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History of Music Paper Rubric

Students Name:
CATEGORY !ontent: "#!$S 10 Thesis is very clear, though it may/may not be explicitly stated !aintains "ocus on thesis throughout paper by using #ell$de"ined subtopics The organi%ational structure is obvious #hen reading, and there are clearly labeled subtopics in the piece &uotes and paraphrases relate clearly to the thesis and subtopics in the paper The author does not simply summari%e The research and other texts used are o" the highest (uality and obviously very reliable Exhibits R4.S#N.564 !#NTR#6 o" grammatical conventions appropriate to the #riting tas* +as a clear, pretty uni(ue voice and an engaging style -n$text citations and #or*s cited are all done correctly and conscientiously 8 Thesis is %enera y c ear though it may not be explicitly stated !ay exhibit minor apses in "ocus on thesis, and subtopics may not be #ell$de"ined The organi%ational structure is some1)at ob&ious #hen reading, and there are c ear y abe ed subtopics in the piece &uotes and paraphrases often re ate clearly to the thesis and subtopics in the paper T)e aut)or does a ot of summary, not ana ysis' The research and other texts used are generally so id and seems pretty re iab e' Exhibits S#M4 !#NTR#6 o" grammatical conventions appropriate to the #riting tas* +as a c ear &oice and decent sense of sty e' -n$text citations and #or*s cited are main y done correct y and conscientious y' 6 Thesis may be &a%ue' 4 Thesis is unc ear or confusin%' Tota Points

!ontent: "#!$S

!ay lose or may e()ibit ma*or apses in focus on thesis, and the subtopics are not de"ined The organi%ational structure is not ob&ious #hen reading, and there are not c ear y abe ed subtopics in the piece &uotes and paraphrases are rare y re ated to the thesis and subtopics in the paper T)e aut)or main y summari2es rat)er t)an ana y2es te(ts' The research and other texts used are o3ay, and mi%)t be re iab e Exhibits M/N/M.6 !#NTR#6 o" grammatical conventions appropriate to the #riting tas* ,ounds li*e the sources being used, t)e sty e is a bit f at -n$text citations and #or*s cited are present'

!ontent: #R-.N/0.T/#N

"ai s to estab is) focus on topic+sub*ect, and t)esis is unc ear and subtopics are not present The organi%ational structure is not present #hen reading, and there are not c ear y abe ed subtopics in the piece 'o (uotes are used 'o real analysis or thought is obvious

!ontent: S$PP#RT

!ontent: T)e Te(ts $sed


)ittle research or other texts are used and #hat is used doesnt appear to be &ery re iab e' Exhibits 6/TT64 !#NTR#6 o" grammatical conventions appropriate to the #riting tas* No particu ar &oice or sty e is present' -n$text citations and #or*s cited are not present or correctly done Tota Points: Percenta%e: -rade

!ontent: ST764 and 8#/!4 M6. !on&entions


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