Atr Template 06-07 v2

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Annual Training Report (ATR) 2006/7 Template Submission Date: 30 June 2007

C !T"!TS
Introduction.............................................................................................................................2 Role of the Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report in the NSDS...................2 The NSDS and the Public and Private Sectors.................................................................2 egal !andate for the Private Sector................................................................................2 "riteria for !andator# $rant Pa#%ents..................................................................................& Instructions for "o%pleting the ATR.......................................................................................& "o%pleting the ATR te%plate............................................................................................& Sub%ission dates and signatures......................................................................................& !andator# $rant "lai% 'or%............................................................................................& I%ple%entation $rant 'or%s.............................................................................................( )* +ducational Profile........................................................................................................( )2 Provincial Profile...........................................................................................................( )& "urrent +%plo#%ent Profile ........................................................................................, Skills Priorities -See Section $........................................................................................./ "& Training Interventions I%ple%ented.............................................................................0 "& c1 Internships................................................................................................................2 Section '1 Authorisation 'or%..............................................................................................*0 Declaration1......................................................................................................................*0 Section $1 $uidelines and Definitions..................................................................................*2 "onfidentialit#...................................................................................................................*2 Sub%ission $uidelines....................................................................................................*2 Approval Re3uire%ents and +4planator# Notes..............................................................*2 Definitions of 5ccupational $roups.................................................................................2&

Role o# t$e %or&pla'e S&ills (lan an) Annual Training Report in t$e !SDS The Context for the Workplace Skills Plan The vision of the current National Skills Develop%ent Strateg# 266,726*6 -NSDS II. is1 Skills for Sustainable Growth, Development and Equity The %ission state%ent of NSDS II1 The National Skills Development Strategy contributes to sustainable development of skills growth, development and equity of skills development institutions by aligning their work and resources to the skills needs for effective delivery and implementation NSDS II ai%s to enhance and encourage people develop%ent through skills at three levels1 i.e. national8 sector and at organisational. T$e !SDS an) t$e (ubli' an) (ri*ate Se'tors NSDS II applies e3uall# to8 and i%pacts on8 both the private and public sectors8 but serves slightl# different purposes in each sector. In the private sector8 the strateg# has a %acro ai% of supporting gro9th8 enhancing global co%petitiveness and spurring e%plo#%ent e3uit#. At enterprise level8 it is all about people8 productivit# and profit1 !eople8 in that it supports personal develop%ent and career opportunities: productivity8 in that people develop%ent is linked to enterprise strateg# and builds a s%arter hu%an resource base: and profit8 in that increased productivit# leads to gro9th. In the public sector8 South Africa has adopted a hu%an resource strateg# that seeks to %a4i%ise people develop%ent8 %anage%ent and e%po9er%ent through 3ualit# skills develop%ent to accelerate transfor%ation and service deliver# that 9ill benefit the people of South Africa. $overn%ent;s deter%ination to deplo# a develop%ental state in support of national gro9th and 3ualit# of life and its %ediu%7ter% progra%%e of action both criticall# depend on the 3ualit# of service and thus of people in the public service. All $overn%ent depart%ents8 public entities and parastatals are accountable for their o9n i%ple%entation of the skills co%ponent of the progra%%e of action. +egal ,an)ate #or t$e (ri*ate Se'tor Private sector e%plo#ers -9ith so%e li%ited e4ceptions. are re3uired in ter%s of section & of the Skills Develop%ent evies Act to pa# a lev# of one per cent -*<. of re%uneration to their relevant S+TA. The Skills Develop%ent Act of *22= -section *6. introduced the Workplace Skills Plans -WSP. as an i%portant instru%ent in South Africa>s skills develop%ent strateg#. The purpose of the WSP is to describe e%plo#ers> plans for the training and develop%ent of e%plo#ees in the forthco%ing #ear8 based on the anal#sis of business re3uire%ents and the skills needs of current staff. It describes the skills priorities8 the education and training progra%%es that are re3uired to %eet and deliver those priorities8 as 9ell as the staff 9ho 9ill be targeted for training8 indicating the race8 gender and disabilit# status of these beneficiaries. The purpose of the Annual Training Report -ATR. is to report on the deliver# of the planned training at the end of the WSP i%ple%entation period. The re3uire%ents for the sub%ission of WSPs and ATRs b# private sector e%plo#ers are described in the Sector +ducation and Training Authorities -S+TAs. $rant Regulations regarding %onies received b# a S+TA and related %atters -Notice No. R. 0*&8 dated *= ?ul# 266,.8 and in Success Indicator 2.* of the NSDS -266,726*6.. In the case of private sector e%plo#ers8 the sub%ission of the WSP to the S+TA is central to the process of S+TA pa#%ents of %andator# grants. Page 2 of 2,

NSDS II encourages a close link bet9een the WSP and ATR1 @'ro% 266/ the WSP 9ill be Audged b# an additional criterion8 i.e. a report on the perfor%ance against the previous #ear;s WSP -NSDS II ever 2.* under Success Indicator 2.*..B

