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323 E. Veterans Way * Tempe, AZ 8528 * Nic!p5" * $" %& "53'(( 3 )*JE+T,VE To o-tain a mar!etin. position in a hi.

hly interacti/e 0or! en/ironment that 0ill ena-le me to .et a 1irst han2 /ie0 o1 the instit3tion4s operations. , am a /ery moti/ate2 in2i/i23al 0ho is to learn the s!ills an2 techni53es that are essential 1or e/ery2ay 13nctionin. o1 -3siness. E67+AT,)N *achelor o1 8cience, 9ar!etin.. *achelor o1 Arts, *3siness 83staina-ility. W.P +arey 8chool o1 *3siness Ari;ona 8tate 7ni/ersity, Tempe, Ari;ona <PA 3.3 International Business, Marketing, and Economics 7ni/ersity o1 Westminster, +ity o1 Westminster, =on2on, 7>

Nicholas J. Petitpas

9ay 2: (

January 2013

=EA6E?8@,P EAPE?,EN+E Presi2ent, 6e/il4s ?e-elsB A87 =on.-oar2in. +l38eptem-er 2: 'Present C +oor2inates e/ents an2 meetin.s 1or cl3- mem-ers, as 0ell as o3tsi2e sponsors. C 7ses m3ltiple 2isciplines o1 mar!etin. to net0or!D .aine2 2:: ne0 mem-ers in 2: 2. A87 6epartment o1 ,n1ormation 8ystems +l3- $6,8+& A3.3st 2: :'9ay 2: 2 C Eoc3se2 on eFpe2itin. career 2e/elopment -y concentratin. on -oth the -3siness an2 technolo.ical aspects o1 operations. C Net0or!e2 0ith lea2in. 1irms an2 pro1essionals 0hile o-tainin. to their lines o1 -3siness. P?)EE88,)NA= EAPE?,EN+E +ons3ltant, Po0er Earth $Tele/ision 8eries& 6ecem-er 2: 3'Present Wor!in. on mar!etin. an2 s3staina-ility proGects 1or a propose2 tele/ision series. 9ar!etin. +oor2inator, Tr3e 93sic A +ompany A3.3st 2: 3'Present C +ons3lte2 2irectly 0ith the presi2ent to 2e/elop an e11ecti/e mar!etin. H promotion plan to a mar!et 1or a s3ccess13l e/ent. ?e/ie0e2 an2 3p2ate2 plan 0ee!ly as nee2e2. C 9ana.e2 an2 s3per/ise2 all company promoters thro3.h .3erilla an2 social me2ia mar!etin.. Promotion 9ar!eter, Eor the -an2 The ?est ,s @istory 6ecem-er 2::8'April 2: : C 8ol2 +64s an2 other merchan2ise to a mar!et o1 1ansD proc3re2 o/er I2::: in re/en3e. C 7tili;e2 2i.ital me2ia an2 social net0or!s to -roa2en 1an -ase an2 eFpan2 internationally. +)997N,TJ ,NV)=VE9ENT Assistant +oach, 8to3.hton Tra/el *as!et-all Team C -as!et-all plays, s!ills an2 techni53es to (T@ .ra2e -oys team. Vol3nteer, 6isa-le2 American Veterans $6AV& C Vol3nteere2 o/er :: ho3rs 1or the 6AV ann3al'9e'NotL 13n2raiser.

8to3.hton, 9A *roc!ton, 9A

Vol3nteer, The *oys H <irls +l3- o1 East Valley Tempe, AZ C +oor2inate2 /ario3s team sports an2 also helpe2 st32ents 0ith home0or! assi.nments. TE+@N)=)<,+A= 8>,==8 C EFperience2 in 9icroso1t Wor2, EFcel, Po0er Point, )11ice, A2o-e Photoshop, an2 ,nternet ?esearch. C A2/ance2 in social an2 2i.ital me2ia s3ch as Eace-oo!, T0itter, 9yspace, an2 =in!e2in. A66,T,)NA= ,NE)?9AT,)N

=in!e2in 7?=B httpBMM000.lin!e2in.comMpro1ileM/ie0Ni2O2:(8:P:P5Htr!Ota-Qpro

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