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Detailed Estimate for the Proposed Additional works to the existing Building belongs to Smt. A.N.

Shoba D/o Sri. A Nanjappa, at Vidyanagar ( Sathyamangla Extension) !assan" Appli#ant $ Smt. A.N. Shoba %o#ation $ Vidyanagar ( Sathyamangla Extension) !assan" " &atha" 'o" $()** +, 'o" $ -. S/ 'o" $ 0120* 3un4aru 'o" $ 1Plot Area" $ *05)"0( Sft 'ame 6f 7orks" $ 8ompound 7all Show#ase 9 7ardrobe 8on#rete around :he Building &it#hen Plat ;orm &it#hen <la=ed :iles Surki Ba#k side grill ;ront side grill under ground tank o>er head tank Sl" 'o *" Des#ription of items 'o % B D ?uantity @nit ,ate Amount

Earth work ex#a>ation for foundation and remo>ing the ex#a>ated earth to a distan#e not ex#eeding 5)m and with a lift up to *"5)m in hard soil" 8ompound * AB")) )".0 )".0 C 50"0)8mtr" D ,s"*5)2E B 1A)E))


Pro>iding and laying granite or basalt or trap 4elly #on#rete using 1)mm and down si=e 4elly for foundation laid in *5#ms" thi#k layers and well #ompa#ted in#luding #uring et#" #omplete in 88 *F1FB" 8ompound * AB")) )".0 )"*5 C **"*B Smtr" D ,s"--5)2E -5 *55E))


Pro>iding and #onstru#ting granite or trap or basalt si=e stone masonry stones hammer dressed in #ourses not less than -)#ms" high with bond stones -m apart in ea#h #ourse in#luding #uring et#" #omplete" as per spe#ifi#ations for foundation in 8"+ *F0" 8ompound * * * AB")) )".5 AB")) )"05 AB")) )"55 )")")"C C C *1".) *-".1 *)".B EEEEEEEE (B"-- 8mtr"

D ,s"*B0)2E

.* )BAE))

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E-E 1" Pro>iding and laying granite or basalt or trap 4elly 88 using -)mm and down si=e 4elly in#luding mixing laying tamping #uring and finished for exposed fa#es with ne#y" #entering and form work et#" #omplete for basement in 88 *F-F1" * 5" AB")) )"15 )"*) C 1"1* 8mtr" D ,s"--5)2E A A--E))

Pro>iding and #onstru#ting bri#k masonry with appro>ed Guality modular bri#ks of si=e standard si=e with ne#y" S#affolding and 8uring for basement and superstru#ture in 8+ *F0" * * AB")) )"*( *"B( )"*( *"-*"-C C *5"55 )"-A EEEEEEE *5"-08mtr"

8ompound 7all Ded" of <ate

'et ?uantity of BB+ 0"

D ,s"(5))2E

5( 1*)E))

Supplying and fixing of steel gate made out of pressed steel *))mm x 05mm of *Bguage for frame with or without sill and shutters made out of -5mm x -5mm x 0mm +S angle with .5mm 8"," plain panels welded to the shutters frame two numbers of -)mm x 0mm flats to be welded behind the shutters at *2( from the top and *2( form the bottom one number +"S" flat (-mm x 1mm to be welded hori=ontally at the #enter of the shutter frame entire frames to be fixed in the masonry with hold fasts 0'os" of -5mm x 1mm 1)#ms" long embedded in 88 *F(F0 with granite metal of si=e -)mm and down si=e 4elly" :he hollow se#tion of the door frames to be filled with 88 *F-F1 #ompa#t fully" :he se#tions should be #ut to lengths 4oints mitered and welded and ele#tri#ally grinded all the #orners to neat finish" All the se#tion shall be pretreated for remo>al of dust and rust" :he entire surfa#e of the gate should be painted with two #oats of anti#orrosi>e paint" * *"B( E *"-C -"-( Smtr" D ,s"-5))2E 5 5.5E))


