burke is right and those who
right; facilities will have their emis- do not know history are destined to
sions calculated not on what they are repeat it, then America is setting itself
actually emitting, but on what they may up for failure. We should have learned
emit. Waxman-Markey will require that from the bursting of the housing bubble
What types of projects do Reps.
Waxman and Markey to fund? The bill
contains language urging Fannie and
Freddie to extend loans to borrowers
seeking “energy-saving design, construc-
tion or improvements (including use of
that creating subprime boondoggles and renewable energy sources, such as solar,
overextending credit to those unable geothermal, biomass, and wind, super-
to pay is toxic for the economy. Even insulation, energy-saving windows,
though Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac insulating glass and film, and radiant
played a key role in the meltdown of barrier.)”57 You can also get a taxpayer-
the housing sector and both have a backed loan to move closer to work,
poor record (see the Housing and Com- because that shortens your commute and
munity Development Act of 1992 and thus lowers your carbon footprint. We
the Community Reinvestment Act) of are once again threatening the stability
identifying credit worthy loan applica- of the nation’s housing sector when it
tions, Waxman-Markey instructs them to is just getting back on its feet so that
overextend credit again, only this time in members of Congress who represent
the name of socioeconomic environmen- constituents who that cannot afford
tal political correctness. mortgages can install new windows and
move closer to work, all under the guise
Sections 286 and 287 of Waxman- of environmentalism.
Markey create additional lines of credit
for the two government sponsored The inclusion of community develop-
enterprises to make energy-efficient and ment provisions is curious in a bill that
location-efficient mortgages; the bill was ostensibly geared toward helping
instructs the GSEs to focus these loans the environment. An analysis of similar
in “underserved markets.” The text efforts to hijack other bills by insert-
reads, they “shall develop loan products ing unrelated community development
and flexible underwriting guidelines to provisions bears attention:
facilitate a secondary market for energy-
efficient and location-efficient mortgages Several [community development]
on housing for very low-, low-, and initiatives … were the result of
moderate-income families.”55 It seems advocates opportunistically exploit-
far too soon after our last housing deba- ing a policy window in Washington.
cle for Congress to be myopic enough to They gained the attentions of a
mandate “secondary markets” and “flex- group of inside policymakers and
ible underwriting guidelines.” Waxman- were able to insert a community-
Markey even explicitly acknowledges the based program in a policy. Some-
danger inherent in this lending strategy times … into legislation designed
by including a provision authorizing the to accomplish some other purpose
director of the programs to suspend the … These have proven far less viable
risky lending if circumstances threaten than initiatives … which resulted
“the safety and soundness of the port- from long cultivation of local initia-
folio holdings of the enterprise.” In
56 tives that became a groundswell
other words, the far-Left wants GSEs to pervading many policy quarters and
lend money to people to advance their commanding long-term support.58
green agenda even if they can’t afford
the loans, unless of course their inability In other words, unsurprisingly, top-down
to repay the loans begins to undermine efforts by well-meaning but ill-informed
the stability of the GSE. Burke would be or ill-supported community development
horrified. 13
advocates have failed to achieve the replaced.”60 The overreach by the federal
desired results. Waxman-Markey was government has reached the maintenance
only able to pass the House of Repre- of our flower beds; stunning.
sentatives because it included provisions
that members could take back to their Not only does the forestry sector stand
constituencies as legislative victories. to benefit from selling carbon offsets by
For coastal elites, it was the triumph of promising not to cut down its trees, they
central planning over the carbon sins are also exempt from the emissions cap
of a nation; for urban representatives it that will stifle the rest of the economy.
was a promise that this time the govern- The Waxman-Markey bill specifically
ment handouts would effectively reach states that the carbon emission cap
the inner city. Unfortunately, neither of applies to any “sector of economic
these is likely to be the case. activity that directly emits capped emis-
sions, including the industrial sector, the
electricity generation sector, the trans-
7. Carbon Offset Credits: Forest
portation sector, and the residential and
Preservation commercial sectors … but not including
the agricultural or forestry sectors.”61
Waxman-Markey is a classic experi- (Emphasis added.) This provision is
ment in government picking winners crucial if Washington wants to prop up
and losers in the economy. A perfect the carbon offset market because if they
example of this behavior is the carbon did not let forestry off the hook for its
offset handouts for the forestry industry. emissions, there would be no offsets to
Because the emissions cap in Waxman- sell to the rest of the economy.