Criteria for Mandatory Grant Payments

+%plo#ers 9ho %eet the follo9ing criteria 9ill 3ualif# for S+TA %andator# grants for the sub%ission of WSPs and ATRs1 2.* 2.2 2.& 2.( 2., The e%plo#er has registered 9ith the "o%%issioner of SARS for pa#%ent of the skills lev# as prescribed in section , of the Skills evies Act. The e%plo#er has sub%itted a WSP and an ATR in the for%at prescribed in the latest S+TA $rant Regulations. The e%plo#er has sub%itted a WSP and an ATR 9ithin the ti%efra%es prescribed in the latest S+TA $rant Regulations. The e%plo#er has sub%itted a WSP and an ATR that confor%s to an# other re3uire%ents as prescribed in the latest S+TA $rant Regulations. The e%plo#er has sub%itted an ATR that describes perfor%ance in respect of the i%ple%entation of training.

S+TAs %a# re3uest additional infor%ation in WSPs and ATRs to gather infor%ation that is relevant to specific sectors.

Instructions for Completing the ATR

Completing t$e ATR template "onsult the co%prehensive guidelines in Section $ that describe the infor%ation that is re3uired under each section of the ATR. Submission )ates an) signatures In order to 3ualif# for %andator# grants8 WSPCATR %ust be sub%itted b# &6 ?une each #ear8 and the WSP of ne9l# registered entities %ust be sub%itted 9ithin / %onths of establish%ent. S+TAs 9ill accept WSPsCATRs sub%itted after this date8 but e%plo#ers 9ill not be entitled to %andator# grants for late sub%issions8 unless b# special arrange%ent. Authorisation 'or%s %ust be sub%itted8 9ith the original signatures8 to the skills develop%ent division of the relevant S+TA b# hand8 post or fa4 b# &6 ?une of each #ear. ,an)ator- .rant Claim /orm The purpose of the $rant "lai% for% is to facilitate s%oother and faster pa#%ents. A $rant "lai% for% 9ill be %ade available on the Isett Seta 9ebsite and can be do9nloaded fro% the 9ebsite under the follo9ing section1 SS(0%sp/Atr Templates0,an)ator- .rant Claim /orm1 an) also a*ailable on t$e SD/ Das$boar) . It %ust then be co%pleted and attached to +!P 26* for%s of the corresponding clai% period. The clai% for%8 together 9ith the re3uired attach%ents8 %ust then be sub%itted directl# to the Isett Seta 'inance Depart%ent8 as per the instructions printed on the "lai% 'or%.

Page & of 2,

2mplementation .rant /orms 34 ")u'ational (ro#ile 5uali#i'ation Des'ription )elo9 $rade2CStd 0CA)+T ( $rade 2CStd 0CA)+T ( $rade *2C!atricCND' ( Post !atric "ertificateCDiplo%aCND' , 'irst DegreeCEigher Diplo%aCND' / Post $raduate DualificationCND' 0 or higher Fnkno9n T5TA 32 (ro*in'ial (ro#ile (ro*in'e +astern "ape 'ree State $auteng G9aHulu7Natal !pu%alanga Northern "ape i%popo North West Western "ape Total R SP+NT 5N TRAININ$1 !umber o# "mplo-ees !umber o# "mplo-ees

Page ( of 2,


Current "mplo-ment (ro#ile

Do not in'lu)e emplo-ees #or 6$om -ou )o not pa- SD+7 +nsure that the nu%ber of staff reported in for% )& %atches the total reported in )* and )2. People 9ith disabilities get classified and counted as either %ale or fe%ale. The# should also be counted separatel# again under the @DisabledB colu%n. Occupational Group
#oard e$%ers

African Coloured Indian/Asian White Total /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 ,ale ,ale ,ale ,ale ,ale male able) male able) male able) male able) male able)

Legislators, Senior Officials, anagers ! O"ner anagers

&xecuti'e anagers Senior anagers anagers O"ners

(ro#essionals Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators 9 Assemblers +abourers 9 "lementar''upations Total

Page , of 2,

S&ills (riorities -See Section $.

