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Detailed Estimate for the Proposed Additional works to the existing Building belongs to Sri. M.B.

Jagadeesh S/o Sri. Bore Gowda, at Sath"amangla Extension, $assan% Applicant & Sri M. B. Jagadeesh 'ocation & Behind Duff and Dum School,(Gowrikoppalu !id"a #agar, Sath"amangla Extension, $assan% % (atha% #o% & )*+, -. #o% & /, S0 #o% & 1)23 Site #o% & * #ame 4f 5orks% & Stone cladding ,Showcase 6 5ardrobe, 7oncrete around 8he Building, (itchen Plat 9orm (itchen Gla:ed 8iles, Surki, Back side grill, 9ront side grill, Solar, Sl% #o 3. Description of items Kitchen Plot form = )% >%)= ,%13 ? +%+* 7mtr% @ .s%>),,2A =),**,A,, #o ' B D ;uantit" <nit .ate Amount Behind Duff and Dum School,(Gowrikoppalu !id"a #agar,

DADDOOI G !I"# G$A%&D "I$&S Daddooing with gla:ed tiles for walls with borders set in 7- 3B= and pointed with plaster of paris and white cement%, complete with colour gla:ed tiles of si:e ),cms% C 3,cms% (itchen ) Bath = 1%>3 +%+/ 3%,1 )%3> ? ? 3=%*D >D%>> AAAAAAAAAA 1=%,= Smtr%

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A)A =% !&A"#&' P'OO( )O*'S& O' S*'KI ProEiding and la"ing weather proof course 3,cms% thick aEerage chip Fell" concrete 3B)B> including cleaning the surface and beating the mixed and laid concrete finishing the top surface smooth and plastering with 7- 3B) and coEering the surface with sand or ha" and kept damp for not less than + da"s etc%, complete% 33%*D >. 3)%1+ ? 3>+%,,7mtr% @ .s%1*,2A D*,**,A,,

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!A'D'OB& , S#O!)AS& ProEiding and fixing Showcase with =) C 3)*mm si:e teak wood framework around Plastering the walls extra )/mm thick with cm%3B1 proportion whereEer nec"% to bring the wall surface inline with the frame surface and the entire plaster surface is coEered with >mm thick pl"wood to look like a pl"wood box and shutters of )*mm thick particle board with GSG certification and factor" preAlamination appd% colour on one side 6 balancing lamination of white on the other side% 8he Showcase should be bifurcated in three hori:ontal compartment with 3Dmm black board with 3*mm thick steel pipe fixed in the center portion of the ward robe as per appd% drawing with nec"% hinges and iron oxidi:ed fittings such as handles etc%, and proEiding nec"% locks% / > =%,* 3%*) )%3> 3%/= ? ? *)%)3 33%3= AAAAAAA 1=%=> Smtr%

5ardrobe Showcase

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