Markey is nearly impossible for busi-
nesses to meet, the bill contains various Why is this? When a tree dies, it
ways for companies to offset their releases all of the carbon that it absorbed
carbon emissions by purchasing credits over its offset-producing lifecycle. A
from other activities in the economy that Wall Street Journal piece examining
claim their activities have a net reduction forest offset potential states that “nearly
in carbon emissions. The bill allows 20% of man-made greenhouse-gas emis-
for offset credits to be created for any sions come from deforestation: trees cut
“afforestation, reforestation, conserva- and burned by humans, or mowed down
tion, reduction of deforestation, urban by forest fire, or rotted away by disease.
tree-planting or agroforestry.”59 In other That is more carbon dioxide than comes
words: promise not to cut down a tree, from all the world’s cars, trucks, planes,
sell an offset, and make a quick buck. trains and ships, combined.”62 So unless
Waxman-Markey absolves agriculture
Waxman-Markey also contains provi- and forestry, these sectors will simply
sions that will be mean big business for consume all of their own offsets by
tree planting and landscaping interests. using part of their forests to allow them
The last minute manager’s amendment to continue to manage or cut down the
instructs the Secretary of Housing other part. Since this result would not
and Urban Development to “enter into allow Washington politicians to hand
agreements and partnerships with tree- out offsets to buy votes, they simply let
planting organizations, nurseries, and forestry and agriculture industries walk
landscapers to certify that trees, shrubs, away from the carbon emission cap free
grasses, and other plants are planted and clear.
in the proper manner, are provided
adequate maintenance, and survive for
at least 3 years after planting or are
The Journal article continues its exami-
nation by outlining the boondoggle over
the valuable forest credits:

Facing impending government

orders to help curb climate change,
energy-intensive companies argue
that if they help prevent a forest
from being destroyed, they will be
keeping carbon dioxide out of the
air. So they are proposing that they The bill also struggles to outline provi-
pay forest owners to keep their trees sions to contain the leakage and reversals
alive, and in exchange they receive (the loss of net carbon retention when
carbon credits that reduce their forests that were used as offsets are later
obligation to make costlier emission burned, cut or thinned) and comes up
cuts at their own factories. woefully short of being able to account
“You’ve got all these folks lined for future circumstances. The bill com-
up around the idea that we want to mands that any forest used as a credit
generate as many of these credits must not be altered for 20 years, a likely
as possible so we can continue to unattainable goal.66 With this much
pretend that regulating emissions is uncertainty and variability in an offset
going to be cheap and easy,” says market, who is pushing for its creation
David Victor, a professor of interna- and who will reap the benefits.
“You’ve got all tional relations at the University of
these folks lined California, San Diego.63 So, Who Benefits?
up around the idea
that we want to Verifiability and “additionality” are two One group that is well-positioned to
huge obstacles with forestry offsets, and capitalize on the emerging forest offset
generate as many
they are largely ignored by Waxman- market is the Nature Conservancy. The
of these credits Markey. Forest offsets will be handled group, which has been much maligned
as possible so in an abstract and promissory fashion. for its faux-environmentalism, has been
we can continue Projects “which seek to protect forests as a big proponent of both Waxman-Mar-
to pretend that a means of sequestering carbon, are by key and the forestry offset provisions.
regulating nature difficult to verify … it is difficult Perhaps not coincidentally, they have
to verify with accuracy how many tons one of the largest non-state forest inven-
emissions is going
of [greenhouse gases] were sequestered tories in the world. The group’s website
to be cheap and by preventing a tract of land from being boasts control of 119 million acres in all
easy.”63 deforested or degraded.”64 “Additional- 50 states and more than 30 countries.