/iel) or /un'tion S&ills Area Training 2nter*ention !5/4 +e*el o# planne) e)u'ation an) training !5/2 !5/3 !5/; !5/< !5/6 !5/7 !5/= SA5A Registere): >es !o

Page / of 2,


Training 2nter*entions 2mplemente)

The tables belo9 indicate beneficiaries that participated in learning interventions. Please indicate the nu%ber of beneficiaries 9ho received training and N5T the nu%ber of progra%%es run during the course of the #ear. "ount each planned recipient of training on'e onl#. !o )ouble8'ounting o# emplo-ees s$oul) o''ur7 The total nu%ber of beneficiaries indicated in all the tables belo9 9ill t#picall# be a percentage of #our entire 9orkforce and is unlikel# to e4ceed that nu%ber. C( a) Learnerships for *+,* Learners earners in the *=.* categor# are currentl# e%plo#ed.
Occupation Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers -./ Learnership Title Le'el #udget ,ale African /e8 male Dis8 able) -u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 /e8 ,ale ,ale ,ale male able) male able) male Dis8 able) Total /e8 male Dis8 able)


Page 0 of 2,

C( %) Learnerships for *+,0 Learners earners in the *=.2 categor# are not currentl# e%plo#ed.
-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Occupation -./ Le'el Learner1 ship Title #udget African /e8 Dis8 ,ale male able) Coloured /e8 Dis8 ,ale male able) Indian/Asian /e8 Dis8 ,ale male able) White /e8 male Dis8 able) Total /e8 male Dis8 able)



Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers

Page = of 2,

C3 ': 2nterns$ips Internships are onl# applicable to learners that are provided 9ith e4periential training after co%pletion of their diplo%as andCor degrees.
2sett Seta Sponsore): >/! -u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Training 3u)get ,ale African /e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale Coloured /e8 male Dis8 able) Indian/Asian /e8 Dis8 ,ale male able) ,ale White /e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale Total /e8 male Dis8 able)


Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers 9 "lementar''upations

Page 2 of 2,

C( d) Skills Progra$$es Skills Progra%%es are accredited training progra%%es that result in at least one credit on the ND'. Spe'i#i'all- e?'lu)es "n) @ser Computer Training li&e %or)8pro'essing7 ''upation

Train8 ing 3u)get

,ale /emale Dis8 able) ,ale

-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White

/emale Dis8 able) ,ale /emale Dis8 able) ,ale /emale Dis8 able) ,ale

/emale Dis8 able)

3oar) ,embers "?e'uti*e ,anagers Senior ,anagers ,anagers

Legislators, Senior Officials,

anagers ! O"ner


(ro#essionals Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Page *6 of 2,

''upation Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers 9 "lementar''upations

Train8 ing 3u)get

,ale /emale Dis8 able) ,ale

-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White

/emale Dis8 able) ,ale /emale Dis8 able) ,ale /emale Dis8 able) ,ale

/emale Dis8 able)

C( e) Short Courses Short "ourses %a# include ANI structured training that is not #et ND' aligned but transfer necessar# skills to learners. Spe'i#i'alle?'lu)es 3asi' "n) @ser Computer Training li&e %or)8pro'essing7 ''upation
Legislators, Senior Officials, anagers ! O"ner anagers

Train8 ing 3u)get

,ale /e8male Dis8 able) ,ale

-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White

/e8male Dis8 able) ,ale /e8male Dis8 able) ,ale /e8male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8male Dis8 able)

3oar) ,embers "?e'uti*e ,anagers Senior ,anagers

Page ** of 2,


Train8 ing 3u)get

,ale /e8male Dis8 able) ,ale

-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White

/e8male Dis8 able) ,ale /e8male Dis8 able) ,ale /e8male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8male Dis8 able)



(ro#essionals Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers 9 "lementar''upations

Page *2 of 2,

C( f) A#&T/ &nd 2ser Co$puter Training Train8 ing 3u)get


-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group African

/e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale


/e8 male Dis8 able)

,ale /e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8 male Dis8 able)

3oar) ,embers "?e'uti*e ,anagers Senior ,anagers ,anagers

Legislators, Senior Officials,

anagers ! O"ner


(ro#essionals Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers Page *& of 2,


Train8 ing 3u)get


-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group African

/e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8 male Dis8 able)

,ale /e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8 male Dis8 able) ,ale

/e8 male Dis8 able)

Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers 9 "lementar''upations

Page *( of 2,

C( g) #ursaries
''upation anagers ! O"ner S&ills Course Des'ri8 Title ption Train8 ing 3u)get African /e8 Dis8 ,ale male able) -u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 /e8 ,ale ,ale ,ale male able) male able) male Total /e8 male

Dis8 able)


Dis8 able)

3oar) ,embers "?e'uti*e ,anagers Senior ,anagers

anagers Legislators, Senior Officials,



(ro#essionals Te'$ni'ians 9 Asso'iate) (ro#essionals Cler&s 9 A)ministrati*e %or&ers

Page *, of 2,


S&ills Course Des'ri8 Title ption

Train8 ing 3u)get

African /e8 Dis8 ,ale male able)

-u$%er of %eneficiaries per population group Coloured Indian/Asian White /e8 Dis8 /e8 Dis8 /e8 ,ale ,ale ,ale male able) male able) male

Dis8 able)


Total /e8 male

Dis8 able)

Ser*i'e 9 Sales %or&ers Assemblers an) (lant 9 ,a'$ine perators +abourers 9 "lementar''upations @nemplo-e) +earners

