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Aston, Newtown and Lozells Area Action Plan

Glossary of terms

Advantage West Midlands (AWM) Conservation Area

The Regional Development Agency for the West Areas designated by the local planning authority
Midlands. which are considered of special architectural or
historic interest, the character or appearance of
Affordable Housing which it wishes to preserve or enhance.
Low cost market housing and subsidised
housing irrespective of tenure, ownership or Convenience Retail
financial arrangements, available to people who The provision of everyday essential goods,
cannot afford to rent or buy houses generally including food and other grocery items.
available of the open market.
Comparison Retail
Allocation The provision of items not obtained on a
The use assigned to a piece of land in a local frequent basis, including clothing, footwear,
Development Plan. household and recreational goods.

Area Action Plan (AAP) Corridor

A statutory land use plan which sets out the Area linking two or more centres, normally
planning policies and land use allocations focused around transport infrastructure.
for a particular area and provides a planning
framework for areas of significant change or Density
regeneration. Measure of the number of dwellings per hectare
The whole variety of life encompassing all Employment Land
genetic, species and ecosystem variations. Land allocated in a Development Plan for
business (B1), industrial (B2) and storage/
Black and Minority Ethnic Communities (BME) distribution (B8) uses.
Black and Minority Ethnic Communities.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Centro Procedure and management technique
The executive arm of the West Midlands that ensures that the likely effects of new
Passenger Transport Authority. development on the environment are fully
appraised and taken into account before the
Commitments development is allowed to go ahead.
Land that is the subject of an existing planning
permission and other projects or proposals Flood Plain
where it is accepted will take place due to Land adjacent to a watercourse over which
financial or other reasons. water flows, or would flow but for defences in
place, in times of flood.
Community Strategy
Strategies for enhancing the quality of life Gateway
of the local community which each local A gateway is an entrance into an area, normally
authority has a duty to prepare under the Local at key junctions and crossroads. Opportunities
Government Act 2000. They will be developed may exist to improve the quality of these sites
and implemented by a local strategic partnership by ensuring that high quality development
and should include: a long term vision; an action is secured, or where no new development
plan; shared commitments to, and proposals is proposed, gateways should be enhanced
for, implementation; and arrangements for through high quality public realm improvements.
monitoring and review.
Aston, Newtown and Lozells Area Action Plan

Government Office for the West Midlands Local Centre

(GOWM) A local or district centre includes shops,
Combined offices of key Government businesses and community facilities. They may
Departments at the West Midlands level. also include some residential properties that lie
within the centre.
Greenfield Land
Undeveloped land. Local Transport Plan (LTP)
Plan prepared by the Strategic Planning
Gross Retail Floor Space Authorities dealing with transport priorities and
The area ascertained by the total internal actions to be taken.
measurement of the floor space, including all
areas allocated for storage. Listed Building
Building or structure of historic or architectural
Housing Market Renewal Area (HMRA) merit which has protection under the planning
See Urban Living. legislation.

Housing Redevelopment Major Urban Areas (MUAs)

Existing Birmingham City Council housing The focus of Urban Renaissance which will
stock that has been declared for demolition and underpin the Regional Spatial Strategy. There
clearance. are 4 MUAs in the West Midlands: Birmingham;
The Black Country; Coventry; and the North
Housing Regeneration Staffordshire Conurbation.
Houses, housing estates or residential tower
blocks that for reasons of low demand, their Mixed-use Development
poor layout, poor condition and surrounding A new development that makes provision for
environment do not provide adequate living a variety of uses - e.g. residential, retail and
standards for their owners or tenants. The business. An example of this might be the
following actions will be considered: improving Mailbox in Birmingham.
the surrounding environment, improving the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM)
layout of housing, remodelling, refurbishment The Government Department with responsibility
or improving the internal layout of housing, for planning issues.
selective demolition and redevelopment with
new housing. Opportunity Sites
Areas of land, or derelict buildings, vacant or
Hi-tech (or High Tech) Industry underused land which have the potential to be
Advanced manufacturing, computing or other used and redeveloped for alternative uses.
state of the art industry (e.g. biotechnology).
Park and Ride
High Technology Corridors (HTCs) Long stay parking areas at the edge of a built up
Specific corridors identified, within which cluster area linked by frequent public transport links to
development closely related to the region’s the city centre.
critical research and development capabilities
and advanced technologies, will be promoted. Planning Policy Guidance Note (PPG)
Document prepared and issued by Central
Industrial Regeneration Government setting out policy on different
Land within these areas will be safeguarded for aspects of planning. Local authorities must take
predominantly industrial uses. There is scope their content into account in the production of
for environmental improvement to encourage development plans.
inward investment through measures such
as new surfacing, tree planting, softening Planning Policy Statements (PPS)
of boundaries or building enhancement or Documents prepared by the government
redevelopment. after public consultation to explain statutory
provisions and provide guidance to local
authorities and others on planning policy and
the operation of the planning system. PPS have
replaced PPGs.
Aston, Newtown and Lozells Area Action Plan