– Professor David ity” references whether an offset project They are not only flush with land but
Victor is new and would not have been under- also cash. A 2003 Washington Post
taken without the existence of an offset piece found that “By 2002, Conservancy
market. Ostensibly, the current policy of revenue had reached $972 million, more
the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development than 10 times the size of the Sierra Club
Mechanism is to only issue offset credits revenue.”67
for projects that can be verified as addi-
tional. However, “it is nearly impossible Kenneth Green, a resident scholar at the
to establish with certainty that an offset American Enterprise Institute, indicated
project is additional, which is a major that such a large landholding represents
risk contributing” to the formation of the a valuable opportunity for the Conser-
carbon asset bubble that was outlined vancy to capitalize on its lobbying and
above.65 turn the property into carbon offsets.68
If environmental-
ists can show that While the group poses as a beneficent … introduced at the end of March
they have mollified land conservator, it has not been idle in includes a provision that benefits Duke
some corporations, its political dealings. Energy Corp., a founding member of …
it goes a long way USCAP, whose climate plan released in
toward convinc- Since the Pelosi/Waxman/Boxer team January the lawmakers have frequently
took over Capitol Hill, the Nature called a “blueprint” for their climate
ing the public that
Conservancy’s lobbying activities have legislation.”70
cap-and-trade increased markedly. The group reported
might not be so $1.2 million of lobbying activity on The Times piece also quoted Myron
bad. environmental issues in 2007, which was Ebell, climate and energy policy director
more than double its expenditures from for the Competitive Enterprise Institute,
the previous year when Republicans who told lawmakers, “The authors of the
controlled Congress. Likewise, 2008 draft bill have invited the beneficiaries
was the group’s largest lobbying effort to of what could turn out to be the biggest
date with $1.3 million in expenditures. transfer of wealth from consumers to
The group looks to be on track to break special interests in American history
their own record this year; through the to write the rules for this legalized
first three months of 2009 the group has plunder.”71
doled out $850,000 to push legislation,
all of it on environmental issues.69 In addition to lobbying, the Nature
Conservancy’s board members have
Effective and expensive lobbying means been heavy donors to Democratic pow-
access when it comes time to draft the erbrokers. The Conservancy’s President
bill. Just as we saw with GE earlier, the and CEO Mark Tercek gave tens of
Nature Conservancy is also a member thousands of dollars to Senator Chuck
of USCAP, who has been pivotal to the Schumer (D-N.Y.), ex-DNC Chairman
Left’s strategy to convince the nation Howard Dean and New Jersey Governor
that cap-and-trade won’t hamper the John Corzine.72 Tercek is also the direc-
country’s ability to emerge from the tor of Goldman Sachs’ Environmental
recession, or prosper again once it has. Markets Initiative, which stands to
If environmentalists can show that they reap significant benefits from trading
have mollified some corporations, it goes in carbon emission permits, carbon
a long way toward convincing the public offset credits and all of their various
that cap-and-trade might not be so bad. derivatives.

The Washington Times reported on John Sall, board member and chairman
the undue access the group gained in of the Conservancy’s Audit Committee,
a piece entitled “Lobbyists help Dems has also been a prolific donor to those
draft climate change bill.” The article now pushing forest-based carbon offset
states, “The sweeping climate bill Mr. provisions. Over the past decade Sall
Waxman and Rep. Edward J. Markey has contributed more than $228,000 to
the DNC, the Democratic Senatorial acres of Maine forest to the Conser-
Campaign Committee, numerous state vancy for $35 million. The Conser-
level Democratic organizations and vancy then contracted with a Maine
Democratic candidates.73 The politi- company to log 136,000 acres of
cians that he has helped put in office the land to help offset costs …
are now installing provisions that will Such ties create a “commonality of
mean huge returns on investment for the interest” between the Conservancy
Conservancy. and International Paper, said Tom
Jorling, a company vice president.
“There’s a lot of enthusiasm about a new “This enables us to get more legiti-
administration coming in to office,” said macy because the Conservancy has
Robert Bendick, the [Conservancy’s] the kind of reputation it does.”75
director of U.S. government relations.