Page */ of 2,

Section F: Authorisation Form

De'laration: Compan- !ame: +8!umber: inked "o%panies -if applicable.1 inked 7Nu%bers -if applicable.1 Na%e of Authorised Signator#1 ID Nu%ber1 Position in organiJation 1- e.g. "+58 !D8 "'58 etc..1 Na%e of SD'1 ID Nu%ber1

We8 -print na%e.KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.KKK. the Authorised Signator#8 and -print na%e.KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.KKKKKKKK..KK. the dul# appointed Skills Develop%ent 'acilitator -SD'.8 9arrant that 9e are dul# authorised to bind the above %entioned co%pan# and declare that this application for a Annual Training Report 266/C60 and Workplace Skills Plan 2660C6= $rant in respect of the sa%e8 is a true reflection of the Skills Develop%ent Status of this organiJation and that the infor%ationCstate%ents it contains are correct. We understand that Isett Seta %a# independentl# verif# the infor%ation. We also understand that it is an offence in ter%s of section &&-b. of the Act to kno9ingl# furnish an# false infor%ation and that doing so %a# constitute fraud and be subAect to the full penalt# of the la9. This organisation is up7to7date 9ith Skills Develop%ent ev# pa#%ents to SARS. This also serves as proof that consultation has occurred bet9een e%plo#er and e%plo#ees regarding the content of this Skills Develop%ent $rant "lai%. The Authorised Signator# further authorises Isett Seta to pa# an# a%ounts 9hich %a# accrue to the "o%pan#C+ntit# into the "o%pan#;sC+ntit#;s account 9ith the bank reflected belo9. The "o%pan#C+ntit# understands that the credit transfers8 9hich it has authorised8 9ill be processed b# co%puter through a s#ste% kno9n as the @A") + +"TR5NI" TRANS'+R S+RLI"+SB. The "o%pan#C+ntit# also understands that no additional advice of pa#%ent 9ill be printed on the "o%pan#;sC+ntit#;s bank state%ent or an# acco%pan#ing voucher. The "o%pan#C+ntit# %a# cancel this authorit# b# giving thirt# -&6. da#s 9ritten notice to this effect8 such notice to be sent b# prepaid registered post.

Signature of Authorised Signator#1


Signature of SD'1


Page *0 of 2,

5n behalf of the +%plo#er Representative on the Training "o%%ittee1 Na%e of Authorised Signator#1 Position in 5rganisation1 Signature Date1

5n behalf of the +%plo#ee Representative on the Training "o%%ittee1 Na%e of Authorised Signator#1 Position in 5rganisation1 Signature Date

Please co%plete this section in full even if #ou have sub%itted banking details before. Please note that banking details are onl# re3uired for the purpose of a refund.

Na%e of )ank T#pe of account Account nu%ber

)ranch )ranch code

Attach at least one of the follo9ing to confir% banking details1 cop# of che3ue original cancelled che3ue letter fro% the bank confir%ing the details

/or -our S&ills De*elopment .rant to be appro*e)1 A@TA R2SAT2 ! / R,S are to be #a?e) to ,s " !ets$ituni at : 0=66 4;3 66B 5riginal "opies should be sent to1 Isett Seta SSP Depart%ent P5 )o4 ,,=, EA 'WAI E5FS+ */=, Should #ou have an# 3ueries or re3uire assistance please feel free to contact us at1 6** 26072/66.

Page *= of 2,

Section G: Guidelines and Definitions

This Te%plate is designed to %eet the re3uire%ents of the Skills Develop%ent Act and the Skills Develop%ent evies Act8 together 9ith the Regulations published in the $overn%ent $aJette of *= ?ul# 266,8 Regulation No. R 0*&8 $aJette No 20=6* Lol. (=*. The grant application contains a training plan for the financial #ear -2660C6=. and a training report for the financial #ear -266/C60.. Should the sub%ission be acceptable to the Seta8 the man)ator- grant of ,6< of Skills Develop%ent evies paid to SARS during the 2660C= financial #ear 9ill be paid to the e%plo#er. Should an# aspect of the grant application not %eet all the criteria8 the Seta reserves the right to 3uer# this application. The WSP is used b# IS+TT to1 deter%ine i%balances in the suppl# of8 and de%and for8 skilled labour: support the National Skills Develop%ent Strateg# that %ust be de%and7led and sensitive to the labour %arket needs the disburse%ent of lev# funds to eligible e%plo#ers8 through the ev# $rant S#ste%

Con#i)entialit+%plo#ers are assured that all infor%ation received 9ill be treated 9ith the highest regard for confidentialit#. Infor%ation received in the grant applications are aggregated for the purposes of research and planning. Submission .ui)elines If the e%plo#er does not clai% a %andator# grant b# the deadline date8 the Seta must transfer the e%plo#er;s unclai%ed %andator# grant funds to the discretionar# fund. In ter%s of the relevant regulations8 re3uests for e4tensions and late grant sub%issions %a# be entertained b# the Seta. The penalt# for sub%itting man)ator- grant applications late is losing the grant in full. The onl# e4ception to this is 9here a %andator# grant application is sub%itted 9ithin / %onths of registration in the case of an e%plo#er 9ho has registered for the first ti%e in ter%s of section ,-*. of the Skills Develop%ent evies -SD . Act. The WSP and ATR %ust be co%pleted correctl# and sub%itted in the re3uired for%at. The WSP and ATR %ust be sub%itted to Isett Seta b# no later than 30 J@!" 2007 in ter%s of the Depart%ent of abour;s national deadline. Retain a cop# of the grant application for #our o9n record.

