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British Accreditation Registry British Accreditation Registry is one of the topics in focus at Global Oneness. A bar association is a professional body of lawyers who, in some jurisdictions, are responsible for the regulation of the legal profession. In many Commonwealth jurisdictions, the "bar association" comprises lawyers who are qualified as barristers or advocates (collectively known as "the bar", or "members of the bar"), while the "law society" comprises solicitors. Bar association - One Language In the law, the bar is also known as the community of persons engaged in the practice of law ("members of the bar"). In the United States, some state bar associations are operated by their respective state governments which make membership in their state's bar association a requirement to practice before that state's courts; such states are said to have a "mandatory" or "integrated bar". Membership in such associations is synonymous to being admitted to the bar or being licensed to practice law in that state or being admitted to practice before the courts of that state. "PRACTICING LAW WITHOUT A LICENSE?" Attorneys are "Officers of the Court" (direct "conflict of interest", and attorneys are absolutely "BAR"red from challenging the jurisdiction of the court) and as such they have sworn to uphold the law as it exists, and as they have been taught. Named from the space enclosed by two bars or rails: one of which separated the judge's bench from the rest of the room; the other shut off both the bench and the area for lawyers engaged in trials from the space allotted to suitors, witnesses, and others. Such persons as appeared as speakers (advocates, or counsel) before the court, were said to be "called to the bar", that is, privileged so to appear, speak and otherwise serve in the presence of the judges as "barristers". British Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon Marbles Anyone whose interest is at stake in a courtroom controversy is permitted to bring his or her case before the bar, i.e., to pass from the public gallery into that part of the room within the bar to present evidence and legal argument. Courtrooms in every nation have a bar of some form, barring the public who have no interest in the outcome of controversies from interfering with those whose future depends on what is decided from the bench as a result of what is presented (decently and in order) from within the bar. In the past, British lawyers (solicitors) were the only people that could hire a barrister (someone allowed to argue cases before the bar) to represent their client in court.

Sick and Tired of Government Corruption of this Republic He is also sick and tired of lawyers being given special status when the truth is that any attorney who has been accepted into the BAR has become part of a foreign organization, the British Accreditation Registry. Let's examine this British Accreditation Registry, the BAR to which lawyers pass a test for and seemingly are proud of. In fact, to make it perfectly clear, the writer considers 99.9 percent of lawyers as complete waste in regards to the administration of justice and not worthy to set foot in a place that is to be guided by reason and common sense. PVA - Company Profile The British Accreditation Bureau runs The Consultant Register, where Paul is a 'Certified Practitioner' (registration number SAC 1130). In contrast, the British Accreditation Bureau's Consultant Register enables clients to match their exact requirements with a shortlist of consultants who are accredited and have a proven track record. He is also ranked as an "Expert Advisor", the British Accreditation Bureau's criteria for which are: "A well known figure in his or her area of expertise with outstanding qualifications". Silent Conquest Therefore, BAR attorneys cannot be classed higher than the sovereign and are, in fact, removed as a sovereign since they have accepted allegiance with other than the people. The BAR and those associated with it are non-entities as far as the Constitution and the authority of the sovereign are concerned. Thus, we may conclude that the allegiance of BAR attorneys is not to the law established by the Constitution and, therefore, not to the sovereign. LawyerComments The only exceptions are those lawyers who for some reason might also be a member of some British bar association, but I have never met such a lawyer. But the client can file a complaint with the bar association in that jurisdiction and the bar may discipline the lawyer in the form of a suspension, disbarment, etc. That's it. British Accreditation Registry, which is the figment of somebody's imagination. BAR Attorneys at law are given the title of 'Esquire' through the BAR, a title meaning 'Shield Bearer'; they carry this shield for the 'Crown of the City of London'. Using this rational, when the family law section of the Alabama Bar meets in Pensacola during the summer for both vacation and work, it must be a part of the Florida Bar. TBA contends that the International Bar Association (which incidentally was created after WWII) is "physically located at Chancery Lane behind Fleet Street in London" and within the confines of the Inns.

Victory over IRS in Florida - My title [Free Republic] BAR is an acronym for 'British Accreditation Regency' which forms individual state bars in the various states in Amerika. The "bar" is literally the wooden railing which separates the spectator section of the courtroom from the front section where the judge and lawyers (those 'admitted to the bar') sit. Ask an attorney about the BAR oath; it specifies the 1st loyalty is to the court, the 2nd to the State. Here is an interesting legal issue for you to ponder International Bar Association, the only Bar association in the world, headquartered right in good old London town and under his own direct control, but with operations established in the This missing 13th Amendment suppressed and even stopped the forming or continued existence of any Bar association for over four decades, from 1822 to 1867, and evidence of its existence has been found in over 10 different states and territories throughout the United States. And an Amendment that deliberately targeted attorneys who were members of the Bar association, to prevent Bar members from holding any public office, - thereby preventing attorneys from passing legislation that would most assuredly serve the greedy and nefarious interests of ? Missing 13th Amendment? But the battle by these heirs of knighthood this time was forged against good and not evil, for this new thing that the People in America were calling freedom was a dangerous consideration for a King. The International Bar Association was alive and well in America. The Bar was Englands own British Accreditation Registry, its members were considered to be nobles -- being above the common person, and all lawyers or attorneys had to belong to it, and they were under the will of the King, and the Bank of England. Missing 13th Amendment? But the battle by these heirs of knighthood this time was forged against good and not evil, for this new thing that the People in America were calling freedom was a dangerous consideration for a King. The Bar was Englands own British Accreditation Registry, its members were considered to be nobles -- being above the common person, and all lawyers or attorneys had to belong to it, and they were under the will of the King, and the Bank of England. And if there was any opposition to his plan, he might just cause another WAR to maintain his position for control of the United States. IFTS Members Some government departments have delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO to license the re-use of the Crown copyright material which they originate.

IFTS Accreditation is used as the method of regulating decisions about the licensing of Crown copyright information by those bodies. Non-Crown bodies can become accredited to the IFTS, although their copyright material is not Crown copyright and is not vested in the Controller of HMSO. A better plea is "Plea in Bar"; however, one must know proper proceed well, to make this one really stick. To appear 'Pro Se' or 'Pro' anything is to accept a temporary appoint to the BAR, a acronym {British AristocRATic Regency or British Accreditation Registry}. The Florida Bar as an example has 70,000 members; however, less than 2,800 members are Certified as Competent.

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