“It’s really hard to say whether it’s been The Conservancy is just one of numer-
successful. There’s so much legislation ous groups that have embraced the public
in play right now. We have a long-term relations value in posing as environmen-
view of things.”74 tally friendly in order to reap political,
organizational and financial benefits.
The group has committed to such a Any doubt as to the forestry industry’s
“long-term view of things” that about position more broadly are quickly
a decade ago it realized that there were allayed upon reading their constructive
great gains to be made by posturing as suggestions for architects of the bill.
environmentally friendly to gain favor
with both politically-vulnerable pol- The National Alliance of Forest Owners
luters and politicians in need of green is not only ready and willing to provide
pet projects to support. A four-article lucrative carbon offset credits, using land
series by the Washington Post exposed they were just sitting on before, but they
the extent of the “greenwashing” that want access to the market even more
the Conservancy was undertaking. An quickly and with less oversight than
excerpt from the article discusses the Waxman-Markey envisions. The group
relationship between the Conservancy insists that:
and one of the nation’s biggest loggers:
International Paper: Climate legislation must give offset
project developers as much early
The Dogwood Alliance, a coalition guidance and certainty as possible
of 70 grassroots environmental so they can attract investment and
groups, says … the partnership develop projects in time for the first
gives loggers a public relations compliance periods. To ensure
boost from “greenwashing.” … a prompt start, H.R. 2454 must
International Paper [has] used the streamline procedures for approv-
Conservancy “to pull the wool ing projects and certifying offsets.
over the public’s eyes,” said Trevor As the bill is currently drafted,
Fitzgibbon, Dogwood’s former numerous layers of rulemakings and
spokesman. “It makes it seem they agency actions spread over multiple
are doing great things for the envi- years may bar offsets from coming
ronment when what they’re doing is available for as long as a decade.76
destroying [our] natural heritage.”
In summary, groups like the Nature
International Paper is on the Con- Conservancy have established a niche
servancy’s leadership council. In where they attract investment from
1998, the company sold 185,000 companies who fear political reprisal
for their business practices. The Con- It should also be noted that the Davis-
servancy then employs individuals who Bacon Act has an insidious and racist
donate in huge sums to elect politicians history. Many of the Congressmen who
who are actively working to crush those voted for the bill’s initial passage in 1931
companies. Next, in morbid harmony, publicly expressed an interest in keeping
the Conservancy lobbies these same poli- “cheap,” “transient,” “colored” labor out
ticians to enact legislation, like Wax- of their state while keeping unionized,
man-Markey, that will greatly increase high-price contractors protected from
the cost of doing business for industry, competition.80 Of course, unions and
unless they buy the carbon offset credits Congress no longer openly discrimi-
that the Conservancy now stands to have nate against African Americans. But
in abundance. The entire process is an “prevailing wage” laws, by artificially
… citizens will incestuous mess that bears little hope of raising labor costs, discriminate against
be stuck picking benefiting the environment but ensures low skilled and non-unionized workers,
that citizens will be stuck picking up the taking them out of competition for many
up the bill for the bill for the environmental absolution of jobs.
environmental politically unpopular industries.