Appro*al ReCuirements an) "?planator- !otes A*) Organisation 3etails All the infor%ation %ust be updated or verified and confir%ed before proceeding to A2. "o%panies 9ith %ore than (2 e%plo#ees %ust sub%it the na%es and full contact details8 including e7%ail addresses8 of no less than & "o%pan# 5fficials at Senior evel. "o%panies 9ith less than ,6 e%plo#ees %ust sub%it the na%es and full contact details8 including e7%ail addresses8 at least * "o%pan# 5fficial at Senior evel. All the infor%ation %ust be updated or verified and confir%ed before proceeding. The nu%bers reported %ust correspond 9ith the +%plo#%ent Profile.

A0) S3/ 3etails #*) &ducational Profile

Page *2 of 2,

#0) Pro'incial Profile All the infor%ation %ust be updated or verified and confir%ed before proceeding. All the infor%ation %ust be updated or verified and confir%ed before proceeding. "FRR+NT +!P 5I!+NT PR5'I + is defined as the total 9orkforce in respect of 9ho% skills develop%ent levies have been paid -or are eligible to be paid. to South African Revenue Services -SARS.. Please include all per%anent staff including8 partners8 directors and learners. Do not include other e%plo#ees for 9ho% #ou do not pa# SD e.g. te%porar# 9orkers. +nter #our organisation;s e%plo#%ent profile as at 4 April 2007. When co%pleting this table8 refer to the Definitions of 5ccupational $roups provided lo9er do9n. 'urther infor%ation %a# be obtained fro% the Depart%ent of abour 9ebsite1 'or purposes of co%pleting the DISA) +D colu%n8 disabled persons are in the first instance categoriJed along population group and gender lines8 and then again as disabled. The# are counted 9hen reporting against gender and are specified again8 but not counted8 in the disabled colu%n. The +%plo#%ent +3uit# Act of *22= defines people 9ith disabilities as @people 9ho have a long7ter% or recurring ph#sical or %ental i%pair%ent that substantiall# li%its their prospects of entr# into or advance%ent in e%plo#%entB. Ph#sical i%pair%ents include hearing and visual i%pair%ents8 paral#sis8 a%putations and proble%s 9ith internal organs. !ental i%pair%ent includes clinicall# defined %ental and e%otional illnesses and learning disabilities. The total a%ount planned for training -WSP. or spent on training -ATR.8 is re3uired in this field. A 9hole range of cost factors %a# arise8 9hether the costs are actuall# incurred b# the applicant or b# an e4ternal consultant or provider -both public and private. contracted for the purpose of training staff. These cost factors %a# include1 *. training the trainers8 pa#%ent of lecturers8 facilitators and per%anent training staff: 2. costs of running8 or hire of8 training facilities: &. tuition or course fees8 registrationCaccreditationCe4a%ination costs: (. per hour cost to co%pan# for using supervisor#Coperational staff as %entors or part7ti%e lecturers: ,. travelling8 acco%%odation and subsistence cost specificall# for the training of learners. "osts related to such e4ercises as se%inars and conferences are e4cluded. The total e4penditure must not re#le't1 *. the salaries paid to learners for the ti%e these learners spent on education and training: 2. lost person 9orkda#s -leave for learners. and te%porar# replace%ent staff costs -or 9ages of learners.: &. fi4ed building or e3uip%ent costs (. "osts related to such e4ercises as se%inars and conferences are e4cluded. #() Current &$plo4$ent Profile

C*) Training #udget

Page 26 of 2,

C0/30) Skills Priorities All the infor%ation %ust be updated or verified and confir%ed before proceeding. Fse the follo9ing categorisations of 'ield or 'unction8 Skills Area8 and Training Intervention1
/iel) or /un'tion
Technical8 +.g.1 IT Eard9are IT Soft9are IT Services Teleco%s EW Teleco%s SW Teleco%s Services +lectronic EW +lectronic SW +lectronic Services 5ther -Please Specif#.

S&ills Area
+.g. IT Technical Support -Eard9are and Net9orking. IT S#ste% Develop%ent -Soft9are Develop%ent including database. Teleco%%unication Technolog# +lectronics -Develop%ent and !aintenance. Lenture "reation -)usiness Develop%ent and +ntrepreneurship. ProAect !anage%ent Research Design M Develop%ent Asse%bl# Integration "usto%isationC"onfiguration Installation "o%%issioningCTesting !aintenance M Repair Infrastructure Support Dualit# Assurance Sales M !arketing "usto%er Support 5ther -Please Specif#.