Public Open Space (POS) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

Publicly accessible open land of recreational or Nationally important sites for wildlife or earth
public value, including parks, playing fields and science where proposed development must be
landscaped areas. given special scrutiny.

Regional Investment Site (RIS) Strategic Road Network

High quality, regionally identified sites of The highest level of the road network, made
25-50ha attractive to external investment up of trunk roads, Priority (Red) Routes and
designed to support the diversification and designated roads.
modernisation of the regional economy
especially in relation to the Region’s cluster Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)
priorities. A sequence of management practices and
control structures designed to drain surface
Radburn Housing water in a more sustainable fashion than some
A type of housing from the 1960/70s with conventional techniques.
remote parking areas, networks of pedestrian
access to houses, open plan gardens and front Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS)
gardens often facing back gardens. A strategy to provide a clear sense of direction
for the longer term spatial development of
Retail Uses the Region, influencing the future investment
Shops (A1), Professional and Financial Services decisions of all sectors, both public and private.
(A2), Restaurants and Cafes (A3), Drinking
Establishments (A4) and Hot Food Takeaways Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
(A5). Appraisals of plans, strategies and proposals
to test them against the four broad objectives
Section 106 Agreement (= planning set out in the Government’s sustainable
obligation) (S106) development strategy.
Planning obligations are private agreements,
negotiated in the context of planning Sustainable Development
applications, between local planning authorities Development that meets the needs of the
and persons with an interest in a piece of land present without compromising the ability of
and intended to make acceptable development future generations to meet their own needs
which would otherwise be unacceptable in (Brundtland 1987).
planning terms.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Sequential Approach European Directive 2001/42/EC, known as the
A search sequence derived from PPGs 3 and 11 ‘strategic environmental assessment’ or ‘SEA’
designed to guide the allocation and release of Directive, requires a formal environmental
land for housing purposes to encourage the use assessment of certain plans and programmes
of PDL and sustainable locations. which are likely to have significant effects on
the environment. Authorities which prepare
Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) and/or adopt a plan or programme that is
A Government- funded regeneration programme subject to the Directive must prepare a report
for the area that finished in 2007 providing on its likely significant environmental effects,
assistance for a wide range of business and consult environmental authorities and the
environmental projects. public, and take the report and the results of the
consultation into account during the preparation
Site of Local Importance for Nature process and before the plan or programme is
Conservation adopted.
A Site of Local Importance for Nature
Conservation is one, which is or may be, Unitary Development Plan
of particular value to nearby residents or Plan prepared by Metropolitan District and some 95
schools. Some of these sites may already be Unitary Local Authorities containing policies
used by schools for nature study. Local sites equivalent to those in both a Structure Plan and
are particularly important in areas otherwise Local Plan.
deficient in wildlife sites.
Aston, Newtown and Lozells Area Action Plan

Urban Boulevard
The concept of Urban Boulevards along the
A34 and A5127 consists of creating a higher
quality public realm, tree planting, new high
quality landmark developments and attractive
open spaces along these corridors. It seeks
to establish a pedestrian friendly environment
linking areas of open space and enabling higher
density/mixed-use development at key locations
whilst ensuring that the existing highway
capacity is maintained.

Urban Living (UL)

One of nine nationally designated Housing
Market Renewal Area Pathfinders. Urban Living
covers part of north west Birmingham and

Use Classes Order (UCO)

Existing classification of land use by economic


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