Pro>iding Stu##o plastering to walls in two #oats #onsisting base #oat of *-mm thi#k with 8+ ( *F1 ) and finishing with additional #oat with pebble dashing using graded pebbles of 1mm to Bmm in 8+ (*F() in#luding #uring with ne#y s#affolding et#" #omplete AB")) *"-- C * AB")) )"*( C Ded of <ate *x -"-( C -(A"**-".1 -"-(

-1A"0( Smtr" B"

D ,s"A)2E

-- 100E))

Pro>iding emulsion painting to walls or #eilings o>er the primer #oat of appd" make 9 #olour after s#rapping the original surfa#e and rubbing with sand paper of =ero si=e 9 with base #oat of plastofix primer and two #oats of plasti# emulsion painting of appd" #olour su##essi>ely after drying ea#h #oat and finishing as per spe#ifi#ation and dire#tion" Same ?ty" of Plastering -1A"0( Smtr" D ,s".)2E *. 1.1E))

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E(E A" PAINTING ON GATE Syntheti# enamel painting of appd" make and #olour two #oats o>er one #oats of wood primer" Painting on <ate *). Kitchen Plot form **" 1"-( )"0* C 5"*. 8mtr" D ,s"1-))2E -* .*1E)) 1"10 Smtr" D ,s"0)2E -0.E))

DADDOOING WIT G!A"ED TI!ES Daddooing with gla=ed tiles for walls with borders set in 8+ *F( and pointed with plaster of paris and white #ement" #omplete with #olour gla=ed tiles of si=e -)#ms" H *)#ms" &it#hen Bath 5 0"1* .".B *")0 -"*1 C C *("5A B("-1 EEEEEEEEEE A0"B( Smtr"

D ,s"A5)2E



WEAT E# P#OO$ %O&#SE O# S&#KI Pro>iding and laying weather proof #ourse *)#ms" thi#k a>erage #hip 4elly #on#rete *F-F1 in#luding #leaning the surfa#e and beating the mixed and laid #on#rete finishing the top surfa#e smooth and plastering with 8+ *F- and #o>ering the surfa#e with sand or hay and kept damp for not less than . days et#" #omplete" **"5A *)"0. C *-("008mtr" D ,s".5)2E A- .15E))


%oncert aro'n( the )'il(in* 50"1B *"5C B5"B5 Smtr" D ,s"05)2E 55 B)-E))


)A%K SIDE G#I!!S * *A".5 -"*1 C 1-"-0Smtr" D ,s"*5))2E 0( (A)E))


$#ONT SIDE G#I!!S * *B".5 -"*1 C 1)"*-Smtr" D ,s"*5))2E 0) *B)E))

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E1E *0 WA#D#O)E + S OW%ASE Pro>iding and fixing Show#ase with (- H *-5mm si=e teak wood framework around Plastering the walls extra -Bmm thi#k with #m"*F0 proportion where>er ne#y" to bring the wall surfa#e inline with the frame surfa#e and the entire plaster surfa#e is #o>ered with 1mm thi#k plywood to look like a plywood box and shutters of -5mm thi#k parti#le board with ISI #ertifi#ation and fa#tory preElamination appd" #olour on one side 9 balan#ing lamination of white on the other side" :he Show#ase should be bifur#ated in three hori=ontal #ompartment with *Amm bla#k board with *5mm thi#k steel pipe fixed in the #enter portion of the ward robe as per appd" drawing with ne#y" hinges and iron oxidi=ed fittings su#h as handles et#" and pro>iding ne#y" lo#ks" B 1 (")5 *"5-"*1 *"B( C C 5-"-* **"*( EEEEEEE 0("(1 Smtr"

7ardrobe Show#ase

D ,s"5)))2E %2S %2S :otal

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A )0 *B.E)) A) 0*BE)) ( *A5E))


Add *)J A7 8harges +is#ellaneous 9 ,ounding off Grand Total /#'pee0 Ten !a1h Onl23


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