Training 2nter*ention
+.g.1 earnership Internship Skills Progra%%e Short "ourse 'or%al Fniversit# DegreeC Dipl.C"ert. "o%puter7based instruction "onferences M Workshops !entoring sche%e $uest lectures

Non Technical8 +.g.1 "o%puter 5perating 'inance egal Research )usiness "o%%unication Eu%an Resources !anage%ent eadership ProAect !anage%ent 5ther -Please Specif#.

+.g.1 +nd Fser "o%puting ProAect !anage%ent 'inancial !anage%ent Procure%ent abour relations Sales M !arketing "usto%er Support 5ther -Please Specif#.

+.g.1 earnership Internship Skills Progra%%e Short "ourse 'or%al Fniversit# DegreeC Dipl.C"ert. "o%puter7based instruction "onferences M Workshops !entoring sche%e $uest lectures


S PRI5RITI+S i)enti#ie) in t$e 2S"TT se'tor are:

*. IT Technical Support -Eard9are and Net9orking. 2. IT S#ste% Develop%ent -Soft9are Develop%ent including database. &. Teleco%%unication Technolog# (. +lectronics -Develop%ent and !aintenance. ,. ProAect %anage%ent /. Lenture "reation -)usiness Develop%ent and +ntrepreneurship. 0. +nd Fser "o%puting Additional skills priorities of #our co%pan# %a# be selected fro% the drop7do9n %enu or added if not provided for. ! T": It is i%portant to keep in %ind that this table should reflect the nu%ber of training interventions planned or i%ple%ented. The nu%ber of training interventions is likel# to

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e4ceed the total nu%ber of beneficiaries fro% training b# a large %argin8 as the sa%e e%plo#ee %ight attend ( or , different training interventions. The purpose of this table is to %easure skills priorities a%ongst all stakeholders in the entire Isett Sector. The Training Interventions have been categorised according to the %ost co%%on t#pes1 *. T$e +earners$ips 4=74 table applies to emplo-ees on a registered earnership. This for% should re%ain blank if there are no such learners in the co%pan#. 2. T$e +earners$ips 4=72 table applies to non8emplo-ees an) unemplo-e) learners on a registered earnership. This for% should re%ain blank if there are no such learners in the co%pan#. This is the onl# for% 9here a co%pan# reports on training of learners t$at t$e- are not pa-ing S&ills De*elopment +e*ies #or7 &. T$e 2nterns$ips table applies onl# to learners on internships that have co%pleted a for%al 3ualification like a National Diplo%a or Degree8 and are undergoing for%al e4periential training in the 9orkplace and also receives other for%al occupational training at recognised training institutions. This for% should re%ain blank if there are no such learners in the co%pan#. (. T$e S&ills (rogrammes table is to be co%pleted onl# 9ith reference to learners that 9ill be or are being trained against registered Fnit Standards at an Accredited Training Institution ,. T$e S$ort Courses table should reflect all training that happens outside the for%al ND' environ%ent. It includes all interventions 9here skills transfer takes place like Product Specific Training8 Workshops8 Se%inars8 !entoring8 "o%pan# Specific Training8 etc. /. T$e Abet/"n) @ser Computer table should reflect onl# for%al training at Accredited Institutions8 that results in earners achieving ND' credits. The onl# e4ception applies to earners ac3uiring a recognisedCfor%al !icrosoft -!5FS.8 I"D 8 +"D 8 or e3uivalent +nd Fser "o%puting Dualification. 0. T$e 3ursar- table should reflect onl# e%plo#ees that are undergoing for%al training at Accredited Institutions of 'urther and Eigher +ducation 9hich the +%plo#er is pa#ing for.