absolution These problems with the Davis-Bacon
of politically provisions are well documented and
8. Union Giveaways: Davis-Bacon researched. In February 2008, the
and PLAs Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk Uni-
versity found that U.S. Department of
Waxman-Markey is also a blatant Labor’s methods for determining pre-
giveaway to Big Labor that locks in vailing wages inflate wages by 22 per-
artificially high wage rates for related cent, construction costs by 9.91 percent,
projects, thus ensuring that it wastes and raise public construction costs by
even more taxpayer money and increases $8.6 billion per year.81 Many states also
energy costs. It discriminates against have “little Bacon-Davis” laws that apply
small and minority-owned construction to state contracts, with much the same
businesses, and provides unions with results. The Public Policy Foundation of
more political clout. West Virginia has found that the state’s
prevailing wage program:
Waxman-Markey requires that all
contractors and subcontractors funded is severely biased, creating unem-
in whole or in part by the law must be ployment and inequities among
compliant with the Davis-Bacon Act workers who normally earn the
of 1931.77 This law was passed at the same amount in regular market
depths of Great Depression in an effort employment. West Virginia’s aver-
to artificially prop-up falling wages age prevailing wage rate is at least
and prevent out-of-town laborers from 49 percent higher than is accurate,
competing with local contractors. It and based on adjustments, this
forces federal government contractors to upward bias is likely to truly exceed
pay their laborers the regional “prevail- 74 percent. The net effect is to
ing wage,” as determined by bureaucrats significantly lower job prospects in
in Washington.78 It should come as no West Virginia. The harm is greatest
surprise to find out the methods used by for the lowest skilled workers. This
the Department of Labor are flawed and report estimates that at least 1,500
overstate the prevailing wage in many West Virginians are without work
districts.79 because of the inaccurate method
for calculating prevailing wage
This history of flawed competition, American labor and that it is wrong for
increased costs, and employment dis- Congress to choose winners before the
crimination has now been brought to the contracts are even written. They wrote:
environment. H.R. 2454 requires that
all cap-and-trade related government Federal and federally funded proj-
contracts adhere to Davis-Bacon for ects paid for by taxpayers should
projects greater than 6,500 square feet.83 be administered in a manner that is
The National Federation of Independent free from favoritism and discrimi-
Business (NFIB) notes that, “Small busi- nation while efficiently spending
nesses engage in construction, renova- tax dollars. Construction contracts
tion and retrofitting projects of varying subject to union-only project labor
sizes – not just those less than 6,500 agreements (PLA) almost always
square feet.”84 The NFIB also says that, are awarded exclusively to union-
“Davis-Bacon prevents many qualified ized contractors and their all-union
small and minority-owned businesses workforces. This means union-only
from even bidding on public projects, PLAs would discriminate against
because the complexities and inefficien- almost 85 percent of the private
cies in the Act make it nearly impossible construction workforce.87
for small businesses to compete. By
including such language in H.R. 2454, PLAs are a way for politicians on the
Davis-Bacon will only drive up taxpayer Left to reward the union interests that
energy costs even further.”85 helped put them in office. Because
nearly eighty percent of construction
Not only will this drive up the cost of contractors have opted not to union-
energy supplied by these projects, it will ize, Labor turned to PLAs as a way to
also drive up the costs of the projects keep business flowing their way. This
themselves, thus ensuring that fewer is accomplished by including a manda-
wage” laws, by of them will be constructed. The self- tory “collective bargaining agreement
artificially raising reinforcing waste of taxpayer dollars in a public construction project’s bid
labor costs, dis- will continue unimpeded. Davis-Bacon specifications.”88 Not surprisingly, this
criminate against rules “increase public construction costs results in artificially inflated wages, over
low skilled and by anywhere from 5 to 38 percent above budget projects and wasted taxpayer
projected costs for the same project in money. This is a deplorable giveaway
the private sector.”86 Even if we take to Labor and government should not be
workers, taking President Obama, the Congressional in the business of selecting who benefits
them out of com- leadership, and their interest in building from its contracts. Instead, they should
petition for many an environmentally friendly infra- be responsible stewards of tax dollars
jobs. structure at face-value, why did they and seek to optimize their investments.
just make it more expensive and more One of the more disturbing parts of
difficult? Davis-Bacon is that government knows it
does not work and is willing to suspend
Associated Builders and Contractors its provisions the moment an emergency
released a letter opposing H.R. 2454 hits. This most recently occurred in
while reminding Congress that union- September 2005, following Hurricane
ized labor is not synonymous with Katrina’s destruction of the New Orleans
area. Designating a “national emer-
gency,” then-President Bush wrote that
his decision to suspend Davis-Bacon was
justified because it increases construc-
tion costs, and its suspension “will result
in greater assistance to these devas-
tated communities and will permit the the program to political manipulation
employment of thousands of additional and union influence. First, as noted
individuals.”89 The ridiculous assertion above, projects are selected by the Secre-
here is that during non-emergency times tary of Labor, making this initial process
we do not need to “permit the employ- a boon for lobbyists and businesses
ment of thousands of additional indi- eager to have their “green” construction
viduals” and that artificially high wages program the center of attention of the
are more important as long as massive U.S. Government. The Department of
destruction does not need to be repaired. Labor will no doubt be targeted through
letters, ad campaigns, and possibly
Forcing government contracts into the worse in an effort by businesses to get
Davis-Bacon rules hands of high-priced union labor is not their projects into the program. But why
“increase public good for taxpayers or for those genuinely would a business choose to restrict itself
construction costs concerned with the economic and envi- through a complicated and ill-conceived
by anywhere from ronmental value produced by Waxman- government plan?
