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Detailed Estimate for the Proposed Additional works to the existing Building belongs to Sri. S.M.

Muralidhar S/o Sri. S. Mari Shetty Suited Near H.D.C.C Bank !st Cross "ohi#a $oad %id#a Nagar Sath#amangala Extension Hassan. Appli&ant ' Sri. S.M. Muralidhar "o&ation ' Near H.D.C.C Bank !st Cross "ohi#a $oad %id#a Nagar Sath#amangala Extension Hassan.

Propert# No. '!(( )H. No. ' (!* S+ No ' *,-, .$ No. ' !/ Plot area. ' !/!,.01 Sft Name 2f 3orks. ' Show&ase 4 3ardrobe $e5 6looring of 76 4 66 )it&hen plat 6orm )it&hen 4 Bathroom 7la8ed 9iles Surki Stair&ase 2:er head tank ;nder ground tank Des&ription of items No " B D <uantit# ;nit $ate Amount Kitchen Plot form ( Granite slab) , ,. =.,( /.0! > ?.!0 Cmtr. @ $s.(,//-5 !0 ?!,5//

Sl.No !.

DADDOOI G !I"# G$A%&D "I$&S Daddooing with gla8ed tiles for walls with borders set in C. !A( and pointed with plaster of paris and white &ement. &omplete with &olour gla8ed tiles of si8e ,/&ms. B !/&ms. )it&hen , Bath ! 0.=! !1.*C !./0 !.C( > > !(.0/ (0.!1 5555555555 =1.*1 Smtr.

@ $s.1?/-5

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5,5 =. ?. 2%E$ HEAD 9AN) ".S !? ///5//

!&A"#&' P'OO( )O*'S& O' S*'KI Pro:iding and la#ing weather proof &ourse !/&ms. thi&k a:erage &hip Dell# &on&rete !A,A= in&luding &leaning the surfa&e and beating the mixed and laid &on&rete finishing the top surfa&e smooth and plastering with C. !A, and &o:ering the surfa&e with sand or ha# and kept damp for not less than * da#s et&. &omplete. *.(C *.=/ > ?=.0!Cmtr. @ $s.?//-5 ,* (/?5//


'e+ (loorin, Pro:iding and 6ixing Spe&ial make gla8ed :itrified tiles of appro:ed make Eualit# and &olour of si8e 0// x0//x!/mm thi&k fixed on existing flooring with spe&ial roffe adhesi:e for flooring and skirting et& &omplete in&luding pro:iding spears at reEuired inter:al and remo:ing stains et& &omplete. Ground (loor Hall ! $oom ! Dining ! PooDa ! )it&hen ! Bath ! Bath ! =.*/ (.!/ =.=/ ,.// ,.// ,.// ,.// (.0/ (.// =.!/ !.// ,.*/ !.*/ !./* > > > > > > > !0.1, 1.(/ !C./= ,.// ?.=/ (.=/ ,.!=

?*.,/ Smtr. (irst (loor Hall ! %erandah ! Bath ! )it&hen ! ?./! ,.*? !.?, (.1, (.=/ ,.0( ,.01 ,.01 > > > > !*./( *.,( =./1 !/.??

@ $s.1?/-5

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@ $s.1?/-5

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!A'D'O-& . S#O!)AS& Pro:iding and fixing Show&ase with (, B !,?mm si8e teak wood framework alround Plastering the walls extra ,Cmm thi&k with &m.!A0 proportion where:er ne&#. to bring the wall surfa&e inline with the frame surfa&e and the entire plaster surfa&e is &o:ered with =mm thi&k pl#wood to look like a pl#wood box and shutters of ,?mm thi&k parti&le board with FSF &ertifi&ation and fa&tor# pre5lamination appd. &olour on one side 4 balan&ing lamination of white on the other side. 9he Show&ase should be bifur&ated in three hori8ontal &ompartment with !1mm bla&k board with !?mm thi&k steel pipe fixed in the &enter portion of the ward robe as per appd. drawing with ne&#. hinges and iron oxidised fittings su&h as handles et&. and pro:iding ne&#. lo&ks. ( , ,./? !.?, ,.!= !.C( > > !(.!0 ?.?0 5555555 !C.*, Smtr.
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3ardrobe Show&ase

@ $s.=///-5

*= CC/5//

5(5 C S"AI')AS& Pro:iding and la#ing CC !A,A= using ,/mm and down si8e granite or trap Dell# for CC works laid in !?&ms. thi&k la#ers and well &ompa&ted in&luding :ibrating &uring and ne&#. steel or pl#wood or plank &entering and form work et&. in&luding smooth finish in C.. !A( et&. &omplete Gex&lusi:e of &ost of steel and fabri&ation &hargesH.for stair &ase. ".S. 9otal .is&ellaneous 4 $ounding off Grand Total (Rupees Three Lakhs Twenty Thousand Only) ,/ ///5//

( !* (!=5// , 0C05//


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