C(/3() Training Inter'entions Planned

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De#initions o#

''upational .roups anagers ! O"ner anagers 5 a6or Group *7

Legislators, Senior Officials,

egislators8 senior officials and %anagers 9ho deter%ine8 for%ulate8 plan8 direct or advise on govern%ent policies8 as 9ell as those of special7interest organisations8 for%ulate la9s8 public rules and regulations8 represent govern%ents and act on their behalf8 oversee the interpretation and i%ple%entation of govern%ent policies and legislation8 or plan8 direct8 and coordinate the policies and activities of enterprises or organisations8 or their internal depart%ents or sections. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. In so%e instances 9here specific professional8 technical or operational skills and kno9ledge %a# be re3uired of 9orkers at legislative8 ad%inistrative or %anagerial level8 it %a# be difficult to decide in 9hich categor# a specific Aob belongs. In these instances8 additional infor%ation on the %ain tasks of the Aob in 3uestion is essential. If the %ain tasks re3uire the operational application of specific professional kno9ledge or a particular technical skill8 then the Aob belongs in a different %aAor group. If8 ho9ever8 professional kno9ledge or technical skill serves onl# as a basis for legislative8 ad%inistrative or %anagerial tasks8 then the Aob belongs in this %aAor group. 'or e4a%ple8 if one of the %ain tasks is to allocate research and develop%ent funds on the basis of financial kno9ledge8 then the Aob belongs in this %aAor group. E"amples include# E"ecutive $anagers %&E', &ountry $anaging !artner(, Senior $anagers %$anaging Director, Senior !artner, !artner, Senior $anager(, $iddle $anager, $anager Professionals 5 a6or Group 07 People 9ho possess a high level of professional kno9ledge and e4perience in a field of ph#sical and life sciences or the social sciences and hu%anities. Professionals increase the e4isting stock of kno9ledge8 appl# scientific or artistic concepts and theories8 teach about the foregoing in a s#ste%atic %anner8 or engage in an# co%bination of these three activities. Tasks perfor%ed b# professionals usuall# include1 conducting anal#sis and research8 and developing concepts8 theories and operational %ethods8 and advising on or appl#ing e4isting kno9ledge related to ph#sical sciences including %athe%atics8 engineering and technolog#8 and to life sciences including the %edical profession8 as 9ell as to social sciences and hu%anities: teaching the theor# and practice of one or %ore disciplines at different educational levels: teaching and educating handicapped persons: providing various business8 legal and social services: creating and perfor%ing 9orks of art: providing spiritual guidance: preparing scientific papers and reports. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. Depending on the specific tasks and degree of responsibilit# in e4ecuting the%8 as 9ell as on the national educational and training re3uire%ents8 it %ight be appropriate to classif# so%e of the occupations that are identified here into !aAor $roup &8 Technicians and Associate Professionals. Such like cases are to be found in particular a%ong teaching occupations8 nursing occupations and social services occupations. E"amples include# )nformation $anagement and *nalysis !rofessionals, +uman ,esources !rofessionals, -egal !rofessionals, 'perations $anagement !rofessionals and Economists, Sales and $arketing !rofessionals, &omputer !rogrammers, )T Technicians, Teaching !rofessionals, *ttorneys Technicians ! Associated Professionals 5 a6or Group (7 People 9ho possess technical kno9ledge and e4perience in a field of the ph#sical and life sciences or the social sciences and hu%anities. Technicians and associate professionals perfor% %ostl# technical and related tasks connected 9ith research and the application of Page 2& of 2,

scientific or artistic concepts and operational %ethods8 and govern%ent or business regulations8 and teach at certain educational levels. Tasks perfor%ed b# technicians and associate professionals usuall# include1 undertaking and carr#ing out technical 9ork connected 9ith research and the application of concepts and operational %ethods in the fields of ph#sical sciences including engineering and technolog#8 life sciences including the %edical profession8 and social sciences and hu%anities. Tasks also include1 teaching children at pri%ar# and pre pri%ar# levels: teaching and educating handicapped persons: initiating and carr#ing out various technical services related to trade8 finance8 ad%inistration8 including ad%inistration of a nu%ber of govern%ent la9s and regulations8 and to social 9ork: providing artistic and sports entertain%ent: e4ecuting so%e religious tasks. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. Technicians and associate professionals %a# receive guidance fro% senior govern%ent officials8 !anagers or Professionals. It should be noted that8 depending on the specific tasks and degree of responsibilit# in e4ecuting the%8 as 9ell as on the national educational and training re3uire%ents8 it %ight be appropriate to classif# so%e of the occupations that are identified here into !aAor $roup 28 Professionals. +4a%ples are to be found in particular a%ong teaching occupations8 nursing occupations and social services occupations. E"amples include# *ssociate )nformation $anagement and *nalysis !rofessionals, *ssociate +uman ,esources and -egal !rofessionals, *ssociate 'perations $anagement !rofessionals and Economists, *ssociate Sales and $arketing !rofessionals, *ssociate Engineering and Technology !rofessionals Clerks ! Ad$inistrati'e Workers 5 a6or Group 87 "lerks record8 organise8 store8 co%pute and retrieve infor%ation related to the 9ork in 3uestion8 and perfor% a nu%ber of clerical duties especiall# in connection 9ith %one#7 handling operations8 travel arrange%ents8 re3uests for infor%ation8 and appoint%ents. Tasks perfor%ed b# clerks usuall# include1 stenograph#8 t#ping8 and operating 9ord processors and other office %achines: entering data into co%puters: carr#ing out secretarial duties: recording and co%puting nu%erical data: keeping records relating to stocks8 production and transport: keeping records relating to passenger and freight transport: carr#ing out clerical duties in libraries: filing docu%ents: carr#ing out duties in connection 9ith %ail services: preparing and checking %aterial for printing: 9riting on behalf of illiterate persons: perfor%ing %one#7handling operations: dealing 9ith travel arrange%ents: suppl#ing infor%ation re3uested b# clients and %aking appoint%ents: operating a telephone s9itchboard. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. E"amples include# Data &apture &lerks, *ccounts &lerks, Secretarial staff, ,eceptionists, Switchboard 'perators, *dministrative *ssistants, *dministrative &lerks, .iling &lerks, !rinting *ssistants Ser'ice ! Sales Workers 5 a6or Group 97 Service 9orkers and shop and %arket sales 9orkers provide personal and protective services related to travel8 housekeeping8 catering8 personal care8 or protection against fire and unla9ful acts8 or the# pose as %odels for artistic creation and displa#8 or de%onstrate and sell goods in 9holesale or retail shops and si%ilar establish%ents8 as 9ell as at stalls and on %arkets. Tasks perfor%ed b# service 9orkers and shop and %arket sales 9orkers usuall# include1 organisation and provision of services during travel: housekeeping: preparation and serving of food and beverages: child care: rudi%entar# nursing and related care at ho%es or in institutions: personal care8 such as hairdressing or beaut# treat%ent: co%panionship: astrolog# and fortune7telling: e%bal%ing: funeral arrange%ents: protection of individuals and propert# against fire and unla9ful acts and enforce%ent of la9 and order: posing as %odels for advertising8 artistic creation and displa# of goods: selling goods in 9holesale or retail Page 2( of 2,