5 to 38 percent Markey and its projects. These prevail-
ing wage provisions do nothing except The answer lies in the government’s
above projected
increase costs, decrease the amount incentives: there is no way any project
costs for the same of value created by the spending, and under this program will be allowed
project in the perpetuate a myth, now over 70 years to fail, no matter how expensive it
private sector.”86 old, that government artificially raising becomes. All we have to do is look to
wages is the way to ensure a sustainable the FutureGen project to see the likely
- Republican Study and prosperous construction industry. outcome. FutureGen is a clean coal and
Committee carbon sequestration project started by
the Bush Administration’s Department
9. Green Construction Projects of Energy in partnership with several
energy companies.
An example of wasteful and over-priced
projects is the “Green Construction In January 2008, the Bush Administra-
Careers Demonstration Project,” outlined tion reversed course and cancelled
in Section 424A of the bill. The program the project, citing huge cost increas-
claims to: es.91 Those cost increases were later
revised down from a 100 percent to a
Promote middle class careers and 38 percent increase, a still significant
quality employment practices in the jump.92 Despite these costs, the Obama
green construction sector among Administration, at the urging of Senator
targeted workers and to advance Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), has reinstated
efficiency and performance on con- the program using stimulus funds and
struction projects related to this Act. is moving ahead.93 At no point has any
In order to advance these purposes, Administration official addressed the
the Secretary [of Labor] shall iden- cost increases, stating only its impor-
tify projects, including residential tance to the environment.94
retrofitting projects, funded directly
by or assisted in whole or in part by The Green Construction Careers Dem-
or through the Federal Government onstration Project will no doubt have
pursuant to this Act … 90 similar government inertia behind it.

However, efficiency and performance Surely there must be some objective

are the least likely outcomes from this criteria through which to judge this pro-
program. This is the result of a series of gram besides vague notions of “middle
restrictions and requirements that subject class careers,” “quality employment
practices,” and “efficiency.” In fact, the Finding workers that fit these very
bill “establish[es] minimum proportions specific requirements will result in huge
of hours to be worked by targeted work- expenses for contractors and therefore
ers on such projects.” In other words, huge costs to taxpayers. Construction
qualifying projects will provide a set companies are not prepared to, or have
amount of work for “targeted workers,” the authority to dive into the details of
regardless of the costs involved. an applicant’s income, welfare situation,
or veteran status. These requirements
So who are these “targeted workers?” are an invasion of privacy and a needless
They are individuals who live near the restriction of work to certain categories
work-site who: of people. The bill’s authors should be
reminded that all Americans are paying
• receive child welfare, for this work. Shouldn’t all Americans
have an equal chance to gain from it?
• a re veterans who receive food
stamps or are disabled, But the bill is not done inserting restric-
tive and costly requirements on con-
• l ive in a community “empower- tractors. Paragraph (g) introduces the
ment” zone, concept of the “qualified apprenticeship
program” and states that contractors
• h ave a substantial handicap to and subcontractors participating in the
employment and have completed project must “submit adequate assur-
a vocational rehabilitation ances with its bid or proposal that it
program, participates in a qualified apprenticeship
or other training program, with a written
• are “summer youth employees,” arrangement with a qualified pre-appren-
ticeship program, for each craft or trade
• are food stamp recipients, classification of worker that it intends to
employ to perform work on the project.”