establish%ents8 as 9ell as at stalls and on %arkets: de%onstrating goods to potential custo%ers. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. E"amples include# Service /orkers, Shop and $arket Sales workers, Delivery /orkers, &leaning /orkers, Security /orker, Technical and $aintenance workers, Shop *ttendants, 0Tea ladies1, ,etail Sales /orkers Plant ! achine Operators ! Asse$%lers 5 a6or Group +7 Plant and %achine operators and asse%blers operate and %onitor industrial and agricultural %achiner# and e3uip%ent on the spot or b# re%ote control8 drive and operate trains8 %otor vehicles and %obile %achiner# and e3uip%ent8 or asse%ble products fro% co%ponent parts according to strict specifications and procedures. The 9ork %ainl# calls for e4perience 9ith and an understanding of industrial and agricultural %achiner# and e3uip%ent as 9ell as an abilit# to cope 9ith %achine7paced operations and to adapt to technological innovations. Tasks perfor%ed b# plant and %achine operators and asse%blers usuall# include1 operating and %onitoring %ining or other industrial %achiner# and e3uip%ent for processing %etal8 %inerals8 glass8 cera%ics8 9ood8 paper8 or che%icals8 as 9ell as operating and %onitoring 9ater7treating or electrical7po9er7generating installations8 and related plant: operating and %onitoring %achiner# and e3uip%ent used to produce articles %ade of %etal8 %inerals8 che%icals8 rubber8 plastics8 9ood8 paper8 te4tiles8 fur8 or leather8 and 9hich process foodstuffs and related products operating printing and bookbinding %achines: driving and operating trains and %otor vehicles: driving8 operating and %onitoring %obile industrial and agricultural %achiner# and e3uip%ent: asse%bling products fro% co%ponent parts according to strict specifications and procedures. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. E"amples include# -athe 'perators, ,ailway Signallers, !roduction Supervisors, $otor $echanics, $ine Drills 'perators, *ssembly -ine /orkers etc La%ourers ! &le$entar4 Occupations 5 a6or Group :7 People 9ho perfor% %ostl# si%ple and routine tasks8 involving the use of hand7tools and in so%e cases considerable ph#sical effort8 and generall# onl# li%ited personal initiative and Audg%ent. Tasks perfor%ed b# 9orkers in ele%entar# occupations usuall# include1 selling goods in streets and public places8 or fro% door to door: providing various street services: cleaning8 9ashing8 pressing: taking care of apart%ent houses8 hotels8 offices and other buildings: 9ashing 9indo9s and other glass surfaces of buildings: delivering %essages or goods: carr#ing luggage: door keeping and propert# 9atching: stocking vending %achines or reading and e%pt#ing %eters: collecting garbage: s9eeping streets and si%ilar places: perfor%ing various si%ple far%ing8 fishing8 hunting or trapping tasks perfor%ing si%ple tasks connected 9ith %ining8 construction and %anufacturing including product7sorting and si%ple hand7asse%bling of co%ponents: packing b# hand: freight handling: pedalling or hand7 guiding vehicles to transport passengers and goods: driving ani%al7dra9n vehicles or %achiner#. Supervision of other 9orkers %a# be included. E"amples include# News 2endors, Tinkers, &har3workers, Sweepers, Garbage &ollectors, 4itchen /orkers, .arm3+ands, Door3To3Door *nd Telephone Sales !ersons, &onstruction /orkers, 5uarry /orkers, Security Guards, &aretakers etc

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