• r eceive social security supple-
mentary income, Again, definitions are crucial. An
apprenticeship program is qualified if the
• r eceive long-term family assis- program is an “employee welfare benefit
tance from social security, plan” under Title 29, Section 1002 of the
U.S. Code96 and provides training under
• r esides in a census tract in which the definitions and regulations as stipu-
not less than 20 percent of the lated by Title 29, Section 29.97 These are
households have incomes below fairly complicated labor law issues that
the Federal poverty guidelines, involve both state and federal law. But
according to Associated Builders and
• is a member of a family that Contractors, these laws and regulations
received a total family income restrict the recognition of non-union
that, during the 2-year period apprenticeship programs by state and
prior to employment on the federal levels of government.98 By
project or admission to the pre- falling back on outdated and corrupted
apprenticeship program, did not federal regulations, the Waxman-Markey
exceed 200 percent of the Federal bill forces construction companies and
poverty guidelines, or the Secretary of Labor to lean towards
the selection of unionized firms for the
• is a displaced homemaker.95 provision of labor.

Later in the bill, it requires contractors to since he entered Congress in 1993.104
enter into an agreement with the govern- Rush is also a big fan of pork. Accord-
ment to “facilitate compliance” of all the ing to David Broder in the New York
above. These agreements are known as Times, “Representative Bobby Rush …
PLA’s (Project Labor Agreements) and withheld his support for the bill until a
they are another tool through which the last-minute accord was struck to provide
government funnels contracts and money nearly $1 billion for energy-related jobs
directly to the unions to the exclusion of and job training for low-income workers
84.4 percent of construction industry.99 and new subsidies for making public
PLA’s, mandated for large-scale govern- housing more energy-efficient.”105 As
ment projects under a February 6, 2009, was discussed earlier, he was more than
Executive Order,100 frequently require willing to vote against the bill if the
that contractors recognize unions as the promised funds for his supporters were
workers’ representatives, use union halls not forthcoming.
as a worker referral method, pay union
level fees and dues, obtain apprentices The Green Construction Careers Dem-
exclusively from union programs, and onstration Project was always heavily
obey outdated work rules.101 All of touted by green economy pressure
these requirements frequently combine group, Green For All. This organization
into an unavoidable push to union labor and its CEO, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins,
and union cost levels. aggressively pushed this program and
loudly applauded its inclusion into the
In addition, many of these requirements final House bill.106 Green For All was
work against each other. How can you founded by Anthony “Van” Jones, the
ensure getting local laborers while at recently-resigned Special Advisor for
the same time restricting your options to Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innova-
15.6 percent of the available labor pool? tion at the White House Council on
How can you assist the working poor, Environmental Quality, better known
when most union members make far as the Green Jobs Czar. Van Jones’ past
above the minimum wage? has been rigorously investigated and
Representative Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) is reported on by Americans for Prosper-
the author of this confused giveaway.102 ity’s Phil Kerpen, who noted on a July
He claims it will “promote middle-class 10, 2009, episode of Fox & Friends:
careers and quality employment prac-
tices in the green construction sector.” He has a very checkered past. This
But Representative Rush’s record sug- is somebody who was involved in
gests he is interested in promoting union radical politics out in San Francisco,
careers and high-priced employment California. He was arrested during
practices with little regard to taxpayer a demonstration/riot following the
value. He has a lifetime 100% union- Rodney King verdict. And he said
compliant voting record according to himself that he was radicalized in
the AFL-CIO.103 At the same time, he jail, that he found communism and
has received a grade of ‘F’ from the anarchism. And then he started a
National Taxpayers Union every year pretty radical, kind of communist,
socialist, utopian group that was
supposed to end all racism though
central planning. And then he
decided that the real path the sort of
progressive nirvana was this green
jobs idea.

I think it’s pretty instructive what who do not sign on to the deal. It is a
his past is, I am not just trying to dream that will align union bosses, envi-
smear the guy, but I think it’s the ronmentalists and community organizers
same sort of philosophy, the idea to harness the power of government to
that government ought to be reor- fund political projects on the backs of
dering society in accordance with hardworking taxpaying Americans.
some utopian vision that failed with
communism and socialism, and will Waxman-Markey is also an admission
fail with this green jobs idea. that the public does not support legisla-
tion that would have a substantive impact
Mr. Jones’ vision is the source of the on carbon emissions. Power brokers in
Green Construction Careers Demonstra- Washington were forced to wrap their
tion Project and needs to be exposed as environmental concerns in a package
a costly, top-down effort at social and that portends to punish carbon intensive
economic engineering. energy producers, but really hurts every
American through higher prices for
Van Jones was also a board member of energy, fewer jobs and less freedom.
the Apollo Alliance. The group headed The bill also attempts to hide the reali-
by former California State Treasurer ties of globalization behind the guise
Phil Angelides has been a driving force of carbon tariffs, harkening back to the
behind nearly all of the labor and energy days of protectionism. If proponents of
provisions in the stimulus and climate this legislation were open and honest
legislation this year. Apollo is an about the financial pain the country will
umbrella group that seeks to heal tradi- experience to make sizable cuts in its
tional rifts between the three big wings emissions, it never would have passed.
of the Democratic Party: organized
labor, environmentalists and the social Waxman-Markey is a case study in the
justice movement. evisceration of public policy used to buy
votes, fool the public and appease power-
With a PR strategy that centers on ful special interests, all for the benefit of
“green jobs” for minorities, Apollo an “enlightened” few who claim to speak
speaks to all three sectors at once. In for us all. For the sake of the nation, we
response to the bill’s introduction, can only hope the Senate never passes
Angelides said, “The Apollo Alliance this bill.
applauds Chairmen Waxman and
Markey for heeding Apollo’s call for a
bold clean energy agenda that responds
to America’s economic and security
challenges while assisting displaced
workers and low-income families.”107

10. Conclusion

Waxman-Markey represents the culmi-

nation of a dream. It is a dream by the
far-Left to finally establish government
control over the entire energy sector. It
is a dream that allows politicians to pick
winners and losers that will benefit their
political allies and punish corporations
11. Appendix
Table 1
Member of Pelosi for Pelosi PAC to Waxman Campaign Friends of Jim Total
Congress Congress the Future Committee Clyburn
Voted Yes
Zack Space $4,000 $10,000 $14,000
John Adler $2,000 $2,000
Steve Driehaus $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Phil Hare $2,000 $2,000
Martin Heinrich $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Suzanne Kosmas $2,000 $4,000 $6,000
Betsy Markey $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Carol Shea-Porter $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $6,000
Gerry Connolly $2,000 $2,000
Baron Hill $2,000 $2,000
Alan Grayson $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
John Boccieri $2,000 $2,000
Leonard Boswell $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Jim Himes $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Mary Jo Kilroy $2,000 $4,000
Kurt Schrader $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Jerry McNerney $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Tom Perriello $2,000 $2,000
Gabrielle Giffords $2,000 $2,000
Steve Kagan $2,000 $2,000
Dan Maffei $2,000 $2,000
Scott Murphy $4,000 $4,000
Harry Teague $2,000 $2,000
Dina Titus $2,000 $2,000
Subtotal $32,000 $10,000 $16,000 $30,000 $88,000
Voted No
Jason Altmire $2,000 $2,000
Kathy Dahlkemper $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Harry Mitchell $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Glenn Nye $2,000 $2,000
Bill Foster $2,000 $2,000
Bobby Bright $2,000 $2,000
Chris Carney $4,000 $2,000 $6,000
Jean Kirkpatrick $2,000 $2,000
Larry Kissell $2,000 $2,000
Eric Massa $2,000 $2,000
Mike Arcuri $2,000 $2,000
Marion Berry $2,000 $2,000
Chet Edwards $2,000 $2,000
Travis Childers $2,000 $2,000
Parker Griffith $2,000 $2,000 $4,000
Ciro Rodriguez $2,000 $2,000
Subtotal $6,000 $0 $6,000 $30,000 $42,000
Total $38,000 $10,000 $22,000 $60,000 $130,000
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